Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 01, 1889, Page 2, Image 2
I 1 I HHMHHNMMHHHibMflBMiiBHHMHrikMMBMUlBiflMHtaMBHEBsf'SIHBksdBlBadHil ci - v '" ; -."'. I . gy Horse ana bng-Ey................ 487 sa I The advertlslne being increased t8,O0O over kTtJt HorM'feea. 47 IX I .. r u. ....... luce I Horse and bnxry,... 487 89 47 U 14 30 77 IS Horseshoeing" Harness, etc Office tarnishing.. 179 00 &7C88 rrjrcrsG, gas nmxG aj-t house dbjusagc. Eslaries , S75 00 t?fHee furnlshlnj 6 80 l I K180 APPROPRIATION M). 48. Garbage furnace repairs and Improvements S 499 t8 Garbage fnrnace Toil 1,114 49 barbage furnace, ral-eellane- ous supplies and expenses.... 61 12 Garbage furnace salaries. 1,390 SO I 1,078 39 ATTBOmlATIOX JO. 49, Patrol wagon 5,896 50 Patrol station repairs and im provements fi,SU7 New-lines and extensions 1.124 OS Telephone service ; 390 00 Horses.. . 4,653 00 Harness 00 00 beventeentta ward patrol sta- tlonlot 1.000 00 Kent of patrol stables.. 45C001 bamewcu police srstem '8,500 00 S 10,037 31 KECATITCULTIOV. General appropriation for 18SS.SG34,300 00 ApproprL&uon .o. u, oaiancc rei ebruaryl, 18R8 3, CSS 01 Appropriation No. 49, balance eoruaryi. jssi. 38,189 34 lsSember 1, 1SS8 478,855 68 Expenditures February 1, to December I, lSbS, Appropria- ' tlon.No 4S 3,078 33 Xapenditnres February 1. to December 1, 1SS8, Appropria tion 10. 49 50,037 34 General offlce, balance on hand December 1. 18SS 1,77109 Sureau or fire, on hand Decem ber X. 1SS8 9,663 18 Bureau or Police, Balance on hand December 1, 18SS 80,854 33 Surctn ot Electrlcltv. Kilance on hand December 1, 1888 .... 5,435 69 Xureau of Health. Balance on hand December 1, 188S 8,565 70 Handing Inspector, Balance on hand December!. 1S.-B a. 1,035,12 Plumbing, das Fitting and Hon.e Drainage, Balance on hand December I, 1684 1,153 50 Appropriation o.4 Balance on hand December 1, 1389... . 6 a Appropriation .o. 49, Balance on band December 1, 18SS 6,150 00 T'TWMHItrt !Tl,M,!trT 1 rf JG63.772 38 SS3,772 38 GROWING PUBLIC WORKS. An Enlarging City !show Inrrensing Ex. pendltnrraln the Line orimproTcmeata Cblei Bigelovr's Eitlmntr. Chief .E. M. Bigelow, of the Department of Public "Works, yesterday presented the following to Hon. Mayor JlcCallin: Sir I haTe the honor to report to yon the expenditures and receipts of the Department or Public Works for the ten (10) months end Iejj November SO, 1&& Also, approximate estimates required to properly conduct the Department for the year 1SS9. crxzBAi, orriCK. Salaries 3,151 94 Expenses, ttayontry, etc 416 CO S3, 541 70 ltCKEiU Or rNGIXErUING AXD EEWrEAGE. 'slarles P2.135 18 S-uppliCS 474 57 Irassportation SIS 83 53,455 59 bckxau or momvATs axd- sewebs. Salaries 15,437 11 Labor repairing and cleaning streets and sewers) 504,101 98 Material (stone,lumbcr, hardware, etc).. 39,553 00 Advertising 15, SM 40 $11,500 35 BfREAC Or WATER SUPPLY AVD rjISTMBCTION. Salaries ? 4.333 30 "Wages of street hands (plngmcn. drillers, Inspectors and laborers) 55,161 59 Pipe extension 73,737 59 Hllind reservoir fence 7,378 50 BrliUant pnmplng station 43,109 17 Bedford pnmplng station 8,564 53 licrron Ilill pumping station 5,099 47 Hiland reservoir. 7,517 79 ?172,531 61 tCBE C or ASSESSMENTS OF WATEE 11EKTS. Salaries ?5,t05 31 J 5,905 31 "Thee figures are eiven In the report, but are In rrrur. Ginnot learn hetber the mistake Is In the mtalormlbe Items. The total should be17U- 111 49, buri. c or crrr rnoPEETT. Office salaries I 5.359 00 Market employes 6,579 50 Painting Diamond Market house and re pairs 8,533 18 Painting Sonthsidc market lioute and re pairs... .,?... 03 82 Marketfupplles . 441 37 "trhanesand landings, office salaries.... 5.01133 Wharves and landings, labor, supplies, etc 1.SS7 58 Wharves and landings, lighting Monon- gahela wbarf. 3,105 11 Municipal Hall, salaries, wages, etc 6,160 55 Municipal Hall, supplies , CoO CO "Weigh scales 7 50 Bepalrs and changes to buildings, made necessary by ordinance 10,169 44 41,500 35 ErEEAU OF PUBLIC LIGHT. Salaries 5, W0 51 PlttsbnrgGas Company 13.SS8 59 PenusylvanK Globe bas Light Company,-!p9,9o3 75 Ilectric light 8,036 05 XattEndGas Company :19 04 General expense repairing and erecting lamps and posts, gas for engine houses, police stations, etc 5,478 06 33,145 71 BOAKD or YTEWEBS. Salaries 7,860 66 Transportation 1M 06 87.963 72 rXrATTVG. ETC Bslauce or appropriation, 1SS7. 119,770 45 Appropriation for 1SS3 543,568 00 33.33S45 expended in 1858 JOG, OCT ( Contracts let and unfinished 857,547 79 , - RECEIPTS. Diamond Market 39,059 70 Fifth avenue and Adams markets 1,571 CO Southside market 6.C54 70 Wharves and landings 11,699 43 Engineering aud sunevs 10,950 00 TUghwaysand sewers e. 44 96 Weigh scries and switch licenses 2,562 53 Mnnlclpal Hull 409 no jC'lty property. 37 50 Tlty weigh scales 4J2 15 "Hater supply and distribution 11,625 85 Assessment of water rents (erection new bolldinps) 4,32513 Board of Viewers 5,815 00 95,55512 APPBOX1MATE ESTIMATES FOB 18S9. k General office salaries and supplies 10,500 00 Bureau of Engineering and Surveys, sal aries and supplies 30.23 00 Zureau of Highways and bcweis sala ries, wages, material and adiertislng.. 508,000 00 jsurc&u ui kh. x funLj, uiuim ana Sarean of Water Supply and Distribu uppiw ........ ... ........;---'. i,ujuuu tion, baiaries, supplies, fuel, pipe ex- tensli on, etc.. 193,715 00 Surean of Assessment of Water lients. , saraciea. ' Bureau of Public Lisbt, present contract m ana xiensions . . ..................... oard of Viewers, salaries and transpcr- ' latlon Etrfet repairing 121,000 00 10,000 00 . 377,850 SO The estimate for street repavlugincludes the followjnc streets and alleys: Peon avenue, from Fifth street to Water street Porbes avenue, from Rrady street to Boyd street; Forbrtarenuc, from Boyd street to Boss street: Water street, from bmlthfield street to Dnqnene Way; Penn avenue, Jrom Unh avenue to city line one halO: Oarrison allev, from Liberty avenue to Pa vette street: Barker's allev, from liberty avenue to Uuquesne Way; First avenue, from Bmithfif Id street to Grant street; Matket street, from Fonrth avenne lo Llbirty aenue; iptler street, from Fortv-nlnlh streit to Filty Jlrst street. CJinrch alley, from blxth avinue to 6rrawberryciey: btrawberryalle. from J.lbertv avenue to fcnvnhtleld street; blocum alley, lrom Penn avenne to Liberty a enuc. There are otliers that rennire Tepavinj;, )ut the above mentioned require immediate attention." The estimate for the Board of Viewers is Qxed by ordinance. The estimate for public lizht is increed about five thousand (Jo.0U0) dollars over Y-jst year, that amdant belns; for extensions. The estimate tor Bureau of Assessments of Water Bents is fixed by ordinance. The -estimate for Bureau of Water Supply and Distribution includes pipe extensions, rl4ries of superintendent and clerk, traces, xiiteriAl snd fael for Brilliant, Bedford and JSerron Hill ptunping stations, and traces for sjeet hands. The estimate for Bureansof city Property in clude the aalar'?. wages and supplies for XanloipilHalL wharves and landings, Dla 'aHnlSoiitntlde, Fifth avenue and Adams' Irketa. . . . . . - via esnmate-ior Bureau 01 nignways ana I Sewers Includes salaries, wacef of street hands SfsrrBDairineand cleaning streets, machlnerr. Katitorialrand advertising. The advertlslne being increased t8,000 over that ot the year XBS8. Tho estimate of the Bureau of Enplneerini: and Surveys includes salaries and supplies; from the amount of work projected for the in coming year will not be more than required. The estimate for general office includes sal aries and supplies as fixed by ordinance. In connection with this report I would like yon to call the attention of Councils to the fact that the shortage in the supply of water in the Oakland and Hazelwood districts is due to the insufficient capacity of tho pipes to supply the territory. Tho entire cot to properly supply the dis tricts amounts to $195,000, and should they deem it proper thev can, appropriate all or part of the amount, the work being continuous from year to year. In conclusion I would like to state that I have endearored to Keep the amounts required for the expenses of the several bureaus of the de partment as low as possible, keeping In mind the amount of work to be performed during the incoming year. Respectfnllv submitted, E. M. Bigelow, Chief of Department of Public Woiks. CONMNGS FOR THE CURIOUS. An Opportunity to Make Some General Com parisons of Costa For the curious, the figures of he cost of some of the departments for 1887 may possess some interest. All of the appropria tions for 1887 cannot be given fairly, since many of the present bureaus contain a half dozen different sections incorporated into one general item. The following figures for 1887, however, may be fairly compared with those of '88 and the estimates ior '89: Appropriations for Fire Department ...f247.234 60 Appropriations for Police Department.. 160,(00 00 Appropriations for Board of Health 10.000 00 Appropriations for l aler Department.. SOC.OOO 00 Appropriations for public light. 10i,000 00 Appropriations Tor education an,7900 Appropriations for street repavlng 275,19100 Showing a round total or $3,103,821 40 in 1887, and 53,271,500 C5 in 1888. STRUCK HER IN THE FACE. iin iuii..,. i A Pn.lmnn Conductor Most Outrageously Insulta a Colored Lady. Thomas Hyman a traveler, was at the Union Depot last night. He stated that on the night before a colored lady got on the Pullman car at Xashville, and sat down in the only empty seat in the coach. She had telegraphed ahead for a beith, but one had not been reserved for her. A friend of the conductor came in and claimed the seat, having made no arrange ments for it. The colored woman at the request of the conductor declined to vacate the seat, when the latter struck her in the face. Most of the passengers had retired, bnt in a very few minutes some gentlemen were up. and took the part of the colored ladv. The conductor apologized most ab jectlv to avoid a small-sized riot, and it was with difficulty that he escaped without a good clubbing. " Mr. Hyman says he will report the fellow to the Pullman Company. THREE MUST DIE, But Fonr of tbe Seven Fayette Explosion Victims May Recover. . The ambulance of the Homeopathic Hos pital and four of the city patrol wagons conveyed seven of the men injured at Valley Forge, Fayette county, to the Ho meopathic Hospital last evening at 6 o'clock. By 8 o'clock the nurses and hos pital physicians had all the injured men dressed and in bed. The names of the injured are: John Billak, Andrew Dualz, Joseph Korivinsak, Joseph Virvstek, Michael Dualcoz, Albert Plosczia and Stephen Vittka. The first three named will not recojer, beins; burned all over their bodies, and it is is thought they have inhaled the flame. Billak is in a particularly bad condition. The remaining four are also seriously burned about the hands, arms and face, but have some prospect of recovery. CLOSING THE WARDS. Appeals From City Aseiracnta Finished In Somo District. The time is now past for appeals from the assessments in the Twcnty-nipib,,Thlriietli. ahcrXKIrty-tnird v-ards. Yesterday 40 final appeals were received from those three and the Eighth, Eleventh, Twenty-fourth and Thirty-first wards. Saturday next is the limit in tbe wards last named. The appellants from the Second and Seventh wards have been notified of the final decision of the board in their cases. If they are not satisfied with these decisions the property holders willliave to appeal to the courts. ON A GRAND SCALE. Tbe Dedication of tbe New Masonic Temple in Jane Next. The Masonic Fund Association and the various lodges of Masons will 'soon com mence active preparations for the dedication of the new Masonic Temple on Fifth ave nue. It will be finished, inside and outside, by June, and the opening ceremonies will take place in that month. They will be on a grand scale. The Grand Lodge officers will have charge of the dedication. The invitations have al ready been sent to them. The details of the programme have not yet been arranged. THE CORONER'S RECORD. He Ebows the Enormous Total of 29 Homicides in One Tear. According to Coroner McDowell's record, 704 deaths were investigated in Allegheny county in 1888. The number of violent or sudden deaths are 51 less than in 1887. During the past year 29 homicides were committed to 19 in 1887. There were mur ders in everv month except December. The suicidal record is 42 for 1887 lo 62 for 1888, and last year three months were free from murder. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE. A German Girl Missing From Her Boarding Uonse in Alleehcnr. Augusta Schmidt, who boarded at Ko. 34 Avery street, mysteriously disappeared from that place last Saturday morning. She is German, 24 years of age and has on a num ber of occasions threatened to commit sui cide. The people at the boarding house think she has drowned herself. When last seen she wore a black dress, plush ulster and black hat She Cornered Him on Time. E. B. Bennett had a hearing before Al derman McKenna yesterday on a charge of larceny preferred against him by a woman named Lee Keating. The latter lives on Robinson street, Allegheny, and she al leges that the defendant stole a watch and chain valued at $65 lrom her. The defend ant gave bail in $300 for court. Medicnl Achievements. Dr. John Logan says that the year just closed was one of remarkable advancement in medicine and surgery. Among the dis coveries were that cancer can be cared; that consumption is contagious, and that -yellow fever maybe confined to a certain district. Drllllns for Gn. sat West Newton. The Standard Oil Company and the Na tional Tube Works Company are reported to be drilling for gas at 'West ITewton, near Bellevernon, where they are supposed to have secured 4,000 acres ofland. To be Like the Old One. The congregation of the Wilkinsburg St. James' Eoman Catholic Church met on Sunday and decided to rebuild the house on the plan of the old one, recently burned. About 80 members were present. K"o school building will be attached. First In Six Tears, County Detective Langhurst was confined to bis home two days last week by sickness. That was the first time he was off duty in six years of service for the county. CUPID'S BEAJMppTS. The Last Day of the Year "With the Marriage License Clerk. SCENES AND INCIDENTS NOTED Among Those Who Preferred to Their New Leaf in 1SSS. Tnrn ONE APPLICANT IN NEED OP A D1T0RCE SINCE earth emerged from chaos and man with his few wants was cre ated, man, woman, love and marriage, in, one form or another, have ex isted. But the marriage license- that document with which many a Mnnl -rpsfprdnv JtajtAcetra furjjed the;r new leaf-who shall say that it is a chestnut? The securing of this modem certificate is no easy task. It is as hard, -jjf not harder, than the ceremony itself. -... r "Rnter & neat office, ascend one flight of stairs, turn to the right, and you will find Captain Heiber, who presides over this division of the coun ty's business. With an immovable coun tenance he, with a few strokes of his pen, un wittingly paves the way for the ending of a life's romance or the commencement of a it is difficult matter to predict what will follow. Yesterday was a bnsy day for the Captain, and a reporter kept him company for jnrgtiTaUoftlieXur while, noting a few of tial Conundrum. the incidents of this rare "hew'leaf day." Man ever prides himself on being the lord of creation, but when in a marriage license office, that title becomes null and void. The couple usually enter the office smiling, and, perhaps with foreshadowing blushes on their cheeks. He assumes an air of confi dence and superiority, as if he knew it . all, and only wanted someone to express doubts, so that he might contradict him. She behaves as coolly .as if en- tering her own parlor. when tne time arrives for the transaction of the necessary legal details, she steps forward and a s sumeS'the leader ship. Harry stam mers ami stutters, while she asks him: "How ol d are you Hal, dear?" ' ""W e r e you ever married before?" and zhea she looks daggers The Other Sal. at him until he answers "No," and so on through the list. A man well up in yars, who has pro posed and been accepted by an Allegheny irtnxr pntered lhe office yesterday. The poor-rellow.was worried. It was his second attempt at connubial happiness, and he acted as if he hadn't -made up his mind upon the wisdom of the step. A friend was with him, and both had drunk to each other's health and happiness, bnt only mildly. "When the question "In what year were youhorn?"waspropounded, heserenely answered, "1883." Captain Heiber again asked him, and received the same" answer. He was informed that he would then be but 5 years old. He sum- Be and HI Would-Be Xbtlier-in-LiaSo. moned back his wandering mind and ad mitted that he was several years older. The next question that was put to him was: "Have you ever been married be fore?" ' ' "Yes," was his answer. "How was the marriage dissolved?" "By divorce," he replied, rather bash fully. "Allow me to see your papers?" asked Captain Heiber. With an air of confidence he drew out a package ot documents and hande'd one to the clerk, who, alter glancing over it, re turned it to him, with the remark that it wouldn't do. The applicant then handed him a second paperj which was also re turned, and he was informed that he was not divorced by any means. Wiih International Union in Tictc. A look of dismay oveispread the poor fel low's face. "My gracious!" be faintly murmured, and then become speechless. His knees weakened and he seemed to shrink up, while his courage oozed ont at his finger tips. It would require a brave man to face that widow after trifling with her affections! A sickly emile- overspread his face as he softly said'"good-by!" It is laughable to notice the look of surprise and consternation which overspreads the bride-elect's face that is if she is about 19 years of age, which is about the average when she is asked if she was .ever married. One of the future benedicts yesterday bad a mind stronger than his intended wile, and two other couples were also applying for papers. They were either Poles or Bohem ians. Xoneofthe men could speak En glish but one of the women had mastered the German tongue. Tbey entered the office strangers, but soon became Acquaint ed. The girls pointed- out to each-other with pride their future husbands, each grabbing her intended by the-arm and jerk ing him about, so that all of his advantages might be exhibited. It was ibun3neces sary to obtain the services'of an interpreter; but the first applicant could not" under stand what was required,' A earn was "" WW iSgssasgsi V.-fl. . !.! -wttf, ., eHflMti nrtAn it liaUUEU KK UilUi Ml IU4 MU OUU.VBW .fva. ... The six carefully studied the writing, turned the card ups de dowfl, looked at the back and then retired in a corner to hold a noisy consultation in their own jaw-brak-ing way. "Finally, the first applicant grew' tired ol the jangling, and, seizing the card, he threw it down ou the clerk's desk and started for the door, muttering that he would get married without a license, or words to that eflect. The two other couples who bad come for licenses followed him. A granger from Washington county wan dered into the 'oi&ce. He confidentially whispered to, the clerk that he wanted a marriage certificate. His shoes were encased in a pair of heavy rubbers, which were Hay and December's Single Slip-Knat. encrusted in yellow mud. His trousers bagged at the" knees and wore a fringe about the ends. The sleeves of his coat were too short, and his Test actedas if it wished to hide the flaming red tie at his throat, and thus the vest exposed a broad band of flannel about his waist, which was a cart of his shirt. Harvest snns and win ter winds had succeeded in turning his face miles from the nearest railroad, and wanted. to "get married to-day." The first trouble he experienced was- in forgetting the age of his intended. He sat down to ponder over the subject for awhile, and when he again stood before the desk he said she was born in the year of, it might not do to name the date, but she was not old enough to marry without the consent of her parents. That "was necessary and as they lived so far away from the city, it is safe to say that the marriage did not take place to-day. Since themarriagelicensMaw wentinto ef fect October 1, 1885, 14,159 marriage licenses have been granted. From Januirvl to De cember 31, 1887, there were 4,513 licenses issued. During the same period of time in 1888 there were issued 4,858 licenses. On the day before Christmas C8 were issued, and 36 yesterday. All kinds and all classes of the people are to be found in this office; the rich, the poor, the high and the lowly; the city sport and the country pumpkin, frivolous and sedate; all brought together by a t curious little cupid with liis quiver of more or less poisoned arrows. With the new year they enter into new life. It will either make ormar tlem. Then, amid the many toasts that willjbe drunk to day, why not propose for themr'a long and happy married life" and then, Drink, my jolly lads, drink with d seeming; Wedlock's a lane where there no turning. Nnver was an owl more bliod than a lover; Drink, and be merry Jads, half s:as overl TITE VEItY LAST OFTUE TEJUt. Thomas Jones West Elizabeth Susan it. "Welsh Y est Elizabeth James B. Farley Pittsburg Bertha Kress 1'lttsburg Charles 1. Scawrlght 1'lttsbnrg Mary J. l!useell....ft Pittsburg Joseph Parker Allegheny Annie Stevenson .'. A.. .Allegheny John Cocnen Plttsbnrf; Annie Lunn l'lttsbnrg Harris U. Diane MInncipolls, Minn Maggie E. Wright Btaver county Adam Enochel Shaltr Tortnshlp LylaM. Weldon bhtrpsburg James Jucht-s Allegheny May Howard Allegheny John Glova "Westmoreland county MaryEiomplgce , Allegheny Alfred Eastou.. llanksvllle Magle Evans liankivllle Jacob V. Houk Pittsburg Hon Page ...Beaver Falls William A. Francis Allegheny Nellie Beech Allegheny Samuel 31. Armstrong Uinnersvlllle Ella Klsslck Spnngdale Albert Mundorff. ; Mifflin township Mary Crookf hank Mifflin township Henry J. Horning Topeka, Kan Anna Ingram 6rantUIe, Kanf wmratterson Nlles, O EinmaS. btround Homestead Daniel Lipscomb Hcai jstcad Mollie Clark Houestcad Jacob btanipfle Allegheny Katie Kaab Allegheny George Manret Hllldale, Pa Charlotte J. Beedle Jefferson township John G. Bolland. Jr Allegheny City Annie Konrad Allegheny City John 31. Graham Allegheny City Annie M. Keuneweg Al!e,rlieuj City Frederick liuettner 31cKeesport Elizabeth Lelnwand Pi tsburg 3Uchael Gallagher Braddock Mary Daffy "Wilkinsburg l.ouis Battle., Beltzhoorer Esther H. Clegg Chauncv J. Clclland , Martha Hose. Phillip Sweeney ilartlia Ityan "U llllam Knopp Agnes J. Schultz ...Beltihoover Pittsburg. ..Wilkinsburg Pittsburg Pittsburg Pittsburg Pittsburg Jlattbew Billey., "Washington connty Carrie Gregg Fayette township Peter Gllroy , Pittsburg Mary Kelly., Uraddock John Seymour. Chartlers township Bert Flaherty Pittsburg John Vogel bharpsbnrg Elizabeth Schinolder Sharpsburg Kelmhold Herman ......Crifton Kosa Wentz Crafton John Szklayor "Wood's Run 3Iary Goga McKeesport John H. Hfrsberger Beaver county Lldle Facklner Pittsburg John Carson Allegheny Minnie Hejl Allegheny TBIED TO E0B III51. Two Men Entice DIr. Wilcox Into nn Alley, bnt a Detective SnTCs Him. Two men enticed J. M. Wilcox, an old gentleman, under the influence of liquor, into Scrip alley, last night, and tried to..rob him. One of the men hit him with a handy billy, and the pair were about to go through his clotheswhen Detective Allen appeared. Mr. Wilcox was taken to the Central station, where bis wounds were dressed. TIIAT DEADLY GAS EXPLOSION. The Boy Who Looked Down From the Trestle is Dying. John Cochrane, the West End lad who was severely burned by an explosion in a gas main on Sundav, was in a very critical condition yesterday. Dr. Neely has given up all hope of his recovery. Dlssntlsflrd Conductors. Beginning with this morning cable cars will be run regularly between Sixth street and East End on the Citizen's Traction road. The Lawrenceville branch will com mence in a few days. A new set of rules dissatisfies some of the conductors. Ther contemplate the dismissal of employes who happen to be tardy in the mornings report ing for work. A 4 Ier Cent Dividend nnd Bancjnet. The-directors of the Duquesne Bank held their semi-annual meeting yesterday, and declared a dividend of 4 per cent. The books were found in a satisfactory condition. In the evening they had their'annual banquet at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Thirteen persons were present. JI. W. nicCord Killed. H. "W. McCord, a brakeman on the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, was' killed near J Wheeling yesterday. He fell from the top ofaboxcar. The voung man was a son of Dr. W. C. McCord", of Glenfield, where he lived. A Box of Axes. A box of new axes was found alongside the Ft, "Wayne track, near theBidgeave nue bridge, yesterday. They were marked bv the manufacturer. "Bobert Mann, Mill Hall, Pa.,"and were intended to be shipped to Portland, Ore, ' SOME LUCKY-CITIZENS: Fabulously Bicb. Tin Mines Are Dis covered in-Durango. A DANGERODS RIVAL TO ENGLAND. Splendid Opening for Northern Miners in Texas Coal Fiels. ANOTHER BOYCOTT ORDERED HERB A meeting of the stockholder of thePitts burg and Mexican Tin Mining Company will be held in this city Monday, January 14. The object of the gathering is to elect a board of directors, make by-laws and trans act other business in regard to the opening and working of the company's mines in Mexico. Tho company is composed exclusively of Pittsburg capitalists, who claim they nave the richest undeveloped tin mines to be found in the world. There is a sort of romance connected with the discovery "of the mines by the Pittsburg people. A short time ago while a number of them were prospecting in Durango State, Mexico, theycame upon some records show ing that rich deposits of tin could be found in the country. They consulted books, pa pers, etc., and found that about 60 years previous the supposed mines were located in the interior, but the natives knew nothing of them. The explorers were satisfied that the former natives had worked the mines, and .that the deposits really existed somewhere. They sent out two men who traveled over every foot of country for months, until one day they came upon the mines. According to the experts who examined the samples here, the mines are the richest that have ever been discovered, and a curi ous and valuable feature of a tin deposit is that the veins are almost inexhaustible. At present nearly all block tin is imported. PARADISE FOR MINERS. Return of a Pittsburg Coal Digger From Texns Fits. Texas is a paradise for coal miners. William Rennie, of the Monongahela river, has returned from Fort Worth. He went there to investigate the strike ot 100 miners. In the Labor Tribune he reports that they are in the wrong. They struck against cer tain restrictions laid upon them by the old owners of the mines there. These mines are now owned by tho Texas and Pacific Coal Company, and although they have offered tbe miners every opportunity, none of them will return to work. The field is therefore open to Pennsylvania miners. Mr. Bcnnie says: One can very well judge as to what a man can make here at the sheaule of prices offered by the Texas and Pacific Coal Company from the amount of wages paid by the Johnson Company. Access was had to tbe August and September pay-rolls of the Johnson Company, and 10 names were taken without any reference to the ability or skill of the respective miners, and I found that the average paid to them was $4 15 per.day. Out of this the men had to pay for oil and tool sharpening, there being but very little powder used in tbe mine. Tbe climate ot this place is such that during tho course or one year tbe cost of clothing and necessaries of life is less than in Pennsylvania; old settlers represent tbe place to be most healthy: land is of unsurpassed fertility and may be bad for $2 Cu per acre. Thomas Lawson, an agent of the com pany, says some miners in their employe nave earned lrom tu to 510 per day. The company has bought 23,000 acres of coal land, and in its development expect to haye plenty of work for the surplus of Pittsburg miners, some of whom have already gone to Texas. Mr. Lawson mentions corn and beef as two instances of lower costs for food than can be obtained here. FOR THE BDILDERS. A Movement on Foot to Organize Them Into Mixed Assemblies. A movement is on foot among the mem bers of the new Builders' League to organ ize mixed local assemblies of the Knights of Labor composed exclusively of workers in the building trades. This will be in addi tion to the regular organizations of the mechanics. Out of the mixed assemblies there shall be formed a Central Council, to he composed of delegates from the mixed assemblies. Each craft or trade in the mixed assemblies shall be entitled to one delegate. Out of the Central Council will be organized a General Council, composed of delegates from the former body. The General Council will be the highest body, and all questions that cannot be settled by the Central Council will be referred to it. Although the mixed assemblies will in clude everybody engaged in the work of building, the different crafts will settle their own disputes. DISGRUNTLED KNIGHTS. Fowdcrly's Supporters Will Not Bent a Ilnll For Barry's Lecture. From present indications there will be trouble among the Knights of Labor here oyer the appearance of Thomas B. Barry in this city, Saturday next. The axmakers, composing L. A. 1548, N. D. A. 155, of which Barry was Master Workman, are trying to secure one of tbe halls in the Knights of Labor building; but the Knights who favor Powderly and are opposing Barry's new order say they will not give them the hall. L. A. 1548 is completing the arrange ments, and says it will hold the reception there if the hall is not taken by any other Local Assembly for a regular meeting: If thev cannot get the hall in the Knights of Labor building, they will hold the recep tion and lecture in Lafayette Hall. ANOTHER BOYCOTT. A Well-Known Firm of Plumbers Placed Under the Ban Yesterday. The latest firm in this city to be placed under the ban of a boycott, similar to that for which labor leaders are on trial, is Mc Knight & Victory, of Smithfield street. Yesterday morning dodgers were posted on the telegraph poles along Smithfield street and the public was requested to withdraw patronage from the-firm The grievance was that the firm was running a non-onion shop. The trouble is about one of the men in the shop, who has fallen behind in his dues to the Plumbers' Union. The firm will pay no attention to this boycott, instituted by its four striking union plumbers. TO CONSOLIDATE THE OFFICES. A Scheme to Abolish tho Recording gee retnrysjilp of D. A. 3. At the quarterly meeting of D. A. 3, Knights of Labor, this month, a proposition will be introduced to consolidate the offices of District Master Workman and Becording Secretary. The membership is no larger now than it was when the duties of the latter were attended to by the Master Workmau. If tho offices are consolidated the salary of $1,200 per annum for the District Master Workman will not be reduced. COAL OPERATORS' MEETING. Delegates to be Elected to the Inter-State Contention. At a meeting of tho coal operators of Western Pennsylvania 'to be held aj tbe Monongahela House January.. 9, delegates will be elected to the Inter-State Conven- tion of Miners and Operators to be held at Indianapolis February 5. At the meeting the prospects of the busi ness for the next year will be discussed. The delegates will also be instrncted what mining rate they shall insist upon at the Indianapolisconvention. Labor Notes. Work has been resumed at Brown's coal mines at Boston, on tbe Youghiogheny. About 200 coke ovens owned by Carnegie Bros. fc Co., at Dgugla-s station, on tbe Pitts burg, McKeesport and Youghiogheny Railroad, are idle on account ot not getting enough coal. OUR ITALIAN EXPORTERS. They Still Send Money Ont of tbe Country, Bringing Little In. In the report of tbe money order depart ment of the Pittsbnre cpstoffice. for the quarter ending last night, the following items are most noticeable: Domestic money orders were issued to the amount of $90, 973 07, and in the same line $210,139 92 were paid; British money orders were issued for 515.354 99, and $2,124 28 paid; German.or ders issued, $9,393 73, and $G,349 89 paid; Italian orders issued, $o,537 09, and $95 40 paid a striking contrast showing that the Italians still send their money out of the country without scarcely making any re turns. At the Bast End, for the same quarter, domestic orders were issued for $6,999 32, and $l,47i 17 paid. SAME TO YOU, THANKS! Tbe Tender Infant Receives but a Chilly Reception In Pittsburg. The glorious New Year struck this town in a sort of perfunctory "Well, I 'spose I'll have to" way, at about 12 o'clock last night A cold fog and a frightful din set in at once, welcoming the coming and speeding the parting guest in a manner de lightful to see. Old City Hall clock was apparently disgusted with the kid, and ab solutely refused to register the time of its birth. In fact it stopped short, and the lights went ont entirely. Happy couples, arm in arm, returning from seeing the Old Year ont;"newsboys and sober men shooting firecrackers, and fire crackers shooting newsboys and sober men, coupled with the ringing of bells and the blowing of whistles welcomed the year 1889. LADIES' RELIEF SOCIETY. The Twenty-Second AnnanI Meeting of the "" Widows Aaxillnry. J" At the Twenty-second annual meeting of the Board of gManagers of the Widows' Home Auxiliary to the Ladies' Belief So ciety of Allegheny yesterday the reports showed that,the society had over 100 women and children under its care. Only four women whom they had taken died under the society's care during the year. The managerj acknowledge the kindness of a number of contributors. The officers arc: President, Mrs. Felix K. Brunot; Vice-President, Miss Mary Herron; Treasurer, Miss Jennie Smith; Secretary, Miss M. M. Pressly. CAPT. AWL'S H0USEWARM1NG. He nnd Company F. Open Their New Armory la Fine Style. The new armory of Company F., Eighteenth Begiment, at 1304 Bingham street Southside, was opened in due style, last evening. A splendid lunch was dis posed of with soldierly appetites. The ad vent'of the new year was welcomed with the discharge of 1,000 good blank cartridges. The company has one of the finest armories in this end of the State. It includes a large drill room, sitting room and Quartermaster Sergeant's room,aIl appropriate! v decorated. Colonel Norman M. Smith and" several of his staff and other officers of the regiment, assisted Captain Awl in his housewarming. A BOYCOTT, BOTH WAIS.- ,, , The Agony Will be Konewed Before the Blaster To-Morrow. J. M. Kelly, editor of the Commoner, and John F. Doyle, District Master Workman of D. A. 3, Knights of Labor, were yester day snbpenaed to appear before Master M. A. Woodward as defendants in the Brace Bros', boycott case on Wednesday. The agony over this case will be probably pro longed for months. Mr. Kelly will testify that upon the night of tbe arrest of the b'oycotters Mr. Brace had the news sent out by Associated Press, and particularly asked that Kelly's name be used. SAM JONES DYING. The Veteran Clerk of tho Seventh Avenue Hotel Near the Border. Sam Jones, as the boys familiarly called him, the veteran clerk of the Seventh Ave nue Hotel, is lying in a critical condition, and is not expected to live much longer. He has been suffering for a few weeks with a severe it tack of pneumonia, and bis strength is almost exhausted. Sam has many friends, vho will regret to hear of his illness. Home From the West. Superintendent Hamilton, of the Alle gheny Parks, returned home yesterday from a ton r among the conservatories of Mexico and Colorado. He Heft Henry Phipps and John A. Brashear in the West. They will take part in an expedition to Nevada to-day to view the eclipse of the snn. A New Bridge and a Bnnqnet. The Sharon Bridge Company will give a banquet to-morrow evening at the Clyde House, New Brighton, to celebrate the completion of its bridge across Beaver Creek. The bridge cost $40,000 and connects the towns of New Brighton and Beaver. Our January Sale SI 00 Fancy Velvets at 50c. Not trashy, bnt fine, stylNh colorings. Also great mark down in finer goods, at $1 00 and $2 00 a yard. Come and see these. Jos. HORNE & Co.'S Penn Avenne Stores. B. fc B. Dlack goods, black silks; such bargains; ridiculous thing to mention in this connec tion. Tycoon reps, old fashioned, but the best, 8c; the original kind that used to re tail at 25c, 8c BoGGS & BUHL. Onr JanuaryiSale 81 00 Fancy Velvets at 30c, Not trashy, bnt fine, stylish colorings. Also great mark downs in finer goods, at $1 00 and $2 00 a yard. Come and see these. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Special Sale or Men's Dress and Night Shirts January 2; lanndried and nnlanndried. Don't miss seeing this line; all grades and styles. Specijl low prices. t A. 6. Campbell & Sons, 710 Penn ave. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Oar January Sale 46-Inch Wool Cash merrs At 68c a bargain at 75c. This is the place for dress goods at lowest prices, and good goods at that. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Open New Year's Day. Balance of holiday goods at cost; fine silk mufflers, plush lambrequins, table scarfs, pillow shams, ladies fine wrappers, newmarkets, jackets, jerseys, kid gloves, girls' winter dresses, and gretchen coats and infant's wear. Presents with $1 pur chases. BustTBee Hive, Cor. Sixth and Liberty. BROOKS LAW AND RTH. Tbe KeTenue Collector' Beport Shows One Nice Increase, Cnnsed by the Whisky Business in This District. Mr. E. A. Bigler, Collector of Internal Bevenne, gave ont the following reports yes terday. The first is for the month of De cember, 1888, while the next is for the first six months ot the fiscal year of 1888-1889, ending last night. For the month of December Usts, RB0 50; beer. J37.283 05: spirits. 5172,713 CO: cigars. Hi,; 133 15; snuff, tm 18; tobacco, $7,824 Si; special, S78170. Total, S263.559 82. From July 1 to January 31 Lists, f78D E6 beer, $216,260 HO: spirits, $011,331 h cigars,$S7. 101 20: snuff. J6.214 CS; tobacco. $17,827 li; spe cial. $8,100 61. Total, 51,502,961 19. In comparing the amount of the collec tions on beer licenses with the amount col lected during the same time last year, a de crease of nearly $30,000 is noticeable, which mav be attributed to the Brooks law. There is a general increase ot $51,113 72 over the same time of last year, and this increase has been made up from revenue collections on whisky, which amount to over $60,000. This increase, however, is accounted for, not by the fact that more whisky has been sold in this district, but because in this district is distilled nearly all the rye whisky for the entire "United States. There is a decrease of $120,000 to be found in the collections from special licenses, on account of the decrease iu the number of saloons. F0RNIST THE BROOKS LAW. One of the minority From Allegheny Connty a Keal Repealer. Hon. James Bulger left for Harrisburg last night. He said it wasn't necessary for a Democrat to be there before the time for opening the Honse had arrived. He wants to see the Brooks law either repealed or modified, and will vote against submitting to the people the Prohibition Constitutional Amendment. To Let for Easiness Purposes. Parties who require a power service in their business and who can see advantages in being in the most central situation in the city, should call and examine the rooms of all sizes now ready for occupants in tbe new Dispatch building, 75,77 and 79Diamond street. Besides being ready of access to custom ers, tenants are supplied with every facility for the rapid and successful transaction of business. Elevator service, both passenger and freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat ing and electric lighting free; besides, splen did light and ventilation of the rooms are among the attractive features. Econonomy, as well as other great ad vantages, in renting here. Apply at Dis patch, new building, Diamond street. WEDNESDAY 9IOR.KIKG See Our January Sale Prices en Cloaks And winter wraps, long garments, men ties and jackets, in plain and fancy cloth; also, in seal plush garments; tbe best grades re member, and the largest variety to select from; come to-currow. JOS. HOBJTE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. B. ib B. Bead display ad. in this paper. See for yourself if you ever saw or heard of like bargains in velvets, etc Boggs & Burn. H". B. Clerks all want off to-day 2Tew Year's hence store will be closed all day. The Largest Stock of Fine Alaska Seal Gar ments In this city. Jackets, mantles, coats a full assortment of sizes. You can't find, handsomer goods and so manv to select from as you do here. s"' Josr Horse iff Co.'s ' Penn avenue Stores. Curry University Is progressive in policy, liberal in manage ment, thorough and practical in instruction, popular in methods and successful in results. Winter term begins January 2, 1889. D The Largest Stoek of Fine Alaska Seal Gar- meats In this city. Jackets, mantles, coats a full assortment of sizes. You can't find handsomer goods, and so many to select from as yon do here. Jos. Horse & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Great Mnslln Underwear Sale. January 2, ladies, misses, children's and infants' goods; unheard of bargains; now is the time to buy. A. G. Campbell & Sous, 710 Penn ave. Onr January Sale SI 00 Fancy Telreta at 50c Not trashy, but fine, stylish colorings. Also great mark down in finer goods, at 51 00 and 52 00 a yard. Come and see these. Jos. Horxe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. e Architecxtjsal drawing taught at evening sessions of Duff's College, 49 Fifth avenue. The use of Angostura Bitters excites the appetite and keeps the digestive organs; in order. Whitstyre & Co.'s Iron City Flour. Best in the market CHRISTMAS HAS COME AND GONE, Leaving relics of Holiday shopping Goods that hare been handled or lots broken through the several de partments. ALL SOHjED GOODS, ALL SOILED GOODS, ALL FANCY GOODS. ALL FANCY GOODS, ALL BROKEN LINES, ' ALL BROKEN LINES, TO BE CLOSED OTTT AT BARGAIN PRICES. i BARGAIN PRICES. CLOAK DEPARTMENT Offers extra values In Seal and Plush Goods. Hbb4 Bito I Eastan. HK Afm Km MARKET STREET. f I Ue2-TTS3U IIH 'NO NEW STATES THIS' Congressman Jackson Think the DeateeT? racy ! Too Hlde-Boond. & , Congressman Oscar L."Jackson,fof 2Tew Castle, went to Washington last nijjit. Mr. Jackson does not believe the Democrats . will admit any of the Territories dns-insr. the present session. He says Jheir poKcr is against it. He thinks Burroughs")' -grd make a good Speaker; but the fight w f7L uci.wccu .mczviqiey ami jweea. PENN AVENUE STORES.' SPECIAL AND GREAT -si BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS THISWEEK. v . ' --'$ inio Hi.Crv. ,'' THIS WEEK. We continue to offer the 65c qnallty Lupin's French All-wool Cashmeres at the very low price of 60s a yard, in a large assortment of coloring. Also la Colored Fancy French Drrss Goods. Many extra good values In Winter Salt ings, very much below their, former price. Onr extra fine 52-inch French Broad cloths, over SO shades, at $1 60 a yard, goods that were never retailed for less tnan tl a yard, if for that; BLACK DRESS FABRICS,) i All-wool Serges, Cashmeres and Dra d'Almas at very low j low prices. . lashes, extra quality, 3VM 73c a yard. Also 311 ' Colored Silk Plashes. mcnes wiue, ab a; j imu. aiwjf.. - v and SI STm all the new and fashionable shades. OUR CLOAK ROOM REDUCTIONS -s? make trade lively here. Come and set '' what excellent, heavy cloth Ulsters, ' newest styles and shapes, that ws ars ' selling as low as $10 each. Also onr beautiful, fine quality Seal Plash Coats at CO and tS, the best ever ( offered for the moneyas they are first-. . v class in every respect. "!'" Seal Plush Mantles and Jackets at quick selling prices. In onr Flannel Department we have a" big lot of All-wool Plain and Fancy j Flannels at lowest prices ever offered, t . TO WV SX'" TJieFS5J ff. ' 'J f JDS. HDRNE I jEljm ;-.. Sr ' "" ,aEP : Come in this week; it win payyoav J .'J well. t 1 ' a "p. i JOB. HDRNE PENN AVENI 3c DIVIDI DIVIDEND-REAL Trust Co. have tn dend of 3 per cent, o earnings, pavaMe on 18S9. C.SCHAUER,Ji Fbe: Pittsbcbo, Deceraoerai, looo. t BIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS bank have this day declared a dividend of x WO (2) PER CENT out of the eirnings of the last six months, pavabla fnrthwitl. jal 61 J. F. STEEL, Cashier. CITY SAVINGS BANK OE PITTSBURG, Pa., December 31. 18SS.-The dl-ectorsoi thi bank have declared a dividend if FOUR PER CENTUM on the capital stoclf payable forthwith ont of the earnings ot tbtptstsix months. J. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. jal-70 S Mecdasics' Nation aj. Bask. ) PrrTSBUBO. Pa December 31. IXJ DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC- TORS or this bank have tnU day declared f a dividend of FIVE PER CENT put of the earnings of the lat six mouths,5ayabla on Tuesday, Januarv 8. 1SS9. .,,.-., v, jal-2S GEO. J. GORMAN, Cashier. DuauisE Na tiokai. Bats, PrrrsBtJitc, Pa., December 3t, 1SS8. S D1VIDEND-THE BOARD OF1 DIREC; TORS of thi hank have this da declared a dividend of FOUR PEP. CENTUM ont of the earnings of the last sit month, payable oo demand, free of tax. A. H. PATTERSO. . jal-2 Cashier. MsosicBaxk. Prrrsnrnic;. Pa., peeraMra. rTmmTv.sv.nnNn DIVIDEND I t i ..TMu.,ApaAf thUhinlr havn dtv declared a dividend of THREE (3) FEK lave this YV of the last six months payable on demand. jal-60- C. B. McLEAN. Cashier jlTjsmfiT. TliNT. 4.' ECT- FTTTSUUKl. AJeceuiujrw. aooo. , v. . , tecs J v",f:i,.r. r.r. rjr.i..TST. I 1 UftOOl WIS Un UAIO ucu5U)imir dend of FOUR H) PER CEIJT ont'of,tbo earnings of the last six months, payable forth- SSr8 W. 8. WlLLIAMaO lal-So-s Cashier; vv, i "V - rtt St f " "r V i -i "f- 9 . r t fl ,1 , .." . s - ' - .."- ,J-ev-i.