Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 15, 1951, Image 1
(State Police Say: Driving on the wrong, side of the road is an act of discourtesy. By his actions a road hog takes half of the space out of the fiddle. DON'T BE A DISCOURTEOUS DRIVER. J @he Cenire Democrat pr | Big Change: athletes around town Eminent will now give up watching wrestling matches and go outdoors Lo be baseball spectators VOLUME 70. NUMBER 11 BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1951 16 PAGES THIS ISSUE — Moves Made In TEACHERS GIVEN J. Thomas Mitchell Writes of Four Persons Charged As 5150 TEMPORARY Bellefonte Life in The 60's Tax Equalization SALARY BooST State College Assessor to Make Plans For Meeting of County Assessors; Bellefonte Council, School Board Map Moves. maneuvers essment That concrete equalize property as county-wide basis may be made soon seemed to indicated in actions taken by elected officials this week C. Otis Cromer, State College as- sessor, has accepted the task of a sembling the some 40 assessors in the county for a meeting and set- | ting up standard assessing proced- ures. Mr. Cromer indicated he would meet with the Centre County Com- missioners, who act as the, AS50885 « ment board, to determine a'meeting date The action sessment meet room last Wednes Ellwood Sones dent of school The 75 person sion agreed that a unequal and some cour should be made toward equalization In statistics prepared by the State and released last July wide dis- crepancies in assessment in Centre county were shown The: from 428 per cent value in Curtin tow cent in Walker town 9 STUDENTS T0 VISIT CAPITOL Y. M. C. A. to Send G'rls to Event Scheduled at Harrisburg on a De is a result of tax as- held in the court day for which T superinten- acted as chairman present at that ses- ssessments v-wide move ing county are tt the Two Bellefonte high school girls members of the Tri-Hi-Y., will at tend a session modeled after United Nations at Penn H Hotel in Harrisburg tomorrow Saturday The YMCA board meeting Monday night lyn McKinley. daughter of Mrs. Roy McKinley Tavior, all of Colevil sent the Bellefonte The girls will take the part of the countries of India and Yehem and will appear in the dress of the countries. [hey wid by Miss Barbara to the Tri-H-Y the said at its that Mara- Mr, and Nancs le r Y + 20} at of those be accompanied Beatty, advisor Club The board's Boiler Committee re- ceived bids on the installation of a new boiler and will study the matter further Plans were vating the dressing the swimming pool It was announced Adult Club will renovate room on the second floor will paint the room and lay floor Chester Narvel, said that there on swimming, climaxed by learn-to-swim classes in the spri David Dean. whose service is vided by the Recreation C is the instructor considered for reno- room next that the Young the board The club a new ecretary will be emphasis general hy Two Are Sentenced In Special Session Two perfons were sentenced special session of court here Mon- day morning by Judge Ivan Walker Mrs. Miriam Schaeffer, 25, Spring Mills, pleaded guilty to a charge of establishing a gambling place. She was ordered to pay costs of prosecu- tion and a fine of $50. State Police said she set up punch boards in her restaurant Duane Miller of Drifting, was or- dered to serve 24 days in the county jail and pay costs on a charge of failure to stop at the scene of an | accident. Miller had ‘entered a guilty plea at an earlier session i in a ! was placed at market value toward taken ir entre half the Mr. Sone ty average cent of the Some action has already been Hall borough and county's 25 townships sald Bellefonte Plans Equalization One method toward reaching equalization was set up joint meetings of the Bellefonte Borough Council and the Bellefonte school (Continued on Page Two) HOSPITAL JOB IS PROGRESSING All Trades Now Working in Constructing Addition to Facilities ovel at now being mac on construction of the Centre C ty Hospital, officials reported thi week. George W. White uperin- tendent of Moyer Bros. contractor aid all trades now These include tractors, Good progress | are the general plumber nirad Con electrician steamfitters ver ing bricklayer teel w With work of teel, started the job 4 The orange stick irom on the LAKES On appearance the air floor. Some dy erected to ti the larger piec. at this atter their been received » and workers must sc rather unit separately Bricklayers started rasing on the ol Soon thi walls for the Lot arh compiete each laying up the ide walls Monday will be placing the upporting the steel wher progresses to point group work that 4-H Leaders Meet With Rotary Clubs The 4-H Club leaders of Centre county met in a joint dinber meet. ing with the Bellefonte Rotary Club Monday evening The program ce talk bv E. A. Mintmier State 4-H Club Leader College, the showing movie “County Fair.” Mahlon Robb Bellefonte, represented the Counts Bankers Association and discussed the interest the bankers had in 4-H Club work in that they usually con- tributed funds to some of the 4-H activities on a county and State level nsisted of a short assistant from State ing of a sound After the dinner meeting, the local leaders met and planned the work for the coming year. Meetings were dcheduled for the following clubs at the following times and places Spring Mills at the Gregg ship school, Monday, March (Continued on Page Two) Attorney's Mother Dies In Philipsburg Mrs. Lawshe Baird. 74. of ipsburg, died In the Benson torium at 6:30 am. Tuesday had been & patient there for days and had been {ll about years Two sons, David L. Baird, Phil- ipsburg attorney, and J. Stevens Baird, of Altoona, survive Puneral services will be held at the Pirst Presbyterian Church of Philipsburg at 2 pm. Thursday Burial will be made in the Philips burg Cemetery town. 19, at Phil- Sani- She ten four Glassware From the 1870-80 Period Displayed at Library | ' Tells Of New Service Mrs. Carl Ifverson, librarian, has | mnnounced the receipt of gifts of Glassware from the 1870-80 period now occupies the displaycase at the | Centre County Library. The' more Bellefonte School Board proves Formal Request Ap- at Session other * by the Be Pennsylvania Mr chairman which John Bellefonte aided In explanation of the branch of Education A Martin the request in a read t« directors Dubbs, f the branch request The that the median er in the he such as these make teachers to tary funds in tions, a tuation t low the ormi with the The Board the temporary naid in a lump sum pended balance in tl WIRation committee letter choo) president o representative alar Bellefonte renort ec re pol £ earch for after re unanimously saiary (Continued on Page Eight SCHOOL PAPER WINS 2ND PLACE BHS ‘Red And White ‘'ompetes in National Contest News’ The anno: among the schools United light of the three-day convention ¢ | the association “Red and White the senior high schools 750 pupils Consideration was judges to such matters as typography, news content tures Nearly 3500 t met or columbia campus convenuio wast entered in newspapers of from 500 to class {or printed with given ent luncheor Cc ounty | Hospital Nurses’ Alumnae Association Meets The March meeting of the Cen- Nurses" Alum- held Mon. home of Mr of South following tre County Hospital nae Association was day evening at she and Mrs. R. J. Lambert Spring Street, with th nurses in attendance Elizabeth Corman, Irene Barger, Harel Mec- Coy, Mabel Pinnin, Grayvee Tress. ler Mary Scandrol and Helen Lambert President Gracye Tressler presid- Mrs, Finnin presented a mem- bership report which showed that no membership had been lost dur- ing the past year. Two members, | Miss Catherine Ventre, of Altoona and Miss Thelma Lesh, of Philadel phia, became brides recently A communication was received announcing the sudden death of Mr ed Strong, husband of the former Mar: | . aor garet McFarland Plans were discussed for a union banguet for all graduates of the Centre County Hospital Nurs. ing School, to be held early in June. | the | of C ommunity’s Appearance Nurses’ Meeting to be held in Phil | | ipsburg, Mar. 21 Arrangements were made for Alumnae to be represented by sev. eral members at the District No, § At the conclusion of business, a weial hour was enjoyed and de. re. 5 By J. Thomas Mitchell eter vi betwee 1861 and 1871 give an In teresting pict the Bellefonte of those days as well as an insight into conditior at Centre Farmers’ High ese letter written tten A dozen the year ure of and the School Th } were Wilsc 1n. the i Hunter Wilsor War of 1812. Sam William of the British Frank Samuel the of the on aptured the flag P) were liam P Civil War, Miss Mary Wilson COLLEGE NIGHT AT HIGH SCHOSE. (;ave Students Opportunity to Meet and Talk With Col lege Representatives evening, Mar About 250 attended ‘ollege an they wishe« O the Principal School, th Sollenberger Bellefonte High uced Walter A Keane: director of teacher placement Penn State, as the principal speaker of the evening Mr. Sollenberges in his introductory reaares ferred the speaker as ow wf has had much service in work with college students, and couls well define the visions and the jectives of indertaking Night Kearney in his remark are divided inte parts: Protection, Preparation Pligrimage. The parents, he (Continued on Page Seven) Girl Scouts Mark Anniversary Of Founding The Pounding of the Girl Scouts observed in Bellefonte this week with the Juliette low Tea heid BSaturday afternoon and = baked ham supper. Monday. Both event were held in the Little House Slides, taken ing season at shown by Mrs or intro such College Mr that lives was of the 1850 camp- Camp Barree were Thomas Mensch Al ceremonies Monday, Mrs. El- mer Decker, commissioner, invesiss Mrs. Alan Katz, Mrs. Harold O'- Bryan and Mrs. Fred Fisher, coun- cil members, and , these leaders Miss Sue Armstrong and Mrs. El- aine Dunileavey Mrs. Elmer Hauer was presented with a Thanks Badge in apprecia- tion of her work with the Girl Scouts The Bellefonte Girl Scouts will have a scrap drive. Saturday, Apr 7. it was reported. Scrap to be col- lected includes, iron, clothing and visiting Wa Wa Secretary The i ister Chris Camero Lincoln from Frank her f hing! Cabinet etmenat ip oy nin tma Ewe January 1867 EUB PLANS PALM SUNDAY SERVICE Trinity Group Plans Presen- tation of Easter! Musie al Unite Brethren lowbank Street At 5:30 am ple will be confirmed \. Klingeman rist We Dx Wi the Senidr Che Hill the Sen- Is A Green : ; bs or Choir “Andanis Fibich, of Mrs. Louis Schad ona Ho denbe will? Thomas Oarbrick, pianist Anthem As It Pesan To Dawn I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked”. by Young People's Choir Continued on Page Twa Auxiliary To Hospital Gets Board's Thanks Handel Poeme violinist, Mr * 5 heid Monday after Board Roon { the nn members and Mis: administrator, were Bixiee Brosn given by Mrs. El McGeary Hege, member of the Board of Trustees of the hospital, was pres ent and expressed the appreciation of the Board for the work accomp- lished by members of the Auxiliary { Board were invited t Tea” to be by Mrs. Me. Geary and Mrs. Leonard Doggett at he home of Mrs. McGeary, or | Wednesday Mrs. William the radio program “At { Service”, now being heard | WMAJ at 1:46 pm. Sundays | ber of Commerce is Sponsoring an | advertisement in local Lin behalf of the current membership {drive of the Auxiliary More helpers are needed for the Continued an Pass SiN) State of ~ member given Schwartz reportec Fost Yom over The Retail Division of the Cham- | Journalism Student Writes Stringed Trio composed | { Clair, 3 months { Hornick, 27. and Joseph Ray Hor. 1d. Aungst 'ly uninjured. The child newspapers | | Bavings Bonds | Parochial A Result Of Stine Retrial Two Defendants Charged With Perjury by District Attorney; State College Woman Held for Court on Embracery Charge. (8 | ( ¢ Dg { f " f Local Concerts Need Few More “Bellefonters”’ The played Community Concer Thursday evening in High School Auditorium or Community iprocit Paur Infar de Lo 1 ¥ coming Huntingdon town wellsbor memt and mittee Ce t ‘ \ Fis R vi State Commander to Be Pres. ent at Fourth Annual Dinner Fed rect 4 on Page Sesen KRAUSS NAMED ROTARY HEAD Replaces E. IL. Plumb, Sr. To Take Office in Juls ported CRASH VICTIM IS KNOWN HERE Daughter-in-Law of Mileshurg Couple Injured in Fatal Accident in the Nason Spring State Police said the accident oc- curred at 12:50 p. mv. Thursday. Mr: Bechdel was holding her son, Harry and was valting lor Mrs. Virginia ST. JOHN'S BEGINS =: HOLY WEEK HERE Pine Ca, To Plans Fire Company for {¢ y Fs ard a bus. Beside her was Distribute Palms at o'clock Mass Palm fire com- Sunday Pa a Clove. JAILS A car driven by Elmer 10 27. of East Freedom falied negotiate a curve and struck the women. Aungst lice he dozed off Mrs. Hornick died after the accident dead on arrival at the hospita Mrs. Bechdel suffered severe cu of the mouth. Her son was apparent. was thr Onto A grassy piot nick, | year Preliming plans to ia the told po- n Week erviee about and her ts everal feet impact Clair Bechdel burg is employed by fractories at Claysburg Reposit Sacra VFW Auxiliary R Lists Candidates Honor «© the obser-ed Miles- Wednesday Re- PM Hols rif Ap formerly of General SAC elec. 00 AVAali- Nominations of auxiliary officer Good nex: delegates and to the dis. Presar trict encampment were held at a eration meeting the Auxiliary to the Cross Jackson-Crissman-Saylor Post N m 1600, Veterans of Poreign Wars, at Iv Sa a meeting at the post home Tyes- ing of Easter day night. Election of officers will tismal Pont take place at 8 pm. Tuesday, Mar (ter: Holy Nn Confessions Alma Chandler, president pm. 7Tto 9 pm T Wr | ri charge of the meeting with Easter Sunday--8 am ° est e F iday attendance and High Mass, 10 an An Inter-School wrestling Americanism chairman Sue | — . will held in the Bellefont Blackford reported essays for 1951 | Fire At Billiard Parlor School gymnasium at 8 pun enfitled Fitedozs pen Deer Undine firemen answered an Members of the “B” club he fect ers A Sepor alarm at 4:50 pm. Wednesday at yesieraay ae helt - “Pottsville | Birdies’ Billiard Parlod on E. High 4 . Street. The fire was confined to Mrs. Evelyn Watkins acted as es- partitions. About $50 cort to National President Mrs, Sue sulted ; ; lig at that time The auxiliary voted the follow | ing: purchase of twp $100 U 8 $50 donation to the School Building Pund. , $20 for a party at the Danville State alternates the meeting Mr Jame Robert H 1 Everts Lorde- Koch Harpster of Three irs ! noon t ther ving with Any Samuel Reed Fire ubur Diehl I Blessing Inter-School Matmen was in KJ in Low he Friday sponsors ao There will be about 13 bouts with lenn Smith referee. Admission re« will be 25 cents for students and 50 ents for adults as damage Wrestlers Win State Titles | close to the forest you can't see | the trees. The Centre Democrat has | Hospital: 85 for a gift for National | Senior Viece-Commander Frank | Hilton's baby EE ——— John L. Tiley To Return To Active Duty square will be a lasting one with | the Bellefonte Trust on one corner, | the First National Bark on another, (Bd. Note: Sometimes you're so than a dozen examples on display are the property of Mis¢” Blanche Underwood, of N. Spring Street It was explained that there are many pieces of such glassware about | the country, but Miss Underwood's | 56 pieces make probably one on the most complete collections in one! pattern. All items on display are of the Fish Scale pattern. The name is derived from the roughened sur- faces which decorate the vessels. Displayed are: a cake plate on a standard, butter dish celery vase, compote, creamer, goblet, jelly dish, large mug, round plate, bread plate, sauce dish, spoonholder, sugar bow! tumbler, and a child's milk mug. All are flawless. The items are supplemented by two books from the library collec tion »n glass ware. Of especial in- terest at the time are the chapters en the fish scale pattern and the Mustrations. One authority says the business books from the City Na- tional Bank of Cleveland, Ohio. All the books are published by the Graduate School of Harvard Uni- versity. They deal with labor and management and banking. Business Business firms are supplied with a mimeographed list of the new vol- umes, 200 Members Attend Lions Joint Meeting An estimated 200 members from five Lions Clubs attended the meet- ing of the south zone of District 14-G held In the Millheim fire hall Tuesday night, A. H. Holtzinger, district deputy, J. Alvin Hawbaker, past zone chair. man, and Jack Baldwin, zone secre Heclous refreshments were served by | the hostess, Mrs. Lambert Philipsburg Soldier Wounded In Korea The 20th Centre County casualty in the Korean fighting has been reported by the Defense Depart. ment Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Simier, Sr, 525 Ninth Street, Philipsburg, have received word that their son, Cpl Ernest A. Simler, Jr, has been wounded. He is the fifth boy from the Philipsburg area reported on the casualty lsis. Snow Shoe Firemen Answer Call To Home | comissioned Prank Hedrick, a jour. | and the entrance past the statue student at Penn State, to Bellefonte. His notations nalism evaluate follow.) Bragging and exaggerating, of course, can be overdone, but when a town has the assets—both natural and man-made-that Bellefonte has a little talking should be done. The cross-section of business pleasure, industry, amusement, cul- iz 3.15 HILL | and through the arches to the county seat court house | The impressive white Grecian {court house, built originally in 1805 Is symbolic of American beliefs and the law and opder that guide us. The columned porch addition in 1835, the reconstruction in 1855, and the east addition and Improvements completed in 1910 are also an indi. Ordered to return to active ser. vice with the U. 8 Navy on Apr 3, John L. Tiley has been granted a military leave from his duties Dave Adams