Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 03, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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, THE- PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. THTIRSlS AY. .TAmTA"R.T 8, IftSfl. .'- .' ", ' ' ' ' .' T - fTmBm.
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is' 5
Wlje M$mlt
Vol. 3 Ko. 331. Entered u rittsbnrg l'ost
fhce, November it. lsS7, as second-class matter.
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Mr. Robinson, of Delaware, a member of
the House of Kcprescntatives which passed
the revenue bill that suffered miscarriage
two years ago, indulges in some outspoken
language concerning the Governor's ex
planation of that singular proceeding in his
message. Sir. Robinson is noted for talk
ing right out in meeting; but he never
spoke more to the point than in the declara
tions reported elsewhere in this paper.
Briefly, Mr. Robinson gives the public to
understand that the Governor's careful
whitewashing of that remarkable legis
lative casualty is not inspired by the sole
desire to tell the whole truth, and nothing
else. On the contrary, he asserts that the
absence of the necessary signature was dis
covered in time to have it rectified; bntthat J
the Governor's official family, by collusion
with the interests opposed to the bill, kept
it dark until the Legislature had adjourned.
Furthermore, Mr. Robinson states the
motive for this course in the assertion that
some of the biz corporations taxed by the
bill had the influence to command a Teto
from the Governor, if the" bill had been
properly signed; but by letting the Legisla
ture adjourn with that vital signature
omitted the Governor was saved the odium
of vetoing a measure that would tax the big
Intimations of this sort have been heard
before; but no one has heretofore put
these serious allegations into such plain
shape as Mr. Robinson does. The public
knowledge will perceive that the subse
quent course of the Executive with refer
ence to calling an extra session, is at least
in accord with the theory ot these charges.
One day's session would have been sufficient
to re-enact the bill; and if the Governor
had returned it for amendment, a week or
two might have been needed. The conclu
sion to approve such legislation, asserted in
the Governor's message, -would naturally
seem to indicate the reconvening of the Leg
islature; wnile the willingness to let the
exempted corporations go untaxed would be
likely to -take the chance of letting the
measure suffer death by occult strangula
tion. Wc understand Mr. Robinson to assert
that he is in a position to prove these state
ments. It would be an extremely healthy
and pertinent proceeding for him to go
ahead and do it
reckless and incompetent is as slow a pro
cess in one case as in the other.
The official announcement that the Bank
of Pittsburg, after an exceptionally suc
cessful career of seventy-five years, is forced
to contemplate the necessity of winding up
its affairs, by reason of inability to obtain a
renewal of its charter, will cause a general
anxiety to have some means devised for
overcoming the difficulty and direct renewed
attention to the solidity and conservatism
which have made that concern one of the
sheet-anchors ot Pittsburg's business.
It would seem that it ought not to be a
matter of great difficulty to Irame a general
act, providingthat banks with such standing,
in actual business under charter from the
State, shall have the privilege of renewing
their charters and continuing in operation
for a stated period, upon satisfactory evi
dence of their solvent condition and legit
imate business. Even if that could not be
done, it should be practicable to reorganize
the bank, finding other investments for the
trnst funds now invested in its stock; and It
is ccitain that abundant capital can be
found to continue the old institution with
its former capital.
The first of these measures would prob
ably be preferable; but one or the other
ought to meet the general wish that this old
landmark of Pittsburg's financial system
shall not be erased.
crowd past them in a theater "unless he is
going out on some other business than that
of drinking.' Of course it is to be supposed
that the female theater-goers who thus stand
up for reform, will take off their high lists
and thus guard against interference with
other people's rights. When they do that,
every man who wishes to go out between the
acts, will doubtless be willing to give them
a full schedule of the purposes for which he
is leaving his seat
To recall Minister Phelps because Lord
Salisbury omits to send a Minister to Wash
ington, would, in the opinion of the faith
ful who wish good Democrats to enjoy the
spoils as long as they can, be merely biting
off the nose to spite the face.
It appears that the contract for lighting
the streets by electricity, has been utilized
for covering the city with overhead electric
light wires. The arrangements for putting
up poles and stringing the wires are said to
be completed; and all that is left to the pub
lic is to consider what it will do about it.
Of course the electric light people are quite
certain that the overhead wires are all right.
It is a peculiarity of human nature to think
that what suits the individual interests of
that particular person is just the proper
thing. N evcrtheles3 the assertion of one of
them, that underground wires '"are much
more trouble than the overhead wires and
are not a whit safer,"1' legitimately calls for
the response that a nuisance to a particular
corporation is not so important as a nui
sance to the whole public, and that under
ground wires will belproved to be as danger
ous as the overhead kind, when they have
caused one or more deaths in every import
ant city of the country and not before.
We suppose that the addition to the over
head wires will have to go up; but, the slight
respect which has been shown for tho pub
lic wishes in connection with the matter,
should not be without an instructive effect.
The report that a Maine collector of cus
toms who has been pursuing the profitable
practice of selling positions in his gift to the
highest bidder, has been, as an administra
tion paper puts it, "promptly flipped out,"
reveals a singularly inadequate treatment of
official corruption. The administration
that does not take steps to promptly land
that sort of official in the penitentiary must
be singularly demoralized either by defeat
or by its surrender to the spoils campaigners.
Is the omission to appoint a national
bank examiner in New York to be taken as
expressing the administration's platform
that since Cleveland was not re-elected, the
New York banks may go unexamined for
the next two months?
The inadvertent fit of frankness that
comes up from Wahalak, Miss., to the effect
that as a result of that "race conflict" the
farms of the negroes who have been killed,
have been appropriated by the white men
who killed them, throws new light on the
usufruct of race struggles, and gives a new
reading of the principle about the spoils
and the victors.
The consolidation of all the different and
sometimes discordant temperance elements
for campaign work in favor of the prohi
bition amendment presents a stronger and
more effective organization of that class
than has been formed in Pennsylvania for
many years. With this union of all the
forces opposed to the liquor traffic, it seems
certain that the full strength of the prohi
bition amendment will be shown when it is
submitted to the popular vote.
But while the organization puts the
element in favor of prohibition on its
strongest footing, it is open to criticism, as
showing in its scope a disposition to ignore
the importance of holding fast to what has
been secured as well as seeking to obtain
more. Even with the best organization of
the popular forces in favor of prohibition,
the triumph of that measure at the polls is
doubtful; while the importance of main
taining the measure of strict regula
tion which has been secured under the
Brooks law seems to be ignored in the
purposes of this organization.
The temperance people would hardly gain
much, if, while they were permitted the
shadow of a vote on absolute prohibition,
amendments should be secured which would
emasculate the substance of regulation and
restriction under the license law.
Hitherto the difficulty between the United
States and Hayti has been chiefly noticeable
for its humorous side, with the laugh decid
edly on our side. The latest news from that
distracted island, if it is corroborated, indi
cates a painful change in the situation. The
report from Port-au-Prince that many
Americans had been arrested and that Min
ister Thompson's life had been threatened,
unless wholly fictitious, will call for prompt
action on the part of the United States Gov
ernment, The squadron of war vessels under Ad
miral Luce is now on its way back to this
country, and as far as we know there is
nothing to prevent a massacre of the few
Americans who have had the temerity to J
prolong their stay in Hayti to this day. In
case such a horrible disaster should occur,
it is plain that the Haytian question will
be anything but a laughing matter for us.
Little is left to us now but to hope that
the condition of affairs in Hayti has been
painted too luridly, and, in the event of the
news being confirmed, to send at least the
squadron immediately to protect American
It may be a little unseasonable, just at
present, but in view of the reports as to the
tropical condition of things in Dakota why
not settle the troublesome question of a
name for the new State by calling it Ba
nana? Mb. Hugh J. Graft's inauguration
into the Mayoralty puts Tammany once
more in charge of the patronage of the me
tropolis. There have not been any doubts ex
pressed as to Tammany's dividing the spoils;
and with that assurance the New York City
Democrats are able to view the results of
the election with philosophical calm.
General Harrison's son is fast achieving a
remarkable reputation. Chauncey Depew
said yesterday of young Mr. Harrison: "He
is considerably sharper than most people
concede. He hasn't been on a ranch in
Montana for a number of years among the
cowboys without learning something of
poker pots and human nature." Has Mr.
Depew any personal knowledge of young
Mr. Harrison's attainments in the new
branch of education to which he refers? It
mav be suggested to Mr. Depew that the
great-grandson of his great-grandfather
need not have traveled as far as Montana to
find very thorough and instructive schools
in the great American game. Pittsburg,
for example, is far nearer Indianapolis. As
to hnman nature, we fancy Mr. Depew him
self would offer a grander field for study
than many cowboys. To know him is al
leged to be a liberal education.
A plumber who objects to some talk in
tbe papers of putting members of his craft
through an examination and making them
take out licenses before entering upon their
prosperous and interesting business careers,
writes to an Eastern paper in terms of in
dignation to say that it would be more to
the point if architects and builders had to
undergo this ordeaL "Plumbers," says
this follower of the art and mystery, "have
to go by plans and specifications of other
' people for the most part, and J;ir work on
all new bnildings is done sufeject to super
vision by the architects and builders. If
, those high functionaries do their part rightly
at tbe start, there is little occasion to call
the plumber afterward till the building
'; drops from old age."
We are strongly disposed to think that
there is a good deal in the suggestion. It
is,certainly a fair point that architects and
builders should bts impressed with a sense
of the need for conscientious and capable
attention to their business. It might even
be that the rules, for examination and license
'which lave been proposed for plumbers
. nwould not be out of place if applied to
architects and builders' Instead. Findinc
put'by experience- the competent and the
Senator Quay's ambition that the State
Legislature just convened shall be a "model
Legislature," is extremely praiseworthy;
but much as we may wish for success to the
Senator's laudable effort, we fear that legis
lative nature will be too much for him.
One of the legislative characteristics was
manifested yesterday. After having been
in session a whole day, and listening to the
Governor's message, it took a recess until
January 9. It is a rather unwarranted
treatment of the Governor's message to thus
indicate that a week's rest is required to en
able the legislators to recuperate from the
labor of having heard it once; but whatever
the excuse, the proportion of labor and rest
is not promising. A predecessor of this
body once drew a good deal of extra pay for
a prolonged session of which about two
thirds was recess. The proportion of seven
days' rest to one of work, which now seems
to be adopted at the start, looks like break
ing the record for legislative loafing.
Let us hope that Senator Quay's New
Year's resolution to reform the Legislature
will be sternly adhered to. There is reason
to believe that the Senator has had personal
observation of the necessity of such a re
form. Ellen' Teeby's impersonation of Lady
Macbeth is said to have been very striking.
It consisted of a close-fitting nightgown of
cream wool, in the sleep-walking act. There
is reason to suspect that Mrs. Potter intends
to knock that tragic effort endwise, by some
thing surpassingly startling both in night
gowns and stage dressing.
Me. Depew's new platform, that he does
not want anything and will not take it, is
an original and refreshing departure from
the prevailingattitude of the Big Four.
GoveesoitBeavee reminds us of the
extensive usd of the bicycle in this State.
A few years ago it would have been astonish
ing indeed to hear the Governor of the State
declare thai the publio roads ought to be
improved for the benefit, among others, of
those who travel them on the bicycle.
Seemed Deaf nt $50,000 The Fra
grance of a Little Wicked Word.
Tbe other day an insurance man enjoyed the
luxury of piloting a stranger among the lions
of Pittsburg. One of the last places visited
was the Mo.iongabela incline railway. When
tbe stranger observed how tbe track stood
almost on end up the precipitous side ot Wash
ington Heights, his heart sank into his boots,
and he said he guessed he'd 'rather not tempt
Providence by taking a trip into the clouds.
The insurance man tried all his persuasive
powers-and you'll admit that they are of no
small account in an insurance man but tho
citizen from a strange land still refused to take
any inclined railway in his.
Td rather die quietly when mf time comes,"
he said.
So they turned about and sought their hotel
across the river.
After dinner that night the insurance man
and his guest fell to discussing the dangers,
real and imaginary, of travel on Inclined rail
ways. Tho latter stuck to his text that death
habitually hung around an inclined car.
"I wouldn't trust myself in one of the infernal
things for S10.000," he said.
"Well, then," replied the insurance man, "I'll
tell you what I will do. I will give yon an acci
dent policy for 50,000 for 10 cents to go up to
the top of Ml. Washington with me to-morrow."
May I be permitted to interject ihe remark
that tbe timorous man came from a rural
"decstrlc' " where dollars are not often seen
The bucolic gentleman started at the words
50,000. and rubbed bis hands together. He was
doubtless turning over the big sum in his im
agination's hands.
"I'll take your offer," he said. "I'll go up
the Incline plane with you to-morrow."
So a policy on terms to suit the premises was
thereupon drawn up and tbo premium of 10
cents was duly exchanged for it. Without
delay after breakfast tbo next morning the
pair went over to the Southside, and though
the countryman showed signs of a desire to
back out he was induced to take his seat in the
car on the inclined railway. They reached the
top, of course, in safety.
As he stepped out of tho car the country
man looked down the track over which he had
just been carried, and addressing himself to no
body in particular, said in a regretful sort of
way: 'There's another 10 cents gone to h ."
He positively seemed to regret that ho hadn't
gone there instead of the dune.
The f ragrancy of that final iota of profanity
reminds me of another story which is true ana
may be new to you.
A certain indulgent father he was a Pitts
burger, to boot spent a great sum of money in
having his daughter educated in the best pos
sible schools. She was sent here and sent
there to get the benefit of great specialists in
education. Just when she was at an age to re
turn to ber home full of honors and accom
plishments she fell sick and died.
Her father, overcome with grief on the day
of the funeral, was telling an old friend wbat
a blow it was to him.
"Why." said he, "I spent a fortune on that
girl. She had all the extras, everything and
now and now, blank it, it's all gone to h I"
One Thoninnd Emigrants Arrlvjnir Dally,
Yet Every One Finds Employment.
South America is beginning to rival the
Northern Continent in a capacity for absorbing
the superfluous humanity of the Old: World. It
may be doubted, indeed, wh'ethor either the
United States or Canada could put forward
such a claim as is advanced on behalf of the
Argentine Republic by the Buenos Ayres
Standard, It is not only that European emi
grants are pouring in steadily at the rate of a
thousand a day, but within 24 hours, every new
comer Is furnished with employment. Yet, in
spite of this deluge of labor, the farmers are
still put to great straits to get in the harvest,
while in the cities, strikes for higher wages are
both numerous and uniformly successful. The
reason for this extraordinary demand for work
ers Is the wonderfully quick development of
agricnlture during recent years in the
Republic An .exhaustive article on Ar
gentine resources in the current
issue of Money shows that the area under till
age has increased from 606,000 acres to 4,260,000
acres in tbe last 20 years. Even so lately as
1875, tbe Republic bad to eke out its own grain
supplies with f orelen imports, whereas it is es
timated that tho presqnt harvest will admit of
210,000 tons of wheat and 400,000 tons of maize
exported, pattle and sheep aro also multiply
ing with extraordinary rapidity, the present
nnmber of the former being over 20,000,000 and
of the latter 100,000,000. Food, is, consequent
ly, dirt cheap, and as wages are high, tbe Re
public may well appeara most attractive prom
ised land to those who have keen appetites,
strong muscle;, and limited means, what tho
country will become in the future, when its re
sources are fully developed and its enormous
reserves of f ertilo soil brought under cultiva
tion is beyond the reach of speculation. Ac
cording to present appearances it promises to
grow into one of the most powerful and pros
perous States in the World.
John B., Robinson he.
Says tbe facts ate not stated by Uorernor'B.
H'lti apologies to Mr. J. It. Lowell.
The charge of change of front on the trust
question is made against "the organs" by
the Philadelphia Record. The context
shows that our esteemed coteinporary
refers to the Republican organs, when it in
dulges in the following rather spitefnl sen
tence: "Now, when the election is over and
nothing is to be gained by lying, the organs
do not hesitate to tell the truth about the
Whisky Trnst."
As our cotemporary goes on to state a
nnmber of facts concerning the Whisky
Trust which were general information before
the election, it is open to dispute whether
it fully makes out its charge of double-dealing
against the Republican press. But
supposing that it did so, would not the
return to strict accuracy after the campaign
is ended, be a distinct gain? It is certainly
better that the press should observe veracity
on the trust question most of the time, even
if they have quadrennial lapses at the date
of Presidental elections, than that they
should maintain an unwavering policy of
constant mendacity.
This consideration rs pertinent to the sug
gestion that the esteemed Record and other
Democratic organs should follow the exam
ple of their Republican cotemporaries and
resume their ante-campaign policy of telling'
the truth about the Sugar Trust.
The squadron that was sent to Hayti
having inaugurated its voyage by running
agronnd in New York harbor and ended its
service by running aground at Port-au-Prince,
it is evident that our navy is devel
oping the unsuspected quality of too deep a
Ok the principle that the thicker the veil
the prettier it makes the girl look, Boston
girls are said to have adopted the Hading
veil with enthusiasm. On the other hand
we notice that the veil is little worn in
Pittsburg. Our girls are not afraid of
showing their faces.
Haitian roorbacks are now exposing the
grovelling mediocrity that inspired the cam
paign lie.
Fiftt-five womenof Utica, New York,
have signed anngrecmeh"tnotio let a man
The young Duchess of Braganza is at present
a popular idol in Portugal.
The Czar has commanded Anton Bublnstein
to compose an oratorio on the subject of his re
cent railroad accident.
Mrs. Ole Bull and Mr. and Mrs. Thorp are
building a charmipg house for their joint oc
cupancy, at Cambridge.
Sejtatoe Palmee is really writing a novel.
Its origin was peculiar. He was talking about
current literature to Senator Ingalls one day,
when the latter remarked that he had aban
doned his effort to produce a work of fiction.
"No man can write a novel and also attend to
bis duties as Senator," remarked Ingalls. "You
are mistaken," returned Palmer, 'land I'll
prove it to you."
Johit L. Sullivan Is rapidly regaining his
reputation as an aggressive individual. Not
satisfied with throwing down tbe gauntlet to
Jake Kilrain and inviting him to a trial of skill
and stamina in tbo 24-foot-square "ring," John
now advertises for information as to the where
abouts of the man whose boon companion is
"Chawlie" Mitchell in order to further impress
on him the necessity of a settlement of the dif
ference existing between them.
All sorts of rumors are abroad regarding
Secretary Bayard's plans for tho future. The
report that he would practice law in Philadel
phia is followed by the story that he has bought
a farm near Wilmington, Del., and will devote
himself to raising cereals and fancy fruits
thereon. He will also retain a limited practice
at the Delaware bar. His residence, "Delaware
Place," is heing renovated preparatory to his
return from Washington. He has always had
a desire to try fancy farming, and is rich
enough now to indulge this expensive taste.
Count HebbertBissiabck's recent speech
in tbe German Reichstag was practically bis
first appearance in the character of an orator.
He is said to have acquitted himself well, and
to have spoken with clearness and ease of de
livery. Count Herbert is a man of unaoubted
ability, and if he is to be bis father's successor,
be will need to be something of a epeaser.
Prince Bismarck's own speeches read (in
places) magnificently; bat he is a most awk
ward speaker, and has never, though he has
had abundant practice, acquired ease and flu
ency in addressing bis audiences. He always
speaks in the Reichstag in his Cuirassier uni
form, with top boots, and his left hand resting
on the hilt of a big cavalry sword.
Mb. Rtlands, the great Manchester manu
facturer, almost up to bis death, at nearly 90
years, insisted upon conducting personally the
concerns of his business, which he founded
nearly TO years ago. Every morning he would
be driven to bis oflice, and with the kindly con
nivance of his managers and head clerks made
believe to direct affairs as he used to do In
former years. One day recently, when the
end was growing very near, he was driven as
usual to his office. When he was helped out of his
carriage ana looked ur at tbe building he
turned to re-enter tbe carriage, exclaiming
pettishly: "No, no; I want to go to my own
place." He did not know the palatial building
in which his later fortunes were cared for, and
his failing mind, suddenly turning back for 60
years, saw the modest building in which he had
The Bnltnn nod Missionaries.
Trom the New York World.!
The Sultan of Zanzibar is a most erratic indi
vidual. A few days ago tbe world was shocked
by his cruel decrees regarding the punishment
of criminals, and now he has presented certain
German missionaries with land f orthe erection
of a church and hospital. Perhaps he wants to
fatten the missionaries.
It is really awfully sad that a woman must
nover swear.
A woman got on a train at a suburban station
tbe other day the same time as I did. She was
not, strange to say, very comely, but she was
young and as awkward as a Brahma Footra hen
in deep mud. She bad a valise in one hand and
a cotton umbrella In the other. When she en
tered the car for some reason or other she set
down the valise in the aisle.and then proceeded
to jump over it.
She was not expert in taking fences, and her
feet or foot caught in tbe top of tbe valise
and flung it open, and everything In it went
flying. You never saw such a mess! There
were a pair of shoes, a white garment with lace
on it, a hair brush and comb, and oh! I grieve
to relate a pot of carmine powder and a paper
which emitted in its wild career a cloud of
white stuff which may have been flour!
All these things and more flew in every di
rection, while all tho world present wondered.
Yet that awkward and ungainly young woman
never breathed a word. She went down on ber
knees, gathered up her effects, stowed them
away in the valise, and with a i ery red face sat
A Boston Alderman Insists Upon Tickets to
Seo Oar Mary.
Bpeclal Telegram to the Dispatch.
Boston, January 2. J nst before tbe adjourn
ment of the Board of Aldermen, late Monday
night, Alderman Murphy offered this order:
"That the license granted to LB. Rich for
theatrical performances at the HoUis Street
Theater be, and tho same is hereby revoked."
This Innocent looking motion meantthe closing
of tho theater, and the stopping, too, of Mary
Anderson's engagement in the city.
Tbe story behind the order is that Alderman
'Murphy went to the theater last Saturday and
tried to buy tickets for to-day's performance.
He claims that tho managor assured him the
tickets would be cent to him gratis. Resting
upon that assurance Alderman Murphy waited
for tbe tickets, but they came not. The Alder
man was not particularly anxious to dead-head
bis way to the show, but be wanted toget there,
and as the tickets had been promised he was
indignant that they had not been sent. Soto
recall the circumstances to Manager Rich's
memory he introduced tbe order for the clos
ing of the theater. The effect was electrical.
Early to-day the tickets were placed on tho
Alderman's desk and his anger appeased. The
theater will not be closed, and Mary Anderson
will continue to play before crowded audiences
during the rest of her engagement.
Becomes an Important Factor In Canadian
Special Telcjrram to tbe Dispatch.
Ottawa.CAnada, January 2. There is great
excitement throughout the Dominion over tho
Mayorality contest which is going on in Wind
sor, Ont., just now, and which is to be decided
on Monday next. The importance attaches to
tbe fact that it is the first Instance in which tho
suffrage, of the electorate is sought openly on
the question of annexation with the United
Solomon White, ex-Member of Parliament, a
strong personal friend of Sir John Macdonald,
and supporter of his government, goes to the
polls as an annexationist. He saj s annexation
is the only salvation for Canada; that her in
dustries which now lie idle would be developed,
while tbe terrible burden of taxation would be
largely diminished through an alliance with tho
United States. The national debt, bo savs. bas
been increased nearly 12,000,000 during tho
past j ear.
There is again a large deficit in tbe Treasury,
while there was a balanco of trade equal to
'-'0,000,000 against tho Dominion as a result of
the year's operations.
He is satisfied that it only requires some one
who bas the courage of his convictions to go
before the people on the question of annexa
tion to bring out a feeling that already exists in
favor of a political alliance with the United
States throughout the Dominion, and he has
determined to take the initiative. As might
naturally be expected, the result will bo
watched with more than ordinary interest.
A Peculiar Regnlntion Officially Performed
at the Philadelphia Mint.
Philadelphia, January 2. To-day all the
dies, numbering between 800 and 900, used dur
ing the year 1SS3 in the United States Mint
were destroyed, under the direction of Super
intendent Fox, in the presence of the chief
coiner and assaycr. At 10 o'clock the dies
were all taken to the blacksmith shop, where
they were subjected to a white heat, the temper
being taken out of the steel. Then each was
placed on an anvil and two stalwart black
smiths -with sledge hammers dealt powerful
blows upon the face, thus completely destroy
ing and obliterating tbe inscription.
The operation required about two hours.
When over, a certificate was prepared setting
forth that all the dies in use during the year
1SS8 had been destroyed, in accordance with tho
regulation of the Department at Washington,
and that the work had been witnessed by the
officials whose presence was required. It was
not always that the dies were thus destroyed,
for it was not until fifteen years ago that such
a regulation was insisted npon by the authori
ties. After tbe destruction tbey become worth
less, except as oldiron, and will be sold as such.
The Death of Charles Allen Recalls 8ome
Interesting Incident!.. ' I
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
Butler, January 2. Charles M. Allen,
whose death was reported from Bermuda
yesterday, was a war consnlhavlng been ap
pointedUnited States Consul at Bermuda in
1S61 by President Lincoln. His position at
Bermuda during tho blockade days was peril
ous, as tbe stars and stripes floating oyer his
office seemed to be a constant challenge to the
hotheaded rebels engaged in blockade run
ning. The Blackburn plot to ship yellow fever
clothing from Bermuda into tbe Union army
was discovered by Mr. Allen. Ho defeated the
scheme and bis success was sincerely appre
ciated by President Lincoln. Mr. Allen was
longer in service at the time of bis death,
December 24th, than any United States Consul.
Ho was CS years of age.
Why France Will Not Guarantee to Finish
Be Lesseps' Personality Does Not Go for
Much Americans Havo tho Money and
Brains to Complete the Work Will
Tbey Jump at tbe Chance T
From the New London Spectator,
The Panama Canal will, we believe, be cut,
because it is wanted, because it bas tired the
imagination of two continents, and because,
though it may never pay the cutters, it will pay
certain other powerful men; hut it will never
be cnt by M. de Lesseps and bis present com
pany. Those who'still believe that because M
de Lasseps finished the Suez Canal, therefore
he must, m spite of all appearances, finish tbe
Panama Canal, forget the dominant facts of
the situation. Tbe money subscribed, which
has been really about 55,000,000, though the
nominal sum advanced has been nearer
75.000,000, has all been expended, and
until tbe canal is completely finished,
and for heavy ships, that enormous sum, ex
ceeding the capital of 50 first-class banks, is
all unproductive money, yielding no more than
if it had been literally buried in the swamps of
tbeChagres. To finish the canal will take, by
the best calculations, forty millions sterling
more. That has all along been the view of the
American engineers; it was the view of the
engineer specially selected by the French Gov
ernment; and it is not really at variance with
the sanguine calculations of M. de Lesseps him
self, who has always wished to wise thirty
millions more to finish the waterway and send
a ship through, feeling satisfied that this once
done, any remaining millions required
for harbors, fortresses, dikes, light-houses,
eta, would be easily forthcoming.
Now, whence is that forty millions to be pro
cured? The popular Idea in this country is
that, under one device or another, the French
Government will guarantee successive sums
sufficient to complete the work; but that idea
may prove wholly unfounded. The difficulties
in the way are enormous. In tbe first place,
tbe Government would only do this to secure
votes, and it is by no means sure hat votes
would be secured. Even those who favor this
plan acknowledge that interest must be sus
pended until tbe canal is complete, and the
suspension of interest, say for five years, will
cause neatly as much irritation as a liquidation
on lavoraDle terms a liquidation wnicn. as we
shall show, is by no means cast hoping for.
Moreover, there are millions of shareholders in
other concerns than the Panama canal, and
every one of these will feel that bis
claim to equality with his neighbor bas been
impaired by the State preference shown to his
rival! Then there is much reason to believe
that the Government and the Chamber are not
free to give such a guarantee. There has al
ways been a definite understanding between
the American and tbe French Governments
about tbe canal: its basis, as settled in 1880,
being tbat the canal shall never become, direct
ly or indirectly, a Government undertaking.
That would be a breach of the Monroe doctrine.
If, therefore, the Chamber votes a guarantee to
the undertaking, even in the form of an au
thorization to the Credit Fonder, whose Presi
dent is a State nominee, to issue a new Panama
loan, the Government of Washington may in
tervene, a risk which no rencn politician in
the present statarof Europe will run for one
moment. A quarrel with America would para
lyze France for a time as a European power.
Tbat this risk is serious, is evident from tbe as
surances given by American statesmen to Gen
eral Boulanger when he was in .New York, and
by him reported as matters of the highest po
litical urgency to bis Government In Paris.
There remains the enthusiasm of the French
peasantry forM. d Lesseps and for their In
vestments; but bow far will that enthusiasm
go? Not one incb, we should say, without Gov
ernment intervention. It has already failed to
fill the tempting Lottery Loan, and this, re
.member, before the Interest at 6 per cent was
stopped. We do not beliovo that 5,000,000
could be extracted from the peasants by any
scheme of priority bonds whatever. Tbe
French city editors and scribes write magnilo-
Suent nonsense about tbe grand personality of
I. de Lesseps, and its influence on tbe millions;
but the influence of a grand personality who
offers hope and 5 per cent, and of the same per
sonality when offering hope only, are two very
different things. The French peasantry are in
the aggregate very rich, tbey are patriotic, and
they are grateful to M. de Lesseps for making
their Suez Canal shares pay; hut they are not
the kind of persons who, just when they are
cruelly hard hit. Invest 50 per man there are
870,000 shareholders and bondholders on bonds
to become profitable some yeais bence. They
will worship M. de Lessens to bny extent, bnt
they will prefer bonds in the Suez Canal.
The Son of a Jewlita Rabbi Marries Ber. Dr.
Nanmbara's Daughter.
One of the most notable weddings that bas
occurred on the Nortbside for sometime was
celebrated last evening. Tbe bride was Miss
.Bertha Naumburg. daughter of Rev. Dr. L.
Naumburg, formerly rabbi at the Eighth street
temple, and Mr. Simon L. Messing, a Pittsburg
merchant, who was until lecently engaged In
business in San Francisco.
Dr. Naumburg is a rabbi ot note, his ances
tors having been identified with tbe Jewish
pulpit for over 300 years. His new son-in-law.
is the only member of his family that did not
enter the ministry. His father was a rabbi,
and his three brothers occupy pulpits In San
Francisco, St. Louis and Indianapolis. They
were all present at the wedalng last night,
and the ceremony was performed at Dr. Naum
burg's residence. No. 114-Sheffield street, by
Rev. Dr. Messing, of St. Louis, assisted by his
brothers from Indianapolis and San Francisco
and the Eev. Dr. Mayer, of the Eighth Street
Owing to the death of a sister of Rev. Dr.
Naumburg at Baltimore recently,- only Im
mediate friends of the family were invited to
the wedding. After the ceremony the bridal
party proceeded to the CycloramaXMe, where
an elegant supper was served by Caterer
Luther. Toasts were given bv the Revs. Mess
ings and Mayer, A. Israel, Esq,, and Josiah
Cohen, Esq.
Almost 100 congratulatory telegrams were
read from friends of the young couple, and four
cablegrams wero also read from friends In Eu
rope. Among the guests present from outside of
the city were: Mrs. Hess, of New York; J.
Oppenbeimer, of Massillon, O.; Aaron Naum
burg, of Rochester, N. Y., and Max Naum
burg, of New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Messing were the recipients of
a number of magnificent and valuable presents.
Were tbe Decorations at n Pittsburgh Clab
Reception Last Night.
A large reception was given last night at tbe
hall of the Pittsburg Club In honor of Miss
Harriett Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
W.Watson. The guests were those usually
presentat the society events of the club, and
the music was furnished by the Toerge Bro3.
Tbe floral decorations of tbe stage and the
rooms generally were somewhat out of tho or
dinary, on account of the'splendor of the trop
ical specimens.
In the center of tbe stage a large specimen of
the Cycas revoluta was placed in the shape of
an immense wheel or a large bird's nest. The
leaves of this plant were about 6 feet in length,
making the circumference of the gigantic
wheel or nest about 18. feet. In the center of
this flower a large cluster of white lilies was
seen, while on each side of the centerpiece the
stage was banked with rare specimens of trop
ical plants, reaching up the ceiling, IS feet. Be
hind this floral scene were the musicians.
Tho room in which Miss Watson welcomed
tbe guests was decorated with maidenbair
ferns. The young lady carried a largo bonquet
of Bennet roses and hyacinths, trimmed with
whito silk ribbon and an ostrich plume to
matcn. The marble mantels in the dining room
were banked with maidenhair ferns, tropical
plants and carnations, while in tbe center of
iub uiniDR iauio stood a- large Dascet ot Jba
France roses. These decorations were the
work of Messrs. A. M. and J. B. Murdoch.
Reception in a Now Office.
Sv P. Kennedy, commercial agent of the
"Cotton Belt" line in this city, will give a re
ception to-day to the Western shippers of Pitts
burg in bis new office, room No. 43 Eisner
building. The oflice has been luxuriously fur
nished, and Mr. Kennedy will have the, finest
railroad quarters in the city.
Young People Have a Party.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woods, on Forbes street,
gave a party last night to a number ot tbe
roung friends of one of their children, whobad
ust returned from college. The young folks
enjoyed themselves greatly, and congratula
tions were in order all round.
A Children's Party.
Miss Marguerite, the young daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Singer, gave a children's party
at the residence. No. 207 Western avenue. Alle
gheny, last evening. About CO children were
present and spent a pleasant evening.
A Ne Yorker Exhibits nn Apparently
Authentic Memento.
New York, January 2. Isaac J. Greenwood
is exhibiting a tooth in a glass case. The tooth
is mounted in gold. Abovo it hangs'tbis extract
from the will of Mr. Greenwood's father: "1
give and bequeath to my oldest son, Isaac John
Greenwood, forever, all the curios, medals.
medallions, snuffboxes. General Washington's
last tooth, and the under false jaw of teeth
made for him by my late father, John Green
wood. The tooth in qurstinn was tbe last one
removed from General Washington's under
jaw. accordingto the diary of Mr. Greenwood's
grandfather, iln another glass case Mr. Green
wood exnibns a letter from General Washing
ton recording the remittance of J15 for a f also
"jaw. The letter isolated from Mt. Vernon,
January 0, 1799.
Kings County Will Honor Tlioso Who Fell
In tbo Rebellion.
Special Teleeram to the Dispatch. V
New York, January 2. Brooklyn wishes to
issue 5150,000 worth of city bonds with a view
toward erecting a monument to tho Kings
county soldiers who fell in tbe Rebellion. Per
mission will be secured from tbe Legislature
shortly. Work upon tbe foundation will be be
gun next spring. The total cost of the
structure will be f-50,000. One hundred thou
sand dollars has been raised already by private
Designs for the Grant fllcmorinl.
New Yore, January 2. The committees In
charge of the General U, S. Grant monument
project closed to-day the competition of artists
for designs for the memorial of the dead
soldier. Nearly 60 designs have been received,
coming from all over the world. Prizes will be
awarded for the best designs. The designs
havo not vet been opened. The committee
nave 5130,000 subscribed.
The Figaro Nine In Oar Years.
From the New York San.1
For the space of 111 years we aro to have the
figure 9 in our years, and the occultists, who
put much stress upon figures.'predlct that the
condition of mankind will be greatly improved
over.all put times during this period. It is the
age of Kal 1 uga.
The Egyptian Memorial Hall of Philadel
phia Mnsons.n Thing of Beauty.
Philadelphia, January 2. The Egyptian
Hall of Masonic Hall was formally opened this
afternoon. The hall is a memorial by William
J. KcIIey, of the Temple Committee, to Thomas
R. Patton, It. W. Grand, Treasurer of the
Grand Lodce of Free and Accepted Masons.
It was designed by Herzog. It is embellished
in true Egyptian st le. Tho walls arecoVered
with Egyptian characters appropriate to the
place and purpose. It was stated that the
Egyptian Hall is the finest of the kind In the
- - t
Presidental Years and Lynching.
From the Chicago News.
There were a greater number of lynchings
in this country during the last year than there
had been in any previous year since 1880, ex
cept 1834. "Why should there be more lynch
ings in Presidental years than at other times?
It is not unlikely that political excitement Is to
blame for the excess. Politics leads to liquor
and liquor leads to deadly quarrels and late
hours and lawless mobs. Tbe general demor
alization .resulting from a Presidental canvass
brings about many shameful results.
Germany's War Strength.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
Germany's war strength is something enor
mous if, as reported, she can put 3,513,413 com
pletely drilled men in the field in the event of
war and have a reserve fit for garrison duty
besides. Unfortunately, this great strength is
a temptation to her young Emperor to abuse
his power in his relations with weaker neigh
bors. Revolutions anil Fever Germs.
Jfrom the Chicago News.
Admiral Luce is likely to have trouble in col
lecting $2,100,000 from Hayti in settlement of
this Government's claims. He may be com
pelled to take a first mortgage on the island,
for the portable property of the black republic
consists chiefly of revolutions and yellow
fever germs.
Frank Gregory.
St. Louis, January X. Frank Gregory, the
former proprietor of tbe Wlntergarden, and one
of the oldeat and best known of liquor men in the
'West, dropped dead at an early hour this morn
ing. , Mrs. Olivia Spear Garcelon.
Lewistok, Me., January 2. Mrs. Olivia Spear,
wife of ex-Governor Garcelon, and sister of Mrs,
Senator i'rje, died this morning.
Michael Carne.
WATrnBtmT,CONir.,January2. Michael Carne
died here to-dav in hU 105Lh year. Tin wa hn-n in
J Cork, Ireland. -
laHSv'k cxPcnencP the competent and tie J have signed aajigreemehYnat'lolet a man J
The scene at the Bijou Theater last night
was amazing to those who know how small by re
action the audiences usually aro the night after
a holiday. By 7:30 all the seats worth having
bad been sold, and by 8 o'clock all the extra
camp cbairs and the greater part of tbe availa
ble standing room had passed into tbe bands of
a clamorous crowd, which besieged tbe box
office. Finally before tbo curtain went np on
"Ray" and Maggie Mitchell, Manager Gulick
pad to turn away dv actual count k people
I who wanted to get inside the Bijou. The mati
nee also drew crowas. x nis is rcauy a wonder
ful testimonial to the Bijou and Miss Mitch
ell's drawing powers, and tho rest of tbe week
is certain to add to it.
Messrs.Edwin BoOTn and Lawrence Barrett
will have a great week of Shakespearean dramas
at tbe Grand Opera House next week. Tho
repertoire is as follows: Monday night, "Julius
Caesar," Tuesday nl ht and Saturday matinee,
"The Merchant of Venice:" Wednesday and
Friday nights, "Othello;" Thursday night,
"Hamlet,'p and Saturday night "A Fool's Re
venge" and "Yorick's Love." This time the
plays will be properly staged, as Messrs. Booth
and Barrett carry their own scenery, costumes,
armor, properties and a quintet ot selected
vocalists. The seat sale begins to-day.
"Held bt the Enemy," perhaps the best
American play written by an American, will be
given by Mr. Gillette's excellent company. It
is a thrilling war drama, full ot exciting but
not terrifying incidents, and embroidered into a
love story of great sweetness and a good deal
of genuine humor. The sale ot seats begins today.
"The Lights,, of Losdox," with strong
ris' Theater next week.
We believe all these Ideas ate illusory, and
that M. de Lesseps and his shavholders have,
in the long run, just two alternatives before
them. They can struggle on for a year or two
through a slow sale of priority, bonds, keeping
the works half alive, but hardly advancing the
canal, till some occurrence, probably the great
war, compels them to suspend operations, and
admit that they are face to face with failure;
or they can sell their concession and their works
to Americans for a sum down, and a right to
some rate of interest when the works succeed.
Tbe Americans can and will bay them out, for
they are so interested in the matter that they
are proposing to spend twenty millions npon a
rival and inferior canal through Nicaragua.
Thoy would much rather have possession of
tne ranama canal, ana so own tne sole key
of their own house, tbe defensible water
way upon which the future prosperity of their
grand Pacific provinces will mainly depend.
The purchaser may even be the Government of
tho Union. That Government, oppressed with
its wealth, would be pleased to see its surplus
appropriated for five y ears,and content to draw
on the money invested an average 3 per cent.
Its security must always be perfect, for no
European power will fire on tbe American flag,
and if it never recovered a shillingin dividends,
the mere increase of salable value in land and
mines within the Pacific States consequent on
tbe newroutewould bd'an ample compensation
for tbe entire outlay. There is no constitutional
difficulty in the way, for a treaty overrides the
constitution, and the Union bought with money
the grand French Dominion of Louisiana, then
mnch larger tbau the present State of tbat
As for engineers, the Washington Cabiuet
bas the pick of tbe ablest in the world, and as
for labor, it would only be too delighted if the
1,600,000 of able-bodied negroes would all fake
a dollar a day to work in tbe swamps
on the Panama Canal. The Americans would
finish tho canal In five years, if it Is in human
power to do it, and no engineer has yet denied
its possibility. That America, either through
her Government or her mammoth capitalists,
would leap at the chance, we have no doubt
whatever; we have not patienca to discuss the
Possible opposition of "Columbia:" and as to
'ranco as a power, her patriotic vanity is
always mixed up with a patriotic interestcd
ness. General Boulanger and M. Ferry are
both patriots of the exaggerative kind, and
General Boulanger says openly that, while he
would finish the canal, the Americans must
have it; while M. Ferry acknowledged that he
conquered Tonquin "to find berths for honest
people." Tbe French people will be only too
delighted to save so much of their hnarded
money, while French statesmen know well
that, except as a profitable speculation, Franco
bas no interest in tbe canal.
What is it to her? She has not a foot of soil
which will be affected by its completion or its
failure. Her trade with Asia will go through
the canal, whatever the flag upon the fortresses
at its outlets. She has no reason whatever to
go on cutting the canal except the hope of
profit and a sentiment of grandeur. Tho hope
of profit is gone, and in matters of business a
sentimental Frenchman is not only business-
iiKe, Dumcis cara, aim nas, in particular, an
ingrained prejudice against bankruptcy which
we wish all Englishmen shared. There will be,
no doubt, a moment of pain, and possibly nn
explosion of verbal anger, and then tbe ma
jority of Frenchmen will admit that a canal
across Panama is and must be the business of
the "United States "that great rival of perfidi
ous Albion whose freedom we secured?' and
sit-down to count the money saved out of
the fire, and to ask what tho next grand enter
prise will be. As to England, England will be
at least as safe with America as nith Franco,
and bas always this one source of consolation
Ipr her abstinence from interference whoever
cuts the canal, or manages or owns it, 80 per
cent of all the tonnage passing through it will
be under tbe British flag.
Loir Water and Floating Ico Interfere
With Floor Prodaction.
Minneapolis, January 2. There were 11
mills which ground flour last week, but those
reporting a full output were tbe exception, tbe
total figures again being light. The aggregate
production of flour for week ending December
29 was 60,000 barrels, averaging 10,000 barrels
daily, against 59,480 barrels the previous week,
and 120,900 barrels for the corresponding time a
year ago.
Though the weather continues pleasant and
open, tbe mills are compelled to fight low water
and floating Ice to such an extent tbat they fall
much short of getting out a full output unless
helped by steam. There were 11 mills in mo
tion this morning, grinding at the rate of about
13,000 barrIs daily, but in the afternoon an
avalanche of loose ice came down into the west
side canal and stopped several of them en
tirely. Tbe airrecmont between the mill owners to
eurtail their output one-half up to January!
has expired, but with tbe water power as poor
as at present, it is hardly probable that even
tbat proportion will be got out for some time
to come.
At First She Wanted a Larger Slice of Her
Father's SS.OOO.OOO.
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
NewYoeK January 2. The contest over
the will of William Watson, of Westchester,
was terminated to-day. Mr. Watson died 18
months ago, leaving an estate valued at SS.OOO.
OOO to his four sons and three daughters. Tbe
sons were the executors of the will. Mrs. Mary
Havemeyer, one of tbe daughters, thought that
she sot less than her share when the estate was
She asked the courts to repeal tbe decree
under which her brothers acted as executors.
To-day, however, when the case came up for
trial, Mrs. Havemeyer withdrew her suit.
New Regulations Regarding the Sending of
Merchandise to Panama.
Panama, January a Advices from Bogota
say the First Constitutional Congress bas closed
its labors. It will be of iinportapco for mer
chants and shippers in the United States who
are connected with this Republic to learn that
all consuls, vice consuls and consular and
commercial agents of the Rcpublie abroad, tbo
Postmaster General in Panama, and the postal
agent in Colon, are ordered to collect $3 for the
certificates attached to tbe three invoices re
quired for each shipment of over three pack
ages, and S20 for the certificates attached to
each invoice required by tbe present Custom
House regulations. And for the purpose of
preventing doubts arising In the mind of any of
the consuls-Si is directed to be charred for
company .follows the Kimball Company atHar-1 each certified invoice, even should theship-
ment not Include four packages,
A Metropolitan Cbnrch Has an Eye Open for
a Busloem Cbance.
Special Teleirram to tbe Dispatch. '
New York, January 2. The church of the
Divine Paternity has made some money out of
the advertising which James G. Blaine's coach
ing tour with Mr. Carnegie got during the last
campaign. It bad a clergyman, who has just
returned from Scotland, tell all about the trip
this evening and illustrate it with astereop-
ucon. ue wnoie anair naa ueeu uuveruseu
far and wide by tbe church people with a free
use of Mr. Carnegie's and Mr. Blaine's name.
Tbo Grentest City for Gossip.
.From tho New York San .J
A man who owns a syndicate of newspapers
throughout tbo Western States was opening
his mall yesterday and commenting on the dif
ferent towns.
"Philadelphia," he said in conclusion, "has
one remarkable and towering characteristic
It is the greatest city for gossip on the face of
the earth. We aro actually Inundated with all
sorts, of offers from there, including some from
the best society people in the place, and there
is not a family secret In Philadelphia, accord
ing to my experience, which cannot be pur
chased, and at a mighty low figure, too. The
fancies of Pbiladelpbians seem to turn natur
ally to this sort at thing."
London has 28,000 streets . '-,
There are 30,000 colored children in
Maryland deprived of public educational facil
Sedan, Kan., has a cob pipe-factory that
turns out nine pipes a minute. They are sold
chiefly in the East.
Shawnee county, Kansas, claiming a
population of 60,000, has not one criminal casa
on her couit docket, it is said.
Cherry connty, Nebraska, with an area
larger than several Eastern States, hasn't
practicing physician- wjthin its borders.
St. Simon's island, Ga., holds the
championship in one particular at least. Soma
chap bas stolen a whole house. 18x33, and
moved it off without tho owner's finding it
A London paper says that the art of the
goldsmith is disappearing, owing to tbe cheap
ness of diamonds. The value of jewelry now
depends upon the precious stones it contains,
rather than upon tbe beauty of workmanship.
A Michigan woman practiced with a
revolver until she could hit a suspender button
at eight paces. Then there came a burglar
into tbe house earlv one morning and she sent
a bullet pinging through her husband's left'
Since "Little Lord Fauntleroy," tha
play, has been a success, no less than GO stage
struck children have offered themselves to play
the part of the hero. And the manager says
that mot of them were thoroughly competent
for tbe part.
- A diamondowned in Buffalo.and known
as the "Buffalo gem," weighs 60 carats, and Is
supposed to be the largest In tbe United States.
It is about the size of an almond, and before
cutting weighed 95 carats. It was bought in
Amsterdam for S3O.C0O.
A lady living near Armstrong, Fla.,
while dressing her Christmas chickens, took a
hard egg from one hen. Some one nearby re
marked: "You'll be sure of one sound egg."
bnt to tbe surprise of tho family when it was
broken It was found to be spoiled.
A unique sporting event was reported
to occur near Englewood. Kansas, on Sunday.
It was a "roping tournament." A purse of
tf,vw waa iuuub uy, anu ue Doy mat saaaiea
his pony, roped his Texas steer and tied him
down the quickest was to take the money.
r An editor out West put a love-letter he
had written Into the copy box, and his editorial
npon the proper observance of marital duties
he sent to his love,' The letter appeared in his
paper, and he is chasms tbe compositors all
over the country with a tomahawk in each
Ira Paine, the American pistol shot, is
exhibiting his powers at the Folles Bergeres, In
Paris. He claims to have discovered a process
for the manufacture of gold from an alloy of
silver and copper, and is trying to iaiso funs
to start a workshop for the transmutation of
the precious metal.
Italian and German papers report that
a celebrated picture by Raphael, an altar piece
in the church of St. Peter, in Perngia, repre
renting the "Entombment of Christ," has been
stolen from its place. Warning notices have
been sent to the principal galleries, and His
expected tbat some trace of tbe thief will be
oDtamea in this way.
A Japan paper states that since the
United States probiblted Chinese Immigration
there bas been a very perceptible Increase in
the number of Chinese Immigrants to Japan.
Recently 486 arrived at Yokohama, and "most
of them are now employed in tea-firing go
down at a rate of remuneration which none
but Chinese would accept."
Colonel Gibbs, of San Antonia, Texas,
has iust been relieved of a bullet tbat he carried
in his kneo since early in the ReDellion. About
two months ago he hit his leg against the plat
form or a railroad car, and the intense pain
that followed doctors attributed to the ball.
An operation was, therefore, performed, and ,
the piece of lead found firmly imbedded in the
A yonng man near St. Augustine, Fla.,
though having sound teeth, had them too near
for beauty; so he had his eye teeth extracted,
took them to a jeweler where tbey were pol
ished, dyed and mounted in gold as a pair o
earrings for his be't girl. They were to b
seen at the jewelers for some time. After the
work was done the young man was not quite
satisfied, and said he would give S10 if he had
not had them dyed.
During the past month the firemen
of Quincy, Mass., have been greatly annoyed
by tbe unnecessary rincine of tbe fire-alarm
bells at all hours of the night and day. It was
plainly evident that the fire-alarm svstem was
out of order, 3ut tho fault was not discovered
until a day or two ago, when a lineman found
that the wire which enters a factory was In
contact with an awning, and every time the
wind moved the awning the electrlo current
was broken, causing an alarm.
Mrs. Nancy Coleman reached Cincin
nati last week after a walk of over 350 miles
from her home on the Big Sandy river, In West
Virginia. She had with her two children, ona
ot whom is so young tbat she carried it the en
tire distance. She told the police a pitiful tale,
to the effect that her husband deserted her for
another woman, taking tbe children along;
She followed him, and recovering tbe little
ones set out on foot for Cincinnati, hoping to
procure work there. She was entirely ont of
A Yarmouth (N. S.) paper is responsi
ble for tbe following: "A respectable gentle
man went to the cars one day to see his favorite
daughter off. Securing her a seat, he passed
out of the cars and went round to her window
to say a parting word. While he was passing
out the daughter left her seat to speak to
a friend, and at the same time a grim old maid
took tbe seat and moved np to tne window.
Unaware of the important change inside, he
hurriedly put his face up to tbe window and
said, "One more kiss, sweet petr In another
instant the point of a cotton umbrella was
thrust from the window, followed by tbe pious
injunction, 'Scat, you gray-headed wretch? Ha
At Atlanta, Ga., recently, an old veteran
of the Mexican and Confederate wars was in
sulted. With these men insult is always fol
lowed with a blow. Buena Vista and Manassas
do not permit them to swallow insult. This
particular veteran had hired a man to repair
tne sidewalk in iront ol nis home. In some
altercation the man applied to tbe veteran an
epithet which no man hears without feeling the
temperature of his blood rise, and tbe veteran
struck him. Although he Is more than 80 years
ot age, he bas the vigor of 40, and when the
man who was struck picked himself up he felt
as if he bad been struck by lightning. A police
man was at hand and arrested the insulter, and
marched him off. The arm which did the
striking has 13 leaden bullets in it.
His Way of Committing Snlclde.
From tbe Chicago Herald.
A Massachusetts man who has mysteriously
disappeared left a letter stating he was about
to commit suicide. "Jly plan," be wrote, "is to
fasten a lot of dynamite around my body and
take a little boat, row out far enough, and then
touch tbe fuse so that my body will be torn to
pieces and scattered by the waters." Tho plan
is certainly effective, and tho Anarchist pro
fessors who are teaching tbe use of dynamite
should not fail to Impress on the minds of their
pupils its value as an agent of suicide.
Why should I still love thee, dear,
When thou lov'st me not?
Why should I rsraember thee
When then hast forgot?
The fiery son absorbs tbe dew.
Though the dew wills ltnot;
The pale stream glides to the ocean bine.
Escaping never its lot.
Shining inn and dew are one, '
Ulldlng stream and sea
Love or lore me not, my love,
I am one with thee.
The people who never get right in this
world are those who get left.
A Clothes-line Tbe method of seating
visitors in bar fashionable churches.
Speaking of missing things, a needle in a -haystack
is nothing to s railroad time table In a
country house.
The amateur chemist who carefully ex
cludes air from bis retort when making hydrogen
Is wise in his generation.
Young Marshall I hate that fellow
Hazem . He never comes near a girl without mak
ing a fool or himself. .
Young Frlzode That's better than making a
fool of the girl.
TUE boor mat.
A plain free-soiler, I confess
My looks are hardly neat:
Uat when It comes to usefulness
1 get there with both feet.
AConstant Draught. "How does your j
furnace draw?" a prospective Settler Inquired, the
otberday. of anaturallzfd Jerseyman.
"Splendidly," replied the Jerseyman, sadly:
"it draws my salary, pretty near aU ot it."
"I hope, Mr.Templecourt,"said the lady,s
as she rose from tbe chair whlcb had vibrated with j
her voice for an boor and a half, "that I haven't ,
been takinc np too mnch or your valuable time?"
"Not at all, Mrs. Chatty." returned the lawyer.
zlanclnir wearilr at the pile of letters oa his desk:!
"I assure yon that this time has been of no valasl
to me whatever."
-..,. T . n. .v.. T T5TtTl
1UJ. JAIW A..IS ..... ... ,ja
A birdling on a snow-clad dump-cart
It had no gums uron its tender feet,
.Noleggins, nd, nor mitts, norparasot
And yet the alr'was full of biting sleet.
"Sweet birdling, "quoth I, in my mystic way,
..ti,n,. v. w....n..r from limTcn Kent! A ,
.i ..- .m. thm ..h.ntAuv. .a ri
To tp.irhmT heart a lesson of content." . '
A Rather Small Practice Young Doctor 1
Yes, I expect that it will go pretty slow when.
Knt onrn an oiHce until I ret started a little. -i5
Old Doctor W ell, you bet It wfil. Whywhen jlj
first hung out my shiniflel sat In my offlce'forl
three months, and only had one case. ", Ji
Yonng Doctor Whew! That was pretty 'toughS
wasn't It? .Only one case; and what wasthata"
case of? r rtr'V
Old Doctor A. case or instruments. 1M,
Ml from.
ras.d --
rtte. fi$e