Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 04, 1945, Image 3

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    __ January 4, 1945
Workman Saved From
Death When Trapped
In Huge Coal Chute.
Meroic Action on Part
Lock Haven Industry is Successful
In Effecting Rescue |
How an employe was successful
in rescuing a fellow-workman trap-
ped in a huge coal chute, is told in
the following articles appearing in
last Wednesday's Lock Haven Ex-
Clear thinking and prompt drastic
actioh hy Earl (Red) Maves, master
mechanic in charge of the mechan-
fal crew of the American Aniline
Products Inc., last evening saved the
life of Perry Merryman, a workman
at the plant.
Goal from freight cars is elevated
by a chain bucket system into a coal
silo standing 80 feet in the air.
This coal runs out of the silo through
a totnlly enclosed metal chute Into
a worm conveyor, which carries the
coal into the boller room stokers.
Due to freezing weather, consid-
erable trouble has been experienced
in getting the coal to flow into this
bhiite, which is roughly 50 feet in
the alr.
About 5 p. m. yesterday Merryman
was standing on a platform inside
the silo, poking conl down Into the
At 5:30, Philip Masorti went up
to the top of the silo to see how
Merryman was getting on when he
heard someone shouting. Thinking
that the shouting came from some-
one outside the silo, he came down
to the ground. Being unable to find
Merryman, he went up to the silo
once more and then tealized the
noise he was hearing came from
within the silo. The conveyors were
promptly topped and it was found
that Merrymean was underneath the
coal in the silo.
Very fortunately, Mayes was do
ing some work in the boiler room
at the time and with the ald of a
few oth#r men, he tried to bucket
the coal from the point where Mer-
ryman had disappeared, but fresh
eoal came falling down as fast as
they removed it.
of Master Mechanic at |
t It was at this point that Mayes
‘decided to take drastic action, for
he realized that Merryman must be
somewhere around the entrance of
the chute into the screw conveyor.
He removed an inspection plate off
the chute and there he saw Marry-
man with the frozen coal arched
above him. There was imminent risk
of approximately eight feet of coal
closing in on the man in the chute,
Mayes took acetylene cutting
equipment up to the chute, burned
Centre County
Hospital Notes
rr“ ie
Monday of Last Week
Admitted: Mrs. Mollie Behechter,
State College, and discharged the
following day.
Births: A son was born to Mr, and
{ Mrs, Dean Moyer, Centre Hall, R. D.
1; twin children, a son and daugh-
ter, were born to Mr. and Mrs, Doa-
vid Hendershot, of Milesburg: a son
was born to Mr, and Mrs
Torsell, of Bellefonte,
Tuesday of Last Week
Admitted: Mrs. Irvin Xnenp, Belle
fonte, R. D. 1: Miss Ruth Detwiler,
Lemont; Juke Baightol Bellefonte,
RD 3
New Year Resolutions
ry AT
Admitted Tuesday, discharged the |
following day: Rose E Rudy, Bate
a hole in the top, inserted boards College; Ray A. Rudy, State College: | ¥
to prevent any coal from tumbling John Dobson, Bellefonte, R. D3:
into the chute and then took the
gamble of burning off enough of the
steel chute to allow Merryman's
body to be pulled out, knowing the
{whole time that he ran a grave risk
tof burning the trapped man.
The fact that the man was miss~
ing was discoverefl at 5:30 and by
6:45 he whs carried down the lad-
der from the chute by Mayes with
a safety harness placed under his
Merryman was treated by the
!plant physician and found to have
suffered little ill effects from his
experience, since the coal above him
formed an arch.
When the rescue was complete,
Red Mayes himsélf collapsed after
an hour and a quarter of feverish
and anxious work 50 feet in the alr,
at temperatures little above zero.
He soon recovered and was again
his joking and laughing self.
Though Maves has only been in
the employ of the American Aniline
Products, Inc., only something over
two years, his skill and general char-
acter soon brought him promotion
and today he has complete charge
of the entire maintenance force of
the plant
The management this morning
before the assembled employes rec-
ognized his action in an appropriate
ste i
Where Taxpayers
May Receive Help
Dates and Locations Where
Deputies Will Meet
Deputy Collectors of Internal Rev-
enue will be at the following places
in Centre County to assist taxpayers
in the preparation of Estimated,
Amended Estimated, or Pinal Ine
come Tax returns for the calendar
year 1944.
Philipshurg, office,
13 and 15.
Port Matilda, hotel, Jan. §
Snow Shoe, new fire house, Jan. 11
Bellefonte, postoflice building, Jan.
6. 8 13 and 15.
Centre Hall, Pirst National Bank,
Jan. 9.
Millheim, Farmers National Bank
Jan. 10.
State College, postoffice building
Jan. IL
Howard, Pirst National Bank, Jan
Rébershurg, Rebersburg National
Bank, Jan. 12
January 6 8,
| Tyrone’s Oldest
Man is Native of
Centre County
Wiliam ¥Pleting, who resides at
East 12th street, Tyrone on Monday
celeébriited his 80th birthday anni-
versaty, and is the oldest resident of
Fle was born at Hecla Purnace on
January 1, 1848, and early In life
moved to Bellefonte. He has been a
resident af Tyrone vicinity for mere
that 0 yedrs, irl making his home
at Butaingbam and later going to
Despite ile advanced age, he 18
able 1b sit up a few hours each day,
al bedfast most of the time
Me Bis Wome with his son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James
Por many years Mr. Ploming was
employéd by the Tyrone borough. He
tetired (rom active work about 25
YOars ago.
slave at noon or during the after
noon, what should a man wear while
attending it?
a  S—————
Home Remedy
For Relieving Miseries of
The modern external treatment most
mothers use to relieve discom-
forts of children’s colds
» Rub, fo easy to use, You
on-«and right gwn
starts to come as RD
Fire at Tyrone
Damages Stores
Commerce Building Suffers
Loss in Thursday After-
noon Blaze
Firemen battled a $7000 fire for
four hours last Thursday afternoon,
which broke out with an explosive
flare in the stockroom of the Pire-
stoned Supply Company in the Com-
merce building. Pennsylvania avenue,
Tyrone, eating its way upward
through the partitions to the second
floor of the building
The fire which was of an unde-
termined origin started in the stock
room of the Firestone building and
although the flames leaped up and
fanned out as though they were an
aftermath of an explosion, investi.
pation showed there was nothing to
have caused an explosion
Ohina dishes were stored in boxes
in the stock roam and these were
packed against breakage in paper-
lke material out In shreds. There
were no aleohdl or antifree?e solu-
tions in the stock room he sald. A
large drum In the room didn’t catch
fire and was removed
The Pirestonhe Quarters were gut.
ted and there was considerable dam-
ace to the eontents However, a
great oguantity of the merchandise
was carried out by firemen and eit-
The Shaffer store on the first floor
was damaged hy smoke and water,
hit the fire did not reach this area
The second floor of the Commerce
building was damaged hy tmoke and
water as well as fire In the rear. The
third floor of the buliding was dam«
aged only by smoke
Quantities of oll in containers and
tires were taken from the building
ahd Ohly four tres ware burhed In
the conflagration
One fireman was injured, having
suffered severe cits of the right
hand from Nying glass.
The Pirestone and Shaffer stores
were closed at the time the fire was
discovered by a passing motorist at
4:15 p. m. He turned in the alarm
but the flames had gained consider.
able hedwhy Wn the rear of the
Firestone store before firemen could
get at the source of the binge
Former Sandy Ridge
. Man Killed in Action
T '8et. Cecil Spittler, 33. son of
Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Spittler, of
Orawiord, N. J, formerly of Sandy!
Ridge, was killed in action In Qer-
many on November 30, according to
in telegram received from the War!
Department by his wife, Mrs. Ruth
Spittler, of Linden
T Sgt. Bplttler was a native of |
Madera, and was graduated from the
| Philipsburg Wich 8-hool. While al
student there he started on his bases |
ball career. He was pitcher for the!
| Newark Bears from 1935 to 1934, |
and was then with the New York |
Yankees as a probationary pitcher |
for six months before his arm gave
out, It was after he graduated from
{PHS fourteen years ago that he lo
jeated in Linden, N. J.
! To Install Grange Officery
| Logan Grange will Gold an open
[meeting ut the Grange Hall in Pleas-
pant Gap at 7:30 p, m. Priday, Jan
uary 5 at which time officers elected
for 1045 will be installed. All mem«
ber families ang friends are ihvited
[to cttend. Refreshments will be
Mrs. Helen Fink announces the
{all our loved
Kay Hov, Bellefonte, R. D. 3;
Hoy, Bellefonte, R. D. 3%.
Dischargetl: Freeman
Vonada. of
Howard R. DD. 2; Mrs, Walter L. Lu!
ens and Infant daughter Bellefonte,
R D2
Wednesday of Last Werk
Admitted: Mrs. Join 8B. White, 0 |
Centre Hall; Mrs. Howard Coleman,
State College: Mrs John Ooldren,
Centre Hall: Wilbur Meyers, Centre
Admitted Wednesday, discharged
Seturday: Mrs. Harry Abrason, Slate
Admitted Wednesday, discharged
Thursday: Margaret Hartley, Miles.
Thursday of Last Week
Discharged: Charles Meyer, La-
mar; Maxine Crafts, Bellefonte;
Mrs. Amirow Houser and infant
daughter, Belicfonte, R, D. 1
Birth: A son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Nell, of State College,
R. D. 2: a daughter was born to Mr
and Mrs, Kenney Zerby, Spring
Mills, R. D. 2; a daughter was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Hillary W. Wel.
shans, Sunbury
Admittet!: William Brachbill Il,
Bellefonte; OQCernldine Holderman,
State College. R. D. |
Dis~harged: William Jodon
Admitted: Larry Reed Bellefonte;
Mrs, Myron Hicks, Milesburg
Robert K. Thomas, Bellen
Discharged Mrs. Paul L
and Infant woodward H
Philip H. Benne; infant so
Mr. an
ma Fi
Mr. and
and n
horn 0
MeCilintis, of
A douchter va
Mrs. Wiliam H
ming: 8 On Wn
Mrs. 8!
r hore
! yo :
Adm Willing
Bellefonte Mrs, Mary
forte, . ID. 3. Mu
Bite Ool'tge:
State Collier
Centre Hr}
State Col)
vod: Miss Belen Vv. Camp,
Mrs. 1da Prarier, of
Mrs. Elaak Pe
A an was
and M®™ Ivan Kunes
ad Her wa born
Mi: Woon row WwW Stover
There wore 51 §
pital 8t the begihning of this week
£4 "
horn Wn Mt
to Mr. and
’ Yad \
OF Juan
oti in the
atirnts in the }
Tire Shortage To
Become More Acute
Crmmenting on the reent ane
nothoement of Director J Hinson of
the Office of Defense Transporta-
tion that present Indications are
that commercial motot vehicle Oper
ators will rective only about one-
halt of thelr estimated tire require.
ments during the first three months
af 1045. District Manager Clayton
A. Kirin a! Williamsport, declared
today that the present tire supply
sition is ie mast eritieal dince
the war started ®ae to the unpre.
tedenitedd veur and tear on military
tirde In the Puropean war, Which
has exereded all préccoinbal eal
Mr. Kirin
motor vehirk
dled upon Ffommercial
operatnr to conserve
every Bunce of wable rubber they
now have, 1a refed and recap eve
ery usable Nre chtends And elimin-
ate tire abuse in #very posiible way
to Editor.
Detroit, Michigan
FE —_—
Dear Editor
Just a few lines to wish the per.
sonnel of the Centre Democrat and
all of my old friends In Centre Coun-
ty & happy New Year, and the hope
that the next New Year we have
mote cause to extend a happy one.
We pray earnestly to Ood that ere
Another year gone by that we
may have joy In the knowledge
there is once on earth
and good will that
safely and
Happy New Year,
Soldier Is Killed;
Son Is 4 Days Old
Continued on page Two)
Surviving in sddition to his par
ents and his wife and infant son are
Miss Lois Barnhart, Balle- |
Eight Are lll
of Parrot Fever
Seek to Trace Lycoming Coun-
| ty Cases to Birds Bought
at Store
Dr Merl G. Qalvin, Lycoming)
cotnty health officer, thix week asked
for return of 32 parrots purchased
iat a Williamsport department store
they might have
eight cases
on ground
snonsible {or
Doctor ©
16 of 48 bird
ft the
vin said
been bol
Hmed over
Kr 10 have it
tnre have heen
and killed, In addition
at the when the
oped vere killed
express to the University
fornia for tests to determine wheth-
er they carried tow disease
Meanwhile, the health ofii™s
seribed as serious the eonditio
four of the lever victims sig seid
10 days to three woeks was the Dee
riod of high fever for lust contag-
lots disease
One of the patients 8 being teal.
ed at a hospital. The homes of the
others were gquerantined
Doctor Colvin sald six of the sinht
patients were employer of the stare
Democrats Favor
Aid to Teachers
Seek More State Aid to Re-
lieve Real Estate
to him
rix Others
fever devel
and sent ©»
Inerensed state ald for teachers
 sainries 10 reduce local real este
taxes forme a principal plank of the
Democratic partys legislative pro-
gram for 1845
A committee 07 arwembly and party
leaders started whipping the pro
gram ints shape fof presentation at
a party caucus this week
A praprenl was dilated atl pre.
Hminaryy mesting: 10 pee Sayment
th 1a S60 OOD ON for
the hase salaries of teachers. Load
borliee wild be required to
reduce real esiats (atm to an amount
emal to the Increased stale mid une
der the pian
State show tearhers male
aries 1943.44 throughout the
state totalled S112500000 of which
$47.000,000 was pad by the state and
the remaining $71.300.000 of local
taxes on real estate
i -
The h'iman race has its
incinding you 1 me
tate up
Two Altoona R.R.
Employes Killed
Freight Conductor and Deke.
man Meet Death In
Two Alloonn raftronders were kill.
ed last Wednesday afterndbn ahd
night, with no witnesen: having been
found In either Instance
Charles Frederick Octerle
a lifelong resident of
of a crashed sind)
accident in the
ahd 3:60 n. m
in the vn
Hatry Thema, 52, of Altntna, died
of a crusheft skull, in an accident
that happened hear Gallitzin about
8 p.m Wednesday night. Thomas
wos a freicht conductor, enroule ts
Altoona at the time of the accident
Oftetle wae apparently droning
the yard from track No. 7 to the
pickup when he was struck by
going in Ne 12
Conducta Thomas was killed by
his own train of 38 cars, the train
naving siopied at the signal ower
for a running inepection,
Methodist Church
Dedicates Moner Roll
Pstiontion of the shite hshor
{roll was a hishiiohit af the Cnet a
efviprs In the reeenily deeatalod
Belletonte Methodist shneeh,
THITE tee. Hams ©. Sienser, Ov
The ws nly abl seiling of the
ree aodistin have heel Racor.
ab fromen and teh, with Hent
Blue rin AN the susie: has
bean tetariishedd, the ofohn ine:
redecaretad and 1h Tort the entire
teNor has heen Placed wn rveellent
The hanor
Jr. 832,
Juninta, died
ns a Yesuit of an
ref between 3:45
He was a brakeman
ll scruples a promi.
peaiinn ot front of the chureh
Names oft Beoribef! In polit! detters
on a hrovh ackpratind. THE names
of two mim whe wt their vee In
the sriwiter are fseribtd in Hiack
fering Hn 2 ol! bheackafound. The
two fre William Petoer and Thomas
Wayne Milier. There are a total of
about 136 name on the roll
Fire Damages Parsonage
An overheated furmmasrre was blam-
ed Tor Yhe fire last Wednesday night
at the Cearhaftville Free Methodist
parsonase occupied by the Rev. and
Mra AC. Thompeon. The fire cans.
od conciderafble damage in burning
through the Noor and rug. Reliance
firemen of Philipobutg andwered the
alarm which —— at § ovibek
International Sanday Kehmol Leston
for January 1, 190
OOLDEN TEXT: "Behold 1
a with thee, and will keep thee
In all places wither thou gosst ”
Cenesls 28: 10
(Fosson Texk: Matthew 3: 134)
new year, we are 0 study Vie Cone
pel of Matthew. A good Living *2 do,
right ot the start, Is to get Ohe's
Bible and, In one reading, read
straight through the Book of Mats
thew. Nothing will give Wwe siudent
(more confidence and enthneinem for’
these studies than just that, Try it
and see for soursell
Let us ako remember, Wt the bee
ginning of ovr stullies, thot this goss
pel is not intended, primacily, a2 a’
biography of Jess, It is written In|
Sich a way that Jesus soaks and
{acts Tor himself. He ts Ms central
ehameter, With the other gospels
providing the dlographien] details,
| Matthew's Gospel In generally nos
teepted as the work of the apostle
that name. Oeftainly,
courses of Jesus, given so complete
Por the Ars three months of the
| Sunday School Lesson
{tors to timaell as having been
despiosd pubiean. Matthaw dora not
mention he Ioenl et Talks telln
Hh how or eeltheated Bie coming
[lo drop with 8 great feset tn which
he Invited his frends of Chpere
The purpose and am of Matthew
Campi] woe IAMS ly tA Pelvinee thw
Jows Hist Josas Talfitled We Mes.
(EIRNe hove ang sphey, There.
fore seu will Bnd In HL rivrenecs
inking Jowas With he earliet pro-
The Sartheon tm Me  Mauht, ree
norte moch mare somrissly in
Mat ew tian In any OB6r pene],
explains the velationsdtn of the hew
dirpenaniion to te old 1a%. A strong
evidence of the Boks Miwon of
[appeal 10 Jewish retters i the Tact
that Jewish customg are not ex
phlined, as they are ih oNifr gos.
Our jean tells of the vielt of ™he
Wie Men Wm the Infant Ohrist
Jost wit born In the year B. ©. 5.
four years nnd one Wetk before A.
beginning of the Christian ers to
nodeptad ox three
in number, althow«y the Bble dom
| Items
things you worried about
Bellefonte Council's amhounced
plan of setting aside one-half the
receipts [rom parking meters for a
fund to be used in post-war pro-
jects, may be legal, In an artiele
oh parking meters published th the
current sve of the monthly bulle-
tin of the Peangtivania Depaftment
of Internal Affairs, it Is hoted
"Under present eotife  Qecislons it
appears 6 be egnl (6 use parking
meter Feeeipie for purposes other
than the reglilntion of parking and
ithe Ghd related police activities
Is stivrihing mort fsFlorn than a
Ohtistmins tree takibg its fast ride
bn Ai A8N trek? |. We thoght
we hiptl ehough bol th Inst through
the wiht, bul after the pFhsantic
Jams Deestber finde inte the
he, wets late Ho bets On-
hah we'd shy the weather so lar
thie Wilstef pointe delinitely to pos-
vinliitioe of a flobd ih the spring
eohditinhe are exattly 8s they were
In the winter of 1088-1838 | Bea.
man Jack H. Yeager, of Bellelonle,
stationed at Bainbridge, Md. is the
newest member of the “I've Quit
Smoking Club." He hasnt smoked
glhee Ehtering the Navy Ih June
One of the civitian casualties of
Wari War 11 stems to be dnpopped
super A survey of Bellefonte
thts during the weekend reveled
that there wis No unpopperd popcorn
in town
Tuesday found four or more pig-
eons dead mM Lhe snow dn the vecinily
of the CHter Exthangs building tn
the Dismond. Officials Jong have
been ing to free the building of
the pigeons which befoul the side-
walks around the building, and it is
believed that Tuesday's toll Indicates
the birds are being poisoned. Some-
how or other we don't like 10 see the
birds murdered that way, It would
be more shorting shoot them or
trap them, and ennvert them
fond Anyhow we kind of like lo
He Taneons
14. Ins
ih France. Most of
taken the {
ably hizhe-rar
Lr ‘
a Around
« Holler
nna photo
out of a
the pholos w
peral 6 &
of Mr
11 Cr
a Nazi
at Presiim
¢ with
jor 1}
~ aT
ine N #
nw 1
« MTL SEE rrey of
met the
winnie firing
fqued (res over the grave. The anne
band consivs of a black swastika in
a cirele of white against a back-
rround of 12 Hoffer has been
in Pranoe since April and is with a
itery unit
Por Herrin of
hu {rtan home, PBreliefont:
5 in the throm of real winter. Proser
ioe and snow, mised with ashe
ers most of streets, and there
are nn ind humpe $0 bounce you
around Many store windows are
blanked ott with frozen moisture on
the halides of the panes-and you
krow what that means, The curbs
are piled with snow. The creek bs
low and clear, and it makes you
shiver to so the ducks ahd swans
diving and splashing aroimd in the
fey water, The sun shines all day
oft the cd and snot and telts not
adrop oa 1
Have youl heard of the Delle/onte
teh who mixed A batch of eggnog,
filled WH & quart bottle sith Lhe mix
and set 0 In the reltigetator? Next
Gay, while his wife as preparing
Christmas ditiner, the Uhknowingly
Wer] Lhe Agantg tno mike a dressing
for cauliflower. 1 wae asta
The government has been wying
the piBlic hot te Walk ta returning
soldiers aboat helt fife Tn militar
pertice, Malmiing that ths men want
1 forget abot 41 ard pA Bark In
he civilinh gvove.  Baictimes we
wonder. We were Wiking with a
retiimed wounded veteran of the
alan war the other day. Me cad
he was anxious to gt Back in he
army, beealise he was tired of hear
ing people talk about the weather,
“Thy seem 1A thik thet offend
me if they show any Interest in
where I've Been” he sald. “T'm out
of touch with things at home, and
#8 a Peadlt, neither of us has any
thing to talk about” We don't be.
lieve in “pumping” a veteran, but
on the other ahd when we're
around one we oan think of nothing
mote gy in the wordd than
th hear white he's been and what
he's been doing
officers sx
«~@rm Mattie Rn
eid ant
Just remember that most of the
in 194
never oecurred,
v of
he ou?
Rambling Water Comes
Far To Fill Bellefonte's
Spring, Asserts Expert
Philadelphia Newspaper Feature Writer Dis-
cusses the Question of Town's Source
of Water Supply
John M. Cumming
er for The Philladeiphia
tonched up or
fonte's hig spring and |
supply, Ir
umn In his discussen
mings stated
There Is so much t
the hie
Bf recent
of nderground operaiior
ope that we
treat the other night
ficor—-aill the chal
and gah fon
A gent who gave oil
belng nn subtler:
“For conver
this dude George
being his right name
ard Oox
deriving from
nt the No
fy. It was
Cox, down
ty, that we tripped
grouna expert
fine warbler or sh
“We'd been
Cox's hard floor ons
when we discovered
tie questioning
knows his
gor of mathemal
Miltary College
elfen in §
of oitrn
( er
pelling of
the Ulle bein
Wine 30
vy Yard ly
in tw
Hiri frye
the o
pees we learned
i product
Lake ter
iw Im
Laké *
my ther
# anv educstit
gete Its
or fount
base of 1
the stream
experience, knowledge, skilled
Building A Good Recap!
Yes, there's a knack 10 building a good recap with today's
new materials . . . and we've learned how to do the job and do
it right. Our men are experts. They've been specially trained
to do the job the "US." way. If your tires are wearing smooth,
bring them in to us now before the fabric sioris to show
through. We can build you a recap job that will make your
tires look like new again and that will give them a new lease
on life. They'll be back in the running for thou sods of miles
of safe, dependable service with the extra project on ol» good,
sure-footed, non-skid design. Come in for Lopection today.
Bellefonte Sunoco feivica