Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 01, 1945, Image 1

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    fem, KEEP FAITH
Bo he Centre Democraf  £=2
E nad EN iE
Governor Martin Plans 1 Fleck Receives Air Medal in italy | 1 OAC [1 Milesburg Man Is
Large New Building at p.. ISTSNAMED ~~ Killed By’ rain
Rockvi iew For De Footives PN FROM COUNTY copa races, 45, is ater tru is ie
Gotham Limited on Grade Crossing Near
Three Men Reported Home; Inquest to Be Held Tonight
Missing; Three Are BULLETIN ver
In Jury Trials $ _- 5 1 bh! : : Wounded In Coroner Charles Sheckler Mikes -
that t tte
Cost of Project is Estimated at $1,500,000 or T\v.0 Found Guilty
More; Would Care for Up to 600 Men; Re-
port Several Sites % ‘gested; Wards May + =" Fle ctu ' rg. wld, yoslerday an Sugest
Aid in Work on Prisc®s arms February Court d THER a 4 ? Action wy Le death | Roi be life
burg, sald yesterday an inquest
ah —r— y Rs id rit re ‘ : "Tm War Sunday when his truck was hit by
Plans for the erection { an in- font % lect | ¥ rin 1 : Ro: ring: 4 tnedars: vm a train, will be held in the Court
seta a ig Cll-ailiI] CH RIL Ad= 14 R defective LAM : “ Hha hed t . onl A 5 = 11 ‘ y V He mea ~ y
stitution costing rom $1500000 to que Room here at 7:30 o'clock tonight
$2,000,000 adjacent to Rock I Pen vania In- po 4 ;
tentiary, Bellefonte, we: nnoun d ial § 1 at 1tinedor H ry m ol in in Centre coun- inl | A n : The
yesterday by Govery Xe hv Mar- 1l : ! i y ! 4
tin as part of a ) !
gare of del; ht ghee in | State Secretary of Welfare, sald the | ” ran dae’ we i ata i First Lt. William J. Fleck (right) is congratulated bv his com.
Pennsylvani Proposed new institution in Centre | - ing Tat he Sig " manding officer, Col. John M. Price, after being presented the Ar
The new institution for this type | county would | ip to 680 sodiomenitr om A ai i Sh vin hg Medal. Lt Fleck is attached to the 15th AAF in Hal
of state v will be ted n | mat +5 , Oi proseculion
as materials erefore 1 Several Sites Suggested ried ty "PR ¢ vy 4 ¢
able.” it was | ’ X \ X Fron 44 1 but usually reliable tar vel pa i i a3 bi pi. / hy su eo : oon ya ly i gg _ nem bide *» Wounded 3
istration " vehicl ile hig Ui wi “| wife rs. Betti lock resi l ros ae
that beca
Missing men are
: Leonard Witt, 24, Vietim Harrisburg Team to Meet
Ernest Styers, Millheim, 200 Firemen and Guests : i .. of Accident; Fellow Work- Local Men at BHS
Dies When Dump Body Present; Speakers Pr Loa ws (Go to Harrisburg March Joel Rover, 83, Zion, in 4. § Rome H war . His ep Applies Tourniquet Gym March 2
Drops Unexpectedly Laud Company 9: 5 Others Volunteer Seriogis Condition After ° gm hin rd ood SI rar | ee
During February Long Exposure ; mite, Jost bis Jet | , :
Ernest E. Styers, 40-year-old Mill- Members of the Log wn Fire Com-
heim trucker, was crushed to death p and their guests, numbering
under the bed of his dump truck nearly 200 persons in all, celebrated
early Saturday morning when the the 75th anniversary of the found-
bed fell wille he was working on ing of the company at a banquet
the chassis. Death is believed to held last Thursday night at Brooks
have been instantaneous and result- Doll Post American Legion home on : a f fis thers *ho ’ : ' | ‘ Pom Flt } : af 1 Lod
ed from a crushed chest and a neck East Howard street y 4 : oe “gy Xamon ring Aaireh xe ‘ p | i : on of w left }
injury ; nA 1 JOT Amine e Agi : ! : Es bruises, His condition
NCr was served Dy mem i | 3 bruag ' Revi " K2 - . - rr -_
The accident happened ax : the Legion Auxilian ard BF : ob rican %, Ra wnty Hospital yeste
p. m. outside the Lowell Stover - =i n CY brn’ eckmskoln 5 ’ FU ihe A : a ; } orted to be satisfactory
age in Aaronsburg Mr y " The man probably
gone to the garage to : :
repairs to the truck and w fOIR= om . i Judge 1 wal \ : - . 138 tn oie. 4 ] ’ ’ 4 I gehen
fog alone at the time. Customers ar- ,, aha Judge val ET vA x 3 hg ! in NEL abo : aem £ i it 35. of Millheim
phen at the garage saw him pinned t he principal speaker Honored §&  . Harrisburg Miss Lottie Koffm entored n Pp po 4 vorker at the Tian pi
Mea R Il r the fite company intro- q Members of Ww § Ho Al bors g : Siu f :: A 4 1 ’ ay bd  Sanmbe
In the machine and notified garage ‘Dembers of pon fite company intro- Ba le (rot i ame, foun fl h - After the acciden it backs
: duced were Charles F. Cook, 84. a Glenn Lorraine Richards, NIagara ysatisturd and 1 ira { the ) ; y way 1 the machine and begar
(Coniinyed on page Pour) = 2 » Ha 2 ] Ay fran Lhe machine ang gan
. | Logan for 71 years, Jn Martin “ : Falls, N. Y. (Powellon $d mars » 3 move away. Kerstetter, who was
{| Cooney. 81, who has been a Logan Aloysifis Anthony Jendiisak, Ak- pouring the aid of another neigh- EIS  hout 30 feet distant ai the time
. 4 for 80 viars. Another veteran Logen, § ¢ \ wie, Dal Aurea. “ROKER Ep. dps ie ade A GTR . DERN sunnine 'oward him, remov- Seriously Wounded
Serving In WAC Benton D Tate, 80, for more than § hy . Henry Mitlthew Kessline Hes { premise ane MM; CP eT Was rd mg his belt at tie sume time When
1 50 years a member of the company forte. RB 3 fod about noon ving In " ANOW ¥ reached With, he Immediate!’
also was present, while James D vi. Joseph A. Davidson, 23-year. Aliph William Richn OXAare. al the rear of his garas is bods he med the belt as a tourniquet, stop-
Seibert, 84. a member for 68 year old son o Hs GO an he late R i wedged tightl 4 { the side of i ! ing the heavy Joss of blood fron
was unable to attend, Mr, © and Mabe] Gar ¥ idson, was kilied Cl Joseph Biazosky or : h din . he severed arm
Mr. Cooney yoke briefly of the In action in © battle { 1a m- thick When the are d eit ¥ mbulance wa
arly ¥y ff Arpt
suffered u
S-Sgt. Lee N. Rogers
Missing in South Pacific
* Group Will Go to Harris- Over 309% of Total Fund
burg March 8 to Begin Will Be Used For
Training Local Work
Trucks to Make Rounds to Board No. 2 to Send 18 coin ‘ page Si) legran , hg De-
Gather Paper, Rags, | Men for Induction on il Driver After
Cans, Metal | March 9 Crash In Milesburg
Coliege Dra!lt Board
' what . * " sterday announced that
br T.arTint : v s ” " i « nati Ct p s I! P
’ hie : ran materials is to be held in Belle- i be sot nd Ji / an, 50, of North Bend. jo is survived by two sisters incltid- from the area served bv ‘ha " onal Pvt. James IX. McClellan
Pvt. Phyllis A. Sholl ‘ } HIG views tOSaEERY s admitted 1 i A ved © al ra { t 00 000.000 1 » sibmws SE a ? ‘She
% " font LOmorron an o it I nt I's rg or AWA " ? ' . ol y ft {1 8 § & Harrisburg on Thursday . — Lo]
Pvt. Sholl, 22, daughter of Mr. nu ' ~ SI RLU LL : i
{ indict ie nto t
Mrs. John 1. Sholl, of Milesburg, « for induction into th
listed in the Womer Army Corps
November 27, 1044, and was called _ : A ng AB : : nig {ty an acc : af: 38 E - tdnde
for training January 3, 1945. Prom mim Moshlion Hen ATE ; Be  exphndmatiom. ct Te or hae =p’ Dak} neh ot 25amuss- Sha Myers, Claude Homa:
Harrisburg she was sent to Ft, Ogle- wn go He Myoboniiny Rn La Cal pi wma AA Atk ct Boing Eh A Reigh, Bernard Charl
thorp, Ga., where she is studying a etals of all kinds and 1 } hose slat r examination ar , 4 inju a ) truck in ey A fore going overs gy RD 1
inciuded In th niection vhicsy will fosllon men n AS A passenger ian Al~ year ag .
a Medical Technician ’ . = om r into the Soldiers’ Monument or Kr
: m gk . . — a . WL i | Nn Soa F Mion : on
Miss Sholl was graduated from the ‘4 " . a " } CEO © Diamond in Milesburg. The ma- Wis
Bellefonte High School in the class i front of their homes and ar il ! : hine. which waa traveling west Or Roy Edward, Bellefonte, R. finance 1 merous a
of 1940, and attended Penn State for _...i 14 have th Wit Bot lat loyd R Wertz, Birmingham, the Bald Eagle Valles Gighvay, was Oba fa SY St. m hich the Red Cross is
three years where she majored in’. ,,. : 0 that only wo Pa. (Julia owned by M, O. Woods, 55. of Clear- Roy Decke ? oi ring revised
entomology. Before volunteering for ! y : y Aeld ¥r
i ver / Tad Lichar \1 | or field, and is sald to hifve been driver cently released "n red Warn
{ ley ag a chem ". ’ hale ht hah " H irwitz, Hassel, Stat ollege
service she was employed as a chem, 0. will be necessar (Philipsbus by Clair Dixon, of Mineral Spring : Ale Opilef chairman of the 1945 War Pund, i
ist for the Titan Metal Company " ‘ . Asli f ies, Emerson El, Lemont —y ho o rile
4 ! Aper, ; ardboard and in Raymond Labar 2 ' Phila« | Clearfield Count) | " nahin " CGusiries are expected Wo contri
. ym LaAbar An Mm baugh, Roy Obdiah, Scotland, _... hm ik
: : * tied In bundles or placed delphi Howard) State Police at Pleasant Gap who $5170 of Lhe Wii Aamoun wii
a wa
in cartons for easy handling. The plary Miles Watkins ward investigated the crash, said they had Res ter. Earl Leros rhersbure Bellefonte borough is expected 1
Wolfber Sentenced weed fo it oO at tor ey Wit Watkins, Howar , aad f the OO . oe Far #T0y, Rebersbury provide $4170. Bush Addition is ask
y i 14 9 th J il Derr 3 LiTice 0l 20TH] IIRLESA! George Bernard Long, Howard Neon informed that Dixon nes Rh Starved Deer Newortail Spicer, Wilbur Lee, Oak Hall f ’ Bush /
in the war efor specially paper 4 Ci foods truck and drove to Lox wld ren wid > 1
0 Mon Ss in atl  . kiAR yard) 00ds Kk d ' N Coldren, Meredith M_, Centre Hall
remains acute and it is hoped that Pn a ve , Ammerman, Turtle Haven. where he met Lennan in a | nable to Escape on Ebbe, Joseph Oray. 8. Enola »
sveryone will make special effort Creek (Philipsburg) tap-room. The men didn’t know ' y Ke k / : E :
> a ! " ol ap=i : nan ' . : Sendzik, John William, State Col
Hats aya ps uri Ata Gap, was ¢4 contribute heavily in tomorrow Harry Milton Crain, New London, each other before that time, it is re. Crusted Snow lee g No Celebration
sentenced to wxlergo imprisonment Hartt ) ’ Conn, (Philips ) §
; collection, officials saic mn nuipsourg sorted. Lennan accompanied Dixon . nson ri thu ol
in the Blair county jail for 14 - . John William Gray, Mill Hall be a drive tu Centre county where Centre county deer herd cone ohn n, Wikis Arthur, State Coj- Here on V-E Day
months and to pay a fige of $400 and > (Howard) the ™ ident hep ened tinues to fight the ravages of a " R b \ Ferd {Pp .
y when he 4 m . y ci v Rap) I \ : ! nck imer Ferdinand leasant : 1 y Hat , }
foots. St hes going oy ay he AD - $1 50 Da age, Girl Gilbert Lloyd Adam Port Ma- Dixon is said to have left the ace | unusually severs winter and ale OAD im rau . Casal The Bellefonte Chamber of Com- N
C ore Judge Ivan Walker of tilda, R. D " : \ ’ ie : : merce at a recent meeting again dis. -
A bo Ey ; cident scene before the arrival of though much of ie snow has meit- goa wot silton. State na
Centre coun'y In ite courtroom at Injured In Crash Charles Alvin Shilling, Blanchard.’ slice but later was arrested by ©d from the woods and mountains, «neo. Elwood Hamilton, State cused plans for the observance of Democrats Plan
Hollidaysburg, Friday p—— John Samuel Lucas. Dawson OLeE the conclusion of war in Europe, and
authorities in Clearfield county and deer, weakenod by lack of adequate - " . .
Judge Walker directed that charges One person was slightly injured Springs, Ky. (Philipsburg) ls now in the county jail at Pari food during the severe months, are aut Joseph Sullivan Jirle indications are that there will be Jefferson Dinner
of “accessory” to bribery against and about $150 damage resulted in James Andrew Spangler. Blanche field, where it is belleved charges faced by a new perilpursuit by Moyer, Harry Leroy, State College, ny gals celebration or widespread
Bernard Wayne of Altoona, be an accident Involving a truck and a ard " . bands of roving N RD. 1 cessation of work
squashed, sedan on Route 220, about four miles George Gibel. Lakewood. ©. (Belles | | ij} ve pueicived agalaiat An eat nd é ne oy n _McClintie, Hugh Maynard, Pine 1. feet V-E Day in Bellefonte
On the charge of embracery and west of Port Matilda at 4:15 p. m. fonte) mated i $150. The mon nent in : Dy pi Fo iaiion ot continues Grove Mills i will be much the same as any other
bribery, Wolfberg was fined $200 last Wednesday (Continued on Pals PONT) Milest a which fn RE Ee " 0 yep Bl — or in man} Marshall, John Carlton, Pine gov 14 outward appearances. The 0 :
and to serve not less than five A U. 8. government truck owned — lm ig ph nd remained Arn ie n und , remains covered Grove Mills churches are expected to hold spec. Cornmitiee and the Women's Demo-
months or more than 10 months in by the Department of Agriculture | Ray od. n Pb with snow, but deer are able to Balley, Willlam Flick, State Col- 14; services, but plans made last hile Club
the Blair county jall: and on the which was transporting milkweed Man Held re Theft |undamag ; | move wigs with greater ease and jJege. RR. D. 1. year when it was believed the end The dinner probably will be held
charge of embracery, he was fined pods and operated by Orin R. Wil- Da can seek food in areas where the Young, Paul Gerald, Bellefonte, R. of war in Burope was in sight, have 00 Friday, April 13, at a place to be
$200 and sentenced to nine months Hams, 54, of State College, and a of Women’ s Watches Breaks Af While [sround Is bare |D. 1 been abandoned decided upon later. Other details of
in the Blair county jail sedan operated by Verl D. Whipp, 47, —— | | The peril from dogs is great, how-| Myers, Charles Leroy, Penna. Pur- | giores will remain open as usual, 2" Program also will be announced
Wolfberg had entered 3 plea of of Point Marion, Payette county, Henry 8 Klinefelter of ' South Cranking Engine ever, The snow js covered with a Nace ‘work will continue In the various in the near fyture,
“no defense” on two counts of brib- were involved Water street, Bellefonte, was held | sd ust. a the sharp hoofs = PoormiR. Rpg Albert, State Col j1o0a1 industries, and there will be no w————
ery and embracery before Judge The accident is sald to have hap- for the next term of court after a James Grove. 11. son of Mr. and deer n rough tae crust, mak. lege, R. D, 1. planned celebration,
Walker on January 18. The two of- pened when the machines, travel- hearing before ‘Squire Abram Hous | Mrs Thomas Grove of near Spring ing speedy travel difficult, The crust Stover, Dale, Aaronsburg. p _ Farmer Injured When
fenses were committed on the eve- ing In opposite directions, met at a er of Rockview, last Thursday {Mills, suffered a fracture of the easily supports the weight of dogs, ! ' Cow Lifts Its Head
ning of October 15, 1944, and were point in the road where deep ruts Klinefelter wag held on chatges Hight forearm while at the home of And they have no difficulty in over. , RD. |
revealed by Judge George GO. Patter- had formed due to the melting snow. of fraudulent conversion brought by | his grandfather, Witmer Grove, also 'AKing the deer, ' : © [the war's end, keeping in mind that Wilbur Dashem, Centre Hall farm.
son the next morning when he an- Miss Louise Ann Whipp, 19, a pas- members of the State Police at of Spring Mills, R. D., last Tuesday! An example of the destruction be - the war with Japan remains to be er, was admitled (0 the Centre
nounced that two jurors sitting on senger In her father’s car, received Rockview barracks on complaint of evening. {ing wrought by dogs on the county's won, and that American lives will County Hospital dispensary, Tues-
the trial of Charles E, Rilodes had a brulse on the head when she was Anna Shadle and Mildred Brooks,| The boy was injured while he was deer herd comes from Smulliton, On continue to be lost until victory is day. for treatment of injuries re-
been approached and that one of thrown against the windshield. State both of Lock Haven, trying to crank a oiine engine Sunday, while returning home from 0. O. F. 3 ceived when a cow lifted its head
them had received $100 in cash. [police from the Pleasant Gap sub- | At the hearing it was stated that suddetty and struck him in the face
Wolfberg wag arrested by state station investigated the accident, the acclised man stole two watches
police a few hours after the revela- [from the women and sold one of
tion and furnished ball for court| Buy More War Bonds to help the time pieces, State Police recovers
bearing as did Wayne. speed Victory! ed both walches,
Ihe men are as follow
Cantinusd on page Six
Pians for a Jeflerson Day dinner
in Center county are now weing pres
pared by the Democratic County