WEDNESDAY; SMARTER EACH TEAK. Flattering Figures on the Growth of Postoffice Business. BIG GAINS ALL ALONG THE LINE. Se3rly 29,000,000 Pieces Handled by Pitts burg Carriers. HOW 1SS7 DWARFS BESIDE LAST TEAK The most curious statistics, and at the same time those giving a keener insight into the advance of intelligence, education and civilization, are those given by Superin tendent Collins, of the city postoffice, lor the dead year of 1SS8. The year "87 vras thought remarkable in its increase, but '88 far out steps it. In the finance department for '87, $321, 030 59 was paid for stamps, envelopes, etc, while in '88, 5348,038 was the sum. The in crease for special request envelopes was 59,824 95, and for newspapers and periodi- cal stamps, 51,560 63. Receipts from stamps on postage due in '87 were 2,637 50, and in '88, $3,761 70, which shows either a grow ing absent-mindedness or a growing penu riousness. Total receipts for '88 were $512, 701 80, an increase of 46,1)78 30. SWELLING THE SUB-TREASUET. In disbursements for '8S, clerks were paid 571,440 C8. letter carriers 5G9.772 20, and S31L5S was paid for dead letter advertise ments, while the beautiful sum of 254, 188 01 was deposited in the sub-Treasury, V a gain of S25,3S1 98, or a gain of 17,178 64 in net revenue. Just 23,328,150 letters were distributed and dispatched, a clear gain of 3,500,000, while 1,583,623 pounds of newspapers were mailed in Pittsburg in '88 to 1,108,T320 in 87, and total pieces of letters and papers are 42.350,312, a gain of 5,079,418. Misdirected letters returned to senders for correction in 1887 were 25,938, and in 18SJ, 27,283, a gain of 1.345 distraite individuals; addresses corrected at postoffice in 1887. 50, 487, and in 1888, 64,854. a gain ol 14,367. The dead letter office received from Pitts burg 2,698 in 1887. and 3,503 in 1888, an in crease ot 805, while the total misdirected letters handled were 95,610, an increase of 16,517. Just 19,546 special deliveries arrived in the mails in '88, an increase of 1,759, and the queerest item of all is that city special deliveries shown loss of 183, being 23,308 in '87 to 25,125 in '88, while the specials mailed to other offices show an increase of 5,029. Tlinin LOT 2COT A HAPrY OKE. The carriers employed are 94, a gain of 27, and their daily trips are 271, a gain of 55; 39,731 registered letters were delivered, a gain of 3,600, and 11,244,252 letters were de livered, a clear gain of 3,047,699 over 1887. Postal cards delivered were 2,216,811, an in crease of 413,083; newspapers and circulars, 3,851,802, a gain of 572,292. Letters col lected, 7,987,432, an enormous increase of 1,860,505, while postals collected increased 452.385 and the total pieces han dled bv carriers in '87 were 22,701,312 to 28,881,335 in "88. with a total postage on local matter of S89,798.43, another queer de crease o 5l2,3ii.37. Total pieces handled in the box department were 34,973,263, an increase of 8,681,122, while the enormous total of pieces handled in the postoffice in '87 were 63,553,065, to 77,323.605 in 8S. Superintendent J. M. Wallace, of the East End station, reports for '87 money orders issued for S21.009 10 to 24,973 71 in "85; 2,137 registered letters received and 4,174 delivered. In '87 12,819 72 worth of stamps were sold to 13,325 56 in '88, and both domestic and foreign money orders re ceived and paid show an increase. GL0EGE PaSTRE'S FUXEBAL. The Well-Known Old Barber is Laid to Rest on Troy Hill. The funeral of the late George Pastre.who was probably the best known barber iu the city, and who died Satuiday morning very suddenly, took place yesterday after noon from his late residence on Watson street. The majority of the members of the Barbers' Union were present during the ob sequies and attended the burial. The ser vices were conducted by Rev. Carl Weil, pastor of the German Protestant Church, who spoke in German, and Rev. Kamera, of this city, who spoke in English. The pallbearers were Charles Berris, George Wolmer, John Baer, Alexander Schiff, Arthur Koerber and John GcideL Three of these were his late emploves. The interment was made in Voegtley's Cemetery, Troy Hill. At the grave the regular German Protestant service was read by Rev. Sir. Weil. AX0THEE I0W DEATH KITE. Only 16 Out of Each 1,000 Persons Per Tear, by Last Week's Avcracc. The mortuary report for the week ending on Saturday, shows a total of 08 deaths in the city. The principal causes were as fol lows: Typhoid fever, 6; consumption, 6; cancers, 4; congestion of brain, 2; apoplexy, 2; diseases of the heart, 3; croup, 2; bron chitis, 7; pneumonia, C; enteritis, 4;Bright's disease, 2; premature, 3; falls, 1, and rail road injuries, 1. The annual death rate was 16 per 1,000 of the estimated population. It Wns Only Supply and Demand, Pittsburg florists scout the idea that the mooted ''trust" in roses before the holidays really existed. They simply cite the fact that "corners" on such perishable goods are impracticable. The high piices of roses for Christmas were caused by an increased de mand. A Dead Shot Officer. John McGinnis, a shoemaker, charged Officer Boyer with felonious and reckless shooting. He says the officer was trying to shoot in the New Year, and shot in his win- dow instead. Boyer will be called upon to explain bow he happened to hit anything atall. A Terr Bod Beginning. An old man, William Burns, while hob bling along Smithfield on crutches, fell, and sustained a compound fracture of his injured limb. He was sent to the Homeopathic Hospital to undergo an operation, having once had his limb amputated. The tine comes when everybody needs Parker's Ginger Tonic. It often saves life. Parker's Hair Balsam cleanses the scalp. WEDNESDAY MORNING See Onr January Sale Prices on Cloaks And winter wraps, long garments, mantles and jackets, in plain and fancy cloth; also in seal plush garments; the best grades re member, and the largest variety to select from; come to-day. JOS. HOENE & CVS JPenn Avenue Stores. For Sozodont all ladies cry. And gentlemen, or high or low. For nothing else that they can buy. Will give the mouth its freshest glow Will keep the teeth so sound and white, And make the.breath a sweet delight. wrsn Just received 200 pieces American sa teens, beautiful designs, 10c and 12Jc per yard. Hugus & Hacke. mwtsu Wednesday Moraine. Our "January sale" bargains in ladies', men's and children's wooien underwear; good, well-made shirts and drawers, both in wool and merino, at much less than regular prices. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. ADSPICI0U8LT OPENED. The IT. P. Orphans' Home and Hospital in Allegheny Almost Unincumbered. The United Presbyterian Orphans' Home and Memorial Hospital for Children was opened in Allegheny yesterday. There was a goodly attendance. The institution is at f Monterey and West J enerson streets, nev. J. W. Harsha and Elder H. W. McKee ad dressed the children in a iappy manner, and Rev. James M. Fulton spoke to the managers and visitors. Mi s y Jane Vin cent made an interesting report in behalf of the hospital committee. ' A number of pretty songs were sung by the children, some sixty in number, and Misses Emma Eustis, Lizzie Dickson and Mary Haines, and Masters Bennie McCor inick and Walter Elliot rendered recita tions nicely. Mrs. H. C. Campbell, President of the Board of Managers of the Home and Hos pital, closed with congratulatory remarks. The hospital is located on the rear of the. lot occupied by the home, and is a pretty brick structure, neat and complete in its appointments. There are 13 cots, but no applicants for admission as yet. The home and hospital are non-denominational, except in management and mainte nance. The managers have 2,500 in the treasury. They only owe about 1,400 on the hospital building. Their property, home an,d hospital, cost them 30,000. THEIR FIRST PARTI. Tro Utile Girls Give Tbelr Friends a New Year's Entertainment. Miss Frankie and Miss Daisy, the daughters of Dr. Dake, of Penn avenue, who are respectively 3 and 7 years of age, gave their first party yesterday afternoon to about 40 of their young friends. The entire residence of the doctor had been put at the disposal of the young folks, and they made the most of their opportunity. On the ground floor, the rooms had been transformed into an attractive banquet hall. The ceilings and the tables were beautifully decorated, and the delicacies spread were highly relished by the delighted little ones. During the afternoon the children were entertained with music, a magical perform ance, and a Punch and Judy show. All these attractions were under the supervision of Professor Tony White. DEMANDING A BIBLE. Consternation in City Hull Over a Man Who Wouldn't Swear. A man wanted to receive a bill during the tail end of the old year, and in swearing to the amount of the bill before Controller Morrow, demanded a Bible, and gracious Agnes, there wasn't one in the shop. Reed offered him Zola's latest, and Web ster's best, but the old man couldn't be looled, and they finally were obliged to dig the coveted book from beneath a pile of Sundav school tracts, and the old man kissed "it for $S 26 worth. Death of a Dnqaesne Gray Tetcran. At his home in Mt. Washington yester day morning WiUiam F. Reams, a member of the Duquesne Greys, Company H, Twelfth Regiment, during the war, and since the rebellion enrolled in Post 3, G. A. R., died of hemorrhages. He had many ac quaintances ana friends, and his old soldier comrades will attend his funeral. In Order That our reputation of having the cleanest stock in the city be sustained, and to make room for the early spring importations, we have reduced prices in every department, the opportunities we offer for the next two weeks to secure a genuine bargain should not be neglected. In our cloak department we have an ele gant line to select from in long and short wraps, jackets, seal and plush garments, shawls, etc., etc., which will be offered at abont half price. These are not simply high-priced goods marked down, but were considered good value at original prices. The cheapest line of dress goods in the city. English checks from 12J4c (were 25c) per yard up to Si 50, to which price we have reduced those West of England suitings which were 52 50 and S3 per yard. Black goods in great variety of weaves, both staple and fancy, silk warp and all wool, at very much lower prices than ever before offered. Black and colored silks, ol which we have a complete line of the best makes, also marked down. Ourl black silk was 51 25, the 51 25 was $1 50 from these to highest priced, all reduced from 15 to 25 per cer c A special bargain in black faille Franchise at 51 50, which heretofore sold lor 52 per yard. Bargains in table linens, towels, napkins, scarfs, lunch cloths, etc, etc Hugus& Hacke, Fifth avenue andMarkct street, UVfFSU Pittsburg, Pa. Another Victory for tho Ideal. The American Institute of New York has just awarded the medal of excellence (o the Ideal Felt Tooth Polisher, manufactured by the well-known Horsey Manufacturing Company of TJtica, the judges of award being t)rs. Davenport, Woodward and Miller, three of the most prominent dentists in New York City. The growing reputa tion of this article of hygiene of the teeth is now reflecling great credit upon the manu facturers, not only throughout our own country, but in many foreign lands, where its successful introduction has been effected, and from which the most favorable profes sional comment is received. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Onr January Sale Broadcloth Bargains. Fine quality 44-inch at 50 cents; fine French at 75c. 90c, 51 23, 51 50, $2 00 and 2 50 a yard. You won't find as large an assortment of colors nor as finely finished goods at these prices anywhere. JOS. HOB2TE & COS Penn Avenue Stores. Extraordinary Bargains In fine plush sacqucs, modjeskas, new markets, cloth jackets, jerseys and children's wraps; also winter dressgoods, cashmeres, Henriettas, serges, wool plaids, broadcloths and combination suitings at greatly reduced prices, before our annual stocktaking. H. J. Lynch's, wssu 438 and 440 Market street. Pittsburg laborers. Pittsburg laboring men stand well to the front in labor organizations and in other schemes lor the protection of wages. One of the most prominent of these is Accident Insurance, and one of the leading companies in Pittsburg is the National Benefit Associa tion of Indianapolis. J. T. Cunningham, agent, 51 Lewis Block. OCR incomparable black silk is positive ly the purest and best in the market, and not more expensive than other makes not so reliable; prices range from 1 50 to 53 per yard. Hugus & Hacke. snvrsu Curry University Is progressive in policy, liberal in manage ment, thorough and practical in instruction, popular in methodsand successful in results. Winter term begins January 2, 1889. D Onr Jan nary Sale SI Fancy Velvets at 50e. Not trashy, but fine, 'stylish colorings. Also great mark downs in finer goods, at $1 and S2 a yard. Come and see these. JOS. HOKNE & CO.'S Penn avenue Stores. Ikon Citt Flour, manufactured by Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth st, Pitts burg, is certainly the best flour made. Every housekeeper that uses it is delighted with the nice white bread it produces. Ask for :t from your grocer, and take no other. Many handsome designs in fine French flannels from 35c to $1 per yard. hwfsu Huaus & Hacke. A 500 FREE LUNCH. Dlarrels ia Eatables at the Dnqaesne Hotel Other Hotels and Resorts Take Caro of Their Patrons. The climax of free lunches hss been reached in this city, and last night, on the first evening of the New Year, a lunch cost ing nearly $500 was presented to the de lighted patrons of the Duquesne Hotel. This phenomonal spread was prepared under the direction of Charles Weingartner, Superintendent, who prepared with his own clever hands the," piece de resistance of the evening, a splendid natural representation of the famous St. Gotthardt's tunnel, of Switzerland. The device was ap parently a marvel of Rnow and ice, with trees and lakes, lifelike deer, cows, human beings, and an engine and train emerging from a gloomy tunnel. The delighted guests would not believe until they had tasted, that it all was made of cakes, bread, candies, sugar and stearine. Then there were splen did vistas of greens and salads garnishing such toothsome delicacies as espic of shrimp, au surprise of tenderloin au Belle vue, turkey a la choisy, salmon decorse a la royal et beurre du Montebello, besides tons of plain dishes that caught the gang, snch as ham, herring, chicken and lobster salads, croquettes, New Year's cakes and Yankee fish baskets. Last but not least, and the crowning glory of all was a tender, uentle suckling pig, done to a. turn, and looking so life-like that more than one well-known gentleman turned from four fingers of McKims to gaze in open-mouthed amazement and wonder if he had 'em. The best known legal, profes sional and financial men of this city stood about the festal board and enjoyed this prince of luncheons, while seven full dressed waiters hurried in duplicates of every piece asthey rapidly went the way of all mortal things down. Mr. Weingartner is the owner of the American Hotel in Enon Valley, Pa. He has consented, however, to take charge of the cuisine of the Duquesne in the place of Schlosser, and it was the opinion yesterday- that even Prince Schlosser could prepare no such spread as that where everything -from truffles to fish, and fish to truffles, was just exactly right. At the other hotels, and in fact at all well-known resorts about the city, esp cial attention was paid to that distinctly Amer ican, and distinctly enjoyable institution, the free, lnnch, and whether it is the fault of the lnnch, or the fault of the New Year, the effect was the same, and the receipts for yesterday far exceeded those of any day in the year. A great popular demonstration the rush of the people after Salvation Oil. rricc 25 cents. Wednesday New Stock Muslin Underwear. Well made, plain and neatly trimmed garments, carelullymade; also in finest lace trimmed hand-made goods. Jos. Hosne & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Our extensive lines of dress goods have all been marked down; the benefit will he yours by attending our cleaning up sale this and'next week. mwtsu Hugus & Hacke. Extraordinary Bargains In ladies', gents' and children's scarlet, merino, camel's hair and natural wool un derweaa, to close balance of stock before our annnal inventory. H. J. Lynch's, wssu 438 and 440 Market street. vednesdaymornixg. Onr Jannnry Sail: IG-Inch Wool Cash meres. Atj58c a bargain at 75c. This is the place for dress goods at lowest prices, and good goods at that. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Mechanical drawing taught at even ing sessions of Duff's College, 49 Filth ave nue. Costume plushes, choice colorings, 22 inches iu width; were $1 SO and 1 75, re duced to 51 25 per yard. mwfsiu Hugus & Hacke. Whitmyke & Co.'s Iron City Flour. Best in the market. Short hand taught at evening sessions of Duff's College, 49 Fifth avenue. meetings. FUNERAL OF BRO. HARRY McCORD, of Hazel Glen Council, 20S, Jr O. U. A. M., will take place from his late residence at Glenwood, WEDNESDAY at 1 o'clock r. Jr. Interment at Rivcrton Cemetery. Members ot sister councils are requested to attend. ja2-33 THE MEMBERS OP EXCELSIOR LODGE No. 36. A. O. U. W., will meet at their hall WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at 1 o'clock "sharp," to attend the funeral of Brother H. H. Wallace. Members of sister lodges invited to attend. Interment in Allegheny Cemetery at 2 o'clock. By order of the M. W. jal-9 M. L. SPIELMAN, Recorder. THE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE stockholders of the Jlonongahela Naviga tion Company will be held on THURSDAY, Januarv 10. 1889, at the office of the company, No. 1M Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa., at 2 o'clock P. 11., for the election of officers and managers of tJe company for the ensuing year and other business. W. BAKEWELL, Secretary. Pittsburg, December 19, lb.s& del9-12-,ja2.j.7,9.10 ELECTIONS. rOTY SAVINGS BANK OK PITTSBURG, j Pa.. December 31. ISSi-The annual elec tion for directors of this bank will be held at the nankins house. Sixth ave. and Smithfield St., on Tuesday, January 8, 1SS9, between the hours nf 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. jal-69 JOHN W. TAsYLOR, Cashier. ELECTION NOTICE -REAL ESTATE Loan and Trust Co The annual election for nine directors of the hank will be held at the banking house, cor. Ohio and Middle sts., January 8, 18S9, between tho hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock p. ji. C. SCHAUER, Jr.. Cashier. de3M0 FlEST NATIONAL BANK. PITTSBURG. PA., I Pittsburg, December 10, 1S8S. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine Directors of the bank will be held at the banking house, corner of Wood street and Fifth avenue. January & 18S9, between'the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. jr. dell-lOT-D J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. Office Columbia Oil Co., I Pittsburg. December 28, 1SSS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co. will be held at No. 514 Market st. on THURSDAY, January 10, 18S9, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of directors and for the transaction of such business as mav be presented. dc2S-17-D A. P. McGREW, Secretary. Mason-ic Bank, t I Pittsburg, Pa., December 31. 1SS8. i ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for directors of this bank, to serve for the ensuing vear, will be held at tha banking house on TUESDAY, JANUARY, 8. 18S9, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. jal-67-D CHAS. B. McLEAN, Cashier. Arsenal Bank, Pittsburg, December 31. 1SSS. t ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for twelve directors of tho bank will no held at the banking house, cornerof Butlerand Forty-third streets, on WEDNESDAY, JANU ARY 9, 1889, between the hours of 11 a. m. and lP.M. . W. & WILLIAMS, Cashier. jal-56-D Office of Ben Franklin Insurance Co., 43 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa.. January L 1SS9. ELECTION.-THE ANNUAL ELECTION of directors of this company, to serve dur ing the ensuing year, will be held in the office ot the company on MONDAY, January It, 1SS9, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 p. m. WM. A FORD, Secretary. ja239-D MONONGAHELA CONNECTING R. R. CO. Pittsburg, Dei-ember 29. 18S8. ( ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of this company will be held at their general office, corner Third avenue and Try street, Pittsburg, on MONDAY. Janu ary 14, 18S9. at 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of a President and Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for transacting such other Business as may ne oroucnt oeioretne meeting. JAMES UUGHLIK, JR., Secretary. ja2-57-W $ Display advertisements one dollar prr square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten centi per line or each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at tho following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The DIS PATCH. , rrrrsuuRG. ' THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 33o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 2ttU street and Penn ave. E. O. STUCKEY & CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market Uonse. EAST ETC 'J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTElt & SIIElliLEIt.Sthav. & Atwood St. EOOTIISIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. 8CHWABM, 1707 Carson stret. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEU, 59 Federal street. McBRIDE BKOS.. Federal and Ohio streets. FKED II. EGGEK& 172 Ohio street. F. 1L EGGEKS&SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEltKY M. GLEIM, Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Dlalo Hcln. -TTT-ANTED-A GOOD MAN TOTAKECHAKGE V or stable and tend horses. Call at No. 167 LELAND AVE. Ja5-80 WANTED-A 1SAKEU TO TAKE CHAKGE; to a good man Rood wages will be paid. Ad dress H. S., Dispatch office. Ja2-79 WANTED-JANlTOBMUST HAVE GOOD city reference. Applv, between 11 and 12 o'clock, KOOM 31, Dispatch building. Diamond st. Wanted-elevator boy-must have good cltv references. Apply, between 12 and lorclock, 11001131, Dispatch buildlnc. Dia mond st. Ja2-51 TT7"ANTEI,-AT ONCE-SHEAK5IAN, USED V to khearlns skein hlsnfcs snd slispes. Ap ply SCOTTDALE IRON AND bTEEL CO., L'TD., Scottdalc. 1'a. J2-8J WANTED-FIVE MEN TO CANVASS: WILL pay salary or commission. Inquire or T. it. DUNN, at A. Patterson's office, Bouthendof Slonongahcla bridge. Jai-73 "TTTANTED ONE GOOD EXPERIENCED T t wood turner; also a man that can work a spoke machine. Apply JOHN HOLT, Negley P. O., Allegheny Co., Pa. 1a3-66 WANTED-MACHINISTS AT ONCEONEN GINEand mill work at ANCIIOP. FOUN DRV AND MACHINE WORKS, 41 Penn ave.; none but first-class men need apply. Jal-03 WANTED-YOUNG MAN, AGED 24. WISHES to learn a trade: is quick and intelligent, and would be willing to sign agreement fori years. Address G., Dispatch office. Jai-53 XTTANTED-AGENTS 175 A MONTH AND V V expenses paid any person to sell our goods. No capital: salary monthly: particulars .free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. oc4-ml8 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL ' CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc. : sells at sight. Innnlre after 3 P. M., WM. SEMPLE, JR., 1M Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-D -TTTANTED-AGENTS TO SELL A RAI'IDLY V selling book; (ISO commission allowed on ?300 book; experienced men wanted. Address, ttating experience, etc., SPENCER, box IOCS, Pittsburg, Pa. Ja2-36-WS WANTED- FOUNDRY FOREMAN EXPERI ENCED In all details In the manufacture or rolls and Ingot molds. Address, with full particu lars, saiarv expected, to FOUNDRY. careMessrs. White & McLure, Penn building, Pittsburg. dCffl-SS-MWI1 -TTJ-ANTED FOUNDRY FOREMAN-MUST V be an active, progressive man. familiar with economical management in heavy work mainly: references as to sobriety and ability required. Ad dress S. H. PAEVLV3 SONS, Cincinnati, O. delS-M TTANTED-FOR THE UNITED STATES V army, cavalry, artillery and infantry, able-bodied unmarried men betwn the agesoi 21 and 33 vcars; good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Apply at NO. 915 PENN AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. oc4-166-wsu TTANTED-PHYSIOIAN TO LOCATE: MUST V be a graduate of an accredited medical col lege, of not less than three years' practical exper ience: no office rent to pay; no horse needed: will average 3.) per dav. For particulars address BOX 73, Renfrew, Butler county, Pa. Jal-8 WANTED-MAN TO TAXE TnE AGENCY of our safes: size 28x13x18 Inches: weight 600 lbs. ; retail price S5: other sizes In proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by thesafcpooi. ALP1NESAFECO., Cincinnati, O. se8-p92-WS WANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE THE new patent Ink Erasing pencil; greatest novelty ecr produced: erases Ink In two seconds, no abrasion of paper; ICO to 500 percent profit; one agents sales amounted to ?CT, in six days: another $32, in two hours; territorry absolutely free: salary to good men: no ladles need answer; sample 35 cents. For terms and fnll particulars, address, the manufacturers, J.W. SKINNER CO., Onalaska, Wis. Jal-57 WANTED-A THOROUGHLY FIRST-CLASS man to assist our Pittsburg salesmen In so liciting orders for lubricating oils among the con suming trade of Pittsburg and vicinity; previous experience in the oil business not essential, but must be a reliable man. good salesman and hard worker: no others need apply; good salary paid and permanent position to the right person; opportu nity for peroonal Interview to suitable applicants at Pittsburg. Address, giving age. previous bus iness experience ana reierences, vauuujiuiL CO., Rochester, N. Y. Jal-47 Female lTcln. -TTJANTED-GIUL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply ALLEGHENY GENERAL HOSPITAL. Jal-6 -TTTANTED A WOMAN FOR COOK WITH V reference. J. S. ATTERBUEY, 154 North avenue, Allegheny City. Ja2-38 TTTANTED-LADYOFENE11GYANDPEKSE- VV VERANCE, not under 25, to All lucrative position: Ss weekly: Increase if suitable. Call after 9. E. W. WALKER & CO., 55 Ninth St. Ja2-43 WANTED-A LADY TO ATTEND IN THE office In the best photo gallery in twocltles: must be well acquainted In the cities and come highly recommended, be pleasing and aBableln address and be a good penman: to snch, a good salary and steady position is ofiered. Address at once, giving reference, etc., PHOTO GALLERY, Dispatch office. Ja2-83 Klalc and Female flcln. WANTED ONE EXPERIENCED DINING room girl and one bell boy, at BOLEY'S HOTEL, 31 to 33 Diamond, city. Ja2-5I WANTED-IMMEDIATELY- HOUSEKEEP ER, Catholic preferred; pastry cook, 100 house girls, 40 cooks,10 chambermaids, nurse girls, hotel chambermaid and waiters. MRS. MEE HAN, 545 Grant St. de31-D WANTED -LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage in an easy, paying business at home: can work daytime or evening and make 50c to fi per hour; sure thing; sample and complete In structions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPPLY CO.. Rutland, Vt. dc30-118 Situations. WANTED-BY A WIDOW WITH HOSI'lTAL experience-position with plivslclan or as companion and nurse for an invalid; best of refer ence. Address L. M Dispatch office. Ja2-35 Boarders and Lodgers. -TTTA.NTED-A COUPLE OR TWO GENTLE V MENtooccupy a third story front room, with or without first-class board, on Penn avenue, below Sixth. Address G. W., Dispatch office. Ja2-37 rnrrners. -TTTANTED-AN ACTIVE AND CAPABLE V business man to take an Interest in, and fill position of Secretary in a Urge manufacturing concern, in a manulacuiring city in Ohio, on line ot railroad; business well established and pros perous: to a first-class man this Is a fine opening. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avcuue, Pittsburg. Ja.l-97-D Rooms, nonses. Etc -TTTANTED-TO RENT-A HOUSE OF SEVEN TY rooms with large yard: convenient to P. R. R. or cable road. Address IS. D., Dispatch office. jal-48 WANTED-TO UUY CHEAP FOR CASH, bouse of 5 to 8 rooms In Second. Third, Fifth or Sixth wards: Allegheny preferred. THOS. BAILEY, Box 84, Pittsburg. Ja2-70 WANTED-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON firtt floor on good business street; would rent one-half of large room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM, Dispatch office. de7-f33 Financial. -TTTANTED-FROPERTY OF ALL KINDS TO V sell, houses to rent, rents and accounts to collect: personal attcntionand prompt settlements guaranteed. THOS. MCCAFFREY, Notajy Pub lic, 3509 Butler street. fel2-klS-v WANTED-TO LOAN pOO.000 ON MOET GAGES;S100 and upward at 6 per cent; $500,000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business property: also in adjoining counties. S. II. FREN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D WANTED-MOKTGAGES-11. 000,000 TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, 5and 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 5 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK A HON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f4t WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect in both cities. v We give special attention to repairs, taxes, insurance and man agement of oropertlesl Itemized accounts, inonth lysettlementi. PITTSBUKG CO., Llm., 138 Fifth avenue, Real Estate and Insurance. Jal-94-D WANTED. Financial. TTA.NTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS YV to collect. A. H. LESLIE, Forty-second and Butler sts. de31-15 tTJANTED-TO LOAN 175,000 ON IMPROVED W city and farm property. LASHELL 4 RANKIN, S7 Fourth ave no23-u74-MWT "TTTANTED WE HAVE 85,000 TO LOAN FOR TV long or short time at 5 per cent. D. P. THOMAS & CO., 408 Grant St. nol4-o73 "TTJANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- VV LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK BAIKD. 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-aSM WANTED-MORTQAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in Bums to suit, at AM, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBING &. LYON, 135 Fourth aTe. apS-el-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over $4,000; i per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TTXANTED MORTGAGES-WE ARE PRE VV PARED to loan from MOO to 100,0CO at from 45 to 6 per cent. JaS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-77-D WANTED-MORTGAGES. MORTGAGES. ON city or suburban Improved real estate, In sums oftJOO to (20,000 and upward, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. de29-83-D "fTTANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY T V amount; lowest rates or Interest and oom mis sion. PITTSBURG CO.. LIMITED, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-91-D WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS from ?S00 to K0. 000 at 4 to B per cent, ac cording to size and kind of mortgage: no delay if the title Is good. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Ja2-42-2,5.8.12,15.l9,22,28,29 "TTJANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS Y V of (3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH per cent, free oftax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIKD, 95 Fourth avenue. sen-d26-p miscellaneous. "TTTANTED-FURCHAS ER FOR PROSPEHO US YV country paper, within 40 miles of Pittsburg; will be sold at a bargain, on acconnt oi Ill-health of proprietor. Address W., Dispatch office. Jal-99 "TTTANTED-EVEKYBODY TO KNOW THAT V V H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, SJO Smithfield St. noll-MWTBu TTJANTED-TO INFORM OUR STUDENTS TT and ladles wishing to learn dressmaking and cnttlng that GARNIER'S SCHOOL, 25 Sixth ave. has reopened after the holiday vacation. Ladles wishing to attend this term should call at once. , ja2-63 "TTJANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOGRAPHER, 98 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mh!3-k27 WANTED-BY ALL-HOLIDAY BARGAINS in finely ornamented watches, diamonds, silverware, jewelry, clocks, bronzes, gold pens, spectacles, etc: Rogers' knives and forks Si 75 per set; goods on monthly payments. MITSCU, the Jeweler, 130 Federal St., Allegheny. del2-V67-Mwrsn FOR SALE. City Residences. FOR SALE WEBSTER AVE BRIC K house, 4 rooms and storeroom; lot 2)x70; cheap. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TuWThS FORSALE-DAVISST.-NEW BRICK HOUSE, Grooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, marble mantels, good cellar, nat. and art. gas: lot 20x94: cheap and terms easy. J. H. COOPER & CO.. 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TUWTbs FOESALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ON GRAND VIEW ave. 82,500: must be soldatonce;frame dwelling, 6 rooms, haU, nat. gas. city water, con venient to incline: lot 42)x160. J. It. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TUWThS FOR SALE-CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 31x80 feet; low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. de6-198-ws FORSALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ONLY 83,500, two squares from Incline, almost new frame dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, good cellar, nicely furnished and papered; shade trees: fine river view; lot 35x293; a great bargain. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TuWThs East End Residences. FOR SALE-SEVERAL FINE RESIDENCES, on line of Fifth avenue cable cars, at Oak land and East End, or between Oakland and city. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. de30-52-MWThSSn FOR SALE-STANTON AVENUE. GOOD LO CATION, a new brick and frame dwelling, 9 rooms, fine hall, bath, laundry, porches, etc.: also stable and carriage house: price low, If sold quick. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Jal-78-jrwrsu FOR SALE-A NEAT NEW HOUSE IN THE East End, C rooms, reception hall, attic, nat ural gas. Inside shutters, etc.; corner lot: a few fruit trees thereon; immediate possession: small Savment down, balance to suit. JAS.W.DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Plttsbnrg. Jal-97 P OR SALE-PENN AVE., BRUSHTON STA TION, new nressed brick dwelllncr of 15 rooms: hard wood finish, slate mantels, with Im proved firpplaces, laundry with cemented floor; exceptionally low priced; terms to suit; Immedi ate possession. SeoJNO. F.BAXTER, Agt., 512 Smithfield st. ( de30-CO-wssu FOR SALE-WISHING TO DIVIDE A HOME STEAD property we will sell a lot 75x150. on which Is situated a large mansion, the original cost alone being $13,000, surrounded with beauti ful fruit and shade trees; corner lot; If bought this week only 8.000: 3 minutes from cable road. HART A WILKINSON, Germania building, 419 Wood st. Ja2-84 FOR SALE-EAST END RESIDENCE PROP ERTY: rooms spacious aud luxurious throughout: all the modern requirements: natural gas, bath and lavatory; wide porch in front, commodious hall In center: dry cellar; copious flow of water: large lot; shade and fruit trees and shrubberv. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALEA. VERY GOOD BKICK DWELL ING on Arch street, Allegheny; a most new, and having complete modern conveniences; near street cars and parks. JAS.W.DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97-D FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE ON North avenue, Allegheny, having full view of parks; almost nen and possessing every neces sary appliance, and In elegant order throughout: one ot the most unique and perfect residences in the city; handsome massive mantels, with cabi nets, walls and ceilings elaborately finished: good lot, etc.. etc. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jil-97 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE AT NEW GALILEE," PA.. A large ten-room frame house, with basement kitchen, washhouse, coal house and other neces sary outbuildings; lot 100x150; well goudwator: verv pleasantly located on lineofP.Ft. W.AC, and P. II. AC. U. R.'s.; price, 11,500. Particulars from GEO. W. PYLE, New Galilee. Pa. Jal-58-D Cltv Lots FOR SALE-ACT QUICK-OVER 6 ACRES within city limits: price only JS, 000, If sold this week. BLACK ABA1UD, No. 93Fourth ave. jai-o3 OR SALE BROWNSVILLE AVENUE -5 lots, very desirable and cheap; also, 2 lots on Beulah st. with frame bouses; a great bargain. PITI-SBURO CO., LIMITED. Real Estate and In surance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-93-TUWS East End Lots. F OK SALE-ON HOWE ST.. E. E., NEAR koud: lot. 20x133: hoo. tuos. liggett. im Fourth ate. de30-51-jiWFSSu FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE.. SHADYSIDE; 3 fine lots, ICOxISO each. For further pn rtlcu lars call on or address THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. de30-5I-jiWF8SU FOB SALE-ON PENN AVE., E. E.; LOT, 104x200; running back to a street: on line of Penn ave. cable cars. THOS. L1UGETT, 114 Fourth ave, de30-51-MWFSSn FOR SALE-2 ACHES OF GROUND IN THE East End; 4 minutes' walk from railroad sta tion; all nice and level'and well suited to lay out In building lots: there Is a bargain In this. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97-D Hazclvrood Lots. t FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT HA ZELWOOD, B. A O. R. R., Twenty-third ward: trains run to station In 10 to 12 minutes; price II V) to (300: terms made to suit purchasers. B. McCRICKART, new No. 1010 Penn avenue. no4-h9-ws Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE-A CHOICE BUILDING LOT, 20X 110, to a paved alley, on llucna Vista street, Allegheny. West Side, just above tho park. Ad dress BUENA VISTA, Dispatch office. Jal-25 .Suburban Lots. FOR- SALE W1LKINSBURG LOTS, LOTS, lots; Omlnntcs from station: finest lots iu Hie borough; 52x120 feet each; streets sewered and macadamized: board walk from station: natural gas, etc. ; very low prices and terms to suit. J. R. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TuWTlis Dlonurnctnrinc Sites. FOR SALE-SEVERAL FINE MANUFACTUR ING sites, convenient to railroad and river: very desirable locations. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. de30-52-MWThSSu Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles, kept In stock, lrom4 tolOOh. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. KOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja2-Mwr FOR SALE 28x48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation: price on application; also a new strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete; capacity 10,000 In in hours; wllUellat low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 150 First ave. aul-p32-MWT F OR SALE-LARGE STOCK OF ENGINES, boilers, clay and oro nans, crashers, hoisting engines, wire rope, ateel hoisting tabs, T rails and contractors' machinery, slieari, mill machinery, etc THOMAS CAKLIN'S SONS, corner Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. seU-uwr ' FOR SALE. ' Farms. FOR SALE-GARDEN TRUCK FARM AT Sbsrpsburg known as "Nnlett Farm." over 9 acres: frame dwelling, stable, etc. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. de20-95-20,21,22,23,27,28,29,30,31,Ja2.3,4 Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. &c FORSALE-S30, HORSE, GOOD SPRING WA GON and harness: horse 7 years old, weighs 1.400 pound.; sound In every respect. Address BARE CHANCE, Dispatch office. Ja2-31 FOR SALE-A PURE ALDERNEY BULL ONE and a half years old: fawn color: perfectly anlet. Inquire JAMES GALLAGHER, between reenwood and Locust St., Fifth ward, Allegheny City. jal-59 Bmlncss Stands. FOR SALE-FOR 5;000 CASH-LARGE LOT and 10-roomcd brick house, with store and stable, Washington St., Pittsburg. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 5U4 and 503 Smithfield St. Ja2-C9 Business Chances. FOR SALE-CIGAR STORE AND FACTOR!" on Firth ave., near the Court House. Includ ing stocK,3 show cases, molds, press, leaftobacco, etc.; S509 cash. THOS. LIGUETT.1I4 Fourth ave. .. de30-52-MWThsSn OR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A woolen mill and broom factory In one of the best towns In Western Pennsylvania: ihe only business of the kind In county: rally equipped and doing well. JAS. V DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. jal-97 OR SALE-EXTENSIVE COAL WORKS: good paying small city hotel: 40 city and conntry stores: 10 drug stores; tea store, shoe stores, drygoods and notion stores, boarding bouses: information free and Interviews confiden tial. SHEPAP.D A CO.. 54 Fifth avenue. del8 FOR SALE-A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothing business In a growing town on line of two railroads, abont 60 miles from Pittsburg; stock Is in good condition: business prosperous; satisfactory reasons ror selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. Jal-97 FOR BALE AN OLD-ESTABLISHED COUN TRY store, with general stock of drygoods, carpets, groceries; one of the best country towns In the State, on lino of two railroads: a corner property : the finest stand and the leading store In the placebuslness runs about ?3,000 a month and all safe: has always made money. JAS.W.DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. jal-97 FOR SALE-A ONE-THIRD, INTEREST IN A large wholesale and retail bouse on one of the best, streets in the city: an old-established concern and In good financial standing; profits last year, 825,000; It has become necessary to en large the premises In order to secure increased fa cilities for the business. Particulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. Jal-97 Special. FOR SALE-LOOK! LOOKI-NOW IS THE time If yon want a choice bargain; call on Hart A Wilkinson, 410 Wood st. We have a great many properties which we only offer privately. lUst End homes at 82.000. $3,000, 1 1,000. S3, 00(1 1, 500, S7,0i 0, 8.500, 10,000. Ii2,5O0 and np to SI25.000; each on line of cable road. HART A WILKINSON, Buyers and Sellers or Real Estate, 419 Wood st. Ja2-74 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE ON PENN AVE. aud Butlerand adjoining streets: call or send for immense list of houses and lots or sale: the Butler st. and Penn ave. cable line commence op erations on or before Dec. 15, fare only 5 cents to Allegheny Cemetery gateon Penn ave., 7 cents to East Liberty: this Is official; now U the time to buy yourself a home, as property in this neighbor hood is sure to an vanceaftercablnllne Is running. Be sure and see THOS. MCCAFFREY, the leading agent, 3509 Butler St., bciore purchasing: oflice open evenings: telephone; 1641-2. no27-y49-wa TO LET. CItT Residences. TO LET-JOHNS STREET, THIRTEENTH ward, 3 new brick dwellings, 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, both gases, verr desirable and cheap. PITTSBURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and In surance, 138 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Jal-92-TUWF Allegheny Residences. TO LET-A NEW FURNISHED DWELLING in Alleghenx near parka and cars; furni ture, carpets, etc.. all quite new and very nice; complete modern conveniences; will rent only to a small family without children: Immediate pos session. Apply to JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue; Pittsburg. jal-3 Manufacturing Sites. TO LET FINE MANUFACTURING SITE strong power, good light and ventilation, line of shafting in each room, power elevator, etc: rooms on ground floor, 24x94 ft. and 50x80 ft.; on second floor, 24x65 ft. and 35x50 ft., in all about 9.500 square ft. of surface floor: situated for light or heavy manufacturing. Above rooms, with Eower, are situated In tbe building known as the has. B. Head Bolt Works, corner Grant avenne and Boquet St., Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MIS. FRED ESHELLMAN, Manager of the Allegheny Wood Carving Company. de30-95-3IWS Offices. Desk Room, etc T IO LET-IN THE BICCANCE BLOCK, Smithfield. Llbcrtr and Seventh avenue. well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. dc25-44-D T IO LET-(99-REDUCED RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building. Fifth ave. and Wood St.: finest location In city: large, light rooms: janitor service and steam heat free. SAJlUtb )V. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC21-X17-D TO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germania Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the interior of Its building, by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., oiler the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de2I-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-A LARGE STOREROOM WITH cellar, on Penn avenue, between Sixth and Eleventh streets. Apply to H. D.MASON, corner Eleventh and Pike streets. de20-S7 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and seel come and seel good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK. STORE. 900 Liberty St. n 04-13 PERSONAL--A GKA1ND SCHEME AFLOAT if I cancnllstasufficicnt number of my friends and the public: nothing more or less than taking vour last winter's suit and cleaning, repairing it for a trifle, so that you can tide over the fall months. It Is well worth thinking of, and 1 shall be pleased to see you at my rooms, 65 Fifth ave., second floor. JAMES DICKSON, Tailor: tele phone 15JS. anlG-n87-D LOST. LOST-A LADIES' GOLDKNOTBREASTPIN, with diamond and sapphire setting. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at O. W. BIGGS', N o. 601 Smithfield st. ja2-G2 T OST-A FOX TERRIER, WHITE. EXCE1T XJ face, halfblack; John S.Ford name on collar; suitable reward will be paid by returning to P. PRESTON. Penn avenue, near Lang, East End. de30-2i DIVIDENDS. DIVIDEND-REAL ESTATE LOAN AND Trust Co, have this day declared a divi- dend of 3 per cent.,'ont of tho last 6 mos. earnings, pavable on and after Januarv 10, 1889. C. SCHAUER, Jr.. Cashier. de31-H Freehold Bank, PrrrsBURO, December 31. 1888. t BIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS bank have this day declared a dividend of i WO (2) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forthwith. jal-61 J. F. STEEL, Cashier. CITY SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSBURG. Pa., December 31. 1883.-Tbe directors of this bank have declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENTUM on the capital stock, payable forthwith out of the earnings of the past six months. J. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. jal-70 Mechanics' National Bane, D IVIDEND fllE" BOARD OF DIREC- ' TORS of tBis bank have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT out of tho earnings of the last six months, payable on Tuesday, January 8. 1889. jal-28 GEO. J. GORMAN, Cashier. Duquesxe National Bank, ( Pittsburg, Pa., December 31, 1S88. D1VIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this bank have this dav declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENTUM out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. A. H. PATTERSON, jal-2 Cashier. Masonic Bank, Pittsburg. Pa., December 31, 1888. THIRTY-SECOND DIVIDEND THE Board of Directors of this b ink have this dav declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT on the capitalstockout of the earnings of the last sis months, payable on demand. jal-66-D C. B. McLEAN, Cashier. Arsenal Bank. Pittsburg. December 31. 1SS8. DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS nf this bank have declared a divi dend of FOUR (4) PER CENT out of the earnings of tbe last six months, payable forth with. W. S. WILLIAMS. Jal-55-D Cashier. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF DAVID HOSTETTER, DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on tbe estate of David Hostetter, late of the city of Allegheny, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylva nia, deceased,.h.ivo been granted to the under signed. All persons having claims against the estate will present them, properly probated, for payment, and all persons indebted to the estate will make prompt payment. D. HERBERT HOSTETTER, Admint'r, Nos. 59-60 First aveuuc, Plttsbarp, Pa. November IS. 1888. noll-oSa-wed n UNOAN C. WHITE; Bnlldipg Contractor, 71 Diamond street, Second door above Smithfield, Pittsburg. se4-c28-2tWT PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIDS WILL be received until Friday. January 4, 188S, at 2 P. Jf., at tho office of The Brownsville Nat ural Gas Compan, at Brownsville. Pa., for the trenching and laying of about (6) six miles of 6-lnchpipc. ... Privilege reserved of declining all bids if not deemed satisfactory. Plans and specifications can be seen at the company's office, Brownsville, Pa. GEO. W. LEXHAKT, jal-5I Secretary and Treasurer. Department of Public Safety, i PrrTSBUBO, December 31, 18S8. I SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the oflice of tho City Con troller until 2 P. M., January 5, 1SS9, for the printing and binding of 300 copies, more or less. "Manual Bureau of Fire, etc." Specifications can be seen at the general oflice of the depart ment. Bonds in double tUe amount of the con tract will be required, said bonds to bs probAt cd before the Mayor or City Clerk. The De partment of Awards reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, jal-85 Chief Department of Public Safety. PROPOSALS FOR DAMS AND DIKES U. S. Eneineer Office, Cincinnati, O., Dec 18, 1888. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, for furnhhins; material and constructing dams and dikes in the Ohio river, to-wit: a. dam be tween Davis and Neville Islands, a dam at the head of Marietta Island, a dike at Eight-Mile Island, a dike at Bonanza Bar, a dike at Madi son. IncL, and a dike at Caseyrille, Ky., will be received at this office until noon, local tune, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of January, 1889, and then opened. A separate contract wiU be made for each structure. All information fur nished on application. The attention of bid ders is invited to the acts of Congress approved Feb. 26. 1885, and Feb. 23, 1887. WM. E. MER RILL, Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. de31-28-de31-jaL2.3.25.28 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Department of Public Safety, PlTT8BUr.o, Pa.. December 22, 1883. SEALED PROPOSALS WILLr BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until Wednesday, January 2. 1889, at 2 o'clock p. M., for tbe excavation and putting in foundations for the Fourteenth ward police station. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Gamble Weir. Superintendent of Police. Probated bonds in donble the amount will be required. Said bonds to be Erobated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The lepartment of Awards reserves tho risrhtto reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN, Chief Departments Public Safety. de231-D VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. THE Xl assessments for the opening of the follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Soho to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenne, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of Greenbusn street, from Wyoming street to Boggs avenue. Opening of Bellefonte street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street. Opening of Moultrio street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustin street. Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenne to Monongahela river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'Hara street. Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Opening of Cowan street, from Greenbusn to Wyoming street. Opening of Breed street, from Uxar alley to South Fifteenth street. Are now in my bands for collection, and, if not paid within 30 days of the date hereof, liens will be filed for the unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees. W. C. MORELAND. City Attorney. Pittsburg, December 29, 1888. de23-78-D BUSINESS CHANGES. T HE COPARTNERSHIP Between John Ommert and Charles Relthel as John Ommert A Co., 141 Federal St., Alle gheny, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. John Ommert will continue the busi ness at tbe old stand, to whom all debts of said firm must be paid. ' Signed. JNO. OMMERT. . OHAS. RElTHEll December 29, 1888. Thanking the public for their liberal patron age in the past. 1 will endeavor to continue to give entire satisfaction in the future. de31-8 JOHN OMMERT. DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that the copartnership here tofore existing between William P. Greer and Arthur B. French, under the firm name of Greer & French, conducting a china and glass ware bu-iness. at 622 Penn a7enue, city of Plttsbnrg, has been this day dissolved by lim itation, Artnna B. French retiring therefrom. W. P. GREER. ARTHUR B. FRENCH. W. P. Greer will continue business at tho old stand, 622 Penn avenue, opposite Library HalL Arthur B. French will continue business at 516 Smithfield street, opposite City Hall. ja2-45 DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Thos. H. Ward. P. A. Ward and E. A. Ward, under tho firm name of Ward Brothers, conducting a livery business on Thirteenth street, Twenty-eighth ward, city of Pittsburg, has been this day dis solved by mutual agreement, Thomas H. Ward retiring therefrom. Tbe business of said late firm will hereafter be conducted by E. A. Ward ci Co., to whom all accounts against said firm of Ward Brothers shall be presented for payment, and to whom all sums due said Ward Brothers must be paid. THOS. H. WARD, P. A. WARD, E. A. WARD. Pittsburg. Dec 29, 18SS. de30-13 NOTICE THE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BUSINESS, Carried on by me at 2115 Penn ave., I have this day transferred to John H. Armstrong; who has been my snecess nl business for several years. I heartily recommea him to my former natrons and the pub ic generally, that he'wili give bis Individual attention to all busi ness placed in his hands. GEO. M'CANDLESS. Jan. L 1SS3. NOTICE. JOHN H. ARMSTRONG, Successor to GEO. M'CANDLESS, Has this day (Jan. 1, 18S9) purchastd and will carry on the real estate and insurance business at the old stand 2115 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. . jai-71 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The copartnership of Samuel W. Black & Co. expired by limitation December 31, 18S8, James Adair retiring. Settlements of all accounts will be made by Samuel W. Black, who will continue the real estate business as heretofore, at Ho, 99 Fourth Avenue, Under' the name and style of SomuEl WlilBCk 4 Cn. Pittsburg, January L 1SS9. ja2-46 TO LET. Some of the finest rooms In tbe citv for general business purposes at the New DisrATcn building. 75, 77 and Til Dia mond street. WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, the most central in the city, within a few hundred feet of tbe post offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenne, Smith field street and Fourth avenue. PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, with' special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam heating and janitor service included in the rents, which are moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply between 11 A. 31. and 5 p. Jr. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. Our specialt y RENT COLLECTING. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 09 FOURTH AVE., ESTABLISHED 1S73. ,dc27-25-WS -EO. H.BARBOUR. H" CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 02 Eisner Bnildiner. del2-kC8-D M FIFTH AVENUE, Plttsbnrg. Ernst axthelm, mechanicaland electrical bell hanger. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE, near Wood st, Telephone 85L PITTSBUEG, PA. au25-e76-WS AUCTION SALES. A SSIGNEES SALE-IN THE MATTER'.a". XX. or the voluntary assignment oi tne far mers' and Mechanics' Bans of East Binning- -ham to J. H. Sorg. H. Berg, Jr., and L. B. Cun ningham. No. 482 December Term. 1888. And now to wit, "December a, 1888. the within petition pre-: sented in open court and the oraver thereof is granted and it is ordered, adjudged and de- ' creed that tbe property within described be sold on the premises on the 31st DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M And that notice of said sale be given twice X week in two newspapers, one morning and ons evening for six weeks prior to said sale, also by hand bills. By tbe Court. Pursuant to the authority given us by the above order we will expose to public sale on the premises on THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, A- D., 18S9, AT 10 O'CLOCK. A. M., the followine described property: AH those TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND, each having a width of 20 feet, situate in the City of Pittsburg, together bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly comer ol Carson street and Eighteenth street and run ning thence along Carson street westwardlr 40 feet; thence northwardly parallel with Eigh teenth street 120 feet to Wright's alley; thenca eastwardly along said alley 40 feet to Eighteenth street; and thence southwardly along Eigh teenth street 120 feet to the place of begining. Having erected thereon two three-story build ings, with mansard; one of which was lately oc cupied by the said bank; the other is a store building; Being the same property which Frederick Ihrasen, executor, by deed dated September 5. 1871, and recorded in Deed Book, Vol. 339. page 660, conveyed to James McMaster, President and Trustee of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of East Birmingham. ALSO.ALLTHATCERTAINLOTORPIECB OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG, Bounded and described as follows: Beginning' on the southerly line of Pius street, at a point 6S feet westerly from the western line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Jose phine Ornisby: thence westerly along said Pins street 31 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church, thence along the line of said land' ' southerly 86.70 feet to the northern line of Gregory street: thence along the lino of said street easterly 32 feet, more or less, to tho Una of land ofLeoBIeger. and along tbe line of said Bieeer's land northwardly 87 feet, more or les3,"t.o Plus street, the place of beginning. Whereon is erected a two-story brick dwelling; house and outbuildings. ALSO. ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG. Bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Josephine Ormsby. at the dis tance of south 11 15-, west 235 14-1U0 feet from the south line nf Pius street and on south line of Maple street, continued from Yard's plan; then-e along said line south 11 15. wesr 202 76-100 to line of land of Bishop Tuigg; thence, along the same north 75 KlWest 63 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church; thence north 9c,47'.'eastl835-10 feet to line of Maple street aforesaid, and thence by the southern line ot said street easterly 80 feet, more or less, to place of beginning, comprising ten building lot?. All the above property, which is susceptible of division, will be offered first as a whole and then separately. Terms: One-third cash and the 'balance in one and two years, secured by tight Dond and mortgage, with 30 days' scire facias clause on the property sold. J. H. SORG, H. BERG. JR.. L. S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees. de27-3S.27.29,31,ja2.7,,H16,21,23,2S,30 PUBLIC SALE-FARM OF 90 ACRES, li miles from Harmarville, W. P. R. R., 12 miles from Allegheny City, known as "Cready farm:" large orchard: improvements and in ex cellent condition, will be offered for sale at auction on the premises, Thursday, January 10,. 18S9, at 11 o'clock A. 3r. JOSEPH BARTON, HarmarvUle. Pa. W. J. BARTON, No. 1 Wylle avenue. deCK-SO-wa - A3IUSE3IENTS. eRAND OPERA HOUSE EXTRA. Week Jan. 7, only matinee Saturday. nuWET BOOTH, LAWRENCE BARRETT. Monday JULIUS CSAR Tuesday night and Saturday matinee MERCHANT OF VENICE Wednesday and Friday nights OTHELLO Thursday HAMLET Saturday night (double bill) FOOL'S REVENGE and YORICKS LOVE All presented with new and elaborate scenery, costumes, armor, properties, etc., and a quin tet of selected vocalists. Parq. and 2 rows Parq. Circle. JZS0. balance' of Parq. Circle. Si Dres Circle, 5 first rows. S1.50; balance Dress Circle, SL Gallery, 50c Sale opens Thursday, Jan. 3.. ja2-77 GRAND CENTRAL RINK. Six-day Ladies' Bicycle Race. Misses Jesse Oakes. Elsie Von Blnmen. May Allen. Hattie Lewis. Hilda Suallor. 5 BEAUTIFUL BICYCLEINNES. EVERY AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK, EVERY EVE.VING AT 7 O'CLOCK. 8 HOURS DAILY. ADMISSION 25 CTS. RESERVED SEATS 25 CTS. EXTRA. ja2-81 BIJOU THEATER. MAGGIE MITCHELL. TO-DAY at 2:10 P.M. DNLY "RAY" MATINEE. Next week. "Held By the Enemy.' ja2 THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA POULTRY SOCIETY'S BENCH SHOW OF DOGS Will be held January 23. 30, 31 and February L GRAND CENTRAL SKATING RINK. A large list of prizes are offered. Premium lists ate now readv. Apply to office of So ciety, Jas. Down & Son, Gun Store. C03 Smith field street. E. GREGG. de31-7 President. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every evening.regular matinees Wednesday and Saturday.specialmatinee New Year's D3y. Donnelly and Glrara in the great New York success. Natural Gas. Week January 7 Booth and Barrett deSO-f H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY- To-nicbt. matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. HARRY KERNELL'S NEW COMPANY. Night prices New Year's matinee. deSO-15 H ARRIS' THEATER- Every afternoon and evening. THE KIMBALL OPERA COMPANY; Next week-Light? O'London. de3M9 H.ON. DANIEL DOUGHERTY. America's Silver-Tongued Orator, Will lecture on Oratorv at LAFAYETTE HALL. THURSDAY, JAN. 3, 8 under the auspices of the Columbus Club. ae3U-77-TWTSU CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF DECEMBER 31. The only and original CRESCENT CITY COMBINATION, headed with tbe following artists: SYMOND3, HUGHES and RASTUS. Open from 10 A. x. until 10 P. M. de3HZ DANCING ACADEMIES. PROF. BROOKS' DANCING ACADEMY, Sixth and Libeett Streets. (Member of the American Society of Pro fessors of Dancing, New York.) Tbe second term for ladies and gentlemen will commence THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, at 8 o'clock p. Jf . For ladies (exclusively) THURS DAY, JANUARY 3 at 3 o'clock P. M. For misses and masters, SATURDAY. JANUARY" 5 at 3 o'clock P. 31. For particulars call for circulars at music stores. de30-28 .O LET OR FOR SALE An Elegant. ComiOuions mi fell- Near Dinwiddie street. Built and finished in the best style. Just tbe place, and an admirable chance for physician, dentist or professional person, the cable cars bringing 0,000 people to It every day. Southside, Lawrencevillo and Miners nllo districts within a few minutes by bridge and Fort incline plane; Oakland, East Liberty and the old city quickly accessible by cable cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough fare and to new facilities for access, this prop erty will soon be as desirable for professional men as Penn avenne formerly was. Apply to BLACK & BAIRD, Real Estate Agents. 95 Fourth avenue. del3-lGS "MCKNIGHT & VICTORY. PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEA1I FITTERS, Dealers in GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, - . PU3IPS, LEADPIPE. HOSE, Ac, 415 SMITHFIELD 8TREET. ' Special attention given to natural gas fitting,1 Telephone 7K1. se23-I10-itw , fa i 1 t v i JF "4 -V" It 5& .i.