4 . State Police Say: By teaching safe habits ting examples of safety, can prepare their children hazards—in walking, later on in driving and sel parents agains tar cycling, ar Sey. de Col. an automobile, Cole, Vin Dey, doy 7) 81 a, ary be Centre emoctal Fr Field Day: Sunday will be a field day for psychiatrists: pessimists will be griping about the hour of lost sleep optimists will be looking forward to the hour gained September 30 VOLUME 70. NUMBER 1% PA. BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, APRII 1951 26, 14 PAGES THIS ISSUE Sets He: earing oOn College Charter Proposed Change ky Penn State Charter Draws Objection From Agriculture Groups; Trustee Membership to Be Argued May | 10. Tht as the date Judge Ivan changes to th sylvanin State amendment: tionment Present for 12 agriculture change would six six from The change majority a meetin START 2ND FLOOR OF NEW HOSPITAL Expect to Begin Pouring Con- crete on New Level Soon trustee The first second floor { County Hospit begin late superintenc general pouri begin - § AUTHORITY TO APPRAISE SITES View leve yesterday completed the present Steel 1 of the set in 1 (Committee Named to Sites and Assemble work ( osts then Complet for the sec cycle g! another Tempor support facing beams wall, it wa he building ’ en received and set in place. It wilh} be put in use when the { floor second work At present t 4 rg Jame possi ’ nt + Willowhs will com thority raisal he ned by Au appoit College are: Mahl Well B ble Af For Prothonotary Work Resumed On Two Highway Building Jobs Guy G. Miss Civil engines design and bridge of Work grade fr pri He came and has resided her pro for 10 years. He w= with guard of the peace In } [4 { rail houlders i wall an Co and 322 It 99 pe jobs re. detour and Wat ’ nterference Pe ject Page Bight Fisherman’ s Paradise Will Open 1951 Season May 18 Pennsylvania popular “Fisher. killed in ans man's Paradise” located on Spring! fisherman | Creek near Bellefonte will open It gates for the 1951 season on Prida May 18. and extend over the period to July 21, both dates inclusive, ex- cepting Sundavs when the Paradise is closed. Fishing will officially be. gin at 8 a. m. and continue until ingle day restricted to artificial hair or feather lures barbless hook: hooks from which | the barb has been removed. Spoons, | spinners or swivels are prohibited | and wading the stream, for any purpose, is not permitted. Mash | caught foul must be returned to 8 p. m., EST [the water and assistance in hooking There is no special license re-|or landing fish is not allowed quized 30 huh he Patadise, Yah, Only fish ten inches or longer ho ie a resident fisherman's loense | palin front the large stream may be and must ly register in and ki while the size limit on the ont. gh Birsona allowed to visit adjoining stream is seven inches the project five times during the] The rules and regulations will be season and while the thrill of | prominently posted and each angler catching big fish will be the order will be given a printed card bearing of the day, only one fish may be these regulations, visit. The the use of or with! ELECTRIC RATE INCREASE BID IS SUSPENDED PUC Informs West Power Co. Six Months May Be Taken for Study Ivania Public suspended the for by West in order all the to ) study case received Tuesday which anno action is sion, present WIAs pany mnceced irt taken effect ion has six months ompilete iu dy the rate increase within this period. When ion has been taken by the n, prompt announcement by the Company 4 OFFICIALS OF st bu thorize time made Penn | . SCHOOLS REPORT School Directors (Course Underway in Bellefonte; Lasts 6 Weeks Hayne Carl Food - Jean ma Gorman Robert M. V whnship—-John W. Fish- ident; Jacob E tary. Chris Harman Bo RE township—Pauline burn, pre member w SCT chairman Harold Albright of i Jonking, secretary; Richard D. Ul vice president township Contigued or cn Burnside Margaret ag Right - ANGLER SAVES BOY IN STREAM Artificial Respiration Used on Three-Yef*-Old Son of First Aid Instructor W K action y recited wit? ’ the N e-and-or bre footbridge 50x Sprir fopt Creek attracted the Ir.. of Fheckler wu! Metis avenue wkler lied oy reek and applied artific- : before taking him me a Bell hone er t aid instruct na ie on erious fo He sald the have drowne heckier no nAS p the Tele Oo ondit was 1 an hour would probably few seconds had ened Cohen Store Opens Today In New Site Te Cohen store opened today he room in Crider's Exchange for- merly occupied by West Penn Power | The Cohen store had been lo- next ated door Nathan the Krauss, proprietor said ve was made to provide space | to add new lines and make larger | facilities mu ail play Modern onable wall add the store New Trial Granted In Driving Charge Joel D. Pomerene, of State Col ee, who was convicted of drunken driving at Pebruary Term of court, was granted a new trial in an pinion filed yesterday by Judge Ivan Walker The defense attorney moved for » new trial, basing the motion on » | prejudicial question asked a de. [tense witness In cross examination ‘Barnett Used Car Lot ‘To Be Located Here The Barnett used car lot, now located at Milesburg, will move to {the rear of the Haag house on East Bishop Street, Bellefonte, Saturday, James J. Leiteell, manager, an. nounced The lot has been located at Miles. burg for some time and is a part of the Barneit agency on West High Street, Bellefonte. colors and new display canes to the attractiveness of Is Houser, | March | | released in fluorescent lighting, fash! SI gi i - n Fi. Re Lr Utility | rate Penn | get | informa- | at | FR CCEA ly : aa RW a Downes the con. The RL. Rev. William § | Is pictured above turning | first spade of ground for the struction of the new St John's Parochial school. Others who ticipated in the ceremony are, from {left to right: The Rev, Gilbert Fremont, assistant pastor and gen- eral chairman; Dr Josenh A Parrish, chairman of the Executive | committee: Dean Kennedy, archi tect; Martin Miller of the Building commitier: Burgess Hugh M. Quig ley: T. Ellwood county su- perintendent of schools Pudge Ivan Walker; Elizabeth Witeraft a SL John's pupil TITAN EMPLOYES GET WAGE RAISE All Hourly Emploves Receive par Sones, Increase (Contract {i Per Cent New In The increase became effe 1851. P. B. Ra) industrial relation report Employes will receive time | of | onetais for all work performe ithe sixth ible utive consecutive day 3 4 + . +4 time for ¢ oven Holida rk am ~~ AY Retires After 35 Years Service With Warner Company Arrest Three On Charges Of Larceny tempts whee! Wrecking While Monda prehe nd the a they Poll yard i ail for th 20 each. Park after | Dayli Clocks to Be Set Forward One Hour; Groundbreaking Ceremony Held For Parochial School AMBULANCE CLUB DRIVE TO OPEN Logan Fire Company to Begin Membership Campaign Mav 1st paigs gin n May Membershi we club is open to | Any wt lr of Bellefonte or any- i ne living within radius of 15 | of Bellefonte a | To Induct 12 Men In Armed Forces May 8 Ni 44 rep ne { the select this time Services at Memorial Shrine ve bee Residents of Brush Valley Seek to Bring Industries to Area; Building Site Given Pictured above are members of a group of Brush Valley residents who are working to attract industries to locate in thelr vicinity Seated from left: Allen Winkleblech, James © Corman, chairman; Clarence B8mull, auditor of Singer Sewing Machines, New York City, Meyer Brungart. Standing from left: Palmer ©. Bilerly, Melvin Bright, Rev, Richard Abernethy, Nelson Stover and Harry C. Ziegler ] fents of Brush Valley. in-| Rebersburg Madisonburyg onia, have inaugurated a attract industries to come Rebersburg vicinity. Already 8 been donated for a build. plat to Lhe Int | ing Ir ted We are well sware that the general trend of population and wealth Is out of the valley because there Is a lack of safisfactory em- | ployment, while those who do re- main of necessity travel from 20 to 60 miles dally to their place of employment If industry were brought into the valley, it would | provide occupations .at home and save us large traveling expenses.” Clarence BR. Smull, formerly of the valley and now an auditor with the industrial machine division of Singer Sewing Machine Company, outlined possibilities at a meeting Aprile 14, He said many reliable industries are seeking desirable sites for ex pansion, provided a satisfactory building Is available, In a meeting last Thursday, resi dents decided the potentialities of the area are excellent and the val. a statement the group repor- (Continued on Page Two) ight Saving To Start Sunday Official Starting Time is 2 a. m.; Transportation, Other Services, Announce Changes. 21 CASES LISTED FOR GRAND JURY 21 Persons Are Charged; to Convene Monday, May 7th Jury Concert Group Membership Set At 700 Persons We neg devics Lawrence and b Har per iury next year Though no announcement will i nade of the attractions until id C Matilda, | sYyivest Belle. " ed on Page Bight Seeks Office Adult Classes To Exhibit Painting Here Tomorrow Fred C. Mensch Recreation Council Sets Special Meeting ’ 3 Per r Representativ all community | du organizations are invited to attend | i special meeting of the Bellefonte Community Recreation Council to] business be held in the high school cafeteria | in that at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Frank Hench | tiecled director, reported yesterday {1039 and |} The topics for discussion include | official the reports on the program, plans| Mz: for the community carnival mer. [cing hi chandise show and hobby | low show A film Play Is Our Business™| “T will be shown Lo BR | Commissi been acting CADACILY ever since Mensch formerly, in announ. randidacy. stated as fol. ner as that uct ! af the business ned on Page Bight) w 25 National Guardsmen Charter Plane for Trip Home Twenty-five National Guatdsmen | rived at Port Campbell at 8:30 am now stationed at Port Campbell! Sgt. Everett Mundy, of Bellefonts, Ky. took to the air to spend last’ made arrangements for the trip weekend with familis and friends Costs were $57 per passenger for in this area. The group chartered |the round trip an airplane for the round trip The fight list They left Port Campbell at 7 pm. | George P. Curlin Thursday and arrived at the Lock (ficer of the battalion; Capt. and Haven airport at 1:30 am. Friday. | Mrs. Paul Panning, Pfc. Fred Way, A two hour stop was made all Pfc. James Fanning, Plc. Pred Way, Columbus, O. The fight was scheds | Bierly, Pfc. Frederick Barnhart, uled to leave Lock Haven at § pm. | Pvt. Richard Way, Pfc. P atrick Sunday but bad weather ensued. | Mange, Plc George Treon, Sgt, The pilot, Robert frein, whose par. Glenn Harbach, Cpl. James Brun- ents live in Hollidaysburg, was 8d. (gard, Pvt. Lewis Shawley, Py, vised Saturday to move the plane | Robert Gordon, Sgt. Robert David. to Albert Airport, near Philipsburg. | son, Plc. John Frey, oxen. The plane was re-scheduled Shawley, Plfe. Gerald leave at 3 am. Monday but round- | Pfe. Robert Way, Plc. Quay Me- included: Lt. Col commanding of-