1951 June 7, — (LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 | prmmeem— THE CENTRE DEMC TI ’ 1s AT, BELLEFONTE, PA. ~ ~ Page Five CENTRE DEMOCRAT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECTION Chees her after spending th -—Buy now and save on summer M1 Louella furniture at The Electric Supply turned Co., Bellefonte, Pa E CO ~Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harpst winter montt in Philadelphia moved during the weekend from \ Rn cea Tuten, of Pine Street to of the rubl 1 pent Memorial Dag apartments on N. Allegher t Mr. and Mir H. WW. Wylie Philadelphia were in Belle several days l Mr. and Mrs N. Spring Stre Dr. and Mrs | eid { i Hazelton, and M: lolet M n Butt turned of Allenwood pent tl weel i ome ot IW with the ladies’ siste: i Eli the ent: ‘ounty Hospital beth Barnhart, ) } treet vl be Cpl. Merrill in Germany two and al | al on a fifteen day furlough with h part ! N. Allegheny Street parents, Mr of 8. Water tioned trainee Mi Helen Mr. and Mi Valentine Street Washington, N.J attend a West school for t member class of the Bellefonte The lo VFwW having card partie Wednesday night at on South Spring Street begin at 8 pm. Admi prizes are offered an are served Donati terest of Veteran are welcomed week Street with one " 'g \(r Week a We NCIng parent feDowell | Street wher nedical patient si and her of the Boston yeal James planned nual summer tend the Princeton time Dunkle retur he Summer Mr il family vacation left ve where Mr Sur . Mercerburg bly of the ing. Headmaster presided at ti tributed letter of boys Pleasan former Bellefor Bellefonte was a MI Black ate Col. anc Bellefonte cemeteries rtown at N| promised to buy Ethel a Westinghouse Electric Water Heater before | came on this trip” wsses YOU CAN BE SURE..1¢ 175 |) cstinghouse-.. 15 MONTHS TO PAY AFTER : DOWN PAYMENT DeHAAS ELECTRIC COMPANY N, ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE “or Rh. seman re- | home on ¢ Harris- her Kirk of W Friday from e Hazel | Farmer { his duties | perty Leonard W. Lambert ha nccepted ition ¢ National Bank a: Friday gate a po Mt Kennet! | Friday to her home Street from the Hospital medical pat Mr. and M? Beaver Street where ent the second fl Genua house on N Mi J Street left brother-in-law Mi John Additional Locals on Page 6 MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by C. & Co. Ine, Flour Mill, BOTHERED BY Insects? See Claster's Ad Today Page X Y. Wagner Bellefonte FOR CORONER OF CENTRE COUNTY WILLARD M. NEFF HOWARD, PA. YOUR SUPPORT AND INFLUENCE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED AT THE PRIMARIES, TUESDAY, JULY 24 (Pol. Adv.) (Pol. Adv.) Articles For Sale 84 } Phone x24 Lomiate uey, Be Deere mower Dunki« | Want To Sell Your Home? Contact MARY M. FAUBLF Real Estate Broker Bellefonte, Pa Phone 4749 r FXCELLENT POSITIONS OPEN At The MARY SACHS SHOP The Following Departments INF 0 WEAR i LINE} PORT W *§! 1.1 3 : Aad EAR N {four issues one cent a word is charged above CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Advertisements of twenty-five Articles For Sale VOR ALE One FOR SALE LOTS LOTS —~ LOTS Different locations all MARY M. FAUBLS Phone Bellefonte 4749 words or ee, planos, « « + the letters start. Then many readers of THE CHRIS. TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy this daily worldwide newspaper, with such com ments as: “The Monitor is the most carefully edited news paper in the U.S... " “Valuable aid in teach “News that is complete end fair . . . “The Monitor surely is a reader's necessity . . . You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news . . . and as nhees sary a your HOME TOWN paper, Je this coupon for a Special Introducto subscription — 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY $3. The Christian Science Monhor Norway $0. Boston 15, Mame, U. 8. A DO YOU HAVE ALCOHOLIC PROBLEM? IF SO, WE HAVE THE ANSWER P. 0. AN Box 665 Hecla Park 7 Mi. East of Belltfonte FREE ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAY, JUNE 10th Louis & Cherie “Gymnastic State College, * rH Novelties * Thrills Laughs * Comedy Afternoon and Evening Shows FREE MOVIES WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY NIGHTS BASEBALL GAME BELLEFONTE vs. SNOW SHOE 2:30PM ROLLER SKATING WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SUNDAY NIGHTS Free Picnic Tables Park Available For Pienies PRONE ZION 2121 "Articles For Sale FOR BALE--H. E. Elsenho Shore, Pa. wer, Jer dealer in fine f/i0 good used pl Phone 621 FARM Wedne Help Wanted ‘ 35 cents each issue for Where advertisements contain more than twenty-five words, minimum rate, KERLIN CHICKS Extra profits can be yours from extra eggs, bigger eggs and larger market birds of better quality that scll at higher prices if you raise our berter-bred chicks, They are backed by gener. ations of selective breed. ing for the vital profit fac- tors. Order yours today! KERLIN FARM L Announcements Wie N RADIO THREE He FARM Wanted to Buy Repairing _ REP ATI washers and ws re-brigtied re BS Ale. ve oars F to oon PERCENT - INTEREST — O nee oo 7 ’ LOANS rir recite A aus ¥ Bellet Miscellaneous ETOCK — Rem nromptly veo REMOVAL PROMPT or Oa OOWS Notice will shop you at : take you for Altoons or Phone ar Notary Public ners Dermith 8 {icenses Rossman a FOR SALE A Roof Paint With a 10- Year Guarantee John H. Getz Sheet Metal Shop Phones Bellefonte and State College LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? Visit Our Used Appliances Show Room RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS RADIOS wee. $0 Day Guarantee WILSON'S ELECTRON SERVICE High St Phone 4282 2IR W Bellefonte FOR RENT 2, 3, 4Room Apartments Available at Once! MARY M. FAUBLE Broker Bellefonte PHONY} Penna 4740 TRAVEL TICKETS 25¢ a day Fauble Insurance Agency LO.OF. Big. Bellefonte PHONE 4700 LEGHORNS NEW HAMPSHIRES (Phone 52) Centre Hall, Pa, STARTED CHICKS BARRED ROCKS NEW HAMPSHIRE WHITE ROCKS 1 week old $14.00 per 100 2 weeks old S100 ~ " 3 weeks old ila AY * * 2¢ per chick more for less than 106. Prices at hatchery, » A. F. Hockman 125 W. Bishop St, Bellefonte, Pa. we PHONE 2229 woe ATTENTION FARMERS! Have Your Farm Beautified With LOWE BROTHERS PAINT PRODUCTS Arrange For Your Spring Painting New! ® FREE ESTIMATES ® Harry E. Leightley Paint Spraying Contracter CENTRE HALL, PA. Phone 112