THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. December 14, 1944 —_—— = LOCALS —Miss Julia Cooney returned last week to her home in Erie or cm— — — — Mrs. Ben Herr, of Harrisburg, spending two weeks at the Flack-|Mabus of Pine street. Poorman home on Reynolds avenue, [| | Mrs. Andrew Royko, who was a wis in Bellefonte last week for a day's visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allison Hol- labaugh, of the Friedman apart- ments, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Plyimer and {were In Bellefonte Wednesday for after [spent the weekend with Mrs. Jack |, vicit with Mrs. Plylmer's brother- {in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Wil- |llam J, Soger, of the Rogers apart. —Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hewitt and | patient in the Fallipsburg hospital ment the latter's brother, James Newcomb, for the past ten days, returned Sat- | First left last week for Squirrel Hill, su- |urday to her home on East Bishop burban Pittsburgh, to make their street, home. Pvt. Robert Witmer, who is sta- | spent Sunday in Bellefonte with his | with ur base at Ft. Dix, [brother-in-law ang sister, Mr, and | Jame; tioned at the N. J. is spending a 14-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward witmer Reynolds avenue Mr. and Mrs. John Frank, of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray williams, of Pennsylvania Furnace, spent Sunday in Bellefonte as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Stover, of East Howard street, ~The real estate and residence of the late William H, Ott, on West High Street, will be offered at public sale Saturday afternoon, December 16. The sale begins at 12:30 p. m. L. Frank Mayes, auctioneer. yg Mrs. John Love of East Linn street left Sunday for Philadelphia of Max Bassinger of Lock Haven Lieut, Philip Haupt, who nas been in the Pacifle war theatre { for more than a year, arrived In | Bellefonte Saturday to spned a leave his parents, Mr, and Haupt, ol {Mrs. O. T. Lambert of North ‘Wilson |street. This is Lt Haupt's first visit i street | { | | Islands, to spend several days with her Sis-| ter, Mrs. Catherine Wolfe. While away Mrs. Love will also visit in New York with ©1er brother, Robe t Whit« mer, —Lt. James Pettingill of Gore Field, Great Falls, Mont., spent sov- eral days last week with his sister, Mrs. Robert Waite of the Friedman apartments, and also with Mrs. Pet- tingill's mother, Mrs. David Hemp- hill of West Bishop street Mrs, Jennie Gardner been occupying an apartment home of fier sister, Mrs, George Miller on North Spring now making her home Misses Isabel and Hazel also of North Spring street —The regular luncheon and meet- ing of the Bellefonte Kiwanis Club, Tuesday noon at the Penn Belle Hotel, will be in the form of a Christmas party, with each member bringing a gift of not more than 50 cents in value for exchange -Pvt. John R. Gingaer, « fonte, who recently was ome on furlough. has been transferred irom the Engineers school at rt. Belvoir, va. Camp Funston, Ft. Riley Kansas, where he is assigned ‘ engineering combat battalion -George BR. Thomas, seaman, sec- ond class, who recently completed boot training at Great Lakes, Ill, is spending the customary nine-day leave with his wife and daughter, Connie, and also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Sr., all of Cole- ville. —Cpl. Edward W has just returned to country from the European war area, arrived in Bellefonte Monday to spend a 17- day furlough with 2s wife, who It on Willowbank street and s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Witmer, Reynolds avenue. —The Dramatic Section of the Bellefonte Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Wendell Bearce, East Lamb Street, at 6 o'clock Wed- nesday evening, December 20, the meeting to be in the form of a Christmas covered dish supper. There will be a 50-cent gift exchange. Miss Eleanor Wion will be co-hostess. —William Brachbill two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brach- bill, of South Spring Street, Monday returned home from the Centre County Hospital, where he had been undergoing treatment for several weeks because of a severe infection The child is reported to be recover- ing steadily. at the A treet, iS with Johnson, the f Belle- a to Witmer, wno this of —A meeting of the American Home Section of the Bellefonte Wo- man's Club will be held Monday, December 18 at 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Eckenrode, with Mrs. Harry Meyer co-hostess. A cove ered dish luncheon will be served, followed by a Christmas party. Each member is asked to bring a 25¢ gift to exchange. —Philadelphia and New York newspapers during the weekend car- ried an Associated Press photograph of interest to Bellefonte residents The photo showed a reunion in New Guinea between Sgt. Marion Crone- miller, of Bellefonte, member of the WAC and her son, Lt. Phil D. Crone- miller, after his transport put into a New Guinea port. Li Cronemiller is a son of Carl Cronemiller, of the Penn Belle Hotel, Bellefonte, —Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Eckley, of Valley View, were called to Camp Patrick Henry, Va., Monday night, because of the critical illness of their son, Pvt. Wayne Eckley, who has been stationed there, Pvt Eckley's brother, TS Malcolm Eckley, who was at a redistribution center In Atlantic City, was notified of his brother's {liness and through the Red Cross Home Service obtained a 10- day furlough. He left Atlantic City, Tuesday afternoon, to join his par. ents at Camp Patrick Henry Pf, Albert Dale Ebeling on Monday departed for Elgin PFleld, Florida, to resume his duties there after spending » ten-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Nora Ebeling and family, of West High Street Two other sons, Cpl. John Ebeling, of Camp Lee, Va, and Otto Ebeling, -Cpl. Guy Glenn, of Camp Pick- ett, va. arrived in Bellefonte last Thursday for a brief visit with his wife at their apartment in the Cad- fllac building. John R. Doty, chief assessor for Centre County, was in Philipsburg {last Thursday where he gave a talk | pertaining to his work, befor: the Philipsburg Kiwanis Club Joseph Waite, P. O. 1/¢, return- ed Sunday to his base at Solomon Md. after spending a 3- hour leave with his wife and family at their home on East High street Russell Rider, Sp. M. A. return- ed Sunday to New York City, where he is now stationed, after spending {the weekend with his wife and fam- ily, at their wvome on East Logan | street, AS, of the Great Lakes Naval Train. | ing Station, Ilionis, are expected to arrive here December 20 to spend a week or more at their mother's home, Seaman Ebeling is completing his boot training at Creat Lakes Employes of the Bellefonte Murphy Store held a dinner last Wednesday night at the Brockerhof! Hotel. After the dinner there was a Christmas party in the store at which time gifts were exchanged. The fol lowing were present: Janet Emen- hizer, Betty Gordon, Verna Peterson, Marjorie Alkey, Julia Colso, Virginia Gray, Anna May Coslo, Mrs. 8. Roan, Mrs. A. Houser, Mrs. E. Pisher, Mrs, Mrs. Lynn Derstine returned Saturday to her home in the Petri-|’ kin Hall Apartments from the Cen- tre County Hospital where she had been a surgical patient fo, the past two weeks Mrs, Philip Auman, of Pine Street, left yesterday for Ft. Jack- on, 8, C., where she will spend sev- eral days with her husband, Pvt Philip Auman, who expects soon to b* sent overseas --The Bellefonte Baby Clinic will “10ld a Christmas party in the health center in the White building, West High Street, on Wednesday, Decom- ber 20 from 10 4. m. unti] 12. AN mothers are urged to brine the: bables Sgt. Paul J. Crust, who has been tationed at an Army Air Base in California for the past several months, arrived in Bellefonte last Thursday spend a furlough with his mother, Mrs, John Garis Willowbank street Joseph Spritzer, E. M. 2/c, turned Sunday to his duties in KX adelphia, after a weekend visit with his father, Joseph Spritzer, Sr. of North Allegheny street, and also his brother-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Williams of Dunlop tree} -Melvin J. Mills, GM 3 ¢ cently returned from Italy ten-day furlough with and al and other Bellefonte, From here he went to Niagara Falis, N. Y., to visit hi sister, brother and brother-in-law He expects to report for further duty it the end of his leave Barry Coldron, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Budd Coldron of Centre Hail, suffered & {fracture of the left arm wien he fell Saturday on ice near the home of his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Musser Coldron, of Centre Hall Barry was brought to the Centre County Hospital and return. ed to his home that evening after the arm was set ~Miss Patricia L#¢ Pardee daughter of Charles M. Pardee, of Hazleton, and Mrs. Charles M. Par- dee, of Califomia, became the bride of Lt. John Price Brew, USNR, sta- tioned in Bayonne, N. J. on Satur- lay. December 9 at Hazleton. Lt Brew is a son of she late Thomas Hamilton Brew, a native of Belle- fonte, who died recently at the Coal- dale Hospital. Lt. and Mrs. Brew will be at home after January first at 44 East Ninth Street, New York N.Y to of ister who re- spent a mother friends in hi ner In an account of the death of Benton Pomeroy Bell, of Pleasant Gap, appearing under the obituaries on page elgiit of the second section everal facts about his life are not given, Mr. Bell who was known under the nickname of “Bent” and Roy” was a griduate of the Belle fonte Academy and taught school 12 years in Spring township. He was employed for a time in the express office at State College and for 20 years was an employe of Whiterock Quarries. Since last April he had been employed in the trimming de- partment of the Titan Metal Com- pany. Mr. Bell had resided in Pleasant Gap since he was about 8 of age Years Mrs. Willlam H. Brouse, of South Thomas Street, suffered pain ful injuries Saturday when she fell down the cellar steps of her home Mrs. Brouse, alone in the Home at the time, was dazed for a short time by the fall and upon recovering sume moned a physician. 8he wag taken to the Centre County Hospital where bone In fracture of a small shoulder home, where her condition is repart- ed to be improving steadily. Mr and Mrs. Brouse’ young son, Johnnie, who had been seriously ill with a streptococcie throat infection, is re. cuperating rapidly at this time Miss Anne Confer of Bellefonte recently received word that her nep- hew, Sgt. Malcolm Adams, 30, of Cleveland, O., was one of a group of co-workers at a 15th AF B24 Lib [erator base in Italy to aid In the res. cue of a trapped crew member in a burning plane. Por this deed he was awarded the soldier's medal. Sgt Adams, member of a medical section of a heavy bombardment group, was present during an early moming take-off when a B-24 Liberator crashed and immediately exploded, “Rushing to the scene of the noel dent, these men, heedless of the In- tense heat from the buming wreck« {home in more than two and one- tor lender, n Seattle, | alier Aleutian serving Isl Thursday wil wi nonuy wed whe in wna in ol South with his | | Bishop mth Christian Harman of near Belle foute, suff injury Mis left hard an aes Friday evening when a under he was working dil on East Bishop street slinoed from its blocking pinning him under- neath, He w taken to the Centre County Hospital where eo treated Mrs, Sarah Warman a! fchildren, of Detroit, Mich, during the weekend three Hobart Rossmar lives here last Tuesday night when gas escaping from a kitchen range filled the apartment in which they were asleep, The were held Saturday Mr, and Mrs, Donald Wion, of Hartford, Conn. came to Bellefonte recently for a visit with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Willis Wion, of East Howard street, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fromm, of North Spring street Last Thursday the younger Mr. Wion left to begin ser- vice In the U. 8. Army His wife who before their marriage last sum- mer was the former Plorence Fromm expects to remain with for the present Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Emel Beaver street, Bellefonte letter last week from Lt. John Emel sta ustained back inj while fighting a fire letter in part other day 1 was der when something tte jadder was thrown der me amd, of course ground with a sprained back It little better now but far [from ing right’ Lt. Emel, forme highway employe in Centre count was empl a th Industrial School at Camp Hill near Harris- burg before entering the service red a severe to or hand was a here fi ae funeral cf the er brother lost their vices her parents of East received thelr son he fell His the when he in France At fire | top of a ! uries reag the ia nt happened out from landed on the veo at e Mr Milesburg the promotion of Donald E. Bryan from ctrician’s third class, to electricians mate ond class. E. M. 2. ¢ Bryan entered the service in March 1943 at the sge of 17 years and upon completion of boot training at OCoreat Lakes II, Was granted a seven-day furloush which he spent at his parental home He has not been home that time and for the past year has been serving aboard a destroyer escort in the Pacific area. Prior to being ase signed fa duty Oe underwent a four months’ course in electrical en- gineering at Purdue University wet Mr ave Leroy Bryan, of : received word of their sob ele mate LAC. since to Among those from out-of-town in Belielonte Friday for the funeral of former Judge M. Ward Fleming, were James LL. Adams, George Pet. ers, R. P. Dunsmare, Mr. and Mrs George Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wiedler, Sam Finberg, Robert Stauf- fer, Philipsburg A. R. Warnock, Hugh C. Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bender, Mr. and Mrs, Edward R Miller, Richard Kennard Claude Alkens, Charles M. Orafl, E K Hibshman, Ray Watkins, State Col- lege. Howard Koshko Andy Kosh- ko, Andy Karbino, Clarence: Rev. C F. laver, Dr. J W. Clady, C. C Roads, Rockview. Mr. and Mrs Charles Miller and daughter, Cath- erine, Butler: Arden Fleming, Miss Mildred Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert W. Shoup, Mr. and Mrs, Craig Dickson, Eugene Fleming, Willlams- port ~W. W. Keichline, proprietor of the Larch Tree filling station at Nittany, has figured out a unique way of rationing his limited cigar ette supply to customers getting tired of being accused of partiality in dealing out smokes, Bill resurrected an antique glass coin tray that could be found on all cigar (cases years ago. The bottom of the ‘tray is of roulette design containing numbers. A ball is rolled upon he! {tray and upon which number Hit stops determines the operator's luck The proprietor has now goiten away | an x-ray examination revealed the | from much of the confusion in sell the | ing cigarettes. When After undergoing treat! asks for a pack of his favorite brand, | vere for this early in the year ment he was permitted to return he is granted one free roll of the A customer {ball. If it stops on a lucky number [tre Is entitled to purchase one pack {If the ball chooses another number {the purchaser is out of luck and parently proving satisfactory with the Larch Tree patrons, «This office Is In receipt of a daughter, Elizabeth Anna, of York, | Mrs. | South Allegheny | q (Parents, Evidently | gets no cigarettes, The idea Is ap ~Mrs, John Watson, of Altoona, | ~Max Camble, of Reading, was|% (iere early last week for several days hunting in Centre county woos -Mrs, Ruth Fridgens, of Harris- {burg, spent the weekend with her (mother, Mrs, Sarah Waite and fam- | {ly of willowbank street, { Herman, Jr., of Philadelphia, spent {last week as guests of Mr, and Mrs. | | ~Herman Startzenbaugh and son, | Page Five CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | {Joseph Kane and family of Fioenix | avenue, | » Miss Kathryn Coble, of North Penn street, and Mrs, Frank Wilson West Bishop street, spent last Wednesday In Huntingdon on a bus- liness mission Mrs. Sara Dawson, of West High last ol | street, {mour, Ind. fom an {with her daughter, {Smith Fetterman | Frank Stevens P.M, 1 of Portemouth, Va., arrived in Belle- fonte last week for a visit with hi Dr. and Mrs, R. 1. Blevens, Curtin M Edward Harper, of Hig left last Thursday Lakewood, Ohio, wi! she will indefinitely with her niece, Mr sephine Bently, who is ill Mrs. Lila Markle) town in Bellefonte winter months with Mrs, Lulu Witme: Rothrock home or Lreet Mr Altoona, *IUFSGAY indefinite visit Mrs. Beulah of East Lree! East treet, for visit JO- were Ug nter, Cieorge Wilson Fred Showers, of Beliefonte “by Showers is and Mi were last and £OnN in on a d trip. Mr Mr Alice Shower { ness pleasure a the late Bellefonte Mrs. Mary | Fall rrived Saturday for a Runkle Centre | Week visit and Mrs. Hugh Runkle street, Bell and Laura Runk! at the Hotel Ensign recently onte n Willard H ell, w ( navyai course at Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y arrived in Bellefonte | Wednes- day spend a five-day with his parents, Mr. and WR Kix , of East Bish The Bellefon Mu Club met last Wednesday at the Home of Mr Mahlon Robb, on East Curtin A paper on and folk musi wi Harry N. Meyer and wnhooth talk Negro were |} 3 phases of Burkett e unl New Ki no ompleted ant to leave Mr 3 treet "Wi Negro read by Mrs Mrs. John Ei HYP KEAve o of contemporary Phonogra records fHlustrate vari were World 8m uled for Pebruary WwW. 1» Mr Mr mot Sunday Pie and man Va brother rel 41 r Oorea Boyd a at il Ho bre Newion DD. Baker Owe Hospital for treatment for ; tkin disease contracted while in Guinea Boyd entered gary 23. 1942. and went Ww Pacific in June, 1942 iv first visit home in 2 years, Pr to iat time Plc L the armed § November, 1041 was spent in Hawall, ang AS 2 called alter Pear] Harbor tack. Before entering ser ! a Than employe. Mis WwW. Osman two Sery Plc. Denjamin stationed In the 8 Ciener pital ught man he % rings Now Jan- Soul this bring | pervice or served ih Osman from January {f shiek most oi rees \a the + Ne ave jee Foot-Deep Snow Ties Up County Traffic Snow which began Monday noon and oontinued at intervals through most of Tuesday Clanketed Centre county to a depth of from 9 to 12 inches, paralyzing traffic in many areas and giving the Highways Department's 67 men employed on plows and trucks an overwhelming task Main highways were kept in fair condition but othtr roads could not be opened because of lack of men In many areas high winds plled up large drifts which Increased the traffic tieup Tuesday's falling temperatures turned snow into a mixture of snow and ice, and up until las: wight low temperatures preventiad any great improvement in conditions. In Belie- fonte borough employes kept the streets open, but the gutters are piled with banks of snow, and a {layer of ice and show covers oll streets, It was the first major snowstorm of the winter and Is unusually se- after. Nomed Fead of Gap Firemen {| Ab the annual organization meet. ing of the Pleasant Gap Fire Com- : elected president year Other officers named were erick Shaffer, vice-president; for the toming Fred- Prul voled to Purchase n The Pleasant Gap Fire Company Thursday went to Sey- | wri! "Card of Thanks i : : pany, Friday night, Larue [age] was | Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week, That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- | partment has become s0 amazingly popular. Considering its low cost and | the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com- { munity Bargain Counter. RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for | first issue, and 15 cents for each additional Insertion, Where advertise. | ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged advertising —sale or rent, REAL ESTATE-A straight one cent a word is charged for real estate KEYED ADS-All advertisements that request replies to be mailed to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise. | { ments, Please do not call at the office for Information concerning such advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted tc divulge the name | of the advertiser, SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE—Every subscriber to The Centre Dem. ocrat whore subscription ir paid up vertisement In these columns one Lime, Ir subscriber will be charged the regular advertising rate can be used six times a year at different | to date, Is entitled to p 25 ol harge word ad. Otherwise Th 4) val nLervais LAMA that b i PRCA TG '¢ believe ¢ pl N y§ rice ceili: he | al welfare by contd to KeeDd Ow. where thes our customer ISLOMe rs problem Wl eltizer to ti in the Bellefonte Inflat C BL) EFONTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCY Christmas Doll Dance A Christin Doli id December Grocer-Consumer Announcements ANNOUNCEMENT Ev re e He | [ OCHS MAN We = ends and neighbors nd flor tribute ’ ” a Hobert Rossman Lost and Found A hang LOST ever ewan Mrs * Wedneada Belletont J eR D Lae seme t Om oh 4 Bellefont 'wo young oattle came early July. Owner may claim by paying for 2 advertise. ment and the pasture A. E Rim- mey, OCntre Hall, R. D. Phone 173- R-4 Centre Hal POUND my place x50 LOST A hunting in Reward oll stamps envelope, Reward if retummed to this office or Orvis Bhawver, Centre Hall RDI x51 PLAY fect GIN Missionary ian Church A Biblical play, “The Per. will “De presented by the Society in the Presbhyters Pine Grove Mills, Sun. day evening. December 17. at 730 o'clock Music will be furnished the Men's Chorus Help Wanted HELP WANTED--Increase your Ine come spare time, sell hosiery, slips gowns, ties, for Christmas Real Silk, Harrtdburg, Pa by x52 WANTED Man or boy to work on dairy farm. Tractor work. Machine | milking. Oood home Fred Peltenberger Food Wages Spring Mills, Pa xi WANTED Men to cut propsplogs Full or part time. Contract or by the how. Near Centre Hall Pay avery week W. 8 Bilerly, Centre Hall. Phone 4OR2 x52 Parmer, to work for J. D, Corman, |W WANTED Two whites same family, honorably disc nervice Write | Notice to Hunters DEER HUNTERS Sen head ting Bids Wanted VANTED-F Be Articles for Sale FOR SAL Phone #¢ Ba Jed $224 Mile POR the SALE Hard ac Also Piease writ Loganion OB soll ne R Pp POR ALE Wine ) iH State College, An FOR SALE 112 rat Lilied with Jan Btar tat Kile Guaranteed harmless dogs. cats and Schaeffer's " ne Hard ware SALE--Nursery ( » 6 feet. White Noresy Epruce the Rudy Wet! west of pouitry IMAns ardware . AK FOR 4 1 pruce at miles FOR SALE Tires fair a ilom Heatrola Yee Willa (3. POR SALE Coal tove EAs waler sideboard kite tank bh set plank Den cabinel. sewing mae on Bellefonte x50 Bishop St Cleaner Way to dary by the manufactur Claster & Prick threshers and mills. If you want a threaher | for 1945, order now. Rationing is off but the number to be manufactured a still limited, and they are going fant James J. Markle, State Ool- {lege, Pa x2 {| FOR SALE New John Deere trace | tors; Model H manure spreaders on rubber; hay loader. diag harrows cultivators for model A anh B trace tors. cultivator for model H tractor IN. B. Glipatrick, Phillipsburg, Pa | Phone 478.) IBURIAL VAULTS Be sure it = | Dunlap reinforced concrete burial {vault when you must choose one Made ya Ale RR, proasors, ‘ Kohler light ta, rollers, raters and 1H rent some tems {Phone Bellefonte 518, or Milton 6656 — — a — FOR BALE--Marietta concrete and G66.R-4, Boy's Flexible county braced O00 12711 or write ptyuryg Centre FCR BALE q Phone ea ron 3 Mrs, C xh Large size oe sllefonte Jorated f miles fron : nm sop. water ‘ ive mil i 14d a Rishi - 250 | Live Stock for Sale | MOR age Chood Hall, Farms For Rent. RENT MA je eant 8 wee; BALE -8Beven shod cated Madisonburg I Re ol | the | privilege | needs, Any amount up to 81.000 Our carrving charges are low, Cone sumer Discount Co. Earl M. Bitner. manager, Clinton Trust Bldz., lock Haven, Pa. Dial 2715 xA1 FARMERS - When you need credit yY farm DuUrpose, investigates Dogs, Pets, Etc. BAld A Beagle r vontact Prodiiction Credit 13 E High Bt, Bellefonte. ie - 3 Repairing your Maytag Daria and ser. Wanted to B VANTED Meat four pouna and Eectirio Dial 2088 rstied Owern Blore, 8. Allegheny street . 1-4 MACHINE WORK -- Cattle clippers sharpened. General machine work of all kinds. We also have in stock oold roll glee] ORD SCTEWA, sel ACTER, Woodruff keys. key stock, etc. Swarts 1-48 — chickens, you: highest nrioe ALMO Logant | WANTED To buy and Will pay an NATE SOMe at one Ek. Albers RK. McoCaled Phone Loganton 2622 aid Miscellaneous DEAD STOCK—Removed prompuy. Call Geo. J. Vogt Centre Hall R-4 or Milheim 30-R-5, at owr Ti MM . 3 WANTED —A ery best e. 4-rol I anytim 1 eek, R a A 5, Beliefonte. Milesburg, Pa BE WISE--Alkalipe! Why Eliminate! Al-Pepsoid istism Powder Do 14 o kind Highest ever Rey | = — WANTED To iy beet! Lice Home every " part 36% Fre Hesltatle— URANEZE you have g. frequent nights in n you have Wed nes State - 0 neutralize thi URANEZE conta gers intimately mized and an i 10 make the stom - the relief of from ex- hyperscidity. and to re Doss not suffer Rheumatism? rom the same much acide. aepos is urates that cause ex- Science has spent 1 for remedies condition alkane pow - AT0~ Sales Mart TARMERS Penns Valley Sales Barn, {| Centre Hall Pa. holds sale every Tuesday. Bring your live stock and ouitry. you oan except food prices 8S. T. Relgel. owner, manager 1-11 FARMERS - The Clinwon Auction Mill Hall. Pa, offers you an op- | portunity © dispose of your live. | dock and pouliry by competitive Sidding. every Monday Get your heck as soon As sale is made No ricalung ale, no commission Joe Bechdel, many years search 1tf for these aliments If you have many remedies without relief URANEZE and obtain relief. Also moet excellent th powder re. noving acid film from the teeth orrecting acid mouth breath halitosls Pric bottle By mall $1.35 BENS PHARMACY Beech Exclusive Drug Su rine you a Ue AO ow of WRC. ng tvimd Houses for Rent % To FOR RENT Pleasant Oag Avaliable Bellefon Sma bungalow at Electr ty and wats first of year, Roy Yar R ! Phone Z sO! er neil 1323 y y ° D re aa A al ei Re a Do You Need Money? Borrow The Bank Way Clarence Ham- | There is no red tape to obtaining a personal loan at this friendly bank. Just come in and apply. Rates and terms are fair and you need not be a depositor to borrow here. Repay in convenient installments from in- come. Prompt, business-like and friendly service. : - Bellefonte Trust Co... Bellefonte, Pennsylvania