Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 14, 1944, Image 2
THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA December 14, 1944 | ’ ’ | ’ . re » { i ‘enrl Binn Mi W.I 8850 in bonds iT f2255 In | months in the Central and Bouthwest A rother. Bet Ivan Kune of medical discharge He Is a son of Polliard, Mi Pearl Bin i i nb and #822 ‘ RE > B U R G 1Orvis Swartz and grandson of Mrs. C. Ferree, Mrs, P M. Duhb M samps, with the following personne] | Home After 53 | Pacific He ery awnll before | Stat ollege. is In Germany. and A. B. Wolfe Neal Kohler, Mis, Marion Barnhart, in charge: Mrs. Harrison G. Kline Months in Pacific and during the Japan attack De- ia brother Pvt, Doyle Kunes, of the | Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Cubbage of Mrs, W. Ww. Blekett, Miss Dolores | Mi Margaret Holt Mrs, J. 1 cember 7, 1041, and later was sent to |} is somewhere in the Bouth . } ' ’ . shin > vv iy ville Crom , jus | § e 8 Morence ’ t y Australis Then h vent to Dut acifi Visitors and callers at the © A and Mrs. W. J. Kreider, the past Hummels Wharf visited at the Alton Daly Mii iy; oh ay Arias, and. M She / hs ! or pi Ha oe Mrs Cpl Malcolm Kunes of Blanch- | “wi The y " A rari " f Mr Mra Page home the past weekend were: week { Auman home on Saturday Mary Edith Daly John Ebeling, Mrs. Nora Ebeling of Mi Mrs Page Two chard. has been honorably discharg- New Guinea, where he was in combat hey ar BOTS and Mr, and Mrs. Allen Lamey and Seaman Paul D. Breon, of Bain-| Miss Loris Blerly visited friends in Murpuy Store booth tolals wereland Mrs. Franklin Pennington beds tron: the U8 Army after 54 against the Japanese sone Kunes, of Blanchard daughter Janet. Mrs. Elsie Lamey bridge, Md, Mrs. Breon and daugh- Harrisburg over the weekend ai Adam ) and Mrs. Pat Welsham of Greenburr; ter Nancy of Centre Hall were Sat- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blerly took Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickison of State urday visitors al the home of the and Mrs. Charles Kreamer and two College: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Be ahm former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W children to thelr home in Harrisburg and children Phyllis and Larry of Breon on Monday after a two weeks visit at Harrisburg: Sgt. Melvin Bright of Mrs. M. C. Haines, Mrs. W J. the parental home. Ardmore, Okla: Ellis Hummel, of gackenberg, Mrs. W. H. Tarbert and Halifax, Misses Marie Houch Pau- Mrs. H. H. Royer were Saturday PLEASANT GAP line and Amanda Dubendorf of Sun- ¢honpers in Lock Haven : bury Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brungart gave Mrs, Freed Roush and; dayghie: FRUITS an VEG ETAB E ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wert called at 41 jce cream party last Tuesday &! d the Misses Bertha and Shirley £ I ! the Arch Heckman home at Spring evening in honor of Set Melvin Rimmey shopped in Altoona, Satur- 1s on Saturds ning rte Mf Ardmore Ok ls Guests day ; : J wh en og e rbach recent BrghY of mart i cart of Mrs, Henry Noll and daughter Here's an easy way to bring “summer sunshine” to your winter meals! Serve plenty Mr. and Mrs. Kk. ° arbach recent- present were are Ungar } hE ; : : ) ly received word that their daughter Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. John Brum- Mrs. Russel ictien nade. 4 bus. 8 of delicious fresh fruits and vegetables. .. rushed direct from sunny growing areas of " ‘ sais ramoted te si cart ahd SONS yean and David ness trip to Lewistown, Saturda : i . Bet: Ras beat promoted ¥ It. 18 Ka a Bane Soha Rulgh. Dean and ony Earl Kelley is home on furlough the nation to you. These fine selections are extra fresh... extra delicious and ena ’ I he Mig VIiersvii i f : N “ country in Luxembourg as a Red Brungart and children, Richard and from the Great Lakes Naval Trak most attractively priced. Visit your A&P Super Market tomorrow. You'll get grand Cross nurse in an evacuation hospit- Janet, Mrs. C. A, Page, Mrs. Richard ing School al Grubb. Mrs. Howard Lamey, Mi Keith Rimmey is enjoving a va eating at thrifty prices. Miss Dorothy Shay of Willlamsport Nita Bierly and son Daryle and Mr: ition from army life with his fam- 3 ’ +h " ied rel wrkstres vy yf her burg ily 4 . was a weekend visitor at the Ray Richard and Kstresser ( : Re Ye ) : Raymond Young passed his final Oran PK Juicy Size 126's Size Dot 3 tov me . § rs. Roy Ar past ar ” : ; Stover home Mr. and Mrs. R Opus: ANC examination for the service on Mon Florida's Dox. 55¢ 150's, 176s 4 114+ ATE & rash faught Dorothy were Monday Mrs. William Hosterman asl Sho n Lewistown day and will leave within the next ton, D. C. visited her parents, Mr pers i . 1 da : Ingle ' ; Mr. and Mrs. William Shultz and 21 days 2 Large, Crisp, \ Te A A aughter Ms i. James Huey of Spring Mrs, Etb returned to hb ’ . hom, e in Green Stalk ® Stalks Cc Ear Hed in Ret : eral weeks with Ms. Cly de Adams - aa : . Relatives received word that James and ote fiends here Size Sie Hazel has recently been promoted to Miss Emodean Kerstetier, a WAC ; 80's b4's, 70's Cc 3S le James was formerly a Miles Who is located at Deshon Military SUNNYBROOK MILLHEIM Township High School pupil Hospital, Butler Was “home OY — NEW SHOW TIME — Mrs THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO Breakfast Foods } a a ROR Flavorful £ H. Hosterman, Mrs. P. J. Saturday and Sunday “2 Eggs Grade A _ 4 oo ap Do 59c¢ : Rearick and Mrs. 8. O Mallory were, Ray Melray was among those wh y 1 : Size 0 4 Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 P. M. } pi40y business visitors in Willlams- | attended tae funeral of the late angerines i505, 176s 0 0a 0 a "°F C ANN PAGI ADMISSION-—14¢ & 350 port Ward Fleming mM Il + hon 1 e 0 Whea sv nn Fig Sc ""A daughter was born to Mr. and' Thomas Roush, who wounded a ’ 4 LR \A Extra Large FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Mrs. Harold Esterline at the Lock some Time age. while serving with oH RAS Georgia Lh ? Naber 48 Haven hospital last Wednesday. The 36 armed, \Grees J 15a y, 1s GW in % A / : BOATS Pipe Snell as oo 5 5 2 8 Wb Cc i ANN PAG) (December 15) " fer Thrill s the Grea! "Col T I Jd Je el of Fort Briggs, walk | ‘ cn , netted * i g 4 Penn Blue Label 7 S Blended 19¢c Thunderous Thrills as the Grea! _Cpl. Donald Beyers of Port Briges, | Wa x 1c H.W # : ) ri 4 a, Blue La pi yrup * 2 a. BH Texas Rangers Take 0 Adven- : ai Plenty gin 4 Saturday at 2:13 y i ¢ rs 9 a > U. & No |} : & ture with Eddie Dew and 8S. J of Danvil pent the weekend with| On { at 2 a 3 4 v 0 a 063 Grade ral #8 SUNNYFIELD Burnette 7 a “BEYOND THE > or Winesey » Pancake Flour ..": 7c EAST FRONTIER™ | Soi Soe oem ot te ea. af Grape Mal cus die vos. 8 | TA ANE Apples dren Cotind Lb § sor egperndy Civde Comedy | children of Lamar and Mrs. Roy oldest residents. Mr. 3. P. Muss 3 CW oN Fancy Golden * Buckwheat Flour: 10c in Bright home on Sunday. | Roy Bel. Both were | | Sweet Potatoes . . . . 280 Baus means SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY "Mrs. H. C. Ziegler, Mrs. Roy Brun-| the Lutheran cemetery, The form 4 - iy . . No. ? December 16 cart daughier Malorie. and son ws burioé on Svncay and the aos. Wh rapefruit Juice . 13c Ween er | Rodney ar irryl Blerly were Mon- | te n Monda : We extent ou : . Sry —_— VV % Vik id di Ly i % Gl I Gl Ta wih G ap "- NF Nas Get HEP to a HIT! It's Sweet! . It's TOPS! SWEET AND | son June of State Coliere spent the atiendine the tuoeral for Me. P Mo So Canned Foods iy ho, LOWDOWN?" Mr '. M. Blerly. F Biten ” ‘ of; } sONA-Cut Stringiess . OVEN iy Goodman and His Band Junes Corman, Mes aos vill dh Be Linda Damell. J. Oukie. Mines and Mrs. C. J. Weaver Jr. vis ET WAR EOHDS | Green Beans... ww 11c ( &«; BAKED GOODS “Once Over Lightly” tre Count pital on Monday Over $6000 Sales HELP THEBOYS CO | 10NA—Cream Siyle (v2 aye “News Issue” ", rs Earl Weber and daught ’r At Bond Booths ON 10 TOKYO ! | Whi m “Let It Be Me’ a, ny oa py’ rey 20k nd Zettl at " ite Corn LI Can } 3 1c £0 i Bread . or. Loaf 1 1c WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY | the lot AY Dye Bally #50915 have b fj De your. 2harg 10 Sul Nt eavrmecrs “\ SANDWICH 267, or. 12¢ ADemmier | re ane vy ee ner fom hae we TD Pork & Beans - OF £3 ae. On lnkidh Wo Ws 9 yo Fruit Cake. 1.08 the front with the purchase seecn Tracy ining Kan, = °C enarge of vom ies © 170] Joe et wit He pei ot Sliced Beets... i! 11c “THE SEVENTH Rut elle spent Sunday with his par- were Bo $2681.25 \ “ l.a er Cake White 45¢ 2 ens ir. an if 5. 5, Hnckuipere. | Fuh do, wit sh suouny. pe Noo | . ERO. bbur oe f Salona, Who wtly Mrs Ruth Buller. Mrs L. Kel Pumpkin "ew Con 13c y Alo the Pinent Selected: Shiorts a a at fh : on Na irs. yy _~ PREDRME ICID ons 5. Coffee Cake . . «= 25¢ iis ik | Tomatoes....." 14¢} Breakfast Rolls 17 Cockeail. ..... 2 31c WN. Sugar Nut Loaf 37¢ Pineapple . . om’ BIC >» Rolls =: 10¢ Other Values FBS SiS ES ESS SIE ERR oy A * . Rt Lig wih ET ® ™~No ~ 4 FAGY Spices ....'wr 21c —— Meat Dept. Values—— j Be RiceGems ..... nw: 9c | Chickens ...75. . . . = 55¢ di fut ay, M on ae HLIGHT 6 ar | Fresh Fowl Head & Feet OF Lb. 47¢ atches. . . . 8 «= 25¢ | Hamburg a i: = 256 EY LLOGGS All Bran ......": 11c | Pork Sausage .'='. + 40¢ Flour sn 1 05 | Lamb in a 37e “u~1T7e FIOM » = « 5:3 4.2 heh | : BOND—DILS | Serve Fish Often and Save n Fresh Dressed ¥rowen ART Stores are conperafing hy Pickles oi gh A Sh 22c ] Blues Pike Ih 35¢ Pan Whiting Lh Saati. voli. rites Ih. » yn | COLONIAL Baler Maid = " . n Niven 9% YON ! Fresh Bon few Frozen : yp Ek THAN Php Saitines » «nnn IN 1 ic Herring i» 23¢ Redfish Fillets Lh 37¢ FAY PRICES, AND YOU WiLL DO BC. PLAIN OR HONEY Proson Frames Sine © “| Graham Crackers » 19¢ | Cod Fille“ 32¢ No”2 Smelts * 1de Arn Page Ann Page Pork & Beans =... & 8¢ Extracts ... uw 23¢ ange Sunnyhield Daily, Kibbled Bran Fiakes .......% 9¢ Dog Biscuits . vs 0480 Sunnyheld Sultans FROM Johnny who'll want to set up in business some day-—to Pea Beans Bh ha BABS 2 -19¢ Salad Dressing . $i 19¢ Joanie who'll be going to college in a few years: and Eileen with a trousseau to think about . . . and David with a family in mind. ff An Fase Surinyfuid From Mom with her dreams of a post-war model kitchen, t Pla Ol ve “ot. hd Lb. Oc Dad with his eve on the first new car he can y—ath we in ives "ah 2B aa op | 9c Cake Flour "yee 2 your Christmas list giving War Bonds—the present with a fu- Gente, Sole Ann Page Ce vere drm pt | Northern Tissue = 6 - 28¢ Baking Powder . i: 12¢ I ———— ® . SUNNYFIELD FAMILY WHITE HOUSE IONA ” Keystone Tire Service SWEETHEART FLOUR || MILK peas | [ IVORY Jo nS bee, 2..13¢ || [102285 | | '12¢ || 5% 29¢ | —_