Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 04, 1945, Image 1
Ashe ek NE ye 3 SERA NER EL ANAAS 3 SEE EBnen Sr bv oe — en. = on he Cenfre Democrat WAK BONDS MEAN MORE THAN A GOOD INVESTMENT) VOLUME NL'MB 1. “R BELLEFONTE, i A, THURSDAY, JANUARY i, 1945 SUBSCRIPTION—$1..50 PER YEAR. 7 [vic In Week's asualty Reports Pvt. Guy Witherite, 26, Julian, Killed in Ger- many: 5 Others Action. sed received revealed lost his life ed tion Py » died wound Witherite Killed With ‘ yy ities Pvt. Pvt. Guy Annie Witherit December received in action cording | sage mother, with Mr burg Pvt ite on December training in Adair, Oregon and in Los sent oversen receiv ner ana 3: it herite vi PFC. FRANK M. BOLDIN Killed in France Other survi t mother, include sister Pyt. ls the armed forces les Wither of Pine Grove Mills Mrs. Frank Fisher Mrs. Robert Borger, addition ni brother Witherite Cerman) 1g Mills Elmer Howard, an Boalsburg d an to . Char- William, Julian «ol ir ite, Sprit y of of Cpl. Praskovich Wounded and Mr of Halfmoon Terrace week recelv a 1] them that son Prasgkovich wounded in many early in December. The letter written by the wounded man, did not mention ox of his wounds or what po of Germany : when he The Bellefonte his parent member Mr Thomas Praskovicl Bellefonte, last tier rming Steve inf Cpl odd their was CGer- tent of PFC. CHARLES T. NEWMAN Wounded in France Ww A) amp ‘alifornia we John' ded Be sli his man ol ghtl ember 15 ment unded; 1 Missing imber rvice and first trained he in Let the for s«¢ Nown called from where ent oO maneuver | Colo 0 { al months ‘amp Carson until August of went overseas for nt tos he remained vear when he Praskovich is a Parochial scl and at- rllefonte High He employed by the Claster Lumber pany Bellefonte at the time | graduate of ol School at SGT. THEODORE S. BENN Died of Wounds His wife brother resice of Pic wound who ar- this % who vas and 1 State week who al art to his parents, is now Halloran General Hos- land. N. Y Plc. Newman Wounded Chari vewman WE wounded France on Dec- according to a War Depart- received Friday by ; Confer Nev of Mile : pe ie All telegran Beliefont merly - the the member of h Divi 8 called for i spent Lew of service nine month Wash veport Ia. being ent HO! later Shire on to Newman ¢ Mileshuryg Ps 1 CLUB INSTALLS M te Kin NEW OFFICERS . E. Rumberger Succeeds ond White as Presi- dent of Kiwanis ot ” ib were installed 1 meeting held Penn Belle Ho- R ernor the pre- Pree nl } club's 1 had been wo of that office the Rev. Wilson ode president officers installed Hartranit vice Hor - president Cl 1 were 1d Pm NI 1 [LE 04 Wife N CWS Receives - Tragic at Local Hospital WAS PREVIOUSLY LISTED AS MISSING S-Sgt. Ivan Casualty C. Kunes. of Action in (Germany MEN CALLED OR EXAMINATI Group From Board (:o to Harrisburg January 11 aw B id Rice, James lvde Richard Br D 3 Carl Lex Ray Thom D. 1 Carl D1 Car] Al Lile Roy B ai L] Nevin cn May since | John Clifford Kenneth Blair RD 2 Ralph James John Wasliko Leonard Fuge | fonte Arthur Bend Corman Weaver, hn ' ' . wen order ¢ Ji Bellefot Davidson Ha, POipsbur Moshannot 1» Wilkin Beliefo ger Wellin * Heionie Howare Conler 2 | Davi Port Mat es, Bellefonte R. D Confer, Bellelfonts Bressler, Bellefonte Kochik, Clarence Osceola Mills ne Schreffler 29, \ | Belle | | | | Bellefonte Weds; be te well know requent vii! the late Mr with Mr. am Ee 1 Native, Model, To Enter Movies '. s y nN YEN ung return to Ki. Iu mar frog” ' Ru nN fon bx 10 Peter Kim After Moon L man brief hh mooi, Wil 4) 'l and his br de ’ oni JUNE LEADS IN COUNTY WEDDINGS Licenses Issued in 19M4 Show Sharp Decrease From 1943 Total eT A WEL LH Regists 1944, 31 Corman In June months uary there 1 in Sep- the iowest lice: issued issued during sharp decrease 1 of 331. In 1943 » a8 the month of otal of 38. But in vear December ran a close sec- with of 37 Here December w Lh a total are figures, month by month od on page Tw - | Twins Born Here On Christmas Day | alldre y DOs 1 at t he C Christmas Day Hender wt, of 20m at 3:56 p.m {girl w born at 4.20 mother and calidren are be getiling nicely ¢ {pit al Mr. Hender | Bro kerhe 11 11 ol family Another son born Torsell ntre © Mi rn Mile ’ v H and M I and t m The reported were bo pital to i if boy was as 3 to ak ne the empioyed grille. There ren in {Oe Hender Dot} Hotel ner childr L 3 ’ baby’ Mi Christinas Mr, and Baliefonte - George Cunningham Dies at Home Here R aL Jose th to of COeorge Cunningham, 77, retired Sutton Engineering Company em- ploye, died at his home on Half. moon Terrace, Bellefonte, at 5:20 a.m. Wednesday, January 3, 1045, of complications, Me was ill for about three years Born in Bellefonte January 18, 186%, he was a son of Murty and Elizabeth Powers Cunningham, Two brothers, Murty, of New York City, and William, of Bellefonte, survive, He was a member of St. John's Catholic church and a former mem. | ber of the Logan Pire Company, both of Bellefonte. Puneral services will be held at the church at 10 a. m. Riiday, wi with | Rev. E. J. Waters MN SA FOR BEATING WIFE = Charles B. H 10," Pleads Guilty to Charge at Special Court arris, sorth Spring on Dec- Harris a special sess moming, robation oer fon was three indicated that would have no re- hould leave this juris aOR J oourt for 80 received a rep. the court for his act 1 in his wile receiving the throat, a lacera- the right eye and bruises arms. She was treated at re County Hospital dispen- : of tion above about the the Cent ars Prosecutor in the case was Chief of Police Harry Dukeman, of Belle who upon being called to the house found Harris in a threatening attitude. His wife was bed, her face and clothing covered with blood, it was reported At a subsequent hearing before Justice of the Peace William Brown here, Harris said he had been drink- ing some wine, but that he was not fonte rooming on the intoxicated at the time of the alter- | He said at the hearing that | cation his m nind was a blank and that he | didn remember anything about | febting with his wile. 2b MEN TO ENTER ARMED FORGES Group From State College Board to Go to Harris. burg Tomorrow Twenty «rix men, lncliding four rersfers, fram Dealt Board No, 1 of B.aty College. will go to Harris. ‘burg tomorrow (Friday) for induce tion int) the armed forces The sticcteoss. wii will redo! the Draft Board et 7 a. and will Jeave hy Oreyhound bus, at 7:40 og. m.. Include the following: Frenk Allen Mitch, Clyde Bdwnrd Themis, Robert Norman White, wi ind John Jocapls Weber 11. all of | State College: Hayes Jackson Cirife fin end Elmer Frapkiin Keuffman, | both cf State College. R. D.; Charles ment will be made in the ah Edmund Martin, Bellefonte; Miles cemetery. Friends may call at the Harry Les. Bellefonte, R, D.: Dean Widdowson funeral home, Belle- | Laughner Noll, Harold Pighett! and fonte, evening, be at 8 o'clock. i when ros. | Raymond Henry Young, all of Pleas (Continyed on page Five) 80, m. thet day! OFFERAD CountyTops Bond (RETURNING 450,000 WAR VETERANS “hides for Outstanding Each of 9 Districts Meets Rhinesmith to Head G. LL Final Tabu- 3ill of Rights Pro- gram Here SET-UP COVERS AREA OF DRAFT BOARD 2 J Aikens Praises Achievement; Quotas in 6th Campaign lation Not Completed. £450 000 ' uw J Committee Heads ! to Act Veter Named © as Advisers in ans’ Problems CITED FOR WORK IN SUBMARIN William J. Dorworth, Ji Also Promoted to Full Lieutenancy SEEKS ADDITIONAL DONORS OF BLOOD Mobile Unit at Tyrone on ‘Jan. 22-27: To Enroll Don- i - ors Here Jan. 8-9 Bellefonte Ww American SIO0G goner unit gt j¢ week of Ja 23 inclusive. Therefore registration will be bLicid d $ af i the Belieionte (jr) William J. Derworth, Jr g) Wilham Dore orth ut Linn street, Beliefon) jam J. Dorvorth 1 Geng Electric recently was rating merilork = BNR ENTERTAIS : POSTAL EMPLOYES Acting Postmaster Com- mended by Employes for Fine Record i in 1914 the ral Co Philadelphia ed to full 81 cited . 1.8% Red C CIR imerest in fens creased in POSS vd for ai di fap ay wo fram rr SORTING £1 ico The egoing disclosed I LE | News Notes” published 8. N. R Midshipmen's Scho York. Under the eaption of Se Praise . MITA Peri unoe of Occ Cv BET -_ WW SECO ~ wae 1 nu Ww rT ‘or roll- ure person Oflice wy Gu nel of ¢ Bel P t th enth Class CO i L » § ry 4 N » og ing Postman fonts ol - Elderly Man Injured In Fall on Stairway Ch kin Hall the a st } \ h y nn eve {Chapter § as possible time 1943. He prsonnel on § ail GON Ais over » entire : nk PH 7 registration days Applic ari ages of 2) 1A REL 8 leliver: mal 1] £0 condition plea BL and year: SICH A ter FLEA 10 ring were wey tsetial Spach e 0 a“ " port » maa & ve Nn w office also cing Christ despite 3% ter week comps the . tn bio meoy applying at Per. for curs An the donors 0 T Garr obtained for the trip by the Beliefont Ration Bosrd sons willing to offer their cars asked iH Mrs. Keith Ander on Cross rooms on th January 8 recs } hed Youu as Vv rone ine yy J LL Recommendations were made Mr. B the improvement aad »w on page Beven Heavy ne of ) BA.*R 1 bv ‘ Lo | wer {for : . 0 Ci 2726, or we Red days of register a 121 i DRAFT CALL HERE Board 2! Notifies Group to Report for Induction, Monday | Twelve men from the area served {by Draft Board No. 2, of Bellefonte, | have been notified to report for in- duction into the armed forces on Conunued a — Truck and Car In Crash Near Howard 11 As ation 5 emploved at ! PELE TBE HELD HERE Proceeds From Sale of Scrap Drive, Friday, to Go to Honor Rell A townwide collection of strap materials will be held in Bellefonte on Friday, January 5, with proveeds from the sale of scrap to go to the Bellefonte Honor Roll Pund In case of heavy snow [all re quiring use of borough trucks and employes in spow removal, the ool lection will be postponed until Mon day, January 8. Scrap materials especially needed are paper, tin cans. and rags. Paper and rags should be tied In bundles {for easy handling, and all tin cans should be flattsned, with labels ree moved, and should be in cartons to Dairy on or Dan } Age estimated al $130 re about 8:15 m. Monday when : truck owned by the Depa rtment of Property and Supplies and a sedan owned by a Howard man skidded on the ice near the Howard underpass and crashed together, The machines were traveling in the same direc ton. No one was injured Damage to the truck, operated by I. A. Heckmilier, 33. of Middletown, was estimated at $100, while dam- age to the sedan operated by C. D t Johnston, 67, of Howard, a guard at} Rockview, was placed at about $30 Miss Carole J, Heckmiller was a) | passenger in the truck driven by her| i father, State Pollee from Pleasant Gap sub-station investigated Monday, January 8. : SERN Sh | The men will report to the board | |offices at the Bellefonte postoffice | where they will board a bus for the induction center at New Cumber- ‘Receive Awards for Winning g Suggestions Members of “the pit plant suggestion committee at the Titan Metal Com- pany last week announced the ap-| [proval of payment of $132 to eight Members of the group are Robert Dutton Lane, R. D. 3, Al- {toona; Paul Alvin Stiteer. R. D. 2 | Bellefonte; Joseph Stewart Orand, | employees who submitted sugges. | Monument ; Michael Daniel Danko, tions during the past several months, | R&D. 1 Philipsburk: Cuaties Ben- | F000 Ee An The names of the employees and | Pett. Jr. Port Matilda; William Leo | facilitaic loading onto the amounts awarded to each fol. | Morrison, Bellefonte: John Joseph | scrap materials should be set on the Jow: Earl Custer, $50; Walt Schency, | | Martha, R. D. 1 Philipsburg: Robert curb In vision of trucks passing $40; Cordon Tyson, $15; Harold Zim. | Paul Moore, Port Matilda: Harry along the streets merman, $10. and Wilbur Breon, | Ashcroft Dunsmore, Philipsburg ; . The Honor Roll has been revised ' James Poust, J. E. Noli and eeott | Sheldon Kurtz Brown, R. D. 3 Belle- | ana brought up to date, and funds | HIll, each $6. jfonte (Yarnell); Willlam Warren are needed to provide for naines of AGI RN RN | Hopktes, Philipsburg; Earl Grayson | additions] men and women who one | ter the pred forces, it was reported County Continues | os ba In Grip © of Winter, Pleasant Gap Fire A Building Ho Company To Meet real estate Lr 1 closed «The firsd regular n mesting of the oN. pred iy BO a Pleasant Grp Fire Company for 194 vey real estate agency, Bellefonte, [Will be held in the fire hall at 8 © Raymond N. Brooks, of Bast Curtin |™. tomorrow (Friday) nigh’, and gi street, purchased the Chriss Schlow | members ace urged to be presen northwest Raym ond Brooks Buys Centre county Sunt continues In the grip of “old-fashioned” winter wea-| | ther, Temperatures, Tuesdsy, hovers {ed around the sero mark and High witds taxed the heating plants of Lulldings. Refreshments will be scrve! A of the company sie i foe ae IPD dues pre now pe, # Buy War Bonds and keep ‘em: