Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 28, 1944, Image 1
We ECP FAITH A 5 “A i 4 A AY i) WIT 445 = + : : py 3 : J Ca 22a A EE EE ER by buying WAR BOKDS Centre Democraf 6000 INVEST MENT). VOLUME 63. NUMBER 52 BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. 9 eo Two County Men Killed Two ? Worided | Missing Pfc. Frank (%, Soldin, T-Sgt. Theodore S. Benn, rem I Both of Bol, ° ante, Lose Lives In European ... ‘tne of Sha Cink Areca; B-24 r%, ht Hel ol : re Deme- * Missing in Action " EEE : War Depas Victory Club Meets; ry i A 8 . tha fo o Elects New Officers di | : : { held The de : Pl Fr i { ! Host ( font kill i A ‘ Decembe: : 4 i H ' rob oa Bellefon! Garbrick etary-t cember 7 i : ( 1 ( ' ¢ Lamb ist { received , Y " Mi I Th { iblicity chairman Ple. ( I Hollobaugh provide vist nnpa went for f : Py y { ¢ club mann, sli t e556 - ty wert VI {55 a dd rick, Pearl Hout i { am ra Deltrick i n i ; \ baus Sarah Markie 1 Edw Po vd : State Col Ieresa Pye. Betty Hollobaugh, Mr ta Colle st of a8 B24 1 ), 1921 J V i= Mary Lat ki, Mrs. Dorothy Smith bomb A Collie High and Mrs. Grace Lamborn. The club 0 1040 osed of nurses and employes comj EEL pa Ey iy BO TS Dr. W. S. Musser, 7 rone, Victim of Heart At- tack While Driving Car b Pie. Boldin Killed Boil : 5 3 unrmat 4134 v iy | C8rly Tuesday alternoos No mber 1942, and recel d iraine| THe discovery was mdde by a truck fr t Camp Meade, Md: Camp|driver. John Yazwinskli, of Houtz- shelby. Miss © Camp Forrest, Tenn. : | Gale. Who about 1:45 D. m. Tuesda) ha 4 — ¢ fia ir Florid . whi driving past fy mp pas Pvt. Wayne Eckley Dies; . A 2 te | CBI : Fond dod saw 4. 1 X KN ’ : A 5 FS Lad] : “t Served Overseas With " . ed a1 Dr. M Military Police March thi wml ta at © L) J 1 ’ ‘ | | { ' Girl's Hand Injured In Electric Mixer . : Mitchell Bomber aie 1h. O : «« Forced Down in County “ M A eras: in A VFW Entertains 200 | he Chr yp? cs / ge ptr ws Children at Party Father Downes Marks WaEUlng hui} Wad sound K e Ordination Day peace when the local a ( » about 200 | gry : " aE D A " al A C F pout ve it ell A i r ) i ews } eNge Aere Aft y ’ nq 0 1 wing gu at The cal a Do 4 P H before leavi bs : J Ru i P fai) ’ py 1 1017. |} tral pol west tridoe “ . ¢ 8 | te Lato nermanentl wasig ned ' Among the plane's passenger an A y { 1 Bell ann Army Nurse just returned (rom Sicll ‘ It wi necessary to clear the run- — od of snow before the big bomber : : : id ita engines repaired, could take off Millheim Sergeant Takes English Bride = ""10° 0% ’ -» Health Center Here To Move January | The Bellefonte Health Centre and Baby Clinic which has been conduct ed for several years In the White building on West High street will be moved January 1. to the first-floor apartment in the Rogers bullding on South Spring street The apartment which the Health be vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Harry N Meyer. The free baby clinic is held every Wednesday morning, Mr. and oe Diamond Pestolfice Closed erly apartments on Recently married in England was | depct where Eighth Alr Poree fight-| a — Sergeant Paul BE. Brown, son of Mr. | er craft are repaired snd modified, | The Bellefonte Postoffice will be and Mrs, Charles Brown of Mille since September, 1043 closed on New Years Day, January helm, shown above witty his bride,| Formerly employed by the Titan | 1, 1045, it was announced by Ebon B. the former Miss Emma 4. Roberts, Metal Manufacturing Company, Bower, acting postmaster. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F.' Bellefonte, Sergeant Brown entered] There will be no window or carrier Roberts, pawien. Buffolk, England. | the armed forces In August, 1042, service. The lobby of the office will A parachute rigger, Sgt. Brown | and served at Scott Feld, Iinols, be open until 8 p. m. and all mall has been serving at the strategic air | before his transfer to Britain | wi be dispatched as usual WED 71, Ty. to Center and Clinle will occupy is to! | Mrs. Samuel Rhinesmith played the | *" | On New Year's Day N J No bridegroom \ttendants All on Roller Skates PERH SHA “de, Al INK And LARGE CROWD SEES UNIQUE CEREMONY \. D. Gledhill Ties Knot for Milesburg Couple Justice He ' t w ‘ 2 ‘ 1 rs i * on id 1 L i Ore "i owed : { L bathe a 4 1" ¢ 0 ox i } ‘ f . Om Wl a Ix ti ald wl ina ¥ ’ : 8) ’ * ‘ iddie of ere ¢ { Pe ‘ A DG hi { H Ticiat £ od 4 » bE i M My oe Dr M ne lve Cal Miles» il el O ef LL Sgt in wedding ceren ¢ wriorno » ed | Conire ‘ y Justice dex ed iT BRS for Coren : ~ ’ ’ Just] Chie f ivil ceren « I) Pe Alte ’ . » 1 Ld ts f f 5 : we tie ' " t gE | } ” y " r ONE INJURED IN YULE ACCIDENTS 1 Motor Crashes Mar Hol- iday Weekend; Total Damage Slight L. Ga TL ¢ | h ie x 4 { Bellet ‘ e We f ‘ 6M "| “ y M Grace FE. Blige of Pleas G : CW. DeArmit Be f I D } Cea wil ir e( ! Hal Pleasant ( ’ ore vellr eft | ' e } Al MN a ex ! \ e about 8) wArmitt ca Harry Mills, ¢ Belle i n 11 4 he Cm { ty Hospital | eve eration { the right rm Sat das pen he was struck 1! a operated by George OO. Ane Bellefonte, R. D. 3 ir walking to the TH the Kelle 3 car becan FANG nl APPITUBCIIINE Oar page Beven 500 Children At Undine Yule Party annual kiddies’ Christmas held by the Undine Fire Com pany at the engine room of the how house on East Bishop street last Wednesday night was attended Wb about 500 children The party opened with a prayer by RL. Rev. William E. Downes after which A. L. Prancis presided as the master of ceremonies. Music was I'he — Pag Mrs. Meyer will mov ¢ Into the Hev- | provided by a group of children from | We piso saw Bt John's parochial school, who | | played string and wind instruments the American Legion | | COUPLE MARRIED AT SKATING RINK CEREMONY Principals in the roller skating wedding performed last T sursday night at the Hecla pavilion are, left to ri, Wt: Justice of the Peace A. D. Gledhill, of Howard, who officiated: Donald Shade, Zion, best man: Oliver I. Calipo. Milesburg, the bridegroom; Miss Clara Alverta Dorman, Milesburg, the bride, and Miss Naomi Long Milesburg, bridesmaid All except COURSE T0 OPEN First of 36 Sessions to Be Held Tonight at Nit- tany Garage « Fa Ln Cours t I ) Arage. Ni 3 I evening, I» ERR F : Te Thi be the fourth of a serd of ¥ or Ur mee d be hel { { Weck period, end Poy Apr i ' | 24 ecting ill be held Thom pesos garage at Nit. ta Following thi 12 meetings will be held In the shop of the Walk- ey Township School at Hublersburg HI reed | will emphasise wood Vv - - ~ A Fred Luse Buys Pleasant Gap Store 4 i " F ! 5 : te'W HH ’ . i 1“ 7 " Wt He ‘ ‘ nisine 21 5 \ ° vi ’ : EK a ‘ rehased the ’ . i ! f Tl % 3 : Ni 1 i : Lit Fhe " mi ¢ ‘ ss 0 : e H | ¢ nd Ie x X ‘ " i b : "| f \ rot the Justice wore skates for the ceremony MACHINE REPAIR NEW PENSION LAW DIES SEEKING NOW IN EFFECT CHRISTMAS TREE (Cause of Veterans’ Death Searchers Find Body of No Longer Factor in Port Matilda Man Allowances in Woods f : f 1 " ( Ww Ww . I ‘ : y : of M i ¢ \ ¢ how Ded ed | i. at mile { P M A Hi { ele t ol far fron parks vie er whore office Tse ma aw vel ft Foreign W Mons. aHEMEER to Bet & Credit Association Will Meet At Gap 4 254 § A UNIONVILLE SOLDIER TELLS Quadruple Quota On Veterans’ Gifts OF DEER HUNTING IN INDIA r An — —— : 1 The ‘ \ brief count of Lhe tance but veleran of BM As O11 JOY e fur too long for our| 1 vols 3 J C. Stent 1 IM ) We kills jeer up there. had! A rank 1 | 5 Ww n : h _ > M n of ville, whith vith the gulde, and he Mr Fiza bet ]® unis rma e jungles somewhere in We took, the tind quar- | o auxiliary | committee 12 I furlong n deer and left the rest mmit in i rm my duties. The bx he lived uy ! ith hi vere Wools : evnhere. and started to find our A was : wo 3 . ¥y . + | joe Cr a N bine y oamp. We manage tol ! : " . RL n GO tof © v yd r way back alrig but ii" No ¢ achilevemen : " ( iy i Wu n ‘ ! Da Wie " al the can wk rest of Lhe da even Contrit B60 ore un wy : xn 1 : O0Y were traveling down Lime ! ig DIcKs ne ted to set wy Ir can Itt W A all kinds of de comiog The comm . Auxilinry : der of th hy be k but we did not shoot at an) ake this me of 1 king the hieneg I aig we wh yo we already had all we yanted to Public for we gencrous response to inting en mn et long trip We also saw the appeal t yrighten the Yule sea. eond | We got up at Noe large python snake mn the way son for wounded veteran Thank: o'clock In morning and had back | t disappeaced before any, 8lso are exisnded lo organizations breakfast before daylight We were! of us could shoot it, We arrived back [and Individuals who aided In the {In the mods hunting at the crack of dawn, but we all kept together most of the day In order to figure mit the ny of the land We deer but didn't get a shot at them abundant oat algns both leopard and tiger, We killed one rabbit and two jungle fowl that! any Third Day: On this day we arose | early, had breakisst and started out on a trip Into some mountainous country with an Indian shikari (guide), We had a lot of talking to the guide, he spoke a din lect that none of us had heard be fore and we just couldnt make film understand what we wanted We walked about twelve miles up hill and we came into some really rugged looking country We saw a few saw two then and ere that trouble | atl our enmp about dusk that Miter. collection, sorting and shipment of noon 0 tired that we could scarce- | the gin Iv take another step. We all resolved . oul we would steer Fractures Shoulder, away from wll shikaris alter this end confine our huniing 10 areas LNG, og ae ou Elbow, i in Fall on Ice Fourth Das Joe Crew and 1 —— | started out to bunt together while In a fall on the foe in front of her | Bass and Orant went together, Joe (Dome at State College, Monday and 1 sat at » likely looking place Nght, Mrs Molly Schechier, aged until about § o'dock In the morning | 87. suffered a fracture of the left We saw several Jungle fowl but did shoulder and left elbow not thoot as we were looking for Mrs, Schechter was brougint to the | larger game. We finally got up and Oentre County Hospital started walking into some new ter- | ment, and afterwards was taken to ritory. We were following a narrow the home of her son-in-law and game path with Joe walking in the daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Kof« front when we suddenly ame upon man, on East Linn street, Bellefonte, a flock of jungle fowl. Some of them wiiere she is reported to be recovers (Continued on page Bix) Ing slowly. for treats E DESTROYS ( BARN NEA CENTRE nA Tuesday, Discover- 11-Year-Old Boy; Cause FIREMEN SAVE NEARBY BUILDINGS - Blaze, ed by Unknown val - \dl Boy Suffers Durn: ing Calf to Safety; Crops Lo Condition of State College Girl Improves Fi Hosp tert Por 1 ~ ot " ’ ™ BHS Alumni Dance Next Wednesday Nite Wife Dies Year After Husband MES. EMMA STINE THOMAS Mrs. Emma Stine Tho Wag dim 8.08 } ' Tuesda 1044 th urt ne Be 10 1% ieall f he Arh eo Thoma lam CC 41% amneron Line flered a heart iristmes moming ar ! stead) y untill death en . Mn { Thomas was a daughter of Jo land Elizabeth Meyer Stine and x born in Patton tosnushio on Pele ary 13. 1868, and had Yived Pebrunry 13 would have be k years of pge. On July 28 1886 was united In marriage with Ant ! 1C. Thomas, who Ying Decomber 24 | 1043. Surviy a daughter, Mrs | Verna T Van —n of Puffalo. N {Y.: two sisters, Mrs. David Thomas of Patton township, and Mrs. John Hoy, of State College, and a brother Jonas Stine, of State College, Fu. {neral services will be hold at the Koch funeral home Stale College, at 2 pom on Priday, with Rev Henry T. Shissler of Halfmoon (own. slp, officiating. Interment will be made in the Oray cemetery, Buffal Run Valley whe