Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 15, 1951, Image 12
"Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. AUCTIONEER PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL SALES . Phone 16-R-11 Centre Hall AUCTIONEER Prompt Attention Given all Sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA, wt Public Sale! The undersigned will offer at public sale at the H. J. Stover Garage, Mill St., Millheim, Pa., Saturday, March 3 Beginning at 12 noon, the following personal property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS Columbia range stove; stove: d-burner Perfection stove with built-in oven: linoleum: rainbow carpet; 6 cubic feet refrigerator, 2 years, breakfast set: 3-burner oil used 2 extension table: sideboard; Windsor heatrola ; carpets; dresser, like new; chest of drawers, maple inlaid; library table; metal ice refriger ator: wash stand: trunk; small sewing rocker, antique, stands; rockers; couch; mirror; 8-day clock, very good condition; Crosley radio, table model; portable washer; tubs; garden tools; electric iron; comforts and cush- jons : silverware: lot of dishes and cooking utensils; lot of articles not mentioned. chests; At the same time and place Arthur Cummings will sell the Mrs. Rebecca Wolfe furniture and the follow- ing: extension table: wood box: 6 rockers, one a Bollinger; four-piece reed suite In very good condition; large Atwater-Kent ra dio; a good wool Brussels carpet, like new; White sew- ing machine; heater: Hamilt electric sweeper; bedroom suite; 2 Brussels rugs; stand; er; Kenmore lot of cooking ut articles not mentic Columbia enameled range. mirror; on Beach wash porcn swing; ou S-burner oil stove w n bulit-in oven; lawn mow washing tools: dishes. TERMS: CASH. OLLIE WEISER . STOVER, Auctioneer "Harold E. Leightley] H. L. HARPSTER || PUBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER Al PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES, PIKE STREET, MILESBURG, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24 Beginning at 2:00 P. M,, the following: REAL ESTATE sonsisting of a T-rocm frame house with bath, hot alr on lot 118 by 200 feet. Ha trees, flowers. Possession April 1 neat garage. new roof and spouting, fruit balance on delivery of deed TERMS: 2 jay of sale, JOHN KEELER, Jr., Owner E. M. SMITH, Auctioneer (Annual March 15, 1951 Eh hE te LP Victery Sale ALL DAY SATURDAY, MARCH 31 Miscellaneous Items — Horses and Farm Machinery CLINTON AUCTION Mill Hall, Penna. J. W. BECHDEL best bred bulls we Fully 50 Sanger & Martin, GRAND VIEW FARMS Sorina Opening Sale At MIDDLETOWN, PA., MONDAY, MARCH 26 Blood Tested 10 o'clock sharp T. B. Accredited 300 HEAD SELLING 125 HEAD CANADIAN COWS & HEIFERS assure vou that vou will see one of the best big lot that will old thi Among them are hipped from Canada, ready for the cattle are ROP records 50 PENNA. GRADE HOLSTEINS, fresh and springers, 35 PENNA, GUERNSEYS, few pure breds, 30 BRED & UNBRED YEARLING and 2-vear-old bred heifers 10 GRADE YEARLING & BRED HEIFERS Many of these « Ic have been in our barn vaccinated and Pure o0 at 12:30 GRAND VIEW FARMS C. 5S. Erb & Co, Owners and Sales Mgr Vucts, lettew, Pedigrees Partie Phone 4224 or 4541 Nurnpike, get off at 2 miles to Mid Hummel Public Sale SOUTH END OF MAIN ST., JERSEY SHORE, PA | Thursday, Mar. 29, 1951 BEGINNING AT 2:30 A. M Having sold my farm, I am disposing at public sal my entire herd and farming 43 HEAD REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE ACCREDITED HERD IY ] | . : Fo impiements, consisting of: g cattle (4 I urebred Nineteen cows, 24 head your 2 vears). Three Guernsey cows; bull, 21% vear | Id. These cattle are all heavy and one of the best herds in the county. nroducers proud Mooie, 2 years; 2.—Inka Vee- an, 2 vears; 3.—Sylvia Ormsby Mooie, 4 years; 4 Sylvia Inka Rag, Inka Sylvia Mooie, 2 years: 6.—Sweet Rag Apple Fayne, Rag Apple Covnucopia Ormsby, 3 years; 8.-—Amleto Rag Apple, 3 years; 9.—Kismet Fortune, 3 years; 10. Kis- met Ormsby, 6 vears; 11.—Rag Apple Sweet, 3 years; Inka Donsegis Lass, 2 years; 13.— Donsegis Cor nucopia Lass, 6 years; 14.—Veeman Ormsby Segis Dx Kol, 4 years: 15.—Veeman Ormsby De Kol years, 16.—Jewel Duke Pride, 3 years; 17.—Veeman Ormsby De Kol Pietertje, 4 years; 18.—Korndyke Sweet Ormsby, 6 years; 19.—Amleto Mooie, 6 years; 20.—Inka Sweet, 2 years; 21.—Kismet Rag Apple, 4 vears: 22.—Mooie Ormsby Girl, 4 years; 23.—Inka Lyons Lady, 2 years; 24.—Grade Guernsey, 3 years; 25.—Grade Guernsey, 5 years; 26.—Grade Guernsey, 8 years; 27.—Inka Kismet, 2 years. FIVE BERKSHIRE BROOD SOWS-—will farrow in April with first litter. Nineteen Berkshire ranging from 50 to 170 pounds. Farming Implements Ferguson tractor on rubber with plow, cultivator and side mower (1 vear old;) McC.-Deering Farmall H tractor on rubber; McCormick-Deering manure loader, like new: cultivator; McCormick-Deering R-52 com- bine: McCormick-Deering 14-in. bottom plows; Me- Cormick 16-dis¢ 7-in. grain drill; MeCormick-Deering 2-row corn planter with fertilizer attachment; side de- livery rake: 2 wagons on rubber with ladders; No. 12 McCormick-Deering silo filler with 40 feet of pipe; Mc- Cormick-Deering milker, 2 units, extra bucket; Jushe 10 ft. cultipacker; New Idea manure spreader on rubber; New Idea push bar hay loader; Harvey grain elevator; Clark 12-in. double disc; 4-section spring-tooth harrow; two 3-section spring-tooth har- rows ; spiketooth harrows; grass seeders; lime sower; trailer on rubber; Vac-Way seed cleaner; high wheeled wagon with box; bobsleds; 18 40-qt. milk cans; coal burning brooder stove; extension ladders; 4-can milk cooler with heavy duty unit; large watering trough; buckets, strainer; forks; shovels, ete. . THIS IS A CLEAN-UP SALE. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED BY SOME ORGANIZATION H. F. McCRACKEN (OWNER) 1.—Sylvia Sweet 3 0 Years, J. “9 “©Tr ” o Years; i. Segis, 7 shoats one H. J. STOVER, Auctioneer J. 8. Nickelson, clerk Public Sale The undersigned will offer at public sale at his farm 2 miles west of Runville on the Bush Hollow- Runville road, on Thursday, March 22nd Beginning at 11:00 A. M,, the following personal property and real estate: 6 have been fresh vill be fresh by sale time, 1 6 Holsteins and 3 Guernseys, i S 4 " 2 J since August, 2 springer TEAM OF HORSES, 11 years old, weight 3200 Ibs, 12 SPOTTED POLAND SHOATS, wt. 60 to 70 lbs. 90 NEW HAMPSHIRE RED CHICKENS. Farming Implements Farmall A tractor with 14-inch bottom plow; 16- inch bottom plow; Syracuse land plow; Syracuse side- hill plow; 2 lever harrows, 17 tooth; 60-tooth spike harrow; THC corn planter with fertilizer attachment; two 2-horse cultivators, 1 walking, 1 riding; wood sled; Milwaukee binder, 6 ft. cut; Milwaukee mowing machine; McCormick-Deering dump rake; 2 Weber wagons on steel, one has set of hay ladders, one has 50-bushel box; Oliver manure spreader on rubber, used 2 years; Empire Juniof grain drill, 9 hoe; 2-unit Surge milker, used 2 years; Esco 4-can milk cooler; drying rack; 8 milk cans, strainer and buckets; set of double harness; 500 capacity hard coal brooder stove; 30-gal. apple butter kettle, ring, stirrer, and apple peeler; pair of stilliards, 500 Ib. capacity; b tons of loose mixed nay ; close 175 bales of straw. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 2 cook stoves, one green enamel No. 9 Andes; 8 ft, extension table and 6 chairs; rubber tired lawn mower: 9 x 12 rug: living room stand ; bureau; 4 pairs of lace curtains; oak bed and springs: 2 home-made tables: rocking chair; cooking utensils, and many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE The 120 acre farm will be offered at 12:30 p. m. sharp. The real estate may be purchased privately previous to sale. Farm has 85 acres cleared, 28 acres of nice oak timber. 6-room frame house with electricity and water; bank barn with water; 2 wells, both out- fitted with pumps and electric motors; new milk house and other necessary outbuildings, On hard-surfaced road, TERMS OF SALE: Personal property, cash. Real Estate: 256 per cent down, balance on delivery of deed. Lunch Will Be Served by the Runville Ladies AM S. P. SHIRK E. M. SMITH, Auctioneer Lee Smeitzer, clerk Advertise your farm sale in the Democrat. Public Sale The undersigned will offer at public sale on his farm, the former Henszey farm, 2 miles northeast of State College on the State College-Fillmore road, on Saturday, March 17th Beginning at 1:00 p. m., the following personal property: LIVESTOCK addle filly out of jumping stock. FARM IMPLEMENTS 3-bottom plow ; International ‘ase hammer mill; International pick- Chalmers disc; side delivery hay 1 drill, fertilizer attachments; corn John Deere corn binder; mower; gon 18 x 7 ft. bed: B-can G. E. electric f chicken feeders and fountains; but- % 4 rae bobsled. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: (These items are Weanling i@tional disc from our apartment house): 3 2 apartment size, like new, tinghouse full size electric range; 5 refrigerators, 3 Frigidaires, 1 G. E., iece living room suite; oak break- mches ; 3 dressers; Deltox porch natching chairs; beds and springs ; ranges leather covered wingback fire. items too bucket-a-day stoves; and many other TERMS: CASH | PUBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC SALE AT HIS HOME, 14 MILES NORTHWEST OF REBERSBURG, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17 Beginning at 12:00 Noon, the Following Personal Property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 6 Bollinger « WOOd Dox stands; 7 rocking chairs: 2-piece antique board; 2 flower stands; book racks; sewing « inet; Binger sewing machine; a white work reau; 2 beds; chest; dresser; 2 wash stand pet by the yard; stair carpet; 6 by 8 olicloth rug sene lamps; small sink large dutch sink chest; round table; new meat barrel curtain rods; curtain stretchers and window blinds; cooking utensils: lawn mowers, crocks, jars, crate half-bushel measure; chicken other articles too numercus to mention A dropleaf extension table daybed; set of room chairs meat SOY ( iris lot of dist wheelbarros feeders: brooder TERMS CASH WILLIAM LONG E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer E. G. Studebaker TRARY E. M. SMITH, Auctioneer BIG CATTLE AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 17 The noted, sensationally high producing herd of SHERMAN CC, SPOTTS, sells at his Beechlyn Farms, located 4 miles southwest of LOCK HAVEN, Clinton County, Pa., on Route 220, 50 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE T. B. Accredited, Bangs Certified, yearlings and under, calfhood vaccinated, treated against shipping fever, examined for pregnancy. DHIA 10.YEAR AVERAGE FROM 435 1b, up to 572 Ib. fat, on 2-time milking. Going at 500 Ib. fat av- erage this vear. A leading herd in Cow Testing As- sociation for many years, THE HERD CONSISTS OF: 21 milkers, fresh from October on; § bred heifers, due in fall; 5 close springers ; 4 open yearlings; 5 heif- er calves: 1 bull, year old, ready for service, from 400 Ib. fat record 2-year-old dam. Several cows with 620 Ib. up to 649 lb. fat and 18.736 1b. milk, all 2-time milking. Daughters of such popular sires ss LAUXMAS- TER and DUNLOGGIN VICTOR, also a choice daugh- ter of LAUXMONT RAG APPLE AUTOCRAT. All selling at your price in this big dispersal, held in big tent (heated if necessary). available, Catalogs at ringside. Lunch starts at 12:30 p. m. Selling THINK OF IT! YOU CAN NOW BUY THESE SENSATIONAL PRODUCERS, SURE PROFIT-MAKERS FROM BOTH MILK AND THEIR CALVES. Sherman C. Spotts, Owner, : \ Beech Creek, Pa. K. AUSTIN BACKUS, Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Mexios, N. Y. ic Sale The undersigned will offer at public farm located 1 mile southeast Route 95, on MONDAY, MARCH 19 Beginning at 9:00 A. M. Sharp, the Following Personal Property: FARM IMPLEMENTS tract sale on his of Madisonburg., on starter and ‘ national F-12 tractor on rubber; 2-1 © : A _ ses} 3-disc International plow : tractor plow; C. spring tooth s t f | ‘ lever harrow ; 2-secti 8 18 heavy ooth lever harrow; l 60 tox th I« 9" double cultipacker; double 1. H. C. tractor cultivat tractor attachments; full set H model 1. H. C.; §' oil; 8" I. H. C. grain binder, running C. corn planter with fertilizer attachn Ontariosgrain drill with atta I. H. C. corn binder; I. H. C. hay loader; h: I. H. C. with 3 screens: 70' 6” belt ; clipper seed cleaner, complete with screens C. side delivery hay rake, dump rake; New Idea ure spreader with lime attachments; New Idea mu spreader on rubber; two 12" Syracuse 20-78 walking plows ; one-way Oliver sulky plow; l-row Iro tato planter; 1 double I. H. C. horse cultivat tedder ; potato plow; lime sower; grain elev: sheaf elevator; 2" low wheel wagon wit} tired wagon; ironed tractor push pole; 2 hay ladders; wagon changeable box; rack stone boards; 2 sets of hay ropes and ha: pulleys: heavy pin bob sled ; C. corn sheller with power pulley; gas engine; 2-unit Delaval magnetic new 4-unit DeLaval pump with 1 h. moto C. milk cooler; Dairy “Red Hot” copper w milk can hoist with track; 15 milk cans, 3 milk strainer; 2-bushel basket ; oil pump; oil drums; lot of odd stanchions; 2 C mower knife grinder; 2 lars, ete.; power wood saw; one electric fencers, one electric, one batt insulators; 2 electric chick brooders, size; coal brooder, 500 size: 600 Ib horse double tees and single tees; straw; corn and oats. 25 HOGS: b young Berkshire sows, will farrow abe sale; Poland China boar; 19 fall feeder pigs CHICKENS: 225 Leghorn (1950) pullets strain, blood tested, carrying plenty of showing good egg production (sold for Kerlin's). HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Robert W. Colyer, farm operator and offer at public sale some household goods seg " : Yor . / . international tortilizor afd 3 ieriiizer a ACN! endless log sled: | sets of Kerlin weight anda The farm has been sold and this is a cl Every article put up will be sold. TERMS: CASH. THE SALE OF THE ABOVE PERSONAL PROPERTY IS TO BE COMPLETED BY 1 P. M E. E. HUBLER, Auct.; James Corman, clerk 30 Registered Brown Swiss Certified — Blood Tested — Mostly Vaccinated With several Holstein and mixed grades. This herd consists of 21 cows, mostly close springers; 15 fresh, balance due in March and April; five 2), to 3-year yearling heifers: one 2-year and 5-year yearling heif- ers, heifer and bull calves; 1 registered stock bull. Herd has been on D. H. I. test since 1942. The sale of the dairy cattle is scheduled to begin promptly at 2 p. m. For catalogue write: Earl Nicolls, sales mgr. and auctioneer, Secretary, Pennsylvania Brown Swiss Assn, R. D. 1, Conneautville, Pa., or to the owner. Lunch Will Be Served by the Ladies of the Madisonburg Lutheran Church EARL NICOLLS, Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer JOHN M. BOOB, Owner