Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 04, 1945, Image 5

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    January 4, 1945
Page Five
—Herman E. Mason of Harris- |
burg, spent the weekend with his]
daughter, Mrs. H. C. Stenger, Jr.,|
on West Howard street. |
Miss June Cockley, a teacher in|
the Palmyra High School spent the
New Year holidays with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wolf |
of East Howard street.
—Willlam Brachbill, proprietor of |
the Brachbill furniture store, depart-
ed Tuesday for Chicago to attend a
furniture market. He expects to be
absent for about a week, |
Mrs. Harry Buckley of Peterboro, |
Canada, the former Mary McClure,
of Bellefonte, arrived here last Tues-
day to spend two weeks at her for-
mer home on West Bishop street. |
—Pvt. and Mrs. James Weaver of |
Indiantown Gap were in Bellefonte
recently for an overnight visit with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Weaver of West Logan street,
Miss Cecelia Moerschbacher re-
turned last Wednesday to her home
in Pittsburgh after spending Christ-
mas with her mother, Mrs, Mary
Moerschbacher, of South Thomas
—Lt. Philip Haupt returned last
Wednesday to his duties at Santa
Monica, Calif., after spending a 3-
weeks’ leave with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. James Haupt of Allegheny
Robert Schaeffer, ships cook 2/¢,
who recently returned from a trip
to South America, is spending a 15-
day leave with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Schaeffer, of East Cur-
tin street
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bickett, of
the Cadillac apartments, left Friday
for Niagara Falls, N. Y., for a New
Year's visit with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin An-
drews and family.
Miss Mary Shope, returned on
Monday to her teaching position in
the Mt. Vernon grade schools after
spending a ten-day vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Shope of East Bishop street
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dry, of
Gettysburg, spent the holiday season
in Bellefonte at the home of Mr
Dry's mother, Mrs. Mary Dry, of
North Thomas street, and Mrs. Dry’s
mother, Mrs. Jane Kern, of Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Holdren
and family, of Pine Summitt, Col-
umbia County, were guests at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Sten-
ger, Jr., during the New Year week-
end. Mrs. Holdren is a sis of
Mrs. Stenger
David Geiss, son of Mr. and Mrs
D. Wagner Geiss, of South Thomas
street, spent the holidays at his par-
ental home and last Wednesday
turned to Bridgeport, Cot where
he is employed by the Remington-
Arms Company
—Pfec. Leonard G. Grove
cently returned to the States after
a year's service overseas, spent the
Christmas holidays with his mother,
Mrs. Florence Peters of Willowbank
«treet. Pvt. Grove is now stationed
in New York City
—Mrs. George Bingaman, Jr., re-
turned early this week to her home
on East Curtin street from Boston
Mass., where she spent the Christ-
mas holidays with her and
aunt, Capt. and Mrs. Nevin Jodon
and family. Capt. Jodon Is stationed
at Camp Edwards, near Boston
—Cpl. and Mrs. Walter B. Capello,
of Harrisburg, spent the Christmas
season with the latter's parents, Mr
and Mrs. Robert Osman and family
of East Logan street. Mrs. Capello
is the former Sara Louise Osman
Cpl. Capello of the U. S. Marines,
returned last Thursday to his post
at New Bern, N. C
Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Gandy
of Wilmerding, spent the Christmas
season with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gandy of North
Allegheny street. The condition of
the elder Mr. Gandy, who had been
ill and who was a patient for several
days in the Cent County Hospital
is now much imp. oved
who re-
1 le
—Miss Maxine Crafts last Wed-
nesday returned to the home of her
mother, Mrs. Anne Crafts, of South
Thomas street, from the Centre
County Hospital where she had un-
dergone treatment for a week for
an infected jaw Miss Crafts has
been away for the past month from
her duties at the First National
“Mrs. Prank P. Hoag, of West
Linn street, returned home during
the weekend affy spending several
days in Rochester, N. Y., with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Torrens. The Torrens
came here for the Christmas week-
end. and Mrs. Hoag accompanied
them to Rochester on their return
«William Brachbill, III, two-year-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Brachbill, of South Spring street,
was again admitted to the Centre
County Hospital last Thursday night
for treatment of a recurrence of
bronchial asthma from which he has
suffered for some time. The condi
tion is believed to be caused by al-
Jergy. but so far efforts to determine
the source of the allergy have been
Lt. Foster Augustine, former
teacher in the Bellefonte schools,
who returned to the United States
December 12, after more than three
months duty In England and France,
came to Bellefonte last Tuesday for
a visit with friends. Lt. Augustine
feft last Thursday for Lock Haven, '
to visit with his sister and family
and from there will report to his
former base at Charleston, 8. C., for
further assignment,
Among the Christmas cards re.
ceived by Mrs. Miles O. Steele, Jr.
of AxeMann, was one from the come
manding officers of the unit with
which her husband is serving at
Camp Shelby, Miss. On the card
the officers expressed regret that
Mrs. Steele's husband, Pvt, Steele,
was unable to be home for Christ.
mas and expressing the hope he'll
be home next year. The card was
elened by the Colonel, Captain,
Lieutenant and Chaplain of Pvt.
Steel's group.
——— ——
~Mrs. Florence Seachrist of Lew-
South Allegheny street.
Gray Larimer, H, A. 1/¢ of New-
port, R. I, spent several days last
week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard street,
Miss Mary Kathryn Wallzer, a
teacher in the schools of Turtle
Creek, spent the Christmas vacation
with her aprents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Walizer, of East Bishop street.
-Miss Jane Wagner, student at
West Chester State Teacher's college
spent the Christmas vacation with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar
Wagner, of East Curtin street,
Pie. George Carpeneto, of Moody
Field, Valdosta, Ga. arrived in Belle
fonte Friday to spend a 15-day fur-
lough with his grandmother, Mrs.
Louis Carpeneto and family, of
South Allegheny street,
Pvt. Robert Pennington of Fort
Sill, Okla., is spending a 15-day fur-
lough with his sisters, Mrs. Leslie
Polliard and family of East Bishop
street, and Miss Lilllan Pennington,
of the Cadillac apartments,
--Mrs. Minnie Vonada, of East
Howard street, last Wednesday cele-
brated her 82nd birthday Mrs.
Vonada is a daughter of the late
Centre County Commissioner and
Mrs. Adam Yearick, of Zion.
-Miss Rebecca Troup, teacher in
the schools of Haverford township,
Philadelphia, spent the Christmas
vacation in Bellefonte with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Troup
and family, of South Thomas street,
The Misses Pauline Casper and
Virginia Strubinger returned last
Wednesday to thelr nursing duties
at Germantown hospital after a visit
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Casper of North Thom-
as street,
-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vonada,
of East Howard street, have announ-
ced the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Bara Louise, to Hensyl Eugene
Confer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Confer, of Zion. No date has been
set for the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E
son, of Hicksville, L. I,
returned to their home there after
Christmas visit with the latter's
mother, Mrs. J. M. Ward, of West
Curtin street Mrs. Thompson is
the former Mary Ward
Cpl. Ralph Kresovich returned
to his duties at Norfolk, Va., last
Tuesday, after spending the Christ-
mas season with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Martin Kresovich, at Coleville,
Cpl. Kresovich recently was promo-
ted from private first class
Pvt. Albert Haupt, who has been
stationed at Fort Prancis, East War-
, Wyo. is spending on 14-day fur-
ough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
Albert C. Haupt, of Bush Addition
Upon leaving Tuesday, Pvt. Haupt
reported to Denver, Col. for a new
last week
to cor-
~Taxi service between Bellefonte
and Lewistown, and Bellefonte and
Altoona, is now permitted by the
ODT. This service was secured pri-
marily for those engaged in war in-
dustry, but also is available to those
members of public who wish to
make use of service
Pvt. Donald E. Knisely of Fred-
erick, Okla. arrived in Bellefonte
last week to spend a furlough with
his wife, the former Barbara Mc-
Dowell, and their daughter, who lve
on East High street, and with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Knis-
, of North Spring street
M-Sgt. Paul "Monk™ Panning,
who has been a patient in the gov-
ernment hospital at White Sulphur
Springs, Va., receiving treatment for
shrapnel wounds of both legs suffer-
ed some time ago In action in Ger.
many, has returned to the hospital
after spending a week with his wife
of South Spring street
Andrea Toner and
James Dumphy and Eamon Walsh,
all of Trenton, N. J. were in Belle
fonte from last Tuesday to Thursday
visiting Andrea’s grandmother, Mrs
Clara Toner and family of East
Howard street. Andrea, who will be
18 years of age Tuesday, recently
enlisted in the Navy and reported
Friday to New York City for assign-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Reese,
of Wingate, have announced the en-
gagement of thelr daughter, Dorothy
Jane, to Richard L. Shope, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Shope, of
South Allegheny street, Miss Reese
is a student at the Bellefonte High
School and is a member of the sen-
lor chorus at the school. She also
is vocalist for the school and Ameri-
can Legion orchestras. Mr. Shope,
a graduate of the local high school,
is an employe of the Titan Metal
Company. No date has been set
for the wedding.
Richard Lamb, of Pittsburgh,
who became suddenly ill, Sunday,
shortly after his arrival in Belle-
fonte for a New Year's visit with his
son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and
Mrs, Joseph A. Parrish, is reported
to be recuperating nicely at this
time. He was accompanied here by
Mrs. Lamb and thelr daughter, Mary
Flo Lamb, and by Sgt. Samuel Me-
Farlan, who recently returned to the
United States from a period of ser
vice in the Aleutian Islands. Miss
Lamb and Sgt. McPFarlan have re-
turned to Pittsburgh, while Mr, and
Mrs. Lamb are remaining lor a more
extended visit,
two friends,
Bobby, of Bellwood, and Mr,
ting his sister,
jand his brother, Richard and fame
2 |
! sport,
{ Thursday to spend several days with
istown, spent the Christmas holidays |
with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin of |)
{and Mrs,
| Bishop street
| Collegeville
‘for 21 years. Mrs. Hoft
—Robert J. Heverly, 8P 1/¢, who
is stationed at San Bruno, Calif,
spent last Thursday in town visit.
Miss Ann Heverly,!
-Miss Ann Holland, of Willlam-
arrived In Bellefonte last
and Mrs. J.
home on East |
her grandparents, Mr
Thomas at thelr
Curtin street.
Miss Martha Bloomquist, a stu- |
dent at the University of Michigan,
| Ann Arbor, Mich, spent the Christ.
Herbert Larimer and family of East !
mas vacation with her parents,
Bloomquist, of East
- Apprentice Seaman David Dean,
V-12 student at Ursinus College,’
Pa., spent a seven-day
with his mother, Mrs. Edna |
the Orvi3 gpartments on
Curtin street
1% rr )
mda a 3 NW hol
visit with
Michael Lan
Allegheny st
Mere OF
Mrs, Geor Vv, JT.
tin rect, were “at hom
nescay from B Wu
* home in
{ her
12 |
mily and parent { Pv
Elwood Derr told of his division hav.
ing moved up to the fighting front in
Europe where he has taking
part in combat service Dery |i
attached to an Infantry division,
Clair Robb, of Haddonfield
J. returned to his Mon-
day. after a Christmas visit with fils
mother, Mr Sara Robb
Priedman apartments, Sout
gheny Sunday guests the
Robb apartment also Included Mr
and Mrs. R. V. Long, of McVeytown
Sgt. James J. Leitzel]l of Ard-
more Alr Base, Ardmore, Okla. and
Mrs, Leitzell of Milesburg, his
Jerome R. Leitzell who
months in the
daughter, Cadet
Altoona, were
past week at the
zell’s parents
Leitzell of Port
ev L
home there
1 Alle-
South Pacifi
The Ladie
mann wi er
tie Whit
as wi
" na
{ Harrisburg
inches into a
of 8 inches,
total actual
thereby making a 3-inch
ure a legal
Sherman F
San Diego,
and M:
and family of
sister and
cific and returned
Btates on Nov
at Calilornia
Pvt. Miles Nelson, who returned
to the United States some time ago
from the European war theatre, and
who has been a patient in hospitals
in New York State and Memphis,
Tenn. is spending a 30-day furlough
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Nelson, of East Lamb street. Miss
Marie Nelson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson, who is employed by the
Curtiss-Wright Company of Buffalo,
spent the Christmas weekend at her
parents’ home,
Approximately 100 testaments
were distributed to servicemen and
wounded veterans In Pennsyl-
vania hospitals by Bellefonte
Camp of Gideons during the Cihrist-
mas season it wars announced by
Earl M. Cartwright, secretary of the
group. Mr. Cartwright added that
anyone wishing to give a testament
to a departing serviceman or any-
one already In service, may obtain
one by calling his home Fast
Bishop street
The William Rachau family is
making plans to move within the
next few days from the former Kof-
man residence on South Thomas
street to the Allison property on
North Allegheny street now tenanted
by the N. H. Benn family, who ex-
pect 0 go to State College to re-
side. The former Kofman hotise will
be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Tedd
R. Colgrove, new owners of the,
home, who will move there from
thelr present apartment on East
High street, Mr. COolgrove js pro-
prietor of the Kevstone Tire Service,
«On December 19, fifty years ago, |
Willlam G. Hoffer, formerly of
Bellefonte, engaged in editorial work
at Larned Kansas, was united In
marriage with Miss Ora Moorhead
of that city. On Tuesday evening
December 18, 1044, Mr. Hoffer (a
brother of the late Mrs. A, C. Mingle
of Belicfonte) and his estimable
wife were guests of honor at a de-
lightful axial event eld by the |
Knights of Pythias and Pythian
Sisters of Willshire, Ohio, in ce'e-
bration of Mr. and Mrs. Hoffer's
{day vacation with her parents, Mr.
| East
| spending several days with her bro-
Miss Virginia Solt returned Sun-
day to her studies as a student
nurse at Harrisburg General Hos-
pital after spending a ten-day holi~
and Mrs. Lee Solt, of South Spring |
street, !
1st Sergeant James
returned Sunday to his
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo,
several days' visit with hi
Curtin street, and
father, Thomas B. Beaver,
Bishop street,
Miss Carolyn Kachik returned)
Saturday to the home of her par-|
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kachik
of South Allegheny street, after
duties at
after a
wife of
witihi his
of East
munity Bargain Counter.
thier and sister-in-law, and Mrs, | advertising--sale or rent,
Edward Kachlk in Wilmington, Del
-M/8gt, Glenn Kelley and wife,
of Galveston, Texas spent a 20-day |
furlough with their respective
ents In this vicinity, Mr. and
Owen Kelley of Bellefonte,
and Mr, Alton Simpson of
Gap. They returnad January
8gt. Kelley's poet of dul:
Par -
of the advertiser
paid up
ocrat whose subscription b
vertisement in these columns
subscriber will be charged the
Cal be used SIX thinmes a
advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted Lo div
ver at different
Over Thirty Thousand Persons
Read These Columns
every week. That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- |
partment has become so amazingly popular,
the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com-
KEYED ADS-—All advertisements that request replies to be mafled
to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise-
Pleose do not call at the office for information concerning
Uige ithe
0 date, i» 2ntitled
time, ire Cl | g¥ COT HOT Wise
Ths pe
Considering its low cos. and
Where advertise~
to The Centre Demme
10 » 26-word ad.
Bellefonte Home
Suffers Damage
B:lietonte fire
wr hi
Pleasant Gap, that he is now Kk 13K
wily the 2nd Marine Divisl
an undisci
Pyvl. Be
at med La i
Bellefonte Couple
Wedded 53 Years
ecker received
Marine Co
San Diego
infantry training
9 a1}
5 | Hy
McClellan Named
Director of Bank 3g Men to Enter
Armed Forces
£) nnual no
nal Bank
Club Installs
New Officers
ant Gap
Also Luke Jonathan Jordan
tre Hall RD Melviz
Baughman, Niagara Falls
John Kenneth Stover. Lemont
ter Noll Hosterman, Laurelton; Nor.
man Allen Wingard, Coburn: Harry
Dale Gl, Baltimore, Md Randell
Seymore Wance, Rebersnirg. Harry
Myron Brown, Spring Mills, R. D.;
James Frye Kline, Pine Grove Mills
Warren Leroy Foust, Centre Hall
Robert Horner Irvin, Port Matilda,
W. Robert:
Engagement Announced
and Mr William Irin of
Pine Grove Mills. have announce
the engagement of their daughter
Ruby Fae, to M/Sgt. Gerald O. New
man brother of Mrs. Robert Koc of
Pine Grove Mills, Miss Irion is em-
ployed In the office of Dr. B 1
Alexander, State College. She was
graduated {rom State College High
S:hool. Sgt. Newman was graduated
from Tyrone High School and has
just returned 20 months
vice overseas now stationed at
Rapia City with the Arm)
Air Corps
transfers include Frank Jo-
seph Banas, Willlam James Jaflurs,
Adams Frank, and Carlyle Sheldon
Herrick, all of State Colles
- —— Pn —
Announce Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lauck of
Pine Grove Mills, have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Helyn, to Bar] Sunday, son of Mr
and Mrs, Harry Sunday, also of Pine |
place sometime in the spring, Miss
place simetime in the spring Miss
Lauck Is employed by her father in
the Pine Grove Mills Postoffice, Mr
Bunday was recently discharged
from ner.
He i
8 D
None of the 15 passengers or the
driver was injured early Friday when
a Lakes-to-Sea bus of the Edwards
Motor Transit Company crashed into
the rear of a State Highway snow
from the Army and is now working plow stalled at Grampian, 10 miles
in a service station in Beliefonte | west of Clearfield.
AE | The bus had a badly damaged
front estimated at $1000. The dri-
ver reported that the plow loomed
up ahead of him as he rounded a
curve and he could not stop because
of the icy roads.
timncninn or l —————
Announce Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Merill A. Moyer of
Pleasant Oap, have announced the
Pauline F. Smith engagement of their daughter, Paul
& ine R. to Pvt, William Monteith, son
Nurse Visits Home Folks of Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Montieth, of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Lannen, of Spring Mills R. D. Pvt. Montieth
Mill Hall, are entertaining their dau« returned to his duties recently at
Robert Norman White. State College
Pauline Clara Breon.. State College
golden wedding anniversiry, The ghter, Cadet Nurse Esther Lannen, Pt. George Meade, Md, after spend.
large number of guests present en of the Montgomery General Hospital ing a ten-day furlough with his par-
Joyed n musical program, and at its Training School,
a covered their son, Lt. Thomas J. Lannen, wedding.
conclusion were served
dish supper. Mr. and Mrs, Hoffer
have resided In Willshire for ap- ceiving his commission recently at
oroximately 43 yeas, during which Napier Field, Alabama.
time they were active In civic af
of the Wilshire Herald for many
years, and postmaster of the town
er Is an aos
musician and has
Norristown, and ents. No date has been set for the
who is also home on leave after re
Card of Thanks
NOLL «= We take this
and Barn
Lost and Found
BT 1 or Ie
Articles for Sale
Beaver Blate
or 3 Pedy 1 50
jeaned Bring
Penna Furnace
I mach
Al MM NE 2«unit milk e«
ne in good condition
twas yemre Complete with Dive
tines for 20 cows. Price 8185
Aaron Stern, M Hall
me 1003 x1
coach. 1935 Por
Chevrolet Master
tia 4.door sedar
1828 Buick 2«d00r excelent Wr
dition. Only 81.000 es. All good
fires. Oall after Dp. mm Phone 82
Bierly Motor © Hiheim, Pa. Xx
FCM SALE-QGrates, doors and ses
tiong for Keeler boller No. 24. 1%
inch and 2 Inch pipe. Hot water ra-
distors. Maytag washer gaoline en.
gine, and Rotospeed stencil printing
machine Lh R Korman, Osceola
Mills, Pa» x3
BURIAL VAULTS--Be sure it % »
Duniap reinforced concrete burial
vault when you must choose one
Made by Dunlap Brothers for the
Bast twenty years and sold direct to
you. Delivered anywhere In Centre
ronnty Telephone Bellefonte HOA
MOT Ar 9A "we
FOR SALE-Marietta concrete and
wood silos. Also used silos, Inguire
KK. BE. Meeker, Millheim, Pa. Phot»
a5-1-4 E54
RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for
first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion.
ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged
REAL ESTATE-A straight one cent a word l= charged for real estate
a ot
Dogs, Pets, Etc.
Wanted to Buy
[Mate ege
Phone 36M
OR One
Sales Mart
PARMERS Penna Valley Sales Barn
Centre Hall, Pa. holds sale every
Tuesday. Bring your live stock and
DOUILrY. YOU can excedt good prices
ST Releel owner. manager 1.14
FARMERS — The Clnwn Auction
Mill Hall. Pa. offers you an oo
portunity 0 dispose of your lNwe.
Mock and poultry by competitive
bidding. every Monday Oet
‘heck sa s00n As sale I» made )
wis no commission Joe Bachdel,
Houses For Sale
POR SALE--8even-room stone-cased
house, with bath, steam furnace
Sectrie system for water from a
Rood well and cistern, 4.r00m apart.
| ment above a A-stall garage, 2 large
| Bardens, outbulldings, loty of fruit
[trees. Located 5 minutes drive east
{of State College along Route 45
| Price 83000 Call phone BOR), on
| write H. A Stover D1, Lew
| burg. Pa xi
Farms For Sale
POR BALE 176-8
1 Benner winshi]
tule ( KX
re farm located
five mile
ie fron
in equip-
For Sale or Rent
r f-aore dnd
nd othiet
are low
Earl WM
FT] Bidz
VICIRG ~— Keen
king. Cenuls
We service oa
DEAD STOCE--Removed prompus
Geo. J Vogt Centre Hall 85-
Milheim 30-R-§ $f our ex-
2-4 of
URAL STOCK Removed promptly
Call anytime atl my expense. Phone
LLoyd LL. Smith
: 0 make
the stom-
Pleasant Gap, Pa.
Electric Appliances
Gifts - Toys
Fountain Service
Phone Bellefonte 6881
| ig
A Windstorm Polley Protects Tes
From Financial Lam. Bee
| John F. Gray & Son
General Insuranes
Phane 7.)
Bellefonte, Pa
POR SALE — Certified Beaver seed
oats (a smut resistant State
lege selection) $160 per bLushel of
recieaned seed, In burlap bags, F. O
B. Write for
ders of 50 bushels or more
Penntoy govbhean seed. Ceol)
vin, State College, Pa
FOR SA ial roll brick siding
$1.50 pe
pipe covering, buckets,
clo*h rubber belting, step and ex
tenalon Indders, charcoal, asbestos
board, wheelbarrows. rope,
J. Ir
Col |
ial prices on ore |
8% E Main St
This month's review discusses current develop
ments in the affairs of Columbia Gas and Electric,
Electric Power and Light, and Standard Gas and
Copy on request
Members of
And Other Princinal Exchanges
Local Representative