Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 07, 1944, Image 16

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    Page Eight" THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BETTEFONTE, PX. December 7. 1944
: . mp ——
[and the following children: Mrs, Mrs, Thomas Davis, Mrs. Ellzabeld FRED CLAUDE MILLER Smullton, May 21, 1884, he was a James Miller, of L+#banon: Randall] Ars
iDona Ford, Detroit, Mich.: Ronald | Taylor, James Park and Harry Park Fred Claude Mill formerly {80 { Elmer nd Jennie Vi Mille { East Orange, NN. J.. and | IRST
Park, with the United States Army of Robertsdale; Robert Park I Rebersbu died at the home of Mille Hi ife the forms fe Mr Patella Wetzel. of Akroi 0 SION OF A
{in England; Mrs. Doris Polls Santa troll, Mich William Park, Win- daughter Mr Kermi ossman, Houtz, preceded him in deat} T wi al ry Wer held a he
Ana, Calif.; Craig Park, with the burne, and Alex Park, Twin ) of Middletown at 6:15 p. m v daughters in addition to Mr LOH of funeral ome at Mi last
United States Army in Ital and Funeral services were held at ie | November 27. 1 from complica nan wrvive. The | Y Lots g reday ternoon. with R fl
———————— — 2 | Mona and George, at hom Also | Saltilo Methodl t ‘church at 2 « tions V Mili who 0M wen Di ) J ere id 3 ‘ annon ofMciating nt wi USE
{surviving are the following brothers clock on Saturday with interment living a! 0 HOSsSmMan nom fon of Washing i mad i th Al ! Reformed
MRS. FLOYD E. BURKHOLDER | ANDREW H, KREAMER land sisters Mrs. Margairot Currie, in Saltille about five
Mrs. Mary , Burkholder, 51, wife! Andrew H. Kreamer Centre coun | Le, Wi s lek bu . Cold Preparations as directed)
of Floyd E. Burkholder, and the mo- ty native, died at 11:55 o'clock Sat- | ; x i G : : s—
ther of Mrs. P. E, Corl of State Col-|urday at his home in Altoona, He | 5 oY head = = = ©2777 7 eel
lege, died Wednesday, November 29, was born in Milesburg, Centre coun- \ - Ln £2 £3 ee ice . i. /
at her home in South Avis, follow-'ty, July 25, 1864, a son of Edward ! x
ing a long illness, In addition to verjand Rebecca (Riley) Kreamer, He
husband and the daughter residing was married to Clara Condo, who S 0
in State College, Mi Burkholder | died 18 years ago. Surviving are two | ee ur
is survived by her husband A daughters, Mrs. Edna GG. Orner, Al-
daughter. Mrs. Earl Ritter, of Jer- toona: and Mrs. Agnes Spangler, A . A
Br ui DonRid, at HOM? Lar Ageia CUE Ie ection 0 ssortment
three grandchildren; a site I jaughter, Betty Jean Spangler. Los wi
Ira Brown, South Avi nd two bro- Angeles, Calif. Mr. Kreamer was the het
thers, Lester Myer: J Shore, last of his immediate family, He was Christmas : of
R. D. and Russell Myer hilad of the Presbyterian faith, He retired \
phia 25 years ago from (De alr brake shop ‘
MRS. M ARY MeGOWAN JS SET; Shop of Cards Toys
¢ Twellt}
Mrs, Mary McG mn & v MRS. LULU MARY PRICE
Shoe, died Friday mon al Mrs. Lulu Mary Price died at the ' Sb
o'clock at the Philipsburg Stat - ¢ of her son, Paul, of Port Ma- ;
yi after Loy n 3 _— " y
pital after a long il tilda, on Thursday morning, Novem-
attributed to a heart allment, M ber 30, at 3:30 0’ lock. She was born J on i
McGowan was born in +4% at Harrisburg on April 16, 1877. In : MEN'S WS : 50¢
October 9, 1868, the daugater of Mr. 1901 at Hannah Purnace, she was
and Mrs. John Burns al Vi ere" married to Sidney Price She is FOUNTAIN PENS J gl GENUINE
fare 8 wal i" ]h \ \ ik E
fore 76 years oid. She | vivid Ly survived by the husband and these ) J &
two daught rs, Mr re os. children: Jay Reese, Sandy Ridge; } 1 HAVANA
of Chester Hill, and Mi nes ©. Forrest Price, West Decatur: Paul : *
Browne, oi Frederick, Md: a ! ubert Price, Merrill Price : ¢ or CIGARS
William P. McGowan, of Snow Shoe, Carl Price. Mrs. Charles Bennett g ;
and the following brotiers and sis- | Mrs 8'mon Hardy, Mi Madeline \t $4 00 7 J gs
ters: William Burns, of Houtzdale: Price all of Port Matilda; also 44 : . : | $7 25
3 .
Emanue] Burns, of Snow €no0e; Mi randchildren. Si wi member
Harry Gunsallus, of Snow Shoe; the Methodist ehurd it Port
James Burns, of Avon, Pa. Mrs. |
William McLaughlin, of Snow Shoe; | — .
Edward McGoarty of Drifting, an 1 MRS. PRISCILLA GUNSALLUS
Mrs. M. J. McLaughlin, of Snow |
Shoe Mi Priscilla Gunsallus, formerly
[ Beech Creek, a daugiiter of the
MRS. VERNON A. SPONSLER Bg ar Joseph W. Hub-
ied ednesday NOY 7. al " 4
Mrs, Margaret B. Sponsler, wife ra of her davdlrier. Rives 2: d Lh
he home of her daughter, Mrs. Mat. y : 5
of Vernon A. Sponsler, of Tyrone, | i. winiam. of evearfield The “id . CANTEEN { « Dh " b THERMOS
died at her home there at 12:17 a.  ¢ mes . Gu eee at init 3 } fg bw 6 To Ta
m. Taursday, November 30, 1944. She in 1889 gin oe Snfutus, in ied y Ls i p ; ; VACUT'M
was a daughter of Robert A. and |,.....0"" © ‘cis Surviving are COLOGNE W A /, : BOPTLE
Blanch Welch Patton and was born |," 5 00 S00 Care Gun oe. — ! E
ree other iidren Ellery Gun-
in Port Matilda on March 31, 1901. | .,1),,; 4nd Mrs. Annabelle Winter ~ ' A Ce One Pint
Surviving, in addition to her hus~| po. ibn and Clair of Pitts ; " - PINT EN -
band, are two sons, Robert G, Spon- | Pung rildera. ars Ra g 0 ) ;
ERIN : tii
sler, in the U. 8 Navy, and Sgt ar Be hi hid wr en . : 2 :
reat-grandchildren, GG. H. Hubbard \ : ake y sele H w. Give a $1.09
William G. Sponsler, in the Army at | _, vol v4 4 ” Just make vour selection no Ve us ; n
Ld) Villg
Camp Patrick Henry, Va. and these | 0" © Misc Charlotte Hub. gr small deposit—we will lay away vour gift
brothers and sisters: Lloyd A. Pat- hh v i : ;
ton, Mrs. Beatrice Singler and Mrs. |." CF o rem Soiree, 3 : 3 until vou want it. This gives vou the
Annie Williams, all of Tyrone; J.|_,, stew Toe Tor ul dase deg d benefit of our best selection.
Rex Patton, Port Matilda: G, Reed- |" fans ee .
er Patton, State College: Mrs. Rhoda gaa : :
Sharp, Olean N.Y anid Mrs. Mur- MRS. GEORGE L. MILLER
ley Gramley and Mrs. Edith Harper Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Miller 3
both of Akron, Ohio. Deceased was died at 7 p. n / Nov. 2 PINAUD'S
a member of the Presbyterian A BI
church and was a member of the pple ossom
Bins, rr Hours | ications due to her age. Mra. Mil | DUSTING STATIONERY
Rallroad Trainmen, the Neptune
Fire Company and the Howard er wa in in Loganton, a daugh POWDER
Gardner Post American Legion, all ter of the late Mr na I
in Tyrone Funeral services were |
held Monday morning in tae Pirst
Presbyterian church,
Rev. C. F. Hime
ment was made in th
etery at Everet
oy : wr -
Cor. High & Allegheny Sts. — Bellefonte, Pa.
vi Merle
EL 2
aves og 0 Et : YANKY CLOVER or
Prices include federal tax, ! Re 1 i " " “ Taath Give her this Richard MHudnut : i + SE RT g WRISLEY
gepsake fit Eun aime | BSS OLD FASHIONED SUPREME
Hester K f Braanmmt Cams: Tn ; CIGARETTE drenched clovy flelds . , ite A | Cermoinr 2 BATH SOAP
See our other famous gen. Td ya Tua $10 \ $1.00
‘vine registered Keepsake wi tne bonk amnloved a2 th
Diamond Rings in a wide
rge Armstrong Park, of Saltik
ronge of prices, but all of
goon yunty a brother of
rroditional Keepsake quality. william Park, of Winburne, died at
ni Tuesday, November 28, His | | EE a | p LADY ESTHER
mot M bert Park, preceded ) :
E. tT. WEAVER bi 4 R ELMO PHOTO i : for modern YOU! Exquisite
him in death just a week before, He letries, in cherm
£8 Valley St, Lewistown, Pa. {ore lived at ' Winb nb. Mr tor nw ing boxes of FACE POWDER
DIAMONDS - WATCHES rk was bon " Show Eiroe July ! FINISH L 2 ‘ i a " OLD SPD. =
JEWELRY - GIFTS Si a son of Robert and Mar- MAKE-UP . h y Xe : fresh, novel, intriguing . co
. a Armstrong) Park. Surviving blended potale soronts
Fine Watch Repairing ¢ his wife, Glaydus Bradley Park, | “ou -
The Susanna Shop
Potters Mills
Featuring the
Dresses $6.95 to $24.50
Evening Bags ~ Costume Jewelry
Katharine .S. Johnson
BLONDE? . oo ,
# | neoweanr.™
A Powder Mitt
YARDLEY'S | We ov You'll Love!
oc ™ ™
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