Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 19, 1951, Image 1
State Police Say: "The Rains Came: 3 Wise drivers have right dr’ Oa, Ye Many would-be gardeners are habits. Education and training on” fs oy " U thankful for the week's rains. Not good driving practices is importan, % hs NC tm 0 because it helps gardens grow, bul to our continding crop of new “, " ’ ’ because it provides an excuse to go drivers. SCHOOLS TEACH SAFETY A b\ fishing VOLUME 70. NUMBER 16 BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1951 16 PAGES THIS ISSUE ‘1tv |ADDITIONAL [Agreement To Proposed FEDERAL FUNDS 15 Enter Guilty School Jointure Advanced T0 ARRIVE FOR Council Schedules rin wns snes w]e ee ewe NEW HOSPITAL, Sidewalk Check | | [cl [8 of agreement toward the fo Pt nt hool ilding and the DATA LISTED Pleas At Court ON PIPELINE, » " ation of a Bellefonte Area Joint ha of {it houl be pure 7 . Hi Large Group With Many Youths Prompts Puishuseh kien kot ra District at # meeting in the che each district; allocation Plans : 4F Loliection of C. A. Eder of State College Named New Boro Judge to Express Alarm; Charges of Bur-| 4 OL : [Belelante EH OOO ad oy, 's ToL of Taintengnce num | Ot Ne A Engineer at Monday's Session; Seeks Bids glary Cause Many Arrests. | from ull seven Darticipmung dis dribuiion of sosts of capital outlay on Used Street Sweeper. trict and several, including Ben ! | information including N . A anc Expected receipt of {teen t ntered the Court nee FP py : ‘ ner township, had 100 7 I ier id a ret sentatiy seen Fg before the Court at once. Fourteen "(pe ro the gas pipeline now | attendance : « | ment of government guilty and X ! f the youths were given a break sing nsidered for construction ; A no | New Centre Counts esterday in what wi one « the nd warne ve ' . of » f f - i ' Joe, Ha rm ah % yesterday i ! ind warned never to appear before nrouch this area was released this | * - — - ; in . : x fa summary of actior largest grou befor h ire for the Court again n any crime be sek by the contracting firm Sin s In Chorus 3 k ‘ led overdue pledges some time cause the next time it would not ge he A ufacturers 1icht ni 4 idea sonade SR. iy thd » meeting of the j 5 T™ 1 Manufacturers Light & Hea , . J ‘ " H meeting of the hd Due te ) inusual number J Te e will be no second nublic ut yv engaged in the AL SF orem : Cl trustees Mondays youths before the Court, Judge Ivan chances, the judge warned pI lon and distri- | ¢ t Fant ' ‘halrman John Walker said that he was concerned Jerry N. ventre, 18, and Robert 8S. ' , . 1aturs the State ay 'roup f DAavVment because this w \e 1 ime tha Noor 18. both of Altoona, pleaded of west Virgini 0 and Penn- tad tte ; 1a. due from the Federal sO many young people had appeared guilty to burglaries they had com- vivani now engaged in making v ht i fy are of complet: 1 i 1 - ‘entre an *‘1in r 3 eS t t tion is CL a, ——— . mitted in Blair, Centre and ( linton : a pipe line route begin- trip : v Another allocation counties. From a previous trial = ning at a point near Canonsburg ‘ i A hy pected until the CONCERT DRIVE fore the Blair county court they h 4 a point south and east of “4 A " u St hind of , already been sentenced to a term IN| ganovo, for the purpose of trans- ! i Ww Iker The attorne) Ww ib An ie oO 2 ; nner $ pr { and aike nd the White Hill Industrial School | norting natural gas 1s ir developed in A : -~ a Pund will meet wit} } 1 gal I The Clinton county charge had i144 1. Clearfield and C WAT, Rh big i Aa Fe 3 committee te ra . : NN ' \ | I 8 apts of balinwtree the 3! cation TORO chet He coun- a | 1 7 A] mmmitiee Lo discu 1e pleds i A i been dropped. Following the COm- | ties to the general Pittsburgh area ain \ : 4 JOST COUNTY AS A sheng rey De es - pltsok of their sentence at White | ois pipe line will consist of 144 Ae : h Ji i for collection will not begin without Yay RTE . . “ ii, Judge alker sentenced them sles of 16-1 ine miles o $x ’ Fr ‘ hy sewn ith Memberships Available From from 1 to 10 months in the Centre ' ay teem wis noo AL : “ ; il V AC ATION] ANI) + inks i Fibing ATTEND DINNER TVR TP , ep i Bh tA Bat . . i Si it MA Oi S%-inch 3 ¢ h 3 Eh L i | ee. A ney gen jer ha Solicitors Named by ounty jail, and to pay th {| pipe. Approximately 30 miles of the : FAI IS} Pig 3 n given i ity tx tpg “ ¢ . prosecy TR. BIDE NO : i Pa ts i 8 -— ’ . pe “ i Chairman James W. Settle. 18. Charles C.} 2 0¢ CAI lied le . - ty oid A or po #10 Quarterly Meeting Held Here x or Fye, 19. Bo! 9 Fite 18. George ontractors will . ken ver th 1 2 : 29 Re prese nfatives of Five mailed late: Fhursday Night: 50 Memberships are now available troff, Jr, 17. Ralph H. Rimmey, 18.1 ,ron00ed pipe line route in the ver ls ST Communities Map Plans Treasures Dubt rt for the 1951-52 season of the Belle- | Philip B. Neff 18, Harold F. ar future, in orde t thew stay pT o- 25 To . ay ASST an dita on Thu 1 ee Attend fonte Communit) oncel Asso- 18, all of Centre Hall, pleadec HItY | cuibm i r th nati HRS. Of d 3 z For Project ciation and the campaign will close to malicious mischief, received is Ii " md Saturday, prospective members are pended sentence were placed on . 4 . # mid . . " . at Miss Freda Ann Beck reminded he rad { ire r robation fon IX mont! no will meet at mpaign headquar- charged with th t of the pt . ; —— Mi reda Ann ck, of Howard affce at the YN Rk} 9 Commerce sutin Ay ” : She bi cl. Original Story v E sec x a granddaugh ro r o J. . fe oe | , : : tt eiieie 3 nt. No B A os PTA T() HEAR Compaign workers were asked to heim; ® Db. Eugere Bowerox |'To Be Presented |5memberst the 195i pennsyivania tre Counts Vacationland” | contribution. of $400 received from | the busin argens Hugh! Lop UL Church here resident J n irew . the c« of prose ution an order- Thi I rsd ar "riday eve. | Pittsburg! Prid venin i tising = dt d 1 Ren . f f th at ie bom lecreation Director Will Chaua ald 1. ji I d wold be «dd to mak res w on flmore , : t in J pr. 19 + nd 2 A m sical | 20, 3 yt 3 of June heat A r. ] ro; , t » Adve do ing ; lassified i gO 30 satis- OC Baro I Speak at Tuesday's gram. Lawrence Tur I is two years, and Tate and Stover wer sHDDETS v in horas n iP “ ‘the | memors ads stant oi A Tri : Wey Lor = I 13 int pi : : “ ; u i 1 : ol Program chairmar { the Campaign com- | placed on probatio \ : wol auditorium ” nh luni I 3 Wilk o A Aifila Were referred resp mittee and M I il is Mem Continued on Page Eight) t is an original pl written t blersbui igh School TAT) hairmal PD d t to : bership chairma 2 1 Houck and Jam fall and member f a lominat cot { Ranue Bh me un 11 N Jinan Sri, CHURCH COUNCIL [sei”Nesmiie”cies | LOCAL COUPLE Miss i on Page Eight Rhea ( ompletion of Building's Shell. xe: a wish on the Wishine star | Bellefonte Group Favors Move Aa D. Leitzell, county high-| Mr. and Mrs. Willis Grove. of S ro} ‘on- for a pair of dancing slippers. Ti ake alng ’ : . iperinter t itiined pos » RA Mi tt) la ill Speed Project, Con Nshing Star C fosnt avd ala Made Against Gambling ibiliti ; mprovement I Reynolds Avenue, Hold baugh. Mi rvis Harve I tractor Savs bg 3 " rule in County nect th t program. Mr Lynn rs Philip W : h : RA RA, eT Open House Glenn ong I : 1H mann Workmen at the Centre Counts : ks the slipper: : He ma — imaskhiib _— kbban rf sna’ it _ ; n INET annual | y > : ’ ais x " Sh bt . gh 43 a } MALY | pers Needless to sa The executive commities he © ‘ ' : be 1 w a . : } L } i Mrs. Musser W. Gettlg, Ms TANK Hospital have set their number!she eagerly accepts, and she and | Bellefonte Council of Churches mes, dues of $25 for members Bin hr Mn. wil A Gn ve, a fon borough tor Philis at the bu s session at which Gryctko : Oa one job as the structure's walls and her brother are soon on the “Road | Sunday afternoon in the Presbyfar- | The next meeiing will be held | Se¥DO Avenue, celehrated thes o,.,,, : at ; denart. | Officers for the coming year will be Mra. Richard Baney, Mrs. Geors® pe to have the brick work im | to happiness”, searching for the {tun chupel pin Philipsburg 'S0th wedding anniversary with an ment superintendent AIEEE "| ted \ Rellefonte clergyman (Continued on Page Eig! pleted to the second floor by the "Enchanted Slippers” that have the Plans for the Daily Vacation Rible 4 open house at their home yesterday Ahearn wu "1 will in charge devotions. The . 1 " Friends were received in th > as ;” $ospit miuitiee Wit] . sr middle of next week power to dance by themselve: On school to be held the two week: i -R T H d ag . - . ; A NiniLee waa serve | di ha i te erannlichad | He way she meet te ixies a! mediately following the clos ossman [) ea s Candidate | his is accomplished. ] 0 FOO Sr man. a I y. | public scho ere report Bellefonte VFW t will be possible to lay beams which ar ng kan Tn Tir / Muted y Mil b Li Sadais Witieh | s other characters—all | gressing ilesburg Lions nilow ‘wark-{ 1010 in iD make an ehie og jomahipy Day Nuncheor p or Club For Year . i iy on GAIL. of Pleas: Supports Loyalty concrele ion W. White. su. pola" To oir 10 Whe PY UD Cl be held Pray, May & a sectea | Corie Hai Toe mers w sa: Oath Provision Armstrong Will Ask Recorder Nomination 3 : Welfare Fund Here Still Lacks $113.05 Of Goal trade : weather expects Teg Oe HO A I eo uly 10 le OI. NJ. in Ju ~~ Local Legion Spends p ckme, Ay donation would be greatly ap- | ts Views regarding proposed amend- |, 0g 'syr, onsman are delegates $12, 127 On Wellors 21 886 & ’ (3 N it necting } Sunda i ] A Ne tl chil welfare mn 18 ] hi beet , A is general meets f t} | yy -Doll-Ebeling D *h font " of . p : : 3 Cars Involved Juve S31T1H0 SUIRAREINE. + who) Drees) Sa es IY Axemann Boy, 7, ‘mer tan Monday night | (or the security of the Con ran ny $1 Bays th J need Sgt i} Deraom who ape ‘ en ny Nionday wealt ompany Soc In Accident offo : 1 | r then oy of Mi Is Pictured In rior { 2 being er ep i i v ! the ) y 1998] merican . vel a nt he 1 f . ’ operated by Dorothy Buf- R ment headquarters at risbur J A 2 ! } erat { Labor, of the Titan ARG Lienevievs!¥ catick. both : Cleanup Week's Sunday Paper The sotad expended: Tor wel. | 48Y night 1 A tf. Company of Bellefonte n State College on Undines Called fare for the past year was . . $1 2 127 & ommat Rust ‘ | ni nt t had purchas. eT retorted Effectiveness t Bur on of Mr. and This included amounts to the Car i ') anaer - tan stock. The patice Topoaried To Flue Fires R : . do rv a n iS My A xe- cer Society. YMCA, Centre County | ar MeMurt I are at more than Hurt By an tof © l ee nm the COVET | brary. School safety patrols [Ripa Ww . ' : ’ . A —_ » — J RX 1144 Al het cle owned by Manuel he ( ! O ny « i } ! | : on of Sun- NT 3 y 4 . . Re i by Manuel Phat ; dt i h 4 ne L. | lowe'en fund. community etic . » . i nak i neement, the Cramer was also hit. Damage was | Bellefd@gnte 18 p ; tsbur Gazette. Fea v . . Most dilbert N Lover I 1" 214 High School fund, Christmas bas- : CA iilbert Holt et at $215 Police sald the operator arm u { ue Nr I= a : ire art £ 3 MARAZINE Wa i ry 8 ! « . ” . Inclement weather hindered the iat kets, and the Junior Legion Band ! " 1 of the Yearick car would be charged day and Tuesday lt © aah h Arm the Bellefonte . | of $9.220 " ii eneclivene { #3] nuy yi <$ 5 vol "nN Hie w 1 reckless driving ' A . fay t 11 wl! ] 1a Ta O | Pleasant Gap "™ a " . : t . i x At 5 90 pm M day he Undines | ook in Bellefonte last week ry d blavinr a Band { : A { du ey make . al k ¢ ‘th 3 PIE: 11 . ! ii |myin ¥ were called 0 he Norman Hall Burges / a Hugh iigley r ne... iat. f Lt} mn ey Is well Coroner's Jury Rules home on Rattlesnake Pike. about asked resident was spent on the | PY ; ' l " r cnowing the AP " New members received Monday Medical Society to Meet wa ” at such action wiff mile north of Unionville. The a ry Some 14 pictures accompany the night were George T. Blakeslee Wi A coroner jury ruled Saturday continue their * ] : . : : ried ‘at ad 4 ih ria el strate Lr arold eichel and Willlam 8S " nager | that Albert Bolduc, 42. was killed | © burned out and no damage me poroy particularly the |® and illustrate trout species, | Harold L. H Bh anh int ety will he ’ i nd tween en er and employe West- | March 31 on Route 322 near Aut lited Street Department, lost several days sing, aerators, nursery, | Kitner all of Bellefonte Ane Rob- | , inner meeting at t Stat leg \ dr for beiter relations with I port, by a car operated by William At 12:15 am. Tuesday they were due to rain. The Burgess, Council tank trucks, grinding jert D. White, of State College | Hote at 5-30 | is I mpany and the community J. Kleisanin of McKeesport, a stu- | called to the W. B. Garis home at|and the Board of Health had poined : ork of a biologist, and It was voted to send the band to] business méeti il fe wed is being conducted by the president dent at Penn State. The inquest 320 E. Lamb Stgeet, Bellefonte, and | in the move. Mr. Quigley sald the | Mic Al the State convention in Pittsburgh iby a moving picture h Mince | by Marlin Fisher. Russel was held in State College's borough used chemicals and stood by until cooperation of the townspeople Farm uperintendent Dewey |. August. Commander Willis H.| tion of . ar in alth and! Aumat d Brown Harry Wisan i « rom ’ “ TTY hall the fire burned out is necessary to insure the program's | Soren and C. R. Buller, the .....incer presided Disease and 2 oftcers sald ' » | state hief fish culturist, are i Success g ’ howii examining a 28-inch trout DeWayne Campbell, of Pine Grove Old Issue of Centre Democrat From 1846 Hospital Auxiliary iii soni Skeid more, 41, Wins Commutation From ‘Votes Contribution Men grinding feed are identified Reveals Undeveloped Area of County Seat roc pws woe JO Save | Life Sentence Imposed 15 Years Ago Centre County Hospital woted both of Pleasant Gap. Personnel In p K | contribute toward the purchase of | the nursery include Guy Mover, | : y J. Thomas Mitchell ty. C 7. Ev t y th ’ 7 ol se night Sept 26. 1030. state let the f ive esc J h y.Col. EV. Everhart took Bigler's | editor of the “Democratic Watch a refrigerator for ue of the blood | Nath an Buller and Jack Beney., Mr Ceorge Clark Skidmore, 41. a The nig! { Sept. 26, 103 ate lets w fugit scaped into the In the late winter of 1827 Gen | P!Ace In 1836 and in 1840 John T MAR’. 88 preserved by his daughter. |p. at its meeting, Apr. 9. Twelve | Mover appears in another picture, | former Bellefonte Academy stu- | police at Beliefonte were asked io) brush Philip Benner, one of our great Herd became associated with Mr | the late Mary Gray Meek, was| oo ners and Miss Eleanor M.|joading a tank truck for stocking | dent. and now almost A le-icheck the Red V hunting lodge In| A posse was furined including ironmasters, established the “Cen- Shugert in the management. Shu- | found the issue of “The Demo rat’ | Brown, administrator, were present | u gendary figure of the Black | the Rattlesnake area since Pitts. members of the National Guard tre Democrat” at Bellefonte. In 1830 gut ete a appeint’ of danuiry 18 Tig puii’dtind Plans were made for the ADDUAI | wp), H Id On Moshannon area, on Monday won | burgh police believed he might be uit and combed, the area Rigo John Bigler became iis editor and his property to on, MaPadars hm ir Agr in 3h it, | meeting of the Bellefonte group | ce ¢ | ite log BE ON ad in, Ia a hiding J ope Bint Coch 3 30 1yau ere 3 pou, ¥ t ue Br at a Yar pirchaned the bi: in 1842. In 1845 William H. Blair | fourth page McFadden was Chief ue, mteting Rog yt ho ne Forged Checks ry. i ho Sd od To Patroimen Fre iat and Saturday night nl : liam Bigler, came to the town and | DUrchased an interest in the pub-| Clerk of Centre County during the | yu. "0" moors 10 be elected in-| Three men were arraigned before! On recommendatioh of the State | James Beal went to the lodge. There! While guarding a road junctibn was associated in the publication rgd mi wn " Sew hasta yo Juestion, had become in-| tds second vice president. secre. | ‘Squire William H. Brown, Belle: pardon board, the governor ordered they found Skidmore's younger near Martha, Ii Herbert Bee Twenty years later. John was elec- | ‘00k Over ] ownership and {terested in poiities Dut was not In | \ary, and two members at large. |fonte, this week on charges of cash. | commutation of the sentence, mak- | brother, Leonard, and William Dut-| ser, Sgst. Paul Fanning and Earl ted as the first governor of the Management. The full name of the | good health and died early in the | ...., ’... | Ing a forged check In Centre Hath ing the prisoner eligible for parole. [ton who told the group Skidmore! Breon heard footsteps approa newly created state of California, |PAPer was changed several timesiyear 1850. Blair was a lawyer of | Appointed To Post i They are John W. Pearcey, M4, ol He was charged in the shooting had left in search of supplies. The ing. The walker was believed to have at the same time his brother, Wil- uring those years. oy Jlaties_ ah Sane Vving sate ty in the | victor E. Moore, regional director | Thurmont, Md. Kenneth A. Smeigh, fof a service station attendant near police set up a fruitless all night | entered a shed and it was surrouns liam, was elected as governor of "Cente County Dx ocrat” undet Colonel ra 4G Trt | of the Office of Price Stabilization | 32. Carlisle, and Ernest L. Brown. | Pittsburgh, Sept. 20, 1830 He was vigil : ded. The fugitive was not there Pennsylvania | Shugert. and for A year or two|gallantry on the battlefield ot | for Pennsylvania and Delaware, |36, Newville RD, Cumberland | arrested in March, 1936, pleaded | Saturday noon, Skidmore was | but footprints indicated he had left In 1834 8. T. Bhugert purchased | “EE Blair was known simply as| Antietam Anas announced that W. W. Sleg of | County guilty and began his life sentence | seen in the area by Bear, Gross, | through a ocomfieid. Three shots the plant since John Bigler desired Pha Democrat” ¥ the Titan Metal Mfg. Company,! Police said that Smeigh wrote the | in April, 1036 | Olmes and William Fox, beacon light | were fired, two by members of the to leave for the West while William metry | The first column of the first page | Bellefonte, is serving as a member check and that Brown passed it The events in the six intervening keeper. After wounding Fox and! posse ' Pigler remained here for a period Among the papers of Senator P.! of the Issue Is devoted to a poem |of the national OPS Brass Mill | Pearcey was held as an accessory | years will be recalled by most’ Olin: knocking off Bear's cap andy Sunday afternoon a rifle was and then moved to Clearfield Coun- | Cray Meek, for many years the (Continued on Page Two) Scrap Industry Advisory committee. | before ang after the fact, Centre County residents, piercing Gross's trousers with bul- | (Continued on Page Three) The Centre « | ! < ‘ i « peration and harmony