le KF =P iii BR WAR BONDS MEAN MORE THAN A GOOD INVESTMENT P FAITH with UE == by buying WAR BOHDS NUMBER 48 . » » » . » “ + SEs srnsas abe Centre De TRSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, SUBSCRIPTION-—$1.50 PER YEAR. Girl Is Molested VOLUME 63. BELLEFONTE, PA. THI 1944 1 Bellefonte Lieutenant Weds 0 County Men Wounded, 2 Seriously: Pvt. Paul R. Me Pine Glen, Seriously Wounded in Be m. Seaman Taylor Suffers Burns of I. Ay Hands. At the cl Oi wapl i! Warld Wi 1 asunlty 1 { yesied Y wounds the vari missing in -* ¥ % 4] Pvt a Mr. ang} Glen wus seri guim on Octobe word received ents Pvt. Mezker enters December 1 tralnibg at Ca ang] Camp Car mon where lu toy. Prior ¢ was empio Company in Si He | | Was saving & } entering | veel PVT. PAUL R. MEEKER Wounded In Belgium an Missing ’ SEAMAN RICHARD TAYLOR Wounded Aboard Ship PYT. CHARLES R. DICKSON Wounded In France Tavior Wounded Seaman = TWO SENTENCED ~~ XMAS SAVIRGS IN CAR THEFTS Grand Jury on J Duties; 7 True Bills compieting bridge M Returned Cal. » short tim ne AN From the duly in t His wif treet brides r Knisely the same day Talo Run the "Rom t Bishop tore aving the Key cal ie returned a half-hour LT. WILLIAM R. CONFER ler the ¢ gone. The machin Wounded In France (Continged on Page Eight) Valles SOT man =» street 3 ul 1 to make r wa “ LT. DONALD C, IMMEL Wounded In France . John {] | Wa UNDS INCREASE - Completes County Banks to Distrib- ute $136,900; Total S117,- 050 in 1943 5 URL g $65.000 to distribute y with 860.000 In 19043 pian stribution mined on "Fig Eight) ompared All the banks di o “ot Local Man Killed In | me Ammunition Explosion Put ville 0 tilled In act) from Leroy of Cole last week was nin France in a the War Department u James Walters diced as the result was learned In a aington The letter. received last Wednes- day by Mr. Walters stated that Pvt Fritz died in France on November 5 as the result of injuries incurred in the ammunition dump ed | The message stated that unfor- tunately reports of this nature cone taln only the briefest details as they are prepared under battle conditions and the means of transmission are limited. It disclosed tat {ff more In. formation Is received Mr Walters will be notified at once The young man lived in Centre county about six years until being called for service In October, 1942 At that time he lived at the Wal- ters home and was fruployed by Mr {Walters as a helper in his draying and trucking business, His father, Bamuel, living in Reading, a brother and three sisters survive reps ree tole (ram friend ville it Ole of Injuries letter from of ¢ accidental explosion of an | his friend learn | il EMBL arettes, Butter, Hams, New Furniture to be Sold KIWANIS CLUB SPONSORS S Music, Talks Veteran Airmen Listed on (\ig SALE by Program possibly ched ale al at held pation in paign and cig- and mattresses ypes, clothing chold articles nd new, will a iY studi hous 1 be sold is being pre- The American Mis present Kiwal several oloist bw Epa One of them is Lt. Edward Muli- maki, of Quincy, Mass, who was on bombing missions over France Austria, Germany, Roumania, and Jugosiavia before his plane was shot down on a raid over the Ploesti oil fields. He was taken in by peasants and later was sent to a prison camg sn Pape Hn Aged Man Found After Night In Rain © niisued YOR ried exposure lant bak HERE DECEMBER 14 Will Parade to Diamond; Candy and Gift Tickets for Children nace io 1 in Beliciont December for the parade were ar by aa nounced thi Natha Krauss, caairman of the tall Diy sion Bossart DeHa chalr- mar Activities Commies of the local Chamber of Commerce. The parade will mark the opening o Christmas season in this locality Continued on Page Eight) week and J af the Pleasant Gap Man Missing in Action afternoon Mr Peter Rose, of Pleas ant Gap, received a War De- partment telegram notifying them their son, Cpl. John Rose, with the Marines, is missing In action Cpl. Rose enlisted In the Ma- rines on November 4 1941, and received training at Parris Is- land, 8. C.., New River, N. C., and Dundin, Florida, He then was assigned to foreign service In September 1042, he wrole that 40 was with an amphibian tank detachment in the Cuad. pleanal area, and was a tank driver Yesterday's message did nol add where he was stationed at the time he became meng in action, Pvt, Rose is a graduate of the Bellefonte High School, class of 1940. and was a star. second, baseman on the Pleasant Cap’ tem at the time of Gis enlist. ment. Late yesteiday and Mrs the Lieutenrod and Mr. ) TR Mis oe api ie. Th carry Russell Newlonn Gandy | formerly Chaplain F Ferrying Group banks martly ive gabmr DE ERDarcine prayer wa in attired Gane hat is atid show- 14544 ang of BROTHERS Se MILITARY HONORS ~ SCHEDULED HERE “== Robert Walker Becomes Major at 21; Richard to Go to China H A CAM Kt? the five Am Thes Pre