Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 07, 1944, Image 15

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    Page Seven
— ——.
December 7, 1944
7’ 70 pounds; Poland China boar; 100 | of Snow Bhoe Township, entre | undersigned all pers
New Hampehire Red chickens, Bb County, Pa. deceased the sald estate are 1
months old; 60 White Leghorn | letters of sdministration on the frmuned
chickens, 1 year old #bove eslate having been granted 10 | ing i
FARM IMPLEMENTS--Farmall P- [the undersigned, all persons ndebt- | pstate
1 20 tractor, rubber in front; Little (ed to the sald estate are requested | delay
Genius tractor plow, 14-inch bot« | to make immediate payment and | WOLFE
SATURDAY, DEC. 6 at 11 a. m, FRIDAY, MARCH 9 W. C. Bierly | om; tractor mower, 7-foot cut, prac- those having claims ol demands | fonte. Pa
on the late Elmer Hough farm, one will offer at publl sale on his tically new tractor cultivator in | agninst ald eatyte to pre en the HARVE Y
mile west of Livonia Postoffice, 7 | farm, three-fourth mile east of good condivion; Black Hawk corn ape a bout Na jot et! lems n for estale
miles east of Rebersburg, on State | Hublersburg, livestock, farm im planter; 10-hoe Superior grain drill; to WAU & QW Be 4 dminis ri ix
road, L. M. Walkey will offer at | plement and some household |8-hoe Crown grain drill §-section | Moshannon, Pa R. PAUL CAMP. :
public sale a complete line of | ROOUs Clean-up sale. Sale at 9:30 |lever harrow in good shape; tractor BELL, attorney for estate x1 REGISTER'S NOTICES
farming equipment, 1 good team | a m. E E. Hubler, au :
t X46 |drag: manure spreader In good con- _——————
of horses, 4 good milk cows, 4 head | SATURDAY, MARCH 10 W. Earl |dition; Qsborne 7-foot grain bind. | EXECUTOR'S NOTICE,
young cattle, fine baled hay, bal- | Corman will offer at public sale |r hay loader, McCormick-Deering: | Estate of DEAN R. GILMORE
ed straw, some household goods.| at the Armor farm at Axemann MoCormick -Deering side delivery | of Penn Township, Centre County,
E. E. Hubler, auct | Pa. a full line of livestock and | rake and hay ladder combined; pa, deceased
TU ¢ farm implements, Sale at 10 a. m. | horse cultivator; good Wiard walk- Letters testamentary on the above
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 K A E. E. Hubler, auct. W. C. Smeltzer, ug plow; 5 wagons, Including Wo estate having been granted 0 the
Miller wil ph ah public tale at | clerk x46 | with ladders; approximatdly 8 tons undersigned, all persons indebted to
n Str ile 4 t " Ay 6 \ "
his Ref Senee or :, va Wii ' cook . | TUESDAY, MARCH 14 Raymond baled straw 30 ton mixed hay, | the said estate are requested
BAI: fe et Suse CL SO By ade! Lucas will offer at public sale at | 00se. harpoon; manila hay rope, make tmmediate payment, and shoe
hg No 2 Planet Jr garden his farm located 1% miles north- id gh Drudhi aly REVS fat haying nm of { Cw Wb ioe
Htivat OWS 3 hill and row west of Howard, Pa.. a full line of [Shovels and many other articles ald estate to presen the same
Ag yA a: wr ha tap 12- livestock and farm implements Sale at 10:30 a. m, Terms cash without * delay for settlement to
seeder, lawn mower, 10-inch; 12=) gg 0." % 10 o'clock. E. E Hubler, | This is a genuine clean-up sale. |HARRY G. GILMORE, Eexecuto
inch Wea wt,, , Wheelbarrow gla auct x47 Lunch will be served by some or- Spring Mills, R. D. 2 LEWIS Olt-
Sale at 12 o'clock Rena casb. | ’ hu ths ganization VIS HARVEY, attorfiey for estate. xl
H. J. Stover, auct | WEDNESDAY MARCH 14-Richard EM
! W. Lucas will offer at public sale
MONDAY, MARCH 5-—Lester Z. Gar- on the G. C. Snyder farm, three — EXECUTORS NOTICE,
heick will offer at public sale on | milan woat of State Colleas. ves state of WILLIAM H. OTT. late
his farm, three miles west of Cen jes W mp a ACTS Saturday, Dec. 16 of J vor te Bo wh Secon ed ;
1 n Pe
Smith, auct ¥50
{ stock, farm implements and some i
tre Hall, livestock and farm Im=| 5 ehold goods. Sale at 10 a. m THE UNDERSIGNED EXECUTOR
testamentary the shove
neg been mnt 3 4 te
undersigned oll person Indebted ww
the said estate f s(rueated
| Bal All start at 12
Hn iB M. RIES E. M Sm AUC X48 | will offer at public sale at the home
. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14 Paul the late Willlam H. Ott, deceased,
TUESDAY, MARCH 6 Mrs. Paul Jartges will offer at publi al West. High Street, Bellefonte, the
Vonada will offer at public sale on n the D.C. Schrack farm, three- | following, to-wit d
hr Igtm, ho yg pat sd BeUS- | 411 ters de lk HOUSEHOLD x Consisting sa d ite to present the Same
Aan e, a Ry ive ock ¢ into y y Lv ck, I of two living room sultes; dinl without delay : ' cttlement to
am, "E Hubler. auet. i El roods. Sale 10 a. n i | 10m ne : ; ke. ) ate TAY a Be "RED O. ‘'WITMER, Executor, Belle
wp tric washing machin car ! te, Pa. JOHNSTON & JOHN
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 : tools; be 00" weeper; chal I." Bellefonte, attorneys for ¢
Brothers will offer at public THURSDAY, MARCH 15 Mildred | clock droom suite; « L X
on the state highway leading from Boob will « r at public sale on | stove; lamps, and other household
Bellefonte to Lock Haven, at Hee he Balr fal pi 3 oA Wo articles
Park. on the Prank Hockman farm eber SWOCK ™m impie- | BAL BESTATE--Also the following i
a re 45 A of good Hol- household go0as | int hAL BATE ° situa . ha Belle Summary af The Bellefonte School
stein cattle, and farm machinery ean-uj le. Sale at 8:30 a mM | tone Borough, Centre County. Pa District Auditors’ Repory
This I a genuine clean-up sale E auct X49 | qescribed as follow In the Court
Sale at 8 a. m. KE M. Smith, auct ASDAY, MARCH 15—-Roy Yar-| Besinning at a polit n the north Cents vO ith N y Decemt
THURSDAY, MARCH 8-1. 8 Mon- n sll will offer at public sale on | gas of His h street, at the eastern |. rs Bro nity, N 1 Dee w
tieth will offer 1 r is known as the Homer | noundary of lot of White Brothers iden
the Foster farm farm, 3% miles east of | ghen 1 an easterly direction along )
west of Miltheim, inte, near Zion, livestock tr a distance of 23 feet 10
farm implements 8 mplemerils and housshold nt; thence in a portherly direc
le at 10 a. m . Stover ! jk dapgl : o y Pike Alley a distance of 200
auct “oni Rbehovion a in & weaterly direct ! hn iscal
"RIDAY, MARC 16 i Jillar } Ee All : stan ff 23 5 nd which re !
THURSDAY, MARCH 8—Roy C. Wirtz | | Yearuk will offer ao Me | (Tne 2 Whitt Brotharer or. |ooad, and Which rep
111 7 \ th Sin a | y 0 n } Wo lcember 2, 1944
ill offer at public sale on the on the Harold southerly direclioh along
Wirtz farm four miles, from State ® m ort af tondale n Brothers property line Receipts
College, on the Houserville ros {vestock farm implementa al i ce of 300 feet to & polot | B das
Hyestogk, farm lmplement ¢ OMe 156 hie OOK Sa N wu \ of beginning 2 AH
household goods Cleanup m : !
Sale at 9 a. m. E M Smith, - | MONDAY. MARCH 19
make immedinle pay and
Calin { MOANGS ®Ea
of Common Plea
Ol aL " i Mave
Fax current 8.0 i viet shh i
Tax delinquent 404, 43 i .
Your Tires |
Ie pralgned reserves the right
reject any and all bid . ’ ‘ -
offer a publ ale on the | Terms of Sale: Household goods, [5 te Appropriation 14d #
J | cash. Real Estaté: 256 per cent at fultion of non-residents 34.47.47
sale and bala on delivery of deed. | Cyfeteriy 4
HL HARPSTER [| 55 Toutes dun a i | i er, ir esas et —— LAS
AUCTIONEER EEA. afk | willias MER, Executo ! : ns 1,000.0
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 | William H. Ot, deceased, an Sale of Real Eslate, ef 453 93
Prompt attention given all sales J | Wance will offer al public sal at | jorney in Fy for legutees H I other source 17.18
Ke will oftef St rubhe quit | RECAPPING AND
PHONE 357 | Saban oat Ten ii | Io Prank Mages, m : : Verna A rope hae Rd Le 4
PINE GROVE MILLS, PA ments, and some household goods neton & Johnston, attorn Nota! Ractipl TTA of Mary ) ou i Ni VULCANIZING
le at 1 mn i. BE Hubler 0 Expenditures :
Hazel will offer at public sale on Monday, Dec. 18 ay elon El oo ati “The Pirst Ni nal Baw : ~
South OF Auonabuy, Fa| WC BRANSTEVEER {Operation eS | Stu ton Speiaier x hpmpean 1 | San KEYSTONE
livestock d farm ements fl nic sale at his : : 0 ' TN . ay f WO» TIRE SERVICE
Sale at 9 a. m . r, sauct our mile st { yrone, on
General Auctioneer 23 Frank P. Kell-
| f t public sale on his | oy
CALL STATE COLLEGE, 3842 || orm at Pleasant Gap livestock | "RoR
Real Estate Sales
Why not have the benefit of Friday, Dec. 15
competitive bidding in the sale §/ MES ORPHA GOBBLE
will « p le three mils FARM TMPLEMENTS borne ()
Past experiences have proven : o Spring Mu he 1 ie | hay loader; Emerson sige d ivery balance 2 r
that public sales of real estate wy 4 y . prop= | re dump re id ribber tired
demand higher prices.
A number of Farms and several
Residences will be offered at
public sale in the near future.
we .
foot sritider
' Ded ’ ua g « ieeq § Tit ioe ‘
ou pnging | n ) month \ lew helman of i Nas i" WO
Watch for Dates! Pood lstein at ul HINOO evator “100 asst | re husl Sinking Fund & Genera)
ORS th 60 onl recleaned 200 bushel, cor jalance
yushels seer] soy Deans, re
2 ol! Brooder stoves
3 car e *!
ANTIQUE AUCTION | @fsiaiiiie mari =
Monday, December 11, 1944 ake
Southern Avenue
Measures Projectiles Speed LEGAL NOTICE.
WILLIAMSPORT, PA. pment which measures the IN RE: Estate of Willlam R. Kor-
' ties et 1 1% man, 8 weak minded person
. } egond is naw in use In the Court of Cammon Pleas of
Starting Promptly at 9:30 A. M. \berdeen Ordnance Research ‘Centre County, Pa,
, : Center proving grounds the War, No. 6, September Term, 1934
Afternoon and Evening Sessions
TO creditors and other persons
¢ y terested In sald estate
EXHIBIT—SUNDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING ronograph, aut ly ® Notice Is hereby given that
ir peed Of 4 a Thomas Mitchell, Guardian has filed
December 10, 1944 result 1s pris rh ein the Prothonotary’s OMoe «f Gan
easl'y operated hy
v mB ol
EE EE S8 L448 LL tdi £8 Ld
! ! tre County, his petition prayihg for
y : thon technical Ualning » publi ale f | real estate of
© only tas) O Pus J William R Korman. a weak minded
person, situated in Bellefonte Bor.
ough. Centre County. Pennsylvania
bounded and deseribad as follow
The war flows 3 30 imprcan who i ONE. BEGINNING at the south
buy a west corner of lot 191; thenee
north Afteen degrees west 2M feel
0 & post, thetice south seventy.
Harris heirs 100 feet to Jot of Har
Legal Notices three degrees wes! along lot of
inte of Walker Townahip, deceased
fottera testamentary on the above
ris heirs, thence south Afteen de
grees east 237% feel to land of
Valentine & Co. and thence porth
seventy-three degrees east 58 feet
to the place of beginning, coptain
—and it
{ eniale having beep gran‘ed to the
| undersigned, all perachs indebted to ing 60 perches. Reserving ah al
moves the sald esiate are requested to | ley 1] feet wide In the rear of shid
make immediate payment, and those | jots on the northeast of said de
having claims or demands against | soribed tract of land
sald estate | yrenent the Lame " "
without delay Fort sdttiement to TWO. BEGINNING at a point
{CYRUS PF. HOY, Bellefonte, R. D. 2 on the south side of an alley at
or MARY KE DALE, Netungham, R. | the rear of a fifteen-foot lot be
D. 1, Pa. Exectiton WwW HARRISON longing to James D Seibert,
| WALKER.. atioriay fof estate io thenoe along the south side of said
All sizes, colors
and materials
now on
ea dh aT aT TT LF OW PP ar 4,
0-0 B-0bs
A PXECUTOR'S NOTICE “| alley In a southwesterly diregtion
| metate of ANNA R. ROSSMAN, late | 86 feet Lo a point opposite corner |
of Potter Township, Centre €o., Pa, | Of other lands of Robert H. Som- , Make
| deconned merville, thence to said corner
] t ont Ad : - '
| estate having heen: granted 0 the | tyeaetien degrees east T0 feet to a TURNER'S
| undersigned, all persons indebted + th north fifteen de-
to the sald estate are fequested to | COTDET; thebee
make immediate pa , and those | Toes west about 58 feet to a point | Your
having claims or mands against "a alley, the place of beginning. H d rt
sald premises will be sold at eadquarters
Son. 'n “Wher “corive Tail. pa’ {public sale on Friday the 22nd day | 9
] to ARRIBON .
| attorney for estate “
ADMININTRATRIX'S NOTIC. | YES! Plenty of specials from which to select a gift for any member of the
| TT. Tate ot Baw Shoe Darouh, | 1 family, as well as for sweethearts.
|| antre Ot rated ' : :
She's right in the middle of the hurry calls of war and she's furs, Ot. alimunistration on thi |
doing a great job in keeping things moving. perean
When your Long Distance call is over a line to a war-busy center,
she may say— Please limit your call to 5 minutes.” e . od
That's to help everybody during the rush periods. ‘RIDER'S EXCHANGE BELLEFONTE, PA.