For to-morrow's DISPATCH can be left at main office till midnight or at branch offices till 9P.M. FORTY-THERD YEAH. V iJ As Can Be, to Organize the Legislature and Get it in Good Running Order. THE KICKERS ALL QUIET, And Nothing Occurs to Mar the Symmetry of the Occasion, Not Even a Murmur. THE SLATE SLIDES IXTO PLACE. Week's Adjournment Follow the Ardu ous Labors of the First Day's Session of the Legislature The Appointments Well Ilistribntcd Allegheny Xot Left Oat In the Cold Frohibliionlsis Actively at Work Quay l'lcned With Drlnmetcr's Work in Organizing the Legislature Speaker lioycr's Finn to fcavo Time Too Good to Adopt. Both branches of the Legislature are at work. The Republican slated nominations met no difficulty at aU. Bubsell Errett, of Allegheny, is the Senate's new chief clerk, and other Alleghenians are not forgotten. The Governor's lengthy message was read yesterday. A large batch of appointments will be confirmed to-day. ISrECLtL TZLrGllJLM TO THE DISrATCB.1 Hakeisbceg, January 1. The halls of the Legis lature had been closed to the gen eral public, and even to Senators and Bcpresenta. tives,until to-day, because of the decorations which Xunell Errett, of Alle- were being ar ghenv, the Senate's iVcto . , . Chief Clerk. ranged within them. When the large doors were flung open this morning, the eyes of persons en tering gazed on a beautiful spectacle as pre sented in the handsome adornments in the halL New and attractive curtains had been introduced, new "United States flags tastelnlly displayed, and flowers emitting delicious fragrance were wrought into beau tiful designs. The desks of the presiding officers were laden with banks of flowers ar ranged with exquisite taste, and nothing had been left undone to lend enchantment to the scene. Hoik IIonseaJTnJlei! JoOrdcr. "When the Houses were called to order the lobbies were thronged with people, and many forced themselves into the circle occupied by the Senators and Representatives. In the Senate, Rev. J.Patton Moore, the Chaplain, in his prayer, re f erred to the heroic and pa triotic deeds o f the boys of 1776, and the soldiers of the Union Army in the late war to inspire the Sena tors in their work of legislation. Among the first uung u0ue a3 Senator Gradj,, the presentation of President pro tern, the returns of the vote for Senatorb at the November election. "When it was thought by the clerks that the vote had been an nounced for all the candidates, SenatorBoss arose and expressed a wish to know why that which elected Mr. Devlin had not been given to the Senate? Caused a Commotion. This demand caused a commotion, and Lieutenant Governor Davics (President of the Senate) hesitated to answer the inter rogatory. He finally stated that according to the statement of the Secretary of the Commonwealth the returns had not been re ceived at the Slfcte Department Secretary Stone by this time had reached a point near the Clerk's desk, when lie announced that the returns from the Philadelphia district formed a part of the package of papers he had brought from his office, and after a dili gent search they were found, to the gratifi cation of the sitting member and the relief of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Subsequently George Handy Smith filed a petition, covering 192 printed pages, con testing the seat of Devlin, who saj s he has no fear of the almost conntless allegations contained in the petition, as he ran behind the Democratic electoral ticket and the election officers in the district were mostly Republicans. How the Senators Qualified. Of the 25 Senators who qualified before the bar of the Senate 10 swore by the book, 12 by the uplifted hand and 3 affirmed. There was talk this morning that if enough Eepublican votes could be induced to stand by Cochran for Chief Clerk to elect him with the aid of Democratic Senators, the latter would vote for him. The Repub lican Senatorial caucus did not develop sufficient opposition to Russell Errett to en danger his success only Stehman and Mylan, of Lancaster; Steele and TJpper man, of Allegheny; Gobin, ot Lebanon; Keefer, of Schuylkill; Cooper, of Delaware; Harlan, of Chester, and Reyburn, of Phila delphia. This vote, if added to that of the Democrats, would not have been sufficient to elect Cochran, and when the ballot for Chief Clerk was taken m the Senate, Errett received the support of every Republican Senator. The Democrats gave their rotes to Harry J. JIcAteer, who represented Hnntingdon and Franklin counties in the Senate two years ago. Itntan Ready to ficpol Slander. Rutan was not present at the Republican Senatorial caucus, but in the afternoon he occupied his Beat in the chamber a short time, for the sale purpose of giving answer to an article in a newspaper stating that he was fighting Delancy for Senate Librarian, because the latter would not tolerate liquor in his room. Rutan arose with great diffi culty, owing to his debilitated condition, and tremulously denied the truth of the al legation. The heart of the man who in IT AS I fin g s vented this falsehood, he said, was blacker than the article itself. The statement was not only a lie, but a-rfny back in 1863 James S. Graham, Russell Errett and himself, through the then President of the Senate, Georee Anderson, had had removed the only bar ever known about the Senate. An Umlonbtcd Sensation. He was growing weaker as he spoke, and was compelled to take his seat after he had made the remark that another time he might have something to say that would surprise some people. Rutan's speech cre ated a sensation, and every word that dropped from his lips was listened to with rapt attention. Senator "Watres, to whom is credited the selection of Senate Librarians, remarked that Delaney entertained the most kindly feelings for the Allegheny Senator, and that he disclaimed all connection with the printed story, and that the correspondent who wrote it would exonerate him. Rutan said he was glad to hear that Delaney bore no ill-will toward him, but a correspondent whom he regarded as reliable had informed him that Delancy had told him a story sub stantially similar to that contained in the article to which he had been obliged to refer. A BUI Recalled From tho Honse. A bill was passed at the session of 1887, making a large appropriation to the Hunt ingdon Reformatory, in which the expendi ture of money was confined to certain ob jects. It has since been found that the un expended balance could be used to better advantaee by appropriating it to a purpose not contemplated by the laws making the appropriation, and to-day Senator Mc Willianison, of Huntingdon, offered a con current resolution, which was adopted, em powering the Board of Managers to apply any unexpended balance to the purchase of supplies for the inmates. Senator Reyburn and others looked upon the resolution as unwarranted, as it proposed to nullify a law by a resolution, and it was recalled from the House to await investiga tion at the hands of the Senate. How tho Dlcssngc Was Received. The message of the Governor, transmited to the Senate and House, contained 19,500 words. Its reading was far from having a thrilling effect on its auditors. Only about 20 Senators had the courage to remain in their scats whilo it was being rung in their ears. The message had a soothing effect on some of the auditors, who fell asleep under its influence. The new House Reading Clerk, Mr. Baker, of Mercer county, was given a foretaste of what is expected of him by being obliged to read the message. He created a good impression, having a clear, loud voice, and lots of sand. Some of the old clerks occasionally gave him a wink, and he profited by it, as the reading of the message did not occupy near as much time as it would have done under other circum stances and Clerk Baker almost smiled audibly as he took his "skipping" cue from his experienced co-laborers. WHO "WEKE CHOSEN. List of the Favored Ones in the Lottery of the House Speaker Boycr's Address The Prohibition Amendment Receiies a Boom. IBrr.CIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Haekisbueo, January L The reading of the election returns for members of the House took up a large portion of the time of that body to-day. All the members were sworn in by Judge Simonton. Henry K. Boyer, of Philadelphia, and Representative "Wherry, of Cumberland, were placed in nomination for Speaker. Mr. Boyer re ceived 142 votes and "Wherry 58, when, on motion of Mr. Hassett, Democrat, Mr. Boyer's nomination was made unanimous. The Speaker made a speech, urging the early passage of the liquor prohibitory amendment, which was loudly applauded. John "W. Morrison, of Allegheny, and Samuel E. Hudson, of Philadelphia, were nominated for Chief Clerk, and Mr. Mor rison received 142 votes and Mr. Hudson 55. Mr. Billingsley offered a resolution to the effect that the following be elected officers of the House: President Clerk, Charles E. Voorhees,of Philadelphia; Read ing werK, j. u. v. isaKer, .Mercer: Message Clerk, John McCabe, Washington; Transcribing Clerks, James B. Fisher, Franklin; George "W. McCracken, Dela ware: Sergcant-at-Arms, John D. Patter son, Dauphin; Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, Alexander Boyd, Philadelphia; Frederick Hartman, Philadelphia; George Evans, Bedford; E. L. Bear, Allegheny Postmaster. William B. Thomas. Phila delphia; assistant postmaster, "William Bar ton, Allegheny. Doorkeeper, Robert M. Jones, Westmore land. Assistant doorkeepers, Silas C. King, Chester; George M. Spanogle, Huntingdon; Adam Grimm, Somerset. Doorkeeper ro tunda, John EichnerPhiladelphia. Mes senger, Edward Skeels, Crawford; assistant lnessengers,PeterHausknecht,PhiIadelphia; Nicholson, Lackawanna; L. B. Bichtu reyer, Wayne. Superintendent folding room, Charles Smith, Philadelphia; pasters and folders, L. S. Mclntyre, Blair; Ira P. Harrington, Erie; Patrick Reagan. Fayette; Daniel H. Bee. Indiana; Elnin E. Reider, Lancaster; George Dix, Lawrence; Elias Horton, Mc Kean; G. E. Goodrich, Tioga; Charles W. Shannon, Venango; Sidney 1L Weihl, Butler. Mr. McDonald offered a resolution to Btrike out the Republican list of officers and insert a list agreed upon by the Demo cratic caucus last night, which was defeated. Speaker Boyer announced the followins ap pointments; Chaplain, B. F Beck, Harris burg; Speakers clerk, Harry Huhn, Phila delphia; firemen in the basement, Timothy Gustin, Bradford; fire man, W. E. Woolslaer, Alleghenv; janitor ojF court room, James Eoyle, Phila delphia; janitor Eouse committee room, C. H. Hessen, Schuylkill; James Braun.War ren; janitor basement, D. S. Michael, Sus quehanna; H. Frank Meckling, Armstrong. The Chief Clerk announced that he had appointed A. D. Fetterolf as journal clerk, and William Wilkins, Philadelphia, as watchman. WAGES ALMOST SPLIT 15 TWO. Representative Stewart's Reasons for Op. posing Pauper Immigration. SrECIAL TKLEOEAK TO THE DISPATCH Haeeisbceo, January L Representa tive Stewart, of Philadelphia, wants na tional legislation to restrict pauper and vicious immigration, and thinks a demand on Congress 'jv the Pennsylvania Legisla ture for a Iw on that subject wonld go far toward having the desired object accom plished. He, therefore, offered a concurrent resolution to-day requesting Pennsylvania Senators and Congressmen to devise the nec essary legislation. Mr..Stewart says the importation of a for eign element in bis district has reduced wages from $1 50 and $1 75 to 70 and 90 cents a day. At the proper time it will be referred to the Committee on Federal Rela tions. Quay Congratulates Oelnmntcr. ISWCIAT. TELKOliAM TO THE DISPATCH.! HABUisnuita, January 1. Senator Del- nmatcr is said to have received a telegram from Colonel Quay, to-day, congratulating him on the skillful manner in which he supervised'the organization of the Legislature. SENATE SERVANTS. Allegheny Fares Well nt the Hnnds of the Upper House Rnsscll Errett a Chief Clerk and the Other Slated Nominations Go Right Through. ISFECIAL TXLEOBAM TO THE DISFATCB.l Harrisbubg, January 1. After the new ly elected Senators were sworn in by Judge Simonton to-day, Senator Newmeyer nom inated Senator Grady, of Philadelphia, for President pro tern., and McAleer, of Phil adelphia, nominated Ross, of Bucks. The Republican candidate was elected by a party vote, except that the candidates voted for each other. Mr. Grady prophesied care fully considered and wise legislation, be cause partisanship had almost entirely dis appeared. For Chief Clerk, Russell Errett, of Al legheny, and ex-Senator McAteer, of Hunt ington, were placed in nomination, and the former was elec ed by a party vote. Anthonv Bannar, of McKean, was elected reading clerk; E. "W. Smiley, of Venango, journal clerk, and James Franklin, of Philadelphia, sergeant-at-arms. Chairman Allen, of the Republican State Committee, snbmitted the following list of officers, which was adopted: Ass st ant sergeant-at-arms, Peter J. Donahue, of Allegheny, and James Gates, of Lebanon: doorkeeper, Charles Wolf, of Philadelphia; asssstants, Lewis K. Safer, ofDelaware, and Philip Newhart; of Allegheny; message clerk, Thomas B. Reed, of Mifflin; tran scribing clerks, John A. McClain, of "Wash ington, and Thomas Kilrow, of Susque hanna; postmaster, Lewis M. Kelty, of Montgomery; messenger, Rufus H. Dull, of Somerset; assistant, M. N. Green, of Butler; superintendent of the folding room, John A. Johnson, of Westmoreland; pasters and folders, John Marshall, Allegheny; George "W. Jones, Philadelphia; Harry Marlett, Cambria; Harris Richardson, Huntingdon, James S. Woodwell, Alle gheny; fireman on the floor, George W. Henry, Schuylkill; fireman in cellar, Sam uel Salter, Philadelphia; watchman, Benja min Merrick, of Bradford; janitor of base ment, R. B. Thompson, of Dauphin; custodian of coat room (or barber), Jonathan Spalding, Erie; clerk to President pro tem, T. L. Eyre, Chester; engineer, E. J. Adam son, Philadelphia, and John C. Delaney, slated for Senate Librarian, is appointed by the Chief Clerk. A resolution was adopted providing for an adjournment from to-morrow until Tues day next, nt 0 p. M., which was modified to conform to a House resolution fixing tho adjournment a day later. A WAY TO SATE TIME. Speaker Borer Makes a Vnlnnblo Snsgcs tlon, bat a Needless One. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Hakkisbukg, January 1. In his speech to-day, Speaker Boyer gave the Legislature a number of points whicn, if utilized, wonld enable the Legislature to finally adjourn much earlier than heretofore. He suggests, among other things, that .petitions and memorials be filed with the Chief Clerk. This arrangement would save much time for legislation, but it will not likely com mend itself to a majority of the members of the House, on account of almost certain op position to it from constituents who are in terested in getting up petitions and who generally want the widest publicity given to them in the Legislature. The friends of prohibitory Jiquor legisla tion would be particularly opposed to the suggested order of business, as it would not give the importance to demands for the pas sage oi ine proposea consmuuona amena- Blent which the people think should attaeh t0 lhem- sage or the proposed constitutional amend- Cochran's Home Treated Shabbily. SPECIAL TELEGItAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Hakkisbukg, January 1. Lancaster county, the home of Thomas B. Cochran, was shabbily treated in the distribution of legislative offices. Although the county has two Senators and six members of the House, it received but one appointment, that of paster and folder. Large Bntch of Appointments. rSrECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Hakkisbukg, January 1. There were sent to the Senate this afternoon, by the Governor, a large number of appointments, including about 600 notariess, which will be confirmed at to-morrow's session, if enough Senators are present. Prohibitionists Actively nt Work. rSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TUB DISPATCH.l Hakkisbukg, January 1. Circulars are already being distributed among mem bers of the legislature, urging the passage of the prohibitiory liquor amendment. BET ON THE WR05IG MAN. A Philndelplilnn Saves n Thonsnnd Dollars by Walking to New York. rSPECIAl. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New Yoke, January 1. Among those who were present at Mayor Grant's in auguration to-day, nobody had better earned the privilege than Mr. G. T. Griffith, of Philadelphia. Mr. Griffith arose with the lark on Saturday, and at 8 o'clock started for New York on foot, arriving on Monday evening at 6:30. Then he took a good night's rest, and this morning, in company with Mr. A. A. Liscomb, ne was present at the inauguration. It all grew out of a bet made during the heat of the campaign between Mr. Griffith and Mr. Liscomb, by which Mr. Griffith was to perform this feat or forfeit $1,000. THE GOLDEN STATE. Progress In Wealth and Population on the Pacific Const. SAN FRANCISCO, January 1. In its an nual review, the Chronicle states that the past year was the most prosperous one in the history of California. It is estimated that the present population is 1,400, OOO.many of the counties having doubled and even trebled in population during the past year. The value of the mineral products in 1888 is placed at 520,000,000; manufactured products, $170,000,000; orchard products, $24,000,000; cereal crops, 555,000,000. CANDIDATES SPRINGING DP. Shalicnbergcr Not to Have a Walkover for Burgess of Braddock. fSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Braddock, January 1. Since the an nouncement in The Dispatch this morn ing that Mr. H. C. Shallenberger would probably be a candidate for Burgess at tne coming election, more candidates have com menced to spring up. Ex-Burgess William Sherwin, it is said, will enter the fight, as will also Mr. George C. Wiltcher, the present borough Constable. A Casslmere Mill Destroyed. Rockville, 'Conn., January 1. The Windsonrillecassimere mill, three-set, at Windsorville, Conn.,owned by the Windsor ville Mill Company and Frank S. Jordan, of New York, was burned at 5 o'clock this morning. The mill, stock, machinery, with a boarding house, are total loss. Loss, $40, 000; insurance, one-half. FirelnnarcndfilleStibnrb, (SPECIAL TELEOIUM TO TUB DISPATCH.l Meadville, January 1. Fire this even- in ng in Kerrtown, across Bench creek from his city, destroyed five building. Loss in Kerrtown, across Bench creek from t; .12,000; partly insured. 'r Vi.- PITTSBTJKGr, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1889. A TBDM ADYENTTOE Tllat Lays Similar Achievements of the Kind in the Shade'. EMBEZZLER VINES' NOVEL SCHEME To Escape from the Lynx-Eyed Detectives With a Lot 'of Boodle. TORTURED BT BAGGAGE SMASHERS, And Almost Suffocated, He Becomes Desperate and Dis closes His Identity. i lim .. - 11... ... !a l.nw.1 "4 Mr. "Vines, a Chicago boodler, proved the truth of the declaration. The account of his journey from Chicago to St. Louis, nailed up in a trunk, reads like a romance, but it was painful reality to him. He would probably have escaped after all if he hsd not said he was Tascott. ' Nearly all the stolen money was recovered. rSPECIAl. TELEGHAU TO THE DISPATCH.l St. Louis, Januarv 1. Thomas W, Vines, erstwhilnaVx Chicago, is fully corn- tean movement, as applied to Saratoga trunks. During the 21 hours the principles of the poetry of motion have been called to his attention in such a way that an im pression deep and lasting has been left. This impression is not alone confined to his head, but extends to his body and the ex tremities thereof. Thomas is the hero of a trunk adventure beside which that of Max well pales into insignificence. For several years Mr. Vines was employed as a time keeper of the Adams and Westlake Manu facturing Company of Chicago. Once every week he distributed among the other em ployes the weekly stipend to which they were entitled. This association with the small envelopes containing the aforesaid stipend bred a familiarity that developed last week into a proprietorship; Instead of distributing the funds as usual among the employes he dis tributed fhem about bis person and started hence. The funds thus roped amounted to $4,500. The embezzlement was soon dis covered and the police were given a descrip tion of Thomas. The fugitive discovered that the exits of the city were so well watched that any attempt to escape would be fraught with considerable danger. Then he planted himself and cogitated. He called to his assistance a confederate, now unknown, and the pair evolved a novel scheme. BAGGAGE smashers in clovek. A big Saratoga trunk was purchased by the confederate, and Thomas and most of his boodle were deposited in the trunk. Thomas is 6 feet high, weighs 180 pounds, and the trunk was pretty full of the de faulter when Thomas was packed in. Holes had been bored under the handles, and through these the bold Thomas inhaled air. The trnnk was carted to the depot and checked to this city last night. The con federate took the check and was to have claimed the Saratoga as soon as it arrived. Then began a rather hazardous adventure for Thomas. The first baggage smasherthat seized him stood him on his head, and then, with the assistance of another friend. citchrd him , t j, .and swe1ied XJ hewas Arriving in the car and ts fceaiisjta. ame. Arriving in the car and bringing up with a violent concussion, tne nrsf words he heard was "This is a hard looking box to be out on the road this time of year," and with this another pair of trunk thumpers picked him up and tossed him halfway across the car. In a minute a big sample trnnk came thundering down on him and shook all the pluck out of him. Then he was stood on his head and bombarded with trunks and other pieces of baggage until he was threat ened with suffocation. He says: "They banged and slammed it around in a frightful manner, and made ex istence miserable for me. I was tossed about in all manner of ways. Sometimes I was standing on my head and sometimes mv feet. While the trunk was standing still I was all right. My hands were scratched, my head bumped and body bruised by the way in which I was tossed around in mv cramped quarters. I had taken a bottle of water with me and had it in the back pocket of my pantaloons. A toss of the trunk by one of the enterprising handlers of tne Daggage oroce tne Dottle, and the water poured down my neck. You can imagine what sort of a position I was thrown into. The first 100 miles I got along nicely, and the air was all right. Then it became thick, and after going another 50 or 75 miles I began to yell and kick. DISCOVERED AND RESCUED. "I could stand it no longer and deter mined to get out of the trunk at all hazards. My kicks and yells finally attracted the attention of the men in the car and they pulled ont the trunk which had another trunk on top of it, and broke it open. They were a long time finding me, however, and I thought they never would come. I thought 1 would be arrested, but to my surprise they did not do anything to me at all. Tbey did not even put me off the train, but let me ride to St. Louis. I don't know where my partner is gone. I guess he became fright ened and lelt as he has not claimed the trnnk." When discovered Vines told the aston ished baggage manipulators that his name was Burk and that he took the trunk in order to beat his way. He won the men over, and when the train reached the depot at 7:30 o'clock, the story went from tongue to tongue, and so much sympathy was de veloped for the young man that a subscrip tion was taken up and he was presented with the fo and told to get something to eat. He took breakfast at the Union Depot Hotel, and told some of the waiters he was Tascott. This information reached a po liceman and he took a look at the young man. At this time Vines was looking for his friend who checked him in order to get the check and claim the trunk. But the friend was conveniently missing. The officer by this time became convinced that tjfc man was Tascott and arrested him. fVines and the trunk were taken to police headquarters, where a search ot both brought to light $3,800. He was identified as Vines by one of the detectives, and then he con fessed. He wonld say nothing about his missing friend, but told of his adventure with the trunk as portrayed above. He said he first tried to escape from Chicago by painting himself with iodine. He went ont on the street in the iodine disguise, and everybody looked at him so hard that he re turned to his place of concealment. He will be taken back to Chicago on Thursday. A BACE WITH F1KE. Fearful Fate of a Tramp Who Went to Sleep In the Woods. IBPECIAITXLBOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Indianapolis, January 1. The nude body of a man, horribly bnrned, was found this morning in a ditch near Fairview, four miles west of Indianapolis. Last night the man was seen in the woods beside a fire, and it is supposed that while asleep he rolled into the flames. "When awakened by the heat he ran in terror down the railroad track lor a quarter of a mile. His clothing, with the exception of a part of his shirt, was burned entirely from his body. He was apparently about 60 years Old, and is a stranger in he region where his body was found. ' - OUR FLEET COMING. Tho Galena and Ynnilc Sail for Home With the Hayilon Republic HIppoljto Coming to the Surface. IBY CABLE TO TIIE DISPATCH. Santiago De Cuba, January 1. The United States squadron left Port-au-Prince to-day. Admiral Luce, in command of the flagstaff Galena, took the surrendered steam ship Haytien Republic with him in tow. The cabled report that the Admiral was instruct ed by the United States Government to re main at Port-au-Prince until the Ha) tians paid an indemnity of 52,000,000 is incorrect. He was not ordered to exact any indemnity, which makes American residents angry. The United States war ships sailed away as soon as the detained vessel was delivered up and was ready, by the replacement of her stolen port coverings, to risk to sea. Thev are making to this port. Here the Haytien Republic will await the, arrival of a crew from the United States. She will then take aboard a cargo of logwood and re turn to Boston. In spite of all reports to the contrary, the political situation is azainst Legitime and his claim to the Presidency. The Southern armies have been defeated by Hippolyte's forces in three recent encounters. Treachery has shown itself in Port-au-Prince, Leci tlme's capital. It is alleged that the city is evenly divided between friends and secret foes of Legitime. Legitime has caused 30 citizens to be placed under arrest. They are all prominent persons, who may represent many hundreds of the populace. It is al leged that they are sympathizers with the North. The most flagrant offenders are likely to be shot. BROKE THE0DGH THE ICE. Two Adventurous Deaf and Dumb Boys Drowned While Sknttng. rSPECIAl. TELEOHAH TO TIIE DISPATCH. Columbus, January 1. The State Insti tute for Deaf and Dumb lost two, and prob ably three, of its brightest pupils to-day by drowning. The inmates were given a holi day, and they set about to enjoy themselves. A large crowd of the boys, 40 or 50 in num ber, went to an ice pond east of Alum creek to skate. The ice was little more than an inch thick, and where the boys were drowned the water was nine feet deep. Three of the boys who were more daring than the others, started onto the ice, and meeting with fair success, ran together for a scuffle. As they came together the ice gave way, andihey all disappeared. The mute assemblage on.the bank wit nessed, in horrible silence, the drowning and dying struggles of their companions, but were unable to extend any aid. The accident happened about 4 o'clock, and it was G before the bodies were recovered. Only one, Loy Dresbach, was taken out alive, though so exhausted it is thought he will die. He is 13, and came to the institu tion from Johnstown, Licking county. The others are Charles Swift, 28 years old, a former pupil, but latterly employed nt the institution. He came here from Pennsylvania. He had his skates on when taken ont. Jacob Reislock, aged 13, came from Cincinnati, and was an orphan. Both bodies were dragged from the bottom after having been in two hours. NO EIVAL TO THE HAILS. Railway Employes May Carry News Mat ter to Newspapers If They Wish. rSPECIAl. TELEOBAH TO THE DISPATCH.l Boston. Januarv 1. A decision which -fs of interest to newspapers in all parts ot the country, has just been received from the Post Office Department relative to a local controversy. Some time ago the Qld Colony Railroad cave instructions to its em ployes nut to carry manuscript for suburban correspondents to their papers in Boston, they having the impression that it was a violation of the postal laws so to do. This led to the abolition of a very convenient and satisfactory method of sending news to Bos ton in the evening or late at night after the last mails were dispatched. The result of the taking away of this privilege would be of no advantage to the mails as far as postal revenues are concerned, as it would simply divert the news matter to the telegraph offices, thus greatly adding to the expense account ot tne newspapers. Postmaster Corse was appealed to for re dress, and he referred the matter to Wash ington for decision, with a statement of the importance of this channel of communica tion to the newspapers. An opinion has just been received which says that the rail road employes may carry all the manuscript they like, b'ut that it is illegal for any rail way postal employe, or any other postal em ploye, for that matter, to carry manuscript out of the mails. UPSET A FAX-TAN PALACE. A Chinese LnundiTmnn Celebrates tho DIcll enn Sinn's New Year With a Row. tEFECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New York, January 1. Mott street Chi namen celebratedjthe Melican man's New Year this afternoon by raising a big fight. A Chinese laundryman entered the fan-tan shop at 32 Mott street, where he tried to bust up the invincible and fascinating fan tan game, but got beaten out of abig boodle. Then he attempted to pick up the last stake, which he had also just lost, and run out of the place, but the dealer was too quick for him, as the money was taken out ot his hands before he had got to the door. He rushed out of the room, hatless and almost cueless. and reported to his friends on the street that he had been robbed. They went back with him to the villainous fan tan shop, in red-hot haste, and in less than no time the fan-tan palace was turned into a battlefield, where""clubs and knives were flouiisned turiouslv. Some one suddenly exclaimed "polish," and the attacking party immediately took to their heels and ran into Poll and Park streets, where they were lost to view. Nobody was killed. WHISKI KILLS A CHILD. Terrible Effects of Feeding: a Bnbo on the Ardent Fluid. . (SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO WIE DISPATCH.. ' New York, January 1. Hugh Dykes, of 1872 Third avenue, had a half gallon of whisky in the house Snnday. There wasan empty half-gallon wickered bottle kicking about the floor to-day, and Sarah, the 7-year-old child, who made three in the family, was dead. Dr. Cocks says that when he was called in on Monday the child was lying on a lounge, ( perfectly limp, and smelt strongly of whisky. The husband was too drunk to talk. The wife told Dr. Cocks that the child said, just before she became stupefied, that her father had given her two wine-glasses full of whisky. The woman called at his office on Mondav night and contradicted her previous story about the whisky and said the child died of croup. The father said that he gave the child whisky, but "only a taste." She had been used to tasting it since she m in the cradle, he said. A Noted illnn Cat Down. SPECIAL TELEORiM TO THE DISPATCH. Connelxsville; January 1. One of the best known characters in this section, Joseph McManus, "The Pilot of the Yough," met a horrible death. on the Balti more and Ohio road at this place last night, being struck by a train and horribly man gled. He resided at Indian Creek. He was known to almost every person in the Yongh Valley. THEY ALL CEY PEACE. s European .Rulere Not Quite Eeady to Let Loose the Dogs of War. SWORDS SHEATHED-FOR A SEASON. Irish Patriots Begin the New Tear's Cam paign With Fresh Courage. INSPIRING WORDS PROM POPE LEO. The Grand Old Man Misrepresented and Bismarck Knocked Ont by tho Goat. Emperor William iu his New Year's con gratulations to foreign representatives, ex pressed a desire that the present cordial relations between the powers be maintained. The same sentiment was reiterated by King Humbert. Premier Tisza, was confident peace would be maintained for another year "at least. Bismarck is still suffering from gout, Irish Nationalists enter upon the new year with renewed hope and courage. Berlin, January 1. The Emperor's re marks during the reception to-day were without special interest. He singled out from the personaees passing "before him Count Herbert Bismarck, General Count von Schellendorf, Count Szechenyi, the Anstrian Ambassador, and several others, speaking a few words to each. The day's ceremonies were ushered in by trumpeters blowing the reveille outside the palace chapel at 10 o'clock. Divine service in the chapel was attended by the Emperor and Empress, Prince and Princess Henry, of Prussia, Prince Albert of Prussia, Prince George of Saxony, Prince Leopold of Bavaria, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Baden, the Grand Duke of Hesse, the Duke and Duchess of Sflie Meiningen and a brilliant array of Generals commanding various army corps. After the service there was a general re ception of Court and Ministerial officials, a long train defiling before the Emperor and Empress. The ladies were id half-mourning, wearing high-necked dresses and bon nets, but nd jewels. The congratulatory reception was held in the white saloon of the Schloss and was distinct from the special audienco accorded to the foreign ambassa dors. At the latter reception the Emperor is re ported as having addressed each representa tive of the great powers with the same formula, expressing his desire foracon tinuance of cordial relations Official com munications issued this evening state that the Emperor refrained from special refer ence to the political situation. A H0PEPDL STATESMAN. Fremler Tisza Says Earopo Will Have Peace Another Yaar. Pesth, January 1. The liberal members of the Diet to-day wailed upon Premier Tisza and offered him New Year congratula tions. Finance Minister Szapary, who acted as spokesman, referred to the services of Herr Tisza, and expressed the absolute confidence of the Liberals in him as a leader, assuring him of the full support of the party in his foreign policy. Herr Tisza, in his reply, said: In the foreign political situation tha alliance of the Central European Powers offers a most most prominent guarantee of peace. History records various alliances, which, a3 a rule, were only concluded for purposes of conquest and expansion. Compared with such alliances, a greater value must bo attached to one which oes not seek to conquer or to destroy anything, aiming solely to secure peace in the interests of humanity and the progress of nations. I may, without risk of disappointment, give expression to the hope that with this alliance, and in view Of the fact that there is not a state in Europe absolutely desirous of war, we shall succeed in preserving this year the blessings of peace, and thus continue undisturbed in the work of progress. Herr Tisza's hopeful tone agrees with the opinion of leading diplomats and military men in Austria that peace will continue a year. This" belief is based chiefly upon the renewal of armaments, the adoption of new repeating rifles, new explosives, etc., con joined with attendant reforms in military drill and tactics. These changes are con sidered sufficient to prevent any power from taking the field perfectly equipped for a number of months. NEYiR SAY DIE. Unabated Confidence of tbo Irish Patriots Tho Mennest Man Fonnd. Dubliit, January 1. At a league meet ing in this city to-day Mr. Donald Sullivan, member of the House of Commons for Son(h Westmeath, congratulated the Leaguers on the fact that the year closed with unabated confidence in the cause. The Irish people, he said, had received a New Year's gift in the atrocious sentence of Mr. Harrington. The magistrate passing the sentence might rely on enjoying for many years the reputa tion of being the meanest and basest tool employed by the BalfourJGovernment. Mr. Joseph Clancy member for. North Dublin county, relerring to the recent order of the land commission regarding an average reduction in judicial rents,denounced Has the most outrageous scandal connected with the administration of the land act, forcing ten ants to buy holdings at rackrents under the Ashbourne act. BLESSED BY THE POPE. He Encourages tho Strangling Irish and Sends Them Vnlnnblo Presents. Dublin, January 1. Archbishop Walsh read from the pulpit to-day a message frem the Pope to the Irish people, in which His Holiness said: We have always held In special affection the Catholics of Ireland, who have been sorely tried by many afflictions, but have ever en dured them, which is more Intense because of their marvelous fortitude ana their hereditary attachment for their religion. In the counsels we have given from time to time and in our recent decree, we were moved not only by the consideration of what is conformable to the truth, but also bv the de'ire to advance your interests. Onr affection for yon does not suffer us U allow tho cause for which Ireland is struggling to be weakened by the introduction ol anything which could fairly be brought In reproach against it. In order to specially mani fest our affection we send you a number of gifts, which are specially blessed. PROF. GEPFOKEN INDICTED. The Serious Charge of High Treason Lodged Against Him. Berlin, January 1. The public prosecu tor to-day served upon Prof. Geffcken an indictment for high treason. It is .a volu minous document, indicating a long trial and the calling of nnmerous witnesses, The trial will likely begin at Leipsic at the end of January. The indictment traces the entire working life ofGeffcfcen in trying to prove that he has been a persistent enemy of German unity. GLADSTONE MISREPRESENTED, He Is Not Bendy for Arbitration on the Pnpal Question. London, January l.-Mr, Gladstone tel egraphs as follows: The Tablet t version of my letter to the Mar quis Be Riso, touching the position of the Pope, is untrustworthy. The statement that I recommend international arbitration upon the Roman question Is Incorrect under the present circumstances. k.'iftSL' .v'm.A.Ui.'i, . -....S.jLL"' , fcft. ,'.4ljL. jw ,M Of the Sunday issue of "fe. SOCIALISTS COMB DOWN. They Moderate Their Demands for a Change and Denoance Violence. Viesna, January 1. The meeting of the Socialist Congress at Hainfeld has been marked by moderation in speeches and reso lutions. Presidents Popp, of Vienna, Hydes, of 'Prague, and Bayer, of Brunn, urged attention to practical questions. The platform adopted begins by affirming that the Socialist workmen's party of Austria is an international party, condemns the pre rogatives of nations as well as those of birth, property and race, and proposes to propagate socialist ideas by meetings, through the press, and by a free expression ot opinion generally. A notable feature of the congress has been the denunciation of violence, open or secret, as a means for attaining ends. BISMARCK'S GOUT. It Will Silence His Tolce In the Landtag and Beletistag. BEKLIS', January 1. Prince Bismarck's attack of neuralgic gout is abating, but he is unable to fix a date for comine to Berlin. He will certainly not be able either to be present at the opening of the Landtag or to participate in the colonial debates in the Beichstag. Minister Von Boetticher went to Fried richsruhe on Sunday to receive instructions regarding business in the Landtag and the speech from the Throne. The Emperor and Empress sent Prince Bismarck costly Christmas gifts, the Emperor, in a long autograph letter, expressing gratitude for Bismarck's services and hopes for his early recovery. FEMCn SENTIMENT. President Cnrnot Hopeful of a Peaecfnl and Prosperous fear. Pabis, January 1. In replying to the congratulations of the diplomatic corps to day, President Carnot referred to the Paris exhibition, and said he trusted that the year would be one of peace and prosperity. Deputy LaGuerre to-day entertained General Boulanger and a select part-? at dinner. General Boulanger expressed him selfas being sure that he will win the seat for the department of the Seine. TEE VOICE OP ITALY. King Hnmbert Expresses Conflilcnco In tbo Continuance of Cordial Relations. KoaiE, January 1. King Humbert to-day received at the Quirinal members of the Chamber of Deputies who wished to offer New Year congratulations. In a speech he said: My most ardent desire Is to show myself worthy of the affection which the country has shown toward me. It is my earnest wish to preserve peace, and it is greatly satisfactory to me to be able to state my belief for this year also that peace is assured. BRITISH TAFFI. They Wonld Welcome Blaine or Any Other American as minister. London, January 2. The Daily TeU graph in an article on the subject of Min isters to England, says: We have always contrived to make them more English than they were before tbey came to England. Shonld Mr. Blaine come to Lon don as United States Minister, Englishmen wonld take it as a great compliment. But who ever Sir. Harrison chooses is certain to be a persona grata here. PREPARED TO FIGHT. Irish Peasants Arm nnd Fortify Their Houses to Resist Eviction. Dublin, January 1. Peasants in the vicinity of Dunfenaghy and Falcarragh, in County Donegal, have armed themselves, fortified their honses, destroyed bridges and blocked roads in readiness to resist evic tions which will be attempted to-morrow. Troops and police are on duty in the re gion. ON A PAPER TEAIL. A Staten Island Hnrrlers' CInb Enjoys the New Year's Opening An Exciting Chase Through illnnj-.llll- lionniro Gonld's Grounds. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCII.1 , New Yokk, January 1. The Staten Island harriers and their friends, to the num ber of 25, celebrated the advent of 1889 by enjoying one of the cross-country paper chases for which this club is so well known, starting from the Franklin House, Tarry town, this morning at 10:45 o'clock. Among the men who participated were many of the best known and most successful amateur oarsmen, runners and general athletes. The day was an ideal one for. cross-country run ning, and the bright, natty uniforms of the athletes showed to advantage as they sped across the fields and through the woods. At 10:45 exactly the hares, Messrs. A. P. Folk and W. E. Knox, were given the word, and darted away to the eastward. Ten minutes afterward the pack, under the direction of Mr. O. Stephens, master, fol lowed. The course led into the vallev of the Neperan, made famous by Washineton Irving in his "Wolfert's Boost," nnd then turned southward through the woods and swamp. Over a small creek the boys had an opportunity to show their skill as jumpers, and everybody in the pack fol lowed the master across in true cross-country style. Down through Woodlands and East Irv ington flew the runners, and then the trail led westward through a most villainous brier patch, at least half a mile across. It was a cold day for the bare legs of the run ners, every man receiving an abundance of scratches. At East Irvington the trail paper gave out, and the hares were reduced to the expedient of tearing np their trail bags, and for a couple of miles the course was marked by strips of canvass flying from bushes and fences. Through Jay Gould's private grounds the hares flew, but, owing to their hurry and the fact that tbey were not in the conven tional garb of the period, they neglected to leave their cards with the great millionaire. Mr. Gould will doubtless be much grievrd when he learns that they passed without calling, hut it is hoped that he will forgive the boys in view, of the circumstances. The hares arrived home in just an hour after the start, and the pack arrived 10 minutes later, having lost just 30 seconds. HE IS $25,000 SHORT. A Single Check Raised From Ten Dollars to Nearly Fonr Thousand. Boston, January 1. The police ol this city are searching for H. G. Stickney, of Chelsea, who is charged with forgery. He was in the employ of 0. L. Davenport, of the Chelsea Salt Company. Stickney went to Mr. Davenport Saturday and asked him for a check for 10, which he desired to send away. Mr. Davenport handed him a signed check in blank. Stickney, instead of putting in the amount of ?10, as he said he would, put in $3,595. He has not ken seen since. It is believed that his defalcation will reach $25,000 al together. Mrs. Schofleld's Fnneral. Washington, January 1. Private fun eral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Schofield were held at the Richmond flats this evening. The interment will take place at West Point to-morrow afternoon. PATOH for November was over 45,000 copies for each issue. THREE CENTS"-? t& S0LAE ECLIPSED VV tsi. b cWr Observations Made at'' UUUT- Jfe Vift: nf fhA fVvnntrv. y v - j, KjZ&S. MORE m?K il Iff THE WEST. The Outlook From Winnemncca Was. Ea-1 tirely Satisfactory. Li CHICKENS GO TO ROOST IN MONTANA J SI And the Residents of tho Xorthwfst All Gazed Throngli Smoked Glass. ' The astronomers at Winnemucca obtained a fine observation of the eclipse. A num ber of photographs were made in Califor nia. In Montana the darkness was equal to that of bright moonlight. The light was measured during totality. I SPECIAL TZLZGKAM TO TIIE DISPATCH.' Winnemucca, Nev., January 1. Th observations of the total eclipse made hers to-day were of a snlendid character. There was a magnificent sky, with a solar corona-' and two protuberances sharply defined. Every observer was entirely satisfied with the results at this station. An Associated Press dispatch from San Francisco say3: The conditions were generally favorable) to-day both in California and Nevada for a clear observation of the total eclipse of the sun. In this city the eclipse was only partial, about eleven-twelfths of the snn's surface being obs:ured. The weather was perfectly clear, and the eclipse was wit nessedby a greatnuniberof persons. During the period of the greatest obscurity it became quite dark, and one star was plainly seen. No scientific observations were made in this city. Half of the totality in California was from 50 to 100 miles north of San Fran cisco, and trains from this city this morning conveyed a large number of people to the various points favorable lor the observa tion. Several exposures of wet and dry plates Were made during the totality. with the big telescope. Prof. E. S. Holden, of Lick Observatory, telegraphs that the beginning of the eclipse was successfully observed at that point and also the last contact. The party fsom the Lick Observatory, in charge of Prof. J. E. Keeler, made a successful observation at Cartlett Sprines. Prof. Keeler telegraphs that the corona was beautifully distinct and that he saw re markable changes in the length of the coro nal lines. Prof. Darnato obtained nine photographs. Prof. Hill photographed all the contacts, and studied the structure of the inner corona. Prof. Senschne made seven measures of light during the totality. Professor Louis Smith, director of the Warner Observatorv, of Eochester, N. Y., was stationed at Nelson, Cal., and tele graphed the following as the result of his observation of the eclipse: "As far as afford ing opportunity to search lorintramercurial planets, it was a failure from clouds and haze. All four contacts were well made, a chronometer watch previously set to Lick Observatory time being used. Five very small colorless protuberances were seen, all having pointed apexes. Near tne point ot one was another detached from the sun. Bailey's beads were seen abthe second and third contacts, but entirely nil- liKe tnose seen at Denver in ibis. iNo chronosphere was visible, although looked for. Mercury, Venus, Vega and Alpho Cygni were seen. The corona could not be drawn, but as seen through the telescopes was not very extensive. CHICKENS GO TO BOOST. A Press dispatch from Helena, Mont, says: The eclipse was observed here lavor ably this afternoon. The day was bright, cold and clear. It began "about 2:15 and lasted an hour and a half. The sun ob scured except thin crescent at the top. It grew colder and dark as bright moonlight. The chickens went to roost and the lamps were lighted indoors. In many part3 of Dakota and Minnesota the New Year's day was celebrated with picnics, excursions and ball games, the ob servation of the eclipse being part of the day's pleasures. Smoked glass, when not used to watch the juxtaposition of the sun and moon, was brought into service in place of the palm leaf fans, of which the supply was insufficient to meet the demand. At Geneva, N. Y.t Prof. Brooks, director of the Smith Observatory, secured an ob servation of the eclipse of the sun this after noon just before sunset. The disk of the sun was quite conspicuous and was noticed as it sank below the horizon. THE SWITCHMEN'S STEIKE. It Is Headed by the Vnrdmaster nnd tbo ltond Is Blockaded. Chicago, January 1. The yards of tho Lake Erie and Western Bailroad in this city are blockaded with freight trains, which were run in after the strike of tha yardmen last night, and to-day the freight brakemen decided to back up the yardmen and have all refused to work, notwithstand ing the fact that their wages were raised to tiay. The total number of men out is about 75, and they are headed by John McCarthy, the yardmaster, who was discharged, it is alleged, for refusing to go to Indianapolis during the recent strike in that city. The strikers threatened this morning to stop No. 4, east-bound passenger train, this afternoon, but owing to their wholesome fear of Uncle Sam they concluded not to in terfere with the transmission of the United States mail, and so the train was allowed to pass all right. The strikers will not allow trains to be made np here, nor will they permit throngh freights to change engines a t the main shor3. The sidings at the small stations east and west of the city are filled with cars awaiting the outcome of the strike. The General Manaeer and other officials of the company are expected here to-night to attempt some kind of a settlement. There has been no violence thus far. This after-. noon a brakeman named Blair was prepar-' ing to take No. 23 out, when the strikers threatened to assault him and he left tho ' train. ACCIDENTS OX THE RITEBl The Steamers Natchez nnd Wanaouth flask on the Lower Mississippi. New Obleans, January 1. The steamer Natchez, from New Orleans to fLakeport, ' Ark., struck a reef near Lake Providence, : ija., tnis morning, anu was uamy uamagea. She was beached on the Mississippi shore, and sunk in nine feet of water. There was no loss of life, but the Boat and cargo will 'J prove a total los3, as there is no Efbpe of raising her. She was bnilt in Cincinaatiat , a cost of OTer $200,000. v , A collision occurred last night on Pearl ' river, near Pearlington, Miss., between tho l.fltn.. a .4iih nnrt M ; iv.nnnnth ai. suiting in the sinking of the latter and tfe'l drowning of Mrs. Sarah Gabriel, a passen- ger. Doat is a total joss. Evidently Determined to Die. FoxcitOPT, Me., January 1. John But ler, an aged Frenchman living near this ' village, who yesterday set fire to the build' ings he occupied, killed his colt and gwfyi stabbed himself slightly fonr times iut took Pans green, died this morning;. ', atl., j 4 MiMitBBijiiiiiiWBijWBBIsiiiiiiiiiiii