THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Historian Discusses Query & Answer Column | Old-Time Gunsmiths | (Continued from page ome) nial of 1876. In the confusion of the arrival of so many thousands of ex- hibits, jt became Jost, and all the fruit of years of anxiety was lost to the master who had placed his hopes of fame on ts “Though his masterpiece i least temporarily working other firearms novelty rare artistic Nothing exceed the delicacy and skill of both his carving and engraving on wood, steel, and sdiver, The subtley Freak of Nature of the allegories 4 y the 1 curiou Beneven remble those « December 14, 1944 Page Five «4 Regret The Centre Democrat, \ BELLEFONTE, PENNA. WALKER BROTHERS. ....covoveerisessnses Proprietors PAUL M. DUBBS......ccaevarsensnarsq Associate Editor CECIL A. WALKER. .....c0vv00e00000.. Business Manager <> ISSUED WEEKLY EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Entered In the Postofoe at Bellefonte, Pa, ss Becond-olass Matter, THE Orrick CA ‘A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relisned by the Wisest Men” “O that word regret!’ “There have been nights morns when we have sighed: “Let us alone, regret; we are con- {tefit to throw thee all our past, so thou will sleep for aye; but it is patent and it wakes, It hath not {learned to cry itself to sleep, but | plainteth on oe bed that it is hard.” Leng ago when 1 was I child 1 {knew a middlz-age couple who seem- jer very old to me. Her name was Martha, while he was known gs the | and | | | he T. E. R~What place in England was t Village Blacksmith?" Ans Ernest Longfellow, the poet's son, in his book “Random Mem- | ories” says: “A short time ago I saw in an English newspaper that the | village smithy was in a certain English village that was named: ag al | matter of fact, as everybody knows, it wis on Brattle street, Cambridge, | | Mass,” i | B. R. D~How long was the Democratic Party out of office in the per- on ang {fod Immediately following the Civil War? ~ Ans~-From 1861 to 1885. All the Presidents from Lincoln {Captain, Their house was a rendez- | were Republicans, The Démocrats came back with the election | ous for the ealldren and young | land. Lp . v v A never | people of the neighborhood. 1 ne ver | M. A. 8.—In what year did a King of Sweden take witches wearied of going to their home, with | when he fought against the Danes? or-| . > | Ans~—Four witches accompanied the King of Sweden in 1563 when its old fashioned garden and { chard from whi hh we were permit- | " { he fought the Danes, The witches were a part of his armament R. H-In normal times, ted to pa ner flowers and frul s | Oil paintings adorned the walls of | the stately drawing rocm, There was | Season by the various college one that I consistently wondered Ans. ~The number about, because alwavs covered M What is 1 by a thick veil. 1 longed to it but Ans. ~Th my grandmother told me that it oF Fo ‘ would be rude to low curiosity | death rate from malaria i Sams ' ate is one hundredth o about it, unless my host volunteered ale 13 OF : edth of to let me into the secret C.BR 1 was almost grown before | saw Ans.-13 the picture. One cold day I was vis- O. K.—What iting my two friends. Tae Captain and I were sitting by a log fire in An the parlor, while Martha was bus. | Nong fed about her in another T™™ part of the house under invasion Suddenly 1 sand, Ans never aave gay PT yarr1 2?” The x ilo own The smil dependency Ans ~-Aby 8. RI Ans other scene of Longfellow's “The BUCCeRS gone i! A fa man Pome with fe is { wat Of grea so dead Nou reathes there Who never turned sod beaiits beau around and saad can Lo Arthur . : of Cleves 106f ne intre upon “Oh time Herbert Here's a tall . =» He Proved returni sald little when quick mother “come here 1 with film subject he seeks to illustrate a ree Waging and 10 breathe Ce f It how many ltoothal) are wife vs teams? game aved In 1 the The fat man and his or Intermission were theatre i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: } Within Centre County ....payable in advance Outside of Centre County payable in advance Rate to Soldiers $1.50 per year, $1.00 for 6 months... within the U. 8. $2.00 per year, $1.26 for 6 months... outside the U. 8. is ul 3156 played by some 700 colleg “Did 1 tramp on 3 at the end ¢ t was v A . : \ iN was 8 Ne from alaria In Army? i & rO% this “hn “yy $44 $1.50 per year Surgeon General of the Army rou ad the in recently announced The over X jowest Arm rude gating £ l How long doe GRYyi per cent $2.00 per year 1 water remals ‘ : ol Waler remals Champion Tightwad stir we « The stingiest man of peppermint lozenges off the he for the childrer his a nickle’'s worth moon. When they this i ver heard of bought and took her on a t 1, "Hone y » V-51R gunners plug The date your subscription expires is plainly printed on the label bearing Now got Car na iC candy your name. All credits are given by a change on the date of label the first issue of each month. We send no receipts unless upon special request, Walch date on your label after you remit. Matters for publication, whether news or advertising, must reach The Centre Democrat office not later than Tuesday noon to insure publication thes week. Advertising copy received after Tuesday morning must run its chances, All reading notices marked (*) are advertisements, Legal notices and all real estate advertisements 10¢c per line each issue. Subscribes s changing postofice address, and not notifying us, are lable for same. All subscriptions will be continued unless otherwise directed. CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK Member American Press Association National Editorial Association SNYDERTOWN WOODWARD the Church school at 9:30 a. m., and; Cpl. and Mrs. Earl Brindle and son | color of wood violets. The face was election of officers. Worship service of Ellington Field, Texas arrived [one of the most winsome that 1 had at 7:30 p. m. The Christmas enter- here at the home of his parents, Mr, ever beheld tainment will be held Friday eve-iand Mrs, Jean Brindle on Tuesday! “Why do I keep it velled?” He ning, December 22, at 7:30 of last week on a 20-day furlough. echoed my thoughts. “Because it Lawrence Haagen of Houston! Well Earl surely enjoyed helping to breaks my heart to look at it. Draw- Tex., and his faiaer, Nelson Haagen bring in a buck on Saturday ing the covering aside. 1 gaze upon of Oregon, arrived at the Willlam| On priday morning the | her face for a long time” Haagen home on Monday to H. L. Rockefeller trucks Sun-| Unconsclously tears for a few weeks bury, loaded with seven layers of | trickling down his pale cheek: Mrs. Jennie Long of Lock Haven, jsoer beer cases, very nearly landed dear” the Captain continued was a dinner guest Wednesday with in the porch of the residence occu- &ret is a terrible thing. I broke my Mrs. Katie Dorman and Mrs. Annie pied by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Musser little ughter's heart though I Lutz The result was that the water sup- loved better than anything on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stover and/ply of eastern end of town was en- | earta” Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Stover and son |tjrely cut out, The front part of the ‘Why. Captain Donnie, were Saturday evening call-|trafler truck struck and broke the “How could that ers at the Norman Stover home atifire plug there, and that caused the kind and good Nittany. {trouble. That's one experience Wood- “1 was a drunkard. I hegan Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Stover attend- garg had with a beer truck. Now as |gentieman-drinker. 1 thought ed the butchering on Wednesday at|soon as the people want that cursed | I was tob strong to let it gain the John Walizer home at Salona. |styum that long will tere be ascendency me, but did Mrs. Harry Beck was a caller at|g.cidents. Luck had it that became the slave of aleowol. Li the home of Mrs. Annle Lutz and wasn't any one injured Mary fie was named afler Mrs. Katie Dorman, Saturday af-| well Guy Walker and Ray Ard, mother) would run and hide fror ternoon. Jr. had a share in bringing an 8-/me when see me stag Mr. and Mrs. Nevin and roint buck in on Saturday. The ani- |Rering in the son Donny, were Sunday dinner and ma) had fine developed horns and liquor, though at other supper guests at the Clair Klinger yas the heavy weight type run to meet me home in Williamsport Bruce Haines. a son of H my arms te foum of & blu Mr. and Mrs. Alva and Haines, and one of our soldier boys,! “One day a " : and said to its Lieu nmander, “1 just want to know whether daughter Sylvia Jeax Tues- is the guest of his grandparents ing for hours in a bar room. [ was mus no hatre ) for anyone foriner membst seorgia You have ep-sea diver on board named Davy Jo day visitors at the Willlam Haagen ar and Mrs. Calvin Haines since all befuddled with alcohol and in Te LB . Cord . home {last week one day. He is greatly ina bad humor when J stumbled over yoy Nelson, Lawrence and Harold] eq rest and is scheduled to her little dog. In a fury I gave the i hat 1 AL Least We'd 1 Haagen attended the butchering at army hospital jor medical Innocent creature a savage kick. A | wa led information’ Om “ . wh nt wn a sor a wh : the home of Rlynn loud scream from Mary obere mont, Thursday Then and I realized what I had done supper with Mr. and Mr Did you kill the little dog, Cap. Dreese and family at Lemont. Mrs.| yee SI. for | tain?” No, but 1 eruelly in} Harry Haines spent the day the state College, where he joined the him. When 1 retired U 1 same home remainder of the contingent bound heard Mary softly sobbing her Mrs. Harold Haa Mr for Harrisburg where he was induct. | little bed, as she cuddeld her whim- Robert Drees and children od ir armed force nerifig pet close to { lay awake ae re . Delay 5 and Donny, were Sunday Last Sunday was Bible Sunday night, the mast miserable crea- rat 3 k x Pa " aL Kiser mukals nd whi a TF unevie I the William Haagen home the local Evangelical church and an 1 given : 2 Cliltart ad fr i“ nS. ATA » — Rev. H. 8. Entz, pastor, delivered { 19 undo 1? SCOTIA forcible discourse on the subject, Eight re Reasons Why (ae Bible | (By HL. M. Williams) the Inspired Word of God.” Those Here the C We forgot to mention in our last|not present missed a message that emotion, wag si news letter that tie Charles Rear'ck would have stirred up the people to! Then he continued family moved from the Reed farm- es a Christian life and to read the voice house to the Minnie Stine farm |pgible more carefully and prayer- “Next morning little Mary which Mr. Rearick purchased from fully lirious with fever. She never regain- Mrs. Stine some time ago. This farm| Remember the program for next!ed consciousness but died in a {ew is located on the Buffalo Run road!Sunday Sunday school at 9:30 a. days. I have not tasted a drop of about one mile north of Mattern- im. followed by Christian Endeavor liquor from that day to this. OO ville, One thing sure, we do miss at 10:30, and preaching in the eve-| fathers could profit from my exper- | Willie at ae gas station ning at 7:30. Do not miss these im-| fence surely they would not briise There is not much improvement! portant services {the hearts of innocent children by in the condition of Mother Williams, Mrs. Minnie Wolf in company with | cruelty and neglect, Now’ you Know at the time of this writing IMr. and Mrs, Harry Wolf, her son why the portrait is veiled. Oh God, Robert Albright, employed at the and daughter-in-law of Mifflinburg.|if only I could forget, but I cannot. Scotia ore washer had the misfor- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs! That fieart-broken scream will ring tune last Friday of having two of | Harris Stover in my ears until my dying day. 1 his toes on his right foot fractured Car! Boob, one of our soldier boys, | have repented but regret still gnaws The accident happened when the arrived at the home of his mother, at my heart” base of an electric motor fell on his Mrs. Lodie Boob, and was her wel- ——— foot {come guest during his furlough Mrs. Nellie Behrer has At this writing (Monday) Wood- PORT MATILDA ome after spending a few days with) | ward was within $75 of its 6th War { . hor Jombig mpd idle of Al-| Loan quota of $1500. The drive will Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Beckwith of toona, and her sister. Mrs Irving close on Friday, Dec. 15 | Hannah, announced the engagement y J | of their daughter Miss Dorothy Ger. w A ——— | t x Thomas of Stormstown i trude Beckwith to Pvt. Calvin Earl jeept (he résponsibilities One visitor at our home last Sun-| HOLTS HOLLOW | Stewart, stationed at Camp Wheeler, | Certainly, this is an appropriate day that we sure was glad to see {lesson to climax a series of studies w neighbor Berth A Fm w g Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Stew | " + 1 Ss m son a ~ mpan | O 3 — of ’ i " 3 A > up Op id bihag. Sis a aaa. fm a Rd pe are, Hamilton Ave, Tyrone, Pa. The f Christian ways of solving indiy Lykens, who is spending a couple of | Mr and Mrs. Miles Stauffer and! : jidual and social problems. One of weeks with «er daughter and =on-| family to Warren, Ohlo. £ie plana] SCCution was Selshealed er | the surest ways of aleviating these in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Showers to stay there one or two weeks The following guests were present problems is for Christians them-! of Matternville. Mrs, Lykens has| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leathers visit-| oo. ond Mrs. L. D. Stewart daugh- selves to so live that their own lives | been making her home with heried the J. F. McCartney home On| sor Mary Helen and granddaughter | ¥1 show forth to the world “the! other daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Sunday | Barbara of Tyrone; Mrs. J. T. Beck. | fruit of the Spirit” whist; Paull and Mrs. George Gummo, of Pine] Mr. and Mrs. Miles Stauffer and with. Mrs. Lizzie Acker, Mr. and Mrs, |refers to, and thus influence those riveilers industrial Allied steel What by duties commoditie armies? Legal Entanglement colored red | Rastus' of his n Mist “Captain, did vou Iron, How Conl, ga Ceramic persons ar 2 lawyer matrimonial MAarriage Iso a on the legal aivaree on the he had nim many or ances ¢ beneniity RAVE a i Johnson a ut 14,000,000 ivoree face Wi) a sad expression to ti portra't and drew aside, “That was lit my Ul fifteen 1 that yo uther “n father } 1 H le girl ag It was Jone when she was years old. A year later @ I saw before me a child trancing loveliness, Her curls like spun and her eyes ve 1 she died perfect great by athe eight | However died a likeness Saving It With Sigh artist b V- 44 ir saenever Hit D. D.-~What is surface of Ans. Ti of Brooklyn DFW Ans Ar Beaut Publismied | were ridir of train by Ei0e side, saying one of them ing vi fe jee of en- were ¢ #lDE me the Lie the gold, ts Bridge 1s What is cording ¥ t ¢ new first teacher I am twins you grace father of very he the are to rut _ 4 . elem oer 4 * » \d K Pavs to Be Ignorant apie f vi Ohe of 10 new finance minist were “My “re- sit of What is Godthaab? Capital What 114.400 Has of Greenl Ans SM da her exclaimed I me? You are so as #5 4] M Ans OG Ans is worn w Ualy How mu~} 20.000 pound D What king or = iat There hen of Kil Le 4 1 No Reason to Worry eyed the Nn youngster wh iri nails into such Over it Ww there hammer, “don't is © you fighting 19 over somo when walking na 8 made + pecond by OW. 1} That is ins y Londor orn wholes she'd rome influence i “ye Ro time y., ero an Stover under warn This One f 4% We Dou ry bt ition oy i ard throw hers HAT oO vs Wow : 3 y yi £ rot th i g Ww white foam of a blue ArTY in Peter I came were A JT s So diff erenc of think an what enter Haagen at Le-',i4 " er COuC make retorted y awful ” ey had last Friday morming Rus. Eisenhuth, son of Mr Early 2 rt " Robert | oli J and John Elsenhuth, Jr, leit le ' red Ans 5 ah ject 3 reproduction other religious a in This is Not the Hole Truth Mr toy gen peace home drunk the over Bourbon Crick, planking. The old man whole night walking . Juniper's 110 the ner Vine reports, got ail ture workl is done and nothing in earicy would have Pp but waat r can ever change " x AAT is done | : the ¢ shoe 1) is : Pt Over “ome a long time i A steady vif aa apiain This’'n W wit or Spraved to the critter as a pole cat) came leeping off a jag out in the woods. has been suffering wit { as i A i across one of the tow: The bum } if far mnien low skunk ‘maybe you were roduced Humes live . } Hye Ci ATEN C ww Wak Gf. . 44 POGE I ie skunk ha may be but al Ambrose Shepherd bali in Christ with indifference and men aim {enough indifferens {relig) man spirit, whic ness, a living self-sacrifice pared AS an answer 10 the que think ye of Christ? A tgst of Christiar in our treatment of our especially those who are weaker Paul says that the true Christian will try te restore or to lift up one fwho has sinned, in a spirit of meekness, of gentleness and kind. ness, realizing phat, for the grace of God, “there gd 1.” This will be pose dble if we obey Jesus’ only law (his new commandment) that we love one another and, as Paul declared “Love worketh no ill to lds neigh bor.’ Are you, as a Christian, living your best? As A result of this son, we should each examine our- Internaticnil Sunday School Lesson for December 13, 1964 TEX , 1et 4 and GOLDEN the 8 ! LH if ne What a Diploma 4 I'™ 1 in in is alwn wal ‘ e day Onlatiane ove the Spirit’ hugging Was a strange child comforting it with to her “Hush, k 1% rie t lo find but | infide) Lesson Text: Galathans 5: 6: 1-10 Th) not have 2.72% ’ ‘ a4 : a a the in ove faith How our ruil asked Mrs. Finnegan of Mrs peace A What ’ irom ox and far live pr POR I answered My darter brot it With this from Ephesus to the Chri the churches Galatia sense a dissertation on Christian Liberty, the verses given in our text emphasize the responsibilities that {80 along with such liberty. We are jan eager to accept the privileges {that accompany liberty, but few of jus are as yp ons to realize and ac- letter Paul ritten stians i in a we befo Han “Whi i x own family name saci her home eg of to put naper in that of Warren. ad- tern Jooks directed at girls “SCAT in ’ ne name 's al IE L488) % C. Only written Ly fellowmen our Comes Gress 10k my pocketbook and dier where he lay. On my Virginia 1 wrote the young lads closing slip paper and cribing the body. She replied in due time, giving me the sad information betrothal to the young man photograph he had de- “ returned the paper out valuations or the increased MEMORIAL: We've Beard a couple of for men talking in recent about suitable World War and War II memorials millage will have sooner or later Random Items Continged from pape One) n be to return ne ¢ ip » the of Ge- poplar because Rives mey 1 ~ A Belle- chance weeks while away from it But the party of deer unters at the Lew Smith hunt ing camp along the Penrose road between Snow Shoe and Renovo apparently didnt want get too far away from jt all they had pilot Sherm Lutz, of the State Col- lege Alr Depot, fly over the cabin Sunday morning, to drop them a mee In a get te all all 1 of her It was stroved The Woarld There seems to Se a general trend toward making memorials living things in. stead of monuments. Parks, recreas tion centers, hospitals, and similar memorials are being planned throughout the nation. Anvhow at her next body we came to (In viiat is now Reynolds’ Woods) was that a very young boy. He was dressed in the full uniform of a cav- alryman, and he lay with his right 10 for of ns ie Grove Mills Last Thursday while at tye mines we were working along work at relatives and friends, Roy Leathers and children honor. and we heard some awful whooping | ed their wife and moter with An | and daughter Barbara, Tommy and Virtues whic) We ice cream party Wednesday eves ghirley Ann Beckwith, Joyce Vaughn, | Christian's life and hollering in the Barrens | children spent one week here among | 5 pn Beckwith and children, Kath- | ] ample and do likewise In verses 22.23, Paul listed nine should be in every They are not im- ryn, Johnny, Richard, Joan and | Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Beckwith | listened for a minute or so and at ning. It was her birthday, She re! joss Sprankle and the hostess and possible of attainment and will be first we had almost come to the c'n- ceived many gifts and cards. clusion that the Indians had start-! Mrs Arthur Burd spent Sunday ed to inhabit the Barrens again. ' evening at the home of her sister, But on anoiier thought we happen-' Mrs, Charles Miller of Milesburg ed to think that it was a gang of| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox and deer hunters making a drive, Well, grandson, Tommy, left for Jamalca, if that nolse didnt drive the deer N. Y., Sunday afternoon, after a out there sure wasn't any in there, vy nice visit at the home of Mr, ot ————— Mrs, Charles Lucas, Mr. Cox Time is not so scarce; what 8 rare‘ is the proper and intelligent | use of time, Amazing Fast Relief For Bronchial Irritations Due Te Colds A Rare Combination Compounded from valuable Canadian Pine Halsam and other soothing haniing Ingredi. ents Buckley's Canadiol Mixture in different from anything you have triedall madication— no syrup. Acts 3 Ways ‘0 Loosen Phlegm the flaw Memhrances Hreathing Basler we you feel 3 and Mr. Lucas spent several days hunting. Mrs, Orvis Scholl and children | were dinner guests at the “ee John- son home, Other callers were Mr, and Mrs. Coakley, and Mrs, Claire Bhawley and son Harold, Lee Johnson, Jr. got a nine point buck last Saturday, and Dick John- son got a six point buck on Friday. Marie Johnson spent Monday with Mrs. Coakley, 8he and her brother Rw ae hp JE ia hh host Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Beckwith. |In the life of any one who is given The wedding will take place in the Over completely to the direction of near future. the Holy Spirit, for as Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hall of Osce- [clares in verse 25, “If we live In the ola Mills were guests of Mr, and Mrs, | Spirit.” we should also walk in the M. A. Kerin on Sunday. Spirit, and, If we walk in the Spirit, Bernard Kerin ARM 3c son of Mr, (our lives will give evident proof of and Mrs. M. A. Kerin Is home on the virtues of love, joy, peace, long- leave, suffering (patience), around them to emulate thelr ex-| ln Receipts Top Million Parking meter receipts in Penn. sylvania municipalities topped a mil. lion dollars In 1942 and 1943, a study by the Institute of Local Govern- ment at the Pennsylvania State College shows. Homefront grouches should be sent overseas, to spend a day and a night at the front, HOW TO HOLD FALSE TEETH gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temper. ance (self-control). Jesus himself stressed this truth when He sald, “Every good bringeth forth good fruit; but a cors rupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit, A pood tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring fori; good fruit.” H. Jeffs, in The Art of Sermon selves and compare our lives with ithe ideal Christ, instead of meas. furing our lives by others around us {80 often we fool ourselves into | fainking we are not bad by saying | “Well, I'm just as good as Mr. So jand 50.” or “I'm no worse than Mrs > |s0-and-s0." Let's remember that we Paul de. fool ourselves and oftentimes fool others, but there is one we can- | not decelve for a moment, for, as Paul declared: “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.” Let us not overs look the rest of that verse, either, for it is very important for us to re- member, “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall {ie also reap” We usually think of that as 1 warning against sowing evil, but we should also consider it as a promise of blessing if we sov' good works, “Life's field will yleld—as we make It A harvest of thorns or of flow ers.” hand on his chest and his left hold. ing “iis cap. 1 found nothing to in- dicate his name, but he was probe ably of the Tth Michigan troops. He could not have been over 15 years old and had evidently died as he fell. A little further on 1 found seven bodies—all of men belonging to the 7th Michigan Cavalry. 1 buried them on the spot, wrapping each body In in blanket, In one grave 1 put two of the Jarger men and between them { placed the body of the boy, The bodies were later taken up and bur- fed In the cemetery near OCettys- bundle of Sunday newspapers JUDGE DIES: It pays 10 treat people well, to be interested In othen and to treat others kindly and courteously. Every speaker gt the meeting of the Coun ty Bar Association held Friday af- ternoon in memory of the late Judge M. Ward Fleming, spoke warmly of Judge Fleming's kindness and toler. ance, We feel that we speak for all local newspapermen when we say that Judge Fleming was unfailingly (cordial and considerate in his rela- burg, so 1 am informed” [tions with the press. He sometimes William Gfibert. by his fine ideal took issue with published articles. ism, is keeping alive the traditions but iis criticism was In the nature of the armorer's art as handed down (of a discussion in which there was by old Eliglus, who flourished In ino personal bitterness. Even in times | France between A. D. 586 and 620, of great stress Judge Fleming's door! as well as a loving reverence for the | was always uniatched to newspaper | memory of the soldiers who fought men. In this business that quality in | in all our American wars, men in public life is perhaps the | CH B D greatest of all virtues MISCELLANEOUS: fs lacking in Commenting on this corners para- If your system Moodbulid | orant about i Big To BX 0 Ko Ro Luebert’s Irom Tonle Tablets EE Ea soe 5: comers [7 2h 1 least two local men, neither of them veterans, and neither associated di- rectly with tie Centre County Hose pital, suggested a wing to that ine stitution as a memorial 0 the vet. erans of World War 1 and World War II. In the wing would be a memorial room, in which tablets bearing a roster of all veterans would be located. This corner pub. lishes this information merely as & suggestion, believing that the veter. ans, aemselves, should have the first voice in planning any memors als A — Egrs When boiling eggs if each egg pricked with a pin before placing the water, they will not crack, “1 LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 ce is in