pk 230 iby buying : ro AR WAR BONDS Basssnns adhe Cr nir ¢ Ddemocra “—— pr—— WAR BONDS MEAN MORE THAN A — GOOD INVESTMENT). VOLUME 64. NUMBER 6. SUBSURIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1915 3 Bellefonte Men [HARGE In Casualty Lists (NLOADE WOUNDS Y William Summers, 14, Shot by Brother While Playing. Condition Serious Four Die; One Missine and Three Wounded Qn Battlefronts. % Other County Men Are Reported Wound a, Pvt. Donald LL. Bloom Killed in Action Summer SE — Bellefonte Man Visited By Royalty In England - : BJs eavy Damage In re at Roe vi CW Cannery Buildings Swept By Flames; Auxil- iary Building is Destroyed and Machinery Damaged. Cause of Blaze Unknown “ OENDESOE ALSTON NOOWGEN BLLETWOIND TOPUAY HERE BORD. TAKRWTE Carmen J. Torsell, 26, Suc- Olmstead Field Service Council President Sieg De- voiding cumbs to Self-Infliet- Club to Appear in Bene- mands Better Law : ed lajury fit Game, Monday Enforcement ctéman of Honorable MK boials » in had bet } Tae fruit and vege A+ labell tables World Wau dh 1 Celobe on KJ n ved an » BO per rvs Col Leroy C. Hall 22 foute, slightly vounded in on January 19 Et. Proved sriously wi January 14 Pic. Hare ' «5 Charles R. Breon Killed in Action ceath Pelgium oy GM Harvey N. Benn, Jr Killed in Action Navigator's Only ‘Injury’ Was Torn Pair of Pants A torn pair of ju ey >) ant Jamu A. Grahain, 26 Hives In Bellefonte, navigator on B-17 Fiyh Fortres Lad CO od when he was fon of his « front Lady Be Good.” fying with the Third Alr Division's 640d Bomb Croup on an Eighth AR Parce bomb ing against vital marshall- ing yards at Hanau, Germany, sa hit by flak Immediately after “bombs | AWAY One engine was "knocked out” and caught fre Dt as te) bomber began 10 lose altitude wind smothered the Name Five minutes after that,” recalled Lt. Graham, “the propelier on one of our left engines ‘ran wild’ and the pliot couldn't stop It, We were still dropping down-—-about 200 feet a minute, so he ordered all equipment not necessary 19 keep us airborne Ww be thrown from the Fort “By ‘we Ume the ball turret, flak sults, guns and ammunition had (Continued on page Two) out rippled plane over ) “ lean lines assault 3 the | Al 1 847 Ns had stayed awa) day and had gone Summer home where they pent some Lime hunting turkeys, according to state. ments furnished State Police officers’ Jobin Fhsitwitl ed FB Barer of Rockview sub-station They nl turke bit the to the , ‘ h He Hallmoo lerracy (sel, who served in Carmen J Peliefonte the army (rican | CAMpRIgR About 11 0G ar ' a AAS ad ‘ . a $e TRIN vy i" HAIN x al Re- the Sumime SENTENGED IN TIRE THT = Only Four Cases Listed for Action by Grand Jury, Monday * Former Local Man Centre €©0 WIRY Torsell, 26 Tot BE a Juns wolinded in the N Ui i LE at] oi member ’ of . > FY LJ : mind lex ira Kilw, clu M B rman he March of Dimes caanbDelgn here; orth , act a va DOW spent "oy A Semure! Dh gt stead Midd alin i On This He cow try. The 4 tae 578.66 « i tenilatively approved A The t rele in the Ix been 13 mills for several ars. The arp exChinngs f ara. Councuamen a messing Tar i se Pre ¢ Le Jeo the best ser. i De made up of ou from Lock Haver ad Ww er 10 oom one of Uw pick-up begin Or DOLh evenis and X for adults All proceeds w Bellefont« Plans Classes Here - ill Page ¥ Is War Casualty Bellefonte Woman M Dobbie December District Attorne { that only four tation Ww At body meet i 3 resen Jury when ti Mand 8 four Cs Are Chester G. Blom of drunken driving Martin L. Cordery., escaping Rockview Merrill LL. Meyer, Bprin D.. violation vehicle code Harry Fink, Clearfield, ¥. & In addition one surety of the peace case is to be heard at the | ud session of summary and domes- and i relations court next Thursday. | we case is that in whieh Isane Dut. of Ph a Is the defendant wl — Believe Local Man In Prison Transfer Mills. R oelore Bellefonte about two ile he wa hon Surviving a : rens ni VOR wee » nil Onn The bot _. for burl Loona resiGing in furioug Ale | Miss Soissons Speaks Is Eighty Years Ol won ( IRDLeT Adler it Philadelplia Mr. and M we Pp on 8 OTe nO Kine Millon: Mi Lilley Lewisburg Mr Halpern Mr. and Mu Mori r. Mr. and Mrs 83 Platowsk J. Bebasti Mr F. Oberfield, Mrs. Edit garet Toompson, Mr Tharp Mrs JH Herbert Brown Miss E Littje ed Mr. and Mrs Mis Ma Mis Kline received man and useful gifts. Mrs. Kline laughter of the ale Samuel Oi wine and hag been a resident Bellefonte for NIty-five years the past twenty-five years she (made her home in Philadel Ol en - Mary Miss Lelia A. J. Ade benull- Por d Ih and Mrs 1 m na h Peters Ie Wohlfeld . B. KENNETH JOHNSTONE Bulldiug or Buying a Home ser of six Infotmal classe prospective homeowner will conducted by the Penn State Dee partment of Architecture and the College extension services, beginning | February 19. socording to the an- a | pouncement today by Mrs. Mary f Harvey Sool, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce onsor of | the course In Bellefonte is 0s of | I'welve h dred Americ: n prison ers of war, probably Including st [least cne Centre county man, were | removed to Germany from a camp | on West Hig! Poland, ahead of lib Gray, erating Russian armies, Senator Tom | was advised In! i Paralysh near Posen, Connally (DD, Tex.) | Washington early this week The Benator sald his Information came from the United Btates Em. bassy In Switserland, rough the State Department, From a camp identified as Oflag 84, at Bchubin Poland, the men were taken to Stal- ag Camp No. 3-A, at Luckenwald, Germany Lt. Edgar A. Spleher, son of Mr Cap. and husband of the former Mary Louise Johnson, of West How. ard street; Bellefonte, was known to) have been ln Oflag 64 and probably was transferred to the eam) inf Oer- many, it 1s believed here. Lentitieg {dosoribing the care of electrical kite (troop. The t and Mrs. Boyd Spicher, of Pleasant {pleted by Mae group for collecting jbaked goods to be sold at the ane at CDA Meeting Here Member of Court Patrick M Ardie, C. D. of A. of Bellefonte, met Monday night in the K. of ©. rooms 1 street with Mrs, Mary grand regent, presiding Lift Restrictions on Scout Membership Legion Scout Troop of Delleforte During the meeting it was voted has opened memberships to boys to contribute 85 to the Infantile 'who are not sons of Legionnaires. | Fund, A report was given This action was taken at a meeting a check had been received from (of the Post, Monday night, when it Curtis Publishing Company [was announced that sufficient mem- representing commissions on sales of [bers are nigting to obtain a char. magazine subscriptions “during the ler month of January Miss Janet Solsson. West Power representative, showed slides ported by Charles E. Martin, of East Captain of the Kitchen” | Ourtin street, stoutmaster of the that the chen equipment. Plans were com- [number of activi nual bagaar of SL John's Catholle church which begins this Thursday night In the church hali on East i Bishop street i The Brooks-Doll Post American | the Department of i Any boy who is 12 yeurg or older street, Penn (may now join the troop, it was re« Oentre County Hospital during the f War restrictions have aud = backlog of two million homes await. ing 0 b® bullt in the United States lsaid B. Kenneth Johnstone, head of Architecture, Qontinued on page Two! ‘Woman Receives Head Injury in Fall Mrs. Anna Johnson of Valentine underwent treatment at the weekend for Injuries received Friday afternoon when she fell while on ber way ome from work al the hose pital, She was admitted Saturday to the = TOBUD 3 VETS HOSPITALS IN = Congressman Prev- ious Sites May Again Be Considered Says Logans To Observe 75th Anniversary Post America: Howard L Legion net Any Dot It net sree Auxilia member invitations to 1 aging 3100 eservation Logan eived Ae requested to mediately so nt be made of Wills Receives Souvenirs From German Front ; if Hitle Cox Is Home From Scenes of War, Appeals for Nurses The recent return of Lieutenant Bewley Person 10 her home In Tren. ton N. J. after two years of service In the Army nurse camps of North Africa and Sicily, wili no dou prove news to her friends in Belle. fonte and Centre Hall Lieutenant Person, a niece of Albert E. and Lola Stroh Person. spent many of her vacations in Centre Hall with the late Mrs. Margaret Strohun, and In Bellefonte with the family of Mr and Mrs. D Wagner Oelss, of 25 South Thomas street. She formed many friendships while in Centre county The return of Lieutenant Person | from her overseas campaign Is told in the following article from the Trenton, N. ha Times : t Beulah Person, who Ay home on active dervice Tneitols after two years of | recrultment campaign North Africs and Corsica, ‘oday ade dod Der plea 10 registered nurses to Join the armed forces The army. she sald needs DOrses atl once, Not only 10 take care of the sick and wounded In military hos pitals in this country bat glso as re. placements for the nurses who have borne the ong months of constant service since Me war besa The Red Cross Is doing a good 109 In the she sald “The girls at the front get wars shiek” sald Lieut Person. “Some of them have been there two years for more, working almost every day and with Httle time off. They need a rest, but before they can be grant. od leaves there must be replace ments. “But Jains the grue'ling «wk Ya ey morale is high, thelr health & Continged an page Tey
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