Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 14, 1951, Image 1
Father's Day: Most fathers attending church on Sunday will probably be singing their version of “Blest Be The Tie That Blinds.” ‘State Polis play: When driving Sep “ate Cgpjaore thought to th Copy Ms De,., C80 less argument as .. ke ,, Pt Right-of-Way. Let us sev.” ay, ample in our own driving—be Su. Big, dl he Ce ive Democral VOLUME 70. NUMBER 24 BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 16 PAGES CANCER FUND [Centre Oil & Gas Co. to Buy PETRANBUYS W hi : Contract Awarded “Gf Imperial Refining interests’ BLLIFOVTE Li Whiterock Firm On Street P aving FOR JUNE 2%). ome o he cone on an some sewer vow wt se 1 BUILDING HERE Lists Expansion THIS ISSUE | week announced a tentative agree- | ial Refining To ALY and Amoce ment to purchase the of ' EE . . .. Report | licati Ss ul | expire Fi ‘ill Move F ‘rese . . Work to Begin on E. Curtin, Benner, Burhside 5 on picalion he Imperial Refining Company to Firm Will Move From Present | yo, Equipment Has Capacity of 800 Tons per 4 . eafliliation to Be | thi area Are et eon ar ree’ I “Quarters to Lotation on and W. Lamb This Week. Tentative Budget Made | wey. V2 atONg Of Lock Elaven. at pres. | Bishop Street Hour; Total Investment $250,000; Quarry Centre is the distributor of Tex- | ent services 1] outlets in this area . . Is Adopted, Tax Rate Unchanged. aco products while Imperial repre. |The Centre Oil and Gas Company's | at Jacksonville Renews Operations. All Centre County residents are (ents the Amoco purchase covers the pump torage | Officials of the Penn Transforn Bellefonte Borough Council a- and W. Lamb street eligible to attend the annual meet-| The purchase include building tanks and some other equipment for | Corporation in Bellefonte Installation of new equipment by | repress investment of ¢ ’ warded a contract for paving por- The work Is expected to require ing of the Centre County Cancer |storage tanks and other facilities of | ¢ach of these station nounced this week that the fi Whiterock Quarries of Pleasant Gap | quarter million dollar Mr. Noli tions of four streets to Herbert R about 12 working days and | hed- Fund to be held in the Court House | the Imperial firm on 8. Potter street Operators now dispensing Amoco {has acquired title to the bullding on % el aoubie | Laid Imbt, Inc, of State College, at a uled to start this week at 8 pm. Wednesday, June 20. Mr: as well as a station outlet operated | products will have opportunity to formerly known as the Bellefonte r treble Mi Ra Equipme irchase ¢ meeting Mo ay Imbt's bid Council approved a tentative bud. | Charles Speidel, executive secretary, | by Kelleher and Genua on E. Bishop | take on the new owner's line. it was | laboratory on E. Bishop Street. The C. Noll, gen ouncead | pre e Lhe IW Malena nciuaGe of $6.363.2 as low among the four get and decided to retain the pre reported this week treet, Bellefonte A station on W | indicated busine will move to that ation his week ew powe ‘ a i ow bidders ent tax rate of 12 mills for general Busine it the meeting will | Lis n street and another in Union- Centre Oil and Gas Combpai when minor repairs and alteration Largest Lhe ACK The contract covers supply and use and three mill for interest include a report made by the com- | ville also comes under the agree- |, erated oH. 2] Ba) ft Sr are completed bi ie { BO - { : er ha application of a bituminous base Members of the Finance committee mittee appointed to study the im. ent Franci H C ‘rawior of Belle- The move was made in order to ‘Ons per hou be the | See O-yea » : course and a smooth t course for pointed out the tentative budget tions of reaffiliation with the The purchase I be ompleted | 1 ‘a= gk dik abaglus acquire the plant's own site as well | *quivalent of 15 railroad care. The | expected 0 beg eration by Ju parts of E. Curtin, Benner, Burnside calls for reduction of ine 1 of the Amer- ! 4 i, {ns to provide more room for ad r. with accesso item wili{l. Th he plant wil chieve it All person ditional facilitie The purchase ugh x ‘ pacity in 46 Loi from $17.000 to $10.000 New items in the budget are pay: erat i ! ing t J 'm e ing will be ell < { was made from Harry Tanney an { op . : : ment for the new treet sweeper gible to vote on the reafMliation | Frank Rover, owners THREE TEACHERS TIE reopened Whiterock ROOF PLANK MAY and a sewer on E. Bishop street BSUC | Awarded Degree Bellefonte BPW | Penn Tran began operation ! quarry at Jacksonville was put in : Provision has been made to operate The Rev. Lauris Whitman wa | y — . lf Cl b | ] {1945 in the former Watchmas ' peration last week. he added At D LAY HOSPIT Al the police office 24 hours dail} named chairman of this committee u nsta Ss | bui ding on W. High Street. Its first RESIGN POSTS = present bh Iv operating six 4 4 Charles A. Eder borough engi- at the quarteri meeting held in ; . product wa transformer for ‘ week and about 11 carload . neer, reported that many lots on W April he New Officers in oll burners. Later the move wa are shipped dally from the [ fee Tie ! ele 0 Me z made to the present quarters in the . Wt terock tinnle wk atriiee . . . . : m 3 Ww u : n if in hn » 3 a wil : [4 Pp anc CITE | Delay in Arrival of Gypsum e when (be held, a8 We for N . ; abtr Dlanine mil mi Rble School May HOUSE! iroward Simmenia ane sande 3 y o A r men { Mi Kathryn Emerick wa former Claster planing mill In ’ Howard. Shipme are made a Plank Hinders Construc- Hill, | the x x (About 11 new represen ed as president of the Bellefonte | 1948 8 new prod a deflection Parochial Pupils Next arge steel company in the Pi . treet In ative will De ejected to the 30- ainsake asd Profacstiarsal tha : voke for television receiving set ’ burgh area tion Plans Wi ber board. Dr. Hugh 3 RB ha in and Profe onal woman wa added ’ b ear ', Ww. 7 Tam bout five s———— t Were { Bellefonte, is the resent cl . ' x RB Gio neeling a he end M " - { “fine y nr for . : resent chalr nn Belle Hotel, Thursday Continued on Page Three : : > { “fi are processed for use Late { I A sing A) { the Func The installation was cond ihe resignations of three teacher highway stone use |i $75 for » Miss Ruth 1 Himmler, of we possibili y tha may be This ne peration employes 20 to delay t ! Al “1 necessa for the 125 pus enrolled | + nw of thes : dela first vice president of the a H g 140 Pup 00 ne ] 4 em being new emplos kin he ’ } 1 { Toh rarochia Fone te .e * 4 of the : g ARARAN |} V vani Federatior of BPW. ( oD EE hamburg es. il represet an investment of G Ww ~~ v new officer Are ] 3 hs ne oy - A iy “ $100.00 the RENCTa: IMALAREer re plained { I M ARK Fl Al; ) y Emma Lot Cra gt vies | J ’ » at les Par { he next hooi | portec A , i : J —— ig fi v year, were among the major items "oo Ly a . : enougn adc ; 4 . " eb ™ i i di I i president: Helen Geér, second vice ’ ’ b ; y — on, AN 4 . we Pane : hs White - crew yperatin fq y N . {f a y fewal dh cb 4 . | "i { onda at ek hs ‘ th be ive P oi anc program co-ordina- y tc ’ 24 4 ’ will constitute the next major stej he Ow prope: n All tor Tressler. recording treas. | 1 Tizes and Diplomas Awarded ''™ i Raa Pow els at the in the constructior wind Bishoj ree Ih vould Observance to Be Held at ire Henderson, historiai : i tosis lis loo Doard NaN OM ye e from Work continued this week with amount to $127.5 : i : istorian At Exercises Held Ihe Rev. Gilber: C. Premont and | the fie. . EAvA Bn nals tar the roof of Hecla Park Beginning at Be len Smith, corresponding hg s RE Pe] a. demon 4 a penings This once pouring concrete for the roof of an mas Secretar Friday Night Martin J. Miller of St. John's parish | required the services of 400 men the entrance wing. All walls have St t c I] bh:30 Tonight New Sina a wo appeared before e board and «¢ Now 75 are emt ail been laid up to the desired neignt State College Bar une, Alen we Cot Johns pap. |CUsed the local parochial situa n this on of the bulldir and \ f er Dorot Diehl BPW hy H Reker : ; Pins gS Bec: ’ { bu ng neertaintie en, aid wp 10 the deed hei oto Se wen , Day prereL |o Sg , f g5, Joh Pa. seen "of Sulang Sriames| os SE : Man Held For atiend the nual Fia ere a Haupt, cheer: Edith Hipple | graduated ai exercises held Priday the new 8t John's soho! Ain oca eserve s have been assigi ny to be he the Bellefonte education and vocations: Rutt ening nat b 3 Arn: for tie . >in bina . . abe OY — . : . ’ ? Wiki 1 be hed | Lim r the jobs other an mai 1 n t h Elks Lodge at Hecla Park pavilion Deitrick. membership. and Doroths Msgr Willlam FE Downe made Wass ‘ U t ] L ay work. These include tile wal for our n arge todd mmittees member ai ict 4 » » Wetzler 1 ; gf bas ‘ : . — ening of ple : Pept ber 1 ni S 0 e e r Th includ le wall | nit nem be A ! Philip P. Savier. Jr WELLIET, News servi € awards of prizes a HPIOMAS (hat case those 1 . ) the elevator and stair nalt anc week . Jean White and spoke briefly The Rs 3 i inert , ire / 4 ald F J 16 outside work on the entrance a RE ; H . ailing y : i eve en at 6.30 pn I R Aion { Mr. {ne healt} C Premont delivered the arge |. \ . 2x thi a ; or 9p une The prefabricated stair cases have Wa meld ra ary e of . th a « ‘ erved lodge members | #7 M Philip P. Bavior, 210 N. Shower to the graduates. Mi N De "- fo 4 ute not vet arrived although much of anc Datier . ar ‘ ‘ Pe: ‘ Belief ‘ ne Fa Sy p , t 4 ‘ pt 4 Pe \ Beliefonte " ¥ p “ x Just of the I e Ch 3 - h Bg pla ! ‘ 1 k : the elevator equipment is now on “Ht oo e © or Pea ! Lr ! Follow wi e the f ' s] | Aled ia f fro Mi Sal Baue J and rece fa 1 hid el 4 n e U. 8. A Reserve wi he te . ate ¢ Qa i a He 1 At K Ww AY am ™ M or N mn it Md IW mar radi . ¢ g ANE LW - ' Ing | 3 - ‘ Al P’ Sa rda ¢ " week ' released n $1.00 ball iestimony | Henze Frizzell { State Co He A Wa ¢ his BA degree in A Rift Was resented i Rut xr e : i 4 RIL CH ot Pathe hh : . kB & Camp Picke k A d C pois np A 2 jada |. 4 giver Le main addre m m magna laude Detrick, retiring president bs ¢ Eighth graduates ¢ Ae » th worlBaiisd Bu Was announced this week t Truc n argo and one half hour A . artet directed v Bi 11. » Yh Am > AST e tins F Same mam Baber ty w ack one Mh anc oul apt. Maurice FP Kelis ' : y y Ta H } 1 eee : appreciation of her ser ¢ John Heffelfinger. Gerald Hoover ntinue throuet the mont ’ EpSrlin The case involve \ roe : N g Dia I ’ a ap tt ring the vea a E ams oe PTR hic oda gn hth i Bel J Burn Near Julian We er a Ck, 33 {Onriet Will DIAS. ce ald aties. wae) ¢ Years and will [during the year. | Berman Koenig, Anthony Linge Continued wn Page Bett hl eA ! . of Pi rgl } af : » alne it he iring the business sessior vas | felter Francis Masullc Edware - ——- racy A truck loaded with buliding ma-' Nad Deen allacke Ana ire y | oerer “athol priest ) His ecclesias- | ® unced that Mr Emerick and | McBride, Mary Ann Adan Pats ve Service w terial Vas on fire on Mr. Hart a ne a everal ther LAGRE members exXpiained at it I adoption will be the dlocese M Deitrick would serve as dele- a Beeger Monica Boscair Ce raining course at Route 220 le and guests were leavis a shower part the Belle! FORTY RDC will be f Aloo: syle the Most Rey [gates \ we State BPW convention ilia Catalano. Elizabeth Pircarr L Captair Ward is Julian at 5 ; at the apartment of Mr. and Mrs only one of the many held ough- | Richard T. Guilfoyle. D. D in Philadelphia, June 22, 23 and 24 | Catherine Pornicola,. Rose Anr ay Cornerstone the commanding ny : Ren rit — chard vone in dine own ut the 37 ™ n . ee 19 TT — : " Cause of the fire not been | Richard Lyons in a building ownes it the nation A graduate of Bellefonte high Te clubs annual picnic was | Kersavage, Catherine Rozgay. Mary H. 313th infantry regiment, a unit determined this morning. The own- | by Mr. Hart on E. Fo ter Avenue The ceremony 8 open to the | school in the class ot 194d bey: Planned for Camp Hatetoleavit on | Jane Sunday and Elizabeth Witeraft For New Hospital | of the 70th Division erd “$f 'L Claster ang Sons. said, The information filed by Mr. Grey | public | studie@ent Mount Saint Mary's Coi-{ * 0a¥. Aug. 3 | ee RA BE Tor Sh Tue J 26 [Glenn A. Kean: William E. Woorre sday, June L 1 d ge 1 bout $1200 neluded the charge that " ! a apy ' sd oF - - the total damage was about $1200 included the charge that Mr Har lege for two years He won honor About 80 members and guests | highest averages were {| Glenn RB Kean. William E Woomer Operated by John Lose ff Valley had bo costed A ne Lock mot " "Winners Listed at’ the selina py was named to tended the meeting the Inst tc Eighth grade Elizabeth Witera ft | and Everett 1. Wisman te from | Robert Stottiemeye dtm wi wt mol £28 «sekpr ¢ 5 y wdiied Jor the summer ind Rose Ann Kersavage. Sevent) Sgt. ist class Dean L. Noll Sgis View the truck was enroute : v A aden . t and Joanne Winston The ’ D 4 oe " . h the Bellefonte ard to Clearfiele Joa Wi } pis . America College al Unive . he Weine and Irene 8a " The Tel ne for the new. Joseph A. Casher. Oscar T. Fetzer RT of the tea ve been vushed of fry Titan Safety | ie te monsignor Termes Honor Mami Sixth: Sor na Ma e County Hospital will be in- | Pred A Humphreys. Opis. Charles Aly X al TK tha ‘ f p 3 13a rt : J | : i : i 4 : ; 1 highway because: a tire blew out iH el | Society: Zeta Chapter. Delta E imiatures Ruth Hot Marie Prank Stalied with a ceremony scheduled | W. Chandler, Joseph E. Hazel Rot The wi aid hie discovers "i M Cres \ P " tro Essay ontest i gma Nat : Ca Tey . ATM Con § ¥ » 1 Tue » J ¢ , r 1 Me ¢ Pe Dona C \ river i h i i tl ( I » fire about ant hour late Flame ne jorenhea : A Ob je Cet Utensils M k Cha 114 B Ww an This ang cme » ade Fete Ww Pp MOM e y ps : ‘ . . Py ’ " 1) Mr Har A : 1] ot t A rr 1 r y ¥ HH . *y ’ I { » J ’ H y > | . spread Apid f f i A al by Tap — , Nine ei i wit n MH nit ' i a he wl it den : ion 2 . An al Ra N Pleasar Gay Ps Joseph CA erson. Richaiy ts contents, destroy pra peo] ed ser retary of t L ib Di . Dahums. Second: Rosema hairman of the board's Buildis Bickle. Stan Butkhokdes : ' we ‘ . } i) 's rial : ei RR FES EISEY REE MMMEsraesr (VV AIEEE. WEIN. AACHEN) YHELRAR Ul WU DORIG S 2MMD w + i! SUrkh ec alt of the 1 terial before MAKING EXCESSIVE und drinking | $e: \ winners | Clided | * Bt I ary usp oy Dahmus amd Patricia (Ne Proussty ame For Diele. Statiey O. Butiti ll gi i 9 % e ’ 21 : the ‘ f \ teat B WARD Me ! nit: teache ‘ ’ ! i R k ¥ 1 ri the fire was exungu ed by Undine “00 wo hae a Wi ‘ [it Met Ne ’ i re ‘ f Cat t First Martha BEBrakors and W A 1 te RIAm w= > a Ww mTG or 3 L Knise Re ld oa ‘ ’ } il { ' on Lon J rent ic ; bark d ‘ ph ! ! ! : aad fireme ! Bellef £ . . A a ; ’ f AL Ma h tate Sct f Domest ‘ Aron Ha Ha Ebeling : Ls f acc Me event = | Dr e ( 1 f Mr W.1 re: i i : Ft 4 : y } &) Re Ho ihtite feusaa a § : § A l i A pa a £ hb ne se " . Ww ¢ f a 810 \ wal A : fe r / 1 “ R He n { ARE piace il n is a ne Lad Alex Ce R McNitt ID : A n { ¢ mate fq € . x g vr 3 a “e : £ Librar Interest {tery the A breaks ¥ I kf Sam ” no i 12 ye " v A } Qt a h H t A § ; bi (Ng ceremony 2 Dona lL Rots Joseih | 0 the esses said the package ras Kenn ed by the fact that ail TWO Hurt As a arounc , Same the K p { ’ 9 f At aiid Me ’ wr. He rember of i ast July 18 Rozea Leroy S y yaniel R ere f " 4 p ¢ 4 ¥ : H i " niatire : : + . r : ¢ 4 a y « C R P h Weaver Char : we v . Aes at the eth Clou Helen S ¢ : pho ANZA the erty of Mi ar Kams rorc ! les H W m ) : g { ryvsoston SOC HeLY aM ( Two Hurt Slightly A policeman said he found no |g, FAVEILEE OC TAT. Sd Mis Lloyd | etl thot. Satna Sete ollege Two persons were injured. two Mark Williams Is Te. are a Japanese outdoor [cars were damaged to the extent Bellefonte Fir ; amaged to ‘ Named By Elks slonle Firemen When Autos Collide [Sime of sishol m the sph Mission Crusade. cade neu 5 ea REF AT wi J : AQ \CAGEeMIIA Wirt . en utos 0 I e ment . t bro - esd ba Ww Adresse est edie £6050 1 8B DOre 18 damaged Me vit er 'S 3 He coliege oe cud 3 Ja A Al y my . } 8 i ) ne cha ° tes ar a Route 220 nea . Nw nswer arm I ¢ ! } i I 12 DS ley Stover , . — b I 24 ne; Mark V Williams « eliefont when he allide nn front f ' Afar WSs itd , ’e € ARG dinner tabie Mart} at 9 a n Satur. ¢ " J _ { B at Py fount « ’ " nen thei idided Ul i : s Ma Whitehill $25. Bonnie Items from othe p I Was elected vice-president of the Bellefonte firemen were calle hog aw Warm Py Mond Me art “ J h H | S ms from i are | day Nye 10 Presule! oo 3 a e Rockview Farm Pri fonda MV Artney, $25 osep azel, r. from Mexico, Korea America Ww EW . « |Pem North Central district the Hig ine 27 We Linn The cars were operated by Robert ra t a or Thirtee to 18 rouD-—Molly T H d K fC and. Italt® Cana M Hol : a Willia { Julia J Pene ent and Prote ¢ Orde ¢ Btree Bellefonte. M at orning M p x 4 ak ’ " RE : : lA AACA iagdor i 1 ci fered ¢ ri : : ’ Hamil n. Bellefonte RD 1. a i § 1 MM ell $0 1a1 Springer 85 0 ea . 0 > and and Hunaar A “ re : nA rw Nn Flk \ the sprin meet a he a * ox wie the . Ite aden op . 4 Al and ana UNIEAT and his wi iner v : - McMul f Millhein B ne June Quota Is I RIN White $2 Merian Jos Haze! Sr vA elected his displas : aie 1 fa fen “ ts ¢ w 4 i d Belief te Sunda artment i M Pa ec Ove received ratior ft} head ' rot ) ’ C # al 4 thay ’ sia & DRC Or e to her right MNremer nel 1 +4 tas idan ia che dad Listed t Zero ah $2 grand regent of Knights of Colum- of Mr Wright miniature and | knee in the accident Representatives f 17 lodges ir Fireme od t a aclion face A Entries 3 : SAMAR . “ : " a A } cel . . " " a » y tf ws | 3 ’ way bere hdged b nemo bus Councli 1314 of Bellefonte at a | was chosen because the ! ir T™ a , he district attended the session at | ° ™ Ake hy eported. The State P at Pleasa Oa al ie . t at Pe State neeting he K. of C. hall Thus ciative scale. On the r . hig fen AAPPENed When A which the Bellefonte Elks acted house Lhe mer Sasserman MceM 0 niandAsnt of 1 g uy ar perated by Charles LL. Gill of , ' : g a FOE TE McMu iperintenden ol . n evening He coer George ard Are writer the manner ' ' Hast 8 M A no otha un oO labor 4 onto the | . Local elective Ser ¢ Boa N Cc h li w Finnit 5 : p " " : i HEE} J eg in front of a Ar op- Other Moet . son | } | nin hic! ach item i 18 : 44 I ele 1 wer ar way fron f the prison 1 44 has received notice that none of atholic omen ‘ ' en f erated by Mr. William tate Po- |g St i BG . . fro ne of prisor acl : ived n : . . mintatus metican abit . " Stewart ewistown, president U d | in fro { the Hamiltor \ whict it registrant wil w ordered to Plan Myster Ride Othe Ta Jame A miniature America pinning | lice aid The latter in order 1 Ent Cox B rata ’ pa LL n nes arnivo was t olis Plea abd report dma : " darts the Yy Kane. Jr ie ait wheel carved from so] ie maple avoid 3 head-on accident WOT ve : oom } atl secretan The McM edan was st month of June Group 5. Wome: f St. Joh: John Mignot George | “6TVes a he centerpiece to the right and in doing 0, side : H Miltor ehsurer et is ce , : A pba | s ¢ “ n a. w | the right da. causi: ADPToOX rhe order was re ved in Belle Catholic Church of Bellefonte will | F Warae Copen- Map { interest to Centre Coun- [swiped the Gill car and ran off the The b C ! bap " " 131 vat N N . AVer. recording fcretar Joseph ty historians have wen acquire nighv as into the Dore the mate $704 lamage with $10 et | fonte from Har burs Mondays pon A My ery B Ride ¢ i R | : rian n qu ; gi iu nN i Pl ’ d e Tire ( y a - be held f K i fon i arr \ ) " AGA > .t “holy ru » wi as the mage to the ther sedat R » Wednesday June 27. it waz ai Kane, treasurer. John Knapik, ad- recently by the Mbrary Mrs. Carl | James Robinson home, damaging | oca tores an | the rea { the fire - a AE Gain Hel nn egistrants and the are re. 114 y " . ) . : " Nay rear he Nl on strants a . § 3 iced by Mrs Benjamin Good ocate John Catalano, inside Ifverson librarian. reports heavily, police added Early Closing Hour E. Bishop Street, Thursday, Friday - hm thas the location © 0 Wil 1-1. v . hsb — " | is) tre hursda d . minde i a ‘ . : H nan, of Pleasant Gap. chalrmar guard: Carmen Pornicola, oiitside One map is of the state In 1770 Pleasant Gap State Police who and Sat , da hts, 1} nn tee office has wen hange fron ‘ : a - 3 ‘e . . rt ) i 9 i" 3 " ae comma Plan Pastor s 3 I p : everal buse will leave the Euard G. MM. McCrossin, Philip | The absence of highway is first | reported the sccident said the Gil Department and specialty shops | reminded th veek ; empie ( the basemen ‘ ’ ' h ‘1 te } ) ab " ’ reminded this wee F i E Temple > ) n Diamond in Bellefonte promptly at Baylor, 8r. and Joseph Hartle, 8r. | noticed and present place must | vehicle was damaged about $50 and Are bserving Closing hours of | Enterme will ea baat arewe vent cod wr , 6:45 pm. and return before mid. trustees [be located by their position between | the Williams machine approxi- Pm. during the mor of June and he hildre by : ! erts n on a “ AAA " “ " i ocnuaare; AIC DR COT The bs vited to attend a . ight, Mrs. Goodman said Adults - an 'yeiaknp mountain ranges. Bellefonte can be | mately $500 July. the Bellefonte Chamber of levery night } } i i : ; ; » i b the ota tio: Bal Commerce reminded this = k . : farewell prograr n honor of Dnt C y R g from teen-agers up, are invited on D : Ww located ) y notation ale Sa TNT, ee tefreshments w t ivailabi n in hono or Count egistration from teen-agers uj emocratic Women Bacle’s Neat | Retreshm I be available 1 he “mystery ride Ag Nest ! To Paint Wihitelings [aor 5 ANd Hest marks wit Warns on Street Play Claren E Ammold at 7:30 pm Prica % ne pry pes . Hoe Mis Shows 24,147 Voters Mcket at $2.00 each may be Plan Berry Festival Another map is of the intersec- Jun mm bers announced this week bbak af BAAR Fsarien Fimtasel purchased from the following com- [tion of Spring Creek and Logan | B in i MA d kn . ASR The program vill be held In St ve power) hi : nts be 4 mm mittee members . on ShIYlEEY Festival will he held Bran h. This area was surveyed in| eg " ng on ng Alphas Called ao ne Tawashlp ¢ tA ie Sanit John Lutheran Church auditor - The county Comtaissionsta’ OMCs Mi Catherine Hartle. Mrs. Mary op the yi ut t " : arah W alaoh | 1860. Big Spring is called “spring " Fite trafic Hines or Centre nioha’ Sree: were ealiad to tia 3 am ny Be t day J : el bh - jum. Linn and Al leghes y Street eported 14231 Republicans, 950 J. Gray Mr Eimer Hauer, Mrs | NOM at ! tlesd re winning at ) | and Water Street is designated as] Coun y highways will be painted Willem Riot on I / » 4 # that " dren Crate { J pl ® GCG. M. McCrossit { Mi Louise | P- Mm. Tuesday, June 10, committee |, public road Both maps were] beginning Monday, it was anncunc. Minn imrine home in odd ball in the street He said there and \ | crest when an oll heater became | have been many complaints of near " Dr Arnold will retire July 1 after Democrat 405 pe gy ellaneous and A. Ca peneto, all f Bellefonte: Mr» | members announced this week presented by Mrs Heler Burlin- ed vesterday | — " ) s11 srt ! 1 vr ve ives 1s ¥ ristration » A a . " " | ; - . R14 . n Tr -_e PE 20 yea: on With the Bellefonte | i y fe. a hk. HOD | virginia Easley, of Pleasant Cap The public is invited game | Aaron D. Leitzell. county main. | oVeErheat ed at 7 pm. Bunday. No {accidents resulting from this prac. 3 1 : 5 noe | ar 1 r congregation a wid Ia x land Mrs. Goodmat tenance superintendent requested damage was reported he Proceeds from the "Meves-teper.y | motorists to use extra caution and ride will be for the benefit of | observe the red flags which will First Annual Hobby Fair ui; == Milesburg Youths Playing |“: »:%: = _ Recreation Area Plans Make oi Shows to 2,000 Persons Auto Leaves Road | Pro Baseball i in Mid-West = us """""" provision For All Sports » Raa] » ’ . Damages Eight Trees | An estimated 2.000 persons viewed | collection. Mrs. Paul Walizer, need 9 9 Risegl 14Sermat ad Me Children $ Fair Proposed plans for development of | tables and benches the displays In the first annual | lework and rugs Damage estimated at $500 resul- | ) Bron, tet Satigtoe 1 ish Nets $450 Profit {A recreational area for Bellefonte Spaces would de devoled to an yr Fal weld In t } 1" ’ ow. ted when a car falled t py . i , om " pala Jas oe a he Pellstomte ons ly Rwurder tue Tolioy [turn In Py of Re ke A [clubs of the St. Louis Browns, ac The Children’s Pair held in Belle. plot. ht ls row a i rigid Petry ee fiat Saturday and Monday | Patty Vongunden, fancy dolls; | prison and clipped off eight spruce Sording to word received here this iy May 31 realized a profit of on view at the borough office on E. items. The administration building 450, it was reported yesterday Howard street ‘restrooms and storage facilities Frank Hench, community recrea- | Sam Vonalla Jr, painted clay mod. | trees early Sunday morning tion director, expressed the com- els; Janice Krauss, doll collection: | State Police sald the operator, mittee's thanks to the exhibitors Susan Yeager, collection of model | Richard Moore, of Butler, apparent. those who furnished advertising, | horses Mrs. Enda K Barger. | ly went to sleep and falled to take flowers, services to set up and op- | paintings; Mr. and Mrs. William [the slight curve, running off the erate the exhibits, contributors and | Clark, hooked rugs: Mrs, Madalene | highway about 150 feet, near the the Bellefonte Board of Education | Vonada, leather craft {prison entrance. NO one was injured for making facilities available! Nathan Krauss, stamps Mrs | w— Ernest Krape, of Bellefonte RD | Dorle Dodds, buttons; John Doty Than Lists Payroll was cited for his helpful advice and covered bridges exhibit; Sam Rob. Wag®s and salaries for the month display of paintings | era, Indian lore, sketching and bird [of April paid to Titan Metal Mfg Those viewing the displays voted | house: Mrs. Claude Confer, needle. | | Co.’ & 130] employees amounted to for the best three exhibits. Tally of | work; Mrs. Edna Barger, shelleraft | 845104634. From this amount votes indicated the following win-!and decorated match boxes; Lester $61540.35 was deducted, the major ners: | Reese, plastic craft | deduction being the $42,794.25 for Mrs. Hugh Quigley. fan collec | Hugh Quigley, pipe collection; | withholding tax, it was reported in tion; Jack Dale, miniature dog (Continued on Page Three) | he June Titan News, | Letterman, son of Mrs. Savilla| The event was held by the Belle: | Beginning at the north end of the would be set up here. The admin. Letterman of Milesburg, is with the | fonte auxiliary of the Centre Coun | plot near the Sutton Engineering (istration building would be sel Pittsburgh, Kansas, club, while {iy Hospital and proceeds will be Company would be the swimming |about midway in the length of the Breon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben: | used for the children's ward In the {pool, approximately 5 hy 60 feet [plot and would be reached by what tjamin Breon of Milesburg, Is With | new hospital {This would be surrounded by & sun- | is now known as the “back road” to the Ada, Oklahoma, outfit Mrs. L. O. Harvey, general chair: bathers’ ares Roopsburg. Here, 100, would be the The youths signed contracts to | man of the Pair, thanked all con. | South of this would be a hard ! free play area with a terrace for play professional baseball when in- | ‘ributors to the project [surfaced area which would provide | spectators [terviewed by a scout here last —— A facilities for two tennis courts, four A large plot has been reserved for month. Both are graduates of this Injures Leg {handball courts, basketball and vol | field sports such as softball and year's class of Bellefonte High Joan Martin, 10, daughter of Mr. |leyball areas. Next to this area | football. A parking lot with space 8Bchool and Mrs. John Martin, of Bellefonte | would be pits for a half dozen horse | for about 80 automobiles would oc Létterman had a record of seven |RD 2. was treated at the Centre shoe contests cupy the south end of the plot, wins and one loss while pitching | County Hospital dispensary for an! An area about 400 feet in length On the Willowbank street side of for thw Red Raiders team this [injury to her lefi leg sustained on [would be devoted to a plonic site. | the creek a space of 450 feet long spring. Sunday when & board struck her. |This would have shelters, fireplaces, (Continued on Page Three)