Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Of all the Various Temper
ance Organizations in
Plans for a Constitutional
Amendment Campaign,
The Report "Which a Committee of Minis
ters Has Drawn Up.
There are troubled times ahead for the
liquor interests. Something more porten
tous than high license, and something
more ponderous than either the License
Court or Law and Order League, is now be
ing arranged to worry them. It is a formid
able plan of attack to defeat them in the
coming contest for and against constitu
tional amendment, prohibiting the sale and
Manufacture of intoxicating drinks in Penn
sylvania. " The plan contemplates a powerful com
bination of all the temperance organizations
in "Western Pennsylvania. Already emi
nent leaders in the Prohibition party, the
W C. T. U"., Brooks law adherents, Good
Templars and Constitutional Amendment
Association have signified their willing
ness to enter into snch an alliance. The
Gospel Temperance Union, JIurphy Associ
ation, Sons of Temperance and even the
Catholic Total Abstinence Societies are ex
pected to join at the proper time.
Next Monday afternoon the project will
bs formally introduced at a meeting of the
Evangelical Ministerial Association. A
committee consisting of Rev. I. X. Hays,
D.D., Kev. J. W. Sproul, Rev. .T. T. Mc
Croryi Eev. James Collins, and Kev. T. J.
Boyle was appointed two months ago to
devise some method of conducting the cam
paign for prohibitory amendment This
committee finally agreed upon a report this
week. It was completed yesterday by Eev.
Dr. Hays, the Chairman, and will be sub
mitted to the Association on Monday. The
DISPATCH sent to Dr. Hay residence
yesterday, and through his courtesy we are
enabled to print the report of the committee
in advance of the meeting. It gives full
details of the plan, and is as follows:
The committee appointed by the Evangelical
Ministerial Association of Allegheny county
for the purpose of considering, and, if possible,
devism: tome feasible plan by which all the
temperance forces within the Commonwealth
can be united and consolidated in supporting the
constitutional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture and sale nf intoxicatrazliquorsas
a beverage within its limits, to be t-horily sub
mitted to the d pular rote, would report
recommending the following, viz.:
first That seven representative men be
chosen at a public meeting, called for that pur
pose, who shall be regarded as the representa
tives of the general temperance sentiment of
the community without regard to either politi
cal or religious affiliations.
Second That each general society, associa
tion, orcanization operating in Western Penn
sylvania having an interest in the temperance
question shall be invited to appoint two male
representatives on this committee, with full
power to act. and to be a channel of communi
cation between it and tlie association they
Third That this committee thus constituted
Fhall be called the Citizens' Central Executive
Temperance Campaign Committee of Western
Pennsylvania, whose headquarters shall be in
cither Pittsburgor Allegheny, and whose motto
stall be Union for the bake of Victory, and
whose business shall be to organize all the
temperance lorces west of the summit of the
Allegheny Mountains in the most clTective way
possible, with reference to the coming cam
paign, and for this purpose shall have as far as
possible tbe united. Hearty and enthusiastic
support of all those allied associations, with
tbe distinct understanding that this committee
shall not attempt to interfere with their pecu
liar work as associations, but through their aid
and assistance endeat or to seenro the largest
possible vote in favor of tbe proposed constitu
tional amendment.
Fourth It shall be the duty of this commit
tee to discourage and so far as poss.ble suppress
all unfriendly discussion on all the minor de
tans of tbe temperance question until this pro
posed amendment shall hare been safely incor
porated in tbe Constitution.
Fifth It shall be the duty of this committee
to invite the friendly sympathy and co-operation
of individual churches, religions denomi
nations and all citizens within the Common
wealth, and alo the sympathy and co-operation
of tbe public press, religions and secular,
eo that there may be a clear, emphatic and
glorious expression of opinion on this vital
question, which, to a greater or less extent,
concerns the peace and happiness of almost
every family within the Commonwealth.
Sixth It shall be tbe duty of this committee
to invite the corporation of similar campaign
organizations throughout the State, so that
every part ot the State may be thoroughly can
vassed and tbe people not only enlightened bnt
raade to realize tbe momentous interests at
stake and thus tbe largest possible vote se
The members of the committee which pre
pared this report say that they will only be
too glad if someone will devise a more possi
ble or practical plan of operation, by nhicb
there can be a reasonable prospect ot success,
and for this reason allowed this report to be
published beforehand, so that all may have
a chance to study and improve upon it if
they will.
"But there are two or three facts which
must be obvious to all, said Dr. Hays to
the reporter yesterday. "First we must or
ganize ana unite our forces with the least
possible delay, or success will be hopeless.
Second, that the great conservative forces
by which this amendment must be carried,
if carried at all, are yet within the two old
political parties, and that they must be
reached, if reached at all, not from tbe po
litical, but moral side of this question. In
this case the right is the might that must
conquer, and if we can get the moral and
religions elements in society, without regard
to religious or political preference, thor
oughly aroused upon this subject we can
sweep the State. Otherwise we cannot
Xue legislature jnst assembled at liar
risburg must pass the resolution submitting
'Atinued' Mr. Hays. "We are all confident
"ofthat The Republican party is pledged
to do it and don't dare to violate its prom
ise. Senator Quay only the other day
signed a petition asking the Legislature to
pass the resolution. Governor Beaver in bis
message is outspoken on the question. So
that the plan contemplated in our report is
for the campaign when the question goes to
a popular vote. It is already ji popular is
sue. We want voters, irrespective of party,
to help us. Some prominent in both parties
iave already shown a willingness to help."
The Independent Order of Cood Templars
have written a letter to Dr. Hays, offering
him their hearty co-operation in some such
plan for union. They stand unqualifiedly
and junpolitically on the side ot constitu
tional amendment.
At a meeting of the County Association
for Constitutional Amendment last Monday
afternoon, Dr. Hays was present and ex-
plained the main points of the plan. They
i "were discussed all afternoon and individu
ally tbe members indorsed tbe whole scheme.
Action will be taken more f ally in the near
Some of tbe ladies connected with the W.
. CTL TJ. are enthusiastic over the proposal
for a union to advance the coming fight for
. Some other gentlemen interested in tem
perance work who were spoken to last even
- igsientioaed tbe names of the other organi-
zations (named in the introduction) prob
able candidates for representation in such
an alliance.. They suggested, however, that
improvements might be made to 'he plan
outlined above.
lie Stopped Here to See Some of the
Faithful, But Wns Silent, Except to Say
That Ho Cannot Sny.
United States Senator M. S. Quay came
to the city vesterdav afternoon and went to
the Seventh Avenue Hotel. He was ac
companied by Mrs. and Miss Quay. In the
evening they left for Washington.
As soon as lie arrived some of the faitbfnl
called on him, and a short consultation was
held in the hotel. At the depot, last night,
a reporter had the temerity to tackle the
Senator, and the following colloquy ensued:
"What do you think of the State or
ganization of the House and Senate?"
"1 haven't anything to sav about that."
"How about President Harrison's Cabi
net?" "I don't know anything about it You
must ask General Harrison for tbe informa
tion. This is pleasant weather we "
"How does 'the situation in West Vir
ginia strike your lancy?"
"I can't say anything about that, either.
Did you ever see such weather for this time
of the year? I have been rusticating at
home, and the rest has done me good. I
hope you enjoy the weather?"
Here the Senator stopped and turned to
talk to Mrs. Quay. The law does not ask
any one to do impossibilities, and the re
porter gave up in disgust. Matthew Stanley
wouldn't talk; and that settled it
Interesting Testimony in tbe Wishart Case,
With Its Itcsnll.
In the case of Captain Wishart against
Joseph Baker.for assault and battery before
Alderman Carlisle, W. D. Moore ap
peared for the defense and William Yost for
tbe prosecution.
Captain Wishart was sworn and testified
to being struck by the defendant, falling
upon one knee, and then being thrown into
the street His assailant then ran down the
alley by the Bakewell Building on the
He describe'd the man as tall, powerfully
built, with a sandy mustache, and when
Baker was put before him, Wishart testified
he was the man.
E. P. Douglas, stated on December 21,
he saw two men fighting on tbe Diamond,
and that the tall man with a sandy mus
tache suddenly ran down an alley. He
recognized Captain Wishart, and said the
other resembled the detendant. Other un
important witnesses were examined and
Baker was held for court in $1,000 bail.
It took Baker just 15 minutes to secure
the necessary bail, a prominent city con
tractor pledging himself for the necessary
1,000. " W. D. Moore delivered an opin
ion on Law and Order, and its methods that
will probably be repeated in court at the
proper time.
The Kcmulns of tbe Late Banker laid to
Rest yesterday.
The funeral of the late William Carr,
President of the Mechanics' National Bank
of this city, took place yesterday from his
late residence, Fifth avenue. Point Breeze.
Although attended by nearly every banker
and the majority of the representative busi
ness men of the city, the interment was very
quiet and unostentatious.
The funeral services were conducted by
Bishops Cortlandt, Whitehead and Bovd
"Vincent, of the Episcopal Church, at the
house, and at the grave the regular Episco
pal ritual was read by Bishop Vincent
There were iio flowers at "the funeral except
those deposited on the coffin bv the widow
of the deceased; these were "lilies ot the
The pall bearers at the funeral were
George A. Berry, Charles Lockhart. John
Chalfant, J. Seamon Atterbury, Wilson
Miller, Abner XT. Howard, Charles Ar
huthnot and W. E. Sebmertz. The inter
ment was made at Allegheny Cemetery.
Pittsburg Famishes It Quota to be Heard
at rhll.idelphln.
Chief Justice Gordon and. the Supreme
Court reporter, Boyd Crumrine, went to
Philadelphia last night to resume the trial
of cases.
Justice Gordon said that tbe suit of Spen
cer vs. Jennings and the appeals of the
Ohio Valley Gas Company, the Chartiers
Valley Gas Company and the Allegheny
Heating Company for the regulation of the
price of fuel by law, and the Avars appeal,
in which the constitutionality of the munic
ipal law of 1887 will be tested, are the most
important cases to be, heard.
Mr. Crumrine stated that a great deal de
pends on the decision in the case of Spencer
vs. Jennings, involving titles to land under
an Orphans Court sale. If it is decided that
Euch titles are not valid, a number of prop
erty holders in Pittsburg will be affected.
Mr. Crumrine thought the municipal act
would be declared unconstitutional.
The P., V. & nnd Panhandle Relief for
the Pennsy to tbe Front.
The item which was published in The
Dispatch a few days ago regarding the
Ohio Connecting Railway is beginning to
materialize, and bids for the extensive work
are already being received by the Chief
Engineer of the Pennsylvania Hailroad
The details of the notice to. contractors
may be seen in another part of the paper.
This, it will be remembered, is the loop
line to take about 800 cars a day out of the
Union depot yards altogether," and leave
room for accommodations.
On Sunday last the Panhandle Hailroad
began the running of all their through
cast-bound freight via the P., V. & C. line
and over the Brinton bridge, instead of
overthe Try street bridge and through the
TIctor Woodwnrd Rang Away to Eat tho
Bitter Husk, of Repentance.
Victor O. "Woodward, a 16-ycar-old boy,
of Lancaster, is stage struck. He left home
a few weeks ago and followed Captain Jack
Crawford until the latter shook him at
Marietta. Yonng Woodward continncd to
this city and got a job from the Union News
Company. He worked here for three weeks,
living o'n hope and snowballs, until his
stomach rebelled, when be wrote a repent
ant letter to bis father.
Yesterday the old gentleman arrived and
hunted high and low for "Victor, but he
could not be found. As be was about to
leave for Lancaster last night he spied his
son in the Union depot, and Officer Biley
cantured him. The boy decided to go home,
and he did.
A Freight Wreck Holds, but Does Not Hurt,
the Limited Express.
An east-bound freight train on the Penn
sylvania road divided last evening near
Wall station. The sections came together
and smashed four empty cars, completely
covering all tho tracks. The limited was
held behind the wreck for nearly two hours.
No one was injured.
ni Latest Edition.
Thomas Means, the VoUesblatt pressman,
has jnst turned ont an attractive supple-'
mentary editiorf. It's a girl, and weighs 10
A High Director of the Chartiers Gas
Co, Tells Great Secrets,
Only 100,000 of That Extra $1,000,000 in
Stock Was Marketed.
The Chartiers Vallev Natural Gas Com
pany has issued a legal notice for a meeting
of the stockholders of the company to be
held in this city March 6. The object of
the gathering is to consider a proposition to
issue $1,000,000 in bonds to pay eff the in
debtedness of tbe company.
In view of the heretofore supposed practi
cal consolidation of the Chartiers CoroDany
with the Philadelphia Company, the notice
of the meeting'caused surprise among some
people who heard of the call. The fact of
the Philadelphia Company mortgaging its
plant for $2,500,000 a few weeks ago height
ened the effect of this feeling.
For the purpose of ascertaining just what
the Chartiers Company meant by issuing
bonds when they had consolidated with the
Philadelphia Company, a prominent Char
tiers director and a gentleman who is in a
position to know the facts in tbe case, was
interrogated by a DispAtcii reporter last
evening. He said:
Tbe majority of tbe people "In this city think
that the Chartiers Valley Natural Gas Com
pany consolidated with the Philadelphia Com
pany. This is not true, we have not consoli
dated, and the Chartiers Company is just as
much of a separate company to-day as It ever
was. Wo only leased our iines to that com
pany and, are paid so much per
annum as a rental for them.
For giving the Philadelphia Company our
gas and allowing them the use of our lines, we
receive 30 per cent of the net revenues of beth
companies. The Philadelphia Company does
not control onr organization, and the only
thing they have to do with the Chartiers Com
pany is the use of our lines. They count up
their net receipts each month, and, after de
ducting 70 per cent, give us the remainder.
Now to get at tbe reason for the Issue of the
1,000,000 in bonds. About the latter part of
November, 1SS7, the Chartiers Company com
pleted a new line from the Murrysville field to
the Lawrcnceville distnet This line Is the
largest in the world, and consists
of one 30-inch and one 20-inch
main. This cost us between 1700,000 and SS0O,
000. including the rights of way. etc At that
time we issued 51,000,000 worth of extra stock to
pay for this work. It was impossible to get a
fair price for the stock at the time, owing to
the condition of tbe market, and we sold but
8100,000 worth. We were left witn SSOO.O0O of
stock on hands, and we had to bold it in the
treasury. We still hold this stock.
To pay off tbe floating debt for the new lines
and other expenses, we now propose to issue
51,000.000 worth of bonds. Tlleseonds we ex
pect to pay off out of the revenue received for
the rental of our lines, from the Philadelphia
Company. As this revenue will amount to con
siderable we not only expect to pay off the
bonded dent but also renew the paying of cash
We did not stop paying dividends until July
last, although tbe lease was consummated in
January, 1S88. We expect to be in Rood finan
cial shape again, and will pay dividends as soon
as possible.
By paying off the indebtedness of the com
pany we expect'to put it in good financial con
dition. This will not only help us, but will also
strengthen the stock of the Philadelphia Com
pany. Our stack has advanced from $50 to $57
per share within the past three days. This is
stiffening up tpe Philadelphia stock TheJat
tcr is advancing; upon no otber account
You can sayjthat this Is the inside history of
tbe company, f nd I am ready to back up what
I havo stated at any time. The proposed issuo
of $1,000,000 worth of bonds is for no other pur
pose than to pay off the floating indebtedness.
Notices Sent Out for the Gathering nt tbe
Scene of Carnage.
Secretary George S. Houghton, of the
Americus Club, last night sent out 487
notices for the annual meeting of the club,
to be held at their rooms Saturday evening
next. The fight for the executive offices is
growing warmer, and every one of the 13
candidates for the six vacancies are still in
the field.
All the other officers vill be re-elected,
with the exception of captain, and 18 prop
ositions for membership will be acted upon
at the meeting.
Two Claysville Citizens Warned to Leave
theXlty In 4S Hours.
Is it a joke or a sad reality? Two citizens
of Claysville a few days ago received notice
to quit the country signed by White Caps.
Dr. White, a veterinary surgeon, and
Luther Findley were the unlucky persons
On the notices were the customary skull
and cross bones, and a request to clear out
in 48 hours, or the White Caps would take
them in hand. Many of the citizens are in
clined to believe it is the work 'of wags.
Four Arrests Ordered and McCnnn in a
Critical Condition Last Klsfat.
Warrants are in tbe bands of tbe police,
and will probably be served before noon, for
the arrest of John McCann William Ash
worth, Jack McDonald and Thomas 'Mc
Donald, all being charged with disorderly
John McCann, it will be remembered, was
stabbed in Sallie Hall's bouse Sunday night.
Charges of a grave character may be entered
by Inspector McAleese as McCann was in a
critical condition last night.
How a Break in a mill's Itlachrncry Was
Repaired New Year's Day.
When the machinery-of Hussey, Binns&
Co.'s mill stopped suddenly Tuesday after
noon, the foreman, Mr. Frank B. Newton,
thought an accident had occurred. The em
ployes of the works assembled abont the en
gine to help him find the break, when Mr.
P.. J. Whitehead, on behalf of the work
men, presented the foreman with a hand
some gold watch.
Men Liable to be Fined 85 for Only Turning
to the Left.
Chief Brown yesterday issued an order to
the police to inform all drivers of wagons,
carts and other vehicles, to keep on the
right side of the thoroughfares. In allow
ing a street car to pass them, drivers are
cautioned against turning on the vacant
street car track. They must always turn to
the right. Any violator of that rule will
be fined 55.
B. C. Frick ib Co. Take Chsrco of tho Body
of tbe Powdery Victim.
An inquest was held on the. body of John
Billak, tho man who died from the effects of
the Yalley Forge explosion. He , and six
companions were dividing a lot of powder
when a lamp was overturned, jyith the re
sult previously stated. H. C. Frick & Co.
took charge of the body. yJirv
The Druggists Will All Close Next Sunday,
Except for Tiro Boarn A. 31. find Three
Bonn P. 91. for Prescription.
The Allegheny County Retail Druggists'
Association met yesterday afternoon in the
College Hall of the School of Pharmacy,
and passed a resolution which maybe looked
upon as the first step toward entirely clos
ing the drugstores in the future on Sun-
There were about 50 members of the Asso
ciation present, Mr. Louis Emanuel being
in the chair. Tbe Executive Committee,
which bad been appointed by tbe President
to make a personal visit to every druggist
in the two cities and get his opinion about
Sunday closing, reported that 58 druggists
were in favor of the stores being closed on
Sunday, with the exception of a few hours,
during which only prescription business
should be done; 14 were in favor ofj closing
the stores altogether on Sunday! and 30 re
fused to agree to anything, preferring to J
run their own business.
A resolution was then offered to open the-
drugstores in future, for presciption busi
ness only.from 10 to 12 o'clock Sunday morn
ing and from 6 till 9 in the evening. This
resolution was unanimously adopted, and
will go into effect next Sunday.
A committee, consisting of the following
named gentlemen, was then appointed to go
to Harrisburg to see that -the amendment to
the blue laws be properly presented: Messrs.
John W. Miller, C. W. Smart and Joseph
P. TJrben, all of Allegheny, and Robert
-urisue ana jm. Dioiieiy; oi x iitsuurg.
Mr. Louis .Emanuel, the President,
speaking of the resolution passed at the
meeting yesterday afternoon, said:
That resolution is only a stepping stone
toward closing tbe stores entirely. We did not
think it rlgbt to go at tbe matter in a too
abrupt way. The change would be too great.
We want to get at it gradually, and the people
will get better used to it I, for my own part,
think it advisable to have our stores closed on
on Sunday; in fact, I believe tberc was a time
when drugstores never were open Sundays, un
til competition brought it about. The general
business of prescriptions is so slender on a Sun
day that it would not pay a druggist to keep
his doors open, and if the people know that we
are not doing any business at all on Sunday.
we shall simply be busier on Saturday night
and Monday morning; that is all.
The Treasury Department Frowns nt Private
Dalzcll's Stntemcnt.
The Dispatch is reliably informed that,
since its publication of Private Dalzell's
letter a week ago, in relation to the debt of
mileage, etc.,which the Government owes
discharged soldiers, no less than, a dozen
letters a day have poured in upon the
Treasury Department, at "Washington,
from veterans inquiring about the matter.
A. G. Johnston, patent solicitor of No. 1
Sixth street, was one of the Pittsburgers
who wrote. Yesterday he received a reply
from the Second Auditor of the Treasury,
that he knows of no law for the payment of
mileage to discharged soldiers. Mr. Johns
ton says, if this item is copied by the press
it will save the Auditor of the Treasury the
infliction of at least 100,000 letters from
Was Jleeommcnded Yesterday by the
Public Safely Committee.
The Public Safety Committee vmet yester
day in the City Clerk's office, and affirma
tively recommended an ordinance regulating
the holding of balls and masked balls.
The ordinance provides that all persons
who intend to hold a ball must send a writ
ten application to the Superintendent of
Police three days before the ball takes place.
It also provides that a 25 ball license shall
be issued by the Police Superintendent.
All persons violating that ordinance shall
pay a fine of $50 or go'to the workhouse for
30 days, and the police are also invested
with authority to close all ball rooms where
anything violent or disorderly shall occur.
Weary Legislators Reiarn to Enjoy Their
Short Vacation.
The Hon. James L. Graham returned
from Harrisburg last evening on the mail.
He said the House had been organized with
out any friction, and everybody was satis
fied. He thought Governor Beaver made
some good suggestions in bis message, and
before the House adjourned he introduced a
resolution referring the various recom
mendations of the Governor to the commit
tees 'interested.
Mr. Graham believes some valuable leg
islation will be passed during the present
session. The other local members of the
House and Senate arrived on the fast line
at midnight.
Third Story of the Government Bnllding'
Soon to be Finished.
The Government schooner, J. . Frank
Seaweed, is reported to have arrived at Bal
timore, with 650 tons of material for the
Pittsburg Government building. The ves
sel left East Blue Hills Harbor on the 18th
Yesterday 30 carloads of granite were
hauled from the depot into the vnrd of the
building, and work is progressing as rapidly
as possible.
If the weather continues as favorable as
it has lately, the third story will be com
pleted witfiin four weeks.
And Denounce Southern Political Outrages
With a Vim.
The colored citizens of the Eighth ward
met last night in the Franklin'street school
bouse and organized the Workingman's As
sociation, for political protection.
At the close of the meeting a resolution
was adonted denouncing the outrages per
petrated upon the people of Mississippi, aud
declaring that the United States Govern
ment should protect its citizens irrespective
of race or color.
O'Brien Proposes an Amendment to the
Crnelty-to-Anlmnls Act.
The postponed meeting nf the Humane
Society was held yesterday in the Penn
building. Several routine reports were
read, and $284 in subscriptions acknowl
edged. Agent O'Brien submitted to the meeting
the manuscript of an amendment to be
made ;to the "Cruelty-to-Animals" act,
which was unanimously adopted, to be sent
to tho parent society of Philadelphia for
further disposition.
She Gets Two Penn Township
Into Trouble Again.
"The cow with the crumpled bora" got
two more men into trouble yesterday. Pat
trick Whalen, a Penn township farmer,
sued Patrick Boyle for assault and battery
before Alderman McMastcrs. A cow be
longing to one of them got into the wrong
lot. In the melee, Whalen says, Mr. Boyle
chewed off one of bis ears and tried to masti
cate one of the plaintiff's fingers.
Wan the Blow From a. Picbnx ns Bad as
It Is Described?
As a revival of an old family feud be
tween the Clattys and the Berdlings, of
Castle 'Shannon, one of the latter is alleged
by an evening paper to have struck a Clatty
boy with a pickaxe last Thursday nisht.
-inflicting a possibly fatal wound. The al
Ueged assailant has not been arrested yet.
Tom Barry Tells What Ho Thinks
About . of L, Officials.
Machinists at Wharton McKnight's Foundry
Strike for a Holiday.
Thomas B. Barry, tbe expelled member
of the General Executive Board of the
Knights of Labor, will be in town on Satur
day, and will address the workingmen in I
tbe interest of his . new order, tbe Brother
hood of United Labor. Mr. Barry has pre
pared a reply to the charges preferred
against him, and in an article which, if
printed, would occupy over two pages of
The Dispatch, tells what he thinks about
the doings of the officials at national head
quarters. This has heen sent here for the
purpose of posting the members of the order
on what be intends to do. Acopy was received
by a reporter for this paper yesterday. It
is headed "Tom Barry's reply to the charges
of Powderly and, his colleagues. These
truthful statements -are written for the
benefit of those who have or contemplate
going into voluntary servitude to the most
conscienceless set of despots that ever de
ceived humanity."
The following somewhat spicy statements,
which have not yet been published, are
taken from Mr. Barry's circular:
I would not at the request of attorneys of
millionaires betiay the interests of tbe people
involved in strike as was done by Powderly
and Hayes in tho Southwest strike. It was not
Arthur or the Brotherhood of Engineers that
defeated our people there, but the cowardice
and treacherv of Terence V. Powderlv and
John W. Hayes.
Mr. Powderly has been raised on the pedestal
of a god, but I ask in the name of all that is
right of those who know something that he has
done name it. You cannot find a human op
pressor from Jay Could to Phil Armour, a
land shark, a railroad monopolist, stock
gambler, in fact, no oppressor of mankind
to-day, but is in full accord with what they
term the wise conservative policy of Mr.
Powderly. I will tell you what he has done.
He has sacrificed his ignorance and social
misery whilo serving you. As a mechanic he
never earned to exceed $2.50 per day.
Hayes is quoted as saying: "Ob. my God, If
you and I. Terry, would resign, what will be
come of the order-" A more appropriate re
mark would be: "My God, Terry, how we
would miss tho boodle.''
Now. x word in regard to the king of decep
tion, Dewey, the editor and manager of tho
mutual admiration sheet He devotes nearly
a column nf space to willful falsehood, wherein
he states that I was unceremoniously bounced
from tbe General Executive Board; that ho
was the onlv defender and supporter I bad: de
nies doing dirty work in Michigan for tbe Gen
eral Master Workman; denies that he employs
rats in the printing office at headquarters, etc.
Tbese statements are untrue, as the records of
the board will prove.
Mr. Barry makes a number of charges
againsthe general officers, but all of them
had been published in this paper during the
session of tbe General Assembly.
Tho Novel Situation of 60 Machinists From
W. McKnlght's.
Tne following, from J. E. Smith, Chair
man of a committee from the 60 striking
machinists, who have quit work at Whar
ton McKnight's, was iurnished yesterday
for publication, as an explanation of the
strike from the men's standpoint:
All the machinists In the employ of Wharton
McKnlght, at 44 Penn avenue, CO in number,
are on a strike in consequence of a notice issued
lat week by the firm, as follows:
These works will be run as usual next week, and
no etoppape on account of ew Year's Day. All
persons refusing to comply with til same do ao at
the risk of belnp discharged.
uAitiu MuaMuur,
per G. WKLLSBY SCOTT, Manager.
It caused a great deal of dissatisfaction
amontr the workmen. They, during the past tifo
months, had been treated with the least regam,
and it wasTery common to he notified to work
from 36 to 4S hours at a time, and tbe order had
to be complied with, on pain of discharge.
The men called a mectlnc December 31, at
noon, ana unanimously ueciaeu to lay OS on
January 1, and the foreman was notified. Im
mediately afterward this notice was put up:
All those who propose to lay off on January 1
win pnt their tools In the tool room and report at
11 A Jt, Wednesday, for their wages.
The night turn was first to retuse to work.
Mr. &cott, the Superintendent, is. by the way,
an English subject, and has not as yet cast his
first vote in America, and has. while in his po
sition, treated Americans in his employ very
arbitrarily, and the least thing done out of the
way by any one, resulted in discharge. It is
well Known that 100 men have been hired and
discharged by him, and tho only reason for tho
strike is that these machinists assert their right
as American citizens and aro willing to sacri
fice their situations for the same.
Mr. Wharton McKnight was seen last
evefiing and asked for his side of the case,
when he said:- "We prefer to say nothing
whatever about our trouble with the men."
President Welhe, of tho Amalgamated As
sociation, Receives n Now Tear's Gift.
President William Weihe, of the Amalga
mated Association, and bis wife, received a
New Year's gift in the shape of twin girls.
Secretary Martin, in writing up the event
for the Labor Tribune, says:
It is an old adage that "it is never too late to
mend." If that be correct, it will apply with
double turn of vigor to President Weihe. as he
evidently intends to make up for lost time.
Mrs. Weihe presented him with twin trirls on
New Year's Day, and a hapnier man never
lived. Whilo from this on we shall expect to
see him pretty well -'fairgea out" at early morn
for want of rest at night, he can find consola
tion in tho fact that hehas an (two) heir de
lacto to his property. All will join us in con
gratulating Bill on his increase.
Ex-Aodltor dlnizo Says There Aro
5,000 Mining Knights In tho State.
Joseph Maize, late Auditor of N. T. A.
135, Knighis of Labor, composed of miners,
was in the city yesterday. He takes ex
ceptions to figures published yes'terday rela
tive to the strength of the order among the
colliers and produced a book with a list of
members on December 1. He savs:
"There are about 29,000 miners in this
vicinity, and it is claimed that three-fourths
of them belong to the Knights of Labor.
Here are figures to show that there are only
400 members in sub-division 5 aud 700 in
sub-division 6. It was my last official work
to make a count of the members in this
State, aud I can state positively that there
are only 4,743 miners in the Knights in
Pennsylvania." ,
James McAtecr Explains Ills Connection
With a Boycott Dispute.
The following communication explains
one phase of the latest boycott:
To tho Editor of the Dispatch:
Dear Sir There appears in The Dispatch
of January 1. under the heading "Another Boy
cott." an item which Is riot correct. It reads:
"The trouble is about one of the men in tho
shop who has fallen behind in his dues to the
Plumbers' Union." The facts are the so-called
PInmbers' Union owes mo, the man in ques
tion, money which they even refuse to ac
knowledge, and I consequently refuse to havo
anything to do with the unionuntil they do.
Hence the trouble.
Very respectfully,yours,
3j05 Pekn avemtxe, Pittsburg, Jan. 2, 1889.
Operators Say They Cannot. Make an Ad
vance'at Present.
The coke operators do not anticipate any
wage trouble at present and say they have
not been advised of a meetings for that pur
pose. All the operators who were seen yes
terday stated that-they could not pay higher
wages until the price of.cok'e was put up.
An Important Convention Held In the Coh
nellsville CokeBesIon. i
A large delegate convention of the Na
tional Progressive Union of Miners and
Mine Laborers was held at Ererson yester
day. The principal object of the meeting
was to take action to further and strengthen
the organization, especially outside of the
Frick works, so as Jo be able to enforce the
The constitution of tbe National Progress
ive Union was read and approved, and a
motion was passed to adopt a constitution
by the district. The following nominations
were made:
President, Richard Davis, Jos. welsh and
John McClane; Vice President, Jas. Hart,
William Beilstein and John McClane; Secre
tary, William Mullen and Michael Barrett;
treasurer uuan urant anu luiKBJjisuoa; -ejjl-ecutive
Board, William Beilstein, Thomas
Boyle. Jos. Walsb, Henry Mestcr, Jas. Hart,
Jos. Newner, Thomas Bums, Wm. H. Spence,
Jos. Welsh and Thomas O'Hara.
The nomination will remain open till
January 25, when the regular annual con
vention meets at Everson. and the election
will take place. Some of the members
favor the consolidation of the offices of Sec
retary and Treasurer. Delegates from
Broadford & Laughlins' report that 400 men
have joined the "N. P. U. this week. The.
men at the Mammoth, Hecla, Calumet,
Fisherdale, Davidson and Cupola works
have also joined.
W.T.Lewis is expected to visit the region
this week to assist in organizing. The new
scale is regarded favorably by the men and
they seem determined to enforce it.
Twentj-FIvo Bright Bland Dollars Passed
on a Single Cashier.
Counterfeit silver dollars are getting
alarmingly plentiful, no less than 25 of them
being passed on one Northside street car
line in one day within a week. It is said
that many of 'them are put under powerful
machinery, which makes the milling almo.it
perfect, and they nre electro-plated, so that
they feel and ring so nearly like the genuine
coin as to be difficult to detect, except by
This counterfeiter received change for his
spurious coin on the Manchester, Bebecca
street, Troy Hill, Pleasant Valley and
Transverse lines. His plan was to jump on
the front end of a car and casually remark
to the driver that he only intended to ride a
short distance, when the driver would
promptly ring the bell to call the attention
of the conductor. The latter would come
forward and the stranger would invariably
hand him a silver dollar of 1885. getting 94
or 93 cents change. Ho worked on the Man
chester, Pleasant Valley and Transverse
If you are not a judge, be very careful in
the acceptance of what purports to be the
bright buzzard dollar.
Employes of the Manchester Line Give Mr.
Attvell a Watch.
The employes of the Manchester Street
Car Line presented Mr. Charles Atwell
President, with a fine gold watcb yesterday,
as a mark of their appreciationjof his kind
ness to them in view of his coming retire
ment. The presentation took place in the
Beaver avenue office, and Superintendent
Cotten made a neat little speech.
Mr. Atwell responded, and said he was
glad to know that he would retire with the
good will of his employes. He has been
connected with the road as President for five
The watch is handsome and valuable, and
bears Mr. Atwell's monogram.
Mr. Atwell stated that he expected to
retire in a short time. He is getting old,
and is anxious to rest Some time aso the
controlling interest in tbe road was sold out
to younger men. Mr. Atwell said that
these crentlemen had not Vet decided
whether to build a cable or an Jdectric road.
but it would be one or the oth-. The horse
cars will be used for some time to come,
Nick Dale Straightens a Few
la His Estimates
In Nick Dale's estimate of "the profits of
Pittsbnrg manufacturers for the year 1888,
that appeared in The Dispatch, the fol
lowing errors, due to condensation and tran
scription, occurred:
Spang, Chalfant & Co. made in 232 days 13,400
tons of muck bars and finished 20.000 tons of
iron and steel pipes instead of 37,000 tons in the
aggregate at a profitof Sl.000,000. Byers;t Co. in
261 days made 13.600 tons of iron pipe and
bought about H.000 tons, instead of 18.000 tons
at a profit of 900,000. In addition the Pitts
burg Fonre and Iron Company, Wood's Kun,
made 11,200 tons of muck, which was turned
into as many tons of finished iron, at a profit of
115,000. The Frankstown mill turned out 3,780
tons of muck bars, made into pipe, at A profit
of 325,000.
An Annual Masonic Banquet.
The Auditing Committee of Lodge No. 45,
Free and Accepted Masons, gave their an
nual dinner at the Monongabela House.
There were 21 gentlemen present, and Mr.
H. D. W. English acted as Chairman and
Master of Ceremonies. Several ot the guests
brought out toasts, and altogether the party
spent a very enjoyable evening.
Didn't Wenr Good Clothes.
James Graham, who was arrested last
night while suffering with the tremens, at
tempted suicide in Central station by means
of a pair of trousers, then an undershirt, but
both gave way. He then tried his drawers,
bnt they went back on him, and an officer
kept bim company the balance of the night.
To Meet tho Operators.
A convention of District No. 4 of the
Miners' Progressive Union will be held in
this city about the first of next month. The
object is to elect delegates to the inter-State
Convention of Miner; and Operators to be
held in Indianapolis.
To Their Dear Teacher.
Marttie J. Hopkins was presented with a
handsomely bonnd book by her class in the
Welsh Presbyterian Sabbath school and
the Band of Hope on Second avenne. Miss
Louden of the Soho c
school made a pretty
presentation speech.
For Numerous Robberies.
Inspector Stevens, of the Sonthside dis
trict, yesterday made information against
Thpmas Carroll, William Haney and T.
Ammon, charging them with committing
numerous robberies in Brownstown lately.
Coal for New Orlcnns.
J. T. Fawcett went to Cincinnati last
night to start the Bonz down the river with
boats of coal. Mr. Pawcett said the
price of coal is away down, with no pros
pects of improving.
To Let for Business Purposes.
Parties who require a power service in
their business and who can see advantages
in being in the most central sitnation in tbe
city, should call and examine the rooms of
all sizes now ready for occupants in the new
Dispatch buildfng, 75,77 and 79Diamond
Besides being ready of access to custom
ers, tenants are supplied with every facility
for the rapid and successful transaction of
business. '
Elevator service, both passenger and
freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat
inc and elpctrie lighting free; besides.splen
did light and ventilation of the rooms are
among the attractive-features.
Econonomy, as well as other great ad
vantages, in renting here. Apply at Dis
patch, new building; Diamond "street.
Our January Sale.
A lady said "It's a perfect slaughter," as
she looked through the dress-goods "mark
downs," and the velvets, too. No ordinary
clearance sale this, tbe biggest kind of a
surplus stock here all to go now.
Jos. Hoene & Ca's '
Penn Avenue Stores.
Two Perm Avenue Cable Cars
Wrecked on Early Trial Trips.
Throwing the Gripman My Ahead and
Painfully Hurting Dim.
Two accidents of a thrilling nature oc
curred on the Citizens' Traction Eailway
yesterday. There was considerable danger,
but a great deal more fun, and the result of
both was that the entire line was pretty badly
demoralized the latter part of the day. As
yet only 15 cable carsare runninc, and their
trips are between Sixth street and the East
x.uu. ucatoi.vie xorKS 01 mo x.uu
they run between the horse cars; but on the
East Liberty division all horse cars have
been withdrawn, and the speed of the cable
there is greater than on the city division.
It was on the faster cable that both acci
dents happened. The grade from St. Mary's
Cemetery down to Thirty-third street is one
of the longest and steepest in the city. It
is a good mile, and in that dis
tance the grade amounts to about 250
feet. Between 3 and 4 6'clock P. ar. one
of the descending cars, No. 208, had reached
"the forks." The connection there made
with the city division carries the slot
through a series of windings. The grip
must be shifted to get through these. The
lever had suddenly gotten out of gear, and
to bis alarm the gripman found he could not
move the grip. The result was a violent
plnnge forward.
Both brakes were instantly locked, and so
suddenly did the car come to a standstill
that the gripman, Casper Miller, was shot
headlong out of the cab window, landing in
the gutter. Most of the passengers were
thrown on the floor. J. Gottschalk and
John Kelly fell against the glass in
front of the cab. The glass was broken and
they were badly cut about the face and
bands. Dr. Clark and Dr. Patterson at
tended them at the time, and in the evening
Dr. Clark looked alter them again. Uott
schalk was tbe most severely injured, but
the Doctor does not rezard the case of any
of them as seriouss The'gripman was badly
bruised, but was still at work last night
The damage to the car was such that the
engines in the power house had to be
stopped. That suspended travel on the
road for nearly two . hour?. The crowds
that waited were immense. In the mean
time scores of East End people, disgusted
by the lone wait in the city took the horse
cars and disembarking at the "forks ot the
road," waited there for the East End cars.
By 6:15" as many as 300, and most of them
women, had accumulated at this point
At 6-0 an eastbonnd car had ascended
the steep Penn avenue bill as far as Thirty
sixth street. The previous delay vhad pre
vented the crew from putting theheadlight
in front. That section of the street is very
dark, and a stone or some other 'obstruction
fastened securely in the slot could not be
seen by the two gripmen in the cab. When
the grip struck it there was a fearful grind
ing, and then the front end of
the car was upheaved with such
violence as to extinguish every light with
in. A tremendous tug forward, and with
something like a convulsion, the car took
another upheaval. This time the con
cussion broke several windows to pieces.
Then the grip broke off entirely,
and the car was just slipping
backward when the two men
in the cab put all their strength to the levers
which operate the brakes. They were suc
cessful, but had there been only one man in
the cab, the probabilities are that he could
not have locked the brakes tight enough
himself, and the car would have dashed
backward to the foot of the steep hill,
four squares, below. The car was crowded
almost to suffocat on, and & regular panic
ensued. No person was hurt, but that car,
too, is now laid np for repairs. Another
hour's delay resulted from the second acci
dent. The management-of the road say that such
accidents will be impossible when all tbe
cars nre started, and the tremendous crowds
now barrassing the few cars are distributed
on all. Too frequent stops just now bother
the gripmen.
A New Year.
With the new year try the new brand of
flour Rosalia manufactured by Whitmyre
& Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny
Valley Bailrbad, guaranteed to be the best
flour in the market.
401 Smlttifleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, S100.000. Surplus, 838,000.
Deposits of SI and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. ' its
The Carry School of Shorthand
And typewriting offers the best advantages
in Pittsburg for thorough practical instruc
tion in expert stenography. Day and
evening sessions. Winter term begins Jan
uary 2, 1889. D
Look Horc!
Crayon portraits and cabinets, all styles,
at lowest prices. Prompt delivery and
satisfaction guaranteed by Stanford & Co.,
63 Federal St., Allegheny. ThSuJl
ALL danger of drinking impure water is
avoided by adding 20 drops of Angostura
Leaving relics of Holiday shopping
Goods that have been handled or
lots broken through the several de
partments. ALL SOILED GOODS.
do them a favor. K
icE, Jas. hdr i cn::sB
zz ' Penn Ave. Stores:; JflBP
Offers extra values in Seal and -t - IZZZ .; JEHt
Plush Goods. -J'i "2 ' "SxR
HEBri-Bitoi EaBtnrr. -; .--'
605 AND 607 MARKET STREET. '' .4 '-ZrC' ' 'alsBi
- de-o-rrssu j-3-Tha ' ', - "JBHB
V. S. Attorney Allen Shows WJihb M&M
An importantreplieation, has beeafiled bT x
the United" States District Attorney Allen
in regard to the condemnation of Mononga
hela lock No. 7.
Mr. Allen fully covers the ground of hU , "
case and shows upon what basis bis argn- ,.
ment will be made in the tallowing words: ',
Fl;st-That the provisions of the act of Coa'
gress is constitutional and valid, and the right v
and power of the United States toregulats-f
commerce overthe Monongahela river was an
existing right at the time the ironongahd f
Navigation Company accepted their f ranchise,
and that they accepted the franchise to receive
tolls, subjeot to the rights of the United Statesl i
to assume control of the commerce andtoex
ercise. through the Legislature, this right.
Second That condemnation proceedings will ?l
not affect the -value o any property of the-
Monongahela Company other than lock No. 7,
and all statements to the contrary are denied. 4
. Third That a franchise is not conitnted in ,3e
the fifth amendment to the Constitution, whlrh j
provides for private property taken for publio'' 5
use ' ,.
Fnnrth Ttl!itinnf1amn,ri.- ........,t..Mnl .
not be a taking of private property forpubllo
use wumu toe meanic? oi ttie fifth mniv a
ment -
The Well-Known Press Agent's Mother at'
the Point of Death
Mrs. W. C. Connelly, Sr., wife of W. C
Connelly, Sr., a former well-known hotel
keeper, and mother of W. C. Connelly, Jr., '
the Associated Press Agent of this city, ii
lying at her home, corner Boss street and
Second avenue, ifi a dying condition.
Last night she was worse and the attend
ing physicians did not expect her to live
until morning. Mrs. Connelly is very
well-known about the city. Her brother is
Bev. John G. Brown of the Deal and
Dumb Institution at Wilkinsburg, and her
father was the prominent hotel-keeper of
Pittsburg during the early days
Mrs. Connelly is also' the mother of
Frank and Eugene Connelly of thf Ltadery
Bert Connelly connected with the postofEce,.
and P.obert Connelly of the Oil Exchange."
Penn Ave. Stores.
A GREAT many people must havo
seen tbe announcement of onr "Janu
ary sale;" the buyers are many and
eager. That SO-cent table filled np
again thousands of yards of tbese
marked down dress (roods sold already.
The fancy velvets are the greatest
bargains ever known. Come soon or
you won't see them.
- v ,
Black dress goods, too, a lot of very
nice goods, at very low prices.
At the sflltbargaln connter there was
a perfect jam many lookers, yet a
great many buyers just as we told you,
the best silks ever offered for so little
The new stock of ladles' muslin un
derwear as usual the assortment of
new styles is very large, and the nicest
made goods only, even if at 2Sc or 60c
each. Extreme, lace trimmed gar
ments as well as plainer styles
Embroideries all new for this season. -
From 5c a yard up to specially Use
goods. Edges in all widths matched
sets, skirtings, flouncing, French
bands, all overs in fact the largest
stock you will find is here close prices,
bargain lots, too, in these new goods.
See the dress trimming "mark downt1
braid gimps, galoons, bead ornaments
and galoons at half price now. Also out
entire stock of finest quality fur trim
mings at just half last week's prices.
in me cioas room come in we morn''
ing tbe bargains are plenty don't
wait, come at once. Children's cloaks
at very low prices.
i &j?
See the woolen and merino under
wear prices down, .away down, on all
these winter weights: some are shop
worn a little white and scarlet wool.
Tell your friends about this sale and tjjH
' .
. J 4
1 " " r V