Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 15, 1951, Image 3

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    March 15, 1951 HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three
|ghter, Mrs. Russell Ereon and]
R { family
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Meek ana! _—
A 4 " ueill Villlamsport, spent 8 -
Mr. and Mrs. William Breon, Kay | were weekend guests in Elysburg Lueck i of Vv A a por "i I B un
F 1a) the hom of Mi NH
and ae, and Mi and Mrs Ray | and Harrisburg a 10m mma
a TB »
Benner and Cathy were Sunday| Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Rearick spent y a hter was born to Mr ana Butter Kernel Pens A Lg °S B OW Price
Visitors t the home of N and | 8 ay 8 Res ‘ ome A i iter { born to ! { |
isitors at the ne of Mr. and| Sunday at the Smith-Rearick home Mrs. Donald Snyder at the Gtofs| Young—Tender A y | -
Mrs. Samuel Kern in Fall's Creek | In George's Valley pe ’ Hospital on ‘Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Ziegler,| Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wert, Mr, ang | wounty Jospitil on MASUAY
Cynthia and Freddie, of Port Ma-|Mrs. R. W. Meyers, and Mrs. Mal
Ken Haine of Allentown spent 2 No. 3083 Cans 39¢
. ] " lay night with his mother, |
tilda, spent the weekend at the coltm Yearick were Saturday Belle Po i C He it es Mi ad M : |
Walter Hackman home | fonte visitors Mrs. M ain ! and Mi
X ” *D a
y y | Roy Bergey of MifTlintown, ] A it
Mr Nora Weber called at the| Dr. E. L. Royer, of Lock Haven J Eta il ps tl -
home of her son-in-law and daugh- | was a Sunday dinner guest at th satled aH i Taine On Ar " J Ww |
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sheesley [| E. H. Hosterman home. Callers at - y Hamme bing ay on Ne | Deviled Ham
Ve 1 ) mn WSLOWIEL, SP i i= |
at State College on Saturday | 2 >) , 6 8 § were hg /
Colle RS irday. | the ame home on unday re’ dav and Tuesday with her mother. | .
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sauers, of | Mr. and Mrs. George Hosterman Mrs. Edith Gentzel Armour's
avdi +) i ' 3! |
or Saturday TOR. | Moa, Wales Schaefer. murals. | hits, Heber, Smul, ers pram Vion 19g WILL HELP YOU SAVE WITH EASE!
. fs \ inter ! Roy rungart, N
W. M. Tarbert spent several | oq the following out-of-town ladic hl a v and Mrs. Carl a
A week at the home of her | ta quilting last week: Mr Artie vert Wedhe
in-law and sister, Mr. and | washburn, Mr Katie Rachau nit a)
) Hares ih Williamsport Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. Haro
Mi homas Hartman | nk of Madisonburg: and Mrs Po Be the Maleoim, ‘| Treat Lunch Meat
Homer Zerby, of Aaronsbury y i
nd Mrs. M. R. Moyer aq I h Swartz lott Armour’s
in-law anda
ynpanied thelr ot Mr. and Mi lavton Royer, of
Have Plenty of la whiter, Mr. and Mi: wayne liefont Johan Rover of » ase 12.02. Can 49¢
of Lewistown, to New Flor
nce on Sunday where they visited
b T at the Arthur Beal home
n AT ned . \y : { ——
Stroudsburg, spent Sunday night Yearick f adi nbUrg ’ iL | 0 § ou To help you save in every
At ‘ { ~ t the hom ni father vam Mi Auu Re PF, I h\! » Gerber $ Cereal on ’ value, AAFP department, AaP offers
{ ow ( ost : N 5 "annie Aver ated He oh rt Smull w ” : dy ; pla Barley, Oatmeal “ala . | net profit our dollar storewide low prices.
with a er SS MARY wnvttury non viors 35 Daivlle, bor. Phi. 16g
- \ t home of her n-in-law and daugh neet thi hursday evening in the K )
50 = Es- [|i or. wna Mre OE Sunday. ion School basing. Prot. HF pea Customers
Gallon : NN es : n 11 Cl es and Tom Py ri oft wks { di Meats for Babies oA ! M orner EN —~ : ;
UNI 0 ELEC TRIC W ATER i = yy Sendo Pr the C. ] ” . wr the oS 5) on ri ng Gerber's—Strained or Chopped Ti Ss ne place for waste in our : i
) A Blerly home yer and MIS | Aaronsbure. Wednesday evening ; : ere § no . rr
HEATE} a 4 SI 19.50 ug Be tes re 'B erly gor hr. and Mp. A. UU. Am hy Vv 34-02. Can gYg national defense effort. ovina deewm
rs. Paul Blerly, Douglas
To protect you against ris- To help you see what
This 50-gallon heater is stur- That applies to grocery stores as
y tats ‘olleg s » '
dily built for years of trouble- ||" f Ales rh ba : ven . ‘ i as defense plant ing prices, A&P guarantees you're spending and check
free use. Fiberglass insulation || © '80ICY ik SS a . . y ir. ana Mir Mervi arter er wi as « n p >
ihe tt { y all advertised prices (in- our purchases, A
holds heat. Inlet and drain in- Millhe ye ; | last at the hom { his par- Armour % Dash . . ¢ eh p y pu 3, AaP marks
terchangeable and set at right Mrs. Paul Wise, ! ng MUS. ents, Mr. and Mr Ellsworth Has \t AAP. we are fortunate in hav. cluding those of items not prices on all items and gives
Af N . ). was a Thursday . . . . :
angles to each other, permit RD. W . Th ig 4 : Dog Food ing 92 years’ experience fighting subject to price ceilings) you an itemized cash reg-
ting heater to be installed in it the K meyer hot : ) izzd rungart « 1 3 . H week : li
any desired position, Mr. and Mr Samuel Hubler { Wat] home during the weekend 2 1-Lb. Cans 27¢ waste of anv kind — whether it be of for a full week. ister slip
Farm Bureau carries water Miltheim, called Thursday alter- for ricky \f , .
heaters in every needed size, || noon on Annie Ocher. entre 11. spent way al food, or time, or effort — in our con-
From 12 to 120 gallons capacity d her ;
for all uses, x Mr Russel] I
Stop In Today t the Long home at Rockville, pre-| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reider wer Ivory Soap customers, All prices shown here (including those of items not subject to
pari a a ¢ y bush VISITS IR Ah price ceilings) are guaranteed — Thursday, March 15th through
Wednesday, March 21st.
stant effort to save money for our
Medium Size You can help us do our part in this
hb § Se I ™ : : “ake national emergency by calling our
{From Last Week) a ! vii, u rn 2 Cakes 19¢ a : ) ng
tanto Sunday in ce or 1 od | attention to any wasteful practices we
on h
748 Centre Farm so
Bureau rk oie Apmada ot. Belielon " - ‘
Pleasant Gap Call Bellefonte 2351 pent the weekend with hed dau- Mrs, Franklin Mille: d Suelane. may have overlooked. Please write: “SUPER-RIGHT
: 1 riend from Stat Coileg | \ ) -
Regular Sire A&P Food Stores AN meats will
$20 lexington Ave., New York 17. N. ¥. ad »
yp ”
ik A
Coke Qe
“FORTHE WHOLEFAMILY | © | putmolive so Ssdte Smoked Hams
Decorated Easter Eggs
Bath Sire
«ZBrown’s Boot Shop = EY ih he 7 2 Cue 25¢ | Assorted Jelly Eggs er | f Cooked Hams
IN BELLEFONTE! Greninger and Mrs. Clara. Wie. o Cooked Picnics
Cashmere Bouquet
st ! shank
A&P Whole Beets , y
Bath Size ub dah
Whole Canned Hams *
2 Cokes 27¢ | Ann Page Prepared Spaghetti
Sunnyfield Lean Sliced Bacen
Ann Page Macaroni rh. 3 Pork Loin Roast *™® ®ad
Press, Lasgal and Ie Dr ne ome of Sr. and rg P&G Laundry Soap | lena Pork 'N Beans + Ben om Lean Diced Stewing Beef
Sport wav] 2 nebure | alt Diced Suveine
Dole's Pineappie Juice ie Cut CI
8] the oi by Fr En es, ir and. MN. C Cake Be ; . Fresh Stewing Oysters
soe 3 Ab Chap) dd Cold Stream Pink Saimen dip
PRICED FROM | oF. and Mis Charis Resteigh Ee hE eat Tan3 Fi Halibut Steaks
" he James Corman hom aney Li eat Tuna Fish . ; ca :
$7.99 to $630 Mr. and Mrs. Georze Stover and Soap Powder J. 5 Skinless Cod Fillets
ne same evening, Octagon Libby Fruit Cocktail
f00e Pre 24¢ Our Own Tea Balls : 3 i | LONGHORN CHEESE
White Naptha
Lock Haven Hospital
’ Mr Jake Styers and 1 called : : wT : :
Men S Dress on Mrs. Mary Abbott at the Cen- Borden Starlac Powdered Milk : | sandwiches and 1
tre Count Hospital or  Sund y. : a
OXFORDS mily visited, at the Paul Zerb Granulated Soap Bonds Dill Pickles " | » ode
! ne alsburg. Sunday
"n ot ~ ( n
All Sizes 6 to 12 and Mrs. Myles Boob and {age A&P Creamstyle Corn
: f Aaronsburg., called al Large Pkg 33
Narrow and Ww ide Widths. | Weaver ! Mor 3
ome of ca
A style and shape to fit ven/ng Chic-Chic Egg Dyes . igh oi bh y Florida
any foot. POSTAL OFFICIALS WARN OF Paas Egg Dyes .... ivi ey Seedless Grapefruit
Blackmail crimes run In cycle
and post office officials are caution. Kellogg's Corn Flakes
$4 °° to $9.95 ng publi inst a new outbreak Large Package 32¢ tt
Learn how bilackmallers operate anc Swansdown White Cake Mix
what thev should do immediately Uf
vou should fall into their clutches
3 )
| Read “Blackmail” in March 25th is. Regalo Spinach 10-0r. Pkg 2%¢
THE CHILDREN LIKE NEW SHOES jue 9 The American Week's Be Ivory Snow “— a " Easier to fix because it is in a cellophane package
| Baltimore Sunday American. Order ; :
FOR EASTER trom A lend Fim . Han) Hot Cross Buns Pascal Celery Hearts 2 Bunches 33¢
We Can Pit Them All and at a SAVING TO YOU! —————————————— Large Packege 32g Iyer Pk Delivered fresh," ait 18h. or metea’ foutatig
ib i hn i | eh Big hits at small samt i$ 4
BOYS Sizes 1 to 6 $3.45, £4.99, £5.95 v é AAA . wr 3 et ] raisin packed and icing eressed 31¢ California Carrots 2 Runches 2%¢
GENT'S—Sizes 8"; to 3 $2.19, $2.99 . "5 | Lares bunches _ try ‘em raw or cooked
MISSES '—Sizes 12); to 3 £3.45, 4.09
LITTLE GIRLS —Sizes 8'; to 12 $2.99, £3.99 AY. we SBI Duz Red Bliss Potatoes
BABYES —Sizes 2 to 9 $2.19, $2.99 » ‘ 7 % A Glazed Donuts : Florida . , . tops in flavor and value
i : 5 he % 2 Large Package Yeast Raised . . . don't put off trying these
THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PAIRS TO : op, 1 32¢ at ut off “trying 4 Grast Seed .......
SELECT FROM . . . SEE OUR WINDOWS! | % #4 ] White Sliced Bread ow. 18-00. Loaf 15¢ Don't delay . . . do your Spring planting now
vg Penny for penny-—Marvel is your best buy
~~ "A Oxydol Potato Chips
ATTENTION FISHERMEN "wl Yate Taree +s athe Sant Sieh AaP's PRICE POLICY
Over 100 pr. Hi-Quality Fishing Boots in Stock. ak Large Package 32¢ : ; .S : >
' Get Yours Now While We Have Your Size. p Jane Parker Pies .......... Beh Ae ei aa ho Ag
YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE PRICES: App, Charly, or damon “week-end” speciale.
MEN'S BOYS’ WOMEN'S Dreft St. Patrick's Layer Cake .... ™ 63¢ * All advertised prices (including those of items
: ! Sure and it's a sight to beho bject to price ceilings) are guaranteed for
3 95 $7.95 $ A 5 S i it ght to behold not sub) pr
Large Package 32¢ / one week, even though market prices go wp!
Sizes 6 to 12 Sizes 1 to 6 Sizes 3 to 10 We believe this policy helps our customers save
. more money,
* With the correct price marked on svery fem,
Bellefonte Penna. baring forth wi HE
Copyright 1951 ~The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tes Co.