Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 15, 1951, Image 16

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    Page Eight THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, March 15, 1951
RECENT DEATHS Sie Gre Townshi — March 9, Friday Know Your— Daughter Born
JOUR. GRANER | Conducts Rally 99 a vec Nip | CENTRE COUNTY Fn | Admitted: Miss Nina Blakeslee wid ’ ae tr and Mrs. Roland E
: ) State Colleds
John Ghaner, former Scotia resi- | ‘ross Roads, $3: Spring Mills grades {of Centre Hall
dent, died in the Altoona Veterans | and 2, $12. grades 3 and 4. $6.70 pH 0 S p | YT A k: N 0 T k S Discharged: Mi
Hospital at 4 a. m. Friday, March grades 5 and 6, $14.90; grades 7 and | daughter. Bellefonte
9, 1951 | 8, $18: 9 and 10 boys, $6.20; 9 and 10 | | | Peter Evock and son 1
A veteran of the Spanish-Ameri- \ girls, $260 11 and 12 boys, $8.05; | March 5 Monday {tre Hall; Wolfe, female infant, the { RD 1: Mrs. Ralph Loesch and
can war, Mr. Ghaner was born Jan . Ww 11 and 12 girls, $4.30, or a total of Admitted: Charles Larimer. Bell | daughter of Mr. and Mr Jason | Boalshurg: Mrs Charles
13, 1871 in Germany, a son of Jacob : $81.75 | fonte (discharged following lay) Wolfe, Aaronsburg and daughter State College
f dt in ’ »
and Margaret Ghaner, He is sur- | ll Churches in Gregg Twp. Guy L.'Mrs. Ernest Gachenbach, of State Dischargdd: John Smith, Belle. | Bickle, Bellefonte, KD 2 lal nut or st ‘im J v ! People keep
vived by one sister, Mrs. Annie | -— \ Corman, chairman: Methodist and College; John Gamber, Bellefonte | fonte RD 2° John Lockhart, Belle. | Crossmyer, Bellefonte RD 2 Gesk Lusirat
Fields, of Bellwood ry Reformed Sunday schools, $5; L« RD 1. Paul Martz, Centre Hall | fonte RD 2: Mrs. Ernest Gachen- Births a son, Mr. and Mrs, Hen a
D- prooa 1] 5 }
N i . ' 1 i
Funeral services were held from . ust Grove EUB Sunday school, $56; |RD1: D. C. Sprague, State College bach, State College; Master Steven | Showers. Bellefonte: a daughter 1 mag eslarh e iact comin back
the Glass-Fuoss funeral home in | ha ” Salem Reformed Sunday school, $2; | Mrs. Dorls Dodds, Bellefonte ) | ’ " \ is 1 in 1 ewe {
Odland, State College Mir Wil A George McCaslin
Bellwood Sunday afternoon with } ' | M1 ands Mr org M
Penns Creek Lutheran Sunday| Discharged: Mrs. Dew liam Gickling, State College; Mrs. | Bellefonte RD 1: a daughter to Mi
n . rel 4 THe via tino i ' ' : am 4 tails a iy :
the Rev. Edward Z. Utts officia ng i Ni ¥ chool, 85 Farmers Mills Union and daughter, Aaronsburg V OO Martin Gates and daughter, Pleas- | and My Stanley Page, Swte . : ; for more!
Burial was made in the Pine Hall 0 Sunday school, $25: Georges Valley row Smith, Spring Mills, | ant Gap: Mrs. John Presser, St oo tio: h the Vi
> tery A al lege RD: a daughter to M
.. ple ' 24 2 { A y “ \
seme! Lutheran Sunday school, $10 8 Birth A son to Mr. and Mp College RD. Mi George 31) Mr Bert Conrad, State Cc
Marks Lu ran Sunday school, $10; | Thomas Shawley Julian RI ! F { Bellefonte RD 2 A oa 4 2 . ‘
: TOV E Hd 1, Band Ol aeion ti i. Mi a son to Mr. and Mr Meivh
. . N : . [{llams«, Bellefonte
John O. Stover, retired farmer of E : Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Corman, $2.50, ' gickle, Centre Hall, RD 1} alsburg: Mrs. Richard T. Markle |
134 N. Atherton St. State College died ! i" total of $65 and a |
at his home at 10 am. Thursday, | Jusiness places, Mrs, Carrie Cree- fitted: Mr ovd M Robert P. Kapp and daughter, of Admissions: Wilbur Coder
. 1051 . 2 3 Admitted hd Lioyd vi Oi “rid fonte RD 1 Nan Ann Fist
Mar. 8, 195] | ; sSheflield Farms Co. milk plant Saliatarnis TY rae} -t State College Eau 4 J 4 !
" 3 ro 1 : Ra : Bellefonte RD 2 vi Haul m P Julie ohn Kalft
Born Dec. 20, 1876, in Ferguson . 120: Archie Detweiler , Bibi J ik ns Ke aa np Julian RD; John Kalfu
" ‘tn hp was tha sal vial / bis (3% 1] : dorf Aaronsbur M: Loretta| Birth A n to ! nd Mrs. | college: Willia H Watsor
Township, he was the son of Daniel Mever Bro H ter Pe x } Everett Cox te Col a leg m
and Catherine Baisor Stover. He "or Farm stor ‘ ver at |p wi Hol ) " to M ad M pi . ct | fonte RD 3; Mr Anthon
p : ” oth slut vhs a \ : Ge All pl ertha olderman nt fall, | to Mr. and Mrs harl A Dam- {grate
was married Aug. 21, 1896, to Han- Prof. Rev. Victor Stroud 2 Ons RD berlin. Centre Hall RD 1: a daugh-' tate
nah Miller who survives with two “ : 1 irst National Bank y
children Mrs. R. L. Poorman and There will be . A ; B. : E Ad laws Ban, $1: ; | te ( and daughter, Cent:
iren. Mr ’ RN AN in reir tr $) Sercbe ph oi 3 ! alrlawn re. 81 's $ = Yalan ariand, State College ire} t )
Hall Stover, both of State College, ' “iO Tally in Lh eft A snring Mills Hotel, $2.74 Dairy- Bellefonte; Mr. Edwa sLmel, ol ; | irth A son to Mi
RD. Two grandchildren and four Yoom at 3 p.m. Sundi e Co-Oy nilk plant, | Bellefonte Jack Lose Jellefont March 8, Thursday | Richard Dyke, Milesburg; a so
andcehliaren and ow Ne nbotte Re ¢. nen e 0 ) mi ant . gh ps :
great-grandchildren also survive Prof. Re A ! . y Rest TU? int ost Judy Lose, Bellefonte vil ‘earl Admitted: Miss Blanche Cr . I Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Boob, Boal
3 3 gre : * nto "nt ‘al t t . wu A = op o ’ 4 a 1d N nte 1 A 1 " ™ 2 3 Pe
He wa a member of the Pine YH Onts Mrs. Pauline Davi Bellefonte RD 3 Vi mver. Bellefonte RD 2: Roy uhins | DUrg Advertised in LIFE
4 1 4 Mak ” tion of the a mix 5 Mr Paulin > # rR pat ' w ab » bd4 ‘ " Avert : }
Hall Lutheran Church and the Men ey tu r. hy 85. or a total of $34.63 becca Dreibelbi k enna. Furni { Port Matilda: Edward H. Isen- March 11, Sunday POST and other
Brotherhood Class of the State Col- | Vice. Rev. Stroud } . Jabds ‘ I nut-nt-twn bust | F000 iam ey elielo RD 1: | burg, Oak Hall Station; Mr Mr the! Baird leading magazines qt
ho | ! \ A ANA OUL=OF =L0WEH PSUS I Mrs. Richard Pearce and daughter, ! ert Kucas, Bellefonte RD 1 wr
by 8 Ad gal
lege Methodist Church a ie SE nwa: dc Rak: , Mr Florence Grove ca MISE Hall Station: Mrs. \ 1 rt ¢ ;
, \ ’ fan Te, wit} » nia ! A orence Ta . Eri “Ay OH — 1 . . : . . Bil Slaton, wi ii m : :
Funeral services were. held irom rl nd Ital : 2 Ew 's Farm Equipment 3.25; | State College, Mi dh, hi Stella Bloom, State College lefonte; Mr rie oman, of — A.
1 thoran Ohitreh Kat fork and Italy including amon eunga “Arm pment, 33.49. and sor ellefonte | B ‘fonte; ] ,
the Pine Hall Lutheran Church Sat-| * : h ray abt vaddars $1 80 Smith's Service | a m, B : é Discharged: Mrs. Praser Camer-| State College: . wh c horn SPRED
with -the Rav, CG. ATR a TH EC Mabie €3e Fu : Births: A son ) Mr. ar I | Artin vith. of
Srday rig Int t { ) ( nn; Stati $2: Condo tore. 85. Mr Kermit McMurtrie, Bellefont wm, State College; Mrs. Kenton Un- | ton Lemont:
R. Groninger officiating. Intermen igh sith piso nd Mrs. Lester Condo, $1; Mr. an Aasaiitor in B py derwood, State College; Esther Jean | Bellefonte
i ine Hall Cemetery | SINge RHE NIN La ah De AL. Hn A daughter to Mr. and M FT UH Bd Ye dei Rago bo RYH } WONDER PAINT
was made in the Pine Hall Cemetery | nversios he wa rs. A. B. Lee, $1. The following 50« Ro ht Pen Purnact ... | Pritchard, Julian RD 1 William | Discharged: Mrs. Robert Kuca THE
. ap | highly paid concert and radio artist contributions: Mr. and Mrs. Mylan ., ar and Mrs. Peter M. Evock. | 2. rr a onte ir Ri 3] Bellefofite RD 1: Mrs Jame wll We have never sold a paint that
Final Major— | but he is now dedicated to singing Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Bonson, Mr. | gajefonte RD 1; a daughter to Mr. | 27Q GUnsatu Vefonte RD 3:[Hora, Btate College; Mr. George brought so many compliments
: rs Thoh Hove r. and hy Mies Meanor Sager llefonte: | Leete 3 ward Is-
and preaching t iospel of Christ. | and M: homas Grove, Mr. and q,.4 ars Boyd Spi Pleas o Hea hie Bellefonte: | Leetch, State Oollege: Edward \ — even from people who had
never painted ore!
ir. and 1 WwW. C. Corman, 50 daughter to Mr. and Mi Ru I! Maurice Fogel and daughter {1
March 10, Saturday
March 6, Tuesday and son, State College RD: Mr
| writ “r ischarged Mr
A tor t a ret rs 1a :
Discharged Mr : mmil | ol 0 Dr AN Vit william Ni
{Continued from Page One)
He is endorsed t the 1 tment Mt! ‘ar! Bohn, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ant Gap’ a son t LP a "| Mahlon Breon, Bellefonte RD 1; |enberg, of Oak Hall Station; M Trusses — (Crutches
1114 lack whann 1 eld y Ay y r mes ; Ne ap, oy va Mover sliefonte 2 ¥ { fone State College (
the huge Black Moshannon weld | of Defen ' ' . A IY LIYE | iu Mr. and Mi: Jame 274114 e Vou 32raan Bang Li | foye Bellefonte RD 2.1John Rod! mg, Stale leg 3 . f
¢ " 4 > ation ! Defense i rout otto nd A 1 awrence William Walker, Bellefon M Elwood Bostiar Jellefonte, | Vonada., of Bellefont 1 M1 Abdominal Supports
for this occasion he has ministered to thousa at | Ke i \ and Mrs. Lawrend March 7. Wedness Mi i ; an seliefon | Vonada, of Beliefonte RD J vir ® No lope, ne brevhmarks
The restaurant facilities for the’ vauth ral all er the nite { i r rrie Albright and son Sp ! vin) oo RD 3 Mr Eimer Shuey and son Boyd Spicher and da ighter, Plea Sacro llliac Bells ® Dries in 20 minutes
day will be operated by the local! giates ar Canad Mr. and Mi Richard l Admitled: Mahlon Breon Halle. { Bellefonte RD 3. Mur Thomas ' ant Gap. Mrs. Merle Rossman and * He ollonsive ada
» oe aii 5 hit . 3 ¥ y . 1 ¥ (y M y ( vy # a1 wlev ¢ aT) ay 12 fattoNipr 11118 PUTTIAL y " {C3
firm of Woods, Herrington and He ‘was bora in ah { fasivioned 101 Stover. Merril) cker Mir ite D 1. | der lefon Shawley and n, Julian RD2 daug Nie: Penna Furn Mi EXPERT FITTING ® Guerentesd worhable
Schreffler. A tanker truck will be | Methodist Hor nverted in ti n rs. Stover ssman, Mr. and HO Ref JOAN TING OArC ili- | Charles Zimmerman and son fi Wiliam McFarland and daught
on the field to handle sales | ohristian Missianry 1 e chut M John Bubb, Mr. and Mr fal- + AN, filing Pra Bellefonte RD 2 | State College: Mrs. Everett
ugh-octane gasoline for the at Tampa Fla. a baptized B ter Weaver; total $21.15 A State College, and daughter Mrs Parrish Drug Store ’
Kermit McMnrtrie and son, Bell BELLEFONTE, PA. Schaeffer's Hardware
Mr. and r | onte Mr William
of Bellefonte THR Allegheny St Bellefonte
Come in and see itdemonstrated |
ard Mo
1 On the
: i . 5 : ——
wild life areas He wi Fat Muesd ut 2: Lady Rebekah Lodge
north, several
Pesticide Handbook
Club Warns— Is Now Available
(Continued from Page Ons Pesticide Handbook
It The Truth?
h itizer
to the
American Flag
“What it
“that you alwa)
I RICA f 343" i0 } I=
| ceratior ee nat i About Average
| being natural | n H Kat and iliage began qguestionin
| tiseptic. It is now in rtant in diet \n inquisitive visitor
Some Figgering
KERLIN'S Leghorns and New
Hampshires . . . phone 52, Cen-
tre Hall, Pa.
Mayes Memorials ———
somone Rock of Ages DEALER N° that the 1951 offerings of the strain out of every mile of driving— PROVIDES ALL THIS:
motorcar industry have had a and pays off by eliminating any need
chance to strut their stuff, we ask you for friction clutch repairs and replace-
—can there be any doubt which is the ments, by reducing engine and trans-
really smart buy? mission upkeep, and lengthening life ;
If you want a “new look” Buick has of tires. WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS — greoter
engine ge!
it. That sturdy push-bar forefront If you want room and comfort and
says “1951” to all who see it —and handling that make any trip a breeze
provides unsurpassed front-end pro- there's no simpler way to find them 4 WHEEL COIL SPRINGING
tection to boot. than to take over a 'S1 Buick Sreciar, Biviong tos!
If you want power that you can live SUPER or ROADMASTER — relax and SUMAL VENT RIO couiaid a air lad WpaIte?
oft of § tf compartment
TORQUE- TUBE DRIVE ~steodies ride, improves driv
with through many moons to come—~  €njoy yourself, SELF-ENERGIZING BRAKES — hydrovlic — multiply
Buick has that too. Years of expert And if you want all this at a minimum padalpressuns va timasor satu doum
engineering have made Buick’s thrills outlay of dollars—one look at Buick DREAMLINE STYLING —toperac,, cardangth lander,
“s . . . . gleaming rweepspeors on mos models
packed Fireball engine just about as prices will settle this point.
dependable as a power plant can be.
Plus: Selfdocking, luggoge lid, StepOn porking
So the smartest thing you can do is broke, two-way ignition lock, SefetyRide rims, Ni
If you want features that combine get in touch with your Buick dzaler. Raltad Wngive svayntings Svdy 37 Nie
"s ” present pleasure with long-time dura. How about doing that right now?
HAVE YOU HONORED YOUR LOVED ONES bility, consider this: Keuipment. arcrsparios, trim wad models are spect be shange
WITH A SUITABLE MEMORIAL? Buick's level-going ride stems from
: coil springs on all four wheels which
If your family cemetery lot still lacks a suitable Memorial that expresses nar : . :
the sentiment you feel in your heart and you would like to have this mat. are virtually break-proof and never
ter taken care of b&fore this coming Memorial Day, come in and see us, need sery icing.
Buick's Dynaflow Drive* takes the
Standard on ROADMASTER, sprional al sien host sn other Sevien,
When better avtemebiles are built BUICK will build them
IN BELLEFONTE we maintain a stock of Markers, double markers and
Family Monuments, This display is necessarily limited by the size of the
display space.
IN LEMONT you will find a more complete stock of the same high quality
Memorials including the larger sizes,
Tone In HENRY J, TAYLOR ANC 3 pswark, ovary Mosday svaning
A—————— —
W. High Street Call State College 2352 [4
Open Daily 9:00 to 5:00 Open Daily and Evenings el
Saturday until 9:00 p. m. i 226 N. WATER ST. PHONE 2037 BELLEFONTE, PA.
Ee mr
RE i