wemmmmm | The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County @he Centre Democraf ADLER BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1944 A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Weck SECOND Random SECTION NEWS, Looks at FEATURES the NEWS [tems K VOLUME 63. UMBER 4% GOEBBEL'S theme for the we “Americans Gobble Up Turkey.” SIGN in a Bronx Thanksgiving Day it on the lam if vou Soeram if don't damn might serve IN clubs the management | off War Bond of liquor in-Bond Rall IN TOPAZ plained solid weather city's th A tou the n ! brewer Pa shouted a! the “prominent Veteran County Gunsmith [The dopa Discusses Last Visit Of Wild Pigeons in Valley William Gilbert of Wolf's Store, Says Date Was 1882; Flew Over Brush Valley By Millions at One Time restaurant lat No turkev, Tak: like ham won't jamb; Bi cottid he O'S W Sister of Spring Mills Woman Is Fatally Burned When Coal Stove Explodes Mrs. Gertrude Peterson of Bellwood Dies In (Utah) nobody com- | Altoona Hospital, The Victim of An AIH Unfortunate Accident to com! Rationing At Home don’t Vou eal £2N LOOKOUT, YOURE Ro THERE Cun? 10 PE BITING MY thomB / THERE Cun? 70 BE SOME AND OF Lamy] FT oN FIRE Wool g Spam!’ ome of (he New Y by offerin week Henry W. Shoemakey TN — , in Altrona Tribune OWE PIECE (Liman) wala En tL Beated by the awit ft CHOCOLATE CAKE Ti ” > A CHILD ermometer roken! Jur hat covered almost her en- 11% 1s ly 0 n death of Mi i A y ¢ ‘ \ | LROUI i | Jertrude «OO 1 of Bellwood Lol 4 3 : i } N y ' Of a captured city i ii wi N i Th barker inf Flames quicl FW passing A PRR hree son hom the Rey Unite n Hu al of oy Civil War Veteran sur wow u Theft of Whiskey Has 102 Birthdays ox in Wg d located Clair Leonard tationed rit peron. 15- 91X Months For Peterson 1 Fran iy Father of State College Wom- we an One of Few Sur- Clyde Rachau Sentenced For Railroad Robbery at n Daeg Pies Shoot of f Tree Limbs for Litter Hunters Have Task in Carrv- Antes Fort viving Vets c... Blowout Causes Injuries to Two ANTATE SCHEDULED Al PLEASANT GAP CHURCH Uproots Several Posts and Strikes Tree Near Greenwood ar ing Wounded Companion Woods | Christmas cantata by t. Mark's Lutheran I rom h auditorium cantata i sthiehem,’ Louise YEArs by announcement will | detalled program lished at a later dale All members and ny ling deli k's church as well as other inter- w.. removed from the st ested people are nvited to that refugees can be f elo } 1 and shin » ight ear ta attend th a A AE SOS. ZATa erator more ding on iuading a erate He of the pub- ‘ friends pS a Aged Beech Creek perience Woman Is Killed Struck By Fast Freight She Crossed Tracks Near Her Home Mar a lion tub ser cordially wooded sec- shot PREDICTION never Arge and In relatin ecreted ——— ——— ee 3 ey f th ' Bellwood Worker Dies of Injuries Victim Struck by Piece Angle Bar in Fourth Street Shop alibi in ie passing remarked mitigating vas thal with only The de- rey friendiines 80 and had provoked cause Gen | MacArt dig his own privale fox Guinea. the lads him there Dug.’ to as New | tO Wed an covered uoles in served under | for hi Doug | Harry Wil0 WAS a0 a pe ner of the who 0 hin as of towed and o% there at nigh also sad often fell son r th soldiers of lhe M1 E | Compl ederac) the war U I them Da re Renninger, &2 Beech ya nship i MBG DY a fast Saturday af. from one bro- ome 0 visit another brother Renuinger 21 af the ra Creek freight near her home ternoon while walking Liers Ler toware ¢ cione Of was £ wee 50 -ungry. Manyi r " Three Killed In Army Plane Crash Huge Craft Explodes With § uncture wounc Hee > Knee +3 f ner 11 im est. » yy w driving = Brus bellu f : ¢ Lier eine smrenti a he Fo Ww AWAY Terrific Blast Near 0 Martinsburg I'HE Probably he wr aoe Osta niinged on pape Three) ——— WIFE OF AME PASTOR SPEAKS AT CLUB MEETING . Young Workers Urged To Care for Cards chiidrer 4 ang is also Mr r EVANGELIST November meeting of the ican Home section of e¢ Belle. Woman's Clul held the home Char Mrs Blanes SUGGESTION z ll | i rr — he ( errific al e Inspirational Film the Ssush | WR Heatd 88 AT RATINGS an aot Figen oe en Coming To Plaza ttle all over re | ton ; = a reall Mrs HD { the local coms MP — —— R Low ber AM CENTRE HALL MAN CITED AS FOREMOST WAR WORKER died mam ere born three daughter Mrs. Pred Merkle dane crashe Hoover shout ot mil n them of the Martinsburg Mrs Walle (Continued on Pape Three) State College. and Mrs. 0. E. Swart ——— —— of Detroit and St. Petersburg Mr Walker's memory is r is able to converse wit { about sixty } Delaware nd tol of the people of that ting out that the Negr vie with ean bul were had given WwW AAr northeast Big. iting Fi ner Alle i 1 people are prep i ‘ ue State College Couple : H on the past events of His life. He § filn Injured In Wreck quite agile for his years and wnill 14 rig} : , tes weeks ago. when he tripped anc Anal MEN Ay I . Pro D fell at Mrs. Wolfe's idual man, of "Libe of Hghtly In-1e, walk down the Fraternity for whic) passenger the barber shop He pends improvement in jousehold convene four years of York to Mi-| ne of his Ume playing solitaire, | fences and furnishings. At the Sn ay No nl though Gis hearing Is impaired clusion of her talk. = general ht hi newspapers without cussion of the American Negro was maker He He is up and held his oon around once every day since hi fall The next meeting will be heid Me | Mr. Walker points out that he has cember 18 at 12:30 at the home of / never lost any time worrying nor Mrs. Robert Bokenrode, with Mrs jost sleep over things that couldn Harry Meyer, co-hostess, A covered | be helped. That is the only reason dish luncueon was planned, to be he gives for the borrowed time he followed by a Christmas party Each enjoys beyond “the normal three member is 0 bring a 35 gift for score years and ten tex: hange Victory Club Hears a1 ROCUrACY go : did not thelr DOSHEASI ON with the things they As Negro was portunities of empioymant conditions improved, con- thelr home: showed equal the demands of econst Fr | champion ruction in § the Qt thelr LS " ance. as these dice name mbes € same Mrs iege Fran were ana K Charan home. was able economic e Indiv tate ( s street and back. sequently red Council of De! For the past { at the Tia: ing Company sOCial and Me Equality he ppression of the Fighting French 1 ae Underground ide France ve ne in thw train, bound from ami, Fia Saturda vember hetweer O'Neal wreck of or to Rev WTS R® C. Dettmer revival meetings wil be {ield each evening from ber 27 through December 10. at the Highland Pllgrim church, with Res R. C. Dettmer, of ‘he Beech Creek church as ear) evening. Bervice t 7.4 m Miss Elalne Hamilton music and special numbers welcome Is extended to all The revival messages will help you find God's blessing for your life and encourage vou in the Lord and mak your fe a greater blessing to others Entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. A Kline of How- ard, served a 1T-pound wild turkey with all the trimmings to the fol- lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert hope and son Paul, Paul E Shope F l/c. who Is on the USS Philadel- | phia, and Dick MeCloskey, son of | Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCloskey, of rouvgn the foug New mor Hi it TH miles ° of A ed forces Maquls with ni dis Novem- 18 8) tr ’ n reads the ald of glasses ae g In north o State the n films man been released fore basic cavse Mrs *Gardner divisions France of the diner great cultural and political contribu« | sacaped with bad bruises, and Mr tions of a country to which the de« Gardner is believed to have suffer mocracies of the world owe much, ed broken ribs. X-rays were lo have and how the liberation of lpeen taken France Is the first step in restoring! Mr. and Mrs her as a vital link In the great Al-|route to Orlando. Fla. to visit thelr iantic system of defenses, gUArAn- son. Dr. FP. EE Gardner. They cone teeing the future safety of the West- | inued their journey and it was said ern world that Mr. Gardner was able 10 eat) Released through Uniled Artivis, nis dinner on Sunday when he cele Inside Prance” was produced by the | prated his 801 birthday anniversary. | National Film Board of Canada, and » edited with commentary by Stuart {Lege Jacksonville, It was learned In HCRLE Cx lege Lar the will pa which ha ver Driver of Car Held After Accident Kathryn Heaton, | RD 1 suffered a laceration chin early last Bunday morne- a car in which she Tas operated by William E. Hey. Howard, R. DD, 1, figured in an accident on Route 220, a mile west of Mill Hall As pn result of the accident, Biate Police sald they will charge Mr Heverly with reckless driving. An in- formation to that effect will be flied with Justice of the Peace A. 8 Cross, of Mill Hall | According to the report, Heverly speaker begin reveals the of Lhe SLM WAS window, miraculously Larown out " within traces the » A Hear Mi 7. of Mill ows Hall of Yu Cardner were en Girl, 11, Painfully Address On Birds Burned by Hot Lard The Victory Club of the Centre| jean watson, aged 11, daughter of County Hospital met last week ating, ong Mrs, Merrill Watson, of the Nurses’ Home [Beliefonte, RB. D. 3. was admitted to Miss Mary Underwood of Belle: gh centre County Hospital late om] fonte, gave an Interesting talk on Thanksgiving Day to receive treat. War Bond Booths Report $388.85 Sales |. native to Centre county. Miss! ment for severe burns suffered in ———— (Evelyn Hollabaugh, also of Belle... .ocident. ing when riding erly of ‘Families Enjoy Howard, who served 20 months in Wild Turkey Feast {was driving east on Route 220, fol- Sales in the War Bond booths al'fonte, played several plano {the Mur] iy Store and In the Plas tions New Guinea and Is home on a 21 lowing a car operated by James W day furlough; Charles I. Heverly and son Junior. It was a matter of regret to Mr. and Mrs. Kline that M/Bgt. Harold J. Kline, who Is somewhere in England with the 8th Alr Force, could not be with them The following guests visited Bunday afternoon rs. Wilda Salsbury and daughter Jane, and Miss Williams, of Blanchard. | Delaney, of Mill Hall, R, D. 1, and {tw Heverly machine crashed Into the rear of the Delaney automobile Miss Heaton, riding on the front seat of the Heverly car, was In- jured when she was thrown against the windshield ————— i a — Bench Creek Home The home of J. Allen Heimer, Beech Creek, R. D., Ib quarantined for scarlet fever, The patients are their daughter, Beverly Heimer, and Mrs, Helmer's son, Eldon Gummo. The three children in the family all had chicken three weeks ago from which a {theatre last week totaled $388.85, It) One of the lucky hunters of Julian | was reported by officials to get his turkey the first day was, At the Murphy Store booth, with Thomas Hogancamp, who got a 15 Mrs. Harrison O. Kline, Mrs. Nora pound turkey. Among the ones to Ebeling, Mrs. J. 1. Schiegel and Mrs, help Tommy eat his turkey was his! Prankiin Pennington, in charge, three daughters and thelr families, sales for the week were $5435 in Mr. and Mrs, Dale Corl and sons stamps and $86.25 in bonds, Earl, Allan and Nell, Mr. and Mrs. | Sherman Beatty and daughter Shir. ley, and Mm, George E. Barton and son Larry, whose h is serve. ing In the Navy in the west During the business meeting nom- | nations of officers were held and plans for a Christmas party to be eld at the Nurses’ Home December 18, were made. Refreshments In keeping with the Thanksgiving sea son were served. - metal parts for the Army and Navy president of the Centre County Departments, and he's Christian Endeavor Association, and also pleased with the award of a member of the transportation Arn) Sad Navy Es which he and committee of the Titan Metal Man. hig workers have earned for ufacturing Company, the county's major war plant Mrs. Rhoads is active in Red Crom An active participant in civic af- work, and has assisted her husband