NER? FAITH WITH US v= by buying nn 88 WAR BONDS EE ght Contr fi LAN MORE f Democrat VOLUME 64, NUMBER 8. BELLEFONTE, PA asualty Lists ame® Countians [| no One Killed in Action™ ed Missing; One is Are Wounded, Messages Reveal SAYS ADDITION TL BAOLY NEEDED John G. Love, Kiwanis peliefonte Man Report- o TMan Prisoner; Two Five Centre county men were list ed on World War II casualty list during the past week Of that number i killed in action: another | another is a prisons any, and two » Pie. Orvis D fonte, 1s listed b Lt. John E. Kelleher Missing in Action ment as havin hi tion in Prance on Januar The mis Kelleher, 27. of Bellefonte, who | been unaccounted for since a flight over Germany as a navi Flying Portress on February 3 Pfc. Lester Witherite Bi i burg, who on Dece ber wa ported as having bes action in Belgium, now is to be a prisoner of wa The wounded are It. Warren Qlson, 24. of fonte, who wes injured for the ond time while serving aboard a warship in the Pacific Pvt, QC. sing man is 1s gator of reported German Belle oC. er, 20, of | Joseph Holtzing State College, slightly: wounded in Three bn Pebruary 6 Tierney Killed Germany Pe. ment of | i Hobart Rossma treet Jeliefonte Mrs Tierney in-law, Pl fonte Februar of Colevills BAND GONCERT 10 BE HELD SUNDAY Combined legion And BHS Bands to Play at Auditorium of varied music presented by the combined Americ Legion and High School band the Bellefonte High School auditor. lum, Sunday afterr Edward 8. Calhoun bands, will have charge of the pr gram The concert wil last June, and considerable time ha been spent by the members director 0 make the worthwhile A special feature formance will be a the well known Monastary Onrden boys and three girls companiment A program will be oor. at 3 o'clock director of both i he the I nee and the concert well during the vocal refrain of In A hres per composition sung Hy with band ac. Speaker for ‘Ladies Night’ Cites Facts Men Known in County Killed In Action At EDERAL AGENCES E 10 LEAVE ThE cs B Ee ——— Pic. Gensamer son of Mr an ! E Gensamer, was Branches of Aig M ion in German Saw Service Slated For Black He o the service of Moshannon Site Now Killed In efitered Fehr = COUNCIL NAMES BORD. PYSIGIAN : Dr. Locke to Examine Ap- plicants for Health Certificates Has Been Barber Here for 60 Years Was spiked by tar meet Dr. Lero P ator reg ¢ CA 3 1 ) y me orough there t mal communit ! we decided to locates were n ere busine continu " vicinit ) Year n Nop Wa Diam retire, but nim 8 he had fitted ocated In 4 required to 1 be rmal ‘ A {f the ond undergo Was My be tuberculosis indicate of such examination ibility of the applic it was pointed out Fees to be cl ed examination have fixed at this Lime his work interfere Under tetn which port, fishing i } to this time } he decided to retire te and also n MH for ant and within a ¥ month ana t i basement of his he up a shop Pa te me on East Phi ‘he of to The the odd fever, IL Was op street, wher mtinue con his trade respor ant Nighthart wi RO AL September, and v idea of retiring Arg - old ’ no for ne ha not been tir the svi has ex todd here ug persons: : Program Pvt. and Mr THURSDAY, i — British War Bride Visiting Here 29 ommissioners Boost Tax Rale Deduct One Mill From Institution District But ‘Add Two Mills to County Levy for 1945; Will Increase Revenue About $32,000. 1945 wees (OSHC 1) OBSERVE oth BIRTH About 20 0 Firemen and Guests Will Attend Dinner Tonight i BURNS FATAL TO PINE HALL GIRL Miss Loesch, re t bin 7 4 oh ng ' » Hin 14 . fon ath Succumbs Hospital (race at County nn Edward Stine = SCOUTS OUTLN ARS PROGRAN Swimming Parties, First Aid Meet, Other Events Are Scheduled THAR TONE LOA ENR = Plesentted Penna. State S. S. Association $1000 Damage When Coal Trucks Crash required to A Distriet Workers’ State College Woman oud yi CHURCH SCHOOL WEST PENN FETES ere is 1B i rem F. k campaign n revealed Whe proposed pal details al ‘of which wil] be made available al later dates. The program Includes a at Wan I da in Oleg, va v Fy Belicionte YMC A poo] from 7 Rev E E or March |} a it sw nent ms » ei : ne 5a sem ha Wilkam wu hone Private funera} services were the Koch funers] & ~ Ea — i a tae Honored for 6th War Aids in Philippines : ¥ pm ond Record ih ate the sie, the cheer that money cae (8, 27 0, Simiover m Sleeping Mam 1s IHU ontributing freely to JU Injured In Crash 3 ‘ Draft Boa i” Get Examination Quotas FROST CAUSES ~~ TOMADE HOMELESS GAS STOPPAGE WHENHOUSE BURNS Bellefonte Without Family of War vice 23'; Hours; First Loses All Furniture, Failure i in 11 Years Most of Clothing Truck Crashes Into Car Near Bellefonte Dau 0 A Moore teacher nage estimated at $25 resultes coupe operated by Eleanor of Howard, a Lemont school and a truck operated by Harry F. Kessling of near Yarnell in an accident near Pleasant View orth of Belieionte about 4 pn 1 Friday. The actident happened while - NETS $1976 HERE police were checking traffic between Bellefonte and Milesburg. We Total More According to reports, the brakes °K of the truck failed to work and the '" machine crashed into the rear of Axemann ! Than Twice the Moore car which was stopped © flow io U Last Year's Figure, Chairman Reports . " aro Legion Contributes Individuals clubs organizations to Red Cross, Polio while police were making a routine Cras and other groups In Bellefonte con- Ser- Veteran slate with the weekend the n heck-up COCK oot — — not resis morning alter worked conti: correct the cause of the Most of Bellefonte 's od wed crews Len JOUSLY wale al block rll reslaurar } bi de « entering the employ of esting places amaged Mr. Fur No admission charge will be made Everyone Is cordially invited to hear the concert, a complete program of which follow: March, ultonaire. Harry L. Watson Overture, Princess of India. K. King March, The Cardinal Pat Lee Directed by 8. D. Rhinesmith 11 War March of the Priests From Athalia Mendelsohn Pligrim Chorus Richard Wagner From Taunhauser March, Bugle Boy. . Edw. McDonald In a Monastary Garden Albert W. Ketelby With Vocal Refrain by Martha Cross, Mary Allee Hartranft Fthel Pisher, Don MeDowell, Sam Rhinesmith II, Bob Wood- ring II Continued on page Five wil Bellefonte Mon ¢ in the cab, botl Commands Gun Crew Mahlon Robb Buys «\M a a od hal “ Alexander Home .... oi aRainst the of ' . Police from the Plea iormer owner and manager Mahlon K. Robb, president of the Decker Motor Co. Bellefonte, has peliefonte Trust Company this week investigated reported to the U. 8. Naval Armed purchased the C. €. Alexander home Guard Center, New Orleans, for as-| on East Curtin street signment as commanding officer of a} My and Mrs. Robb and family Navy gun crew aboard a merchant pave been living in the Dorworth ship [home on East Curtin street which The Armed Guard Officer will be recently was sold to Mays W. Mat. charged wi'sy defense of the vesseN torn Jr, of the Purst apartments Jesse Wilson, 10. son of Mr in case of enemy attack | Bast Linn street. Mr. Mattern ex- Mrs John WiHson, of Jullen, R. D Lt. Decker Is a graduate of Penn pects to move into the former Dor. suffered first degree burns of the Aylvania State College and was & worth home nex} month and the face about 4:30 p.m. last Wednes- member of the Bellefonte Rotary Hobbs have lensed the Robert Mor. day when he threw Kerosene into Club, Chamber of Commerce, and ris, Jr. apartment on East Curtin the furnace at his parental Home March, Men of Harlech. J. Robinson Nittany Country Club {street where they will reside for Fiemos from the resulting explosion Barcarolle, Tales of Hoffman | He served as storekeeper at Camp | severnl months until the Alexander ‘struck him in the face Offenbach Peasv. Va, and at the Naval Alr house has been vacated and some After his mother Gad applied frst March, Golenial. .. RB. Hall Station, Pensacola, Fla. ocefore he changes have been completed ald, the boy received treatment at Belection, Oirl......Balfe was commissioned. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are plan. the Centre County Hospital dispen- | i Arr, by Al Hayes | Lt. Decker’s father, Colonel Deck-| ning to move to an apartment in | sary. He was permitted to leave the National Anthem Arr, by Butt jer, resides on East Linn street State College late In the summer. hospital after receiving treatment ¥ L81 jumped ve | pu bach body he truck Siate sube-station dent Lieutenant Elmer B. Decker 36 iH the ant Gap Sir M Boy Burned By Kerosene Explosion and C by tributed a total of $1.906719 0 the infantile paralysis fund In the drive just ended, it was reported yesterday Mrs. Barbara Kline, loon! chair man of the infantil paralysis com- Mmitiee This compares most favorably with the results In the 1M4 campaign, total receipts for that year being T1444. Of the total given In the 1945 drive, organizations gave $891.25, Mrs. Kline said In listing contributors, Mrs. Kline was warm in her praise of all who contributed and otherwise alded in the eampaign. She specially mens tioned the ald given by EK. Stock, supervising principal of schools and his staff of teachers and pupils, Mother Phillipa, the Sisters and the by of the Parochial ‘school; Jack Contr butions totaling $60 were approved by Brooks-Doll Post Amer. lean Legion, Bellefonte, at a regular meeting, Monday night The Post voled a contribution of $500 to the Red Cross campaign whic will opens March 1. and ap- proved a contribution of $190 to the “March of Dimes.” campaign for the control of infantile paralysis Instn a—— Sm Local Man Named Official of Milk Group {stored. Charles E. Martin Harry M. Smith, Bellefonte, was [was without service experienced difficulty because of the on, w He working nek of fuel 10 eal hotlines of chen saw smoke Issuing from an fee urns and ovens. The Brockerhoff room in which she Kind be Hote) dining room wa ire IN a POO stow a "1 time hundieds of householders used og Mrs. Morrison. upon inves makeshift arrangements {or cooking gating found that the fire volved the Friday night meal and breakfast the noole room and was spreading Saturday morning. The Tian Metal rapidly She picked up the Iwo Company, which uses substantial vounger children and fled outdoors quantities of gas in Geating dies. also The three were the only members of the family at home at the Ume When firemen arrived at Ne home they found the structure enveloped by fames and were powerless 10 save either the bullding or its cone tents. Water from a fireplug near the Bellefonte sewage disposal plant was used to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby bulidings, The Undine company had a pumper on the scene while the Logan ambu- lance also was present. Fiiemen re. mained at the scene for about an 0 WN gt a wll other clONeG. and rier The Gas Company office in the OOF building was swamped with telephone calls from psers who won dered when service would be ree manager Oentinged - Page Tee Sullers Hand Laceration Jerry Roan. 38. of Bellefonte, R 'D., had the little finger of his right hand lacerated while at work at the National Gypsum plant here last Toesday morning. The accident when a wrenc’y he was us mved from the a small basket of cloth. ing and a chair.