Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 03, 1889, Image 1
SMALL JDVEBTISEMEIT w r For to-morrow's DISPATCH can be left at main office till midnight or at branch offices till 9P.M, PORTY-THIRD TEAS. EVICTED BY TROOPS, Irish Tenants Fight Gallantly and Desperately in Defense of Hearth -and Home. SOLDIERS ORDERED TO FIRE. A Priest Interposes and the Garrison Quietly Surrenders. DUEE AKD DUCHESS KISS AND MAKE UP. Iriih Evictions on the Olplicrt Estates Peasant Break Down Bridges A Des perate Resistance The Troops Unwill ing to Fire Tho Defenders Taken to Prison A LoTcrs' Qnnrrel Itetvreen tlie Duke and Duchess of Marlboroneh Set tled Gladstone Denies That lie Sng sested Arbitration on theTo.ca Position Large Secessions Trom tho Liberal Club. Irish troops and constabulary have again commenced eviction proceedings. Patrick O'Donncll, a blacksmith at Falcarragh, de fended his home gallantly, bnt -was finally forced to surrender. The Duke and Duchess fit Marlborough have kissed and made up and now coo to each other as sweetly as doves. Gladstone is in trouble over his suggestion to submit the Pope's position to international arbitration, and at the same time large secessions are taking place in the Liberal Club. The other foreign news is especially interesting. fBV CABLE TO THE DISFATCH.1 London, Januarys. Copyright. The eviction campaign on the Olphert estates in Falcarragh county, Donegal, commenced this afternoon. Operations had been de layed by the action of the peasants in breaking down the bridges and in other ways impeding the march of the troops and police, 20 strong.forming the evicting army. The poor fellows worked hard and 2eal ously, but the resources of the crowd finally failed and the forces reached the doomed district exasperated by the delays and the hardships and only too ready to take ven geance on the people. They did not do much harm to-day,butit is doubtful whether the work will be completed without blood shed. An attack was made to-day on the house of Patrick O'Donncll, blacksmith. Patrick kept the evictors so busy all day that the evictors were unable to move against any of the other tenants. The house had been prepared in the most ingenious fashion for a defense. A Gallant Defense. The doorways and lower windows had been built up and loopholes made on their sides. The ga rison, consisting often sturdy peasants, was provided with provisions for a week and with heaps of stones, pitchforks and similar weapons. A big crowd of peasants had assembled to see the fun, and among the spectators were Fathers McFad den and Stephens, both of whom have re cently suffered imprisonment for the cause. Amid a roar ofrdefiance from the specta tors and garrison the bailifis and police commenced operations. The toldiers and part of the police surrounding the house, with fixed bayonets, then attempted to make a hole in the gable, bnt the be siegers were soon beaten back, many with broken heads, and for fully an hour the de fenders kept up the fierce fnsilade of stones, slates and other missiles, the spectators all the while cheering frantically. The Police Repulsed. The police and bailiffs returned the vol leys ot stones, and some of the former more than once were prevented from firing their rifles only by the orders of the magis trates. The bailifis resorted to various ex pedients to escape the fnsilade. A cart was pushed against the house, but was quickly rendered untenable, and shields were improvised out of mattresses nailed to poles. At length the magistrate ordered the police to take the house by assault. Sergeant McComb gallantly led the for lorn hope and mounted a ladder leading to a front window. He was thrust back with pitchforks, received some wounds in the face and legs and was finally dashed to the ground bra well directed stone. This was too much for the magistrate. The sacred blood of a policeman had been shed. The riot act was read in a twinkle and the troops ordered to fire. An Honorable Surrender. The soldiers did not relish the order. Many of them had with difficulty repressed thePlnclination to cheer the gallant Utile band, "lighting for hearths and home. They therefore loaded very slowly and the pause was taken advantage of by Father Stephens to advise the defenders that, hav ing vindicated their manhood and given the greatest amount of trouble to the evic tors, they mignt now very well yield to a superior force. The priest's advice was taken without question and Patrick O'Don nell and his friends descended by means of a ladder and surrendered themselves amid the enthusiastic cheers of the onlookers. They will, of course, be sent to prison, but they have the comfort of knowing that if the evictions proceed as to-day, at rate of one daily, it will take months to com plete their work, and long before then public-opinion in England will compel the Government to withdraw the forces of the Crown from assisting in the scandalous work of collecting impossible rents for un just and tyrannical landlords. GLADSTONE'S "WELCOME To Naples Most Enthusiastic, nndllisScr. rices Recognized. Naples, January 2. A reception was given to Mr. Gladstone at the Municipal Palace to-day. All the members of the Council were present to greet the great English statesman, who, upon his ar rival at the Palace, was received with milU tary honors. The syndic, on behalf of the city, welcomed Mr. Gladstone and thanked him for his past services to Italy and cs- peciallyto Naples. Mr. Gladstone, who was deeply moved, made a brief response. His remarks were enthusiastically applauded. ? ' m Jtf-v. V 4 &" f- KISS AffD MAKE UP. The Duko and Duchess of Marlborough bet tie Their Quarrel His Grace Not a Skinflint War With tho Rector A f Yankee Reporter Causes Trouble. 'BT CABLE TO THE PISFATC1I.1 Losdox, January 2. (Copyright) A month or so ago there was a squabble be tween the Duke and Duchess of Marl borough, caused by a visit from Lady Colin Campbell, but it was nothing more serious than a lover's quarrel. The Duchess thought the Duke was a trifle too attentive to his fair visitor, and Her Grace became jealous, and sulked in orthodox fashion. The behavior of the Dukeand Lady Colin was quite proper and above board. Lady Fannie Majoribanks, the Duke's married sister, and the only one of the family whom he respects or fears, went down to Blenheim, and there was no difficulty in effecting a re conciliation. The Duchess simultaneously recovered her usual health. She does not look very robust now, bnt she drives about "Woodstock buying things, and was at the grand ball last week. The town people like her, and they say the Duke has become quite an attentive husband. Blenheim Palace is just now full of the noble members and connections of the great Marlborough family. There is lots of fun going on, shooting parties every day and frequent balls and other gayeties. It must not be supposed that the Duke is at all un popular in the district. The trades people don't worrv about his morals, for he has spent very large sums of money among them in modernizing Blenheim. It is estimated that each tradesman has made 500 out of the Duke within the past 12 months. It is still war to the knife between the Rector of Woodstock and the Duke. The Rector, from his drawing room window, has a fine view of Blenheim park, the entrance to which is only a few feet away. The Duke swears that the reverend gentleman shall not enjoy the prospect longer than can be helped, and His Grace has just arranged to make a plantation of tall fir trees right up against the parson's window. When these have grown to a fair size, not only will the . Rector's view be stopped, but his drawing room will have to be lighted artificially at all times of the day. The Mayor of Woodstock complains of the conduct of an American reporter who interviewed him some weeks ago, and, in print, put into his worship's mouth words he never uttered. The Duke read the re port indignantly, remonstrated with the Mayor, declined to listen to his explanations and has ceased to invite him to tne ducal shooting parties. The Mayor would like the reporter to call upon him again. GLADSTONE AND THE POPE. Tho Former's Denies TbatHe Suggested In ternational Arbitration. London, January 2. Mr. Gladstone's telegram disclaiming the accuracy of the translation of his letter suggesting that the position of the Pope be made the subject of international arbitration has led to cor respondence on the subject, which will ap pear in the Tablet to-morrow. Mr. Cox, the editor of the Tablet, says that the letter from Mr. Gladstone clearly refers to the present position of the Pope, and he places side by side Mr. Gladstone's letter in Italian, and the translation in English, proving the accuracy of the translation which Mr. Gladstone declared untrust worthy. Mr. Gladstone's words in writing to the'Marquis De Biso are as follows: "1 consider the question of the Pope's posl sition of such Importance as to merit the in tervention of an international arbitration. I boast that I was the promoter of the Interna tional arbitration in connection with the Ala bama question. By such a method it would) be possible to unlock the difficulty relating to the Vatican." - ( . 1 The Pall Hall Gazette npuolds the accu racy of the translation, and asks Mr Glad stone to explain what he means if he does not mean international, arbitration on the Pope's position. AN INTERVIEW WITH GLADSTONE. Be Speaks of the Home Leaders Ttcing Protestants nnd Will Visit tho Pope. Eojie, January 2. The Btforma pub lishes an interview with 3Ir. Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone repudiated the idea that Ire laud under home rule would become a mere papal instrument. In support of his belief Mr. Gladstone instanced the fact that the Irish had chosen Protestants as their politi cal leaders, beginning with Mr. Parnell. In regard to the Papal question his views had not changed. He considered the pos session of temporal power by the Pope as in compatible with the unity and liberty of Italy. But the person of the Pope was very near his heait, and he desired to see him snrrounded with all the respect which pres tige guarantees for his authority. In pass ing through Borne he should call at the Vatican, simply as an act of politeness, and with no other intention.' OSMAN DIGNA SCARED. He Attempts (o Send His Women to a Flnce of Safety, But Fails. Suakim, January 2. A parade was held here to-day by the Egyptian officers who had been especially commended by the Khe dive for the bravery displayed by them in the recent battle. General Grenfell made an address and afterward presented the men with gratuities. The General will soon re turn to Cairo. A deserter from the rebels says that Osman Digna tried to send the members of his harem to Suakim, apparently fearing trouble with the dervishes, and that Arab scouts stopped the women and sent them back to Handoub. The dervishes, the deserter says, have become suspicions. SrLIT IX TflE LIBERAL CLUB. Many members Dislike the One-Man Idea and Leave the Organization. London, January 2. The National Liberal Club, at a meeting to-night, elected 215 town members and 114 couniry mem bers. Six hundred and seventy-five mem bers have resigned from the club. At the meeting to-night several Liberal speakers warned the Gladstomans that unless the club became a real Liberal organization in stead of being associated with the name of a single leader, its influence would be lost. The Gladstonians say that notwithstand ing the large number of secessions from the club the new subscriptions amount to 12,500. Dlnrdcred for Renting a Farm. Dublin, January 2. A farmer named Brown, who had taken a farm from which the tenants had been evicted, became in volved in a dispute with four men concern ing his occupancy of the farm, and was set upon by them and brutally murdered. The killing" took place on tne highway near Ballinasloe. The police have made one arrest. England Will Object. Constantinople, January 2. The Porte has ordered the sale of the Haidar Pasha Ismid Bailroad to German specula tors, although the British and other Euro pean builders of the line are still unpaid. It is expected that the English Government will protest against the sale. Another Corner Collapsed. London, January 2. The Gironiclc't Vienna correspondent says: The Hungarian maize ring syndicate has collapsed, having lost 3,000,000 florins. Maize can be bought for half what the syndicate paid. ffo SHE PEEPERS DEATH. A Murdcrcss'Wlio Would Sooner bo Hanged Than Declared Insane She Fats a Temporary Stop to Conn Proceedings A Legal Sensation. rSFECIAL TSLEGBA1I TO TUB DISPATCH.! Philadelphia, January 2. Mrs. Har riet Burrow, who is charged with the mur der of her husband, William Burrow, by disemboweling him -with a razor in August last, prefers the gallows to the insane asylum. She claims that she is not insane and has revoked the authority of Mrs. Car rie B. Kilgore, the only woman lawyer practicing at the Philadelphia bar, to act as her attorney, on the ground that she would present no defense except the plea of in sanity. The case was fixed for trial in the new Court House to-day, and Mrs. Burrow was brought up from the county prison and civen a seat in front of the dock. Mrs. Kilcore then stated to the Court that she had been engaged as counsel to defend the woman, and had subpoenaed witnesses and made every preparation for trial, bnt that on Friday last her authority to act in that capacity was revoked. She had nothing more to do but state the fact to the Court, as the prisoner had no counsel it became necessary for someone to move for a con tinuance, and Assistant District Attor ney Kinsey requested Mrs. Kilgore to do so, The woman lawyer consulted, with the prisoner for a few moments and made the application for a postponementuntil further notice, which was granted by Judge Fell. Mrs. Kilgore explained that the revokine of her authority was because she had de termined to urge the plea of insanity and the prisoner preferred death to acquittal on the ground of insanity. SENATOR PALMER'S SUCCESSOR. James McMillan, of Detroit, Mich., Re cclves the Republican Nomination. rBPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCIM Lansing, Mich., January 2. The Michigan Legislature convened to-day, and this evening a Bepublican caucus was held for the purpose of nominating a successor to T. W. Palmer, who declines to be a candi date for re-election to the United States Senate. The man who was nomi nated by acclamation is James McMillan, like Mr. Palmer, a citizen of Detroit. He is one of the wealthiest men in the State, and for many years past has been on the top wave of popularity with all classes of 'Wol verine citizens. Mr. McMillan has never before held a public office, although he has been one of the prominent members of the Bepublican party in Michigan for years. He has given liberally ot his time and money to frequent campaigns, and as Chair man of the State Central Committee he has placed the party under deep obligations to him. ' Mr. McMillan is a Scotchman, his parents having come to Cauada in 1834. The future Senator was born in Hamilton, Out., and received a common school educatiou and a partial college preparation there, removing when a young man to Detroit. After a short term of service in the hardware busi ness, he became the purchasing agent of the Detroit. Grand Haven and Milwaukee Bail road. In 1863 he was the leading spirit in the organization of the Michigan Car Com pany. Out ot this grew the Detroit Car Wheel Company; the Baugh Steam Forge Company, and the Detroit Iron Furnace Company. Sir. McMillan is now President of all these companies, and the largest owner iU CltU Ul UJ JJ. f A QUESTION OP DATES. Snprcuie Jnjges of Indlnna, Will Not Take Wir Seats Until Monday. It TZClA TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! Indianapolis, January 2. Indiana's newly-elected Supreme Court Judges are confronted in the beginning of their judi cial supremacy with a little matter of doubtful law of personal concern to them. When their commissions were prepared by Secretary of State Griffin, January 1 was made the date for the beginning of the offi cial terms, but Governor Grav refused to sign them because they were not in accord ance with the law as he construed it He directed that the commission should be changed so as to make the term begin on the first Monday in January. The Judges, whose terms are about to ex pire, were given commissions dating from January 1, which was the first Monday of the month, and as this would give them seven days over six years, if their successors should nof enter upon their duties until next Monday, it seemed that there was something wrong. The Judges are confident that the statute is unconstitutional, but as they dislike to make trouble over itfor the purpose of en tering upon their official duties i few days before the Governor is willing that they should, they have accepted their commis sions in the changed form, hut they quali fied for office to-day. AN INSANE MfJUDERER Refuses to Eat While Confined in a Criminal Lunatic Asylum. IEPECIAL TZLranAM TO THE DISPATCII.1 Aubtjen, N. Y., January 2. "William L. Palmer, who has been an inmate of the Criminal Insane Asylum, of this city, for about eight years, was released to-day and taken.to a private insane asylum at Middle town, IT. Y. About eight years ago he shot a police officer in the Metropolitan Hotel, Kew York City, while the officer was trying to arrest him. He had been subject to in sanity, and on this occasion was taken with one of bis spells, and became so violent that his arrest was ordered. As the officer entered his room Palmer shot him dead. It is understood that he has high social connections in the metropolis. Two broth ers, Charles P. and A. D. Williams.of New York, intimate friends of Palmer, came to this city with orders for his release from the courts, and he was taken away on a "special palace car. Palmer's only food for two years was what has been forced down his throat through a tube. He said that if he could be taken to a private asylum he would eat. The asylum officials refused to talk on the subject when interviewed. "WHEEL FACTORY HORNED. A Midnight Fire Does Extensive Damage at the Queen City. Cincinnati, January 2. The factory of the Eoyer Wheel Company, manufacturers of carriages and wagon wheels, took fire at midnight and called out the entira fire de partment. The factory is an old established concern, and its stock, 'material and ma chinery are worth 5200,000. The fire now seems to be under control, but the damage and loss will foot up not less than $100,000 to $120,000. One man was prostrated by the heat. The factory is well insured in famous companies. A LACROSSE CRASH. A Contractor Polling Up n Government Building Goes to the Wall. Laceosse, Wis, January 2. B. L. Rey nolds, the largest contractor in this city, assigned to-day to S. B. Oatman. His lia bilities are believed to be from 530,000 tp $35,000, while the assets are only about half that amount. He is the contractor on the Government buildjng costing 100,000. The sub-contractors on this are behind (15,000. The Government is amply protected, as the estimates have not been overdrawn. 1 YTTiS ittiTlY - WlTM'MStTi ii "T" " Of the Sunday isauatWlS- ?! JLP E.E-1-T.P 1 I Mm. HI 3HP E,XpA.11JE,M. Ml .. PATCH for Noverr, s over ,"M Q ? V&AQ rgr.tfrVV''J 45)000 copies for ei -j i Vo 'fx- , t flH PITTSBURG, HOFS.THISMRGALl Tho Bones of Christopher Colnmbns Bid for by an American Consul, FOE EXHIBITION IN THIS COUNTRY. The Dominican. Government to Get 50 Per Cent of the Receipts. THE OFFER INDIGNANTLY REFUSED. The Scandal EesnlU In ths Summary Kemoral of Consnl Astwood. The' cheekiest man on earth has been dis covered. Consul Astwood, the United States representative to San Domingo, made a proposition to the anthorities there for a four years lease of the bones, of Christopher Columbus for museum purposes. He made a flattering offer to the Dominican authori ties, which was at once refused, and he was soon after recalled .to "Washington. If the great discoverer has anything to regret it must be that he did not discover Astwood.. tErECIAl, TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.1 ' New York, January 2. The American public occasionally gets news of the doings of its own Government by very roundabout ways. This time the information comes from San Domingo. It is a month since the news was received there. It gets here by the steamer George "W. Clyde, and is to the effect that H. C. Astwood, Consul General at San Domingo, has -been removed. Ho cause for the removal is mentioned in the Government reports to the representative of San Domingo in this city. The trouble, however, lay inran exploit of Consul Ast wood some months ago. A man named H. M. Linell arrived in San Domingo and made inquiries about the burial place of Christopher Columbus. He introduced himself to the prominent people of the Bepnblic as a man of wealth, and represented that his interest in the remains of the immortal discoverer of this continent was purely historical. He made himself solid with Consul Astwood, and finally pro posed a scheme to the Consul which resulted in the sending of this letter: A MODEST PROPOSITION. To Scnor Flguero, Minister of the Interior In San Domingo: Youe Excellency Mr. H. M. Linell, a citizen of the United Stites of America, has requested me, in my capacity as United States Consul, to ask the Dominican Government whether the bones of the Immortal Christopher Columbus, tho discoverer of America, and a permit for the exhibition of them could be ob tained from the Government. The interest which the people in America take in their history is so intense that the pres ence of Columbus' remains in tho larger cities would create enough curiosity to swell the re ceipts of the treasury of the Dominion Repub lic to a degree unprecedented in its history. Mr. Linell begs to submit the following offer: He guarantees to defray all the expenses, for the transportation of the bones, a guard' of eight soldiers, and four priests. He guarantees to defray all the expenses which should arise during the tour of these persons in the United States, and also their sal aries. He guarantees to remit 60 per cent of the net receipts to the Dominican Government in quarterly payments land guarantees tbatUuy afould not amount to less than $200,000 a year. He guarantees the safe return of the bones after a time of not less than four years. Mr. Xlnell desires that the chnrch and Gov ernment authorities state publicly that these are the genuine bones of Columbus, and that exhibition of them shall be permitted for this trip only. ' J In submitting this offer to Yonr Excellency I want to direct Your Excellency's attention to the importance of this offer and its urgency. Yours respectfully. H. C. Astwood, United States Consul. A NATIONAL SCANDAL. Senor Figuero couiteously declined the proposition. It was done in"the formal lan guage of diplomacy and conveyed no re proach. The Dominican public and news papers were not so considerate. They de clared that the proposition to make the bones of Columbus a public exhibition for private gain was disgraceful. If made by private persons it might be overlpoked, but Mhen presented officially by the representa tive of a Government of a country like the United States, it was outrageous. Press and public called for the removalof Consul Ast wood, and in no mild language either. It was openly declared that the position of the United States was a public scandal. The news of the removal of Consul Ast wood by the "Washington anthorities is re garded by Dominican authorities here as the result of this affair. It is regarded favor ably, too, and in fact, is the only action that the American Government conld take. RAILROAD STATISTICS. A Falling Off in Freight) but nn Increase In Passengers to Indianapolis. ' I SPECIAL TELEOBAJI TO TUX DIS1UTCH.3 Indianapolis, January 2. The busi ness transacted by the 15 Indianapolis rail roads in 1888, as given by official statements, shows a marked falling off in through traf fic. A total of 818,873 loaded cars were handled, as compared with 874,812 in 1887, a decrease of 55,939. The total movement, including empty cars, is put at 1,057,853. Local traffic averaged about the same as in the past two or three years. The Belt road, which encircles the city, transferred to other lines 600,130 cars against 588,830 in 1887, and delivered to manufac tories on'its numerous switches 58,818 cars. Its engines handled 40,110 carloads of live stock against 47,438 in 1887, showing a marked decadence in business at the stock yards. IheVnost notabte feature about 'the rail road exhibit is the increase in passenger traffic. In 1888 40,890 trains arrived at the station, brineing in 309,410 coaches, while In 1887 the number, of trains arriving was 39,598, with 296,433 coaches. The numerous pilgrims to -the shrine of Harrison during the campaign is attributed as cause oi the latter exhibit. . HE WAS 10 HATE LECTURED. A Minister Fails to Appenr nt His Chnrch and Is Found Dcnd. rSFECIAL TELEfiBAJf TO THE DISPATCn. J Wheeling, January 2. Eev. Dr. H. H. Morrell, rector of St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church was found in his room on Tenth street, at 9 o'clock this evening dead. The cause was evidently apoplexy. He was to have lectured in his church to-night but failed to appear. Members of the congregation went to his room and found his body. He was 60 years old, and came here three months ago from Owenboro, Ky. An Army of Offlclnl Deadheads. SPECIAL TX1XOUAM"TO THE DISl'ATCU.l Lansing, Mich., January 2. The Common Council has adopted a resolution ordering theatrical companies visiting ihe oity to furnish every city official, from jnayor to scavenger, a tree pass. i THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1889. - TH p GENTS;- r- ; i ' i .&"& .... m IN A DEATH TEAP. Smallpox In a Prison Convicts Who Should be Free Quarantined A Revolt Threatened-No Officers to Kulo tho Angry Mob. ISrxCJAL TXLZGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Sybacuse, January 2. Onondago Coun ty Penitentiary is under quarantine on ac count of the smallpox, which broke out in the prison ten days ago. For a week past all prisoners whose terms have expired have been detained under the health regulations, least they communicate the disease to the outside world. The institution is also with out a head, because the Superintendent, whose term expired with December 31, made haste to'leave the place as soon as his offi cial term ended. The newly-appointed Su perintendent, Wallace A. Noble, or this city, and his deputy, refuse to euteron a performance of their duties if they are to be made prisoners as well as the .criminals. The penitentiary is therefore in charge of the'kecpers, who are not cer anxious to re main under the circumstances, and are said to be exceedingly lax in discipline. The prisoners detained over their terms have threatened to revolt unless released from the pexilv which they say their keep ing throws in their way. The police have been ordered to hold themselves in readi ness to assist the penitentiary keepers in case of an outbreak. As there is no work in the penitentiary, the contract in the bolt shop being suspended because the instruc tors will not exposcthemtelves, the prison ers have opportunities to mingle in the cor ridors for exercise, and it is seriously feared a plot may be hatched for jail delivery. The mortal dread ot the keepers and the absence of a superintendent are evidently being considered by the detained prisoners as offering a favorable opportunity. A "W0MAFS TV0EK. The Murderer's Wife Planned tho Killing of Anton Schilling An Interesting Sc an cl to tho Fnlrmonnt Park Mystery The Daugh ter's Confession. rSrECIAL TELEOUAM TO THE DISPATCH. Philadelphia, January 2. Susan Schoop, the daughter of the murderer of Anton Schilling, was brought face to face with her father at the Central police station to-day, and made an affidavit to Magistrate Pole in which she implicates her stepmother as an accessory to the crime. Tne substance of her statement is that she was brought to this, country by her father with Anton Schilling's money, and that after arriving here her stepmother told her it had been planned previous to her arrival that she should marry Schilling to get his money. This she refused to do. She was then ordered to put poison in Schilling's soup, which, she made believe to do. The stepmother thought it queer that the dose was having no effect, and made her father procure laudanum and give a dose of it to the intended victim in his coffee. That night a rope was .procured, and it was arranged to tie it around Schilling's neck, strangle him, then hang him to the fence in the back yard, and declare he had committed suieide. Theycould not do this, owing to Schilling's remaining awake all night from the effect of the drug. Mrs. Schoop begged her hus band during the night to knock him on the head, saying: "God has sent us theman,and we must have hbj gold." After that the girl left the house and1 went to work outside. On Friday, December 28. she returned to her father's house and asked where Schilling was. Her stepmother told her that he had gone to the country, andsho was glad of it. jrhe girl's affidavit was read UlherfatLer, .and when, iiwsfi finlh;; he" admitted that if it had nofbeen for his irife Schilling would be alive to-day. PAUL BADER DEAD. The Well-Known Coney Island llotelltceper Dies In a Lunatic Asylum of Paresis. ISFECIAL TELIORAM TO THE DISPATCII.1 New Yoek, January 2. Paul Bauer, the well-known Coney Island hotelkeeper, died this morning of paresis in Blooming dale Asylum, aged 42. He showed evi dences of mental derangement nearly a year ago, but it was not until June that he was sent to the asylum, and Supervisor John Y. McKane, who had for some time been acting as his agent with a power of attorney, appointed to look after his property. He labored under the delusion that he was ten times a millionaire, and used to draw checks for great sums of mOney. He became a complete physical as well as mentral wreck, and during his stay jn Bloomingdale wasted almost to a shadow. He was born in Bavaria, and came to this country when a boy. At first he was a waiter. Twenty years ago he became the proprietor of a concert hall in the Bowery, in which he made a great deal of money. Ten veais aro he established the Atlnntii. Garden on Coney Island, which is now known as the "West Brighton Beach Hotel. He was sent to the penitentiary once for violating the excise law, but only stayed a short time. THE STATUE OP GEN. CASS Pronounced to be a Striking LU.oncss Did Ho Chew? rSFECIil. TELEQKAM TO THE DISPATOT.J "Washington, January 2. Senators Sherman and Morrill, who were cotempo raries of Lewis Cass, visited Statuary Hall wih Senator Palmer to-day to examine French's statue of the Michigan statesman which has just been placed tiiere. They were much pleased with it as a work of art and as giving a striking likeness of Cass as he was when in public life. A noticeable point in the face of the subject is a protuberance ot the lower lip, liich it hai been stated by the artist and others, was caused by theconstautuse ofa quid of tobacco between the "teeth and the lip. The three Senators denied emphatically to-day that General Cass ever used tobacco, but admit that he was in the habit of keeping a bit of paper'or other articles in his month con stantly. That he was a tobacco chewer, however, they do not believe. The statue will not be formally presented to Congress for some days. It is said that the second citizen to be honored by Michigan with a place in Statuary Hall is the late Zathariah Chandler. G0FFS ELECTION CONTESrED, Judffo Fleming Claims Ihe Gubernatorial Chair of West Virginia. ISFECIAL TILEGBAlt TO THE DISPATCH. : Wheeling, January 2. General Goff, Governor-elect of, West Virginia, was to day served with formal notice of the contest of his election before the Legislature by Judge A. B. Fleming, his Democratic opponent. THE STRIKE SETTLED. Lake Erie and Western Yard Men Return to Work. IBPECIAI, TZUOSiil TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Lima, January 2. The strike on the Lake Erie and Western road was settled this morning by a compromise. The men went to work at once and trains are running to-day as usual. McCarthy, the yardmaster, was reinstated. Wonder What They Said. London, January 2. The Lord Mayor of London, and the Mayor of New York, have exchanged greetings by phonograph. DELAMATER HAPPY. He is Complimented by Col. Quay on the Kesnlt of His Labors. SElxATOBIAL ELECTION CONTEST. Constitutional Prohibition to he Toted Upon in May or June Next. A BILL TO DISCOURAGE INFANTICIDE. Chairman Eisner, of the Democratic Committee, Tre parin; for Business. The Legislature got down to business yes terday. They .were soon tired and took a recess until Wednesday. The inter-municipal bill was putonitspassage. Tbeconstitn tional prohibition is to be pushed through, in order that a popular vote may be taken this spring.withont being complicated with other political questions. ISrSCIAL TELIORAM TO TOE DISPATCH. 1 HARitlSBtrno, January 2. There is no happier man in the State than Senator Del amater. His harmonious organization of the Legislature, as the instrument of Colonel Quay, and the receipt of a congratulatory dispatch from the magnetic Bepublican leader, are the causes of his exuberance, although ho was kept well advised by Colonel Quay by telegraph as to what he in the main wanted. Senator Delamater en tered upon the work assigned him with some misgivings, as the arrangement of the leg isitive offices was new to him. He suc ceeded better than he had any reason to -expect, and has reason for the satisfaction which animates him. The sessions of the Senate and House to day were devoid ot interest, and the attend ance of visitors was very meager in com parison with that attracted at the opening of the Legislature. The members of both Houses were anxious to return to their homes, and the Senators began their work an hour earlier than usual at this stage of the session to enable those who live in Phila delphia and points east pn the Pennsylvania Bailroad to take the first train. At the conclusion of the day's business a recess was taken until Wednesday next. THE INTEE-MDNICIPAL DILL. The first bill introduced was that pre pared by the Inter-Municipal Convention for the government of cities of the third class, followed by one dividing cities into three classes; providing that cities contain ing over 600,000 (Philadelphia) shall be in the first class, cities containing over 100,000 in the second class (Pittsburg and Alle gheny), and all other cities in the third class. This legislation was also framed by the Inter-Municipal Convention. Both these measures will be pressed to early pass age because of the necessity of their enact ment into laws on account of the decision of the Supretue Court declaring the municipal act of 1887 unconstitutional, and the near approach of the municipal elections. The first Committee oni Elections ap pointed in the Senate since tie adoption of the new constitution, was created to-day by President pro tern Grady. COST THE STATE TWO 3, iLABIES. Its selection was made nei essarv by the contest which jex-Senator O, wurns has In- auguratcd to--oust Secatcr Di ylm Jrom'his seat. The commutee, of tiich Senator !!tTii.i ,a Jlhnlmw.n .vA.faB 4. ha.m ..a work next Monday. The contest promises to be protracted, and will probably cost the State at least two salaries. Eev. Thomas "Everett, Private Secretary to Governor Pattison, opened the session of the Senate to-day with an eloquent prayer. The Doctor was formerly a member of "the Methodist Conference, but is now pastor of a Lutheran church in this city. He claims never to have changed his politics, which he declares is Bepublican. Bev. B. J. Keeling, who is mentioned in connection with the chaplaincy of the Sen ate "with Dr. Everett, a former Democrat, is said to have voted the Bepublican ticket at the last election. The appointment will be made next week, and Everett is believed to to have the better show of getting it. HE STARTS EARLY. Chairman Eisner, of the Democratic Stato Committee, Preparing for Business ISFECIAL TELEQBAJI TO TIIE DI8FATCU.1 Haeeisbueg, January 2. Chairman Kisner, of the Democratic Sfete Committee, arrived in this city to-night, and will have his headquarters here until next campaign opens in earnest. He has rented two com modious rooms on Market street, where he expects to exchange views not only with Democratic members of the Legislature, but representatives of the party from all parts of the State, as to the most effective manner of conducting the campaign in their counties. Mr. Kis ner sav3 tho organization of the party is in a condition to take advantage of any oppor tunity that may present itself to defeat the opposition. Major Worman, of Philadelphia, accom panied Kisner to this city. To-morrow they will be reinforced by Chauncey Black, President of the National League of Demo cratic Clubs, who proposes to judiciously distribute Democratic literature from Kis ner's headquarters and to continue in the work of organizing Democratic associations. DISCOURAGING INFANTICIDE. Fhiladelphians Want the Imnrnneo of Children' Lives Prohibited. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Habeisbuijg, January . 2. Governor Beaver has received a memorial, signed by a number of prominent citizens of Phila delphia, urging him to recommend to the Legislature the passage of an act prohibit ing the insurance of the Ihes of persons under 1G years of age, because iencourages the murder of children by vicious parents. In the memorial reference is made to the killing by a woman in Philadelphia of her two children, upon "whose lives she had an insurance, and to the fact that this species of insurance has led to many murders in England. An act was introduced in the Legislature several years ago to prohibit this kind of insurance, but it failed to become a law. The Governor will probably call the atten tion of the Legislature to the snbjpct if such action should be deemed necessary to have it considered. - To Exempt Bencflceneo From Taxation. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCII.1 Haeeisbueg, January 2. Senator Smith has charge of a bill which he savs is mainly intended to exempt colleges from municipal taxation. He refers to a citizen of this State who donated $1,000,000 to au educational institution and is obliged to pay taxes on it, notwithstanding" munifi cence. Gns Inspector Bainscy All Itlgbf. tSFEClAX. TELEQItAM TO TUB DISPATCH. Habbisbukcv January 2. In the Senate to-day, on motion" ot Mr. Newmeyer, the nominatioirof "William M. Bamsey as Gas Inspector of Allegheny county was confirmed. A CONTESTEDJODGESHir. A aQYEKW (jOKE I A Seat on tho Bench or tycomlng; County Has Two Claimants. tSFECIAL TTXXOnAM TO T1IB DISrATCTI. J HABKiSBtfEG, January 2. Argument wasiad before Attorney General Kirkpat rick to-day as to the duty ot the Governor relative to the issuing ofa commission to Judge Metzger, Democrat, whose election is contested by his competitor, Mr. Bentley, who claims to have been legally choien Judge of the Lycoming county last No vember. The Attorney General has not felt like advising the Governor as to his duty in the matter, and invited the counsel of both sides to present their views before him in the hope of obtaining new light to guide him in his recommendation to the executive. Judge Metzger was renresented by ex-Senators Al len and Hart and H. C. Parsons, and the contestants by Judge Samuel Linu and H. C. McCormlck, member of Congress from the Lycoming district. Counsel for Judge Metzger held that the duty of the Governor was simply ministerial, and as their client obtained a majority of the votes cast for Judge he was -entitled to be commissioned. The attorneys for Bentley contend that the commission should not issue while the election was nndcr investi gation, and that the position should be de clared vacant until a decision was reached. The Attorney General' promised to inform the Governor as early as possible of his views on the subject presented. About two thirds of the lawyers of Williamsport have filed a paper with tho Governor asking him tp commission Judge Metzger. TO DRINK OR NOT TO DRINK? The Question of Prohibition to bo Snbmitted ' to tho People This Spriujr. ISFECIAL T3LIGBAJI TO THE DISPATCH.! Haeeisbueg, January 2. The Prohibi tionists in the Legislature are delighted with the request of Governor Beaver that the prohibitory amendment be passed early in order to have it snbmitted to the people in May or June. It is their opinion that if disconnected with politics, the measure would stand a much better chance of suc cess than if voted on at the November elections, when the politicians would lug it into the campaign. There will soon be an avalanche of petitions in the Legislature demanding the early submission of the amendment, and as the Governor and Speaker Boyer have urged prompt on the question, the wishes of the action e signers will no doubt be fulfilled. As to the passage.of the amendment by the people, the Prohibitionists are far from being certain. The high license act they regard as their most formidable enemy, be cause it pours hundreds of thousands of dol lars into county, city, borough and town ship treasuries The counties of Philadel phia, Allegheny, Lancaster, Berks, Lehigh, LackaVanna and Luzerne are particularly feared by them. Ttie opuonents of the pro hibitory measure think the majorities against it in the counties enumerated will be large enough to defeat it without count ing others which will record their votes against it. BEFUSE TO INDORSE. LegislatorsWlU Not Sign Petitions For Federal OlHco Seekers. SPECIAL TELECliAlI TO THE DISPATCH. Harbisbubg, January 2. Bepublican members of the-Legislatnre are disposed to growl about the practice of circulating peti tions among them asking for their indorse meptof candidates for Federal positions under the new Administration. This sort of business promises to become a great nui sance as the session, gets older. To-day a petition was circulated among the Senators recommending the appointment of Chill Hazzard, of 'Washington county, for Pension Acent in place of Barclay. Some of the Western Bepublican Senators refused to commit themselves to Hazzard's candidacy. SENATOR REIBURN OPPOSED To State Appropriations for Charitable In stltntion Not Coder Stato Control. rSFECIAL .ELEQBAX TO THE DISPATCn. 1 Haeetsbueg, January 2. Senator Bey burn, who will be made Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations in the. Sen ate, as he-TCas at the previous session, doesn't regard with satisfaction the demand that will again be made on the Legislature for an appropriation of 5000,000 to purchase the Philadelphia House of Refuge and for the erection. of buildings to be used as a House of Befuge. He thinks the appropriation should not be made unless the institution is placed under State control. THE DIZZY DANCE Causes Hard Feelings in Ministerial Circles Presbyterians Support tho Presi dent An Anti-Dunce Plot Discovered. SPECIAL TILEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Indianapolis, January 2. The in augural ball agitation continues to bean ex citing topic here. The dancing ministers to-day discovired what they think is a scheme of the anti-dancers to place them in an embarrassing position. A union meet ing of all the clergymen of the city is to be held nest Monday, and it is alleged that the anti-dancers intend to spring on that mcet- tnt n roertlrttirtn iMniinKinff fliA inanirnp.1 ball. If they do it there will be music ofa strictly" clerical, but very lively, nature. The Presbyterians seem tohaveconcluded that they might as well all join in the sup port of the President, who, belongs to their denomination. The Ber. B. V. Hunter, of the Seventh Presbyterian Church, one of the most popular preachers in the city, said to-day that if any such resolutions were offered next Monday he should take the floor against it, and denounce it as imperti nent, uncalled for and foolish. The righteousness or unrighteousness of dancing, he says, is entirely a matter of individual conscience to regulate, and asfor the minis ters, there are .too many thfngs to be done right here in Indianapolis for them to at tempt to extend their operations to Wash ington. Another Presbyterian minister, the Bev. D. T. Carnahan, of Port Townsend, Wash. T., who arrived here to-day to see General Harrison, took occasion to criticise the at tempted interference with the inaugural ball in even less qualified tenni. The min isters concerned in it, he said, were nothing more than fools. The ball was none of their business. DRAGGED DOWN BY DRINK. A TJniontown Man Gashes Ills Throat In the Cell ofa Kansas City Prison. rfrlCIAL TELECKA3I TO THE DISPATCH.! TTniontown, January 2. It was learned to-day that William Snyder, son of John Snyder, a wealthy farmer near here, had been arrested in Kansas City last week for drunkenness and confined in the police sta tion. He broke off the handle of a tin cup and with it gashed his throat severely in an attempt to commit suicide. He was caught in the act and his life saved, but he is still in a dangerous condition in a hospital. Snyder was at one time a prosperous, well educated man, possessing fair business quali fications, but became addicted to drink. Some time ago he made an attempt on his father's life, and his wife left him a fexr months ago because of his drinking and abuse. He left here three weeks ago in a crazed coudition from heavy drinking, and was unable to give an account of his actions until after his attempt to take his life.- He has two daughters, who are school teachers. MP-'?'- . W Is WLatEt-LegislatorVitrioriinson Seems to be Alter. CONTRADICTION OP GEN. BEAVER In His Explanation of the Failure to Sign? " tho Revenue Bill. ,,-, PENNSYLVANIA'S $500,000 STAKES 11 Is the Late Canpaija liray Ahead of Fektisal Contrifcntlons. A110tfl Here is an important case, susceptible of reduction to such a pat rhyme as the "Big elowPaDers" once set forth. Modernized, to fit the appended interview, the Bigelovr papers might have said: John B., Robinson, ha Is after tne scalp of Governor B. In other words, hera is an. issue of high political veracity. Governor Beaver says a distant clerk killed the Bevenue bilL Mr. Bobinson says it was a very near clerk. He adds that it pleased the Governor, This is explained by the theory that it obviated the necessity of a veto to save certain corpora tions. Governor Beaver, in his message to the Legislature on the strength of a quiet in-r vestigation, places the responsibility of the failure of the Speaker of the Senate to sign the revenue bill at the last session on the Message Clerk of. the House. He states, also, that the Senate was not in session when the bill was signed by the Speaker of the House. Ex-Legislator John B. Bobinson, who voted for the bill, was at the Monongahela House yesterday, and it made him boil when he read the Governor's explanation. Mr. .Bobinson said: Governor Beaver doesn't know what ha is talking about. Tho bill was passed in the House on a Tuesday, and the Senate did not adjourn until Thursday. I canprove,Dy Speak er Boyer and other Representatives, that tba bill, when signed, was taken to the proper of. fleers in the Senate, by Message Clerk Taylor. I hold the clerks of the Executive- and the Sen ate responsible for the failure, and It is my pri vate opinion that they connived together to prevent it from being signed. It is well-known that THE BILL WAS OBNOXIOUS to certain corporations in the State, and, even if it had been signed, the Governor would have vetoed it. I have no personal quarrel with Governor Beaver, but I want to see the facta set right. I was on the ground, and know all about it. I am glad Cochran was knocked out. All tho crooked and dirty work done in the last Senato can be directly traced to his hands. The Houso was all right; but whenever they presented to the Senate a bill that had any merit, the Senato managed in someway to bury it or twist it be yond recognition. When Beaver retires from the Governorship that is the last that will be heard of him. Mr. Bobinson is well posted on national politics, and during the last campaign did some good work for the Bepublican ticket On the latter subject, he said: I want to say that the money sent from Pitts burg to Indiana was not stolen. The amount was not large, bnt It was used where it IT DID THE 3IOST GOOD. There was a great deal of money spent by both sides m that State. If it hadn't been for Pennsylvania, we would have lost the election. The Keystone State contributed to the general campaign fund $500,000. This Is the largest amount put up by any State. Quay, you see, depended on his own people to help him out. It is about settled that John Wanamaker will be in the Cabinet, and he is really the only man so far picked out for such a position. If Blaine becomes one of the President's ad visors, he will completely overshadow Mr. Har rison, and this is one reason why I do not think he will be taken. Bismarck, Gladstone and Blaine are the three greatest political leaders in the world. ,1 know of six candidates for Governor fa Pennsylvania. They are Montooth, Cooper4 Senator Delamater, Colonel Gobin, General Osborne and possibly Major Filler, of Phila delphia. There will be some lively skirmishing when the time comes. TAILOR'S PROTEST. Ho Refuses to be Responsible for the Fnilnre of the Revenno Bill. fSPICTAL TEtlOHAMTO THE DISPATCH.l Habbisbtjbg, January 2. Ur. Taylor, 'I Message Clerk of the House two years ago, i is very indignant at the statement in tha Governor's message, alleging that the reve nue bill of 1887 was not taken to the Senate after the Speaker of the HouSe signed it He says if he were on his death bed he would say that he took it into the Senato chamber, and when he left to go to the State Deparfment to deliver it. was sure that it had been signed by the President pro tem. of the Senate. As he emerged from the chamber, Samuel A. Losch and another gentleman were standing in the rotunda, to whom he de clared that the bill was all .right. Losch was greatly interested in the passage of the act, and watched its progress carefully onr the day it was carried to the State Departv ment. Taylor says he was disposed to de mand an investigation into the reason for the failure of the bill to receive the signa ture of the President pro tem. of the Senate, , but prominent Bepublicans persuaded him to drop the matter. SINGULAR AUD BEADTIFDL The Fhenonenon ofa Mirage nt Night Wit nessed In Dakota. JSriCTAt. TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! Cakbington, Dak., January 2. On Saturday between 9 and 11, the singular spectacle was witnessed ofa mirage at night. Thedayhad been very warm, the thermometer, reaching 60 in the shade, and the condi tion of the atmosphere was certainly unu sual. The sky was more or less clouded, particularly on the horizon. Patches of prairie fire "were visible at all points qf tha compass. To. the north, south and west, there was nothing in their appearance, to attract attention, out two masses of fire to the northeast of Carringtoa were unlike these in any direction. These fires were with wonderful distinct ness heightened, right into the very clouds just as in the brilliance of the sunlight the obscure stack is made to assume the dimen sions of a lofty tower. Then again the con necting links" between the real fire and its double disappeared and there was a per fect reflection of the fire in the clouds, indi vidual tongues of flame beinsj pictured in the superheated strata like the familiar fata morgana. At another time the reflected fire seemed -to waver in the air like the restless shimmer of the most briliant aurora. The ipeetecle lasted until the firestdied out and altogether j it was most singular and beautiful. , " , Americans Honored. -jni Pakis, January 2. The only foreigners awarded Legion of Honor decorations yes- terday were Messrs. Scribner, of the Agtl- cuuurai ueparcmen at vrasmngton; Alaa son A. Vinegrower, of Texas, and Joeger, oi ;, Missouri. -