Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Some Jobbing
Industries of the
TToolen Goods, Tailors' Trimmings, Millin
ery, numbers
OrriCE or Pittsburg, Dispatch, J
Mosday. December 31. 1SS& f
The article in this column of Monday's
DrsPATCn, reviewing some of the principal
jobbing industries of the city for the year
past, omitted, for want of space, a few in
dustries which, in their leading features,
are here presented.
Keports from wholesale dealers in the line
of woolens and tailors' trimmings indicate a
healthy trade for the year, with a very com
fortable increase on the business of last year.
One jobber reports an Increase of 50 per cent
on the value of sales as compared with 18S7.
The totals for the year's business in the whole
sale woolen and tailors' trimmings trade dia
not fall mnch below 5 1,000,000.
A large proportion of these pood have been
placed outside of the city, the trade reaching
fMTnnil tho Mfsfiift&:tinL Ar-ents of Eastern
cloth houses manage still to coutro! the bnlfct
f t,n ,t4A .,t.i, ,n,,,a tnilnrf:. fipllin: their
goods bv samples. The home jobbers are
steadily gaining on this Eastern trade, but at
this aate foreitrn jobbers are placing at this
point some 52,000,000 worth of woolen goods,
against about one-half that amount sold by
home jobbers. And the bnlt of the home
jobbers' trade is away from home.
In the year past one of the wholesale dryeoods
houses of the city has dropped out of the job
bine millinery trade, and this has hronght in
creased business to the three firms now re
maining. A representative of one of these
firms reports an increased trade for 18S3 over
18S7ofS5per cent, and expresses the belief
that his competitors have shared equally with
his firm in this increased volume ot bnsinefs.
The value of the wholesale millinerv trade for
liS7as in round numbers. $1,500,000, anil for
the rear now clustng, is probably 300,000 above
tbis"flgure. At this time of the year, which is
between seasons, business is very slow. Job
bersaie now placing orders for Spring poods,
and their faith in a pood jear to rone is at
tested by the abundance of si ock for w hich pro
vision is now being made in "ew England and
rum bees' supplies.
In the line of supplies for plumbers the rec
ord for 7SS8 is scarcely up to that of the two
previous years. Through these years an un
precedented stimulus wa given to the trade by
the extraordinary demand for natural gas fix
tares. It was not among fie probabilities that
this activity conld be maintained when the rush
1 or natural pas fixtures had subs.ded.
Another element which was injurious to
trade was the attempted pig lead corner, inau
gurated in the early part of the year. Though
the corner was a failure and resulted in the cor
iiprlnjx ot the man who attempted it, it had its
effect in tendin: pUr lead far above us intrinsx
valae,throughthespr.ngard summer. Plumbers
Tiurxued the hand to mouth policy, until the
middle of October, when the corner collapsed.
The midsummer trade was very poor because a
break was daily expei ted The value of tho
plumber snpolv trade fJF 18ST. was in7 round
numbers. $1,000 00"X Truth demands the state
ment that for ISSS there has been a decline from
this amount of 15 to 20 per cent.
In the line of while lead and painters' sup
plies generally, the year's business has been
about a stand-off to that of the previous year.
The backward "spring delayed the painter's oc
cupation several wecLs beyond the average
time. The fall trade has not come up to ex
pectations. Cnt taL.ir.tr the year through deal
ers report a vo'ume ana value oi iraon miiy np
to lat year, w hich was one of the good J ears in
the history of this industry.
The totals for the white lead industry are in
round numbers 52,000,000. The trade in mixed
paints and other painters' supplies is almost
S2.000.000 mot In the year Ial7 the value of
this trade in Pittsburg is given in an old record
as $10,000. In 1S37 it had grown to 5200,003, and
in lio7 to fmOOO. With Sl.000.000 as the figures
for IsSS, it is evident that in painters' supplies
the city is keeping pace with other great indus
tries in the path v. ay of progress.
The total in 1SSS in hog products, according
to reliable estimates are 33,000.000 pounds. Tho
value of this industry is m round numbers
J3.OuO.CCKi. There has been a steady growth ot
the trade from year to year, with nothing akin
to a boom. The increase of the trade this year
over last has been 10 to 15 per cent in volume
and value. Pork packers and jobbers of bog
products are entirely comfortable over the sit
uation and outlook.
Wheat Active nnd Unsettled, Closing nt
SeinrdaU Price Corn and Oats Wenk
nnd Lower Pork Steady and Lard De
clining. Chicago, December 3L Wheat ruled fairly
active and unsettled. The rpening was strong,
and J-iSJc higher than Saturday's closing,
and with a continuation of the strength then
existing and good buying, a further advance of
1c was established. Later a weak feeling set
in, irflnenced by liberal offerings, due in part
to rumors that stocks in the United Kingdom
would be 4,000,000 bushels laiger tnan last year,
and another that stock in the United Kingdom,
on the continent and afloat, would be about 13.
000,000 bushels larger than a year ago. There
was considerable realizing by parties who had
bought jest previous to the recent advances,
Prices declined lc from the top and closed
about the same as Saturday.
Corn was moderately active, ruling firm eaily
and lower later. The market opened at Satur
day's closing prices ami gradually advanced
Jc. reacted Jcand closed 4& lower than
Saturday. There was a good demand lor Jan
uary early, and this had a strengthening in
fluence on the other futures. Oats were neak
and lower. There was an increased desire on
the part of some large holders to sell, one
operator disposing of about 1.000,000 bushels of
May at 28Jc Despite the heavy selling the
buying was good, especially from "shorts," and
prices declined only c, rallied slightly and
closed steady at JSc lower than Saturday.
Quite a good busiuesi was done in mess pork
at irregular prices. Early in the day the feel
ing was easy and prices declined 57wc Later
prices rallied 1012c but declined again 10
15c and closed comparatively steady. A de
cidedly weak feeling prevailed in lard, and
prices ruled decidedly lower about 50c for De
cember and 1015c on the longer deliveries.
The market closed rather tame. Trading was
moderately active in ribs, hut prices exhibited
little change.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat A o. 2, December. Jl 0134S1 02V
II1 OIK; January, .fl Ol'flif 1 021 01j2
152: Mav. 1 070)1 0&K1 WM 064:July,
Ml 01
ai pi1
Corn Xo. i December, 3i531c: January.
WAmWm$UK May, 37K3737
OAts-Ko, 2 December, 25c: January, 25c
62SKc; May. 2S;,,2$K-SK2Sc.
Mtss Pork, per !11. December. 512 85;
Jannarv. 12 h313 0012 S212 S5; May,
fl3 45Q13 5213 K13 40.
Labd per 1(0 ii. December. S7 907 90
0J 60 &7 CO; January, S7 757 757 607 CO;
May. S7 857 t57 7727 J7j
SB OCT Ribs, per 108 ft-.Januarv. S3 SO
IH6 6266 77gG 77K: March. $6 87U6 02J
G& 67)4g6 90; May, $7 007 u27 007 00.
Cash quotations were as lollows-. flour,
firm and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
H-OIGl 01: No. S spring wheat. 595c: No.
2 red. 1 OlGl 01K; No. 2 com. 31c. No. 3
oats, 25c. No. 2 rje, 50c No. 2 barley, 70c
Ko. 1 flaxseed. 11 6141 Ci Prime timothy seed,
SI 50. Mess port net barrel, 812 c$gl2 W. Lard,
per 100 lb. 17 W7 C2& Short ribs sides
nooe). SG SC8 Si Dry salted shoulders (box
ed).S6 750 e7. Short clear sides (boxed),
J7E$7 25. bugars-Cut loaf, unchanged.
Receipts-Flour, r.one; wheat, 2S.000 bushels;
corn, 233.000 bushels: oats. 119.000 bushels;
rye. Ifi,0u0 bushels: barley, 49,000 bushels. Ship
ments Fionr, none; wheat, 13.000 bushels;
corn. 390,000 bushels: oats. 135.000 bushels;
rye, none: barley, 21,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was dull; fancy creamerv, 28c; good to
choice, 2324c; fine dairies, 22c; good to choice,
1620c ggs dull at lfec
Sew Yoek Flour Receipts. 21,650 pack
ages: exports, 2,450 sacks: firm; fair demand,
dnefly irom the trade; sales, 17,500 barrels.
Cornmeat dull: yellow Western, S2 S5JJ3 15.
Wheat Receipts. 3,300 bushels: exports, 65,600
bushels; sales, 5,123,000 bushels latures: 650
bushels spot: spot market dull and Jiglc
higher with the option: 'n. 2 red, Jl 0J in
elevator. $1 OSJfQl 04 afloat Jl 03il Olg f.
o. b.: No. S red. P7c; No. 1 white, si 03: No. 1
red,$l JO; No. 2 Chicago, fl 095f: options more
active and stronger; eariy lJJSlJI'J higher,
closing 5iKe over Saturday's; freebnying by
exporters: No. 2 red. December, SI 0V: Jano-ary.$10-iSl
03, cljsfng atJl 02V February,
S103flgl0 closing at Jl 03: March, H 05
1 OS, dosingat $1 (&t: Mav. $1 07K1 a$, clos
lngatSl 07Ji; June, $1 07KQI 0 closing at
1 07J. Stocks of grain in store and afloat
December 29-Wheat, S.5SS,!194 bushels; com,
LS71.294 bushels; oats, 2,163,53 "bushels; rye,
110.M9 bushels: barley, 817,923 bushels; malt,
156,810 bushels: peas, 21,512 bushels. Barley
barely steady; dull; .No. 1 Canada, SSgSOc; No.
2 do, 8586Mc Barley malt quiet. Corn
Hfcceipts, 342,378 bushels: exports, 228,
913 bnsbels: ' sales. 576,000 bushels
futures; 1S1.000 bushels spot: spot market
easier; fair t-xport demand; No. Z, 4ie in ele
vator. 47V4c afloat; ungraded mixed. S?fJ
4Sc; No. 2 white. Ur, steamer mixed. 4i
ilci No. 3. 39i30Kc: options dull: MJc
lower and stead v; January, 46lGle. closing at
46c; February, 4CJigl6)c closing at 46Kc; May,
46iV4c, closing at c Oats Receipts, 96,
000 bushels; exports, none; sales, 75,000 bush
els tutures, 109.000 bushels spot: spot market
trifle easier and dull: options dnll and lower;
January, S163IH;e, closing -at 31c; February,
32c: May. 33K33Jcc, closinc at "33Kc: No. 3
white Jannary, Slyjjc: spot prices No. 3, 30c;
do white. 315c: N. 2. 31c; do white. 31Jc; No.
L. 32c; do white, 39c: mixed western, 30So2c:
white do. 323tte; white State. StgWc; No. 2
Chicago. S2c Feed Bran. 7282Kc; mid
dlings, S095e; rye feed, 808ou. llay firm;
shipping. b5c; good to choice. 85c51 00. Hops
dnll and steady: State, 1722c Coffee
Spot Rio dull; fair cargoes, 16c:
no option trading to-day: exchange closed.
Sugar Rw nominal: refined dull. Molasses
Foreign nominal; New -Orleans fairly active.
Rice in moderate demand ana firm. Tctroleura
steady and quiet; crude in barrels. S6 6007 20;
refined here. S7 10; Philadelphia and Baltimore,
57 00: United closed at STKc Cottonseed oil
stronger: crude, 48c; yellow, 55c Tallow quiet.
Rosin dnll. Egcs nuiet and eas-v : Western. 21K
R22c Pork more active and lower: mcv, $14 2o
14 6u. Beef weak; extra mess, S77 SO: plate,
S99 75. Cntmcats dull; pickled bellies, 7
VJic: pickled shoulders, 77Vic; pickled hams.
10c: middles quiet; short clear, 57 50. Lard
lower and dull; Western steam closed at SS25:
tales: Jannarv. $8 05S8 10, closing at S8 05: Feb
ruary. SSffiS 04. closing at 8: March. SS 02SS
S 05. closinc at 8 02 asked: April, SS 03 asked;
May. T8 028 08, closing at fS 04 asked: June,
SS W8 05, closing at SS 04 asked. Butter quiet
and barely steady; Western dairy, lHJKc: do
creamery. 1931c: Elgin. 3233c Cheese firm
and qniet; Western, 10llc V
St. Locis Flour quiet. Wheat lower;
prices improved earlv, but advices of heavy
Blocks in Europe and the millers in the country
would run on half time next month, had a de
pressing effect and the close was He below Sat
urday; No. 2 red, cash, 99c; January. 97Jgc
c!oMngat97Jfcbid;Mav, SI 02S1 015-S.cIosing
at f 1 02?: Jutr. 92fi91Jc closing at 91c asked;
August. S9JiS9C closing at 89c Corn
higher; No. 2 mixed, cash, 30jc; January, 304
SOKc closing at 30Jc asked; February, 31c
closing at BOKc asked: March, 32c closing at
31c asked; Mav. 33r, Oats lower and dull:
No. 2 cash. 24c: May. 2SXS2S;jc Rye 4647Kc
Barlev. nothing done, ilav nniet: prairie.
f7 OOJM 00: mixed timothy,$9 001000;timothy,
10 5014 5a Flaxseed nominal at 1 50 But
ter large offerings and only licht local demand;
creamery. 3427c; dairy, 2023c Eigs, market
overstocked: bet. 16c Cornmeal firm and un
changed at Jl 851 90.Prorisious very quiet.
Pork, $13 75. Lard; prime steam nominally at
$7 50. Drv salt meats shoulders, $6 25: longs
nnd ribs, 57 00: short clear, 58 20; hams. S10 3TCS
012 75. Uagginc steady and nncbanged. Re
ceints Flour. 3.000 barrels: wheat. 4.000 bushels;
corn, 223,000 bushels: rye, 1,000 bushels; barley,
8,000 busrels. Shipments Flour. 12.000 barrels:
wheat, 4,000 bnsbels; corn. 130,000 bushels; oats.
63.000 bushels; rye, none: barley. 9,000 bushels.
PniLAiiELPHiA Flourdnll and weak: Ohio,
Indiana, St. Louis and Southern Illinois clear,
$4 7i; 00; do. straicht, S3 005 50; winter pat
er fair to choice 5 506 00: Minnesota clear,
$4aS05 00; do. straight, SSISM' 85; do. patent,
$5 i6 90. Wheat-l&c higher, but demand
lisht: No. 2 red, December. 97ttJ9Sc: Jannarv,
97faSc: Februarv. 99?ge$l 00;"Marcb,$l 0K
1 tvi; May, $1 041 Oo. Corn quiet Lut .firm;
No. 4 High mixed on track, 67c No. 3 mixed, in
elevator, SSc; No. 2 vellow, export, in elevator,
8c; old No. 2 low mixed, in elevator, 43r; old
jo. i raixea, in grain uepot, lOJc; io. z mixed.
jjeremoer. iic: januarv,
February. 425iS4ftfc: March. 434;
3KKc Oats Carlots dull and weal
white 34c: do. choice, 3535Kc: futures quiet:
No. 2 white, December. S434Kc: Jannary. 34
34Jc; February, S4)34Kc: March. 34K35c:
May, 33(?3&c lYovisions steady, demand
light. Pork Mess, new $15 00015 50: do. prime
mess, new, $14 50: do. family, $17 0018 00;
hams, smoked, $11 506120a Lard Puie, 9
9c Butter steady and quiet; Pennsylvania
creamery, extra, 31c do. prints, do, 3334c
Eggs steady; Penn'vlvania firsts, 24c Cheese
dull but firm; part skims, CSc
Baltimore Wheat Western firm; No. 2
winter red. spot, P6S96X January. 96Kc;
February, OSfc; March. 51 00?i. Corn West
ern firm; mixed, spot and January. 42Jc;
February, 43c; steamer, spot, 39Kc Oats dull
and firm: Western white. 32(ffi.iJc: do mixed.
25!Slc; graded No. 2 white, 33c bid. Ryo
quiet at (0.gClc Hay dull; prime to choice
timothy. $16 O017 CO. Provisions steady and
unchanged. Butter qniet; Western packed.
3924c; best roll. 1921c; creamerv, 2430c
Eggs easy at 2021c Coffee dull; Rio fair,
Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat easy;
cash and Jannarv 93Jc; May, $1 OOJ. Corn
steady; No. 3. 3ia3IWc Oats steadv; No. 2
whit. 27K2Sc. Rye firm: No. 1, 50c Bar
ley, steady: No. 2, 67c Provisions eas v. Pork,
$12 Sijf. Lard. $7 42K. ' Bntter firm: dairy,
20022c Eggs steady; fresh. 19c Cheese un
changed; cheddars, 1010Jc
Toledo Tieat dull, easier; cash, $1 02J
1 05; May, $1 04J Com dnll: casli, 3&c
Oats, no sales. Cloverseed dull and steady;
cah, Jannarv, $5 40; March, $5 55. Receipts
Wheat. 3,000 bushels; corn, 6,000 bushels; clover
seed, 225. bags.
Heavy rains have occurred In vicinity of
Toulon, causing floods which bavo done much
The Gold Star Mining Company, at Ish
penning. Mich.,iias lost $100,000, and will wind
up its affairs.
A sawmill boiler exploded at Mlllbrook,
Mich., yesterday, killing the proprietor, W. W.
Bush, and two employes.
The Patent Leather Trust went into opera
tion yesterday, and prices were advanced 15 per
cent, taking effect to-day.
During the year J8SS, 3S3,595 immigrants
were landed at Castle Garden, an increase of
1,977 over the previous year.
Mayor Hewitt yesterday afternoon ap
pointed D. Lauber Smith as Commissioner of
Public Works, and he was at once sworn into
Colonel J. M. Jones, one of the wealthiest
ranchman in Cheyenne county, was gored to
death by a bull Sunday, being almost turn to
The Master in Chancery has refused to
recommend the granting of an injnnction pre
venting the police authorities of Chicago from
restraining Anarchistic meetings.
For the year 188S the exports of gold from
New York were S5.P44.3G9, a net loss of $26,426.
102. In 1SS7 the exports were 56.4SS.S20 and the
imports S3S.M2.450, a net gain of 32,153,630.
A bomb which bad been deposited in the
hall of the Conservative and Republican Club
at Madrid by some unknown person, exuloded
yesterday, but fortunately did no serious dam
The Portuguese Government has notified
the German Government of the blockade of the
whole coast of Africa, including the harbors
and creeks, extending from latitude 10,28 south
to latitude 12.5S south.
Judge Reck, of the Cincinnati Superior
Court, has appointed a receiver for the Cincin
nati, Washington and Baltimore Railroad, on
the petition of the Farmers' Loan and Trust
Company, of New Tuirk.
The Controller of tho Currency yesterday
authorized the Lincoln National Bank, of
btanfnrd. Ky to begin business with a capital
of $200,000, and the National Bank ot Heppner,
Ore., with a capital of $50,000.
The steamship Veendam, from Rotterdam,
arrived at New York early yesterday morning,
after a terrifically stormy voyage, during which
one of the crew was washed overboard and
drowned and another seriously injured.
The Highland Honse with stable at Bcach
mont, Mass., owned by O. N. Kennerson, was
burned yesterday morning. The otel was
valued at $5,000 and ibe furniture at $2,000. The
staDio .contained a numoer oi carnages, har
nesses, etc, all of which were desa oyed.
The New York General Term yesterday
affirmed the judeement of ouster in the cae of
the people against Thomas C. Piatt. The judg
ment affirmed was the one'whjcb removed Mr.
Piatt from the position of Quarantine Commis
sioner of New York on the ground that he was
sot a resident of that city.
The family of Ira Warford, who lives at St.
Elmo, one of the suburbs of Chattanooga, was
poisoned Sunday by eating bard chee-e. It is
not known whether tho cheese was poisoned or
whether the poison came from a brass kettle in
which the cheese vas cooked. Warford is
dringand bis wife is in a very serious con
dition. The two children will recover.
Frank Chsse of Springville N. Y., has
jnst been notified that he is one of the heirs to
an immense estate in Pike county, Kentucky,
consisting of 70,000 acres of mineral land. The
other heirs are a granldaugbter of General
Thomas Marshall, of Kentucky, and Mrs.
Jndge Caralee, of Chicago. A New York syn
dicate, wishing to buy the land, made the dis
covery. The Third Tennessee Congressional District
election case was decided Yesterday morning
by Chancellor Allison, who dismissed Creed F.
Bates' bill, asking that the Governor be re
strained from issuing a certiQcate of election
today Evans. 'This decision gives the certifi
cate of election to Evans. Republican. The
Chancellor holds that the Court of Equity did
not have jurisdiction and a mandamus would
not hold against the Governor.
Saler of Tobacco.
Daxvixlz, Va., December 3L The sales of
leaf tobacco at auction in this market for De
cember were 1,201109 pounds; tor 12- months
just ended, 27,363,085; manufactured tobacco
sold during the year, 5,531,108 ponnoV
Bemarkablo Explosions of Jollity on
The Exchange Yesterday.
Astonishing Gain in Business as Shown by
The Clearing Honse.
Talk about fun and frolic, about school
boy play, about riots, about staid business
men going mad, and it is not a marker to
the scenes at the Petroleum, Stock and
Metal Exchange yesterday. Pandemonium
and everything else seemed to be turned
loose, and when the fun was over the build
ing looked as if the fire department had
just got through quelling a dangrons con
flagration. Figures which meant millions
were swept off the board in a jiffy with
sponges and water bags; $50 and 560 suits
were ruined irrevocably; plug hats were
fixed beyond the benefit of ironing; derbies
were not worth a dollar a dozen; dudes
wished they had never lived, and every man
thanked heaven for an umbrella or a. gnm coat.
The fnn started in a very inauspicious way.
About 1:10 Mr. Gross came in shouting: "Let
us suspend the rules for smoking." So Presi
dent Stevenson took his place and was soon
surrounded by a big crowd. While all wanted
to smoke some tbonght it would be fun to cause
trouble and so v
to suspend tho rules. There were viva voce
votes and votes by holding np hands and no
end of fnn, and the President finally said: "The
rules are suspended for smoking." Smoking
was all right, hut half an hour afterward there
was no smoking. It bad been decided
to have some fun. So a half dozen cotton bags
were stuffed with old rags, tomato cans, pota
toes, old hats and good and bad resolutions,
and impromptu water sacks became the order
of the day, replenished when necessary in the
wash room. Then several persons took posses
sion of the vantage ground, the galleries, and
were ready -to deal out vengeance and cold and
dirty water to those below. The first victim
was a pleasant old gentleman, who deals in
dollars as some people do in cents, and as he
came marching In. picking his teeth after hav
ing tasted sometbmgsweet in Goodwin's below,
he was bit square in the breast with a big sack
of water.
"I guess that will do me to-day," he said, as
he dashed .out the door.
"Soldf some one yelled.
"You are not mad, are your" said Holman to
him as he dashed out, Holman, by the way.
having taken np a position where he could not
be hit.
The messenger boys wonld expertly return to
the galleries the munitions which had been
shot from the galleries, when they could do so
before the floor warriors would get them to
fire at the gallery gods, so that there was no
cessation of the battle,
"This is an outrage. Where's the Floor Com
mittee?" asked one member of the Exchange
as he marched boldly in.
"Ob, it's here, snre enough," shouted half a
dozen, and in a moment the inquiring member
was seeking refuge behind the New York stock
bulletin board.
Even President Stevenson had to get it. He
was taking a look around the ball ring when
he was hit with a stuffed water club, and his
hat knocked off his head. Then a water sack
caromed off his breast, and it was decided that
he had had enough.
"There's the dence to pay in oil." said a mem
ber to two young gentlemen who marched up
with high silk hats on.
"Is that so ?" they replied, and dashed in to
ward the ring.
"I saw it first" and "It's mine" were the
greetings they received, and in less than half a
minute the plug hats looked like a waste paper
basket. One man tried to brave the ordeal
by hoisting an umbrella, but to-day that
.umbrella wonld not be of any nse even
if it was raining dried oak leaves. Captain
Barbour went around with a cream colored bat
on bis head. As the captain is averse to
stimulants the members thought a little water
on the outside would be the proper caper, and
they gave him a bath occasionally. Several
wanted to get a shot at H. M. Long.but he kept
out of the way. So the fun went on until the
time for call came but this did not help mat
ters much. Mustin found himself looking into
the inside of his hat, and Gross and Holman
kept up such a racket that
and the members began to smash each others
hats and the next moment go into a hugging
match. What had been stand up collars, were
now tum downs, and very far turn downs or
spreads at that.
As very little business could be done
speeches were called for and some of the most
popular tried to say something pleasant, but
their remarks were inaudible, and after a series
of hilarious yells the members went below to
Goodwin's, where a banquet had been spread.
There "they enjoyed pheasants and turkey,
boned ham and boneless ham, prairie chicken
and fish house punch, so strong that it made
old-timers .wince egg nogg and lobster and
chichen salads, choice salmon, and no end of
other good things. It would be difficult to And
a happier sctof men) esterday afternoon than
the members of the Pittsburg Exchange and
their actions evidently meant satisfaction with
this year's business.
The figures in the Oil Exchange books gire
the following table for the highest and lowest
points of the market in the twelve months:
High. low. High, Low.
January.:... SiH
February... 94J
Much 101
April 89K
May K)M
June KX
Ttemarknble Business for a Time on the
Stock Exchnngo Yesterday.
The features on the Stock Exchange yester
day were the boom of the Charticrs stock and
the trading in particular lines. Chartiers stock
as will be seen by the figures of call jumped
away up, and went to 5 and it was recorded
that a bid of 56 was made for it. It is expected
that this stock, considering the advantageous
conditions, will go very high before long.
Philadelphia also shows that it is no laggard.
The sales yesterday moraine were: Westinir.
,houso Electric, 50 at 3 160 at 35, 10 at 35!
Chartiers. 10 at 51. 50 at 54, 50 at 65; Phila-
ae.pnia, ou ai r raj ai ovs. o-o at OfA ana loU
at 3 The aitcrnoon sales were: Phila
delphia, 100 at 3 60 at 39; Westinghouse
Electric, 10 at 3j& Private 'sales were: 150
Westinghouse Electric at 35 and 12 at 35
It will be seen that there was a great deal of
trading, and some fun is looked for when the
Excbango begins business again. The two calls
were as follows:
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Nat. Bank. 61
Citizens' ". Bink,.. 61
Exchange aat. BatA.
.Masonic Bank
M. and M. Nat. Bank.
Pitts N. B'k Com
Second .atlonal Bank
German rational
Pennsylvania Ins
KrideenaterJi'l. Gas.
m ....
14 17
39i XH
Fcnn'a. lias -
1'Mtadelohla Co
Wheeling tias Co
Columbia Oil Co
Citizens' Traction
Pittsburg Traction
La Noria Jl. Co
West'uouse Elec L t..
35 swi
Gain In Business ns Shown by the Clearing
Bonse Itcport for 1SSS.
The report of tho Clearing House for 1838 is
calculated to make the breasts of Pittsburg
businessmen swell with pride. Manager John
M. Chaplin prepared it yesterday and, jf
course, is as proud as Anybody. The report'
shows again in transactions for the year of
$92,837,004: fl, otoi those of 1SS7. This is con
sidered remarkable Mr. Cbaplln cheerfully
said that he would not like to make any predic
tions for 18S9, but the smile on his face boded
good. The exchanges yesterday were S2.S50,
013 61 and the balances $386,177 17. The other
important information will he found in the fol
lowing report:
Exchanges. Balances.
January.., J 51,92,265 M I 7, 573, 7 67
February H,576,s3 83 7,488,811 S3
.... 60
.... 210
.... 200
.... 35
.... M
55 60
a as;
27 2S
zH i
79j 82
.... 51
i ...:
35 S3
7,464,677 85
8,823,73) l
8,691,501 Ct
8,503,110 16
8,436,318 63
10, 496,063 31
S,77;3SS 3)
10,650,370 80
8,180,082 42
9,437,562 SS
, -47,88a 7M 38
18.051, 672 62
September ...:... 444,773,S9 IS
October 66.877.883 02
November S,41'),6 9 87
December :.... S0,5M,2DSIS
Xxchangcs ,
Ualances ,
,.SS1,530,641 69 1105,953,036 SS
1511,010,701 S8
83,633,373 23
Total business for year 594,696,076 63
Exchanges $581,580,644 69
Ualances 105,953,033 53
Total business for year ?687,533,6St 24
Total business from 1866 tolS37 p,327.5)l.619 48
Total business 18S8 6S7.S33.6Sl 54
Easiness 1SSS
Business 1387
... .8,015,125,530 72
S637.53I.6sl 24
594.696,076 63
$92,837,604 61
The largest dally transactions were on Jan
uary 9, $3,544,049 14.
Tho smallest dailv transactions were on
September 26, $1,317,829 432.
The number of errors made by the clerks at
the Clearing Honse wero: First quarter, 23:
second quarter, 22; third quarter, 23: fourth
quart er.lB; total, 81 Deduct for paying balances
13 late and errors in packages made before
clerks came to the Clearinc Honse.
Jir. Applecate, of the Mechanics' National
Bank, made out one error durlne the year. Mr.
Montgomery, of the Alleplienv National Bank,
made one error this vear. the first in eicht
years. Mr. James M. Younc, of the Second
National Bank, is now two years witbout an
error. Mr. MacMoran, of the Merchants and
Manufacturers' National Bank, has made but
one error in 29 months. Mr. William Flemlnc,
of the Farmers' Deposit National Bank, is in
his third year without an error, and Mr. Bel
four, of the Diamond National Bank, has mads
but one error in Uve years.
What the Record for OH Clearance! Showed
Ilere Teitrrdny.
A "bulletin at the Petroleum Exchange yes
terday seemed to give much encouragement to
the oil brokers. It read: "Total clearances
for year 1888. 983.369,000; average monthly clear
ances, 81,470.000; averago daily clearances.
8,224.(100." J
'Thar is the biggest average of clearances
since 1684," said one centleman. A comparison
of figures gave the following result: 1884. aver
age daily clearances. 13.939 000; 1885,2.610,000:
1886, 2,704,000: 18S7, 1,980,000. This may account
for tho way some brokers acted yesterday.
They Gnvo Credit to Cbnplin.
At the close of the morning session of the
Clearing Honse yesterday Manager Chaplin
was presented with a beautiful etching, "Gold
en Days." S. G. Appleget, of the Mechanics'
National Bank, made the presentation speech,
and very neatlv worked in the name of every
bank connected with the Clearing House. Mr.
Chaplin made a brief reply.
Tho Oil Dlarket Kerps Up Its Small Sliding
Scale nnd Hope' IsAJIr'n.
The oil market opened yesterday at 87c and
closed at 8c. The highest was STcnnd the
lowest 87c The closing tigure Satnrdaywas
SuKc Tho carrying rates vesterday were: Oil
City. 30c: New York, 55 and 30c: Pittsburg. 20c;
Bradford. Soc New York opened at,87Jc,
closed at 87Jc; OH City opened at 87c, closed
S7ci Bradford closed 87c A great many
people think oil has about reached its bottom
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, S65c; calls,
Tne following taole, corrected by le 'Witt U1I
worth. broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, l'lttstmrg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc.:
March...'. tt,096,a5
Time. llld. Ask. Time. Hid. Auk.
Opened S7! !?n'-s I2:P. M.... 87' S7!
10:15 A. :.... 87 S7W 1:001'. u... 87 "87M
10:3OA. M.... S7H S7H 1:15 p. M.... 87 ,S 87V
10:45 A. U.... 87S 87"4 1:30 P. M.... 87'J 87M
11.-00A. M.... SIX t'i 1:45P. M.... 87!? 87M
11:15 A. M.... 87 mi IMr. Jl.... 87)2 87V
11:30a. II.... 87! 87 MSP. Jl.... 87 ;J S7!
11:A. 31.... KH 87U S:S0p. K.. Si'i Kli
12.-O0JT. 87 87X 2:451". M.... 67 87
12:ap. M.... ! 87i:Closed tr, ....
12:30 r. It.... 87)ii 87M
(JpeneiL S7,'c; highest,
closed, E7K-
DtUy runs
Dally shipments...1.
Averare shipments
Jew Yorfc doted nt 87ic
Oil City closen aisrr.
Bradford closed at KHc
w r. reitnrd. J. 10a.
London, renned. 6V.I.
Antwerp, renned, is Jit
87c; lowest, 87c:
Tho Standnrd Mnk'es Another Purchase and
Controls tho Ohio Oil Field.
Ftnulay. December SL The Standard Oil
Company to-day purchased the plant of tho
Sherman Oil Company, at Cygnet, north of this
citv, paying for the same $75,000.
During the past month the Standard has ob
tained nearly complete control of the Ohio oil
field by purchase, tbeir expenditure for new
property within this period reaching over $500,-
Other, Oil Markets.
BRADFORD. December 31. Opened, 87c;
lowest, 87c; highest, S7ci closed. 87Jc.
TmrsviLLE, December 31,-Opened, 87Jc;
hlEhest,S7c: lowest, 86c: closed, o7Jc
Oil, Crnr. December 8L Opened, 87c;
closed, 87Jgc; highest, 87Ke; lowest, 87c
NEwYoBK,December31. Petroleumopened
8trong"at87Kc?c above Saturday's close, but
after a slight advance in the early trading the
market became dull and heavy, and the price
sagged off to 87c. A slow recovery then set in.
and the close was firm at 87c Sales, 474,000
George Johnston DInkes n Good Sale on
Carson Street, Sonthslde.
As the New Year has arrived real estate men
will be given an opportunity to realize their ex
pectations for an increased business. The
holiday season was hot the time for much
traffic in their line. '
George Johnston sold a house and lot on 27o.
1921 Carson street, Sonthslde, for the Reieneck
estate, to Gilbert A. Hays, for JU.5S0; also a
bouse and lot f or $2,6C0, and two lots for $600
and 730 on the Reilley estate at Braddork.
Beed B. Coyle & Co. sold to Mrs. M. R. Sad
ler four lots at Homewood station, P. R. R,,
each 25x135, for a price approximating $2,000.
They 'report quite a demand for these fine
building lots. '
C. H. Lovo sold eight lots in the Hastings
plan. Hast End, fronting on Hastings and Stella
streets, to John Coast and Sons for $5,000. It is
the intention of the purchasers to erect two. and
perhaps 'three, handsome Queen Anne resi
dences on the property in tho spring.
Black fe Baird sold for Charles Meyran to J.
C. Schaefer, a new two-story and mansard brick
dwelling, bein No. 250 Meyran avenue, Oak
land, near Forbes street, with lot 22x141 feet,
for $6,250.
Samuel W. Black & Co. sold at auction and
private sale lots No;. 150, 151, 152, 153, 159, 162
anaiwon tne suutn siae oi Albany avenue,
West lind place plan of. lots, Thirty-rift
ward, lor Moo. iney have quite a demand fd
these lots both on account of the low price am
easy terms on .wnicn tney are soia.
A Spurt Is Philadelphia Goa the Only
Fentnro in Stocks.
New Yobk, December SI. Money on call
was stringent, ranging from 5 to 10 per cent,
last loan 10, closed atJO bid.
Primemercantile paper, 56f per cent
Sterling exchange dnll ana heavy at SI 84 for
60-day bills and $4 8SJ for demand.
With the exception of the first two days
when business was almost entirely suspended
at the timo of the blizzard, to-day was in all
probability the dullest full day of the year,
and only in tho first hour and again in the last
hour was there anything like animation shown
in the market. At the same time the general
belief in a better time coming after the first pi
the now year led to some buying, 'and the tone
of the dealings was firm almost throughout the
day. Absolutely no news of a character to
effect prices was received during the day,
but London camp higher this morning and
was a purchaser of a few stocks at the open
ing, which induced some covering of shorts,
and with the limited 'offerings this was suffi
cient to give a strong tone to the market, what
there was of it But there was less disposition
to trade than usual, even among the traders,'
and the position tor most of the day was simply
a standoff between the opposing forces, result
ing in a stagnant and utterly uninteresting
market Some little demonstration was made
by the bears and efforts were made to utilize
the high rates for money prevailing, which
reached to 10 per cent at' the close, but late in
the day thero was -a marked increase in the
cumber of buying orders, and New England,
the Coalers and the Northern Pacifies led a
fractional upward movement '
Opening figures were from KX percent
above Saturday's dosing, but dullness set in
Immediately and ras unable to bold up to tbe
opening figures. Tbe movement, however, was
for insignificant fractions only.and soon ceased
altogether after the early losses had been re
gained. The market then remained stagnant
on a constantly decreasing volnm of business
until the last hour, though Philadelphia Oas
rose sharply 2 per cent and afterward lost a
portion of the improvement Oregon Trans
continental. Lackawanna and New England
developed marked activity and strength, and
tbe rest of the list followed, although in no
case did the advance equal 1 per cent The
movement was short, but the market closed
firm though dull at fractional advances for the
day. The final changes are generally fraction
al, but tbe last spurt carried several stocks up
materially. Delaware and Hudson rose 1,
Lake Erie nnd Western preferred 1 and Ore
gon Transcontinental, Reading and Philadel
phia Gas eath I per cent
The railroad bond market was in close sym
pathy with, the share list and was dull and
generally firm with little or nofeatnreof im
portance. The sales of all issnes reached JS77,-
Tbe total sales of stocks to-day were 109,833
shares, including: -
Delaware andIIudson 1,215
Erie 4,003
Lake Shore. 3,113
northwestern 4.C00
Northern ralflc, preferred 3,450
Oregon Transcontinental 9.110
Keadlnjr .., 19,500
8t. Paul 111,275
Mining quocations closed: Amador, 2.00;
Astoria, Mi; Bodie, L90; Caledonia, B. H., 10:
Consolidated California and Virginia, 9.50;
3.00; Mono, l'30; Navajo, L60; Mutual. 1.30; On
tario, 3150. -
Tbe" following table shows the price of active
stocks on tho New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
Open- High- Low
ing, est. est.
An, Cotton Oil
Atch., Top. & S. F...
fan&!& Sntithern
. 58M
Central of New Jersey. 941J
cairsiiraciiic... a
C Ittir. & Ouincv.
C, Mil. & St. faul...
C.MH.ASt. P.. pr...
C, Kockl. &P
C. St. L. & Pitts
es i
v., st. l. & pitts. pr.
c, st. p., si. & o
C., St.'P.,M. & O., pf 92
C. & Northwestern. ...losjf
V.& Northwestern, pf.Hl .
C. CCS 4 1
Col., Coal & Iron
Col. & Hocking Val .. 26
Uel.. L. & W.". 1435$
Del. & Hudson 132
Denver JtKloO
E.T., Va. &Ua
K.T.,Va. &Ga., lstpf ....
K. T , Va. & Ga. 2d pf. ....
Illinois Central
Lake BS'le ,t Western.. M
Lake Erie & West. pf.. 52
Lake Shore A SI. S 1U33
Louisville Kasuvllle. ilii
Michigan Central
lioblle A Ohio 8
Mo.. K. ATexas.....
Missouri Paclflc
iework Central,
N. Y.. 1,. E. & W...
108 73M
N. Y.. L. E. & W.pref 62
N. Y., C. ASt.L
N. Y., C. A St L. pf.
N.Y., C. A St. L.2dpf ....
S.Y1S, K 44M
N. Y.. O. A W
Norfolk 4 Western.... 17
Norfolk & Western, pf 50-V
Northern Paclflc 25M
Northern Pacific prer. 60
Ohio A Mississippi..... 22
Orejron Improvement. ....
Orejton Transcon 30!
Pacific Wall 36)5
36 "i
mt tu. irrc. s r.Tans
Phlladel. & Keadlnsr..
Pullman Palace Car...
Richmond A W. P. T..
Richmond A W.P.T.nf
4SJi 49f 43,'
255i 25 H"
bt. PaulADulnth 40
St. Paul A Dulnth pr.
bt P., Minn. & Man.. 99
stL. A San Fran 28$
bt L. A San Fran nf.
St. L. A San F. 1st pf.im
IJ 113-f 113"
M 64J2 63'J
1M f SCIUC, ..
Union Pacific
Wabash preferred.
Western Union....,
Wheeling A L. E
TT. S.4s rejr
U. S. 4s coup
.127 1 V. a. 4Jis coup 10S5
.123 Paclflc i of '95 119
Statistics of a Ycnr's Operation in Wall
Street Compnrnilvo Flenres.
New Y obk, December 3L The following are
the total transactions in tbe New York Stock
Exchange during the past year, as compared
with the previous year:
Stocks, shares 62,845,772
Government bonds $ 6,799,603
btate and railroad bonds 318,511,402
Stocks, shares 85,821,027
Government bonds t 6,637,100
State and railroad bonds 5368, 966,250
The banner year for stock speculation was
1881, when the transactions amounted to 117,-
Comparison of Prices With Those of Last
Year Closing Figmres.
Boston, December 31 Trading was small in
volnme in the Boston market to-day, but prices
were strong and several specialties improved
noticeably. Atchison gained , to 8: Cal
umet and Eecla advanced Vt points more, to
299: National was up ?. to TJf. while Quincy
rose 2 points, to 85; Cincinnati, Bandusky and
Cleveland was higher, at 2o?f, Comparing
prices of leading stocks at the close to-day
with closing prices December SO. 1887, shows
Atchison 283pointg lower. Calumet and Eecla
105 higher. Tamarack 33 higher, Sonora 7s 13
points loner, Chicago, Burlington and North
ern 14 loner, California Southern 20 lower.
Theday,'s business on the Boston Stock Ex
change aggregated 13,939 shares of stock and
SS1.600 bonds and scrip.
Atch. Collateral 5s 8K
Atchison 7i 124
Fttchburg 77W
KllntAPereM. nrd. to
Mexican Central.... 12J(
N. y. 4ewKn... 45
Oreeon Short Line.. 4?V
C. B.&orth'n6s. 95
C. Kau. & West is 683
Mex. Central 4s 65
Mex. Central Inc.... 224
Oregon Short L'e 6s. 109H
Konora7s 83
Wis. Central inc.... 39
Atchison stock 5SW
Oregon Trans 31
union racinc m
WestEnd Land 24K
Bell Telephone 3)2
Erie Telephone 32'
Calumet A flecla....299!
Tamararc 157
Boston A Montana.. 7014;
Franriln 16
quincy S3
Atlantic A Pacific... S'
Boston A Ainany...2ra
C B. A Northern.. 49
C. B. U lCOTa
Clnn. ban. & Otoe. h
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fonrth avenue. Members Hew iTort Stock Ex
change. '
Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kailroad M?4 SU
Reading Hnllroad Wi U 9-16
Lehigh Vallev H 543
Lehigh Navigation 51 Mi
Philadelphia and Erie 32 32
U. Co.'s New Jersey 221 K 22IS
Northern Paclflc 25K a ....
Northern Paclflc preferred W) ' COM
Gold Exports. '
New York, December 31. For , the year
1SSS, the exports of gold from New York were
$3370.471, and the imports were $5,9M,369; a net
lo-s of 826,428,102. In lkS7 the exports were
$6,4.18,820. and the imports ISO. 012,450. a net gain
of $32,153,630.
British Grain Trade.
Londoti, December 3L The Mark Lane Ex
press, in its weekly review of the British grain
trade, says: English wheats are weak. Much
damp and Inferior sorts have been cleared off
at any price, dragging mean values down. Tbo
sales of English dr.ring tbo last week wero
58.368 quarters at SOs 7d, against 41,580 quarters
30s 9d during tho corresponding week last year.
Foreign wheats show an average decline of 6d.
Corn is 3d lower. At to day's market English
wheats were well held. Frost is strengthening
the markets. Foreign wheats wero firmer.
Grain in Sight.
New York, December 31. The following
.statement, issued by tho New York Produco
Exchange, shows tho visible supply ot grain in
store and afloat on Saturday, December 29.18S8:
Wheat, 38,801,447 bushels; increase, 265.788 imsh
els. Corn. 497,150 bnsbels; increase, 1,227,408
bushels. Oats, 8,624,162 bushels: increase, 190.
325 bushels. Bye. 1,678,833 bushels; increase,
41,336 bushels. Barley, 2,803,801 bushels; in
crease, 347,050 bushels.
Ilieinl Markets.
Br. Louis Lead quiet; soft Missouri, $3 60:
corroding, S3 65.
New YOKK-Pig iron dnll. Copper steady;
lake, Jannarv, 11740. Lead dnll and firm; do
mestic, $3 92V. Tin was stronger; closed easy;
straits, 522 15 Ou 'Change Sales, 10 tons tin,
January, (22 20; 50.000 pounds copper, March,
317 40; 5 cars lead, spot, S3 90.
Whisky Market.
CUfcnrKATi Whisky firm at Jl 03.
CHICAGO Whisky quiet at 51 03.
Bt. Lows-Whisky steady at fl 03.
Dry goods.
New York, December 3L Market qniet u
usual at the close of tbe month and year,' bnt a
very f alt quantity of goods was shipped to take
advantage of the freight rates.
The Year's Windnp in ioduce
Trade Uncomfortably Slow.
Cereal Markets Show Little Life-Truce
Between Bnyera
OraiCE or the PrrrsBtrEO Dispatch, )
Monday. December 31, 1S88. (
Country Frodncr Jobblnc Prices.
Monday's usual quiet is reported by produce
commission men. A rainy morning gave a par
ticularly blue tinge to Monday's trade. Poul
try were about the only stuff that showed
great activity. Everything in this line was well
cleaned np at advance rates early in tbe day.
Dealers predict a scarcity and high prices for
turkey tbe balance of tbe seasom Christmas
turkeys were more costly than those for
Thanksgiving. The New Year's turkey is still
more expensive.
Beaks Wavy irom store, prime hand picked,
2 1C2 15 per bushel; medium, $2 002 10: Ohio
and Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 00
2 10; imported do, 1 902 00: Lima, 5g5c
per fi: marrowfat, $2 752 80 per bushel.
Butter Creamery. Elgin. S436c: Ohio do,
2830c; fresh dairy packed, 23625c; country
roll, 2832c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, S3
Beeswax 2325c per & for choice; low
grade, 1618c;
Cidee Sand refined, 6 507 50: common
t3 &04tOO: crab cider, 8 00S 50 fl barrel;
cider vinegar. 10 12c ) gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, September make. 11
12c; New York. September make, 1212Kc;
Limburger. H12c: domestic HweiUer
cheese. 13i813Mc-
Dried Peas Jl 451 50 fl bushel; split do,
25i3Jic V ft.
Eogs 2223c 3? dozen for strictly fresh.
Fkuits Apples, $1 25 to SI 75 ) barrel;
evaporated raspberries. 25c 31 lb: cranberries.
$8 00 barrel. $2 75 p bnshel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do, 4045c: mixed lots. 3035c ft ft.
Hominy $3 303 10 53 barrel.
Honey New crop. 18c: buckweat, 1315c
Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c f) bushel; !2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 2o3 50 for Jer
sev sweets.
Poultry Live chickens, 5570c fl pair:
dressed chickens, 12I3c fl pound; turkeys, 13
15c live, 1618c dressed B pound; ducks, live,
fc085e pair, dressed, 16c fl pound; geese,
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bnshel, $6 per
bushel; clover, iarge English, 62 fts J6 25;
clover. Alslke, S8 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice,? fts, il DO; blue grass, extra clean.
14 fts, SI 00;. blue grass, fancy. 14 fts, $1 20;
orchard grass. 14 ft", $2 00; red top, 14 fts, jl 00;
millet, 50 fts, $1 23; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00;
Hungarian grass, 48 fts, 3 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft.
Tailow country, 435c; city rendered;
Tropical Fruits Lemons. S3 004 00 fl
box: Florida oranges S3 0O3 50 fl box; Jamaica
oranges, fancy. S4 50O5 00 fl barrel; Malaga
grapes So 507 00 9 keg; bananas, $2 00
firsts, SI 25S1 60 good seconds ft bunch: cocoa
nuts, $4 00 fl hundred: pineapples, $10 0O18 00
f hundred; new figs, 1214cfl pound: dates, 5
SVc pound.
Vegetables Celerv, 1030o ft bunchttab
bages, S3 005 00 ft 100: onions, 50c fl bushel;
Spanish onions, $1 001 25 fl crate; turnips; 30
gSoo fl bushel. r
Green Coffee Fancy Eio, 2021Kc;
choice Rio, 1920c: prime Bio, 19c: .fair Ilto,
1818Xc old Government Java, 26c;Mara
caibo. 21K822Kc; Mocha, 3031c; Santos. 18
22c; Caracas coffee. 1921c; peabgrry. Bio, 20
21Kc;Lagaayra, 20K21c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
22c; high grades, 23X26c; old Government
Java, bnlk, 3OK0'HKc: Maracaibo, 25K26Kc;
Santos,2122c; peabcrry,25Jc: choice Rio.2JJc;
Dnme lo, 21c; good uio, 20)ic: ordinary, 19Kc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2l25c allspice, 8c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg. 7080c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7lc:
Ohio,-120, 8Kc; headlight. 150. 9c; water white.
10Mc; astraline, 99Kc; elaine, 15c; carnadine.
llKc; roval ine. He.
bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar
syrup. 350S6c; crime sugar Byrnp, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c
N. O. iMOLASSES Fancy, old, 48c; choice, 45c:
mixed. 4042c; .."wcrop, 4850c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 3M4c; bl-carb in Js,
Sip: bl-carb, assorted packages, 5(J6c; salsoda
iu kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weitrht, oc; stearin e.
per set, 8Xcr parafllne, UKI2c
Rice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 65fQ
7c: prime, 5KCUc; Louisiana, 6GJfc.
Starch Pcarf, 3c; cornstarch, o7c: gloss
starch, 7c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Ivon
don layers, "S3 10: California London layers,
$2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels,
S2 35; Valencia, new. 63i7c: Ondara Valenria,
prunes, new, 65Vc; French prunes, 8S13c;
Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8ic; cocoa
nuts, per 100, $6 (10; almonds. Lam.per ft, 20c;
do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12H'6c; Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12K
16c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans, llglEc: citron, per
ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, 13gl4c; orange
peel, 12Kc.
Dried Fkuits Apples, sl!ced.per ft. 8c: ap
ples, evaporated, 67Kc; apricots, California,
evaporated. 1518c:peaches, evaporated.parid,
2223c; peaches Callforni.i, evaporated,,un
pared, 1213c: cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, minitteu. 56c; raspberries, evap
orated. 24U02.5C; blackberries, 7K9c; huckle
berries. 1012c.
Suoars Cubes, 8c: powdered, 8c; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7c; soft whites. PMTAc; yellow, choice, 6K
65ic; yellow, good. 66&c; yeUow, fair, 6c;
yellow, dark, 6a.
Pickxes Medinms, bbls (L200), $4 75: me
diums, half bbls (600), S3 (XX
SALT-No. 1 ijj? hbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bhl, $1 05;
dairy, 51 bhl, ?1 20; coarse crystal, ii bbl, Jl 20:
Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, S2 80; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 60a
1 60; 2ds. SI 80gl 35; extra peaches, 51 331 00;
pie peache.', 90c: finest corn, Jl S01 CO; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cl 00; lima
beans, $1 10; soaked do. 85c: string dodo, 7i4285c:
marrowiat pe3S, si lmi 15; soaked peas, TOffl
75c: pineapples, fl 40 1 50; Bahama do, 82 73;
damson plums, toe; green gaces, Jl 25; egj;
plums, $3 00; California pears, $2 50; do green
gagei $2 00;do egg plums. S2 CO; extra white
cterriesS2 90; red cherries, 2 fts. 90c: raspber
ries. SI 151 40; strawberries SI 10; gooseber
Ties. 81 201 B0; tomatoes. 9ocl 00; salmon, 1
6, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-ft
cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2 fts $1 251 60;
corn beef, 2-ft cans SI 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50:
baked beans, SI 40I 45; lobster, 1 ft, $175
1 80: mackerel, 1-ft cans broiled, $1 50: sardines,
domestic, is, fl 504 75: sardines, domestic,
. J8 2528 50; sardines, imported, is, $11 50
12 50: sardines, imported, lis, $18 00; sardines,
mustard. $4 25.
. Fisn-Extra No. I mess mackerel, S30 fl bbl;
No. 1 do. I2022; extra No. 2 do, (24 00; largo
Nn.S do,$20. Whole codfish-George's medium,
4c; do large, 4Jc; boneless hake, 5c; do cod
fish, 7KSc: smoked halibnt, 1012c; blue fish.
8c; split herring, SS 006 60; white fish, .half
hbl. 10O ft', $7 SO; lake herring, new, 100 ftbs,
f3 25; Portland round herring; 200 ftbs. SI 50; do
half bbls, 100 fts, 12 63; trout. 100 fts, $5 SO.
Buckwheat Flour oVSc per pound.
UATjaCAiJ to &MQO w m UU1.
Mixees' Oil No. 1 winter
' strained, 5962c
f? gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Floor and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 54 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. "Wayne
and Chicago, 9 cars of bay, 4 of oats, 1 of mid
dlings, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and St Louis, 3 cars of oats, 7 of com, 10 of
hay. 5 of flour. By Baltimore and Ohio, 9 cars
of hay. 2 of oats. ,By Pittsburg and Western, 1
car of oats. of Bay, 1 of flour. There were no
sales on call. Though the tendency of cereal
markets has been downward for tbe past
week or tworand the situation in buyers' favor,
holders appear unwilling to make concessions.
Both sides feel disposed to await events, and so
tho markets remain in statu quo". After New
Year's a moro active movement in cereals is
expected. Wheat has managed again to reach
.aliovc the dollar line at Northwestern grain
cen era.
WnsAT-Jobhiiig prices No. 3 red, Jl 070
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear. 4142c; high mixed,
ear, S9QI0c: No. 1 vellow. shelled, 3940c: high
mixed, shelled, 3637c; mixed, shelled. S5436a
Oats No. 2 white, 333Kc; extra No, 3,
31KS32c: No. 3 white, 30K3fc; No. 2 mixed,
RYE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6061c;
No. 1 Western, 6061c; new rve, 6758c
Barmy-No. 1 Canada, $1 001 02; No. 2
Canada, 950Sc: No. 3 Canada, J92c; No. 2,
Western. 8385ct No. 3 Western, 7578c; Lake
Shore, 8590c..
Flotjk Jobbing prices, winter patents, 6 25
6 50: spring patents, f 6 5006 73; fancy stralgt,
winter and sprinar, 85 7SS6 00; clew winter,
$5 505 75i straight XXXX bakers', $5 255 50.
Rye flour. $3 754 00.
Corn meal In paper. 6070c.
MlLLFEED-Midailnes, fine white. 820
21 00 S ton. brown -m ddlimrs. 817 50(318
winter wheat bran. S15 806)16 00: choD feed.
S2100230a -
HAT-Balea timothy, choice 816 00(116 50:
No. 1 do, 515,'5018 00; No. 2 do, S13 50U SO:
loose from wason. $23 002o 00; No. 1 upland
prairie, 112 00U 60;No. 2, 59 6010 00; pack
ing do, $3 oa
straw, 58 00S 50.
Large hams, 18 fts and upward, lie; medium
hams. Ii to 18 fts, UJc; small bams, 14 fts and
under.ll&c; picnic or California"hams,10c; bone
less (in skins). 12Jc; sugar-cured shoulders,
9?fc: bacon.SJicj dry salt, 9ic; breakfastbacon,
l(c; ronletts, (boneless s. c. shoulders), llc:
regular smoked sides, 10c; bellies smoked
sides. lOVfc; regnlar dry salt sides, 9(cr bellies
dry salt sides, 9X dried beef, sets 3 pieces He:
dried beef, flats. 9c; dried beef, rounds, 12c;
dried beef, knuckles, 12c; pork. mess. 118 50;
pork, family, $17 00; plgpork, half barrels 8900;
Long sausage. t Lard Tierces, 32o fts, &Ap
V ft: half barrels, 120 fts, 8Ko ft: tubs
wooden, 60 fts, 8Ko ?! ft: buckets wooden. 20
fts. 8c W B;3-ft tin pails. 60 fts 9c ft: 5-B
tin palls 60 ft. 8c Bi 10-ft tin pails, 60 fts,
8c $ ft: 20-ft tin pails 80 fts, 8Kc; 50-ft tin pails,
10Ofis,So ft.
Dressed .llent.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts 5
5Kc; 600 to 650 fts 60c; 700 to 750 fts, 77Kc
Sheep, 7c 1 ft. Lambs, 8c fl ft.
Condition or the SInrketnttha Xaat Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office or The Pittsburg Dispatch, J
Mondat, Decembnr31, 1888.
Cattle Receipts 277 head: shipments
1,601 bead: market slow at a shade stronger
on common: 40 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hogs Repelpts, 6,800 head: shipments. 5,700
head; market firm; Philadelphia?. S5 355 40:
mixed. 53 C5S5 40; Yorkers, $5 355 40: com
mon to fair, $5 205 30; pics. So 30&5 40; 24
cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 6,000 bead: shipments, 4,600
head; market steady at unchanged prices.
By Telezranh.
New York Beeves Receipts, 3,240, making
7,800 for the week. Arrivals including 88 car
loads for tbe market, 54 carloads for exporta
tion alive and dead, and 48 carloads for city
slaughters direct. Early sales were at firm
prices, bnt tho trading was very slow, and late
sales to make a fair clearance were at a re
duction equal to 10 cents per 100 pounds Com
mon to prime native steers solu at S3 65S5 10
per 100 pounds; a carload of extra do at 5 k
native bulls and dry cows at S3 002 70,
with a few picked bulls at S3 003 50. Sheep
.Receipts, 8,800 head,making25.220 for tbe week.
Dnll and weak for inferiorand ordinary stocks,
fairly steady for good anil prime. Common to
prime sheep sold at J3 5U5 25 per 100 pounds:
common to prime lambs ac So 07 3TK. with a
few extra lamhs at S7 C0(Z?7 65. Hogs Receipts
9,500. making 25,200 for the week. None offered
alive: nominally steady for live hogs at S3 35
5 65.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,100 bead: ship
ments 400 head; market steady; choice heavv
native steers S5 005 60; fair to good do, S4 40i&
5 IP; butchers' steers medium to choice, S3 350
4 45: stockers and feeders, fair to rood, S2 00
3 20; rangers corn-fed, S3 004 00; grass-fed.
S2 003 10. Hogs Receipts, 2,500 bead; ship
ments, 200 head; market higher; choice
heavy and bntchers'- selections, S3 155 25;
packing medium to prime, $5 005 15; light
crradps. ordinary, S4 50(35 10. Sheep Receipts,
500 head; shipments none: market steady; fair
to choice, S3 G04 40. Q
Buffalo Cattle Receipts 2,400 head,
through, 3,500 head sale; market dnll; shipping
and export steady: steers, $4 305 23: butchers
1520c lower than a week ago. Sheep and
lambs Receipts 400 head thrnngb. 11.000 tjad
sale; sheep qniet; good shipping, S3 754 50;
lamhs dnll and a shade lower: Western, S575
6 25: Canadas, SS 6506 9a Hogs Receipts,
aOOOhead through. 9.C00 head sale; medinms
So 405 50: Yorkers and pigs S3 50;ronghs,S3 23
5 60; stags, $4 00.
CHIOAOO Cattle Recelnts 8,500 head: shin
ments Z600 head: market steadv: beovesS2 85
5 10; stockers and feeders, S2 0fl(g3 15: cows
bulls and mixed. SI 4032 90: bnlk. S200320;
Texas cattle. S2 C03 10. Hogs Receipts. IL
000 head: shipments. 4.0C0 head; market strone
and510chigber:mlxed.S5 00o 20:beaw.S505
5 35: light. So 005 35; skips S3 04 90.
Sbeep Receipts, 4.500 head; shipments, 1.800
head: market steady; natives, S4 0004 70;
Western. S4 0004 60; da Texans, $2 503 40;
lambs, S4 506 00.
Johnson "Went Ont to See n Man
S3,500 Qntckly Disappeared.
Indianapolis, Ind., December 3L
A daring and successful robbery occurred
in the Money Order Department of the In
dianapolis postofHce at 1230 te-day. Mr.
A. H. Johnson is chief of the Money Order
Department, and his assistants had gone to
dinner, leaving Johnson alone for about
half an hour. A stranger appeared it the
window and said that a gentleman in his
buggy desired Johnson to come out and see
Johnson was persuaded to go out, bnt
found the man wanted to see another John
son. 'When he returned he found that the
stranger had entered the office and filled his
pockets with greenbacks. The thieves se
cured about $2,500.
Tho Identity of tbe Victim Established nnl
tbe Criminal Arrested.
PHlLADELPnu,December31. Ttie mys
tery surrounding the mutilated body found
in Fairmonnt Park, on Wednesday last, has
been solved. The murdered man prov.es to
be a German named Antoine Schilling and
the murderer was his business partner, Jacob
As soon as these facts were ascertained
Schroop Tras arrested, and his wile nnd
daughter placed under surveillance. Schroop
broke down and confessed his crime, and his
daughter verified his statements. The ob
ject ot the murder was to secure 80 the dead
man possessed.
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It can be given In a enp or coffee or tea wlthont
the knowledge or the person taking it: is abso
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether the pntlent Is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thonsands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
bavo taken uolden Specific In their coffee without
their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from their own Tree will. IT NEVER
KAILS. The system once Impregnated with the
Specific, It becomes In utter Impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. For sals by A. J. Rankin,
Sixth and Fenn uvci'lttsburg: E. Molden i. Co..
63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by
Geo. A. Kelly 4 Co., Pitt-burg. Pa. QC&-38-TTS
B y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition.and andby acareful application of the
fine propertiesof well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save ns
many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythejndicions
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
maybe gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water cr milk. Sold
only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus:
no3 h-SOrus
100 yards' from Fort Monroe; open all tho year,
accommodates 1,000 guests; admirable location;
delightful climate; thrilling historic surronnd
ings. Turkish, Russian. Roman, Electric and
HUT SEA baths, thelatterespeciallvbeneficial
in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous
Artillery School Band. Glass-lnclnsert verandas.
Average temperature for winter-180. Absolutely
free from malaria. All things considered, the
most cninforatable and delightful resort at
which to spend the winter montbsin the United
States. Send for descriptive pamphlet.
no27-yiO-Tursu F. If. PIKE, Manager.
Stbaw Oafc. 88 0089 00; wheat a
mSIM n
r.- TT . . -.- con-uua juu panjcaiara tor noaa cwe n rB
" " i flB
r j
77fr)yiftRg& f
Desips'aM Boths for tie Holfdays?!
unnwr o nn.-ns
nuruic a ou.,
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
and CHilVIOTSj
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
ana see us.
fe22-rS3-D - .
Eczema,,. Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures..
Tbe inipla appllcttloa f Swats s Oumnwr"- vitboat
uj Internal medwrne, will ettrs ur cam of Tetter. Salt
Eaenm. Ringworm. Pile, Itch. Bora. Pimpte!,trrsipcl. tt
nomuterhovobstlcs'eorlaDgitmndiDf. soiabyaraggutf, m
r itnt br mall for 50 cu. J Bora. I1.3S. Addraa. In.
8wriiSoi.PMllelplU,r. Aik nr inafn t B.
No. 410 Smithfisld SC
CAPITAL. . - - .
. 8200,000 00.
JAJ1ES P. SPEEB. Vice Press.
JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
Oil bought and sola on margin. de27-21-Dsa
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Lhupaol
Cabin passage SS3 to J50. according to location
of slate room. Excnrsion $& to 90.
Steerage to and Irom Europe at lowesr rate
53 Broadway, New York,
or 1. J. M'CORMICK. Ag.nl.-
21-r7D-D FonrlhAvenus ind Smlthfiald St. "
Sailing' every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor.
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and -from
Great Britain and Ireland. Norway. Swe-
den, Denmark, Ac.
General agents, 307 Walnut st. Philadelphia
Fnll information can be had of J. J. McCOR
MICK. Fonrth avenue and Sraithfield stress
LOUIS MOESER. 618 Smithneld street; --
mhlfsO-TT3 .
As old residents know ana back files ot Pita-,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
must prominent physician in the city, devoting .
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
responsiDie persons
l CDnllQ o4 mental diseases, physical '
I 1 1 V UUo decay, nervous debility, laclc
oi energy, auiunioa auu uopc, impaireu mem
nrv. disordered sight. self-distrnsLbashfnlniisa.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
nr,vpriihpfl blood, faillnir Dowers. orranii waaIt.
ness," dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, nn- ,
citing tne person tor uiuinessociety ami mar
riase, permanently, safely and privately cured,
blotches, lalhng hair, bona pains, glandnhu"
swellings, ulcerations ol tongue, month, throar.
.iam nlil cnroa.fim orrat fnr liftt ami KTaI
tUbCl, W' wtw, pw -... u.o, UU WMI f
poisons uiuruuguiy cuuiuitcu iiom we srsias.
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derante.
U nl INnil I ments, weak back, gravel, ca--
tarrnai aiscnarcea, uiuanuoaooa ana other
painful symptoms receive searching treatmenL
prompt relief and re-l cores.
Dr. whitthr'slife-Ionc extensive experiencs
insures scientific and- reliable treatment oa
common-sensa principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated aa it
here. Office hours 9 a. h. to 8 p.m. Bundsr, .
lOi. K. to I P. M. only. DR. WHITTIEB, M
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ueA-iaW-DSuwk
A Great Medical TYork for Young mi
Middle-Aged Hen.
Store Than One Million Copies bold.
TOUKO and middle-aged men who are sfiffertag,
from the indiscretion of youth, Exhausted .
Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, PreniatarojC
Decline, aa, ana tne tnonsana nnwia misenes con
sequent thereon, and all who are sick andsuffertos '
and do not know what alls them, can te cured witt
out fail t? following the instructions In the Science ,
of Life or Self Preservation. Price only it by mall
postpaid, sealed. It is a bcok for every man, SCO
pages, full gilt, 123 prescriptions for all acuta and
chronic diseases. Fully indorsed by the National' .
Jledlcal Association, who awarded tho gold and'
jewelled medal totheanthor. mnst.'atlre sample
with indorsements of the press, sent free if yous
apply now. Addre-,The Peabcdy Medical last!.
tote, P. O. bos 1KB, uoston, Jias., or ur. v
PAKEXS, graduate of Harvard Medical Collet
years practice in bus uju. oa i-vusui uu juj
in ,m TonhviT Hntlcai Institute, who mavb
salted confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of 1
ivinnthndppeivcdbyworthrefflltnifators. Be
you address or call at tho Peataiy Medical. Irs?
tutejfa 4BulflnchSt.No.l M
I or LOST or fulling ;
MANHOOD. Nerrotw-i
ness. Weakne of.'
Ro-lrAMInd. Lack of Strcmrth.Vli.nr mil Il,
velopment. caused bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. BiracY
jiuue oi nn,jr-.iMKAi.i.ir. ana r roots, raaueaj
ibcaiea) rree. Auuresj jumjs su-UIUAL CO;,
Suflilo, X, I. de-5-57-rrsJkwki3
the -needy enroot Nervous Deblllty.Lost ManheedJ9
Despondency, etc A copy of this book will be mm
iree.teaieu, Aunrrss audkn oi txt,JSM
130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, OUfe
,-.M ' V ltVlioriuilMsnhoodEiieT-A Pre!
iil.1I . nc rtii-av& Muiu -- J Bir i u.
i.uio jCtnirg mat BTlctiefVI Q19BT2
Jj gnBJLSeal84Titl8eseiitfrsrafp3-a-9.J
"' w-
M33T03 C3,i3r-rfc,3ror,,'
i -sxTstnt
manhood , efe I win stna vshi
""" -""",,"""1E&j
afl-rtei- fren Mm A
tat el yostitttl - JL
on, early deeay, lest Idft
aibto treatise (wtled) sM
' 7
f Ml