WcoraciLS. lows Over Electric Lights Jhe Philadelphia Co, ELECTRIC WINS, AKD THE LATTER Is to be CareMIj Inquired Into, bo Eay the Resolutions. UNCONSTITUTIONAL IDEAS EXPLODE The Ust Councils for the olu year were vested with a peculiar interest because wars aud rumors of wars were freely discussed before tney met; but the expectation ex ceeded by far the realization. It might hare been the If ew Year; but asain, it might have been business. Bet-re Councils met yesterday it was said that Mr. Battles would present a resolution asking that no Hungarian or Italian be cm ployed on city work; also that a gentleman was to present an order relative to gas com panies in general, and the Philadelphia Gas Company in particular. These rumors did not materialize, how ever, the first because it was' unconstitu tional, and the seeond, probably, because it was unadvisablc In the Select branch Chairman Ford pre sided, and ordinances were presented and referred regulating masquerade balls and the licensing newsboys. The report of E. C. Elliot, of the Depart ment of Public Charities, for the month of December, was read and accepted. It showed expenses for the month of 57,043, with a balance of 521,309 40. During this month the dispensing physicians attended 138 patients; made 375 visits; received 307 official visits, and supplied 702 prescrip tions. There were 545 inmates of the City Home and the different institutions. Mr. McKee started a tilt by asking the Finance Committee to report estimates for appropriations for 1889 at the first meeting in January. Mr. 'Getty, a member, said this was AS IKSINTJATIOX against his committee, and they could not report so early. ? Mr. McKee It is notorious that the ap propriation ordinance has been held back and then rushed through before its contents can be learned. Mr. Getty This is a year of general as sessment and the appeals are not in yet and the books are not ready. Mr. Lambie then read from the laws of Moses and the new Charter, saying that the chiefs of the different departments shall hand their reports and estimates to the Mayor on the last day of the year, these to be returned by the Mayor to Councils. The whole matter was then amicably laid on the table. The report of E. JI. Bigelow, Chief of the Department of Public'Works, for Octo ber was accepted. It showed s balance in the appropriation, October, of $343,396.10; expenses for the month 85,122.82; balance $258,273.34. Mr. Andrew Robertson presented the fol lowing joint resolution ot Councils relating to natural gas companies: WhebeaS, The Philadelphia Company has by lease and purchase absorbed several of tbe natural gas companies, supplying this city with natural go, against the spirit and provisions of the natural gas act of 1SS5. and Whereas, the Philadelphia Company and other naturalists companies furnishing Pitts burg and Allegheny witb gas have arrogated to themselves tbe rigbt to turnisb gas or not to consumers and to charge what they please for the same; therefore, Section I, Resolved, That the State Legisla ture at tbe present session, be requested to en act laws compelling natural gas companies to accept the-legislation relating to incorporation and legislation of tbe natural gas companies. EIGHTS OP APPEAL. Section II. Resolved. That tbe State Legis lature be requested to supplement the natural pas act of 1SS5 by adding the section of the gen eral act of Juno 29. 1871. giving any consumer the rigbt to apperl from tbe charges made against bim or her to a court ana jury. Section III, Resolved, That the clerk of Couucils be directed to send to each member of tbe Senate and Asserabl) from Allegheny county, a copy of these resolutions and to aUo send a copy of tbe resolution to the Councils of Allegheny City and ask their assistance in tbe matter. The resolutions were adopted. The Committee on Corporations was in structed to prepare an act embodying these points, and an ordinance was passed author izing the Department of Public Safety to -appoint eight additional patrolmen. A tilt then ensued between Messrs. Lam bie and Robertson, the former desiring to amend the Common Council resolution, re lative to giving the East End Electric Com panythe use of tfle city poles, while the latter desired it to pass intact. Mr. Robert son said the city got 300 times a better light at 11,000 less cost, and the company should be given a favor. Mr. Getty sided with Mr. Robertson, and finally the company wss given the full privilege so long as they lighted the city at present crices. Several minor papers passed in Common Council were referred back to the Finance Commit tee, and Councils adjourned. COMMON COUXCILHANIC TALK. Street! and Grades nnd Bnildinxi Only Eepolatcd The Action of (be Upper Council Indorsed. In Common Council, President Holliday -ailed that august body to order, and the following papers were presented and re "red: Granting the East End Electric " upany the right to erect poles; establish j; the grades of Bowery and Gardner llfeys; for opening Lewis street; repairing Penn avenue from Point Breeze to Rich land street, and interminable resolutions for changes in streets and small damages asked. Mr. Kearns asked for an estimate on paving Seventeenth street Mr. Battles asked for the repaying of Second avenue, and Mr. McGonuigle lor the bridging of Uegley Run, all of which were passed, as vas also a resolution authorizing the East ?nd Electric Light Company the use of the city polls. A-Teolution to reduce the water rents was amended by Mr. Magee, who spoke ot the water debt, and asked .the Committee of Public "Works to investigate the matter; adopted. Mr. Magee called up the resolution rela tive to natural gas companies, and tbe CoundM concurred in the action of the Select Council. WEDNESDAY MORNING See Oar January Sale Prices on Cloaks And winter wraps, long garments, mantles and jackets, in plain and fancy cloth; also in seal plush garments; the best grades re member, and the largest variety to (.elect from; come to-morrow. JOS. Horxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LI3L, 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fonrtu Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $38,000. Deposits of SI, and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts WEDNESDAY" MORNING Onr January Pale Broadcloth Bargains Fine analitv 44-inch at CO cents; fine French at 75c, 90c, 51 25, 51 SO, 52 00 and ?2 50 a yard. You won't find as large an assort ment of colors nor as finely finished goods at these prices anywhere. . JOS. HORJTE & CO.'S Fenn Avenue Stores. Mxchastcati drawing taught at even ing sessions of J)uff 'College, 49 Fifth ave- sue. FAREWEMvMR. 1UETUPBB," Judge Stowe's Absolute Dismissal of, a Case Against the City. Judge Stowe, sitting a master, in the suit ot Andrew Hartupee against the city of Pittsburg, yesterday heard the testimony of the plaintiffs and then dismissed the case .absolutely. Judge McCandless and C. A. Sulll Tan, Esq., represented tbe plaintiffs, and the only-witness placed upon the stand was ex-City Attorney Thomas Blgelow, whose testimony failed to substantiate certain charges of fraud and collusion made by the plaintiffs. In this connection Laao S. Van Voorhis Esq., makes the following explanation: "The statement made to-day in tho Hartupee cse that I bad said to am one that Thomas S. Big elow had influenced Lowry, and had informed me that lie had done 60, is untrue in every par ticular. I never had any conversation with Mr. Bigelow on this matter, and never so stated.'p Trial Lists for To-Morrovr. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs. P. M. Mclnerney. P. M. Connolly. Mike Klein, W. J. Montgomery, John Ltezkornskl. William Hat rison. Kate Woods. Edward Barton, Harry Fleming, August Steinecke, William Lee, John K. S -ott, James Devine. John Hoffman, alias Craig; George Anderson, Tom Sheridan, John Johnston, Jack Finnef rog. Lines From Lepnl Quarter. Michael Kline, of McKeesport, was on trial for perjury when the Criminal Court yes terday adjourned until 9:30 to-morrow morning. The grand jury yesterday indicted Joseph Bennet for robbery and Joseph Anderson for selling liquor to persons under the influence ot liquor. Samuel Kellek convicted on Saturday of conspiracy, was yesterday sentenced to one year and ten months in the penitentiary, and a fine of 200, Suit was entered yesterday by E. P. Keams against the Pittsburg Coal Railroad Company to recover S1.732, claimed to be salary due him as general manager and agent. There was an argument in the United States Court yesterday in the case of Mnllan & Maloney. bankrupts. It was on tbe exceptions to the assignee's accounts and an order was made adjusting tbe claims by Judge White. Is Common Pleas Court No. 2 Thomas G. Chalfant yesterday presented his resignation as Jury Commissioner. His term would have expired next Monday, but was tendered yes terday on account of bis election to the Legis lature. Judge Achesox yesterday Issued a writ-of. habeas corpus on Captain Barber, of the United State Recruiting station, to bring William Davidson into tbe United States Court to morrow morning. W. J. Conn, an uncle of Davidson, alleges that the latter was enlisted in the army at the recruiting station: that he is under age, and a subject of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. IX tbe CriminU Court yesterday Louis Lant ner was tried for selling liquor without license in tbe Second ward, Allegheny. Lanter had been refused a license, and rented his saloon building to the Acme Hunting and Fishing Club. Tbe testimony of tbe prosecution went to prove that Lantner entered into a contract to furnish beer to this club on the check sys tem. The jury had not returned a verdict when the court adjourned. As Judge Collier was looking over the new panel of jurors in the Criminal Court, yester day, be discovered that Constables P. Mclnerny, of tbe Firth ward, and P. M. Connelly, ot tbe Ninth ward, who are indicted and down on the calendar for trial in the present term of court, are both among the jurors on tbe new panel. No action has yet been taken in tbe matter-by tbe Court; but, as it at present stands, both men may bear and determine tbe suits against themselves. Joseph H. Jacobs filed a bill in equity yes terday against the Ruby Light Company to re cover commissions alleged to be due him on a contract made to sell red fire, torches, etc., in Western Pennsylvania and In ianapolis during the late campaign. The defendants refuse, he alleges, to make an itemized statement of their account or to settle with bim for sales made in one place while he was in another. He prays the conrt to compel them to do so and to bring all their bonks into court for that purpose. DEATH OF WILLIAM CARR. Reioluilons of Condolence. Mechanics' National Bank, P-ittsbubg, Pa., December 31, 1888, At a special meeting of the Board of Di rectors ot the Mechanics' Xational Bank, held this day, the following resolutions were unammouilyadopted,: It having pleased au all-wise Providence to remoTe from his earthly labors, after a useful and busy life, our respected Presi dent, William Carr, we humbly bow in reverence to the decree and extend our sin cere sympathy to his family in their be reavement Mr. Carr was associated in the manage ment of this bank for SO years, as director and President. "We have always lound him to be a man of the Etrictest integrity, kind, considerate and gentle in all his inter course, a wise and sagacious councilor, firm and conscientious in the discharge of his duties. He was public spirited in an eminent degree, and took especial pride in the prog ress of the city and its improvements, to which he contributed to the lullest ex tent. His presence at the meetings of the board will be greatly missed, and we who have for years held such pleasant association with' him will always cherish his memory with feelings of the highest respect It is ordered that these resolutions be en grossed on the minutes of the bank and that a copy be sent to the family. GEOKGE J. GOBMAX, Secretary, WEDNESDAY MORNING See Onr Jannary Sale Prices on Clonks And winter wraps, long garments, mantles and jackets, in plain and fancy cloth; also in seal plush garments; the best grades re member, and the largest variety to select from; come to-morrow. Jos. Hokne&Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. A Terr Tretty Sight. The evening of song, by the -vocal pupils of Curry Conservatory of Music, given last evening in the Curry University Hall, was an exceedingly enjoyable affair. It was, indeed, a very pretty sifcht to see about 40 young ladies, all tastily dressed and care fully arranged, in tiers on the stage, which is a perfect model in its way. The en semble singing by the Conservatory Choral Club was certainly very effective, and dis played decided skill and care in training. The solos, duets and trios were delivered, in a number of cases, in quite an artistic manner. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Store Closes To-Day nt 12 Noon. Come to-morrow for bargains in all our big stocks of winter goods cloak rooms. Underwear, hosiery, gloves, velvets, woolen dress goods. Clean sweep prices. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. fc B. . Read display ad. in this paper; see the 46-inch cashmeres at 66c. and the black goods bargains; embroideries also; choice ones, and so little ate the prices to-morrow. Boggs& Buhl. Big" January Redactions In cloaks, hosiery, underwear, gloves, corsets, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, ties, etc., etc. A. G. Campbell & Sons, 710 Penn ave. Ieon Crrr Flour, manufactured by Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth st, Pitts burg, is certainly thebest flour made. Every housekeeper that uses it is delighted with its nice white bread it produces. Ask for :t from your grocer, and take no other. The Carry School'of Shorthand And typewriting offers the best advantages in Pittsburg lor thorough practical instruc tion in expert stenography. Day and evening sessions. "Winter term -begins Jan uary 2, 1889. D Wednesday Moraine. Onr "January Sale" bargains in ladies', men's and children's woolen underwear; good, well-made shirts and drawers, both in wool and merino; at much less than reg ular prices. Jos. Hobxe & Co.,. Penn Avenue Stores. FINES FORlMMERS' Interesting Facts Cited by Attorney Tost, of the L. fcO. League, ABOUT PROVISIONS IN 150 LAWS, The State's Policy in Bewarding Prose cutors of Offenses. TO IMPKOYE THAT "HIGH LICENSE LAW There is one taunt flung at the Law and Order League more than all others. "Oh, they get all or half the fines," some people say, and hundreds of others at once conclude that if this is so the society is in the work of reform for revenue only. So often has the allegation been made that it is perhaps generally supposed to be true. Lately it has ben circulated again, and is said to be the basis oCa movement to have the Legis lature turn these fines into a different chan nel. The subject came up yesterday afternoon during a conversation between a Dispatch reporter and William Yost, Esq., attorney for the Law and Order League. He laughed about such a movement and said: Yes, I see by tbe papers that some smart peo pie are just going to ruin tho League by having tbe penalties for illegal liquor selling turned over to the State or county, and threaten to have tbe law amended for that purpose. As far as tbe League is concerned we have no ob jections. About 520D will cover the penalties received by tho League since May 1, 18S3, a small item toward our expenses. Some of the papers and many people seem to think it an unheard of thing that a prose cutor who takes upon himself tbe labor, odium and expense of enforcing the laws of the State should receive any com pensation or remuneration therefor ont of tbe fines collected and paid into tbe public treas- mm. Hut- lirlaf .rqmlniillmi ef thp statistics of Pennsylvania shows how utterly groundless! and senseless is this complaint against tbe act of 1835, prohibiting Sunday liquor selling. DISPOSITION OF FINES. By the game law of June 3, 1878. there are 27 offenses prescribed, for which penalties rang ing from J5 to $100 are imposed, recoverable by summary conviction, and one-baif to go to the informer, whether he is a witness or not. By the fish law of May 18, 1878, there are five offenses created, and penalties from $5 to 850 affixed. One-half of the penalty goes to the informer suing for it, whether he is a witness or not. Bv the "road law" of 1836 there are eight of fenses for which penalties of from SI to 510 are inflicted, to be recovered by an action of debt and one-balf to go to the informer, whether a witness or not. Under the road laws of 1815 and 1868 two other offenses with penalties of Soto J25 are enacted and the informer given one half. Under the general "peddler's acts" of 1830, 1810, 1799 and 187S there are seven offenses de fined and penalties of S20 to $50 appointed, one half to go to tbe informer, who sues therefor in an action of debt Under the "auction law" of 1859 there aro four offenses with penalties of $50toJ500.of which one-half goes to any informer suing therefor, whether a n itness or not. There are perhaps as many as 60 local "ped dler's acts."almost every one of which prescribes penalties for their violation, and provides that the informer collecting such penalty shall re ceive one-half thereof. The"oleomarcinnelaw"of 1S8S creates an offense and affixes a penalty of $100, one-half of which poes to the informer, who may sue therefor in an action of debt and testify in the c?ss. Manv such suits are now pending. The act of ISM prescribes a penalty of $50 for taking illegal fees by Justices, Aldermen and all county officers, and gives the whole penalty to the person suing for it, This law is in daily use, and has received tbe highest commendation of the Supreme Court. The Allegheny countv liquor law of 1872, which was in force for 15 years, and until tbe Brooks law came into effect, authorized an al lowance of $10 to the prosecutor for each of fense prosecuted to conviction, and as much as 500 have been paid to a single prosecutor under it. THE STATE'S POLICY. This list might be extended at pleasure. It would not be a difficult task to cite 150 acts of assembly of Pennsylvania in vbich penalties are inflicted, and one-half given to the prosecution or Informer who sues for the same. And very few of them contain the wise restriction found in the Act of 1S55 (under which tho L. & O. League has been working), that if the prose cut or is a witness be forfeits all right to any part of the penalty These acts of assembly show tbe settled policy of the State to have always been to encourage In this way the sup pression of those classes of criminal offenses, which, bv reason of the number of offenders, the extent of the evil or the difficulty of its detection, are usually winked at by the officers of tbe law. Tbe simplicity and speediness of the retnedv bv a civil suit fur a penalty renders it eminently fie for tbe suppression of illegal liquor selling, as the experience of the league abundantly proves. I bare only to add that to expect the con stables ami otber officers to exercise all the vigilance and ability necessary to convict Ille gal liquor sellers in tbe face of tbe hostility of every grand jury and its unwillingness to tar diet, and for no other compensation to such offirer than the peyy fees amounting to from $3 to S5 in each case, is asking too much. Offi cers cannot do all that work without par, and for "enmitj" instead of "glory." Tbe oldAUe gheny countv liquor law which was repealed, by the Uroocs law allowed $!0 in addition to 'all fees. That was lit tle enough for the constable or other officer. And if the Brooks law allowed 25 to the constable for each conviction (subject to the Court's approval) it would be no more than justice to the officer, and would secure the full enforcement of the law. If the law is a c;ood one it is worth enforcing. And the lawsl have referred you to show that such has been the State'6 policy in regard to other offenses; why should it not be the same as to illegal liquor selling! A Shave for J -15 of a Cent. Colgate & Co N. Y., will mail you a sample of Demulcent Shaving Soap sufficient for a month for 2 cents. B. it B. 52-inch broadcloths, 75 cts we know some of you'll buy dresses of these to-morrow if you see them. Boogs & Buhl. N. B. Store closed all day to-day New Year's. Special Sale of Men's Dress nnd Nisht Shirts January 2; lauudried and unlaundried. Don't miss seeing this line; all grades and styles. Special low prices. A. G. Campbell & Sons, 710 Penn ave. A GOLD watch was presented to Miss Matilda Jones by J. J. "Waldron, agent of the Prudential Company. MEETINGS. NOTICE TO STONEMASONS THEIR regular meetinc of tbe International Union No. 9 will be held on Thursday evening, Januarys 18S9, at 8 p. M., at Hibernian Hall. Wylle avenue. - AU members are requested to attend, as business of importance is to be transacted. J3y order. jaW6 NOTI3E-ALI. MEMBERS OF THE MU SICAL UNION are requested to meet at No. 2 Diamond alley, at 1 o'clock, sharp, Jan nary 1, 18S9, with instruments and in citizens clothes, to attend tbe funeral of Joseph Lenz, which takes place from his late residence, No. 42 Mabon avenue, at 2 o'clock. jal-61 O. H. Perry CoUNCtt, 230, Jr. O. U. A. ai Alleohest. Pa.. December 31. 18S8. 8S8.S W1LI TlTEMBERS OF THIS COUNCIL WILL 111. nlease meet at their hall, Wednesday, January 2, 1889, at 830 A. m., to attend the funeral of Bro. J. E. Bent. Members of sister councils respectfully invited to attend. By order ot J. KAISER, Councilor. EDWARD G. LANG, Rec Sec jal-23 mWE MEMBERS OF EXCELSIOR LODGE . JL No. 86. A. O. U.'W. will meet at their hall WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at 1 o'clock "sharp," to attenu me innerai oi iiroiueru. H. Wallace. Members of sister lodges invited to attend. Interment in Allegheny Cemetery at 2 o'clock. By order of the M.W. jal-9 t M. L. SPIELMAN. Recorder. PrTTSBUEG COMMMANDERY NO. L K. T., ) Pittsbubg. January L 1889. ATTENTION. .SIR KNIGHTS-THE members of this commaudery will meet in the ssvlnnv Perfection Hall. Penn avenne, on WEDNESDAY. January 2, 1SS0. at 1 o'clock p. Jr. sharp, to attend the funeral of our late f rater Sir Knight Harry H. Wallace. The members of Commanderles 35, 43 and 59 are courteously Invited to attend. -WM. C. WRIGHT, E. C. WM. T. REIXER, Rec Jal-7 'TSwrnHmmpcmm tfrbi spldjj advertkemmtt one dollar ,pjr iquare or one intert,ton. Claulfitd admtUe' ments on thii page tueha Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cento per line for eaeh inter- tion. and none taken for lets than fifty cento. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, -For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: , Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTaEDlS- FATCn. rrrrsBUKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 33o9 Butler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY, 24th street and l'enn ave. E. G. STWCKEY & CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton st. N. bTOKELY, Fifth ATenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 121 Penn avenne. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER. & SHEIBLEB, 5th aT. & Atwood st. BotrrnstDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEHCHEK, 59 Federal street. McBKIDE UKQ3.. Federal and Ohio streets. FREDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGOERS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENHY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. 1'EltltY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Ulalo HelD. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED BARBER; will pay good waees to right man. HENRY WILLIAMS, Homestead. I'a. JM-51 WANTED-FOR OUR RENT DEPARTMENT, man of (rood address. Integrity, and some experience. SAM'L W. BLACK.& CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal-C6 T7ANTED-TWO GOOD UPHOLSTERERS Wi. thit understand cutting and hanging cur tain' and similes: none hut experienced men need apply. E. GROETZ1NGER. de3-72-TnSu WANTED-GOOD MAN WITH tl.OOO TO tJke agency for Western Pennsylvania for best selling goods on market. Call or address ROOM 163, Albemarle Hotel. la 1-63 WANTED-MACHINIST3 AT ONOEONEN GINEand mill work at ANCHOR FOUN DRY AND MACHINE WORKS. 41 Penn ave.; none but first-class men need apply. jal-93 fTTANTED-AGENTS-575 A MONTH AND VV expenses paid anv person to sell onr goods. No capital: salary monthly: particulars .free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. oc4-ral8 -TTTANTED - AGENTS TO SEI,L CLlNE'S YV' footJieaters a,nd patent fuel Tor carriages, wagons, etc. : sells nt sight. Inquire after 3 P.M., WM. SEMFLE. JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Fa. delS-8-P WANTED A THARMACIST TO TAKE charge of a private pharmacy and study medicine. Apply In person between 1 and 2 r. h. next Wednesday at 113 Second ave. 11. li. OK it, M, D. JaI-12 WANTED-RELIABLE LOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent: special Inducements now; fast selling specialties! don't delav: salary from start. UROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. del-b63-H8 WANTED - DRIVER (COLORED PRE FERRED), single, with good reference for experience In driving horse and baroucbe. taking care of cows and place. Address "INSUR ANCE." l'enn Kalldmg. rr -m 305. Jil-59 WANTED-THKEE FIRST-CLASS CARPET salesmen that understand the retail business thoroughly; none but those with city reference need apply. Address, by letter giving experience and age, CARPET HOUSE, Dispatch office. dett-TMusu WANTED-A COLLECTOK AND SALESMAN who Is well acquainted with the towns from Rochester, Pa'., to liellalre. Ohio, to collect on Installment sales. Cicli security and reference required. Address ENEHGY, Dispatch Office. jai-ii ANTED -FOUNDRY FOREMAN-MUST be an active, progressive man. familiar with economical management In heavy work mainly: references as to sobriety And ability required. Ad dress S. H. PAEVIK'S SONS, Cincinnati. O. de2S-20 WANTED-PHYSICIAN TO LOCATE: MUST be a graduate of an accredited medical col lege, of not less than three years' practical exper ience: no office rent to pay; no horse needed: will average $5 per day. For particulars address BOX 73, Renfrew, Butler county. Pa. Jal-8 WANTED-A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS the furniture and upholstering business to take charge of a branch store: one who has some experience as salesman and collector: permanent sltnatlon to right nartr: cith security required. Address HOUSE FURNISHER, Dispatch office. Jal-21 TTJ ANTED - AGENTS TO HANDLE THE V new patent Ink Eraslnjr pencil; grealest novelty ever produced; erases Ink In two seconds, no abrasion of paper: SCO to 600 percent profit; one agents sales amounted to S620, In six days: another 32, In two hours; territorry absolutely free; salary to good men: no ladles need answer; sample 35 cents. For terms and full particulars, address, the manufacturers, J.AV. SKIN Ji Ell i CO., Onalaska, Wis. Jal-57 WANTED-A THOROTJGHLT FIRST-CLASS man to assist our Pittsburg salesmen In so liciting orders for lubricating oils among tbe con suming trade of Pittsburg and vicinity; previous experience In the oil business not essential but must be a reliable man. good salesman and hard worker; no others neednpply: good salary paldand permanent position to tlie right person: opoortu nltv for personal Interview to suitable applicants at Pittsburg. Address, giving age, previous bus iness experience and references, VACUUM OIL CO., Rochester, N. Y. I-47 Female BelD. -rrTANTED-GIRL FOR GENEF.AL HOUSE V "work. Apply ALLEGHENY GENERAL HOSPITAL. Jal-6 WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In email family. MRS. i SCHOENTHAL, 111 Jackson St., Allegheny. Jal-S2 WANTED-! LADIES OF GOOD ADDRESS. wages S8 to S3 per week. Call Wednesday at ROOM 4. McClance block, cor. Seventh ave. and Smlthfleld ft., city. jal-83 VTJANTED-LADY POSSESSING ABILITIES VV of A 1 saleslady: none ontler 20 need apply; salary goodsreferences required. Call after 10a. It. Wednesday. H. A. SCHROEDER, 51 Sixth St. Jal-60 Male nnd-Fcmnle tlelo. TTJANTED-IMMEDIATELT-HOUSEKEEP- V ER. Catholic preferred: pastry cook. 100 house eirls. 40 cooks. 10 chambermaids, nnrse fflrls. tfiotel chambermaid and waiters. MRS. MEE- HAJ, H5 uraut st. de31-D WANTED -LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage In an easy, paying business at home: can work daytime or evening andmako&OctofJ per hour: sure thing: sample and complete in structions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPPliY CO., Rutland, Vt. de30-U8 . Situation. WANTED-POS1TION AS DRUG", CLERK, registered as manager: ten ()u) years1 ex perience:' reference given. Address H. j. J., New Castle, Pa. , Jaj-81 WANTED-AT ONCE-A POSITION BY RE TAIL drug clerk, registered, as manager; country preferred. Address OP1I, lo. 37 Ander son St., Allegheny, Pa. Jal-49. WANTE1I-BY YOUNG LADY A POSITION as assistant bookkeeper: experienced; sal ary 12 ncr week: can give good references. Ad dress IT. B. II., Dispatch office. jal-sl rnrtncrn. -TTTANTHID-PARTNER WT1TH S400 CAPITAL V V to take half interest in an established profita ble business; reply promptly. M. B., Dispatch oace. de30-st l-TTT-AJSTED TO INVEST FROM SI.000 TO It ?i.o"u kuu uiy urae in any onsiness mat will pay a fair profit. Address H. K., Dispatch office. al-S0 WANTED-PARTNERWrrU S2M CASH AND some knowledge of photography: refer ences exchanged. Address PHOTO, Dispatch office. J a 1-4 TTTANTED-AN ACTIVE AND CAPABLE y business man to ttke an interest in. and fill position or Secretary In a large manufacturing concern. In a manufacturing- city In Ohio, on line ot railroad; oa6lness well established and pros perous: to a first-class man this Isa fine opening. Particulars rrom J AS. W,-DRAPE & Co.. fa Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. jal-97-D Room,''. Houses. Etc -TTTANTED-TO RENT-A HOUSE OF SEVEN V rooms with large yard; convenient to P. R. R. or cable road. Address B. D., Dispatch office. Jal-48 WANTED - APARTMENTS. THREE OB fourroomsensulte. furnished oruiifiirnlshrd, for bonsekeepln g; best references. Address E.H. O , Dispatch office. de30-S w ANTED-BY APRIL X SHOWROOM ON first floor on eood business street: wonld rent one-halfof large room with first-class party. g?r DM, Address SHOWROOM, Dispatch office. de7-f33 Financial. XHTANTED-HOUSESTO RENT AND RENTS YV to collect. A. H. LESLIE, Forty-second and Butler sts. dc31-15 WANTED-TO LOAN S200.000 ON MORT GAGES: (100 and upward at 6 per cent; 500,000 at 4H per cent on residences or business so In adjoining" counties. S. H. FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue? OC31-CM-D WANTED-MORTGAES-II.000,0C0TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent, and on farms In Allegheny and aqja cent counties at E per centr no money loaned out or Pennsylvania. 1. M.PENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND-KENT3 to collect In both cities. - We give special attention to repairs, taxes, insurance and man agement of oropertles: Itemized accounts, inonth lysettlements. PITTSBURG CO.,lFlRh.venne, Keal Estate and Insurance. . J U-W-D WANTED. Financial. WANTEDi-WE HAVE fAOOOTO LOAN FOR long or short time at finer cent. D. P. THOMAS & CO., 408 Grant St. nol-073 WANTKU-KENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIKD. S3 Fourth avenue. a28-aS9-D TT7-ANTED-SIORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN VV In sums to suit, at ii, 5 and 6 per cent, GKAE11IN.U' LT027, 135 Fourth ave." ap6-el-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M 000; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED -MORTGAGES- WE AKE PHE PARED to loan from S300 to 1100,000 at from $ to 6 per cent. JaS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenu, Pittsburg. Jal-V7-D WANTED-M0KTGAGE3. MORTGAGES. ON city or suburban Improved real estate, In sums of KOO to Ku, 000 and upward, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. de29-83-D WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount; lowstntcs orintcrcst and commis sion. PITTSBURG CO.. LIMITED, Kcal Estate and Insurance, 138 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-91 - "TITAN TED-TO LOAN f500,00a IN AMOUNTS TT of 3,00uand upward, oncltyand suburban property, on VA per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 an16 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. " se21-d26-D Miscellaneous. TTTANTED-PUBLICTO KNOW THE ELITE VV GALLERY. 516 Market St., Pittsburg, will ,le open for business all. New Year's Day. Cabl nets, 1 00 per dozen. Jal-100 WANTED-l'URCHAgER FOR PROSPEROUS country paper, within 40 miles of Pittsburg; will be sold at a bargain, ori account of Ill-health of proprietor. Address W., Dispatch office. Jal-99 WANTED-EVERYUODY TO CALL AND hare their pictures taken at CAMPI1 ELL'S, cor. fourteenth and I'arson sts. : 1 large tlntvpes for 23 cents; cabinets, ft 50 per dozen: call early. Jal-84-TUBu WANTED-EVERYBUBY TO KNOW THE ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pitts burg, makes the finest photographs for less money than any other gallery In the two cities: cabinets il per doz. drtl-kH-TTSSU WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 98 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, ererybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at ISO per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. . mhl3-k27 "VTTANTEH-IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW V V to write a good business Hand, write a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out ad ordinary account, w ite a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the dlsconnt on It for days, months and vears, and get a general knowl edge of bookkeeping, penmanship and arithmetic, attend the College of Commerce, 9G Fourth ave. W. W. MCCLELLAND, l'rln. noIO-slOO-Ttis FOR SALE. City Reoldcnces. FOR SALE-WEBSTER AVE.-BRICK house, 4 rooms and storeroom; lot 20x70; cheap. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave, Jal-lG-iuwThs FIRSALE-DAVISST.-NEW BH1CKHOUSE, 8 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, marble mantels, good cellar, nat. and art. ga9: lot 20x91: cheap and terms easy. J. R. COOPER CO.. 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TuwihS FORSAI.E-MT. WASHINGTON, ON GRAND VIEW ave. S2.500: must be soldatonce; frame dwelling. 6 rooms. halL nat. cas. cltv water, con venient to Incline: lot 42J$xlt- J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-lG-TUWTbS FOR 8ALE-(99)-NEARTnEPAHK. SECOND ward, modern brick dwelling, 10 rooms, wide hall, bath and all conveniences; comer lot. 25 feet front: termi. 11.000 cash, balance foOO per year. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., W Fourth ave. de29-75-TT3 FORBALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ONLY f3.50O, tno squares from Incline, almost new frame dwelling, 7rooms, hall, good cellar, nicely furnished and papered; shade trees: line river view; lot 33x293; a great bargain. J. E. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. JaW6-Tuwrlis East End Residences. FOR 8ALE - FINE QUEEN ANNE RESI DENCE, 9 rooms, all modern conveniences; also good stable and carriage bouse: lot 50x13$ to 20-foot alley: good location! terms easv. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond st. Jal-79-TTSn FOR SALE-NORTH H1LAND AVENUE, opposite Peabody's: one of the molt desirable residence locations: 80x315 ft.: will he sold at a sacrifice. PITTSBURG CO., LIMITED, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pitts burg, Pa. jal-91 FR SALE-A NEAT NEW HOUSE IN THE East End, 6 rooms, reception hall, attic, nat ural gas. Inside shutters, etc.; corner lot: a few fruit trees thereon: Immediate possession: smalt payment down, balance to suit. JAS.W.DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pltt6burg. jal-97 FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN QUEEN Anne dwelling, Stanton ave., near Hiland are.: 10 rooms, reception hall, range, bath, laun dry, wide porches and fine lot 50x135 feet; good stable, stalls for three horses: both gases in bouse and stable; special bargain: onlvJio.OOO, on easy payments. BLACK & BAIRD, &S Fourth ave. ' de27-49-TTSSu FOR SALE-EAST END RESIDENCE PROP ERTY: rooms spacious and luxurious throughout; all the modern requirements: natural gai, bath and lavatory; wide porch In front, commodious hall In center: dry cellar; copious flow of water: large lot; shade and fruit trees and shrubbery. Artlculars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-A VERY GOOD BRICKDWELL INU on Arch street, Allegheny; a most new, and having complete modern conveniences; near street cars and parks. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 13 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97-D FOR 8ALE-ON FREMONT ST., ALLE GHENY, 2-story mansard, pressed brick front, 11 rooms, both gases and water, front and backstairs: lot 20x100 to an alley; brick house on rear ofl rooms renting for 115 per mo.; verv de sirable and In good condition. THUS. LIGGETT, 1 14 Fourth ave. dc30-50-MTTF8 fOR SALE-ON NORTH AVENUE, ALLE GHENY. 2-story brick house 11 rooms, man sard roof, hall and lanndry, stationary wash tubs, water and both gales throughout the house, electric hells, mantels of slate and marble, tile and marble hearths; bouse In good repair; lot4lx llOtoapavedaUey. THOS. LIGGETT; til Fonrth ave. de30-50-MTTFS EORSALE-ABEAU11FUL RESIDENCE ON , North avenue, Allegheny, having full view of parks: almost new and posessing every neces sary appliance, and in elegant order throughout; one or the most unique and perfect residences.!! the city; handsome massive mantels, with cabi nets, walls and ceilings elaborately finished: good lot. etc.. etc. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT NEW GALILEE,' PA.. A large ten-room frame house, with basement kitchen, washhouse, coalhouse and other neces sary outbuildings: lot 100x150; well good water: verrpIeasantlvlocaledonlraeot'P.Ft.W.&C. and P.M. AC. R. R.'s.: nrlce. Sl.500. Particulars from GEO. W. PYEE, New Galilee, Pa. Jal-oS-D Cltr or FOR SALE-ACT QUICK-OVER ACRES within city limits: price .only $6,000, irsold this week. BLACK & BAIKD, No. Do Fourth are. Jat-53 FOR 8 ALE-CLIF F STREET LOTS, COR. CAS SATT St., 23x70, cheap. Desirable location near Incline. PITTSBURG CO., Limited. Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue. Pittsbnrg, Pa. Jal-8S-TTS FOR SALE BROWNSVILLE AVENUE-S lots, very desirable and cheap: also, 2 lots on Benlah st. with frame houses; a great bargain. PITTSBURG CO., LIMITED. Heal Estate and In surance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Jal-93-Tuws Enst End Lot. FOIJ SALE-CHOICE LOTS, ATDALLAS STA TION, P. R. 11., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging from 5400 to SiOO. In oulrcor U. C. NEGLEY, 8106 Penn ave.. East End. no2S-y78-TT3 FOR SALE-2 ACRES OF GROUND IN THE East-End: 4 minutes' walk from railroad ata tlon; all nice and level and well suited to layout In building lots: there Is a bargain in this. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. jal-9r-D TpOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! FRANKSTOWN ave., Brushton station: Bank of Commerce addition plan: no lot less than 40x140 feet to 20-foot alley: terms, S50 down and 910 a month; cheapest lots In the market. Secure plan trom JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 612 Hiulthfleld St. deSO-SS-Tur FOR SALE-EAST END LOTS-HOWE ST. near Dennlson. soma Cheap property on Em erson and Carroll St. one square from Cable line eac wav: also an elegant lot on Larimer are. PITTSBURG CO., Limited. Real Estate and in surance, 138 Fifth ave , Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-SS-rrs lots. -pOR BALE-CEMETERY LOT IN UNION X1 DALE: a Urge lot In finest location: also in Allegheny Cemetery, a large lot In section IS: one of tbe finest sections In tbe cemetery. Apnlrto EDWARD L. DEVORE, 18 Sixth ave. Jal-S Special. i FOR SALE-LOTS. L"TS; BARGAINS IN . lots In Dickson and Denny's new plan: 50ff bnlidlng lots between Twenty-eighth andThlrty thlrd street, above P. R. It., at prices lrom SICO to 1,000 per lot, on very easy payments; call and seo plans at niy office at once If you want the pick of location and before the price goes up: come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Cal or send for Immense list of over TOO properties for Mlo all over both cltlej ind suburbs, by THOS. MCCAFBEY. Notary Public and Leading Real Estate Agent, 3309 Butler street. Telephone 1641-2. Office open evenings. Jal.-29-TTS J710B 8ALE-OSBORNE-HOUSE 6 ROOMS; 7 lot 157X4UV and a good garden, lot 157x500. OB SALE Osborne Splendid house 8 rooms, modern stjle. lanre grounds. FOB BAL Ei-Osborne-Flne lot 200x200; good loca tion. FOB SALE Osborne About 5 acres; good build ing lots: all near Sewlckley. ' FOR SALE-Emsworth-Flne building lot Htx 285. FOR SALE Urusbton 23 desirable lots; large size: good location. FOB BALE Wllklnsburg-2 two-story frame houses, 6 rooms and ball: lot 44x121. 70B BALE Hazelwood Frame bouse B rooms; lot 60x113: a bargain. For particu lars call on J. DERMXTT, 407 Grant st. jal-76-TTS mm si- -, ' ,, Vorsa'lr h. Suburban. Lota. FOB .SALE-W1LK1NSBURG LOTS, LOTS, lots; 6 minutes from station: finest lots in the borough; 62x130 feet ch; streets sewered and macadamlzed:"D0ardJwalk from itadon; natural gas, etc.: verrlowprlcesaud terms to suit. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. JaM6-TuwihS RuslncM Ch.inrcs. FOR SALE-A, GROCERY STORE DOING A good business and located In it fine location; will sell cheap. Inquire of F. KEEL1N, 826 Lib erty street. delT-3t FOR SALB-CONFECTIONERT STORE AND Ice cream 'saloon; complete fixtures and small stock DENNISON & SCHWAN, Shtlon st. and P. R. R. Jal-15 F IOR SAL&-A "WELL-ESTABLISHED DRUG store In fine location: will bear Investiga tion; paring large; great bargain; about fl.iOO. SHEPAKDi CO.. 51 Fifth ave. dt30-65-TUSU F OR SALFimiTH AND PRESCRIPTION JD store, located in a manufacturingclty of 15.100 population. 50 rrileswest of Pittsburg: finest lo cation in the cltyfan elegant opportunity,. Ad- aressDiiuus, uispatcu omce, aeni FOR SALE-ONEliAL7 INTEREST IN A woolenmlll and broom factory in ono of the best tonus In Western Pennsylvania: iheonly buslnesiof the kind lncounty: fully equipped and doing well. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. . Jal-87 FOR SALE-EXTENSIVE COAL WORKS: good paying, small city hotel: 40 city and country 6tords;" 10 drug stores; tea store, shoe stores, drygoodsiand notion stores,, boarding houses: Information- free and Interviews confiden tial. SHEPARD&CO.,51Fllthaveune. de!8 FOR SALE-A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothlntr business In a growing town on line of two railroads, abont 50 miles from Pittsburg; stock is In good condition:: business prosperous; satisfactory reaions forsclllng. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPEACC, 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. Jal-7 17IOR SALE-AN OLD-EbTABLISHKD COUN ? TRY store, with general stock of drygoods, carpets, groceries; one of the best country towns In the State, on line or two railroads: a corner property: the finest stand and the leading store In the place: business runs abontS3,tt amonth and all safe; has always made money. JAS.W.DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal-97 FOR SALE-A ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN A large wholesale and retail house on one of tho best streets ,in the clly; an old-establUhcd concern and In good financial standing; profits last year, S25.000; Irhas become necessary to en large the premises In order to secure Increased fa cilities for the business. Particulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. - Jal-V7 Bmdiiess Ptnnrts. FOR SALE FIFTH AVENUE-STORE AND dwelling worth 20, too: win sell for J16.00O: within a few minutes walk or tbe Court Honse. Good investment. PITTSBURG CO.. Limited. Real Estate and Insurance, Pittsburg, Pa. , Jal-88-TTS FOR SALE-(99)-FlFTH AVENUE CORNER property near Jumonvllle St., almost new b-lr k dwelling, nine rooms, two hiths, all con veniences; flue storeroou can be made in It: ex client investment: villi viylOpercent. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO- 99 Fourth ave, de29-77-TTS Machinery nnd Itletnls. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine, 1 jmill dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTE & MCDONALD, l'enn ave., cor. Thirty-second St. Jel6-l63-rrs . F OR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horsenower no. boilers, pnmps, etc.; call or write for prices. FAHEY PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap2t-v35!j-TTS FOR SALE-BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND engines and boilers: one 16x30. one 14x24, one 12x20, two 12x24. one 12x2ft. one 10x20, and large lot ot smaller slzest'all sizes of boilers. 23. 23 Park' way, J. S. IOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. oc25-a71-TIS Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, tfcc FOR SALE-A PURE ALDEBNEY BULL ONE and a half yeirs old: fawn color: perfectly quiet. Inquire JAMES GALLAGHER, between Greenwood and Locust St., Fifth ward, Allegheny City. Jal-59 TO LET. yS CItT Residences. TO LET-ONE BRICK HOUSE. 8 ROOMS, ball, bath, hot and colt) water, natural and Illuminating gas, 422Webster ave.. near Penn In cline and Center ave..cars. V. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty st. Jal-W TO LET-WYLIE AVENUE. NEW PRESS brick dwelling cor. Logan; Srooms.ustcom pleted, ail modem conveniences. P1TISRURG CO., Limited. Real Estate and Insurance, 138 Flftb avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-83-ns TO LET-JOHNS STREET, THIRTEENTH ward, 3 new brick dwellings. 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, both gases, verv desirable and cheap. PITTSBURG CO., Limited. Real Estate and In surance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Jl-9MuWF AIIeubcnjResidcnccs. TO LETr-A NEW FURNISHED DWELLING In Allegheny, near parks and cars; furni ture, carpets, etc., all quite new and very nice: complete modern conveniences; will rent only ttV asmsll family without children: Immediate pos session. Apply to JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 123 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. Jal-3 Offices. Desk Room. &c TO LET-LARGE FRONT HOOM, SECOND floor, 518 Smlthfleld St., opposite City Hall and adjoining Dnquesne HoteL with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS Jb FLEMING, 1C6 Fourth ave. - de4-d(3-TTS TO LET-IN 'THE JIcCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld. Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-llphted offlces, etch room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. deiJ-41-D TO LET- OFFICE 18 BY U FT.; WELL lighted: on first floor of Germanla Savings' ISank building: rent reasonable to approved tenant. Apply to THOS. D. KELLER. 419 Wood street. ' oc25-a64-TTS TO LET-(!rT-REDUCED RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building, Fifth ave. and Wood st.: finest location In city: large, light rooms: lanitor service and steam heat-- free. SAMUEL. W. BLACK JbCO.r 89 Fourth ave. oc21-x!7-D mO LET-NEW OFFICES; SPLENDID LIGHT. A. The Germanla Sayings Bank. 423 Wood st,, having changed the Interior or Its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasopab!eterm9. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the bank. . de:i-"5-D Bnslness Stand. TO I.ET-A LARGE STOREROOM WITH cellar, on Penn avenue, between Sixth and Eleventh streets. Applyto H. V. MASON.corner Eleventh and Pike streets. deJ)-S7 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKSI comeand see! come and see! good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, SOD Liberty St. EC-MS PERSONAL-! RY ONCETA-VA-ZON PILLS! 33.000,000 sold In 33 years: cure all Ills or liver, stomach, kidneys, headache, backacW, constipa tion, etc.: 25 cts. a box. 5 ror 1, by mall. GRIFFITH'S DRUG STORE, Third and Grant, Pittsburg, Pa. Ja-14 PERSONAL A GRAND SCHEME AFLOAT ir 1 can enlistasufQcient nninber of my friends and the public; nothing more pr leas than taking your last winter's suit and cleaning, repairing It for a trifle, so that you can tide over the fall months. It Is well worth thinking of, and 1 shaU be pleased to see yon at "my Moms, to Firth are., second floor. JAMES DlCKSON, Tailors tcle phone 1558 anl6-ns7-D LOST. LOST-SMALL PURSE. ON FIRST AVE. OR brant St., containing about 816. Finder please return to 182 FIRST AVE. and be liberally re warded. jal-75 LOST-A FOX TERRIER, WHITE. EXCEPT face, halfblack; John S.Ford name on collar; suitable reward will be paid by returning to P. PKErf'l ON. Penn avenue, near Lang, East End. de30-24 FOUND. TjlOUND-IFTHK PARTIES IN P1TTSUURG 17 that lost a pointer dog at Duqnesne will write to we tbeywlilbear about him. THOS. HILTON, Cosg'oveP. P.. Allegheny Co. de30-21 PROPOSAL.. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-BIDS WILIi be received tfntU Friday. January 4, 1888, nt 2 P. St., at tbe office of The BrownsvllleNat ural 3ns Company, at Brownsville, Pa., for tbe trenching and laying of about (6) six miles of 6-inch pipt Privilege reserved of declining all bids if not deemed satisfactory. Plans nd specifications -can be seen at the company's offlceRBrownsvilIePa. " ; GEO. yVLENHART, jal-54 Secretary and Treasurer. Depaetmjckt of Public Bafett, i PtTTSBTjjtG. December 31, 18S3. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL' BE RE CEIVED 'at- the office of tbe City Con troller until 2 P. jr., Januarys, J8S9. for the printing and hindins of 300 copies, more or less. Manual Bureau of Fire, eu:" Specifications can be seen at tbe general office of.the depart ment Bonds in double tbe amount, of tbe con tract will be required, sat bonds to bsprorut cd before the Mayor or City Clerk. The De partment of Awards Teserves the ricbt to re ject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN. jaI-85 Chief Department of Public Safety. PROPOSALS FOR DAMS AND DIKES U. H. Engineer Office, Cincinnati, O., Dec. 18. 1888. Sealed proposals In duplicate, for furniijiing: material and constrnctinc dams and dikes In tho Ohio river, towit: a dam be tween Davis and Neville Islands, a dam at the head or Marietta Wand, a dike at Eipht-Mlle Island, a dike at Bonanza Bar, a dike at Madi son. Ind., and a dike at Caseyville. ,Ky.f will be received at this nfnee until noon, local time, on WEDNESDAY, tbe 30th day of January, ItSSO. and then opened. A separate contract will bo made for each structure. All Inforroatloafnr nlsbed on application. The attention of bid ders Is Invited to the acts of Congress approved Feb. 26. 1885; arid Feb. 23 1887 rAVM. E. MER RILL, Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. - y de31-284e81-jal,2,8(s28 BCSHflflg CHASG. mHE COPARTNERSHIP V Between John" Ommert' and Cnaile Belthel as John Oromert 4 Co., HI Federal, st, AUe eheny, has tbls dar been dissolved by mutual consent. John Oromert will continue the bnsl. ness at the old staild, to whom all debts ot said firm roust be paid. ...t-t.h rSienedii JNO. OMMERT. IBigneaj CHAS. REITHEL, December 29, 1888. t tM , Thanking the public for their liberal patron age In tbe past. I will endeavor to continue to give entire satisfaction in the future. 6de31-8 JOHN OMMERT. BfciSOLUTION NOTICE -NOTICE 13 hereby ptiven that the co-partnersblp etofore existme between Tbo. H. Ward. P. A. Ward and E. A. Ward, under the firm name of Ward Brothers, condnrtinj; 5 livery business on Thirteenth street, Twnty-eignth ward, city of P.ttsbnrjr, has been thisday dis solved by mutnal agreement, Thomas' H. ward retiring theretrom. Tbe busIne8 of said late firm will hereafter be conducted by E. A. Ward & Co.. to whom all accounts against said firm of Ward Brothers shall be presented for payment, and to whom all sums due said Ward Brothers must be paid. THOS. H. WARD, P. A. WARD, E. A, WARD. Pittsbubo. Dec 29. 1888. . de30-13 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. SECOND ASSESSMENT, WATER RENTS, 1888. Notice is hereby Riven that the duplicates for the second assessment, water rents, for tbe year 1888. have been placed In my hands for collection. Tho time for payme said water rentR at tbe city Treasurer' office is tbo month of December. No discounts allowed. Water rents remaining unpaid after December 31, 1888, will be placed in tbe hands of the col lector of delinquent taxes for collection with & per cent added. J. F. DENNISTON, de2-b90 City Treasurer. Depaktjiext of Pitblic Safety. ( Pittsbubo, Pa.. December 22, 1888. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until Wednesday, January 2, 18!s9, at 2 o'clock p. M., for the excavation and putting in foundations for tbe Fourteenth ward police station. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Gamble Wolr, Superintendent of Police. Probated bonds In double tbo amount will be required. Said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Cleric The Department ot Awards reserves the riehtto reject any.or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief Departmentof Public Safety. de2Ml-D -7 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 assessments for tbe openlna of the follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening ofCenter avenue, from Soho to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenue, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of Greenbush street, from Wyoming street to Boggs avenue. Opening of Bellefonta street, from Fifth avenne to Walnut street. Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustin street. Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongahela river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'Hara street. Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. ODening of Cowan street, from Greenbush to Wyoming street. Opening of Breed street, fromUxar alley to South Fifteenth street. Are now in my bands for collection, and, if not paid within 30 days of the date hereof, liens will be filed for tbe unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees. W. C. MORELAND. City Attorney. Pittsburg, December 29, 1888. de29-78-D TAXPAYERS' HOTICE, Valuations upon property In the Eighth, Eleventh, Twenty-fourth and Thlrty-fint wards have been completed for tbe tri ennial assessment of 1889. Anpeals may be made from January 2 to 5,inclnsive, upon forms famished witb transcripts, which can be bad at once upon personal application, or by letter or postal card. All appeals must be probated at this office. Office hours from 9 A. sr. till i P. M. Attention is called to Sec. 23 of the new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at its actual cash value;provided that no property shall be assessed for a less amount than the price paid for at the last re corded sale." By order of the Board. FRANK P. CASE, 1 PHILLIP HOERR, ) Assessors. JAMES J. LARKIN, ) de27-29 ELECTIONS. fUTY SAVINGS BANK Of PITTSBURG, J Pa.. December 31. 18S8.-Tbe annual elec tion for directors-of this bank will be held at the banking house. Sixth ave. and Smlthfleld st, on Tuesday, January S, 18S0, between tho hoursjif 11 A. ir. and If. ji. jal- JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier. ELECTION" NOTICE -REAL ESTATE Loan and Trust Co The annual election lor nine directors of tbe bank will be held at the banking boue, cor. Ohio and Middle sts., Jannary 8, 1889, between the hours of 1U o'clock A. M., and 1 o'clock P. 31. C. SCHAUER. Jr.. Cashier. de3M0 Fiest Nation ai. Bask. Pittsburg. Pa., i Pittsburg, December 10, 1888. ( ELECTI0N-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine Directors of tbe bank will be held at the banking honse, comer of Wood street and Fifth avenne, January 8, 18S9. between the hours of 11 o'clock A. 31. and 1 o'clock P. Jr. deU-187-D J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. Office Columbia On. Co., I PrrrSBUKG. December 28, 1SSS. , THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co. will be helJat No. 514 Market st. on THURSDAY, Janriry 10,1889, at 11 o'clock A. jr., for the election of directors and for tbe transaction of such business as mav be presented. de2S-I7-D A. P. McGREW. Secretary. ELECTION-THE SAFE DEPOSIT COM PANY of Pittsburg. The annual election of nine directors of this company, to serve for tbe ensuing 'year, will be held at the ofUcn of the company. No. 83 Fourth avenue, on TUES DAY. January 8.1889. between the hours of 10 A. Jf. and 12m. Wm. T. HOWE, Secretary. de27-57-TTS Masonic Baxk, i Pittsbcko, Pa., December 31. 1SS8. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for direcfors"of tbls bank, to serve for tbe en-ulnc vear. will be IipUI at tha banking house on TUESDAY, JANUARY, 8. 18S9, hetween the hours of 10 o'rlork A. X. anil 1 o'clock P. 31. jal-67-D CHAa B. MCLEAN, Cashier. Ahsexal Bask. Pittsburg. December 31. 1888. -LECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTII ION Vl for twelve directors of the bank" will do held at the banking home, corner nr Butlerand Fnrty-tbird streets, on WEDNESDAY, JANU ARY 9, 18S9, between the hours of 11 A. Jf. and 1 p. M. W. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. jal-56-D OFFICE Pesssixvania Ijcsttkaxce CO., ) 419 Wood Stbeet, Pittsburg. December 20. 1888 J rTTHK ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIREC X TORS for thin company will be held at tho office as above on Thursday, January 10,, 1889, between the hours of II A. it. and 12 if. THOS. D. KELLER, Secretary. de20-92-TTS NATTOyS BA3TK FOB SAVHIGS. J Allegheny. Pa., December 28. 1888. J ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine (9) directors of this bank, to serve lor tbe ensuing year, will be held at tbe bank inj; house. No. 43 North Diamond street, Alle gheny, on MONDAY; Jannary 14, 1889, between the hours of 1 and 3 P. Jr. JOHN T. MORTON, Secretary and Treasurer. de2828,27,2S.29,ial,3,o,8,10,12 PmSBUBG Juscnow Ratleoad OAD 1 r 31. 1888.) OF THI WUFAll X, Pitts UTnm. Pa. December THE -ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this company to elect a President and Board of Directors for the ensuing year and to transact such other busi ness as may come before the meetinc;, will bo held at room 11, BIssell Block, on Monday, January 21, I8S9, between the hours of U A. ac, and 12 o'clock, noon, jal 62- J-A. SMITH. Secretary. 1GAL NOTICES. -VTOTICEi)F APPLICATION FOR CHAR IN TER-Notice is hereby given that on v"EDNESDAY, the 23d of January, 18&V, the undersigned will make an application to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania for a charter of incorporation for the Totteu and Hose Iron and Steel Foundry Company. Tbe proposed rorpiratlun is one of the second class enumerated in the "Corpora tion Act of 1871,'' and has for Its object the manufacture of iron and steel castings and machinery, and is tbe successor to tbe business and good-will of tbe partnersblD heretofore existing in the city of Pittsbnrg under the name and style of Totten & Co., Fulton Foundry and Machine Shop. v ROBERT C. TOTTEN. NATHANIEL B. HOGG, GEORGE E. HOGG. GEORGE E. HOGG, JR., NATHANIEL B. HOGG, JR. GEORGE SHIRAS. JR. Counsel for applicants. t jal-SO Walter J. usborne. Kichakdhabeows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, ' SO Diamond street. Telephone No. 813 Be3-k56-TT8SU tl frananKSM 5"Bwyjt" -. rr"?iai ' ''i j- hv - "Y "- "-" " r '"MJ,'ifi AMBaanxTs. . m i U isUS BIJOU THEATER'fg MABBIE iTCHELLJ In her new play, -3RAYS- MatinMatMftp. w. Even 1 ncr at 8:15 P. X. To' morrow, at2J0p.H.,finly ,,Rav',matineel Nextf Ji wee Jiem uj ma r.uemj. -i-4fcPj2r1 aiHE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. - 'f POULTRY SOCIETY'S - i BENCH. SHOW OP DOGS ' WI1I Tin IipIH Jannarv 59. Sfl 31 and February L ' -' 1889, at GKAJND UuNlKAli aiAlMU ttUN.ri. . ,:, A large list of prizes are offered. ?'naivm.r list are now readr. Annlr to office of SoOi cietv, Jas. Bown & Son, Gun Store. b08 Smith & J field street. E. UREGG. . . 3 deSl-7 iresiaent. t r,- GRAND CENTRAL RINK. ., Sir-day Ladles' Bicycle Race. ' l rtt MISSES VON BLUMEN AND OAKES, ' ALLEN, LEWIS" AND 8HALLOR. IN O race rew I ear s aiiernuon. nuw & - t. o'clock-. Everv evening at 7 o'clock. - Five beautiful Mcycliennes in a 48- -' ,' hour contest nonra oany. jai-a -, 1 I r.anafr.numn anil flVPTlinir. ' . au" TMK KIMBALL OPERA COMPANY. " A beautiful souvenir to every lady apa chila. attending the matinee. - -. Next week Lights O'London. ' de3W9 . -- Ji ' . ' Jriif r RAND OPEHA HOUSE X V' -M ji iverj eeulUK,rej;u' ui.i.iMcca ncwicu. - jfl and Saturday.special matinee New Year's DayV. . ;j3 Donnellv and Girara in the great New-York' 3. $i success, .natural uas. - . . -5fa .-. . w ) T i week January , uootn aud uarretr. uea .- a TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, matinees Tuesday, Thursday and VjS JIUIIIil. i HARRY KERNELL'S NEW COMPANY. ; Night prices New Year's matinee. de3QV15 J ' : Hon. DANIEL DOUGHERTY. America's Silver-Tongued Orator, win iectnro o. uraiorv at ," LAFAYETTE HALL. THURSDAY. JAN. J; f H p.m.. under the auspices oi the Columbus Club. de30-T7-TWTgu folk CASINO MUSEUM- " " -'.! WEEK OF DECEMBER SL r. The only and original CRESCENT dTY , jg COMBINATION, headed with the following ,Jm artists: SYMONDS, HUGHES and RASTUSl W-t Open from 10 A. H. until 10 P. H. de3M3- SfM riATHEDRAL-FAIR " :" $ j - sw Open every evening this week. 1 1 5;" Matinee in the afternoon. '" . V Special entertainment for children. , z. DANCING ACADEMIES. ROF. BROOKS' ' . DANCING ACADEMY, ,' Sixth asd Ltbertt Stbeets. g (Member of the American Society of Pro. -,, lessors of Dancing, New York.) . A., Tbe second term for ladies andgentlemen lira will commence THURSDAY, JANUARY! at' ; fj? 8 o'clock p.m. For ladies (exclusively) TEUR3- j? DAY, JANUARY 3 at 3 o'clock p. M. For misses and masters, SATURDAY, JANUARY" 5 at 3 o'clock p. 31. For particulars call for circulars at music stores. de30-2J BANK STATE31E3T9. T J A STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION' v f. of the Bank of Pittsburg. Tuesday mora' ' ing, Jannary 1SS9. " yi MEANS. $ Loans, bills and discounts 51,595,063 96 a - ? Real estate 60,27210 - - J Stocks and miscellanies 33,254 X ' ' Due by other banks -2S9.190 Sr'' . 4 United States bonds 533,000 00 . Specie, legal tender and national ,- Dank notes, and fractional cur- Tency otti-c'.ta . Clearing nousecnecss sssyu, jiU0,057 : " LIABILITIES. I Capital stock , $Ll,I6o00 .5 Profits and earnings 430,13514 r Unpaid dividends and suspense ac- 'f count 23,093 77.1 '' - Due to other banks .,..- 13,471'oSi. '& ""' " -y -" ' ?3,H0,057 y The above statement .Is correct, to the best of mv knowledge and belief. - W. ROSEBURG, Cashier.. oworo to ana sunscriuea, 11113 mi aaj 01 dan' J narv. 1889. before me. jal-60 F. L. STEVENSON. Notat -1 TO LET. Some of tbe finest rooms in r ' general business, purposes i u Dispatch building, 73, 77 1 mond street. . WELL LIGHTED, well Tentilated "T venient passenger and frelg!1 ' service- srnJATION, the most central ii within a few hundred feet r -s offices, (new and old). City H r county buildings, Fifth avei - it field street and Fourth aven PARTIES reqnlrlnc power servlci " A plied, with special quarter! :- convenience. t ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam t . - r v. janitor service included in 'tJi which are moderate. GUEAT advantages and econorc v new quarters. Apply betwi i ft and 5 p. if. at tbe NEW DISPATCH BUI 73. 77 and 79 Dlami - " E OR SALE- CHEAP BUSIHESS PROPERTIES! Cor.Taggart and Gallagher sts., Allegheny lOS ZUJCSU lfci Wl llupruTou,suluuu. taVati n.ar Mnntrev lit. AlleffhenVS lot xlOO tu, with a new buildinff, consisongof store-' and dwelling; s.uw. No. 368 Fifth avenue; Iot20xl00 ffc;fairbuiId-V Ing; about $300 per year rent, for 510,000. . f, Cor. Penn ave. and Twenty-seventh st;lot 24 X120 it.: large a-story Dunning, store ana aweu lng,S8,500. .? Also others. Call or send for particulars. 80 FOURTH AVENUE. de23i-TTS I n vet nt? rnT? cat.t r Ail Elegant. ComoflioE ana Well-EiS isM House on Jffl Ayenns, u! Near Dinwiddle street. Built and finished -'iT in the best style. d. Jnst the place, and an admirable chance foty M physician, dentist or professional person, tfctfc. cable cars bringinc cars onnginc u,iav people io it pverjji U.1. UUU.UaiU MiniWJVlilMIU U ..MUlf--. . A Dnntk.U. T. ooubuajuo, uiniwu:iuiD AUU JUMOIJ-J Vllie aisuicis wiinin ibw iuuiqks'd; onuKv 1 ..t .. . ... m . fc , ,J and the old city quickly accessible by eahlo" cars. ". 1 SL, Owinc to central situation on main thorough- rwl fare and to new facilities for access, this prop-, s tf erty will soon be as desirable fonprofesslonarjv -,-'h-, men as fenn avenne jormerir was. jppiyu BLACK fe BAIRD, Real Estate Acentv'95g?i Fourth avenue. !el3lMsi TTOLY GHOST COLLE( 8PECIAL- ' BUSINE38 " DEPARTMENT..; SCHOOL RE-OPENS THURSDAY, JANUARYS, jal-65-TT CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE j stoves and ranges while uslnc the samA for cookioc or anv otber purpose, by uslilcxt&e Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative .cir cular, containing full information, call oa'o. aaaress I JAMES ANDERSON. . S3 East Diamond street. 1e5-nS7-TTS Allegheny."Pa.V GEO. H. BARBOUR. . fV. CIVIL ENGINEER, .- . Surveyor, Drausrbtsman and Deslgnof-i; nnapes xvooik ana Aim onuuincs. Room 62 Eisner Bnildlnr. . rtel2-k68-D 61 FIFTH AVENGE, Pitts p A.BALPH, ' '1 BTJTLDmG CONTRACTOlr' 11 Seventh avenne. .... w5K- t. xearpuoao im. tSBbiuB ' A3f TSX crlrrK ' tlS m IrndBw iissSx .A...S v fit.tlS lis & iM "T B I l J '3 -&