Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 07, 1944, Image 7

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: December 7, 1944
Methodist Church: Prayer service|and will be held at the home
at the station. The lady lves about [pled their hunting
three miles from the station, but | | “Singing Brook Cabin,
{noting daunted, the two dashed on The body of Fred
of through the terrible storm and blize | brought to Rebersburg for burial
ursday evening. Sunday school on! Miss Ruth Parsons. All members are | #rd with thelr two hearts beating W Thursday afternoon. Mr. Miller
as one, thinking only of the happy # native of Rebersburg and pass
11 “1 N Ye sbure
Biinday morning at the regular hour [requested to be on hand and bring me they will a PP. Jv Hares of William yor : Fuul hs Fit f
nd Youth Fellowship in the evening with you a 10¢ gift which will help| ne abi wi nye 30 Sng act) a Saf Han — ) I ti at the nin (away at the home of his son-in
t 6:30, immediately followed by the bring a little cheer to our soclety.|® 1er’'s hands later in the. evening, bert of anor hy i” oy a 1 A vi Vv Ham and daughter Mr. and Mrs,
breaching service at 7:30, with ser-|Refresiiments and entertainment | | 2 Alan Tam ATL” Se ra And Mrs 1 nd te Basi 10, 18.4 gue Rossman at Middletown la
on by the pastor, Rev. DD. A. Sow- provided. Meeting at 7:30 p. m | ng. Aes jrozen and his ont adly io tak ft brother M, W evening, Relatives who attended t A Bolom
N hAS A nipped by Jack Prost nevertheless Sgt. James C. |; hunting funeral were: Mir Mrs. Jame
¥ | The annual “Joash Chest” day will [pe hoo fully mage up his mind to Mallory, recenily returned from| poo M J . ¢- Miller, of Lancaster, Mr. and Mi
Free Methodist Church Prayer be held in the Methodist chureh|jeo.n the trade of a “Weaver,” and over-seas service. Messrs Reuben K. 10 ret 1 d IY aller Seve: George Perndale of Washi gLor D
rvice Friday evening, at the this Sunday evening, Dec. 10, service Sas 50 notified Foreman McDon- Gongoware, Raymond Shaffer of ord str tmbnds Ae iy ot a oC Mr al d Mrs Kermit Ross a ot
f which will be held a special bus-'being at the 7:30 hour and Sermon | ye11 : Jeanette and Thomas F. Quitko, of re bia Bore dui otto Aiddistown and Mr iF "y Metal
ess meeting of the Sunday School by the pastor Rev. D. A. Sower. | calp account for Latrobe accompanied Jack Tarbert of Akron Ohio “The latter
id Sunday | school on Sunday| Bring your ¢ tribution for the chest | the month of January: 144 weasels, 'and the party spent everal «day az "1st 3 several day visiting her aun
ning at the regular hour, Im- as it | will ald in clean-| sg mink 82 foxes and 13 wildeats, deer hunting In this vicinity, re- burgh rence OY)
1ediately followed by the preaching h debt at this time | costing the state $399 turning home on Sunday Smul on ¢. Mis 3 ¢ Pe ines. It
prvice at 11 eto: Kuh eran by Over the weekend guest of Mrs. | . Neese and Robert, of " Uidiante PI and It gr M wy rey
Ie pastor, ev. DD. k. Joseph. Howard K. Germain was her friend, sheste {i id ed at the N > wrt Wadnanda
aching service the following Sun- | Miss Marjorte Temant of Scranton. WOODWARD Rochester, N. ¥. arrived at the M burg spent Wednesday
ay will be in the morning also, as who returned to her Aa > iravel Spring Lodge
we pastor is assisting with evange- fre pending os week the lodge entertained
stic services in the church at State ing in the valley a chicken dinner on
lege, which services »Rin on Mrs. Richard
onday, Dec. 11, and will continue ter Lin Mr
Two more wild turkeys ship. Mr: If there are any persons who wish where Mrs i me) and mn
rted from our hunters in the com- yp the home to buy any U. 8. 6th War Loan Bonds guests at the Grubb home {or
unity, one by Roy Cakioun, and he plan: get in touch with the Woodward so- week ik ;
his wife enjoved a wild turkey plete | licitor, C. E. Kreamer before the 15th . :
inner for Thanksgiving. Reuben this month. Our quota is $1500 did a : '
omly brought in a nice one before Johnstown Ww ande we're not near there vet. Let's pe ye yor : nels SE — 2k iam nna ¢ ent al 1) M1
le season closed visit with fier brothe Ch do all we can for our boys Glenn wert a A Ae : » / ( grandson Carl Homan of
Deér brought in the fir ay of HH io y be. \ Stewart Eisenhuth surely Where In England called at the John Weaver
1e season by hunter com- | in had good luck In capturing a bear Mr. and Mt: Harold Lewis and mes Sunday afternoon
hunity were one by Charles Stams- his nw Teme {and also a nice good sized buck last %n Bobby of Benton, visited Batur- in the ever Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beckent
wagh, hunting wit POUD. Of is. oer adem [is 1er An week, while home on his hunting apd day at lie home of W. D. Brungart and daughter of Flemington v
han from the butchering vacation and A. G. Cumming in Rebersburg and Smullton on St
unting: one by The Smith hunting crew of Mr. and Mi A. A. Bhiffer ar | day
unting alone, and Aaronsburg succeeded in killing 3 Mr. and Mrs. Fd Mayes of New
pok. also hunting v ST buck last week for two hunting days, Berlin were Sunc 15 AUDper guests
me. and = a. bla rad Friday and Saturday at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hacker -
The members of th AY ‘nie oun to ED it The Stover hunting crew also cap- Derg. Tuesday supper guests at the
rea os tured 3 buck ame time. These same home were Mr. Leon Neese and
wine of the n Robert of Rochester, N. ¥X. and
and Mrs. Myieg Breon of town
camp formerly
last week
Miller wi Bes reck. Mr, Bowman took
“= Public Sales
his (Additional Sales page 7T—Bee. i
Thursday, Dec. 28
ale or
Mrs. H W. Prye of Irwin, M: 1 hildren
Leonard returmed on Monday moras v10me of Mr
during the past week,
ing in honor of Tech
t Monday f P t Belore returning
visits ited the f
| Geer and
Wet }
Centre county
hoped it
ing up the
m . *r Hilda of
home on rs. Bertha deer r guests
| with her
Mon- | M Boone In
Harry, of
guests of her sister and
Mr, and Mrs. H. O
Fiedler. Mrs. Boone is not at all
well, yet she is able to be about.
Buck property, are
week to Union towne
Germain expects to close |
®t winter but
yet come
. The ull hi
Sunday Girubb arn h wl das fn Ie 1 81 ne camp
Howard Lamey and ige, while de hunt WwW. O. Paul
Rebersburg | Md., spent the
Md of his parents, Mi
Mr. and
M ul Je ! tly M 7 (vva Bae and \ wi guests at the
Metzler and { dau
Hving In Le ta
“ § nas erly of
partment ne
parun 4 weekend at
Jaltimore and Mr
were re- Were
future he
f James
ret Keat 0:
and Mrs, A. 8, Wink
as been ill but improv. i (Toast)
Hes ful deer!
© community, Joseph
conducts the Berg
the window
other day
lo get
on return-
1 Jame
omed Lhe
community on day ia of: 4
John Robison. gong who
one by John
; vice stat
alone near his
Honor Roll for
weeks period of Miles township high
school Senlors—Kathrine Bilerly
Adeline Grenoble, Hilda Shultz
Ray Benner; Juniors Breot
Freshmen-Marjorie Brungart, Glenn
Isabelle Fetterof! Janes
Rishel and Marvin Weaver
\ The g yd y
jon, looked out ne Seconda
station Lhe
and u
in the
in LU
wiety of the Ww that a
ere entertained
ard Mrs
anthly businesg meetin
ide for uo i price b Ae vir be a = rn spent se ’
That ta gt bl Joho 3 an : i { Lealr: severad days | Week sons Danald and Jimmy wore ne
Hie pe: Weeineaiay. ever 4 new! : vea Tal Ly Ir | 1 some se- Wil thie former mother M» I di rwinitior wit Mrs Wert _— ret
Mr, and Mrs Clarence Bauder jp tere. eT hit amd. Co “ i" : took " the M Le lay visitor With M» { n n
1d son Paul, of Williams i x : y Stover He it Mil
pnt visitors of his parents ir. w.1ere in India
i Mrs. C. W. Bauder, whil
oe tried his luck in hunting
Tr. furlough
We are glad to report
pn of Mrs. Allie Hall as much bet-
rand she is now gble Lo be down-
airs and about the Go
¢ trust she may continue to
Rev. Howard van Valin
his home in Brackenridge this rv to learn of
kK, after conducting a two weeks' death of Mr. Winslow, husband of next Sunday ir local Evangeli-
ries of evangelistic meetings in the the former Carolyn Van Valin, whol!eal church ows Sunday w
: Methodist church ) He has been er nm several in Schoo] 1 ; { m. followe y Ae, 5 z \ of _— »
od i Tice. on . holes and | School at 0:30 4m followed by EBSD BR BB SS SS SSS SS SSS 2 SESS SISSIES IRIN
pg but remained a Meth the line of |C. E. at 7:30 p. m. All are heartily
nger to try his luck at getting a their mi nary n China, |in With the words
LE Che
Had Cr
toy x qui
ana ne
A [| Y fer
vilnk Conler,
£ »
au Howard Miller of " M I
nels Wert
Willie INnting
Mrs. Gertrude Frank sa Mrs. 1+
day dinner guest at the home of her eon of |
grandson James Frank and family parents, Mr
nt Logantan ret! of Bunda
Bgl. Melvin Bright of Ardmore,
Okla., arrived a¢ the home of
father John Bright on
fifteen day furlough
in Us KK Wein ’
Baptist chureh ha t 4
for Lhe
completed its
season. On Friday evenh Des
they will produce a Christma
I'he Last
Recipe New Years
will be from 7.456
p which will include
iA well a mi i
for the past fourteen | snow and kept it up all night and
that he three | he next Thursday. On
buddies, enjoyed a 15-day {Monday morning the mercury drop-
from Novembey t N v= | ped to 2 deg above zero at 8
vember 15t ind spent the time This was the
hunting in. the jungles of reading
While tere they bagged four Mr, and M
sever chickens, rabbits Robert of
eating lon
Chulsewite and ch
ales willl Al80 todd Pian |
Monday Evening
Dec. 11th
UNTIL 9:00 P. M.
G. C. Murphy Co.
Bellefonte, Pa
the condi- omy : ntitled
mn Lorna Jane Hosterman of Centre enn
Hall spent the weekend at the
of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Auman
Mrs Paul Miller ant
daughter were discharged from the
Centre County hospital and came to
thelr home near Smuliton Mr
The York County Gun Club occu- and
coldest morn-
date this month
Frank Wolf and son,
Buffalo, N. Y. are here
a hunting vacation the Claire Brungart Danon
her parents, Mi Mrs. od at the home of his brothers
Hostérman and Merrill Brungart, the past
the! Remember Junday services| Mr, and Mrs, Carl Beahm
OX 1 wk
India ing
deer, |
Sunday servioes
ise some
4 ind
nha and
had visit sige
and Mi
hodist and
OUpie days
before his return home where they bad spent some time |of station
Mr and Mrs. C. W. Bauder were pri thie tim
fertained to dinner on Sunday at her | d. Fu
home of their
sband, Mr. and Mrs. Cl
Thomas B. McClellan of Altoona,
bent Sunday with his daughier and
usband, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, On last Saturd
this place principal of ir
Harry Jones is
ork at the J D. Mitchell property 3 route f
past week
Pvt. James Saxion, son of Mr. and
irs. Johm Saxion of Union town-
fp. who has been raging
p in the state of Mississippi, is the way
pe at this time enjoying a 15-day blown over three
flough with his parents and greet- half way around
he ‘ils many friends while here aged him
The members of the Women's So- and sald “enough
ely of Christian Service of the livery in ne
dy t church will hold their! Leonard Wats
t' meeting in the form of a On Saturday, he
Aristmas party which will come train r his de
t Wednesday evening
to undergo
stationed at a bilzzard
Dec. 13. wa
daughter an nducted on Wedn¢
rk Wil- | wee fe wish to
Leaves of the Past—Feb. 6 1908
latter went to Belle-
eit on
that he struck for
Rev Wman over
e of the illness of | WBAL we wo i
nera] Services were Keep on praying”
Dan't give up,
SAay of
extend most sin.
aroiyn and her
and relatives |
- .
Christian & Missionary Alliance
Rev. Kenneth E. Troutman, pastor
Sunday Services 8:30, Sunday
ischool, J. Clair Hoover, Supt. ; 10.48,
J. C. Pox. morning wor Subject. “Cod
school, ! Given Courage.” 6:30, Young Peoples
the mall on the meeting; evangelistic service
Chapple Under- “The Mystery Story of the Bible
Tuesday, } ildren’s meet
ing. 17 horu wactice 1.45
ay, Prof
an examination {uw
account of &
Expert Rifleman
Marine Corporal Lewis B. lose,
a hose wife lives 10 W Linn street
Bellefonte, recen was
from rifleman class in the Fleet Ma-
rine Poree at Camp Leloune NC
m has got It bad! Cpl Lose was thoroughl
boarded the noon ins
tination waere now qualified as a
future “other hall” non-commissioned
times belore he got
This so discorr«
hoa wWiauted
no more mail de-
: anid weapons and
rifle platoon
“Sorry, chum—no ringside seats. You sit in
the mud, see?
“You got a floor show of lizards and mosqui-
toes crawling over your face.
“You got a nice little 4-piece orchestra of
Jap mortars, Zeros, machine guns, and your best
friend screaming in the next foxhole,
“Come any time, pal. The show goes on all
night. For a long time. There's never a cover
charge. Not even for the flag they put over you
when they carry you out.”
We're oll human.
We all like to go dancing or see a show or
buy an extra suit or dress occasionally, But this
war still has a long way to go. There are still 75
million Japs who don't believe in surtendering.
So during this 6th War Loan, how about put.
ting all that luxury money into something a
little more permanent-—an extra $100 War Bond
at least--to help get this thing
really over and bring those
boys of ours home? /
as the Jap bayonet in your
neighbor's stomach. You get
something back — in ten years
~ $4 for every $3 invested. He
emple Court Building
Bellefonte, Pa.
We celebrate the Christmas
Season for the kiddies with
many special values In
items that contribute to the
health, happiness and com-
fort of the younger set!
Find these, and many
others In our nursery de-
Spring-mounted for easy
riding, with rubber tires
Adjustable top and handle
High Chair
A high chair, play table
and nursery chair, all in
one! In maple finish
Vem oe.
Plenty of room for baby
to play In, safely and se-
curely. Collapsible,
Colorful Crib
Sturdy panel ends,
safety drop side. Color-
ful animal decorations.
Kneehole Desk
One of
our finer desks, large
of Honduras Mahogany,
al hardware, smooth-sliding drawers
(9 drawers)
to $19
Assorted Colors
$695 to $8.50
Dad Will Like a
3-Piece Playset
little tot
and chairs
iful Masonite top
$1 2:50
" of hy
ke $
Collapsible table
hea it
1007 Wool — Size 27 x 04
Pre-war Material
$450 to $11-5°
Made by Bigelow-Sanford Alexander Smith, Firth, and Whitall Co.'s.
The Furniture Store of Quality for Over 100 Years