Page Two YATE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA January 4, 1945 | ome sonse of the) Visited In Lock Haven, ust 11, 1944. Pvt. Immel, known to | Clearfield Minkster Dies i Our town bad # i i . {hase and buggy days last Thursday! pyr, Ralph H, E. Immel, son of [his friends as “Sm,” worked at Rev, A. C, VanRaalte, pasto | : ’ | the Lock Haven Laundry before go- | the Presbyterian chu nt — — | and Friday when many farmers got ‘Mrs. Mabel Immel, of Centre Hall s ] i in Lock | ing into service He has finished | vid died suddenly Baturdas Merril | training at Camp Wheeler, Ga {ing of a heart attack. Funeral 3 | Methodist Church: Prayer service |tie ‘phone they would yell “Happy oh tel sleds and sleighs for a shop- {last week spent several day: Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday|New year” to them, Well, New Years eg tour - Staven Bh he howe ol em. R Ilr win: anit Slory 0 8 av morning at the was not here at that time, and one! Mrs, Oscar Gilliland was under the Wert, with whom he made hi: jorme Be Fai Rha bad in inn iinii J Abe a whom they called was a care of Dr. H C. Wilson the past before golng to the Army on Aug- Read the Ciaaifiag a [Rev C. W. Maclay, pastor evening at 6:30, immediately fol-| young lady whose husband was over- week, suffering a heart attack, but | _____ a Ht ————_ ————— Ihwed by the preaching service with [seas and she had gone to bed with at this writing is Improving very sermon by the pastor, Rev. D. A. her little enild, just to be awakened nicely Sower {by this action of these girls, She was! Mrs, Richard Ellenberger of North Free Methodist Church: Prayer frightened as she thought it might | Carolina, is spending seme thine at fOR service Friday evening at 7:30, 8un- be some word from her husband, her husband's parental Home, Mi G day school Sunday morning, follow and coming at tat hour of thejand Mrs, Melvin Ellenberger. ‘Dick’ OF THE HARV We I> ed by the regular preaching service MOTNing. We cannot understand why is serving In the army at 11 a. m. wii) sermon by the pas-| Parents do not have Deter control | George Lauck of our armed for tor. Rev. D. E. Joseph | over thelr children than ta let them |g enjoying a furlough with his pare use the telephone in such & MANDer ants Mr. ard Mrs. George Lausk : . when evervone is urged to refrain “ = t vert Bible Study class of the Presbyter- from calling over the 'plaone in these on Church street fan church had a special New Year Y y . besliaates Miss Ruth Groninger of the West i a RK 2 critical times unless absolutely necs be meeting at the home of Mrs. J. B. Chester Tea: ers Collige, spent tu ESSAY Stere. Tuelr meeting convened at Pvt. Lewis Emenhizer who ha yuletide seascn with her pare v is Emenhizer, 1 as Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Grounlnger at 5:30 p. m. and they all enjoyed 8 a0 stationed at Fort Sill, Okla. n, oysters and DU- nue ater in a hospital at Lyons, N the Lutheran parson things which 80 5 for weatment. is spending the Main street They presented cpeicumas holidays with his parents,! The Russell Fishburn H. E. Oak- My. cand Mrs, Willlam Emenhizer, Sunbury, were recen tty Christmas yy furlough was ended this week Mrs. Plshbiun's parent before but be was successful in having Mt Mi Charles Strouse Christmas extended for another perfod of two! The next regular meeting of Mrs, Mollie Holt left me time weeks levville Grange will be field Tues before Christinas with her son-in-| The treasurer of the Women's 80-day, Jan. 16. at 8 p. m. The newly \ law, Paul DImmel, for Washington, ciety of Christian Service of the elected officers fo Phe year will be \ THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO D. C., where she is spending the re-| Methodist church wishes to an- installed by tha county master mainder of the winter with Qer pounce that she would Uke for all Harry Fisher of Centre Line. Re- \ . w ; daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs persons who have Watch Collectors freshments will be served by the Yes, if you want to enjoy fresh fruits and choice of the nation s harvests Is rushed Paul Immel and children. Paul came in their possession, to turn the same committee in charge. A % tur up to hunt for a few days and upon !in to her before the next meeting, out is desired vegetables at their finest . .. and make direct from the growing areas to you, so his return took Mrs. Holt with him. or the first meeting of the new year The Samu : ’ worthwhil I beside it’s time N p’ i , y § » Samuel M. Hess family braved spit Mvorich orthwhile savings, besides. . . it’s time to ature’s good things are yours extra fre Miss Charlotte Stere spent a couple | The treasurer Is Mis, Loulse Stere zp nighwas ondit Do Jou have 3 real "yen" lor crisp, Bo 8 8 g extra fresh days last week visiting with her sis-| The regular meeting of the Wom= oc 00 no vg ver Bi ited vegetables . . . juicy, fuscions froin’ nd do ya turn to the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable De- ...extra delicious and attractively ter and nusband, Mr, and 1s. C.lan's Society of Christian Service of hh Es i ye ; want them wm dhrifey prices, 1007 go ] B&B ¢ F and husband, Mr. and Mi V's Soclety of Christan Service of igneng the a relatiy “atarvestin' © today at your friendly A&P Soper partment of your A&P Super Market! The priced. Stop in today and see these values! R. Btevenson and little son, Johnnie the Methodist church, which will be . ‘va Pamtshall : ~ where you'll find a fall festival of the fnew - — i ibis of Altoona the first meeting of the new year} ~~ ec itap rn a wes of farms, groves and orchards! Schools of the borough opened will be held next week, time and | ha 0} iL : as vacation of a wok tr mart fog, Ce ay a wien vecriin ol § SAVE PRECIOUS RATION POINTS ::::: EAT MORE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! the members of the Young Women's her duties i ome, N Zs. jast {ROIBE 'n 1 ‘ ons hts dilties. Bn Rome, N. e Helping Hand Suid YELLOW A The members of the Mouday night Sunday school class of the NM odist caurch at her home | “ri ek 1 ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs a g he. 4 Hh ! dw id POSCUL day evening SV 1) thin } was IniE L. Parson omrty ea y ro A go i ro # 3 33¢ Gravymaster 9 14c¢ 10.Lb. keeping with the Christmg easnn Late new ived from son “ . c , Co ee . ... STALEY'E CREAM 1) C which included tie exchanging of ou wn boys who a n the ser- Mis Mua. A Bla] . TALE “Al | 8% BR BF ® B® FF B® » ag gifts, All who were present had a vice the pr st veek finds Joe fay | DR ow COON re. 4 A-FENN Corn Starc I 9% Seite to omewtere In Germany Samuel 81, 00, 8 Wn 0) Dry Cleaner 49e A couple young girls of the com- ANO SHEEN munity took it upon themselves last Holt in ern in} We are gl refreshment erp RE Vor Tacse por : J } 30 resent wer ols Waltz \ WRIGHT'S ab frmrrns ETRE EY an cae 32 2% | POTATOES %: 1.98 morning at 2 o'clock, to use the tele- health. There are others on foreign Walker. Darothy, Ethel and Mada- Silver Cream 19¢ - Beg . ® phone for som ’ wir sm oil t we have I heard from * ‘ WALT 4ak.14d, Alig y PILLSBURY pranks. They called | persons, them in the past week. We wish for Si A Jest bet 3 : SUNNYFIELD 50h A sir v kanies, Tucy Shiug seve a I i Pa or 19 [ortha. AlbutgH, desea! “ih GB Flour .....2% 1.25 FANCY GOLDEN hour and when th | come to speedy return hom Bom phi = at Flour . + + Sack GOLD MEDAL CET EE fe TC me a | SWEET POTATOES 3 - 23¢ REBERSBURG ois 3: and Met Joe Dan Vo | Rice Gems wn,” 56 CL il TaehivillBD ows ixdt . p Cakes ; an riers. A tatilly diuiie waa svn] 3 now ta Treet .... cn 33¢c Soap ...2%"13¢ | @ouots. . 2 wn 19¢ Potatoes . . i" 55¢ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Esterline, arriv- M ! Mrs. Kyle Wolfe aud decided to lk ek moder , LARSEN'S Ng ® 15¢ R . 12-00 32 EXTRA LARGH CALIFORNIA 2 ind : ame on Bunker Hill ang now : , : edimeat : c Camp Robinson, Ark. He » trans- and Mr. and M Dean Shade apd "NeW I v : Veg All Van Ya Pecans "= asa Ib 45c¢ Walnuts «= = a Ib 39¢ ferred to Camp Meade, Md fami] fot fn were ther guest FRENCUIR OLD prTon Satay is Defsakt 20 ih. id Av ‘ nd An Mea I Hardy ge de I M Five 3 4 bn GURY STRAIN: ites te! pug LAYING Apples ma 2 Ibs 23c¢ Celery 24's, 30% “talk 23c John Rel at Merrill Nednesday Mr. and Mrs. Lu Ser P BROADCAST ing here on Christmas night rox ausiiter tte Mae of Asronsburg Miss Sara Jane Reish returned on present . well eu Lol ce Mustard had 9c Cleanser 2 for 15¢ | WESTERN DELICIOUS CRISP, PASCAl home of her parents. M: and Mrs. M1 and M Walte wer of he with th ir ter a Foods 12 Com 7%¢ fusls ..... ™ 3.65 MAINE, U. 5. NO. | GRADE Wayn { IN OUR last week from tie J. V. Brun- ine rsburg National Bank to Conny Fost . Jali : L 5 — , Don't miss him Shareholders of We Rebtss- 0 8. Pain DO a | P BAKED GOODS : ecting in the bank bulid. a1 the home 1 iy 7 parents, Mi AéF 4 Grades AA & A A&P EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS Fresh » ml - a JANE PARKER Donuts .:...15¢ Cid Milk «csr on 10 C2. 85¢ N < Sunds parte : oll ge 8 : Bread 2615.01. 1 1 C n AD TENA 3 Lb. 63 ler. ten-year-old son rd : A gig boat Fresh Pork | Gexo SHORIENING LA Peg. ¢ s to break his Jeg last ! lati : " ' / : COCOA} ur S Li ] ANN PAGE o = ra wn the . ausa ge | With 16-On. i deadtin Pork & Beans == '<'8¢ ale Swartz of Mill oun + mgs ! Fre ten Y 9 CRUNCH Pork Liver | ia of lea ant Gap ¢ fr page Ome o> i »- OR 7.0. at the H C. Ziegler for the two jects r 25 Sp gh tt LONI Ee ColfeeCake 25¢ aghelltl wcaon hs ia JED | euan) : WHITE HOUSE, EVAP New Kensington, !gaivtic stroke, was taken by ambu- March : and Mrs. Palmer Weave of lance to the home of her grand- April Mifflintown, Monda After a few June Sugared ’ 4) ue! o hy vo . . : , ve J MARVEL 37 | s taken to the employe of tic Stale THg wey do cg 0 Lam ad Cc | 100%, VEGETABLE nda J Russell Grazer had i ES June Leads in er Cake 45c¢ » Lock Haven Giospital : Whitehill and ber ANN PAGE Reading, rof. | {ll the past mons following a par- Pebrusrs State College, Tibbens Zubler, John | daughter, Mrs. Miriam Benner in May days there she will be taken on to July = 03 a 2 8 A225 49 Pitcairn to make her future home Augrist with her danghiter, Mrs Annie Mi-' September 6 PLAIN Dor. 15c SUGARED Dor. Ibe Pan Whiting or lonaCocoa . ......& 9¢ er. Mrs, Miler hia been caring Jor| Octet VARIETY BREADS wi OurOwnTea ......H 3lc 3 x it ha Novembe ts Dame i Eat Mele] Daa Dressed Whiting '* 13¢ Phe - - we : | at public sale on Satwrd: Totals 2 0 | Pr N di Son 6c Lee Kidder and grandson! tan 6 hs Sliced Salmon : Lh 44c¢ Ann age 00 es «= =» » Px Baturday, last week. Jimmy Boye: Mr. and Mrs. James A, Metzler of [is In Bellg'one spending a 16-day RnR _ 12c¢ Cl 29¢ | lona Imitation Vanilla i 18c accompanied them to Rebersburg for plemington, visited at the home of furlough with his parents, Mr. and Large ye Loaf = » ams Jal Ou , visited at the Donald Beyer Mrs. Della Shaffer is on the sick «Cpl. Donald J. Jolmson. an aer- Vienna Fasiiloned « 1 ic a visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Elwood Johnson, of West How. p rd Dog EL 32 vars. Gertrude Frank attended t i Andrew Irv n. Other ard street ] Whole Wheat - 1 ic FROZEN SHAD Daily Kennel Meal Food Bag c= and aunt Mr. and Mrs. i dh ot her hotise Turnishings will : Raisin 1 ic Ie % » 8 FROZEN home In Danville from Tuesday 10'jist at this writing ial gunner inetructor atl Pueblo, Colo CHERRY STONE nk Irew is Lh Lh Roe "™ 23¢, Buck 13¢ funera] of William Meyer at Logan« tors were Mi Betty Gilbert of “Nir "and Mrs. Roy Bruneart 47d in waning at Little Crock, Vas MT | Cracked Wheat 10c A&P Matches ™ 5." 6 « 25c¢ in training at Little Creek, Va family and Mrs. Neta Bierly and son ang Mrs. Scott Tate and son o : Darryl, were Bunday visitors at the gellefonts i " L L. Meck some in Williamsport Evelyn Brungart has been ill “BUTTER SAVERS BREAKFAST FOODS : Calvin Weaver, Jr. was discharged |, “strep” throat MILLHEIM i E rom the Cenlre County Hospital! Mrs Roy Gentzel spent Christmas a Rd a a D and returned to his home Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs — NFW SHOW TIME i ts oh {7 » oP iin 14h ' 4 day Harry Musser at Boalsburg i] Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 P. M. - Cadi, » Oieo Aoniv » 2 Phe 49c¢ ggs Grade 3 doz Cc Misses Doris Meyers and Eva Mil Misses Doris Meyer and Eva Mil- ADMISSION <lde & 3e 1 A 1 R . ler of Pittsburgh, spent several days jer of Pittsburgh. visited several days 1G! . bY “g 0 fa WHITE HOUSE SUMNNYFIELD last week at the home of the for-iat the home of the former's parents, . [5A A % FFE nb ‘ t 0 mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A (Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Meyer FRIDAY & SATURDAY ‘OF L - A | J i ian 12 0 FW 1 1 : . ¥ ; st Glass Cc als « « « « + Cc (Jaswmary Sth & 6th) ee : pp eJe y . Roy Rogets Gabby Hayes wo SMUCKER'S SUNNYFELD PINE GROVE MILLS | icivsorow | | [T7288 Apple Butter i 30c Bran Flakes. x: 9c By the amount of shining objec to ant caller in our burg recently SANTA FE : *) i SULTANA RED RASPBERRY SUNNYFHELD PANCAKE flashing about since the Curlstmas Mrs, Betty Taylor is spends 4 9 ¢ hy J . ng the i} NEWS ISSUE ; N ' - an season, some of our young swains next we months with her Giusband a wr SAT00 . J Flour 8 % 4% % % Rak 24c¢c int have a 017% Interest In the | Ronald Taylor In Georgia, who Is ine 2 South African diamond mines [serving In the army. Mrs, Taylor is , : . SUNNYFIELD BUCKWHMEAT Miss Mae Harpsier, wiio holds ae daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY N py Se ) position in Worcester, Mass, spent! Harpster (January 10th) - . 4 r. 32¢c the holiday season with her parents,| Mr. and Mrs. Willlam E. Dreibel- |] Jane Frazee Vera Vague : Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harpster {bls will sell their farm equipment Frank Albertson | ANN PAGE Rev. George R. Oroninger, wife on March 10 and retire from active mM Ho Whea he Sc and daughter, Miss Ruth, spent some | farming ROSIE THE ‘ | e t ne N time in Harrisburg the past week, | Cpl. Hugh © Pry of New Cumber- We acknowledge rece ip of a peat- | land, and his wile were short visit. RIVITER PMN PAGE tiful season's greeting card from one ors over the past weekend at his Two-Reel © dy and of the U. 8 Army in the South Pa- parental home in Rock Springs en- Sport Reel S p . ihe Met cific, willlim B. Johnston, and an- {route to their home in Smethport, - yru Nottde ther from our good friend, Harry Mrs. Pry spent the holiday season Eugene Martin of the Medical Corps | with her husband In New Cumber- ramiy Niou1 ONLY at Ft, McClellan, Ala {land anuary 12th) A sumptuous Xmas dinner and a) Carpenter R. L. Musser has gone |] By Gilbert = Shemp Howard : RINSO happy family gathering was enjoyed Maxie Rosenbloom LOCAL to Baltimore, where fio Is assisting Burday, Dee. 24, at the Marcellus! in completion of a large new school Sankey home on W. Main street. | bullding " THREE OF ! SOAP FLAKES Farmer Bruce BStruble recently! Drover and farmer Charles W A KIND purchased a new Farmall tractor Witmer, Is making J ts ald | Sm. Lge. 23¢c Karge 2 19% 23¢ from the Dodd 1. H. C. agency. of his trusty ory] pong 3 " ALWAYS THE FINEST 4 2 ow 19¢ ¥ Oakes Cakes Bs. Box SELRCTED SHORTS oe wl Af © J. Irvin of the Penn State bad foot Injury which kept him In- Agronomy department, was a pleas-| doors last week. %
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