Page Two Ax CENTRE DEMOCRAT. BELLEFONTE. PKA 1944 December CENTRE HALL NEWS CHURCH SERVICES Penn's Valley Methodist; mer Nunemaker, pastor, Spruceto Worship 10:00: school, 11:00 Hall school, 10.00 hip service, 1 Spring Mills ip service, 7 “The Old Penn's Valley Otto, pastor 0:30; w» El- vn churei Church tev ervice, Centre wo! Chureh schoo 30. Sermon sub- and the New! Lutheran: Rev C Centre Hall school, hip Farmers Mill Chur church school ):00 Warship service, 7 school 9:30 Evangelical hool, 9:30; election ¢ 10:30. Locust Grove--Churcl 10:00; worship sem 1 The Hall-Potter the Chri afternoon was written Smeltzer, A by the class had charge » cevol was a Curisimas song by tl The Christmas story was Betty Lou Sweeney with pantomir by Betty Ross as Mary; Emma Je Brouse, the angel: John Dutrow, Joseph A story Jhrist America, and the was read by Margaret program closed wit{y t Crawford. Alfred Crawfor patient in the Centre pital last week Pfc. George Martz Christmas with hi Mr. and Mrs Martz first Centre the inva worl ject C 10:30 9:00 ervice 1 service, Cred iW. and Cent conducted Friday program Mary junior class re Hi tmas assen The and on directed light DI candlelight p followed Dal e of 1¢ SChool read ne an as in 3 1% LOS County is spending PDArents, He is *I 0 3 season John Hall soldier 1 ion of Fran to his home. He 1 rest camp in Geo The Hel; class of the Mrs M Centre Hall, on The following Harvey Mark, Mr Mrs. W. O. Strunk Clenatian Mir: cha with UNIGIPA M MILLHEIM L —~ NEW SHOW TIME — Shows Now 7:20 & :15 P. M1. ADMISSION —l14¢ & 35¢ FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY December 28th On Our Stage In Person “THE TUMBLEWEED CARAVAN" All radio an — ON Our Noreen cee “U BOAT . PRISONER" will you ! tage stars! e be rid a minut store for NOTE-—Adm. this show enly, 25¢ and 43c. Two complete stage and picture shows at 7 and 9 p. m. 3 8) SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (December 30th) Vivien Leigh - Robert Taylor "WATERLOO BRIDGE" A MGM Picture LATEST NEWS ISSUE AND COLOR CARTOON SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNIGHT SHOW (Sunday Night, Dec. 31st) Theatre opens at 1201 A M Show starts at 12210 A M Bring the Gang for a Swell Time! “LADY LET'S DANCE” Belita James Ellison Frick and Frack STOOGES COMEDY CARTOON y for Midnight | THREE All sent Show 35¢ MONDAY-NEW YEAR'S DAY (January Ist) Start the New Year with a Bang! You'll laugh until it hurts when you see Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy “THE BIG NOISE” (A Fox Picture) ALSO FINEST SELECTED SHORTS WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (January ard) Cary Grant Raymond Massey “ARSENIC AND OLD LACE” See It from the start! Shows at 720 and 0:15 P. M Happy New Year To All! 1:10. | the 1, 9:30; " hurch | Valley | tL! *hilippine | UNIONVILLE Methodist Church: Prayer service! { Thursday evening. Sunday sehool on | {yn Breon, sons Ronald and Donald, | Sunday morning at the usual thue, | (Mrs, Mary Harter and Mary Anngollowed by the premding service at Gherrity. A gift of $10 was sent t0]109.45, with sermon by the pastor, the Tressler Orphans’ Home in LO¥S- Rey, DD, A, Sower. Youth Fellowship fville, Refresiments were served bD¥ ay 6:90 p. m * hostess Free Methodist Church Praver Mrs, Joe Barnes, daughters Alice goivice on Friday evening. Sunday | Jane and Gertrude, of Bellefonte, school Sunday morning at the regs {visited over the noon hour on 8un- ular hour, followed by clase me {day with Miss Jennie Bartholomew. ine and the regular preaching ser Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baney and !vice In the eveniog al 7:30. with se Miss Carrie Petterolf of Warriors mon by the putor, Rev. D. BE Mark, were Christmas guests of My. seph, ind Mrs. Harry Burrls, near Centre| Preaching service in the { Hall {terfan “church Sunday ev Sgt Ini7:80, with sermon by the Fifth Alr Force, 15 now on the Rev, H, E. Ockwoul Islands. He has BeeN| guest at the tome of Mr verseas for 15 months, twelve of Mrs. Bovd Lucas on Christmas which were spent on New Guined oo. My and Mm and the remainder of the time on | Ghar) les Saunders aud the Netherlands East Indies, Sgt. | | Holt, of Centre Hall: My Bradford 1s a son of Mr. and MIs. imamest Homan and dangiter Kathe Clyde Bradford {leen, of Lock Haven: Mr. nnd Mrs Miss Mary Delaney, in training at Norman Fisher and children, Mareia the Geisinger Hospital, Danville, vis- land Norman, ang Mra. Amon Smith ited with hiér parents Mr. and MTS. and dauglyter Sandre, of this nince John Delaney, from Thursday until They all enjoyed a delicious turkey Christmas moming, when she re= | dinner and 940 usual fen urned to duty {around the family Christinas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhoades en-| Mrs Robert J. Kscler of Philadels tertained on Christmas Day Mr. and | phia, who has Leen spending the Mrs. LE. Biddle and Mr. and Mrs. Christmas holiday with her parents, Donald Biddle of Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bullock of How~ Howard Grove, who became quite ard, spent wMondar evening and 1 last is steadily improving. [Tuesday moving with her aunts Mr. and Mrs, Charles M. Arpey Mrs. Grace and Miss Kage elebrated thelr 60th wedding anni- Smith versary at their home on West! Guests Church street, recently. A few close Mrs. Churk Villans on Chek neighbors spent the evening with the [day were her parocis, Mi Arnevs as been the custom for a C. WW. Baudes d son number of The guests were: this pla Mr. and A Mrs. David Keller, Mrs, Emma Bm- Updegrafl and ehildren, of erick. Mrs. Frmest Wagner and Mrs. (port; Mr. ang Mrs. Clarence B Franklin Snale Refreshments were of Williamsport, and Mi 1d erved during the evening Mrs. Ar- George Bauer ad dang hier ney. who was INE Blanche I enjove C and Mr marie dinne Cember home of trimming rent Thomas ing Near ¥ Pre wed - Joe Pre ning at Harald Bradford, who lg pastor ue and Day Holt, Pave and Mus Valle Ar a ivities ree week, the homme of Mr. and Enns d Mrs AR Clayion Will mane of Nas 0 years iv pier Mrs oo and Mrs root; farm me Guest Mrs. E who en Mr rm ome of » Rev Centre WwW. K Ss Hall a short Mark, Mr: Ida Weaver yn were recent Mark in Penn Mark Tew M1 . Mi 7 aArmeg ald the Mr have x M the past has bes holidas Mary H spent 1 Aaron Mi and fam with ited Qe We s Howie Wil lamas "la Boechidol: mo- Althens, Eddie Daud; Dan “ Loi i na daughts 3 Maria. Helen Charles Naw a ard son, mr Marie White- Mrs. 1« Durst and child relia Joh Philade a and e' nit Kk wh Na Alexander, Ja js¢ Ralston 10 Caroilen, Ruth Bill SweenM ydeor angel and Betty Johnson EW. Houtz The ongregation sang | extension went na na Cen Alma R Apa FARM CALENDAR } FERTILIZEY ied bedding prove Lhe qua quality of manu * used fertilizers, sug RR. Dicke agronomist at the Penne sylvanin Siate College. Adequate Daniel Bloom of supplies of manure will prove doubly had as Christmas valuable now that commercial f and Mrs, William |Hlizers are scarce Mr. and Mrs. Don- YEAST AVERTS RICKETS -Ad- children of Belle« ding irradia x1 yeast to calf feeds is Alla Bioom of Cen- one methiogd of providing sulliclent {Vitamin D lo avert rickets In Uw J. PF. Weizel and oalves says 1. C. Nageotte, extension Bob Wetael took the latter's dairy specialist at the Pennsylvania daughter, Shirley, to the Masonic State Colleg> Rickets, a nutritional Children’s Hospital in Elizabethtown disease, can often be arrested and in the beginning of last week. She will many cases entirely corrected. Yeast remain there for treatment of pate oan be mixed with grain feeds alvels The Woman's Missionary Society poultry flocks Is one method of sav. of the Presbyterian church met with ling feed for Gugh-producing laying Mrs. Philip Bradford on Wednesday hens, reminds H. H. Kauffman, pouls evening. Mrs. Harry Dotter Gad try extendon specialist at the Penn. 'sharge of the devotional period. A | sylvanta Sta ¢ College. Laying flocks playlet entitled “T'was Christmas should be culled when pullets are Eve~An' the Bus Was Late” was starting to ay. and where produce presented by Mrs. Harry Potter, Bar- tion falls telow 50 per cent In a bara Potter, Eleanor Potter, Whiteman and Billy Potter. Miss! CLEAN OUT CHIMNEYS In. Helen Miller read a story about the specting and cleaning chimneys is! poor whites in the southern moun- one wey of eliminating fire hazards tains, Refreshments were served during eold weather, to (during the social Gour, J. R. Haswell, extension agricul Mri. Mary Neff, who has heen cone al engineer at the Permwylvania {fAned to bed at the home of her State College. Homes with wood daughter, Mrs. E. W. Miller, Is now [shingle roofs should also be equip Shik we downstalny part of Whe ped wilh spark attesiers to avold fires M . " F Mars 14 Ho Herds Leroy ith me IMPTU sufficient barns will br WI ch U in nity tity » ( . “ue 8 and £ d Mrs 13 re Hal - D inner guests, Mr Miller of Altoona ald Bloom and fonte, and M | and Mrs ye | DORALHS CULLING SAVES PEED-Culling’ Ann flock, Fliminate the joafers, he savas! 2 ‘Wedding Is Perform. | ed at Skating Rink (Gontinusd froan page One) placed thelr skates with won Bi The mald of honor Naomi Long, daughter Mrs, Raymond Long and the best man wa of shoes and was Mi Mr. and Milesburg nad Shade, ol of Zion } nw Le a full ler at ceremony the wide © gh rose eolored gown tig waisthine wit Black belt. Two ruffles exicnided over each shoulder, She ware pink rose- Lov hal ond carried gn Grin bouaguel the same flower Bi wore sigh wivle shoe skates The bridesmaid was a tired In white waist with o Jong full black wiG-wille striped skirt. 8he oorred an arm bouquet of red pose ouds aid had similar flowers in her hair. Mer white shates were tramined vikn white “poms” ab Vie tee The bridegroom and oest were attired in conventional with attached whieh A. MUMNAS The bride, fonte High emploved je en back to the Ii & ol man Wit Kate to black Belle w ecinl he ™ MM who attended the 8 hool, formerly Dy the Sylvania Ei Products Co Milt Hall, but been at home for some time bridegroom has bess making home with the Ralph Packsy fami) In Milesburg since he iscalved un hinorab.e discaarge from the uy ADOUL a Year aso He wis in the wr- viee for about 18 months snd is now employed al the Yeariok garage It Bellefonte Tine thon = nloved ni wi couple met at Loe iM for Iv alter re J RTOY Thy they hn Heels pay- the bridegrocers was on - ime inunedia'e- Nis Ganglia L 8 shors t ¢ elviig ge frum 0 Ty Ane sv in Dow purchased at Milesingy Among the guests at the ceremon the followin Ar ng Mi Bea now at bh Lal 2 chi) Dav Jd Dorms Hurold Milas fren York Dorm ning { Fire Destroys Big Barn at Centre Hcl! " Centre Members credit it H - - SCOTIA By ILM. Wi Bam ¥e Dad non & the As s Joti lap Now My ough “ Year Juhanng Will hime [ou pdey yon seriou thon with gall trouble | much nproved. She is owt of wd 1 day and with the goo of Dr. H. Thompson Col'»ge and he: Williams. she 1s aid m stndr daugh of hours evening now able 1 Wn 5 ie of HNITY Rh mecical Dale of nurse Mrs mpron ing ous be able Ww be down Wein, Bix of Mr WiHhams ters came up to spend a couple with her Iasi Thuradn and have a little Cartstmas ae for her and 21% exchange a few gills among themselves, as Is the custam each year 10 meet somes where and have a Christmas parts among themselves and ako Invite mother to Whe party Cpl. Carl W. Dorman, son of M nd Mrs. Harry Dorman of Waddle shent a 24-hour furlough with his parents. Cpl. Dorman is stationed at Tonapah, Nevada | Since we wrote our last lelter we have been Informed that Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Ghaner are te pare ents of their AM cli'id. a son Born Inst Saturday, This makes four bey and a mit In the family and also (makes the writer unele again Car! Cronemilier. 8r. of Belle {fonte, visited Inst Saturday with his aunt, Doras Ghaner There were very few successful deer hunters In this violn'ty during | [the deer season. Our Jast trip out | we saw plenty of trecks bit no deer 1 4 Bt > very dry oe ‘ Oo ™ parts of corm il anf it in the fur, Colored Fury fia tuk corched alt an i ik and turpentis until well Scorched Spots lean colomad lO Gye been added COTCHISC nel Lie Vigorousiy a deep touch Rub then brush appear (of3 3 =T-00 § 1-1 6 5 Ways Better . IS Windaos “custom BLD and WILLOW 3 1:59 Polish wax shoe ” Brown 11b CE brown ¢ mix VIGOROUS and WiN(Y 2 wile RCN ang TULL BOE 2 551 Yes GROUND!" coffeepot, plus Super vor-Saver Roa and a Blend to Suit Your Taste! A&P Coffee. . enjoy . . freshly ground to fit your own Fla- sting, Real Freshness b Quality, uy coffee at its best! CL ————————————— YOu GET RIC LEAN GROUND In Our Meat Dept. Hamburg 27 Spare Ribs. « 24¢ Leg of Lamb = 37 age 4lec FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN Roe ’ FRESH Pork Saus: HER FLAVOR, Pan Whiting . Dressed Whiting Sliced Salmen Shad OVEN-FRESH BAKED GO BAKED BY A&P BAKERS 3 » ) Layer Cake AN Coffee Cake . Fruit Cake Jelly Roll . Breakfast Rolls 25¢ ic PAGE Mustard ANN PAGE Spaghetti... 3 ANN PAGE Grape Jam... SUNNYFIELD Rice Puffs... ANN PAGH Mello Wheat ws Lh LCE A «1.08, Marvel Bread Fruited Buns . . Sugar Kut Loaf ..37¢ 20DS 45¢ oir ale 19¢ For Your Holiday Entertaining wn 11¢ yukon cLus BEVERAGES 28.01 Pra. 15¢ or. Bottles Plu Ie s BL. Charge LARSEN'S Veg-All AKER MAID Syrup BAJAH, Sauce CUT RIT Wax Paper BRILIL'S Spaghetti Sauce GERBER'S STRAINED Baby Fcods 12 “*™ 79¢ OQ! WORCESTERSHIRE Sor. Bu 15¢ 14¢ LW Lnits of Vitamin D Per Pint 10 .... 85¢ Plas required ration pointy \ OLD Tall Cans DUTCH Cleanser . 8 Cam GEM PRODLOCTS €0O Laundry Gems 3 COLONIAL MACAROON Cookies NB C SKYFLAKE Wafers RED Paper Towels 2 '™ Lh 1h « Pkg CROSS 0M MULE TEAM Borax Boraxo 2 for Vitamin- Rich Garden Goodness Priced To Save You Money! MAINE POTATOES SWEET JUICY, FLORIDA 100-Lb. Bag PR Wy |. => GRAPEFRUIT ... 5 : 39 FULL OF JUICEFLORIDA Oranges WESTERN DELICIOUS A ; Ideal for Eating or TEXAS Cooking Y I 0 ; FANCY GOLDEN Sire 200.220 33¢ 10-Lb. w Bag EXTRA LARGE Pecans . ...... « 45 JUICY FLORIDA 2 - 23¢ Tangerines PENNA BLUE LABEL 49c Potatoes LARGE CRISP STALKS Sweet Potatoes 3 = 23c Pascal le IS.Lb. "mn ns un By SUNNYFIELD OATS wr 23¢ SUNNYFIELD FAMILY FLOUR ae 99¢ yeuow arni~ roet well,