Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, 4. November 9, I 144 A a i... ys -—— Fifty Years Ago Twenty Years RAPPE RS » PRICES PLUS $7590 ars! GET FREE Boog © story aw packed wntl ew, fires ! i : jt Few caneanily share in $70 EXTRA in Se Howe k oth wed Fu INADDITION tot buck gets you for your pelt Awards sre given Sears How THIS SEASON PAY BIG! Mall « MAS HK Ape twrw! -——-—— —-__-_--_-_-_ SEARS, ROEBUCK and LO, Philadetptia, Posssytyania Please mail me, without oomt or obdigaten, latest edition of “Tips to Trappers whew fur shippeng Lage Naw Rural Ronde , . , ,. Street Address... .... Pout Office Ow ses I] TL a ae a EE ata i —— cently vw M The $ f an deer was ty Hos; ital by G home in tHe Col Ct and began an ‘nvestiga- ’ “Ents ering the woods a Nashlght and while turned full upon him blinded the illegal hunters vance Bellefonte, Af » Day Ir nde. Bellefonte nn met High 11 sent to f Work had begun on the new high j old Bradford; vice president Mr school building at Warriors Mark The structure wi tc be of brick and was to itain four room A full four-year h school course was to be Jack Decker and Malcolm Yeager both graduates ¢f Penn Stats who were employed In Perth Amboy, N J. arrived In Bellefonte to spend weekend with theli parents,"Mi M1 Harry Yeager we were more ian CENTRE HALL (CHURCH SERVICES 1 tL «l | « Ly i ny 14 to 20 Nu M ad A Arthur Kline of Al- ona. © nd Mr P H Hollman La eit a wrt time re- Margaret They were en rouls to where the Klines will Milk Coolers AVAILABLE AT ONCE! In Electric; Gasoline Driven, or Tee Cooled Cabinets, Gyodshall remain for HUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE Phone 2615 RELLEFONTE, PA. Shamokin : i u MEL week uncle and sunt Mr and i Puhwr On Friday Mi or Sunbiry and Sein with other relative fo we Home on Gilliland, of Harrisburg il a Jew da the Deglning the week with her cousin Miss Margaret Jacobs and Leslie Jacobs Mrs. Mer Cillian of Snow Shoe, who had been visiting at the Gillie gd home in Harrisburg, was met at the Jacobs home on Sunday by her husband Miss Cuariotte Keller, who Is teaching in the high school at Eph rata, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Keller, Mrs, James Royer Is substituting ' for Mrs. George MoCormick In the Centre HII school. Mrs. MeCorme- fick's father, E.G Mingle of Aarons. (burg, is ll at her Home | Mrs, Harry Gould of Beliefonte, visited Saturday and Sunday with’ her son