MnTille. A company organized at St Louis to construct another bridge across too Mis- BissippijnpppositlontoUould. Tho aque duct scandal causes much uneasiness in rashhigton. fc President Yerkes refuses "to negotiate vrlth Chicago street car strikers. Four deaths and 50 new cases of yellow lever at Jatk EonviUe. Chief Justice Fuller has taken tbe oath of office at Washington. The Su preme Court of Utah divests the Mormons of all church property. -London police wake an unsuccessful at tempt to run down the Wliitechapel mur derer with bloodhounds. German war ships m the Mediterranean ordered to Zan zibar. Tha street car strike at Chicago be comes general and assumes an uglv phase. The Cherokee Frcedmen's bill passes the House. Four deaths and 93 new cases of jellow fever at Jacksonville. Judge Thur man makes an argument in the telephone trait betnre the Supreme Court. W-Powderly attacks the wheat comer, and says gambling in food must be stopped to prevent resolution. Barry makes a violent attack on the General Executive Board of the Kniclits of Labor. Three deaths and 63 hew cases of yellow feTer at Jacksonville. Chicago street-car strikeis and police come to lilntrs. II Chicago strikers prevent street cars from running, and the use of dynamite Is threat ened. The Treasury Department decides to buspend the purchase of bonds. Senator Mitchell argues in favor of penny postage. Two deaths and 47 new cases of vellow f e ver at Jacksonville. Emperor Viilliam of Germany and his suite arrive at Rome. 12 Emperor William and Pope Leo confer to- getnerat itome. rew imk bakers makea rise in tbe price of bread. Yerkes submits a preposition to the striking streetcar em s ployes at Chicago. General PIcasanton placed on the retired list with tho rank of Major. The publication of the advance sheets of Dr. Mackenzie's book containing in account of Emperor Frederick's Illness causes a sensation in Germanvand England. A delegation of Sioux visits 'Washington to negotiate for the sale of their lands to the Gcveniineut. 15 The negotiations for the settlement of the Chicago street-car strike fall through. The Treasury Department decides that the ex clusive law keeps out all Chinese except diplomatic representatives and students. President and Mrs. Cleveland accept an in vitation to open the Virginia Exposition at Richmond. Three deaths and SI new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. Mayor Hewitt refuses to allow the champion base ball pennant to float over New lork City Ball. 14 The evolution war breaks out afresh in the Southern Presbytery at Charleston. New York celebrates the victory of her base ball team in the championship contest. Two thousand miners strike at Blocto'u. Ala., against a reduction of w ages. 15-Chicago street car strikeis grow angry and have tun ferioas affrajs with tbe police. Sitting Bnll and the Sioux delegation have a conference with Secretary Vilas at Wash ington, and present their side nr the land case. Forty thousand copies of Dr. Mac kenzie's book seized by the Leinsic police. The London Tones prefers charges Against , 61 .Irish members of Parliament. 16 Emperor William, of Germany, visits Na ples. Lord Sackville leaves each of Qncen victoria's maids of honor SJ0.O0O by will. The evolutionists win a victory in the South Carolina Presbyterian Svnod. A dozen temperance ladies arrested at Grand I orks. Dak., for pouring out the liquor at f-aloons without the consent of tbe proprietors. A company formed to develop bouth Caro lina iron territory. Three deaths and 5S new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. 17 Thomas B. Barry, former member of the General 'Executive Board of tbe Knights of Labor, expelled from the order. Three deaths and 56 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. Ex-Piesidcnt Hayes elected Commander of tho Loyal Legion. The an nual convention of the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers meets at Richmond. Forged Congressional franks create a breeze in the House, and S. S. Cox posi tively brands his signature on campaign documents as a forgery. IS The Pig Lead Trust, headed by Corwith 4 Co ot New York and Chicago, collapsed. One death and 29 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. Emperor William visits the buried dty of Pompeii. Congress de cides to adjourn October 20. 19 Tbe National Convention of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union assembles at New York, with Mies Frances Willard presiding. Four deaths and 24 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. The Brother hood 6f Locomotive Engineers sustains Chief Arthur's course in the Burlington Ktntre. Emperor William leaves Roue for Berlin. More than 2,000,000 involved in the Corwith lead failure. 50 Announcement at New York that a suit is to be brought against James G.Blaine by 'Mrs. James G. Blame, Jr. One death and 50 new cases of vellow fever at Jackson ville. The W. C. T. TJ. Convention at New York listens to a tale of woe and crime from the Wisconsin wilds. Emperor Will iam arrives at Berlin. Congress adjourns, after one of tbe longest sessions on record tl Four deaths and 27 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. President erkes acts In es arbitrary manner during tbe set tlement of the Chicago street car d.fflculty and the strike is resumed. Dr. Richmond and the Fox sisters expose spiritualism at New York. 23 The Parnell Commission Court opened at London, Attorney General Webster speak, ing in behalf of the prosecution. Frances wulard again elected National President of tbe Oman's Christian Temperance Union, receiving 860 votes out of 9)1 cast. Tbe New York City Supreme Court sustains Tdden's will. One death and 43 new cases .of yellow fever at Jacksonville. ES-CIty Treasurer Thomas Axworthy, of Cleveland, one of tbe most popular men in Northern Ohio, discovered to be a defaulter to the tone of JoOO.OOO. The National W. C T. TJ. Convention listens to a graphic re port of the condition of women in Utah. Forger James E. Bedell, of New York, I plead gnilty to 14 indictments. I St Axworthy, the defaulting Treasurer, be lieved to be in Montreal, and detectives leave for that city. Brooklyn street car np)oyps strike. The Standard Oil Com pany succeeds in obtaining control of a large portion of tbe Lima gas and oil belt. Tour, deaths and SI new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, and the plague ap pesrs in a new place. Sanford. Pope Leo condemns tbe Italian Government. 25 Attorney-General Webster, In bis speech belore tee rarncii commission, said that Uio real antbors of the crimes in Ireland were located in America. Carl Scburz tails from Hamburg for New York. A case oCyellow' fever discovered in a Brooklyn hospital. P. M. Arthur acam elected Chief of the .Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- , neers. .26 Attorney General Webster completes his opening address in the Parnell case. A Bonl&ngist riot causes a sensation in Paris. Nine new cases of yellow fever at Enter- Jrise and 23 at Jacksonville, with two eaths. The committee appointed to inves tigate the Washington aqueduct scandal - 'beginsiu work of inquiry. 27 President and Mrs. Cleveland visit New York City. Four deaths and 44 new cases of jellow fever at Jacksonville. The Gov ernor of Utah attacks the despotism of the Mormons in bis annual report to the Secre tary of the Interior. JJR Three deaths and 16 new cases of yellow 'fever-at Jacksonville. Another street rail road Btnkeat Chicago. .39 Li Tin Too, tbe richest Chinaman east of the Rocky Mountains, buried with great ceremony by his countrymen in New York. Four deaths and 36 new cases of yellow Jver at Jacksonville. St. Louis Anarch ists decide to celebrate the execution of their Chicago comrades. SO Tbe first witness testifies before the Par nell Commission. The street car stiikers who were charged with using dynamite at Chicago were discharged for lack of evi dence. General Badeau retracts his claim to the authorship of Grant's memoirs, and the family pay his bill for services in full. Important discoveries made in the Wash ington aqneduct investigation. The Gov ernment Ukes steps to rescue 500 whalers , supposed to be wrecked in the Arctic Sea. SI Captain O'Shea takes the stand before tbe Pamell Commission and testifies against .the Irish Chieftain. Three masked men rob a passenger train on the Mexican Cen tral road near San Jose, Tex. Chief of Po lice Hubbard, of Chicago, tells the Anarch ists that they will not be allowed to parade on the anniversary of their comrades' exe cution. NOVEMBER. 1 Witnesses broncht before the Parnell Com mission to testify against tbe Home Rule leadersspeakin tavorof the Land League. President Cleveland issues a proclamation naming Thursdav, November 29, as Thanks giving Day. St. Louis brewers refuse to ell their propery to tbe English syndicate. The Western Union Company takes pos session f tbe Chesapeake and Ohio tele graph lines. The State police sloop wages a fierce battle with a fleet or 400 oyster pirates near Baltimore. Two deaths and 65 new cases of yellow fever at Jackson- "rtlle. General Busbnell, of Springfield, O., as m tilled by roughs and nearly killed. The Cnshman Telephone Company appeals for another trial in Its fight against the Bell monopoly. Hon. Michael Henry Herbert appointed British Charge d'Affaires at Washington to succeed Lord Sackville. Corwith, the bursted lead king, sued for rSMO.000. 8 Mayor Hancock, nf Cleveland, visits Mon treal in an endeavor to see Axworthy, the defaulting CityTreasurer. Two cleathsand 26 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville, making a total of 4.266 cases and 860 deaths. Mary Anderson, the actress, and Charles Mitchell, the pugilist, arrive inNcwYont from England. Yellow fever on tbe decline at Jackson- 'vllle, 3 deaths and only 11 new cases being .reported. The King of Wurtemberg has "trouble with his subjects because of some C American favorites, and the latter are ex- i.,t.a T. . L mrm miAm ..a), a,.- Urates, and another railroad war is threat- ened. A number of arrests made in .New York for violations of the Sunday law. WJladstone speaks at Birmingham and re ceives an ovation. The trill orA.T.StetV' art, the merchant prince, made the subject of litigation in New York. S A number of prominent citizens arrested at Charleston as tax defaulters. 7-Qladstone receivei another ovation in Chamberlain's stronghold. The Duchess of Marlborough's household effects in New York sold at auction. Lord Sackville pre pares to leave Washington. A number of riots between the races at different point! in the South. Three deaths and Si new cases of vello w fever at Jacksonville. Mrs. R. B. Haves elected President of the "Woman's flame Missionary Society. 8-New York anarchists decide to celebrate the anniversary of the execution of their Chicago comrades. A fresh batch of evi dence torn to pieces by the defense before the Parnell Commission. Preparations commenced for the celebration of the cen tennial Washington inauguration, at New York, April 29 and SO, 1SS9. Ex-Senator Bamum seriously ill. 9 Another Whitechapel horror renews the excitement in London. Major Braptfns, a prominent citizen of Cleveland, arrested for forgery. 10 New York anarchists wave red flags and celebrate the death or the so-called unicago "martyrs." The bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church hold a conference at Boston. Gladstone mobbed at Wolver hampton by enraged Tories, and compelled to leave the citv. A combination formed to oppose Powderly's re-election as Grand Master Workman of the Knights of Labor. .Five deaths and 33 new cases ot yellow fever at Jacksonville. 11 A political not disturbs Madrid. Spain. The advance guard of the Knights of Labor Convention reaches Indianapolis Chicago anarchists celebrate at Waldheim cemetery. Philadelphia anarchists unveil a bust of Spies. 12-Joscph Chamberlain arrives at Aew lork, having come to this country to be married to Miss Endicott, daughterof the Secretary of War. Thirty new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. The Supreme Court of the United States gives a deckion against the Bell telephone monopoly. IS The National Convention of the Knights of Labor is opened at IndianapulK Two deaths and seven cacs of yellow lever at Jacksonville. One million dollars pledged for the erection of the Catholic University at Washington. Mrs. Alice J. Shaw, the famous whistler, granted a divorce from her husband. 14 The report of the General Treasurer of In dianapolis shows that the K. of L. finances are in bad shape. The Haytian insurgents ask recognition from tho UnitcdStates gov ernment. A civil and military committee working hard on the investigation ot the Washington aqueduct frauds. The six teenth annual conference of tho Society for tho Advancement of Women assem bled at Detroit, with a number of noted representatives of the sexpresent. The suit commenced by the Attorney General of New York against the Sugar Trust is brought up for trial 15 Pope Leo issues an order to the effect that bishops must execute tbe receipt against the plan of campaign. Grand Master "Workman Powderly makes his report and an elaborate defense ot bis position to the Knights of Labor Convention at Indian apolis. The Nun of Keumare denies that she has left the Catholic Church. Carter Harrison arrives at Chicago after com pleting his tour of the world, and is greeted with a reception. James Daugherty, an insane lover of Mary Anderson, arraigned in court at New lork. Sir Joseph Cham berlain and Miss Endicott wedded at Wash ington. A statue of W. H. Seward unveiled with great ceremony at Auburn, N. Y. 16 An attempt to exclude newspaper men from membership in the Knights of Labor fails in the General Convention. Llndauer Bros. Co., clothing merchants of Chicago, failed for $500,000. Great rejoicing at Jack sonville over the fact that there were no deaths and only 15 new caseB of yellow fever. President Cleveland appoints Perry Bel mont Minister to Spain. 17 The K. of L. Convention confirms the ex pulsion of Barry. Buffalo Insurance compa nies discriminate against natural gas. One death and 13 new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. 18-Advices received that the Haytian Govern ment seized and condemned the steamer Haytien Republic for blockade running. Hcury George arrived at Southampton, En gland,and given a reception by enthusiastic radicals. One death and 12 new .ases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. Chicago. An archists meet and denounce capitalists and the local authorities. Barry issues a mani festo denouncing tbe action of the K. of L. Convention in refusing him another hear ing. A gang of opium smugglers arrested at Buffalo. Keely, of motor fame, sent to jail for contempt of court at Philadelphia. 19 Major General Schofield sends in his report showing tbe condition of the army. A lively day in the K. of L. Convention at Indianap olis, a number of charges being made and denied. Four deaths and eight new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. 20 The K. of L. Convention puts practically absolute power in tbe hands of tho General Master Workman. Steps taken to evict 1,000 settlers on the Dcs Moines Railroad lands in low3. White Caps make their ap pearance in Ohio. The Senate committee to investigate the dressed beef monopoly assembles at St. Louis. 21 Members of the Appropriation Committee assemble at Washington in advance of tbe meeting of Congress. Two deaths and three new cases of vellow fever at Jackson ville, and the citizens hope for a black frost to eradicate tbe scourge. President Cleveland retires to Oakland to write his annual message. 22 Powderly again carries a number of im portant measures through the K. of L. Convention in the face of powerful oppo sition. The House of Commons listens to a speech from Parnell on the .land bilL Em peror William opened the session of the German Reichstag. A call issued for a Constitutional Convention at Jamestown, Dak., for the purpose of furthering the ad mission of the DakoUs into tbe Union. Indianapolis switchmen go on a strike. 23 T. V. Powderly acain elected General Mas ter Workman of the Knights of Labor. Two deaths and six new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. Formal opening of the Win ona and Southwestern Railroad. 24 Lord Sackville and Sir Joseph Chamberlain sail for England. The cruiser Boston re turns from Hayti with yellew fever on board, four of tbe crew having died at sea. Ohio White Caps inaugurate a series of audacious outrages. 25 Tho Chicago Anarchists organize a number of Sunday schools. New England visited by a furious snow storm. Only one death and one new case of yellow fever at Jack sonville. 26 The K. of L. Convention refuses to indorse the action of the General Executive Board in tbe Schilling case. A Parnell amend ment causes a breeze in Parliament, bnt is finally defeated. The striking switchmen at Indianapolis weaken, and the railroad superintendents declare that tbe movement is broken. No neiY cases and but two deaths from 5 ellow fever at Jacksonville. Tbe al leged dynamiters arraigned at Chicago. 27 Stated that an attempt is being made to form a gigantic railway trust, the scheme beinc engineered by Gonld. Members of Congress slowly assembling at Washington to prepare for the next session. The strike of the switchmen at tbe Chicago stock yards compromised, and the strikers return to work. 2S A startling story of Anarchistic deviltry developed in the Chicago trial. Announced that the Keely Motor Company wjllbe re organized with t5.000,OOOc.apiraL'A case of yellow fever discovered at New York. 29 Thanksgiving Day duly observed through out the country. An inspector of police testifies against the Land League before the Parnell Commission. SO The Inter-State Commerce Commission makes its annual report, reviewing tbe work of the year. Ohio White Caps whip two women at Sardinia. Charles Winchelf, a Dakota county treasurer, embezzles $100, 000. DECEMBER. 1 Boletta K. Large, a clerk in the Revenue Collector's office at Harnsburg, discovered to be a defaulter. Thomas Axworthy lo cated in London. White Caps enact an other series of outrages in Brown county, Ohio. The Tories carry the Parliamentary election at Hainorn, .tngiana, uya greatly decreased majority. Two deaths and five new cases of yellow feverat Jacksonville. 2 Chicago Anarchists organize "Sunday schools.' The Austrian Emperor celebrates the fortieth anniversary of tbe commence ment of his reign. 8 The second session of the Fiftieth Congress opened and the President's message read. William G. Williams, a Wall 6treet o-era tor. sues the United Trust Company for 103,000. Ground broken for anew railroad route between Boston and Pittsburg. Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., decides to go upon the stace. 4 The Miners' National Trade Assembly 135, Knights of Labor, convenes at Columbus. The Secretary of the Treasury makes his annual report to Congress. General Pryor makes some strong points against the Sugar Trust before the New York Supreme Court. Bnt one new case of yellow fever atJacK sonvtlle, and the city conned authorizes the return of the ref ucees. 6 The test of the cast steel gun at Anapolis results in it being blown to pieces. The House passes a bill for the relief of the Des Moines river settlers In Iowa. A por tion! the members of the miners assem bly Knights of Labor decide to join a new organization. One death and four new cases of yellow fever at Jacksonville. 6 The House begins the consideration of tbe direct tax refunding bilk Barry issues a manifesto defining his plans for the forma tion of a new labor organization. 7 Anew organization, called tbe Progressive Miner's and Mine Laborer's Union, formed and constitution adopted. A Congressional committee appointed to investigate the re ports of outrages in Alaska. Preparations made to send Government cruisers to Hayti to protect American interests. 6 Bismarck threatens to' Tetaliate.tipon Afri can natives who have been killing German settlers. Cbicaj-o police refuse to permit an' Anarchistic celebration. ' Madam Howe, the notorious female swindler, ar rested at Boston. 9 Yellow fever at Jacksonuille practically subdued, tbe total number of cases having been 4,705 and the number of deaths 412. Chicago Anarchists hold several small gatherings, but fear of the police prevents any open demonstrations. The Contract Labor Committee needs funds to continue its work of investigation. 10 A Clucaeo distillery shattered by dynamite, and the Whisky Trust is accused of being connected with the deed. Mrs. Lncy Par sons returns from England, arriving In New York on the steamer Aurauia, Tbe House River and Harbor Committee prepares a bill appropriating an aggregate of (1100,- 000. The pension appropriation bill passed. 11 The annual convention of the American Federation of Labor convenes at St, Louis, and PreBident Gompers delivers a lengthy address. Judge Cooler says that it is the intention of the commission to enforce the inter-State commerce law to tbe letter. Pope Leo refuses to bless medals sent to Home by an Irish priest, and says that the Irish are disobedient. 12 The cruiser Galena leaves New York for Hayti with Roar Admiral Luco on board. The river and harbor appropriation bill increased to 11,906,850. The American Federation of Labor passes a resolution in favor of eight hours as a day's work. J 3 The American Federation ref uses to admit "' tbe Amalgamated Society of .Carpenters and Joiners. Obcrkamf and Mack, the Chicago mall thieves, arraigned for trial E. L. Harper, ei-President of the Fidelity Bank, goes insane in the Ohio Penitentiary. Riddlcberger creats a sensation in the Senate. 14 Editor William O'Brien to be tried for con tempt of court for publishing articles at tacking tbe Parnell Commission. The American party of ball players reaches Australia. Mayor Hewitt, of New York, denounces John Cockerill, of the li'orW. as an unconscionable liar, in testifying before the Fassett Investigating Committee. 15 Salt manufacturers endeavor to form a trust to control the product of England and America. Tbe Columbus tallr-sheet forgery case again on trial. White Caps make their appearance at Jamestown, N. . 16Evictions resumed on tbe Dcs Moines river lands. Francis Murphy holds an enormous mass meeting at Indianapolis. The Mer chants' Company raises the 1,500,000 neces sary for the construction of a new railroad bridge across the Mississippi river at St. Louis. , 17-England resolves to push the war, in the Soudan. Indiana miners decide to join the new Progressive Union. A gun without a barrel invented in Hew York, to be used in throwing dynamite. Tbe House decides to take a recess irom December 21 to Janu ary?. 18 Advices received at New York tf the bom bardment of Cape Haytien by the fleet of Legitime. 19 Allen O. Myers testifies in the tally-sheet forgery trial. Charles F. Maver elected President of the Baltimore and Ohio road. 20 The English and Egyptian forces attack the Sondanese at Suakim, and 00 of the latter are killed Sidney O'Danne, a famous swindler, arrested at Berlin. " 21 The Andovcr theological controversy taken into the Supreme Court, New York Pro hibitionists denounce Rev.Howard Crosby. The new German Emperor decides to open the Prussian Landtag on January 19. 22 Columbia college bojs arrested for rioting in NewYork streets. Anarchists at Chicago apply for an injunction to prevent police fromintertermgwitn tneir meetings, sen ators and Representatives, leave Washing ton for the holiday recess. 23 The American steamer Haytien Republic turned over to the United States cruisers. Gladstone warmly welcomed at Naples. Si-Mrs. Diss Debar appears in conrt to demand the return of her children, and lawyer Marshall pleads her cause. aTbe French de cide to assert their rights in the Newfound land fisheries. An organized ring to'burn cotton ships discovered at Charleston. 25 A powerful Silk Trust corners the market. Marion D.Newman, an alleged preacher, arrested at Harrisburg for extensive swind ling operations. Chicago Anarchists cele brate Christinas in their own peculiar man ner. 26-The American Historical Society open its fifth annual meeting at Washington. Presi dent Heraux. of San Uomingo, declares war against Hayti. 27 The Inter-Municipal Convention at Harris bnrg decides to place all cities having a population of 100,000 in the second class. Prominent Congressmen give up all hope of passing a river and harbor bill. 23 The committees from the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Assemblies appoint ed to arrange for a reunion, meet in New York. Indianapolis ministers protest against an inaugural ball. 29 Gladstone celebrates his 79th birthday. At torney General Kirkpatrick brings suit against the Western Union and Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Companies on the ground that their consolidation is contrary to tho State constitution. Pawnee BUl's band of boomers decides to invade Oklaho ma FcbruarvL .Benjamin F. Hopkins, the Cincinnati bank embezzler, pardoned by tbe President. A POLITICAL EEYIEW. The Principal Features of the Memor able Conflict Waged BETWEEN THE TWO BIG PARTIES For the Possession of the Government the Kext Four Tears. in r, Hhe year 1888 will be regarded as one of the most memorable in the political annals of the country, because of the fierce con flict between the two leading parties for the supremacy in the Governmental affairs of the nation. It was a long, hard battle, commencing months before the customary time for the opening of a campaign and sot ending until the last ballot was cast. JANUARY. 2 Ohio Legislature convenes, and a Repub lican bolt in the Senate causes that body to be organized by a combination with the Democrats. Governor Foraker discusses tariff and other matters in a lengthy ines sige. Lamar's appointment as Supreme Judge denounced by the NewYork Repub lican Legislative caucus.' Democrats carry Jackson, Miss., for first time in 14 years. 3 The Buckeye bolters are successful, and their officers are sworn in- Lamar nomina tion the principal topic at Washington. 4 Senators Sherman and Voorhces debate on the tariff at great length. Boutelle, of Maine, asks for official information con cerning the famous flig order. 5 Speaker Carlisle announces the House com mittees. The Ohio Republican bolters issue a manifesto. New ork State League of Republican clnbs organize. . 6 Thoebe presents the evidence Jn his contest against Carlisle. " 7 Governor Beaver, states that he is not a candidate for the Republican Presidental nomination, but favors Blame. New York Democrats celebrate the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans. 8 Lamar resigns as Secretary of the Interior, and his resignation is accepted by tbe Presi dent. 10 The Senate Judiciary Committee presents two reports on the Lamar nomination. Kis nerand Sanders both hustling for the Dem ocratic State Chairmanship. 11 The contest between the Ranaall and ad ministration Democrats grows warm. Sena tor Hale attacks the administration in a lengthy speech. Indiana Democratic con ferenccdeclarcs for Clevelana.and Gray. 12 The Senate decides to investigate the muni cipal election at Jackson, Miss. New Hampshire Republicans favor Blaine. IS Senator Vance delivers a speech on tariff and internal revenue. Nicholls nominated for Governor by Louisiana Democrats after a hitter contest. 14 Kisner evidently leads in the fight for the Chairmanship, but Sanders is confident. The Tbeobe-Carlislo contest comes before committee. 16 The Senate confirms Lamar by a majority of four. Two reports in tbe Thoebe con test. Kisner making a lively canvass. 17 Harrisburg tho scene of a lively preliminary fight for the Chairmanship. A number of contests among the Philadelphia delegates to tbe convention. 18 The Randall forces ranted at Harrisburg, and Kisner chosen Chairman. 19 Tariff reformers at Washington jubilant oer Kisner's election. The American Tariff League held its annual session, and resolved to push work in the West. 20 Republicans break a quorum to prevent a vote on the Tboebe-Carlisle contest. Re presentatives Kelley and Springer have a bitter debate. San Francisco enters the fight for the Democratic National Conven tion. 21 Matterson addressed a big meeting of the New York Tariff Reform Club, and 'defines the issues. 22 A quorum is secured in the Honse, and tbe contest is decided in favor Of Speaker Car lisle. Senator Frye makes a protection attack upon Cleveland's message. 24 Exciting scenes and a bolt in tbe-District of Columbia Republican Convention to elect delegates to Chicago. 25 G.w. Childs declines to be a candidate for tbe Presidency. 27 A big tariff reform meeting ield at the Academy of Music Philadelphia. Hugh J. Grant la chosen Chairman of Tammany SO Great partisan row In the House' over the I proposition to investigate Public Printer Benedict. 31-Republican Senators attack the nail serv ice. . The Prohibition committee meets at Harrisburg and prepares for a vigbrons campaign. FEBRUARY. 1-Tbe Home Market Club, of Boston, holds a large protective tariff meeting, at which John Jarrett arraigns President Cleveland's message. 2 Seqator Kenna addressed the Senate in support of the President's message, ana at tacks Senator Sherman. Jarrett speaks again, and scores James Russell Lowell. 4 The Whlte-Lowry contest causes an excit ing debate In the House, but no voto is reached. Roscoe Conkline says that ho is positively out of politics. Mahono deter minea to ru'o Virginia. 6 Senator Piatt attacks the President's posi tion upon tho tariff. Senator Stanford ex plains why he roted for Lamar, White wlus his contest in the Hou'e. 9 The subcommittee of tbe National Repub lican Committee meets in Chicago to ar range for the convention. Sherman, Mc- Kinley and others talk tariff in Boston, at a banquet of the Home Market Club. 10 Blaine's friends elect Genera Fitzsimmons Sergeant-at-arms of the National Conven tion. lS-BIalne's letter from Florence, Italy, re viewing the political situation, and declln ing to be a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, published. Re publicans celebrate Lincoln's anniversary in many cities. 14 Ohio Republican Committee calls the State Convention for April 18 and 19, in order to strike a key note for Sherman. Blaine's letter is the great topic of discussion. 15 West Virginia 'Republicans organize a State League of political clubs. 16 Indiana Republican editors meet and place mmson in tne neiu lor tne rtepuuucan nomination. Q. W. Childs again emphat ically refuses to be a candidate. " IS Anti-saloon Republicans call a conference, to be held in New York April 18. 22 The National Democratic Committee meets at Washington to select a time and place for the Presldental Convention. 23 St Louis gets the Democratic Convention, and June 5 was named as the date. 25 Blaine, in an interview, repeats his refusal to be a Presidental candidate. Senator Cameron also declines to enter tho race, 28 Edmunds says he is not a candidate for the Republican nomination. The Senate has a partisan debate on pensions. 29 Minnesota Democrats declare for Cleve land and Ames. MARCH. 1 The Mills tariff bill is presented to the Com mittee on Ways and Means, and published throughout the Country. S-Randall announces that he has a tariff bill nearly completed. 4 Sherman leads for tbe Republican Presl dental nomination, but the friends of all other candidates are working bard. Gen eral Fiske, of New Jersey, enters the field for the Prohibition nomination. 6 Neal Dow, the prohibition veteran, badly defeated lorMavor of Portland, Me. 6 Ingalls attacks Cleveland in a bitter speech and is replied to by Senator Blackburn. The Union Labor party repudiates the Henry George land theory. 10 Conkling writes another letter, stating that he has no political ambition. 12 Randall' tariff bill presented to the Houe. Wool, salt and lumber men petition the Senate against tariff reduction. 13 Senator Beck, of Kentucky, attacks John Sherman's financial record. Illinois Demo cratic Committee indorsed Cleveland and tariff reform, and called the State Conven tion for Spriugfleld May 23. 11 It is announced that the Ohio delegation will be for Sherman, and that Forakcr will present his name to the Chicago Con vention. A Depew boom started in New York. IS Sherman, Harrison and Depew are the favorites in the Republican Presldental race, while there is still a strong sentiment in favor of Blaine. 20 Iowa booming Allison for the Republican nomination, and the State Convention Indorses bis claims. 22 Opposition developed to Chairman Cooper, of the Republican State Committee. 23 Judge West, of Ohio, comes oat strong for Blaine. Sherman captures a portion of the Georgia delegation. 25 Andrews announces that he will not with draw from the contest for the Republican State Chairmanship. 28 Henry George comes out for Cleveland and tariff reform. Reformers charge that poli tics is ruining the civil service in Indiana, and the Senate will investigate. 29 Leading Rhode Island Republicans bolt the State ticket. A synopsis of the probable report on tho tariff bill given out. APRIL. 1 The Andrews-Cooper fight for the Rennb. llcan State Chairmanship grows very bitter 2 Majority and minority reports on the Mills, bill presented to tbe House by the Demo cratic and Republican members of .the Committee on wajs and Means. 4 Governor Hill declares that he is not a Presidental candidate. The Senate com mittee investigates tbe charge of offensive partisanship against PostmastcrHarrity, of Philadelphia. Rhode Island Republicans elect their State ticket. 6 South Carolina Republican delegates in structed to vote forSenatorShermanonthe first ballot. 10 Senator Stanford savs the Pacific coast is solid for Blaine, notwithstanding his dec laratlon. I 13 The Chairmanship fight occupies all of the attention or Pennsylvania .Republicans. 17 Democrats carry Louisiana by 75,000 ma jority. Tho debate on the Mills bill is opened in the House. 181 he Ohio Republican Convention assembles at Dayton and formally organizes. Demo cratic Congressmen held a caucus to discuss the Mills hill. 19 The Senate passes the bill admitting South Dakota by a strict party vote. Sherman indorsed by the Ohio Republican Conven tion, after a big fight for national dele gates. 20 Blaine's friends continue to boom him. Harrison leads Gresham all over Indiana. 21 Representatives of Youns Men's Demo cratic clubs meet in New York and form a National League. President Cleveland de nounced by the New York Zion African Methodist Conference. 24 Republican clans gather at Harrisburg. and the Andrews-Cooper fight is compromised, 25 Mitchell named for Supreme Judge by the Pennsylvania Republican Contention, and Quay. Hastings. Leeds and Oliver chosen as delegates to Chicago. Senator Voorhees defends tbe President's message and bitter ly attacks Ingalls. 25 Indiana Democratic Convention indorses Cleveland, with Gray for Vico President, and nominates Matson for Governor. Maine Republican Convention stands by the tariff, and praises Blaine. Young Republicans convene at Lancaster. SO The Mills bill discussed at length in the Honse, and bitterly attacked by Grosvenor. of Ohio. ' MAY. 1 Ingalfs attacks the Democracy in a bitter speech, and is particularly severe on Sena tor Voorhees. 2 Prohibitionist Convention at Harrisburg denounces the Brooks law, and advocates the placing of afull ticket in the field. Anti saloon Republican conference assembles at New York. JUinols Republican Conven tion Instructs for Gresham. Connecticut Democratic Convention indorses Cleveland ana tana retorm. 3 Tbe Indiana. Republican Convention in structs for Harrison. Prohibitionists nom inate James Black for Supreme Judge. 6 A lively row over tho Mills bill in the House-, during which a number of members are branded as liars by their colleagues. Blaine's In ends boom the Maine statesman. 8 Tbe Michigan Republican Convention in dorses Governor Alger for the Presidency, while Wisconsin conies out for Governor Rusk. West Virginia and Delaware Demo cratic conventions come out for Cleveland and tariff reform. Martin, of Texas, makes a sensational speech in the House on the Mills bill. 9 Democratic Congressional caucus considers the Mills bill. Georgia Democrats indorse Cleveland and tho tariff bill. New Jersey delegates instructed for Phelps. 10 Maryland. Tennessee and Michigan Demo cratic Conventions declare for Cleveland. 11 W. L. Scott delivers a lengthy speech on the Alius bill in tbe House. 15 New York Democratic Convention indorses Cleveland for Presldeut and Hill for Gov ernor. Another big debate on the Mills bill in the House. Two labor parties in convention at Cincinnati. 15 New York Republican Convention selects the big four, Hisepck, Miller, Depew and Piatt, for delegates at large. Ohio Demo cratic Convention indorses Cleveland and tariff reform. Dalzell attacks Scott and the Mills bill in the House. 17 The antl-Mabono faction bolts the Vir ginia Republican convention. IS Randall, McKinley and Breckenridge dis cuss tbe Mills bill. 19 Reed and Carlisle gilose the debate on the Mills bill with long speeches. 23 TbeJ'ennsylvania Democratic Convention indorses Cleveland and tho tariff bill, and elects delegates, 'to St. Louis. Illinois Democrats nominate General Palmer for Governor andtnstruct for Cleveland. 27 Democrats all over the country announce themselves in favor of Thurman for the Vice-Presldental nomination. Northwest ern States continue to boom Blaine. 29 Blaine writes another letter from Paris, again intimating that he out of the Presl dental field. 30 The National Prohibition Convention as sembles at Indianapolis, and is largely at tended. SI Fike and Brooks nominated for President and Vice-President by the Prohibition Con vention, ana a woman suffrage plank placed mwoputuono. JUNE, . 2 The advance guard of the National Demo cratic Contention arrives at St. Eouft 3 Scott comes out for Thurman at St. Louis, and the Old Roman's son announces that bis father will accept if nominated. 4 The Pennsylvania delegation meets at St. Louis and decides to vote nnanlmously for Thurman, notwithstanding Voornees makes a strong plea for Gray. 6 The Democratic Convention duly organ ized at St. Louts. Daniel Dougherty pre sents Cleveland's name to the convention for a second term, and helsntoinated amid thn wildest enthnaksm. 7 A platform calling for radical tariff revi sion adopted at St. Louis, and Allen G. Thurman nominated for Vice President 8 The delegation visits Judge Thurmanand the latter makes a brief speech expressing his pleasure over bis nomination. 9 Governor Foraker bitterly attacks Thur man, and the Judge returns the fire. 10-The California delegation starts for the It epubllcan Convention. Many delegations visit Thurman at Columbus. An Irish American Anti-Cleveland Association formed in New York. 13 The friends of all of tbo Republican can didates working hard for success. The Pacific coast declares for Blaine. Another big debate on the Mills bill in the House. 14 Nearly all of tbe Republican Senators and Congressmen desert Washington for the scenes of political action. 15 The advance guard of the Republican Con vontion gathers at Chicago, and the vari ous headquarters aro opened. New York ers agree to support Depew. 16 A busy day at Chicago, with delegations pouring m irom an quarters. Alger gains delegates in tho South. 17 General Hastings selected to present Sher man's name to tbe convention. The Cali fornia delegates try to organize the West in the interest of Blaine. 18 Fuss and furv reign ramnant at Chicago. A majority of the Pennsylvania delegation intimate their preference for Sherman. 19 The Republican Convention duly organized at Chicago, with John M. Thurston as tempo rary and M. M. Estee permanent Chairman. 20 Tbe necessary work in committe'es and fights over seats in the convention occupy tho attention of the .Republican gathering at Chicago. 21 The Republican Convention adopts a na tional platform, and the various Presidental candid ues are formally placed in the field. 22 Three ballots taken at the Chicago Conven tion, the result on the leading candidates being as follows; First ballot: Sherman, ZS; Gresham, 111; Harrison, 80; Alger, &i; Alli son, 72; Blaine, 35; Depew, 89. Second bal lot; Sherman, 219; Harrison', 91: Gresham, 10S: Alger. 116: Depew, 9; Allison. 75. Third ballot: Sherman, 211: Harrison. 94; Gresham. 123: Alzer. 122: Allison. SS: De pew, 91. Alter the last ballot Depew with drew bis nice, and tbe convention ad journed for the day. 23-Ballotine resumed at Chicago but without result. Fouth ballot, Sherman, 236; Harri son, 217; Alger, 135; Blaine, 42; Gresham, 98; Allison, 8i Filth ballot, Sherman, 224; Harrison, 213: ,Alger, 142; Allison, 99; Gresham, SI', Blame, 48. The convention then adjourned until Monday. 24 Sunuay a day of chaos at Chicago, all of the friends of the respective candidates hustling for their favorites. 25 Benjamin Harrison nominated for Presi dent by the Republican convention on the eighth ballot, receiving 5M votes. Levi P. Morton nominated for Vice President on the first ballot, and the convention ad- Iourned. ' ndianapolis celebrates tbe'selectlon of her favorite son. Cleveland formally notified of his renomination by the committee, and briefly accepts. 28 Thurman formally notified of his nomina tion. Grand Democratic ratification meet ing beld in New York. 29 The members of the National Democratic Committee announced. .Indianapolis con tinues to boom Harrison. SO Harrison makes two brief speeches, bis first in the campaign, at Indianapolis. JULY. 2 Sherman's friends charge that he was de feated by the use of Alger's boodle. 4 General Harrison officially notified of his nomination for President by the Republi can Committee, and replies in a brief speech. Alger's friends return tbe boodle charges in kind. Tammany ratifies the Democratic nominations. The National Association of Democratic Clubs meets at Baltimore, 6 The Democratic clubs at Baltimore per manently organize, with Uhauncey F. Black as President. 7 Levi P. Morton officially notified ot his nomination for Vice President. 8 J. W. Wade, the wealthiest man in Cleve land, formerly a Democrat, declares for Harrison. The National American party calls a convention to meet in Washington, August 14. 11 The Republican National Committee met at Washington, appointed the Campaign Executive Committee and elected Senator 31. S. Quay Chairman. 12 Colonel W. W. Dudley, of Indiana, selected for Treasurer of the Republican Executive Committee. 17 Calvin S. Briee chosen as Chairman of the Democratic ExecutiveCommittee. 19 The debate on the Mills bill reaches an end. Harrison makes a lengthy address to an Il linois delegation. Michigan Democrats and Greenbackers fuse. 21 The Mills bill passed by the House of Rep resentatives. 25 Stormy proceedings of the" negro Demo cratic conference at Indianapolis, The Re publican Senatorial caucus1 decides to pre sent a substitute for the Mills bill. 29 Ex-Governor Porter declines to accept the Republican nomination in Indiana. AUGUST. 4 Ex-Governor Porter again positively de clines to accept the Republican nomination in Indiana. 6 Alabama Democrats elect their Governor bv a large majority. 8 Harrison speaks at the Indiana Recnblican Convention, and General A. P. Hovey is nominated for Governor. The Michigan Republican Convention nominates a State ticket. McCamant nominated for Auditor General by thePencsylvanIa Republican Committee. 9 James G. Blaine arrives at New York, Is given an enthusiastic reception, and makes several short speeches. 13 Blaine makes a triumphal tour through New England,speakinn at several cities. Tbe American Party, Convention assembles at Washington. 15 West Virginia Democratic Con ventionnom inates A. Brooks Fleming for Governor. Curtis, of Now York, nominated by the American Party Convention for President. 20 Thurman visits Michigan on a stumping tour. 22 General Goff nominated for Governor by the West Virginia Republican Convention. 23 President Cleveland's retaliation message causes a sensation in political circles. Mayor Francis, of St. Louis, receives tbe Democratic nomination for Governor of Missouri. 24 The benate indulges in a red-hot partisan debate over the retaliation message. 25 Announced in NewYork that President Cleveland contributed $10,000 to tho Demo cratic campaign fund. 28 Warner Millar nominated for Governor by the New York Republican Convention. 30 General Secretary Li tebman, of tbe Knights of Labor, resirns his office to go on tbe stump for the Republicans. SEPTEMBER. 2 Powderly issues a manifesto requesting the Knights to keep clear of political compli cations. 4 Vermont goes Republican for State officers by a majority of nearly 30.000. 5 Thurman arrives in, New York and meets with an enthusiastic reception. r 9 President Cleveland issues his letter of ac ceptance of the Democratic Presidental nomination. 10 Republicans carry Maine at the State elec tion by a plurality o I about 19,000. 11 Harrison's letter of acceptance of the Re publican Presidental nomination made public. 12 David B. Hill nominated for Governor of New York by the Democratic Convention. 18 General Curtis accepts the American nom ination for tbe Presidency in a brief letter. Speaker Carlisle enthusiastically renomi nated for Congress, and given a big recep tion by his constituents. 19 Mahcne's Virginia friends are defeated in tbe Petersburg district, and John M. Lanes ton nominated for Congress by the Re publican Convention. 20 The United Labor party of New York de tides to support Warner Miller for Gov ernor. 22 Chairmen Bamum and Brico issue an ap- eal to the public for funds to carry on the einocratic campaign. A Republican Sena torial caucus considers tbe tariff bill. 23 The approaching school election at Boston causes an immense registration of women votes. 29 Blaine holds animmense Republican demon stration at tue roio u rounds, .new ioik. Judge Thurman makes a speech to his , Columbus friends. OCTOBER. 2 Levi P. Morton issues his formal letter of acceptance of the Republican Vice Presl dental nomination. 3 Blaine makes a Western tour, speaking at Detroit and elsewhere. Governor Gordon and the entire Democratic ticket elected in Georgia without opposition. The Republi can Senators report a substitute for the Mills bill. 4 The Republican majority and Democratic minority present opposing reports on the substitute tariff bill, setting forth their views at considerable length. 6 Tammany Democrats nominate Hngb J. Grant for Mayor of New York City. 6 Mayor Hewitt' renominated by the New York County Democracy. 10 The Senate Committee on Civil 8ervice Re forms reports that the service has ben prostituted for political purposes, speaks on trusts at Goshen, Ind. 11 Thg Republicans nominate Joel B. Erhardt for Mayor .01 New lorfc Governor Hill leaves New Yoik for a Western stumping tour. 14 Allen G. Thurman Issues a letter formally accepting the Democratic Vice-Presldental nomination. 20-Qovernor Hill makes a tour through Con necticut In tbe interest of the Democratic national ticket 23 TheiNational Convention of the Womens' Christian Temperance Union at New York announces itself In accord with the Pro hibition party. Benjamin F. Butler comes out for protection and the Republican nom inees. 24 The publication of the famous letter of tbe British Minister, Lord Sackville West, to Murchlson, causes a political sensation in New York and elsewhere. 25 Blaine dissects the West letter in a speech at New York. Secretary Bayard bitterly attacks the British Minister in an Inter view. 27 President Cleveland reviews the parade of the Democratic business men at New fork. SO The administration declines to any longer recognize Lord Sackvillo as tbe British Minister, because ot the Murchison letter. An alleged letter of Treasurer Dudley, of the Republican Committee, made publfc, in which he specifies how voters are to be manipulated in "blocks of five." NOVEMBER. 1 The Democratic Advisory Committee at Now York offers heavy rewards for the de tection of election frauds. Powderly denies that Cleveland offered him a position in re turn for support in the Presidental contest. 2 Dudley sues several papers for $200,000 each for libel in publishing his alleged letter. 3 Republicans and Democrats hold gigantic rival demonstrations at New York and Indianapolis. t-A warrant issued at Indianapolis for Col onel Dudley, based on the publication of his alleged letter. 6 General and Congressional election day throughout the country, with State and local contests in some States. Harrison and Jlorton elected President and Vice-Presi- dent,carrying the doubtful States of New York and Indiana. David B. Hill re-elected Governor of NewYork, and Hugh J. Grant elected JIayor of New York City. Ifovcy defeats Watson for Governor in Indiana, and Palmer Is beaten by Fifer in Illinois. Returns indicate tbe election of a Republi can House of Representatives by a small majority. 7 Complete returns add to the assurance of Republican success, and the victors cele brate throughout tho country. 8 A vast sum of money in election bets paid over. General Harrison received a quantity of congratulitory telegrams. Anna Dickin son sues tbe Republican National Commit tee for 51,250, alleged to be duo for making speeches. 9 Cabinet positions and the probable Speaker discussed by Republican leader. U Jhdge Rucker, of Denver, makes public an alleged conversation with tbe President, in which the latter anticipated defeat, and at tributed it to knifing in New York. 12 Delay and uncertainty in tbe official count of West Virginia canse allegations of crook edness from both parties. Congress claimed bv Renuhlicans and Democrats. IS Senator Blackburn denies that he was pres ent at the alleged Rucker interview, brand ing that gentleman's statements as false. 14 Chairman Quay and General Clark state that the House is surely Republican. 17 The controversy between Blackburn and Racker grows very warm and there is talk of a.ducl 22 General Palmer, one of the original mem bers of the Grand Army of the Republic, resigns from the order on the ground that it is political in its nature. 25 Cabinet-making continues to bo popular among Republican politicians, and a num ber of prominent statesmen are announced to be stated. 26 The election cases taken into the courts in West Virginia. Quay holds that the Repub licans will have a majority of nine in the House. 27-6. A. R. Democrats in Indiana decide to form a new organization. DECEMBER. 1 Cabinet making continues to he the princi pal occupation of Republican politicians. Three hundred leading Republicans bold a ratification banquet at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, presided over by James P. Foster. 8 President Cleveland's message to Congress emphatically reaffirms his tariff retorm policy. A number of arrests made at wheeling for illegal voting in the late elec tion. 7 The Indianapolis grand jury takes up the alleged attempt at election bribery by Colonel Dudley. 8 Tne grand jury at Indianapolis adjourns for one week without finding an indictment against Dudley. Republican leaders at Washington claim a majority of one in the next Congress. 10 Senate Republicans decide to press their tariff bill to a conclusion. U Women vote for school directors in Bos ton. and tbe entire Republican ticket is elected, including tbe Mayor. Senator In galls denies having circulated any scandal ous stones concerning President Cleve land's private affairs for political effect 12 Vice President-elect Morton visits President-elect Harrison at Indianapolis. Emery E. Sellers. United States District Attorney at Indianapolis, resigns. 13 A Democratic Congressional caucus decides' to favor the admission of all of the terri tories except Utah. 15 A sensational story emanating from Indian apolis says that $40,000 of Republican cam Saign funds were embezzled, enator M. 8. Quay confers with President elect Harrison at Indianapolis. The Re publican Senatorial caucus decides not to take a holiday recess unless the Democratic members a erce to an early vote on tbe tariff bill. Ihp President nominates Leon Bailey lor tne position resigned ny .District Attor ney Sellers. 19 The Democratic Senators consent to vote on the tariff bill January 20, and the Repub licans agree to a recess. 22 The Boston election contested on tbe ground of illegal voting by women. 24 The Executive Committee of the Associated Democratic -Clubs issues an address giving reasons for tbe defeat of 1838. and outlining plans for the next campaign. RECORD OF HOBKOBS, Accidents and Crimes Which Dark ened the History of 1888. THE DISASTERS ON LAND AND SEA, Carrying Great Destruction to Both life and Property. Beginning with the first day of 1888, and continuing scarcely without intermission, nearly every 24 hours of the year had its tale of death and horror. Bridges have fallen down and boilers have blown up, railroad disasters have been numerous, the lire fiend busy nt the work of destruction, and the hand of the murderer and suicide has been red with blood. The year has probably been no worse, if as bad, as its immediate predecessors, bat it certainly ex hibits a wonderful record of accident and crime. JANUARY. 1 Six killed and many injured in a collision on the Cincinnati Sontbern, near Green wood, Ky. Three gas explosions in New York, in which four men are badly injured. Stephen Conroy murders his mother and her paramour vth an ax in Baltimore. Louis Butter was shot through the heart by Louis Schlicht,a rival hotel Was san. Wis. A number of fatal barroom tights In New York and other cities. 2 tile Erickson confesses to having killed his wife at Rush City, Minn. Six men burned by molten brass in Philadelphia. S A bloody riot among Poles at Wilkesbarre, in which eight are injured, two latally. Daniel Ryan suicides at Erie. 4 Four men injured, two fatally, by a boiler explosion at Dunkirk. Sensational suicide of Robert Klrtland, of Bucyrus, O., on his wife's grave. 5 Three men killed and ten injure'! by a premature explosion of giant powder near Wilkesbarre. A falling viaduct at Cleve land buries six workmen, two of whom are killed. 6 A burglar at Portland. Mc, kill' an old woman beside ber sick husband. Tho Bald Knob fned breaks ont afresh in Missouri and more blood is spilled. Durinc a politi cal discussion at Somerville, W. Va., John Mnlnns shot and killed Henry Moore. 7 A big fire, in hicago destroys property to the value of $500,000. Several persons in jured in a battle with ojster pirates on Chesapeake Bay. 8 Major Joseph K. Wells, of New Jersey, killed by a railroad train near Philadel phia. Thomas Anderson scalded to death iu a collision on the Omaha road, near Da luth. Minn. 9 A Texan desperado shoots two men and de rails a small tram of cars at Sedalia, Mo. Mrs. L. J. Ferguson froze to death at Mai den. Mo. Miss Mary Van Orden suicides in New York. 10 The Portland express jumped the track near Haverhill, Mass., six persons being killed and many injured. Three persons perish in the flames at the burning of the almshouse at Monroe. Conn. Sensational suicide of William R. Hollls at Erie. 11 A desperate and bloody duel fought by two Frenchmen near St. Paul. Emanuel take- to of BerrytowD, H. Y., attacked Mrs. Poorman, and was shot in the forehead. Gilbert Fitzpatrick, living near Wellsvllle, O., fell from his wagon and was dragged to death. The deaths resulting from the Ha- verhill horror reach 16. 12-A big fire at Dauphin destroys the car works and other valuable property. Sen ator Ingall's residence and library destroyed by Are. A bench show burned at Colum- bus, and don valued at many thousand dollars cremated. A' slight earthquake shock sends terror through the South and does some damage. 13 Indianapolis, visited by a diastrous con flagration, With a loss of $1,600,000. Other fires at Chicago and Detroit. W.EJohn- son.aprominentoilman.suicidesatElmira. A man and woman killed on a railroad curve near Lima, O. H-Sam Ralston, son of the great California Bpecnlator, follows hi3 father's example and commits suicide. Three persons badly injured and much property destroyed in a wreck on the Illinois Central, near Carbon- dale. Three menkilIedonaN.Y., crossing near Sharon. 15-Captain William Farren, of Fair Haven, Conn., thrown from a sleigh and instantly killed. Policeman Joseph Glenn, of Wheel ing, shot by unknown men. 15-CharIes L, McDermott, a bookkeeper at Columbus, was discharged by his employer, and sent a bullet throngh bis brain. Sev eral persons badly injured in a collision on tho Lake Shore road at Springfield. Pa. A variety theater and hotel hurned at Steu benvlllc, and Miss Annie Devoe, a Pitts burg actress, perished in the flames. 18 Seven persons drowned while skating on a lake in Texas. Two hundred persons Re lieved to have frozen to death durinc the Northwest blizzard. 19 Reports received to the effect that 4,000 persons were destroyed by a recent flood in China. Mercy Fowler, of Trenton, dis covers that she has two husbands living and commits suicide. 20 James Martin, a war veteran, fell into a shallow creek near Erie and froze to death. A row in a bridal party at Passaic, N. J., causes bloodshed, several persons being severely injured. 21 A boarding house at Tower, Minn., burns with tbe mercury below zero, and ten lives wero lost. 22-SeveraI persons injured in a Chicago fire, and 40 more barely escaped withtheir lives. A fireman killed and four others injured by falling walls at Manistee. Mich. A paper mill burned at Holyoke, Mass., with a loss of $325,000. The boiler of the steamer Zouave exploded in New York harbor, and four men were fatally scalded. 23 Dan Drlscoll, tho famous New York mur derer, hanged. A midnight fire in Phila delphia destroyed property to the value of ?1,500,000. Si-Indianapolis severely shaken by a natural gas explosion. 25 Newark, O., visited bv an early morning fire, with a loss of $200,000, Reports re ceived of a disastrous collision on a Cuban railroad, with, great loss of life. Jacob Keelcr, of Norwalk, Conn., killed Constable Lewis Drucker when be attempted to ar rest him, and then committed suicide. A big colliery explosion at Dunsmuir, B. C, reported. 28 The exploring party finds the bodies of 31 white men and 41 Chinese, wno nensnea in the Dunsmuir explosion. A falling bridge at Umatilla, Ore., kills two persons and in jures others, while 100 more have a narrow escape. John-McGtew, a Western outlaw, killed in Indian Territory while resisting arrest. 27-C. P. Macy, a leading merchant of Golden City, Ark., mnrdered by Oscar Coulter. Two men killed and one injured by a boiler explosion near Columbus, Ga. 28 Anantba explosion at Bmgbamton.N.Y. terrines the town and injures several per sons, Frederick Anschlieg, a young Ger man, confesses to having killed farmer Hitchcock and wife near Los Angeles. Cal. 29 A New York hospital for crippled children burned by an incendiary fire and 163 in mates barely escape death. Louis Bulling of St Joseph, killed his wife and came near being lynched. Two colored men killed in a New York saloon flebt. York visited by a disastrous Snnday fire. SO Burning naptha adds to the horrors of a freight wreck on the Lake Shore road, near . 'Pine, Ind., and a brakeman is killed. Ah Fat. a Chinaman, was banged for murder at Victoria, B. C. William Estes shot and killed by his sweetheart's brother at St. Joseph, Mo. J. B. Welsh, a prominent cit izen of York, suicides. 31 A breaking ice gorge in the Mississippi near St. Louis destroys several boats and does damage to the amount of $100,000. John Cullon kills his mother with an ax at Buf falo. FEBRUARY. 1 William Cobb killed by a boiler explosion at Fairfield, 111. Ed Hickman, a prominent citizen of Bardstown, Ky., shot and killed by Dr. J. B.McGee. 2 Oneliundred children have a narrow escape from a burning New York orphan asylum. Mrs. George Edwards, of Erie, cut her throat with a razor because of domestic trouble. A bursting boiler at Barnesville. O., kills two men and injures four more. 3 A chemist named Derby poisoned bimself, wife and six children at Manchester, England. 4 Four men fatally burned by a mine gas ex plosion near Wilkesbarre. 5 A disastrous wreck occurred on the N. Y P. & O. near Jamestown, N. Y., three per sons being killed and many injnred. Thomas Williams flogged to death by Indiana White Carjs. A big blaze at fat, Iiouis destroys property to tho value of 5150,000. Spanish troops fire on a mob, and ten persons are killed. 6 A dynamite explosion near Hancock, Mich., kills three men. Two brothers named Rambeau shot and killed at Hamburg, la., while stealing a hog. Matblas Busch. cuts his wife's throat at Chicago. 8 One man killed and ten persons injured by a cable road accident at ivansas Ulty. .Mil lionaire A. J. Snell, of Chicago, murdered at midnight by burglars. George Whit comb, a well-known Bostonlan, mysterious ly killed. 8 A locomotive boiler on the Delaware and Lackawam.a road exploded near Essex, N. J., Injuring several men, two of them xatauy. 10 The entire Wyoming valley shaken, by a dynamite explosion at Hapwallopen, six men being killed and 40 injnred. Two men killed by an explosion at Rellevue, O. Clarence Bowen and his wife commit sui cide at Greenfield, Mass. John Buttery killed his stepsister, herloverand himself at Mechanicsburg, Ind. 11 Two locomotives collide near Scranton, one engineer being killed. 12 A boarding honse burns in New York, Gus tave Valley being killed, and 40 others nar rowly escape. Treasurer Hill, of Espanola county, Texas, mnrdered and robbed by outlaws. 13 A lamp exploded at a drunken Hungarian wedding near Hazieton, and six persons were cremated. 14 A falling derrick crushes a street car in Brooklyn, killing three persons and injuring many others. 'A lamp explosion in a col liery at Port Bowkley seriously injures five men. 17 William Wirt burned his two grandchildren to death and then suicided, at Burlington, Iowa. 19 A cyclone swept over Mt. Vernon, 111., kill ing 20 persons and injuring ICO more. Rob ert Wilson killed by a limited express train near East Conemaugb. 21 Carrie Dietz killed while endeavoring to escape from the Bay City, Mich- jail. John iucueivy was snot ana tinea at -namgao, Tex., by a sheriff's posse. 22 Charles Wingard and Annie Fox, uncleand niece, BUiclded by shooting in the Alliance, O., jail. Ethan Allen accidentally kills bis brother Charles at Chicago. Edmond Daniels arrested at Wooster, O., charged with beating bis wife to death. 23 A lumber train was wrecked near Brad ford, two men being instantly killed and five injured. 25 Gn stave Winkler killed hlmelf and his wife at Milwaukee. J. M. Watson blows his brains out at Columbia, Tenn. 25 Several business houses burned out at Buff a- 9 lo.witha loss of $250,000. A Maine schooner wrecked in a gale and fonr men drowned. Sixteen men accidentally killed in the Con nellsvllle eoke region inside of a week. Wesley Willis riddled with bullets while endeavoring to escape from the Chattanooga police. 23 Five negroes assassinated and their cabins burned in Wharton county, Texas. Sam Price, white, and Bill Reams, colored, charged with murder, lynched at Clinton, Ky. John K. Fisher, a prominent cigar mamifacturerof Lancaster, committed sui cide by hanging. 29 Tbe partially completed Midland Hotel at Kansas Cliy collapsed, killing Frank Edi son and injuring 12 others. MARCH. 1 A freight train cranhed through a bridge in ' Indiana county, Texas, killing two men and injuring several others. Ednin Barbour and Ellis Williams, two Virdnia editors, fight a duel, tbe former being seriously wounded and the latter killed. A big fur niture factory burned in New York, with a loss of 51,000,000.. 2 A cyclone at N ewton, Kan., does great dam age to life and property. B. L. Gividcn shot and killed B. M. Lawrence, a promi nent citizen of Louisville. Albert West killed while trying to escape from the In dianapolis workhouse. 3 Ernest Young, a talented Harvard pro ' fessor, suicides. . 6 Harry Roscoe perishes In a snowstorm near Dulnth, Minn. A collision on tbe Cincin nati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific road, near Pine Knot, Kv., resulted in tho death of one man and injury ot several others. C A farmer and his son devoured by wolves near Poplar Grove. Kan. John Geary was killed at Kansas City while trying to pre vent the elopement of his daughter by a brother of ber lover. 7 Two score people are hemmed in a. burnin .newsnaner office at Snrincfleld. Maw six are killed outrignt and many more ta; 8-News reaches NewYort tbatM'persosrr have been killed by tho exDloefoiroi a nm steamer in the West Indies. - 9-A Methodist university at MltchelL Dak burns, and a dozen inmates perish in the flames. Henry Parker, a New York busJ-" ness man, and a companion suffocated or escaping pas in a hotel. Will Thomas,' col ored. lynched at Tunnel Hill, Ga, to slow music. 10 A dynamite explosion at PineL Cat, Vflls two nien and injures others. Fireman John O'Connell was killed in a Heading wreck near. Boyerstown and several others injured. A Canadian Pacific train went' through" a bridge near Port Arthur and three employes were killed. U Pullman cars on an Erie express jumped the track near Bradford, one person being killed and many others injured. A saw mill boiler exploded at Kavanaugn, Ind. T., killing two men and injuring ten others. UG, Hale, prominent Chicago fiusinesa man, ran over and killed by a street car. ' 12-Rudwig Hocller, his wife and child art mysterioutly poisoned at Findlay, O. Lr-Many persons die from cold during the ter- nuie ostern Blizzard, ana otners, inciua . inp Roscoe Conklln?, nearly perish in the snow. A number of tugs and small vessels . were sunk at the Delaware breakwater, and manv lives lost. 14 Terrible reports of suffering and death from -the effects of the blizzard continue to be received. John Skinner, a Kentucky mur derer, taken from the Hopklnsville jail and Ivnched. 15 Three women mnrdered in New York by their husbands. Rev. Eugene Peck, of Washington, struck by a locomotive and killed. Eli Davil, a negro barn burner, Ivnched at Woodland Mills, Tenn. IS A train jumped tbe track near White Plains, N. Y., killing 7 men and injuring 12 others, some fatally. A powder mill near Dayton exploded, and Fxed Sherman, an employe, was killed. . 17 The fast mail train crashes through a trestle 7d miles south of Savannah, killing 19 persons and injuring many others, among whom are George Gould and his wife. Mrs. John McGee, found frozen to death fn the snow near Ansonia, Conn. Robert Barber, a farmer near Ithaca, N. Y.. beat and robDed an Old man named George Mason and his wife, and tbe set the honse on Are, burning them to death. 18-A flve-story apartment bouse bnrned in New York, with a number of persons killed and injured. Frank Hopkins and Mrs. Whitney frozen to death near Putnam, Conn. 21 Georgia and Tennessee visited by a de- - structive cyclone, the killed and injnred being numbered by score'. George Walker, Robert Wood and Edward McCully drowned at Chester. 24 Charles Smith, postmaster at Burlington, O.. shot and killed Charles Held. 26-Tho village of JHnnescab, Kan., wrecked by a tornado and several lives lost, reier McGnlre suicided by jumpingfrom a three story building in New York. William Had- . ebaugb, of Carlisle, accidentally snot by his brother. ' 27 Three children burned to death at Orilla, Ont. Michael Relligan and George Hamp shire killed by an explosion of nitre-glycerine near Ardsleys. N. Y. 23 Big floods caue great damage to life and property in Germany. Sam Wilson, -of Oliver Springs, Tenn., mnrdered while on a spree. A locomotive boiler eiploded on the New York and New England road, kill ing the fireman and engineer. 29 Kate Warner, a wealthy young lady of Schoharie county. New York, cut her own throat. August Krakow kills his wife and himself at Chicago. Thomas Skillman. an important witness In a New York, murder trial, commits snicide. 30 Complete details show that 20 menperished in the mine disaster at Rich Hill, Mo. Theodore Calloway, colored, lynched at Hayneville, Ala. Chris. Rlordan shot and1 killed Mary Downing, his mother-in-law, in New York. APRIL. 1 Rev. Clayton Mnmma and Rev. John Con ner struck and killed bv a train near Read ing. 2ews received that the bark British Princess was wrecked off Portugal and 23 lives lost. Ernest Urvan shot and killed his son-in-law, Casper Sparlan, atPaterson, N.J. 2 A Polish celebration at Wilkesbarre- ends in a riot, in which a nnmher of persons are fatally injured. A desperate fight between colored men at' Lima, O., results in three deaths. 3 One man killed and others injnred daring . a riot between Burlington strikers and Pin kerton detectives. 5 A train on the Chicago, Milwankee and St. Paul road plunged through a bridge near New Hampton, Iowa, killing six persons and injuring many more. Thomas Mul doon, well-known citizen of Wheeling, struck and killed by a freight train. Ellen Jlilmine. a young girl at Hamilton, Ont suicided by tbe poison route. 6 Fifteen children fall in an old well at Palmyra, Ma, and seven ot them are fatally icinred. 7 Thomas Waltz, an ex-convict killed Lerey Smith, who testified against him. with-J. razor at Louisville. A train on Rutland road was wrecked near Bellows Falls, Vt, and the engineer and fireman killed. 9 A gas explosion, near Muncie. Ind., killed one man and injured several others. Two unknown men killed in a coal mine near Albuqnerqne, N. M. - - 10 Five men killed during a riot between rail road strikers and non-union men at Cum berland Gap. Isaac Hotden and James Mitchell killed by a boiler explosion at Baldwin. 111., and -everal others injured. 13 Bessie HillyerBuIkeley ends her romantic young life by suicide at Washington. Mrs. Thomas Baker and her littlo daughter burned to death at Wellsville. O. 16 Charles Lorenzo sniclded by shooting at Coshocton, O. Sam Fern killed Bill Hard ing at Fort Smith, Ark., in a dispute over & . game of poker. 17 Samuel Apgar mysteriously murdered at Mexico, Mo. IS Tho wife and three children of Jacob Hallet murdered In Calhoun countv. West Vir ginia, bv robbers, three of whom are sub sequently found and killed. 19 A number of persons killed during tbe . peasants' uprising in Roumania. Several lives lost in a IodgmzhouSHfireat St. Louis. Edward Chase, of New York, killed his mistress and bimself at Portland, Me. 21 An express train jumped the track near Cameron Mills N. Y., killing two men. 22 James Cummins, prominent citizen of Day ton, suicides. John Crowder, a heavy cat tle dealer, drowned at Cateona, I. T. Mrs. Sarab McCray, living near Erie, shot and killed herself. 23 Two men killed and others injured by an explosion of dynamite near Baraga. Mich. 25 James Smallcy mnrdered his two small" children with an ax at Licking. Mo.' 26 A gas explosion wrecked several buildings at Chicago, and injures a number of peo- . pie, some fatally. 27 The cannon ball train on the Burlington and Missouri was wrecked near Alma, L. A. Town being killed and others injured. A house at Beach Haven, Pa., set on fire for revenge, and Kate Durkin perishes in the flames. 29 A suicidal wave swept over the country, two well-known preachers being among the . victims. MAY. 1 General Wirt Adams, pqstmaster. and J. H. Martin, leading editor, of Jackson, Miss., fire on each other, and both are killed. 3 A falling wall at Colnmbus killed Jesse Beckons and George Terrlwiiieger. two emploves on the new Board of Trade build- ' inc. Frederick Seidel, a convict in tho ., Ohio Penitentiary, horribly crushed by a flywheel. 4 John and Samuel Black quarrel at. VJr- . ginia City. Nev., and tbe former was killed. ' ' Charles J. Rutger. an ex-Judge, com-" mltted suicide at Trenton. N. J. Seven persons perish in a. burning honse near Ar lington, Neb. Several negroes killed dur ing a race conflict in Loundes county, Ala bama. 5 Lightning struck a schoolhouse in Dela ware county, O., killing one pupil and shocking 20 others. 6 A dvnamite explosion at Locust Gap. on tbe Reading Railroad, kills 7 persons and 60 more are injurcd,.omo fatally. A cloud burst near Maize, Ivan., drowned a family named Rockby, and destroyed mnch prop erty. Harrison Staples killed Louis Brown witb a dirk at North Bend. 8 A boiler explosion at Manchester, N. IL, killed William Tavlor and Harvey Emery. William Boyd kills Alexander Shaffer with a bottle. 11 J. M. Kiel, a prominent citizen of Osbkosh, Wis., mnrdered and robbed. William Cas- . lin suicides at Painesville. O. - - 12 A Southern Pacific train jumped the track near Yuma. Arz.. killing one passenger and Injuring several others. John Lumblat, a prominent New Yorker, killed by the ac cidental discharee of a gnn. 13 Engineer J. J. Woodruff and Fireman H.. D. Kitziniller killed near Cumberland by the bursting of a locomotive boiler- 14 A powder car on the Santa Fe Road ex ploded at Fountain, Col., demolishing sev eral buildings and killing three persons, one of them a woman. J. N. Skellv mysteri ously mnrdered near Greenville. Ala. IS James Harper, a wealthy resident of Davis ville, Md., committed suicide by shooting.. John Hiitkam killed Charles Arnold at In dianapolis in a fit of jealousy. Harry Ben son, tue Patti ticket swindler, suicided in the New York jail rather than return to Mexico. 17 A iiowderhouse exploded near Stockton, N. Y.. killing one man and injuring many others. ... 18 Mrs. Ida Wright, a six-months bride, Cum mlttpri unlcido near Carthaee. RL 21 Floods tbrougbont the Mississippi valley caue great damage to uie ana property. William Kerr, of Cookeysvllle, lnU shot his wife and then suicided. Thomas! Barrett, a Pinkerton officer, found dead. In 1 bis room at Chicago, with ballet Is hi 'f r ks! - o. V &&&; kftmi'.'; xm