Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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Comprehensive Chronological Review
ot the Events of i88S.
Fall of Occurrences 'Which "Will Interest
Coming Generations.
As the bells tolled forth the hour of mid
bight a new year came into existence, and
the events of 1888 are now matters of histo
ry. The past year was looked forward to as
an important one in the annals of tbe
world, and in a large measure it fulfilled
this promise. Many of the startling occur
rences prophesied during its continuance
are still in abeyance, but nearly every day
exhibited its interesting features, and the
work of the entire 3C6 hat made an im
press on the world's progress that will re
main through future apes.
Taken as a whole, the Tear has been one
'of exceptional peace and prosperity. In
dustrial troubles there have been,butina
less degree than ior several years past. Eu
rope has been disturbed by rumors of war
and rebellion, but these have failed to mate
rialize. Our own land was the scene of a
heated political conflict, but now, two
months alter its close, the animosities of the
contest have practically been forgotten. The
saddest feature of the year is the demise of
many of the world's greatest and best, to
"whom it had learned to look for advice and
The past year will certainly be regarded
as a memorable one, and as we welcome the
dawning ot 1889 let us not forget the events
and progress of 18SS.
1 Pope Leo faints twice while celebrating tbe
pontifical mass at Rome. Jubilee meetings
in his honor are held all over the world.
Outrages by Indians and bandits reported
from Mexico. Reading Railroad employes
refuse to strike.
2 Fears of an epidemic ow ing to Sew York's
inefficient quarantine. Irish tenants declare
that the commission's rent reductions are
not sufficient. Germany and Austria ex
press themselves in favor of peace. Read
ing Railroad succeeds in moving its cars.
The Comrais:ioner of Navigation recom
mends that a naval reserve be established.
S The Heading strikers make desperate ef
forts, and assert that they will win or die.
Official denial that a German regency is
contemplated in the event of Einperor
Frederick's death. Supreme Court declares
that the Brooks law is constitutional. Gov
ernor Hill recommends tho adoption of
"electricity for capital punishment. An in
junction granted against Keely. of motor
4 The Campbell-Arbuckle breach of promise
suit opened tn the New York Supreme
Court Reading strike causes a raise in
the price of coal in Eastern markets. Big
Catholic celebration at the Cooper Insti
tute, New York.
6 Miss Campbell testifies in the damage suit,
and a number of interesting letters are
read. Fight between the police and turf
dealers in County Clare. Ireland. Con
servatives gain in the French elections.
Cigar makers and manufacturers in New
York agree to arbitrate their difficulties.
6 More rich developments in the 'Buunie"
Campbell ca.c. Secretary Litchman says
the knights of labor are in good condition
and have 500,000 members. Standard Com
pany reaching out after the Ohio oiljtcrri
tory. 7 New York bankers accused of violating tbe
contract labor law. Reading coal ship
ments continue to decrease. Cashier
Wickes,of the Central National Bank of
Troy, N. Y., is a defaulter. GTadstono re
ceives an ovation in Italy. Bismarck modi
fies the Socialist bill.
S The Reading strike takes In new territory.
Iter. Hugh O. Tento-ost announces that ho
has become a skeptic. The Mexican Inter
national Railway completed. Cardinal
Taschereau. of Quebec, denounces the
Knights of Labor.
S Closing arguments delivered in the Campbell-Arbuckle
case. Smith and Kilrain
give an exhibition in London. Williani H.
Deforest, a big New York speculator, fails.
An effort made to oust ex-Senator Piatt
from the position of Quarantine Commis
sioner in New York.
10 Miss Campbell gets a verdict for 815,000 in
the breach of promise case. Discovery of a
plot to kill the Czar of Russia. Governor
uarrabec. of Iowa, indorses prohibition in
his message to tbe Legislature. Business
almost entirely suspended ot erthe Reading
11 Sullivan attracts a great mob in London.
A corner effected in the tobacco market.
The administration decides to help punish
the Indiana election frauds. Mrs. F. E.
Moore creates a sensation in Washington
by claiming to have been secretly ' married
to Congressman O'Neill, of St. Louis. Wool
Growers' Convention meets at Washington.
12 Filibustering defeats the Wilkins bank
bill in theHonse. General Brace appointed
Minister to Mexico. Joseph Pulitzer and
Colonel Cockrell sued for criminal libel by
the New York Emigration Commissioners.
A big blizzard prevails through the North
west. Audacious outrages by Cuban ban
dits made public
13 The Kansas Pacific bondholders assert that
millions of dollars have been abstracted by
Jay Gould and Russell Sage, and demand
tnat tney oe piacea on trial, hima on ex
ported to Germany is refused. The North
vest blizzard is having disastrous effects.
Fourteen train robbers arrested in Arkan
sas. The Reading strike affecting general
14 Salisbury outlines the Tory policy on Irish
affairs. The Gennan Emperor in a critical
condition. Kicking Knights of Labor de
clare war on Powderly. Investigation
show s that Marcus W. Rosbach, cashier of
the Herkimer, N. Y bank, is short SGO.OOQ.
Philadelphia Commercial Exchange de
mands the enforcement of the inter-State
15 State secrets concerning Governor Patti
son's position toward the South Penn made
public at Philadelphia. Hugh Pentecost
defines his new creed. The silk i orkcrs
organize a K. of L. district. Wool men
want the tariff advanced 10 per cent Read
ing strikers hold a convention.
16 Pattison denies the alleged revelations con
cerning South Penn. An infernal machine
sent to Judge Woods, of the United States
Court, at Indianapolis. Congress asked to
take action toward compelling the Read
ing road to fulfill its duties to inter-State
17 The National Potters' Association meets in
Washington and declares for a higher
tariff. Lum Smith, of Philadelphia, cre
ates a scene at tbe meeting of the New
York Society for the Suppression of Vice.
Strong pleas made for the pardon of Milton
Weston and Murderer Coffey.
18 Congressional work blocked by constant
filibustering. France leels sore over an in
sult to her Consul at Florenccand demands
an apology from Italy. Ohio Miners' Asso
ciation meets at Columbus, and elects John
McBride President Thousands of Turks
reported to be dying of hunger.
19 Annexation agitation progressing in Can
ada. More light thrown on Governor Pat
tison's South Penn record by Clerk B. Y.
Hamshrr. Extraordinary scenes at a faith
cure convention at Reading. A New
York woolen goods importer swindles the
Government out of 20,000.
20 -Both sides in the Reading strike as
determined as ever, and the price
of coal continues to rise. The Na
tional Board of Trade asks Congress
to amend the naturalization laws. Ponderly
slowly recovering from his severe illness.
Clark Thread Companyrefuscs to treat with
Its striking cmplojes. Norvm Green speaks
against a postal telegraph before the Senate
committee. Celebrations in Ireland because
of Editor O'Brien's release.
SI A big indignation meeting at Philadelphia
extends encouragement to the Reading
strikers. Commander Rea. of the Grand
Army, consults with the President in regard
to pension matters. A number of fresh ar
rests in Ireland. Pope Leo receives Presi
dent Cleveland's gift
22 President Corbin gives his side ot the Read
ing strike. Unprecedented cold weather in
New York. An alleged rich discovery of
gold in the Potomac valley. Ovations
tin ougbout Ireland m honor of O'Brien.
23 Congressman Dalzell introduces a bill for
the purpose of freeing the navigation of
Hie Monongahela. President Corbin de
cides to fight tbe Reading strike to the
lea li. The strike at Clark's Thread Works
is amicably settled. Joseph Cox, M. P.,
nrrpstPd. The Supreme Court decides
nrainst Maxwell, the trunk murderer.
SI Evidences of weakness among the Reading
strikei s. Stated that a lobby is working In
the interest ot the Pacific Railroad, Allen
O.Myers, the alleged tally-sheet forger at
Columbus, brings a libel suit for 500,000
against his accusers. John Bright criticizes
Gladstone and the Liberals. Dillon speaks
out for home rule.
2a Irish leaders need funds to carry on their
work. England agitated over reports of in
adequate coast defenses. Reading Com
pany said to be losing SS30.000 a month. Ex
citing scenes at the tally-sheet forgery trial
at Columbus. Congress decides to investi
gate trusts and pools.
26 Deep snows and intense cold weather caus
ing great trouble in Kew England ana New
York. Attorney General Kirkpatrick re
fuses to proceed against the Reading Com
pany at the rcqnest of a K-of L. delega
tion. Germany will borrow 2b0.0CO.O00 marks
for military purposes. Senate passes a bill
pensioning Mrs. Logan.
27 General belief in Washington that tho
Monongahela bill will not pass. The East
experiences tlie coldest weather of SO year;,
and travel is suspended. Great suffering
among the Reading strikers. Congress re
fers ihe strike to the inter-State Commis
sioners. 2S Ireland continues to give ovations to
O'Brien. War talks between Russia and
Austria. The striking Lehigh miners, belne
driven back to ork by starvation. A lively
row between the Cornell sophomores and
freshmen. Cora Lee acquitted of murJcr.
29 The Canadian Cabinet lavors commercial
reciprocity. A jury (secured in the Colum
bus "tally-sheet case. Western cattle busi
ness reported to be in a bad way. Blair
educational bill demanding the attention of
the Senate.
30 The Reading strikers will not surrender.
Pope Leo's jubilee gifts estimated to be
worth $10,000,000. Judge Thurman speaks
for the prosecution in the Columbus tally
sheet cases. A majority of the Senate in
favor of penny postage. Oleomargarine
gets a black eyoin the House. Governor
Wilson orders out troops to settle tbe
Hatfield-McCoy war.
81 The non-union men at work in the Reading
mines attacked by the strikers' wives.
Beriah Wilkins withdraws his banking
bill. The defense in the Columbus tally
sheet case fights hard. A Congressional
committee appointed to investigate trusts.
1 The House decides to investigate the fad
ing strike, after an exciting debate. The
Pope advises Irishmen to make peace with
England. Tbe cokers decide that the A. A.
ofM. & M. L. shall regulate work and
2 Decided that tho German Crown Prince is
not suffering from cancer, but hois in a
critical condition. Four thousand miners
go to work in the Shenandoah district, but
the strike leaders are still firm. Strong evi
dence presented against the Columbus
tally-sheet forgers.
3 A mob of foreign miners causes terror in
Shenandoah. Granville tells a sensational
story in the Columbus tally-sheet case.
President Cleveland revises the civil service
rules. A number of new trusts being form
ed in the East Adjutant General Hastings
recommends a reorganization of the Na
tional Guard.
4 Dublin greets the Nationalist leaders with
an ovation. Another war scare disturbs
Europe. Interesting developments in the
tally hheet case. The Shenandoah miners
continue riotous. The California refineries
refuse to join the Sugar Trust Western
railroads cutting freight rates.
5 A Chicago syndicate will romove Libby
prison from Richmond to the Windy City.
SlcGlynn attacks Powderly in a heated
speech in New York. Big pedestrian con
test opened In Madison Square Garden.
6 Tne Sheriff succeeds in icstraining the
Shenandoah rioters. Speaker Carlisle de
cides to order that all cl the private wires
in the House be removed because of their
use for specnlative purposes. Bismarck
makes a pacific address to the Reichstag.
Sarah J. Robinson, tho Somerville poisoner,
once more put on trial. Tho Metropolitan
Bank of Cincinnati fails.
7 President William Means, of the busted
Cincinnati Metropolitan National Bank, ar
rested. Fresh strength infused into the
Reading strike. F. Grote & Co., ivorv goods
manufacturers, of New York, fail for
S500,000. A falling ceiling in the State
House startles the New York Legislature.
8 Gladstono given an ovation on his way from
Dover to London, and replies with a vigor
ous speech. The Senate postpones the con
sideration of the British extradition treaty.
The committee appointed to Investigate tbe
Reading strike commences operations. Ter
rific sparring between the attornejs in the
Columbus tally-sheet case Chicago Anarch
ists again showing their heads.
9 Parliament opened and the Queen's ad
dress read. The operation of tracheotomy
performed upon the German Crown Prince.
Railroad kings making an effort to stop the
rate war. Congress discusses Western rail
roads and telegraph combines. Henry
George and Dr. McGlynn separate. Lively
tuts between lawyers in tne tally-sneet
f onrerv case.
10 Balfour justifies coercion In Parliament,
ana ju oney maices an auie repiy. xwo insii
members arrested at the Parliament door.
Reading strikers gain new strength from
the official K. of li indorsement Wyoming
miners ask for an advance of 15 per cent
U Signs of a crisis in the Reading strike.
Mrs. Robinson, the Massachusetts poison
er, is found guilty of mnrder. European
affairs in a badly complicated condition.
12 Sale of intoxicants reported to be on the
increase under prohibition in Maine. New
York bucket-shop proprietors arrested and
held for trial. Public whipping of prison
ers in Delaware. Fenians meet in New
13 Reading officials claim to be masters of the
situation. The Knights of Labor present
a postal telegraph bill to Conzress. Small
pox cases discovered in New York.
14 Pennsylvania G. A. R, convenes at Allen
town. The Andover theological dispute
taken to court Striking cigarmakers
evicted in New York. Chicago police
straining every nerve to discover the mur
derer of Millionaire Snelk
15 The defense opens in the Columbus tally
sheet case, and 82 witnesses are summoned.
The Senate passes the Blair educational
bill by a majority of 10. Corbin talks be
fore the House investigating committee,
and defends tbe position of the Reading
Company. Stanyard, the Youngstown mur
derer found guilty in the first degree.
16 The Gould-Sage case before the New York
grand jury. Talk of a German regency in
the event of the Emperor's death. The
English Cabinet introduces a new local
government bill.
17 The Reading strike is declared off so far as
the Coal and Iron Company is concerned.
The Congressional investigation continues.
Balfour and Gladstone debate on the Irish
question in Parliament
IS Another big day of debate in the English
Parliament Another war scare on the Eu
ropean horizon. Russia said to be prepar
ing to claim Roumania. Strong evidence
against the Reading Company produced be
fore the Congressional Committee. Utah
applies for admission as a State.
19 A big syndicate ot French capital effects a
corner in the copper market Ex-Banker
Harper charges his former partner with
I perjury.
WO Reading miners charge Master Workman
Lewis with treachery in settling the strike.
The United States Supreme C)urt post
pones the execution of Brooks, tbe St
Louis trunk murderer. The Sugar Trust
under investigation by a committee of the
New York Senate. Josef Hoffman, the
bov pianist retires from tbe stage.
21 Bills granting public buildings for Allen
town and Lancaster passed. Corbin breaks
faith with the miners, and a renewal of the
strike threatened. Tbe fisheries treaty is
sent to the Senate, accompanied by a re
commendation from the President The
National Encampment of Union Veterans
in'session at Youngstown.
22 Corbin issues his ultimatum to the Reading
strikers. President Cleveland and wife
greeted by great crowds at Jacksonville,
Fla. New England fishermen express their
disapprobation of the new treaty. Labou
chere scores Salisbury in Parliament
23 The Reading coal miners forced to accept
tne inevitauie. ircsiuent leveiana and
party visit the Florida sub-tropical exposi
tion. The Inter-State Commission decides
against railroads who discriminate in favor
of the Standard Oil Company. Bulgarian
affairs cause trouble in Europe.
21 The engineers of the Chicago, Burlington
and Quincy road threaten to tie up the line.
A big scheme to swindle Cincinnati build
ing associations discovered. Allen O.
Myers on the stand in the Columbus tally
sheet trial. The Treasurer of Marlon coun
ty, O., a heavy defaulter.
25 Interesting facts developed at the trust in
vestiga tlen carried on by the New York
State Senate committee. Sensatlonalscenes
at the tally-sheet trial. Tbe strike at the
Troy. N. ., steel and iron works ended. A
Gladstonian reverse at Doncaster, England.
26 C, B. t Q. engineers send an ultimatum to
the company. Prosecutor Huling attacked
and scvcrelv beaten because of his connec
tion with the Columbus tally-sheet case.
Trouble In the ranks of the National Opera
27 The C. B. & Q, road completely tied up by
striking engineers. Th New "York com
mittee elicits some startling information
concerning the operations of the Standard
Oil Trust Prohibition in Rhode Island
said to be an utter failure. The Senate
asses the bill incorporating the Nicaraugua
anal Company. G. H. Clark & Co., New
York merchants, fail for 5500,000.
28 The Barllnirton strikes paralyzes railroad
traffic in the West Powderly urges the
Knigbtsof Labor not to interfere. Nu
merous public building bills passed by the
House. Pool agents at Castle Garden ac
cused of fleecing emigrants.
29 Chief Arthur's proposition to arbitrate the
Burlington strike refused by President
Perkins. The New York grand jury fails
to indict Gould and Sage. Light thrown on
tbe emigrant pool at Castle Garden,
Standard Oil directors get angry before the
trust investigating committee.
1 K. of L. and Brotherhood men combine to
down the C, B. & Q. Contradictory testi
mony in the Columbus tally-sheet case. Mrs.
Gordon Bailie, who has been posing as a
.wealthy London philanthropist, turns ont
to be a swindler.
2 Chamberlain praises the fisheries treaty he
helped to make. The German Crown Prince
in a critical condition. Increased bitterness
in the C, B. t Q. strike. , , ,
8 Great grief in Germany over tho critical
condition of the Crown Prince. Congress
passes the Pacific Railroad bill. Burlington
officials and strikers will fight it out to the
bitter end. A New York preacher accused
of stealing a house. Sir Joseph Chamber
lain sails for England. A tally-sheet wit
ness changes his testimony.
4-rAn effort made to reopen tho case against
Gould and Sage. Colonel Mosbv, the ex
guerrilla, sues the Government for 516,000
Consnlar fees. Ah Lin, a California China
man, granted a pension. The Burlington
strikers firm in their demands. The Crown
Prince reported better.
5 Pittsburg business men appear before the
River and Harbor Committee, and submit
arguments in favor of making the Monon
g.Uiela a free river. President Cleveland
serds the Senate additional information
upenthe fisheries treaty. Both sides put
ting forth every effort to win the Burling
ton strike. Coughlln arraigned for the
second time at Ravenna.
6 Nosigr of a break in the great railroad
strike. Sullivan goes to France to prepare
to meet Mitchell. Myers' fine hand shown
up in tho Columbus tally-sheet case.
7 Great excitement in Germany over reports
that tbe aged Emperor is nearing his end.
John Bright bitterly denounces Gladstone.
Mayor Hewitt refuses to review a St Pat
rick's Day parade in New York. A big in
surance conspiracy unearthed at Charles
ton. The Gould-Sage case revived by Dis
trict Attorney Fellows. A Standard scheme
to pipe Lima oil to Chicago. The Burling
ton strike spreads.
8 Burlington officials earrvthe strike into tho
United States Courts. The House Commit
tee on Manufactures begins an investiga
tion of trusts. The Senate passes the de
pendent pension bill. The German Emper
or's condition slightlv Improved.
0 All Europe in a turmoil over the news of
the death of Emperor AVilliam, of Ger
many. The Burlington strikes having a bad
effect on business in the West Remon
strances sent into the Board against the
pardon of Milton Weston.
10 Emperor Frederick leaves' San Remo for
Berlin, and tho imperial flag floats over the
galace at the German capital. John L.
ullivan and Charles Mitchell fight 39
rounds to a draw. All classes of railroad
men promise to help the Burlineton strik-
eis. me rrinco ana irrincess ui v men cel
ebrate their silver wedding.
11 Striking engineers and firemen hold an im
portant meeting. The Sullivan-Mitchell
fight being warmlv discussed in sporting
circles. Emperor Frederick reaches Berlin.
12 Tbe new German Emperor issues a procla
matlon to the people. Judge Gresham del
udes against the Burlington officials. A
fearful storm prevailing throughout tho
13 The terrible blizzard paralyzes business in
New York and throughout tbe East Em
peror Frederick goes to work like a strong
man. Pittsburg and Hocking Valley coal
men meet in Cleveland and adopt uni
form rates.
14 First news received from Boston for four
days comes by way of London. AH New
England under the domain of tbe blizzard.
The Burlington strikers bolda secret meet
ing to agree upon a plan of campaign.
Austria officially expresses her sympathy
with Germany. The Keely motor b aired
in court.
15 Travel and business resumed in the East
but floods are now feared from the melting
snow. The engineers and firemen on the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe system go
out on a strike. Evident that the River
and Harbor appropriations will bo larger
than ever before. An effort made to con
solidate the Northern and Southern
branches of the Presbyterian Church.
16 Emperor William is buried at Berlin with
great pomp and ceremo'ny. The Pope con
oles with the new Emperor. The strikers
tie up everything affiliated with the Bur
lington road. The Senate passes the under
valuation bill.
17 A brief reign predicted for Emperor Fred
erick, because of his fatal illness. Tbe
Brotherhood attorney answers tbe claims
of the Burlington officials, and makes out a
strong case for the strikers. Mayor Hewitt
denounces organizations of either capital
or labor.
18 Emperor Frederick meets with a serious
Relapse. Formation of a fire-arms and
cartridge trust The cnginoers on the At
chison. Topeka and Santa Fe ordt-ed to re
turn to work. Powderly heals K. of L.dlf-
rerftnees In JSew lorK.
19 Emperor Frederick officially', proclaims his'
accession to tne tnrone. ine local govern
ment reform bill introduced in the English
Parliament The Blair educational bill has
no show in the House. The fisheries treaty
considered by the Canadian authorities.
Trving to arbitrate the Burlington strike.
Bell, the telephone inventor, sustained in
the United States Supreme Court
20 The jury in the Columbus tally-sheet ease
fail to agree npon a verdict Milton Wes
ton's case is argued before tho Pardon
Board at Harrisbnrg. General Badeau.
gives his story of tho authorship of the
Grant book. Drawbaugh dissatisfied with
tbe telephone decision and proposes to re
open the case.
21 Parnell makes an eloquent plea for Ire
land's rights before Parliament Conces
sions made to tbe Nicaragua Canal Com
pany by the Government Chicago car
penters threaten to strike. The Tilden mil
contest in court The Board does not
pardon Weston. The proposition to estab
lish a department of labor discussed in tbe
22 Another cold wave sweeps over the North
west, blocking railroads in all directions.
Burlington switchmen and brakemen
threaten to join the striking engineers. A
Chicago Anarchist arrested, and startling
developments promised. Floods in Eastern
23 Great public sorrow caused by tho an
nouncement of the death of Chief JustKe
Waite. Ohio State Senators charge each
other with bribery and indulge in a general
row. Shocking developments of cruelty to
children in a Cincinnati orphan asylum.
Boulanger enthusiastically greeted in Paris.
24 The German Emperor reported to be slow
ly but surely dying. The local government
bill causes a sensation in England. Colonel
Fred. Grant emphatically denies Badeau's
charges concerning his father's memoirs.
Considerable speculation as to Justice
Waite's successor. The switchmen strike,
and the Burlington system is again para
lyzed. 25 Jay Gould says the efforts to indict him
are incited by a woman. Rev. B. F. De
Costa, of New Yoik, attacks the Pinkcrton
detective system. O'Brien seized by police
while addressing a meeting in Ireland.
Secretary Bayard gives his views on the
fishery treaty.
26 English Tories assert that they will reduce
taxes. Another operation performed upon
Emperor Frederick. Stockholders of the
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad ob
ject to the Gould management Woman
suffragists convene at Washington.
27 A reorganization of the Baltimore and
Ohio road contemplated. A sensational re
port to tbe effect that Blaine's health is
broken down denied. George Gould says
that his father is being persecuted. The
Bureau of Engraving being investigated by
a Congressional committee. Tbe Burling
ton brakemen threaten to join the strike.
28 President Green, of the Western Union,
again appears before tbe Senate committee
and speaks against a postal telegraph. Pow
derly issues a manifesto to theK.of .declar
ing education to be the future object of the
order. Smallpox imported into New York
on the steamer Britannic Funeral services
over Justice Waite at the Capitol.
9 High license bill passes tbe New York Leg
islature by a majority of one. Rioting com
menced between Burlington strikers and
Eastern switchmen. The dead Chief Justice
buried at Toledo with great honor. The
German Emperor well enough to take a
SO Burlington strikers threaten to tio up every
railroad entering Chlcaco. Tho Women
Suffrage Convention at Washington thinks
a now party is needed. A Ministerial crisis
in France. Mrs. Diss Debar, the New York
spiritrportrait painter, shown to be an ar
rant fraud. The Western rate war has cost
railroads $15,000,000. Mrs. Logan and Mrs.
Blair granted pensions by tbe Jiouse.
SI Boulanger the cause of the trouble in
France. Dalzell makes a great speech on
the Pacific Railroad subject in theHonse.
Big preparations for the Ohio Centennial at
Cincinnati. Burlington officials badly de
feated in an effort to move trains.
1 The Women's Convention at Washington
discusses means for the advancement of
their sex. The printers' strike at Louisville
declared off. The Burlington trouble
spreads, and many other roads are involved.
Bismarck celebrates his seventy-third birth
day. 2 Formation of the new French Cabinet an
nounced. Boodler Jake Sharp in a critical
condition. The will of Henry Bergh to be
contested. The Northwestern Railroad
strike spreads, and 5,000 men are idle on the
St Paul road.
S The railroad boycott lifted and all roads at
liberty to handle Burlington cars. The bond
purchasing bill absorbs the attention of the
Senate. Mrs. Cleveland elected President
of the Wells College Alumni. Blinkey Mor
gan applies for a new trial.
4 The bond purchasing bill causes a big de
bate in the Benate. R. and C. S. MUliken,
of the New York Stock Exchange, fail.
Tho House Isblocked by filibustering on the
direct tax bill.
5 The centennial celebration of the settle
ment of Ohio opened at Marietta. Jake
Sharp'&udden death causes a sensation in
NewYork. The Ohio oil syndicate secures
the exclusive right to the Hall process.
Prince Bismarck opposes the marriage of
the daughter of Emperor Frederick to
Alexander of Battenburg. '
6 The Land League active in Ireland. The
German marriage question agitates Eu
rope. Continuance of the Centennial cel
ebration at Marietta. A stubborn dead
lock in the House over the direct tax bill.
Tbe Committee on Manufactures reopens
the trust investigation.
7 Singular scenes in the House during the
deadlock. Startling facts concerning the
Standard oil monopoly developed" at the
trust investigation. Less 'than 100 people
attend Jacob Sharp's funeral.
8 Conkling very 111 from tho effects of his ex
perience with the Eastern blizzard. Balfour
defied at a series of meetings in Ireland. A
meeting of Eastern engineers in New 1 ork
approves the Burlington strike.
9 Conkling lying at the point of death. The
Pope thanks President Cleveland for his
presentation of the United States Constitu
tion. The Supreme Court holds memorial
services in honor of Chief Justice Waite.
Boulanger issues a manifesto to tbe French
10 Conkline's condition temporarily improved.
Blinky Morgan refused a new trial,but Rob
inson's application granted.
11 Criminal proceedings against Gould and
Sage knocked out Cardinal Manning
states the relation of the Catholic Church
to tbe working classes.
12 The Congressional deadlock ended by the
ostponement of the direct tax bill. John
. Sullivan sails for America. Irish dis
turbances debated in the House of Com
mons. IS Conkling's physicians abandon all hope of
his recovery. Minister Phelps Dack from
England on a furlough.
14 Editor O'Brien again jailed in Ireland.
The Boulanger trouble continues to grow.
There will be no wedding in German royal
circles tor some time, at least American
Exchange, in which Senator Hawley and
Henry Gillig are interested, fails. Blinky
Morgan publishes a statement asserting his
15 Conkling's condition again1 changes for the
worse. Three hundred Mexicans arrive in
New York on their way to visit the Pope, at
Rome. Boulanger elected deputy by an
overwhelming majority In the Department
oftheNord. New York brewers lock out
their employes.
16 Emperor Frederick believed to bo nearing
his end. The Castle Garden railroad pool
broken up. Literary circles surprised by
the death of Matthew Arnold, tbe noted
17 The Northern and Southern branches of
the Presbyterian church fail to unite. Phila
delphia afflicted with smallpox. Tbe beer
strike settled at Chicago and wakened In
New York.
18 The whole country mourns over the death
of ex-Senator Conkling. The Benate com
mittee reports against the fisheries treaty.
19 A Paris mob calls for Eoulanger. The
nuriington striice to De investigated oy tue
inter-State Commission. Funeral services
held over Conkling in New York.
20 Conkling laid to rest at Utica with appro
priate ceremonies. Minister Pendleton
suffering from an attack of paralysis at
Weisbaden, Germany. The House oc
cupied with the river and harbor bill.
Friends and oppponeuts of Bodlanger
collide in Paris, resulting in a riot
21 Emperor Frederick once more in a critical
condition. An attachment for $1,300,000
issued against the Hotchkiss estate in New
22 The theosophlc believers convene at Chi
cago. Paris in a very unsettled and troub
lous state. Chicago bakers striko in the
morning and win befdfe night O'Brien
and Dillon address large Sunday meetings
in Ireland.
23 K. of L. treasury reported to be sadly in
need of funds to meet expenses. Tho
case against Trinity Church, New York,
charged with importing contract labor in
bringing Rev. E. Walpole Warren from
England, brought up in court Pope Leo
issues a decree condemning boycotting and
the plan of campaign.
24 The Queen of England arrives at Berlin. A
red-hot debate on tho Irish question in the
House of Commons. Pennsylvania grocers
convene at Wilkesbarre. John L. Sullivan
reaches Boston and is royally received.
25 Emperor Frederick's doctors hissed in
Berlin. Pennsylvania grocers decide to
boycott wholesale dealers who also retail.
Army of tbe Cumberland decides to hold
its annual rennion at Columbus.
26 Grand military review at Berlin in honor of
Queen Victoria. Existence of yellow fever
in Florida denied by physicians.
27 General Grant's birthday celebrated in all
el tiictprlm-JpaI-citieSr-Gontiuued troublo
among emperor rreuencK'g pnystcians.
Boulanger gives a political banquet at
2S Pope Leo's edict temperately discussed by
tbo Irish leaders. Jov in Berlin over the
improvement in the Emperor's condition.
The new gunboat, the Yorktown, and the
nrst aynamite cruiser launcnea at rnua
delphia with great ceremonv. A new Irish
Fenian society organized in New York.
29 Donnelly's book on the Shakespeare cipher
is issued to the public Saloonists openly
defy the Sunday law at Cincinnati and Co
lumbus. SO Melville W. Fuller nominated for Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court Tbe Gen
eral Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church assembles at New York. Tne Stand
ard Oil Company before the Congressional
Investigating Committee. Ireland excited
by the Pope's decree.
1 A new line of steamers established between
New York, tbe West Indies and Amster
dam. Chief Arthur does not consider the
Burlington strike ended. Samuel Tilden's
physician presents a bill for $143,000, which
tbe executors refuse to pay.
2 Women declared ineligible to the Metho
dist General Conference, and a bitter at
tack made on Romanism. Kansas farmers
try their hands at organizing a trust. Start
ling revelations concerning the Standard
oil monopoly made before the Congression
al investigating committee.
8 South Carolina Episcopalians fight over the
colored brethren. Socialists become very
active at Berlin. The fight over women
delegates in the M. E. General Conference
4 Conflicting reports of the German Empe
ror's condition. Carl Schurz banqueted by
Bismarck. An immense assemblage at
Cooper Union indorses Mayor Hewitt for
refusing to raise any hut American flags
over New York City Hall. One of the fa
mous Fox sisters, spiritualistic mediums,
arrested for cruelty to her children.
5 Berlin police waging war on the German
socialists, and many are arrested. United
States detectives capture a gang of coun
terfeiters in the mountains near Altoona.
A Forty-one thousand dollars in torn national
bank notes stolen while in transit from
New York to Washington. M. E. General
Conference has a big day in New York.
Emperor Frederick worse.
7 The river and harbor bill passed the House
by a majority of nearly 100. William T.
Coleman & Co., of San Francisco, fall, and
a big borax corner burets. Governor Hill
vetoes the bill repealing the half-holiday
8 The Coleman failure causes a sensation in
New York business circles. The American
Medical Association convenes at Cincin
nati. "
9 Ingersoll pays an eloquent tribute to Conk
ling before the New York Legislature.
Governor Hill vetoes the Crosby high li
cense bill. The financial report of the Bur
lington road shows that it lost nearly$2.000,
COO by tbe strike Manufacturers of alcohol
form a Spirit Trust. Cleveland vetoes the
Allentown public building bill.
10 The convention of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians assembles at New York, and
pledges support to Parnell. German Social
ists gathered in by tbe Berlin police.
11 Candidates for Bishops nominated in the
" M. E. General Conference. A bill intro
duced in the House to reward the inventor
of an air ship. The Southern Baptist Con
vention met' at Richmond. Boulanger at
tacks the French Government for depriv
ing him of his sword.
12 Chicago Anarchists endeavor to revive
their organization. Brooklyn G. A. R. all
torn up over an invitation to the President
to participate in the exercises of Memorial
Day. A big attempt made to swindle Mas
sachusetts fire insurance companies. En
gland badly scared by sensational reports of
her defenseless condition.
13 Davitt denounces interference of Rome in
Irish affairs. Boulanger receives orations
throughout France. Prisoners publicly
whipped and placed in the pillory in Dela
ware. 14 Lord Wolscley tells the House of Lords
that 100,000 men could conqder England,
and Salisbury replied in a lengthysneech.
Burlington engineers and firemen make an
other effort to settle the strike.
15 The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Penn
sylvania meets at Allen town. Western crops
said to bo In a bad state. The Bard wins the
Brooklyn handicap.
16 Information received that Brazil has abol
ished slavery. Attempts made to establish
a milling trust The Fenian Brotherhood
decides that Parliamentary agitation is a
failure, and declare forforce in Ireland.
17 Charged that Government crop news is
given out in advance at Washington. Par-
nellites issue a manifesto in reply to the
Papal rescript The assemblies of the
Northern and Southern branches of tbo
Presbyterian Church convene at Philadel
phia and Baltimore respectively. Tho
French Senate decides to Investigate the
Panama canal lottery,
IS Western floods have a depressing effect on
business in that section. Efforts being
made to unite tbe Northern and Southern
branches of tho Presbyterian Church. Su
preme Court of Michigan declared the local
option law unconstitutional. '
19 The thirteenth convention of the North
American Tnrnerbuud, opened in Chicago,
and war declared against Anarchy. Swell
Harvard stndents tried in police court for
drunkenness and other offenses. Illicit
whisky creates trouble in Rbode Island.
20-Buffalo Bill and his Wild West show return
to America. St Louis closes up the saloons
on Sunday. Emperor Frederick signs tbe
decree ordering reprisals for French ob
stacles. 21 Dr. Woodrow argues in favor of evolution
beforo the Southern Presbyterian Assembly
at Baltimore. The North American Turn
ers decide that all members must become
citizens. Anew express company organized
to operate between New York and Phila-
-22-Rev. J. M. Vincent and Rev. J. N. Fitz
gerald elected Bishops by the M. E. General
Conference, and the pastors' time limit ex
tended to five years. Ohio Supreme Court
reverses the decision in the celebrated
Hocking Valley Railroad case, and orders
it back to the Circuit Court. The House
considers the question of convict labor, and
the Senate passes the bill creating a De
partment of Labor. District Attorney Fel
Ion 8 decides to prosecute Mrs. Diss Debar
for conspiracy.
23 The Northern and Southern Assemblies ot
the Presbyterian Church meet together at
Philadelphia, and listen to a speech from
President Cleveland. The National Butch
ers' Association takes strong ground against
the dressed beef syndicate. Decree issued
against French entering Alsace-Loraine
without passports from tho German author
ities. 24 Centennial Day at the Presbyterian Gen
eral Assembly. Trinity Church, New York,
fined $1,000 for importing a preacher from
England. Corner stone for the new Catho
lic University at Washington laid with
great ceremony. Prince Henry and Princess
Irene married at Berlin.
25 General Sheridan announced to he in a
critical condition. Tbe negro question
causes troublo in the joint -Presbyterian
Assembly. Austin Corbin succeeds in
placing all of the Reading bonds. Ply
mouth Church calls Dr. Lyman Abbott to
succeed Henry Ward Beecher.
28 The Tories meet a Wateiloo at the Parlia
mentary election at Southampton, England.
Presbyteriah Assembly discusses organic
union and temperance. Sheridan very low.
Mrs. Cleveland visits Princeton College,
and is enthusiastically received. Two brave
young ladies capture a desperate murderer
in White county, Indiana. Governor
Beaver appoints McCamant Auditor Gen
General. 27 Dr. Abbott accepts tbe pastorate of Plym
outh Church. Chicago Anarchists trying
to enect tne release oi uscar jecue. xnsn
Catholics of Chicago ask the Pope not to
interfere with Ireland's politics. Prof.
Hermann exposes spiritualism iu New
28 The Senate decides to consider the fisheries
treaty with open doors. The .Standard
Company secures control of the Ohio oil
field. The bit Russian railway completed.
President Cleveland vetoes the public
building at Youngstown.
29 The Southern Presbyterian Assembly de
feats organic union by a vote of 2 to 1. The
new bishops consecrated at the M. E. Gen
eral Conference. National Civil Service
Reform League meets In New York. Presi
dent Cleveland visits the metropolis. The
Senate passes the bill making Sheridan the
General of the United States Army.
SO Decoration Day observed throughout the
country. President Cleveland reviewing the
celebration at Brooklyn. General Sheri
dan's condition becomes more critical. The
Brewers' convention meets in St. Paul.
31 Sheridan continues in a sinking condition.
Rival G. A. R. factions in Brooklyn quarrel
over the President's visit Irish-Americans
in Chicago protest again the Papal rescript
1 The President signs the bill making Sheri
dan General of the army. Count Arco, tbo
new German Minister, arrives in New
York. The immigration of Chinese into the
colonies discussed by the British Parlia
ment Mrs. Rawn, the wife of the Chicago
millionaire, shoots five times at a lawyer in
open coutt
2 Socialists plots discovered against the
German Crown Prince. Cornell University
students indulge in a small riot, at Ithaca,
N. Y. Morocco apologizes to the United
btates for recent troubles.
3 Indiana White Caps commit audacious out
rages. Jay Gould announced to be a very
sick man. England agitated by reports of
a new Irish conspiracy. The steamship
Etruria breaks tbe record for fast time in
crossing the Atlantic i
4-Sbeti dan's, father confessor administcrs-the
last rites, and he is lio lieved to be near the
point of death. Boulanger appears before
tho Chamber of Deputies and demands a re
vision of the constitution. Jefferson Davis
celebrates his 80th birthday. Governor
Hill signs the bill abolishing hanging and
substituting electricity for capital punish
ment 6 Sheridan shows a sudden and marvelous
improvement Confederate veterans of
Georgia decide to participate in the July
Gettysburg celebration. The approaching
marriage of Ainelie'Rives, the novelist, an
nounced. 6 A son of Francis Murphy elopes with the
beautiful daughter of a wealthy and aristo
craticcitizen of Louisville. General Sheri
dan's frjends and family much encouraged
by bis improvement
7 General Sheridan suffers a relapse. Chi
cago citizens bring suit against their Gas
8 Balfour and Parnell. the opposing leaders,
give their views on tbe Irish question.
Bold train robbers attempt to hold up a
train near Cincinnati. The Trunk Line As
sociation lowers the rate on pig iron. Gen
oral Conference of the Lutheran Church
meets at Madison, Wis.
9 Tho English Parliament hard at work on
the local Government bill. The Eads Ship
Railway Company decides to give the con
tract for the construction of its enterprise
to the Atlantic and Pacific Construction
Company. Lord Stanley, the new Canadian
Governor General, arrives at Qusbec
Four prisoners make a daring escape from
the Fonda, N. Y., jail. The twenty-fifth
annual Saengerfcst meets at St Louis.
10 A slight change for the better in General
Sheridan's condition.
U The Orangemen convene at Cleveland.
John Walsh returns to America after an
unsuccessful dynamite trip to Europe.
Governor Hill signs the McEvoy elevator
lall. Conflicting reports as to the state of
Emperor Frederick's health.
12 The House indulges in a warm debate upon
the subject of filibustering. Senator Cul
lom reviews the work of the Inter-State
commerce law and proposes several amend
ments. Suit brought against the Pennsyl
vania Company for $2,500,000 at Akron, 0.,
growing out of a complication in the affairs
of the Cleveland, Mt Vernon and Delaware
13 One of Swinton's text books is banished
from the Boston public schools because of
its being distasteful to Catholics. The
Orange Grand Lodge elects officers at
Cleveland. O'Brien and Dillon banqueted
in London. Six thousand Knights ot Pyth
ias meet and celebrate at Cincinnati. .
14 A grand doublo wedding at Mentdf,0.,
both a son and daughter of ex-President
Garfield being married on the same even
ing. Emperor Frederick grows weaker.
Judge Thurman makes a non-political
speech at a Catholic Orphans' picnic near
15-Europe agitated by the long-expected death
of Emperor Frederick. Universal sympa
thy expressed by the various governments.
A religious crank creates great excitement
among tho negroes in Tennessee.
16 Messages of sympathy and condolence from
all over tho globe sent to Berlin. The Ap
propriation Committee reports several im
portant bills to the House. William II, the
new Emperor of Germany, issues a procla
mation to the armv and navv. The Liberal
candidate wins iu the Parliamentary elec
tion at Ayr.
17 A post mortem examination shows that
Emperor Frederick's disease was cancer.
The National Saengerfest closes at St
Louis, and decides to bold its next meeting
at New Orleans.
18 Emperor Frederick laid to rest, his funeral
being attended with great pomp and cere
mony. Captain, Andrews sails from Boston
in a 15-foot boat, bound for England. Salis
bury introduces a bill to reform the House
of Lords. Grasshoppers do great damage
to Indiana crops. ,
19 All Europe uneasy, fearing that the new
German rJinperor may precipitate war. Ad
vices from Zanzibar to Paris assert that
Stanley has been killed. Supreme Lodge
of tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen
in session at Louisville. Bishop Potter
formally accepts the conversion and
allegiance of Mgr. Bouland to the Episco
pal Church. o
20 An imperial snub causes Dr. Mackenzie to
leave Berlin for London. Balfour denies
that he will resign. The Order of Railway
Telegraphers in session at Indianapolis.
21 News received at London stato that at last
advices Stanley was in great peril.
22 General Grant's old homestead in Missouri
sold for 80,000. President Cleveland prom
ises to attend tho commencement at tbe
University of Virginia.
23 Tbo Irish question the all-absorbing topic
in England. The House passes bill en
larging the more important military posts
of the country. Wholesale grocers meet at
New York and organize to protect them
selves from trusts.
24 A slight improvement noticed in the condi
tion of General Sheridan. Parnell talks
about matters of interest to Ireland. Tony
Hart decided to be incurably Insane.
25 Excessive heat prevails throughout the
country, causing much suffering. The
House passes a bill appropriating 100,000
to improve the cap! tot.
26r-The Sugar Trust announces that it will boy
cott all brokers who bandleotberthan trust
sugar. Decided to remove General Sheri
dan to Nonquitt Mass. A sharp debate in
the House over the public land bill. Mor
ley and O'Brien denounce the Tories in
Parliament The German Landtag opens
at Berlin.
27 Charles A. Pitcher, the defaulting teller of
the Union Bant at Providence arrested in
Montreal. Bar Iron manufacturers meet
at Cleveland and.organizc a trust to regu
late production and price Four indictments
found against defaulting State Treasurer
Tate, of Kentucky. President Cleveland
visits the University of Virginia and makes
28 The Senate discusses tho question oftor-
Eedo devices. Local option people win a
ig temperance light in Missouri.
29 Tbe Duke of Marlborough and Mrs. Ham
mersley wedded in New. York, Mayor
Hewitt performing tho ceremony. Phila
delphia iron mastert sign the Amalgamated
scale Senators condemn the Ordnance
Bureau in debate.
30 Wearers of the blue and the gray opening
celebration of the battle of Gettysburg
upon the historic field. The Senate-discusses
ship canals at length. Emperor
William decides to visit the Czar of Russia.
The Liberals win a big victory in the Par
liamentary elections at Thanet
1 General Sheridan removed from Washing
ton to Nonquitt. Confederate and Union
soldiers join hands on the field of Gettys
burg. Canadian Government issues orders
that no Chinamen shall land without pay
ing the tax of $50 per head.
2 Generals Longstreet, Gordon, Slocum and
Beaver address the great reunion at
Gettysburg. The Judiciary Committee re
turns the nomination of Mr. Fuller for
Chief Justice to the Senate without recom
mendation. German singing societies hold
a big gathering at Philadelphia. Governor
Foraker refuses to reprieve Stanyard, the
Youngstown murderer.
3 Close of the twenty-firth anniversary cele
bration of the battle of Gettysburg,
speeches being made by Geoige William
Curtis and others. President and Mrs.
Cleveland visit the National Saengerfest at
Baltimore. Bitr failure of Seligman Bros.
A Co., New York cloak manufacturers.
Two thousand Italian emigrants homeless
and suffering in New York. Postmaster
General Dickinson attacks the plan of sub
sidizing steamships for carrying foreign
4 The Cincinnati Centennial Exposition
opened with great pomp and ceremony.
Chauncey Depew leaves for Europe. East-1
ern trunk lines, lift tbe Chicago and Alton
boycott The National Saengerfest closes
at Baltimore. The glorious Fourth cele
brated throughout the country in an appro
priate manner. Indiana White Cap3 com
mit another serips of outrages. The Pan
Presbyterian Council opened in London,
with delegates from all parts of the world.
5 The President vetoes the bill pensioning
Mary Ann Doberty. Mary Hewitt speaks
in favor of a 21 years natnralization law.
Three members of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers arrested at Chicago,
charged with being engaged in a dynamite
plot O'Donnell loses his libel suit against
the London Times. The Society of Chris
tian Endeavoi meets at Chicago, with 4,000
delegates present
6 Burlington officials reveal tbe details of the
alleged dynamite plot and the strikers
deny the charges against them. Judges
Gresham and Blodgett dissolve the injunc
tion restraining the Wagner Company from
manufacturing vestibule cars. Parnell
rises in the House of Commons, and de
nies the charges made against blra by the
London Times. The season formally opened
at Chautauqua.
7 A huge sensation caused at St. Louis Dy
the elopement of Editor Henry W. Moore
and Mrs. John W. Norton. Governor Hill
calls an extra session of -the New York
Legislature to pass important bills which
were not completed at the regular session.
King Milan applies for a divorco from
Queen Nathalie, of Servia. Buffalo agi
tated by the discovery of a number of cases
of smallpox.
8 General Sheridan arrives at Nonquitt.
Stockholders in the Keely motor go into
court against the inventor. Details of the
Moore-Norton elopement made public at
St Louis, and increase the sensation.
Faith cure advocates hold a celebration at
New York.
9 Moore and Mrs.Norton arrested at Topeka,
Kan. The House discusses the subject of
pauper immigration at length. More reve
lations made in the alleged dynamite plot
gmtnshlTin RnrlinfftoTi-
LlO Samuel JRandallattackedr-'-ntba. tHlent
hemorrhage and very ill. benator Hoar de
livers a lengthy speech in opposition to the
fisheries treaty. Chairman Hoge, of the
Brotherhood of Engineers, and other mem
bers, arrested, charged with being impli
cated in tbe dynamite conspiracy. German
doctors began an attack on Sir Morell Mac
kenzie. '
11 The House passes a bill providing for the
takinftof the eleventh census. The Senato
repeats its vote in favor of subsidizing
steamships for the purpose of carrying for
eign mail. A mob ditches a Burlington
train at Chicago. Randall rallies somewhat
from his severe attack.
12 General Boulanger made a motion advo
cating tbe dissolution of the Chamber of
Deputies, and when the motion was defeat
ed resigned from the body. The House ap
points a committee of five to investigate
the question of assisted immigration. The
President signs the bill creating a Depart
ment of Labor. Governor Morehouse, of
Missouri, granted Brooks, the trunk mur
derer, a respite of four weeks.
IS General Boulanger and Floquet fight a
duel near Paris, and the former is seriously
wounded b v his antagonist. Emperor Will
iam leaves Berlin for St Petersburg. The
alleged Burlineton dynamiters arraigned in
court. Randall suffers four more hemor
rhages, and is considered to be in a critical
14 The Ohio Board of Pardons refuses to inter
fero in Blinky Morgan's case, and he will
have to swing. General Sheridan's condi
tion considered moro favorable. Bowles,
one of the alleged Burlington dynamiters,
makes a confession. All of the colored offi
cials driven out of Crittenden county, Ar
kansas. '
15 Tbe Pope writes another letter condemning
the boycott and the plan of campaign. Rob
ert Garrett completes his tour of the world
and arrives in Now York. Boulanger re
covers from his wonnd sufficiently to be
able to sit up. The Sioux Commission ap
pointed, and makes preparations to begin
its work. The centennial celebration of
tho settlement of the Northwest Territory
opened at Marietta.
16 The National Prison Association meets at
Boston, and advocates convict labor as a
measure of mercy and economy. Randall
continues to improve. The fisheries treaty
attacked by Senator Chandler. Alexander
Smith, another one of the arrested Bur
lington men, turns State's evidence and
gives tbe details of the alleged dynamite
nspector Bonfleld arrests a group of An
archists at Chicago, and'eharges them with
being concerned in a plot to annihilate
Gary, Grinnell and himself. The river and
harbor bill causes a deadlock in the Confer
ence Committee at Washington. President
Cleveland sends in a strong message veto
ing a pension for a deserter. .
18 The Chicago dynamiters held in 55,000 hail.
The bill creating a special commission to
inquire into tbe charges against Parnell
passes Parliament One of the Burlington
men arrested on a charge of conspiracy
discovered to be a Pinkerton detective in
19 The deadlock on the river and harbor bill
broken by a compromise. General Sheri
dan's condition worse and occasions much
alarm among his friends. Randall gains
strength. Senaror Sherman speaks at the
Marietta Centennial.
20 The Senate confirms Melville W. Fullers
nomination as Chief Justice by a vote of 40
to 21. Daniel Laird and John G. Mars ar
rested at New York on a charge of defraud
ing the navy yard in purchasing supplies.
Cable companies form a combination to end
the rate war. The cruiser Charleston
launched at San Francisco.
21 The German Emperor and the Russian
Czar meet at St. Petersburg. Chief Rabbi
Jacob Joseph, the learned Hebrew in
structor from Wlina, Poland, makes his
first formal appearance at New York.
Judge Blodgett decides the Cushman-Bell
telephone case in favor of the latter.
22 Governor Hill commutes the death sen
tence of Chiara Cignaroie, tho Italian mur
deress. An agitation for tho purchase of
Cuba instituted in New York. A mass meet
ing of 2,000 Italians assembles at Philadel
phia, and protests against the statement
that they are a pauper class.
23 Tho Burlington men deny all charges ot
conspiracy, and resolve, to continue their
strike against tho road. Tbe commission
to try the Parnell case appointed by the
British Government. Mr. Moore and Mrs.
Norton, the elopers, jump their bail at To
peka and continue their flight westward.
President Cleveland sends Congress a mes
sage reviewing the Civil Service reform
work of tbe year.
24 Startling revelations made in the investiga
tion of the Brooklyn Navy Yard frauds.
Railroad men endeavor to form a combina
tion of all their different orders. An In
dian rebellion causes trouble in Canada.
25 The Congressional Investigating Commit
tee co-nmences an inquiry into tbe question
of pauper immigration at New York. In
dictments found at Chicago against tbe
four Anarchist prisoners, who are charged
with conspiracy to commit murder. In-
diana White Caps continue their outrages,
and are fired on by their victims. J.J.
O'Kelly. an Irish member of Parliament,
arrested in London ahd sent to Ireland.
26 President Cleveland goes on a fishing trip
on Long Island Sound. Judge Brewer ren
ders a decision affeptlng the inter-State
commerce law.
27 Chier Justice Fuller visits Washington.
Randall on the high road to recovery.
Railroads make a big cut in Western emi
grant r.ites.
28-Damaging statements concerning immigra
tion methods made before the Congression
al Investigating Committee. Discovered
that vast quantities of opium are smuggled
into the United States from Canada.
29 Randall continues to improve, and at
tributes the change to his removal from
Washington to Philadelphia. General
Booth, tbe commander of the Salvation
Army, decides to visit America.
30 Tho Congressional Investigating Committee
makea somn fttartlmf- discoveries On the
question of contract labor, implicating
prominent officials. The trust Investiga
ting committee reports to Congress.
31 Governor Foraker refuses to interfere in
Blinky Morgan's case, and decides that he
must hang. Parnell asks for fair play in
the proposed investigation.
1 The Catholic Total Abstinence Union
meets at Boston, and takes radical ground
against the drink traffic Judge Alfred
Hand, of Lackawanna, appointed by
Governor Beaver to the seat in tbe Supreme
Court rendered vacant by the death of
Judge Trunkey. The Parnell Commission
occupies tho attention of the English
2 New York convicts Idle because of the
failure of the Legislature to pass the
necessary bill. Catholic Total Abstinence
Union decides to organize colored temper
ance societies.
3 Tbe British Government request a further
postponement of the Brook3 execution.
Matthew Byrnes jumps from the Brook
lyn bridge. Canadian subsidized railroads
discussed in tbe Senate.
4 Pennsylvania manufacturers accused of
openly violating the contract labor law.
Indians object to siening the treaty re
linquishing their lands.
5 The country shocked by the sudden death
of General Sheridan, who was supposed to
be on the road to recovery. Advices re
ceived from Cuba state that the bandits
have been committing another series of
audacious outrages. Brooklyn street car
drivers strike.
6 Governor Morehouse refuses to further
postpone Brooks' execution. Eulogies upon
General Sheridan delivered in Congress.
7 The House Committee on Manufactures in
vestigates tho Whisky Trust Senator Sher
man makes a speech in opposition to the
fisheries treaty. Mayor Hewitt raises a
f undrf or a boycotted shoeshop foreman.
8-rParis Anarchists make a big manifestation
at the funeral of General Endes. The At
torney General of New York nrlngs suit
against the Sugar Trust More damaging
revelations as to contract labor made before
the Congressional investigating committee
at New York. Robert Garrett, the million
aire, in a dangerous canditlon.
3 Charleston issues a quarantine order
against Florida because of yellow fever.
Supreme Court decides against Lew Clark,
the steamboat captain. Herr Most testi
fies before the Congressional Investigating
Committee. General Sheridan's remains
removed to Washington.
10 The President vetoes nine more pension
bills. General Sheridan's remains lie in
state in Washington, O'Donovan Rossa
appears before the Immigration Investi
gating Committee.
11 Parnell decides to prosecute the London
Times in Scotland on a charge of libel.
Yellow fever gains ground in Florida.
The river and harbor bill becomes a law
without the President's signature. Funeral
services held over General Sheridan, Car
dinal Gibbons officiating.
12 Every effort made to stamp out the yellow
fever in Florida, but without apparent suc
cess. An assassin fires five shots at General
Boulanger, at Paris.
13 The Senate discusses the fisheries treaty at
length. Residents of Florida flee from the
fever districts in hot haste. Alleged that a
British syndicate has been formed to buy
np American breweries.
14 A series of gigantic mail box robberies dis
covered at Chicago. The yellow scourge
paralyzes business in Florida and other parts
of the South. The President assigns Major
General Schofield to the command of the
15 The eleventh Conference of tho Young
Men's Christian Association of the world
meets at Stockholm, Sweden. Every effort
being made to prevent the spread of tho
yellow fever, and a shotgun quarantine in
stituted at many places. Tne American
Bar Association meets at Saratoga.
18 Cannon-fired in an attempt to destroy the
yellow fever microbes at Jacksonville.
Chinese merchants of NowYdrk import
wives from their native land. The National
Encampment of the Sons of Veterans meets
atWheelintr. The Washington Territory
woman suffrage law declared unconstitu
tional by the Supreme Court.
17 The Congressional investigating committee
discovers startling abuses of the naturali
zation laws in New York. President Cleve
land pardons the Annapolis cadets, who
were conrtmartialed for hazing. A case of
loprosy discovered at Chicago.
18 Emperor William makes a warlike speech
at a Frankfort dinner. Intimidation re
sorted to for the purpose of preventing
testimony being presented to the Congres
sional investigating Committee at New
York. A Louisiana association of regulat
ors formed to break up miscegenation.
18 Physicians and nurses do heroic work
against tne yeuow iever scourge at jacx
sonville. The Y. M. C. A. convention at
Stockholm closes its work and adjourned.
Parnell states that be can prove the Timet'
letters to be forgeries.
20 Breckinridge, of Arkansas, introduces five
bills aimed at various trusts in theHonse
General Master Workman Powderly testi
fies before tbe Congressional Immigration
Investigating Committee at New TJork.
21 The immigration investigating committee
finishes its labors at New York, and pro
ceeds to Boston. More new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville.
22 Two outbreaks of the Texas cattlo fever in
Pennsylvania. The National Grand Lodge
of the Sons of St George meets at Provi
dence, R. I. Robert Garrett removed to an
23 President Cleveland sends a message to
Congress asking power to retaliate against
Canada. Tbe yellow fever plague defies all
efforts to stamp it out at Jacksonville. A
large gang of Italian connterfelters cap-
, tured at New York.
24 More new cases of yellow fever and several
deaths at Jacksonville. Hayti's exiled
President, Salomon, sails for Europe.
Canadians express mnch surprise at the re
taliation message.
25 Kilrain returns from Europe and is enthnsi
asticallygreeted bv his admirers at New
York. Emperor William of Germany de
cides to visit tbe Pope at Rome. Yellow
fever continues to spread in Florida.
26 Callfornians fail in their efforts to have
Jndges Sawyer and Sabine impeached for
permitting Chinamen to land at San Fran
cisco. The Law and Order League wages a
snccesaul war on Sunday saloons at Cin
cinnati. The New York Central Labor
Union censures Mayor Hewitt
27 Governor Gray decides to adopt stringent
measures to suppress tho Indiaria White
Caps. The Congressional Immigration In
vestigating Committee commences opera
tions at Boston. Three more Irish mem
bers of Parliament arrested under the coer
cion act.
28 The yellow fever at Jacksonville spreads,
new cases springing up all over the city.
Saloonists at Cleveland decide to defy the
new Sunday law. The Cotton Bagging
Trust arouses much opposition in the
South, and planters refuse to market their
29 Commissioner Black's annual pension re
port published, showing that 60,000 names
were added to the rolls during the year.
The House passes the bill abolishing plate
printing bv steam in the Government office.
Another Nihilist plot unearthed at St Pe
tersburg. Numerous new caEes of yellow
fever at Jacksonville.
30 The House Committee on Foreign affairs
prepared a retaliation bill on the Presi
dent's message. Another big increase in
the number of yellow fever cases at
31 Citizens of Jacksonville demand that the
President remove Surgeon General Hamil
ton because of his quarantine order. Big
railroad ,snits brought before the Iowa
Railroad Commissioners, involving the
Rock Island and St Pan! roads.
1 Emperor William's rash words concerning
France and England cause alarm in Eu
rope. Alarming increase In the number of
yellowfever cases in Florida. Mrs. Langtry
sails for Europe. The President teller and
solicitor of tbe Roscland, 111., Savings Bank
disappear with all the funds of the institu
tion. 2 Great preparations made for the opening of
the Ohio Centennial at Columbus. Charles
ton authorities deny the existence of yeliow
fever in that city. Tho defiant Cleveland
saloonists finally close up their bars on Sun
day. 3 W. L. Scott introduces a bill in the Honse
absolutely prohibiting Chinese immigration,
and it passes under a suspension of the
rules. Labor Day celebrated throughout
the conntry by the various branches of or
ganized workingmen. Sarah Altbea Sharon
sent to jail for contempt of court at San
i The Ohio Centennial opened at Columbus
with great pomp and ceremony. The House
discusses the Canadian retaliation bill at
length. Senator Cullom introduces a bill
In the Senate designed to snppress trusts:
In a speech at Wrenham Gladstone severely
rebukes the Government's cruelty to pollt
leal prisoners.
5 Yellow fever at Jacksonville gets beyond
the control ot tbe officials, who appeal for
help. The National Federation of Miners
decides to make a proposition for consoli
dation to D. A. 135, K.ofL. Charles EL
Boyle appointed Chief Justice ot Wash
ington Territory by President Cleveland.
6 Ten deaths from yellow fever and 46 new
eases at Jacksonville. Attempts to convict
J Indiana White Caps fail of their object.
Tbe cruiser Boston successfully passes
through the severe Government test
7 The Chinese exclusion bill passed by the
Senate, but immediately reconsidered and
again postponed. Mrs. Harriet Beecher
Stowe suddenly taken seriously ill. Yellow
fever continues to gain ground In Florida.
8 Emperor William decides to visit Rome in
spite of the Pope's objections. The White
chapel murders cause a sensation in Lon
don. Columbus busy pre Darin c for the
National Encampment of the Grand Army
of tbe Republic Six deaths and 44 new
cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville.
9 Large amounts of money and provisions
sent to the aid of fever stricken Jackson
ville. Thousands of veterans pour into
Colnmbus as the advance guard of the ap-
Tlroaehintp rennion.
10 Five new cases and 33 deaths from yellow
fever at Jacksonville. Columbus flllel
with enthusiastic G.A.R. veterans. 'Sena
tors Morgan and Mitchell indulge in a per-
sonal debate in the Senate.
H Grand Army veterans parade at Columbus
0,000 strong, and hold a number of regi
mental reunions and camp fires. The yellow
fever holds its grip at Jacksonville, 11
deaths and 48 new cases being reported.
The Senate struggles over the retaliation
12 A sensation caused In New York by tho
death of Prof. Proctor, the great EnsHsbi
aatonomer, supposed to be from the effects
of yellow fever. Ten deaths and 59 new
cases at Jacksonville. The Grand Army
decides to hold its next annual encamp
ment at Milwaukee. Payne, of Ohio, de
fends the Oil Trust In the Senate.
13 William Warner, of Missouri, elected Com
mander of the Grand Army of the Republic
at the Columbus encampment Four deathf
and 44 new cases of yellowfever at Jacksonville,-
and nurses and doctors succumb
to the dread disease. Depew returns home
from Enrope, and is greeted with a recep
tion at New York.
14 The House passes a bill appropriating $200,
000 for the suppression of the yellowfever
epidemic Twelve deaths and 43 new cases
atJacksonvillc Charles Bodenudick, an An
archist and bombmaker, arrested at Chica
go. The Grand Army encampment at Col
umbus finishes its work and adjourns.
15 The work of the Whitecbapel fiend causes
great consternation in London. Ninety
three new cases of yellow fever at Jackson
ville. Sir John Macdonald gives the Cana
dian side of the retaliation imbroglio.
16 Eight deaths and 74 new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville. Charles A. Percy
successfully passes through the whirlpool
rapids at Niagara. The widow of SnelL
the murdered Chicago millionaire, offers
&0,000 reward for Tascott, the supposed
17 Seven deaths and 53 new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville. Ohio tax inquisitors
unearth large amounts of personal prop
erty bidden from the assessors. Judge.
Gresham returned from his European trip
Tbe Parnell Commission commences its
work of investigation.
18 The Hocking valley Railroad case. In
volving J8.000.000, decided in favor of the
defendants. Postmaster General Vilas de
nies that the mails are wrongfully used for
political purposes. The Illinois miners de
cide to inaugurate a big strike October L
Twenty deaths and 156 new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville.
19 Fourteen deaths and 136 new cases of yel
low fever at Jacksonville. Brown. Howard
& Co., the New York aqueduct contractors,
threaten to sue that city for $1,400,000.
Archbishop Corrigan. of New York, cele
brates the twenty-fifth anniversary of his
ordination to the priesthood. Railroad
switchmen oppose coalition with the
Knights of Labor.
20 Fifteen deaths and 131 new cases of the
yellow scourge at Jacksonville. The Chi
cago division of the Illinois Central road
blocked by a strike. Dr. D. M. Cheever, of
Boston, elected President of the American
Surgical Association. James Bedell, a N ew
York real estate clerk, discovered to have
forged mortgages to the amount of $284,500.
The Society of the Army of the Cumber
land meets at Chicago and General Rose
crans is elected President Libby prison
sold at auction for :ll,000.
21 Definite news received at Washington to
the effect that the Chinese Government re
fused to ratify the proposed treaty. Four--
teen deaths and lis new cases' or rello
fever at Jacksonville. Railroad tracks torn
up to keep refngeesaway from New Or
leans. The Senate passed the bill creating
a department of agriculture.
22 Six deaths and 163 new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville All of -the Southern
cities are quarantined against the fever
districts. G ermany greatly agitated by tho
publication of the late Emperor Freder
ick's diarv. A Chinese leper discovered at
Newark, N. J. Seventeen persons publicly
whipped in Delaware. The Etruria, of tho
Cunard Line, breaks all of tbe previous
records in crossing the Atlantic
23 Ten deaths and 133 new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville. Fourthousand panic
stricken persons leave Memphis for tho
North. Texas bandits make a desperate
effort to rob a Southern Pacific mall train,
but are beaten off.
24 Rev. Fathers Farrelly and Clark sentenced
atArklow. Ireland, to terms of Imprison
ment for offenses under the coercion act
President Cleveland and Colonel Lamont
return to Washington from their vacation
trip. Senator Stewart introduces a bill to
exclude the Chinese. Labor Day cele
brated at the Columbus Centennial. &Flve
deaths and 113 new cases of the yellow
scourge at Jacksonville.
25 The Board of Pardons makes a favorable
recommendation to Governor Beaver In the
case of Milton Weston. Four deaths and
143 new cases of yellow fever at Jackson
ville. The case of larceny against Ives and
Stayner, on trial at Cincinnati, dismissed by
the judge.
26 The Senate indefinitely postpones the con
sideration of the retaliation bill. A slight
change for the better in the yellow fever
situation at Jacksonville. Civil service
Commissioner Oberly transferred to the
head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Chi
cago street car drivers and cable grip men
threaten a general tie-up of the various f
roads if the rates and hours are not arranged
to suit them.
27 Broker Hutchinson succeeds in effecting a ..,
corner of the Chicago wheat market
Eight deaths and 131 new cases of yellow
fever at Jacksonville. W. R. Foster com
mits forgeries to the amount of $168,000 at
New York, and leaves for parts unknown.
An aqueduct scandal discovered at Wash
ington. 2S The Hutchinson wheat comer causes wild
excitement on tbe Chicago Exchange, and'
the prices climb rapidly upward. Five
deaths and 83 new cases of yellow fever at
Jacksonville. The Central Traffic Associa
tion agrees to advance freight rates.
29 The September wheat deal closed at Chi
cago amid wild excitement Six deaths
and 94 new cases of yellow fever at Jack
sonville. Prince Bismarck is very argry
over the publication of the diary of the
Emperor, and serious consequences are
threatened to the person who published it
SO London violently agitated by another hor-
ror In Whitechaoel. A com wave de
creases the number of new cases of yellow "nj
lever at Jacksonville. ine sugar irust
shuts down several refineries, throwinz -t
many men ont of work.
1 The President signs the Chinese exclusion f
bill, which becomes a law. Ten deaths and '
yo new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. -
rn.A nkln l C rnnfa.anna a.w.ltul t TT T
1V.11.aa f f?t,111t.,tha fn. fllOTlnA. V..m .'-iEI
,,4i,.vV.v,..r. .r av ,rm
of a smallpox epidemic at aunaio.
2-Judtre Terry, of California, jailed for con-
tcmpt.of court, applies to the President for'' '.
paruon. ma vmcuu wuea corner, causes
a sympathetic rise in tbe price of flour and!
bread. Ninety-eight new cases of the-
jcuun ai.uutt.1, no unuaiuuiiin., um uw.. J
deaths. Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller 1
leaves Chlcairo far Washinirton. Kamnl. '
Randall announced to be convalescent - ,
3 Six deaths and 73 new cases of yellow fever t
at Jacksonville. The wheat deal causes '3
another exciting day on the New York and' m
Chicago exchanges. The Emperor of Ger-r
many visits Vienna and is royally received .'S
bv the Austrians. Georce Bancroft thai '
historian, celebrates his Ssth birthday. , . ' '
4 An effort to adjourn Congress fails. One;
death and 75 new cases of yellow fever at i
Jacksonville. Floods do great damage to I
the rice crops in the South. Tho Senate;
Committee on Foreign Relations discusses"
tne possioie annexation oi Canada.
6 Chlcazo streetcar lines tied unb van ex
tensive strike Six deaths and 52 new cases?
of yellow fever at Jacksonville. Union and
Confederate soldiers unite in unveiling a !
uiuuuuibui ub.ic.at ucuio i ic&etb Skit
Richmond. Judce Thurman roes to Wash-
lno"tr,T tr malrA 4t qrrrnmaH 1 ! Tslt
telephone case before the Snpreme Court. ,i
o juuge luurman spenus tne oay wiw 1'iest-, '
aem uievcianu at uaK view, lnewmte-1
chapel murders made the excuse for vigor-1
ous attacks on the London police systm.V
Alleged discovery of an Anarchist plot tot,
kill Emperor William during bis Italian ?
tour. Five deaths and 81 new eases of J
yellow fever at Jacksonville. Not awheel!
turns on the Chicago street car.lta. Zlm
7 Chicago street car strikers grow rl-etoWl
and are charged by tbe police. Nie deatfes
snu M new cases ox yeuow lever' at Jaefi-J