— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, BELLEFORTE, PX. — —— object there Rescuing the tem fr rom| children's clothing and other items to see Ciene Autry in “The Stumbe | al eran days’ illness fo Additional Deaths | » RE — Page Two officials to orguise’ the crowd, Fin- Youngsters Greet Joe after more than an hour's work Santa Claus Here the task was accomplished. ! In the process many chikiren lost | hats, gloves, mittens, and oldsters lost pocketbooks and other belong- ings. In the very heart of the throng la Howard street woman lost her purse containing a considerable sum of money, The loss was announced over the public address system and after a hall hour, when she had just) about. § Aven up the purse for lost, K, | B. Long, proprietor of the public! address system, looked down In LY gutter beside his truck and saw an MARKET QUOTATIONS the feet of the mob, he found It was| which were held until thelr owners |ling Tumbléeweeds,” The crowd there 8he was aged 51 years and the missing purse, intact but very | appeared. | vived b much The free movie at the Plaza the- rot As Santa drove away at the end atre, Saturday morning, sponsored ju ken to {of his visit, Chief of Police Harry by the Ctynmbey of Commerce, « drew! The trouble with a holiday is the Dukeman had a large cellection of a near capacity throng of youngsters | work that comes afterwards | was orderly and no difficulty was ex- — perienced. MES. ROY RODKEY iii — Mrs. Mary Frances woakey of) Pleasant Gap, died at 4 p. m Mon ar vices day, December 18, 1944, at th e Cen { vi a. terment in Buller « tre County Ho une here alter a sev- the worse for wear (Co ntinued rom. page one) to assure everyone of a gift, and ea duplication. But Chamber of Commerce of- ficials hadn't planned on such a throng. In vain Santa pleaded with the voungsters to get in line, but it was no use, They crowded and ER BR ER A A a. COO ORE ep OF 7] vmbled around his truck until, in desperation, the truck was moved to the east end of the Diamond In the hope that the move would enable - Ep pepsin eso oo Cah 13 Our Christmas wishes to you this year include an earnest prayer for a com- plete and a long-lasting peace. W. E. CROSSLEY Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa. tate —— a The Yuletide season is here once again. In wishing you a Merry 4 GLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS LEMON Ann Page Extracts 57 3: 23c Ann Page Baking Powder: wa 12¢ Sultana Salad Dressing = 19c¢ Sunnyfield Family Flour =: 99¢ Sunnyfield Cake Flour .. i" 20c¢ Diamond Crystal Salt uns w= 7c ALMOND ANN PAGE, PLAIN OLIVES BEVERAGES &i-an. 19 ¢ 20-ox. Bottle 7 + YUKON CLUB Plus Btl. Chg Pilgrim Brand TURKEYS Other Holiday Values! FRESH, GRADE "A", ROASTING Chickens FRESH, FULLY DRES Fowl Large Head & Feet OF LEAN GROUND BEEF Hamburger FRESH Stewing Oysters ' 75¢ FRESH. T2 H. ( Pork Sausage 40¢ . Lb, 18¢ FURE Lard . . 55¢ FRESH Frying Oysters SMOKED, 1 Pork Sausage GRADES AAAA Leg O’' Lamb. . 49¢ ee he 0. Nh. Te. Ne. Th. tn, TT \ SE PIPIRIBIBIB IS Bi te wi is Ne oT Fr AF GRADE "A"—FULLY DRESSED FRESH KILLED-——FRESH DRESSED READY FOR THE OVEN FROZEN Buck Shad FROZEN Roe Shad ... Christmas we want to express our thanks for your patronage in the past year, and the hope that we may serve you again in the year to come. Sunnyfield Wheat Flakes :: 8c Colonial Cracker Meal .. %: 10c Daily Kennel Dog Food i: 32c le Nam. : Burry’s “5 Stuffing . . i= 13c | i 60¢ # W N.B.C. Premium Crackers i 3c | : } vous Toms: Gy “Oven Fresh” MS, eo 16l/3Lbs. Baby Foods Gsbwi suid 12 con T9¢ Lb 59c¢ ? Baked Goods FANCY GRADE A A&P PUMPKIN y Stuffing Bread 10¢ NEW PACK, SWEET vo 23g Hyde's Potato Chips Bellefonte, Pa. . - Gi eT WW WL PIB LBB PIBIBI SIP Cake MADE FROM A TRE OLD . C HOLIDAY COFFEE CAKE 35 OTHER iON CEI ARNT aaa Christmas comes but once a year. Carry on its glorious spirit in the traditional American way, even though loved ones may be far from home. We are adding our share of good cheer by saying . . . Merry Christmas to one and all. #0 U. & PF. Unite of Vitamin D Per Plat V-R=Re TRAN Re re Brier th (ep IR —————— ENJOY COFFEE THAT'S S Ways Better! Mild and Mellow EIGHT O'CLOCK 3.59: Rich ond Full-Bedied RED CIRCLE 2-47: Vigorous and Winey OLD DUTCH VALUES! Cleanser ....2™ 15¢ CRESTVIEW Eggs Seid Du Gg o 15¢ Te The National Store Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa. ANN PALE Mello Wheat 7, SUNNYFIELD Pancake Flour py ANN PAGE Pork & Beans CAMPBELLS Tomato Soup ' 9¢ 43¢ 160m, Can Crisp Stocks of Pascal. Sine 24's "13 mm mm IONA PEAS Ne. 12¢ I Layer Cake . .45¢ HARVEST NOON SULTANA 24¢ ¥* FRUIT COCKTAIL:»32¢ aN ° WHITE CORN . we WHITE HOUSE. VITAMIN D FORTIFIED Bread .. J. 11c Evap. Mil 10: - 85¢ \ NR SANDWICH .....10¢ Yempting Fruits & Vegetables | i For Your Holiday Meals! FL RIDA ORANGE ne They # 8 8 v Size 1264 DP §F¢ o.viirainnn Size 200% 2204 P= 33¢ | | Celery = «25¢ Tangerines = 41c Size 04, 3 ...2 "= 35¢ Size 150% 176%..." 20¢ BIZE 80 . | Apples. .4 ~ 27¢ Grapefruit 10 ~ 49¢ Potatoes a ne Sel | Coffee Cake INA, CREAM STYLE Breakfast Rolls 17¢ Ne. o. 1 1 1 c Rolis o 10¢ | STAYMAN Sweet Potatoes 4 .. 29¢ The prevailing spirit of good will embraces us all during this joyous season. We too want to extend to you personally, our hearty good wishes for the Holidays. EXTRA LARGE | BOND'S PECANS PICKLES sven 200 i 220 | ARP RAISINS DeHaas Electric Co. Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa,