Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 14, 1951, Image 11
June 14, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, POTTERS MILLS NEWS LETTER I often June 14, 1051 | ter life, the one we now Dear Reader lone years ago. I'll never It's almost impossible to believe, | deseription of the present but here it is the middle of June | which Mrs. Bertha Henry already. Three weeks and we'll | at Reedsville once told me. She be celebrating July 4th: two more | the present day months we'll be getting our |like a garage, we go there thi luggage packed for Grange Fair: ‘times a day filled up and and then September all the park there at Concerniy will be going back to many homes, truer mention | poken I don might think a the past week at mer montin » were H. OC. ¢ fast for me " ugh Waters, of Chicago, Il quanti 0 you cah ust a trip thi im et you had be ter Mrs d asey of Braddo y kl soon 1 West Che Mrs cllis fennigh Valley ! L. J. Palme: BEL LEFON TE, PA. Really Happy | Avoid Farm Accidents Control Muskmelon, NVR ou Mo During Haying Season Cucumber Disease Monday, children that i try fo make someon the week? Well fields ev- lof you did 50?" asked thi Agent | 1 replied one boy To assure safety D. Del thie 108 went to see my aunt time, check equip happy when 1 before haying Legal Notices 150 degree F.| stacks. Make sure that EXECUTORS NOYICL tightly closed | are in good repair and hay nt that you guarded. Avold making sudden, jolt ut td th i tL 1-] In the matter of would ing and stop while ! HOWARD 1 STRUBL} mall enough | especially on rough ground Township, Centre them up | dismount from a tractor or Pa. deceased | while it |s Letters tamentary on helves,| por having been fork over under: igned all perso a paint | ge the said et are Be sure | gu immediate paym« ined | wing claims demaant | Tips For Cereal Insect Control Given When y of breakfast | cereal witl brown beetles in it, | thro way the infe Miss | Helen S iter home economic | Agent L. H. Bull I resentative Centre | and avold lost tep { ment carefully { he urges { Take special precaution hallow pans | vent falls from hay wonder which a box Having operations mark the be Disease CRUKE seriou 1088S ginning of a season when farm ac many cucun ir melot tee! 4 wea 100d idents run high, remind oi did, hon teacher alway more wa American hore in gett rid of these insects and heat the | racks and loft word the the H. F terilize al ontainers, It starts jettig and I i Walker in operation } Thomas estate catch up with you Mr. and Mr. and Mi Homer Neft George daughter \ are making : most of this nie ummer weather They m hy ) Okla., to visit their daug r d Mr. and Mi lair Richatr f nel | space bel the flour bin! barn outside the urely in the Don't row a pi WOrKk shoulder ground when 1 lay it dow: tchfork up or ored in ¢ when not in CArry a fon is al on is a and tate mae and present for ( m ' p . i act {ST NATIONAL BANK ol “ / font » C f ( , if advertised in CD | are flied | win | Fan Sh I A RI SHARD JOHNETON & el hospital the: they travelec Folks ask for it PUBLIC SALE | The undersigned will former Lyde Shop Mile > bu K¥, On Saturday, June 16th Beginning at 1 p. m., the following personal property and real estate: REAL ES TE f A. AUMAN ame no th Ir VICK, tor, Box 163, Salem , CAMPBELL & MILLER wired and situated on a lot 50 1 150 fe Inspection llefonte, Pa made from 9 a EXECUTRIX NOTICE mn ettlement n in matier of Lhe HOUSEHOLD GOODS FAVELY LY. la Small electric wi dat rie rofrior ‘ . electric refrigerator, wardrobes; 9 x 12 many other articles TERMS: 'S Tot Per ‘ N bos Jans H'« down, balance the matter of ; Je A | Centre 15 idence, N¢ Vala SLred y ounty. Pennsvivania { agmini have igned Cf ad ok 1) 1] Ready To Serve YOU! « «+ + Quickly, Efficiently . . At Substantial SAVINGS with . .. We were WAR born to Mr " in the Dr SATURDAY, JUNE 16, D.S.T. = 1951 room ne Ie Six ition AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A. M., COmpos “1 nal! nraovnert FARM IMPLEMENTS may be POWER-FULL GASOLINE lan nd hoth home and Mr Avoid Sore Feet In The Dairy Herd Always a full tank! No costly delays when there's work to be done, i you use Farm Bureau Direct Farm DELIVERY SERVICE Oil « Grease Fort ored by h will Old 1 June 23. It will be spon LEONARD C. SHOPE l E. M. SMITH. Auctioneer. Horne For Sa FAIRVIEW STREET, Gasoline a a A A ~ 2 CENTRE FARM BUREAU <= COOPERATIVE ASSOCTATION Pleasant Gop, Pennsylvania H. L. HARPSTER | AUCTIONEER Prompt Attention Given all Bales FHONE 357% PINE GROVE MTLLS, FA ner Phone—Bellefonte 235 PUBLIC SALES 101 S. LOCK HAVEN, PA. Former Knecht residences ‘Harold E. Leightley AUCTIONEER PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL SALES Phone 16-R-11 Centre Hall SAFE FROM daughte Bapti ed wi she goe weeyg vacatlio near Williamsbur Oscar Reed Reedsville Mr. and Mr das Thomas Her daughter Mrs. Anna Erb of Latrobe called at the Kathryn Carson and H Foust homes on Tuesday Mi Joan Meeker dauzh Mr. and Mr John pated in the i at the Presbyterian roy on Thursda pupil of Mrs. Da roy Mr. and Mi: Buriitham Mr. and Mrs day Jonas Meeker Workinger the home of Neff on Sun- Haine visited at Home: Foust, son of Harr Is now stationed in Texas. T do not have his address at this time bu! will report it In a later issue A few of us were di the American home the other day and how much it has changed in the last 25 or 30 years. I couldnt say too much about It 25 vears ago as 1 had Just made my appearance in the world at that time, but from what the others say it must have changed a great deal. Whereas children used to work at home all day to help their parents, they now work all day trying to get a quarter from them to go to the movies. Nowadays a person has trouble trying to keep | them rounded up so that they will | all be at home at meal time or in| time to go to bed. Yes, as times | change, so does our environment, The children now have many more | places to go, better ways of getting | there, and more things to do as far | as amusements are concerned than they did a quarter of a century ago. Foust cussing FOR SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE nt ten and Lot Ne 50 x 226 at Oak ol bidder bid and the r Subieect acceptance of very of undersig: deed 10d and all bid L. R. KORMAN, Executor Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania Public Sale The undersigned will offer residence on Main street, gan Grange Hall, Saturday, June 23rd Beginning at 1:00 P. M, (DST). the following personal property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS 9-piece dining room suite, a beauty; music chair: straight back chair; 6 plank seat chairs; antique Jove seat; venetian blind; room stand; library table; ward- robe; brass bed, spring and mattress: day bed and mattress; 2 bird cages: Edison vietrola; end table: bedroom easy chair; master chair; Morris chair: 3 clocks; lot of lamps; lot of pictures and frames: hyass kettle; trunk; lot of dishes and glassware, and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS-—u(CASH MR. AND MRS. C. E. COWDRICK HAROLD E. LEIGHTLEY, Auctioneer Paul M. Dubbs, clerk at public sale at their Pleasant Gap, opposite Lo- Also Lock Haven 30 Linden Street, JOHN W. KNECHT 101 S. FAIRVIEW, LOCK HAVEN y Phone 2256 Sale of Real Estate OF THE LATE J. SPRING TOWNSHIP, BLISS AIKEY, CENTRE SITUATE COUNTY, IN PA. (In 01 befor igned will receive 10 a ealed state situate In uable real « Corner lot containing 6664 sq the following: I. Brick dwelling containing bath, utility heater, rooms shower, room, oil hes water 1. Frame dwelling contain bath, furnace. rooms, II, garage beneath, Concrete block apartment with two (2) car four (4) rooms, bath, furnace. TERMS OF SALE: 56° in cash upon notification of aceeptance of bid, balance of bid on delivery of deed within (30) days after date of notice of acceptance of bid, Will be sold separately or in group, The undersigned reserves the right to neeept or reject any or all bids, Bids should be addréssed to Gwendolyn A. Royer, 204 8S. Water St., Bellefonte, Pa, J LY LL fA et Lhe Trusses — Crutches Abdominal Supports Sacro llliac Belts EXPERT FITTING Parrish Drug Store BELLEFONTE, PA. the Ladies Guild Reformed Church MERVIN E. HOY WILLARD L. HOY Administrators sill be served by of the HAROLD LEIGHTLEY. Auctioneer M. W. Gettig, Esq., Attorney for Estate Main Street, 1.O(G Apartment size electric piece living room suite; extension table; 6 cane seated chair: cane-sealed rockers; organ (in plano case) with stool; M12 Axminster rug in good condi- 50 yds, home-made carpet and throw rugs; oak bed; stands; sewing machine; electric lamps; 2 washing machines; tubs; LOT OF DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS wash bowl clothes rack; ber sultes: tion; 5 bed springs, § miatiresses; stands; vacuum cleaner; and BED CLOTHES; benches; meat stands; bread cupboard; warming closet; step ladder: paper board: fron kettle and caster catch for making wood ash lye feed hins: lawn mower; ecrosscutl and buck saws; wood box; stove pipe; paint and varnish: 50 fi of 2- porch swing: 5 ft corh sheller; good work bench; rings: soap; straw culier; carpenter (ool; toe! chest: brushes; plaster floats and trowels; in. terrachiia pipe, and many other articles too numerous (6 mention, Conditions of Sale E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer I will offer at PA. Due to my advanced ag ANTON, 9:30 ANTIQUES and Real Estate: HOUSEHOLD GOODS: heatrola; 3- Commencing promptly stove; arm chair; J-piece cham. sels; cake rack; quilt frame; Personal property Public Sale sale at residence on West on public (Clinton County) my SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1951 A. M. (DST). a full line of Household Goods, ANTIQUES: Two drop-leafl tables (cherry and walnul doughiray: fiddie-back setiee with original paint: 6 balloon-back chairs with the original paint; captains chairs: small chest of drawers; secrelary desk; comer cupboard with glass doors, in good condition; stands; 2-picce sink and cupboard; 4 low sinks with drawers: cherry chest of drawers: 3 beds (cherry, maple and spool bed). baby cradle high chair: child's rocker; old-fashioned wood stove: § rocking chairs (one a8 Boston rocker): 3 plank-bottom chairs; pletuare frames (oval and square): weaving spindle; spinning wheels; 3-light chandelier; mortised pine bench, 15 ft long: chest of patterns for decorating Dutch furni- ture; old Sugar Valley potiery: some old books and papers: kerosene hanging lamp with prism; pillar Jock; wall office clock. REAL ESTATE: Real estate consisting of a %-room house with lights, running water and all the necessary outbuildings. Can be made inte a duplex. One fine building lot adjoining the above-mentioned property. This home is nicely located and must be seen to be appreciated. " 3 laurel wash meat Real Estate cath, balance on delivery of deed Mrs. Minerva Herlocher Bierly cash CONCH WILL BE SERVED BY THE LADIES OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH. NOTE: Bale comunences at 9:30 A. M. (DST), with miscellaneous articles snd carpenter tools, eal estate at 2 p.m. Abliques will be sold after real estate. Cleanup sale. Everything must be sold. Ah