Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 10, 1951, Image 9

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The Copy
cae Che @endve Democeaf co. Feoke
In A Trouble-
Weary World
(Prepared for the Centre Demo- |
crat by the State Planning Board, |
artment of Commer ) y ' \ \ Vo ep a >< \ n . ) Nell’
ISYIVania s ourtn state-wide
Recreation Conference is being held
from May 9 to 11 at State College | » N ¥
sue 3 series oe = | Clif County Group Charges “...And God Bless Mother. 540,000 Fire Perils Town Of
portance of recreation in
our cities and smaller communitic
BBs a Gas Firms Oppose Conservation i skis If. —| | 227) Warriors Mark In Night Blaze pe
Recreation |
many uncertainties reflected {
daily news, and the need to main- A 2 pat 7
Sain ROW, more than at any time in | Delegation Travels F.3F y 5 Eee vn yr Flames Dec Stroy
the past, an alert and Vvige > ; Ef x he - ; . .
tizenry, have made recreatior - Fire Burns Over to Harrisburg Eh | TREY | (| Old Homestead Game Commission
grams highly importan . . ot (w p
State's hundreds of rian 2000 Acres Near Te 1s companies want to | ig oR a . | : re 3 hv ; t Grant Announces 4 New
munities. These pressure mostest gas the fustest”
Bir ”, "| Snow Shoe Area on ( the C. ig, in : Wi i 3 - > Hh : - « heck : “ate 4 ] dest 0 | Lstion Area Assignments
fously, the State Plann JOAN esentatiy who went to Harri
the Pennsylvania partment f I p recently to participate in
Commerce Faint ut rowded | (in and tt t fir t nference of gas and oil producer
streets, the speed of ti ' t 0 p-
lack of play space { ; ) ind
neighborhoods, often prevent our gh la Ww esd A ] i at cretary of Internal
boys and SHS and our vot n ‘ Af
and women fi nm finding the oppor The fire start ‘ Accord i Associate Judge
tunity for healthful o or pl - | Renoy Paul Mille { it Char Dunn and Jack y
ure of a constructive K 31 Shoe AS CVE iblisher o the Renovo Record
As our industry is making the dif- ason t jeve that t elegat at Harrisburg, the ga
ficult transition rot lan on set mpany spokesmen argued against
military production, recreation be { id the n cult vy regulation of output of natural |
comes an importan { every pnghting the fi ‘ ¢ of the high and that the Industries would |
program for | ng worker ind lan [ 1 ) ar 0 curtail activity and people
morale and protec 2 ir commau- 0 feet a ’ would suffer, if brakes were put on
nities in the event ¢ rious publ M M I t f e present rate of output from the
emergency Leid |
ered th
ar a . He hw hi Jipe rh. " } ' ; Ke Hi Presented yo kind t| 4 BJ $e »
wh eka eon cer 0 Wren” 0 in ai ane of Philipsburg Skyline Changed ii
ae ws 1 ho mrs, an soos Sh ean, 38 raed” ioe Git Buccuon | By Addition of Baker Stack Te SL Twit Srawur |! |
or ee een in 8 I A eps ot ie y ipsbiny. skyline. was 3 y (oe Amen Central Pa. EUB
oh th Semiviivng 3 be Dal . rei ty 5 nf .
for ‘whiel training will be | in npound me the water The Ph
Eo re enling Touts INE Sorgarie Sou THE] nL of the flaiwes was 10 miene | cently nani vi Perf Du oe around ang | for apanment. occupied vs Mr. Conference Boosts
ne near
for the energies f young. beope H e st ct I pt ere 101 od to drop! The stack rises 126-feet and we fa ¢ B-B ( M lee A ny . 4
Byeriod, wien y DOP! er . * ’ a! *K sal ©) They } - d erected for he > 1 rmingstar Bak- { : ’ ! . I oi : : Supt. Salaries nd e oun eS
EEE SughlHere | ae SR Ed Th LE 0K d By Senale
qf State Authorities [a 5 2urket bullding aio hou A While TN ath
eek's m ! at : program o . 1 Launch Pr be nt ; KC: il Tel rel 'B-B Gun Bills : p Jury Ignores
FERC SD SI EE Sekar i To Sep Curh |» + Gambling Bills
Among Hoo-
ference he : N
camps. parks. churche: - tries : Stat ¥ank WK Novi Ben tneral mer- Measures Would
Boor we us, fepre.. een four aught fire but was soon|' Ban Their Sale
sentatives of local ar tate gov- yu eeks. A A HR “ a Tatehas hy The House J
w iy SoMnittee | eel Groups Help Mark
ernment agencie "n FIned | ’ : 7 " ing | ! |
Am: ahd it the old! may draw
obits TE TROSE exts fattern Romgsiead, thie TAME ANd Us Ub 71 BB gins 10 Permalvan § Sam vh 20th Anniversary
r Decl ares | +
nN Become Racket
rth umbie r
ding answers to their recreation gu Kes : ! wl 87%
finding @ . lish more
nued on Page six) Be
Chairman Joh C. McKi:
i {R-Venango said the
aw Dust Holl ! omni
RCTES Wer irre | sent a series of bills outlawing he
fale Kefauver : ee Dias aze rew {ne % County Motor | sate of B-B guns to a subcommittee
: recently put the t Club Wins Two [ro a cs me we of
roup pnfkely le snes con woe State Awards | ener agreed iif Sommitis
for more
Cost of Operation . Ihe Cent Count; Motor a 1 of B-B guns nu tate,” McK
Held Prohibitive Institution Authorized 'vonsored by the Pennsylvania Fed. | mittee meeting. “We may Tank Opened,
For Central Penna. nes t Duffy's Tavern in Boals. | The B-B gun bills would 5,000 Gallons
es or | “The prises. $i each wii be | AUST types of wespors in iv Of Russ Out
Injures Knee
wed 0 10 | Bellefonte Native ox "bri | Cole. was treated a0 |
ment. | highest per Author Of New : i ai Car Damaged
veh * osF Sasmhirom Sr Arsomatioatis: we the rease in membership for
ov of or ny [ th ata { bit hroughout the state dur- Book On Envoy WAT ‘ { Three Strikes Ahd Out
1" \ y r { hn x ' ‘ [ ear iJ) i Nea H
panion 1) ri ing } afMliate with J native of pellefont
to fina: tl n igate activit ¥ P { on Page Sin) r of a new book
A top
said the
SE ST I Hearing on Flood Control Te i fas, Mie incident wa: rep re iz |
tne meee 2 Set in Washington July AEH Porn ond ew we | : KNOW YOUR HEIRLOOMS
proves in th s : {who with their family move P } k oh the val By TOM ORMSBEE
The | Philipsburg. th 1910
b . \ . Bra and its tributaries to pro-
opposed by th MIT ! n t 1 A ; ect the communities on the stream Her book, “Ens
However, Rej Tompk . ET re 000 GAIL be released Ma w tl ¢ : ott 1
(RC amer : irafter f the West RB The " alled for in the recom | State Universit ! ir el The Collector as His Own
tenied U ; COMMIS) " k bef 1 ‘ tion { the engineers would | Grummond, now assistant pr Oi ‘ told Wil
be of A partisan natu > : Engines i Rive ! built at total cost estimated at | of history at LSU
vould be con put it at W ) June 4 than $250,000000 at the fol- | American Univer
ations: First Fork of Sin- | and received addy ar ]
ng Kettle Creek Bald | LSU. 8he also taught in Tyrot ) ' lo e. The to th problem. During th past four
imber of et
Health Meeting A xf i i \ i ‘reek at Blanchard, and in | in Puerto Rico , \ po ! | : 4 vears 1 1} had : . ‘ :
A J h £ At 2 ! ' th vel at Curwenaville and Keat- Envoy to Carsca the stor ih y ’ ‘ . th ] ‘ "§ I from 1 : jet about specific
t 0 nstown May. 22 int A g The Keating site would be the | John G. A Williamson , . nt desk lack.
Region the Pennsvivar ngineer ' ATL location of the multiple-purpose | Carolina man who in 1835 MAP smd | . : a chest of
Welfare C onfere: e Is maki Fhe Boat {I a is [charge de affairs at Caracas It 4 : sh ! 1 raver ith feet missing or a mu-
rangements for a meeting on the hearing on June 4, it Is un- | based on his private diar ! ; ; tile halr { sentimen-
subject of Mental Health Aes be In 1d tood, will be for the purpose of | Mrs. de Grummond discovered association or real liking for
at Johnstown on May 22. The reg fe sur MAL ae doh raring final presentations of data | collection of papers bought by J 1 piece itself, they want it put in
lon includes the following countie ¢ th nH , KX m proponents and opponents of | LSU Archives In 1942. She bel : oy y : ndition use, and ask if i
Bedford, Blair, Cambria. Centre nr ted .N 3 J ecommended dams. If and | herself to be the first person the expense involved
Clearfield, Pulton, Huntingdon Mi I mmendati ! tie i ! when approved by the Board of En« | the diary since Willlamson made Plan Mother's Day When the requirec repairs are
fiin and Somerset nginee; AH r | s the report is expected to | his last entry over a hundred nl imited and can be done by a pro-
tarting at | Jour flood trol eIvo | a get the OK of the Department of | before JF iogram At State fessional restorer at moderate cost
An afternoon session v .
2 o'clock will Include a panel of sl TI " i h e, for submission to Congress. | .., book also draws on William - Parent F atasdbinad ution Is eaty but there are
speakers who will discuss the sub- | Pa. 21 -¥ Continued on Page Bix) [son's correspondence with the Stat : Pe og J bn Al ud ‘ Plenty of ther Instances Where
ject from the point of view o . ——— Department, materials in the Brit He cami he damage is 50 extensive that the
courts, schools, churches, medical "| ish Forelgn ofMce, and the author would outweigh the value of
piece. One must always remem
profession, family, and community, Hom Dem 4 | explorations in Venezuela Pr ‘ : ‘ ) . )
A nationally known person in th 2) ons ra on ee | Mrs. de Grummond points oul Hem : i s he ¢ that the decrease in value is
general field of mental health | that the diary has historical signif direct proportion to the amount
of Mi Queen, Martha Lee a 1 i repair done
ing secured as the speaker for t) h Ww k $ EF t . CANCE As A record of attitude “i :
dinner session to be held at 6.30 v S ows or (0) xX ension people toward events. It reports on altzell fer Pa will be i E |! The way around this problem Is
m. Both sessions will be in the Por the reaction to French aggression ) *d the May Day ceremony y he en Lo to do it yoursell, providing you
Stanwix Hotel The women of Cents inty join | slip covering, chair caning, sewing |at Vera Cruz for instance, and on 3:30 pm. Saturday ¥ have the skill and patience nheoces-
Dr. Roy W. Wiley, superintendent | the women all ove t United | machines and adjustment; the facts | England's plan to take Panama mediately preceding this - ary for exact and nice antique
of Johnstown schools, is the general | States in celebrating Home Demon- | of nutrition, care of teeth. proper ——————— event, parent Hl be entertained | f ; i x Pion) bee & furniture repairing. Eager beavers
al teas in the residence hall} my Hl Gs 7 % v 1 | with no training or aptitude can all
chairman of the meeting commit. | stration Week. Home demonstra- | preparation and preservation of | ’ p \
tees. Dr. Sterling B. Brinkley, di. | ton work i& home economics ex- | food, diet for overweight or under Four Slayers Get | lounges i — { too easily complete the ruin begun
rector of the UMWA Medical Cen. [tension work In Pennsylvania, and | weight: the use of equipment, sew. | Open House program will bel : by time and use. Against this, there
ter, Is chairman of the program |is under the School o iricuiture | ing machines, pressure Saucepans, Respites To July 9 held Saturday afternoon by the| " are other amateurs with skill and
committee {at Penn State. Extensi roups | pressure cookers, irons, ironing The Governor has again issued | School of Memistry and Physics - | fudgment who do surprisingly good
B® e.pssZ..;.z&0. are not organized groups. They | boards, pressing equipment. respites staying the execution of | Engineering, and Physical Educa. i 4 [repairing and refinishing. The ar-
Big Trout Caught have no membership fees or limi- | Meet In Communities David Darcy, 26: Harold Foster, 26 | tot and Athletics. Residence halls . | row-back Windsor armchair illus.
Mrs. Henry Malone of Milesburg, | tations. The work of home econom- Extension groups have held their | and Marry Zietz. 21. all of Bucks! on the campus, as well as fruter. i | trated is a good example. It comes
caught a 23-inch Brown trout in|les extension is available to all | meetings In twelve communities | County, and Edward Hough. 34, of tities, will hold Open House for . | trom Damariscotia, Maine. The
Bald Eagle Creek, Friday. The trout | from the age of 10 years up. The | this year, with women from 23| Philadelphia, from the week of May | Visitors owner writes that it is a family
weighed four pounds, ten ounces | junior work Is conducted In 4-H | communities attending. Nine of the | 7 to the week of July ¢ Other activities include dramatic oo piece of several generations which
Mrs. Malone caught the fish with a clubs for girls from 10 to 21 years | groups learned the simplified meth. The three youths were convicted | broductions and exhibits of student ? bad suffered several misguided
minnow as the lure, of age. The adult work Is for any- | ods of dressmaking; three groups |in the slaying of William Kelly | work in the various arts On Sun. transformations — the last one
————————— one interested In learning more | learned to refinish, repair, reup- | during a holdup In a tavern near (day morning the Mother's Day . upholstery.
600 Enrolled about some phase of home eco- | holster furniture; two, learned how | Doylestown on Dec. 22. 1047 chapel service will have Iw. © A REPAIRED AKROW:BACK WINDSOR “I ripped off the ‘“junk'” he
More than 600 alrmen are now |nomiecs: cooking, sewing, buying of | to make and use, and economy of, Hough and David Almeida were! Elson Ruff, editor of The Lutheran writes, “and found that the right
enrolled in a school for clerk-ty-| furniture, food, clothing, house- | home-made mixes for biscuits, ple- convicted nl the slaying of Cecil | of Philadelphia. as speaker. A con. The right arm and top rail of the back are replacements and the right arm and the right leg were broken
pists operated by Penn State for|hold supplies; child care, child | crusts, eake and gingerbread; one Ingling, a Philadelphia policeman, [eort by the College Symphony Or. rear leg has been restored. A good example of wha: an amateur re- Also the back was In sorry shape
the U. 8. Alr Forces. The war. | guidance family life problems; re-| learned how to make rugs by braid. during the holdup of » supermar- chestra Sunday afternoon will close pairer can do with a piece so damaged as not to be worth the expense with cresting or top portion broken
accelerated course Is 12 weeks pair of furniture, reupholstering (Contipied on Page Six) ket on Jan. 30, 1047. the weekend program of professional repair, (Continued ou Page Bix) y
— N : 3 pbout heirloom
H 3