Jesse | Looks at the NEWS a ———— “2000 Diapers Stolen Police are HEADLINE from Dallas Nursery." combing the undy-world IN N. Y. the other day a sailol was called down by a cop ior spug- gling in a ‘phone booth with his girl. It's getting so a guy can't even give out a busy line these days! “HITLER Gnashing Teeth,” head- line, Both our advancing Yanks and the Puehrer are chewing gum. Only difference is that ours come in pack- ages while Hitler's chewing his own gums! A BULLET zoomed door of a Houston store. It was stopped by a spinach. Paging Pop-Eve FRANK W. VOLNEY of Memphis, was a sailor, a civilian and a soldier all within three days. It got to the point where he didn't know what to hock U. P. REPORTE that Boston con- tributed $75 to the War Bond drive Oh yes, I meant to add 1 1812 ADD G. I. Mathematics a million: a billion; a trillion flian! IN GRAND FALLS a asleep in a revolving dour removed him and put hi when he awoke ha left ¢ well-—-one Ir other MRS. ANNE NUCCI of Boston re- ceived a 154-page letter from soldier h 22 of the 154 pages consisted of “PS A man of a few words keeps peating them, To SHOW +o ilian population of X an ad reprinted from newspaper: “8's-year-old Casualty with amputated the ry i" rarough ('Tex.) groce can A dollar; a civ chap fell Police to bed lar tip. n Gt rve ner she shan Dut ne re hil 9 nun Longlon Raid is i All eg N i A ANT A RESTAURANT owner CAgO was so tired explaining rons that il ng respons personal property that he nh a sign reading respons property lost or By the { the sign was hung up his stolen. INCIDENTAL Intell want to remove the stubborn bottle—and n't a corkscrew—hit the flat end against wall, protected by a folded towel : a dozen solid smack ne w st len rence cork YOu ~ i It'll open in COMANCHE hospitable towns country, at least according to boy in t 18th Armored Division. when no ho- te] rooms are avallable the sherifi throws open (ue jail for the soldiers use. Cell with southern exposure, please STYLE HINT: The latest thing in| Men's Clothes this season will be women! FAVORITE Story of the Week: Where'd you get the black eve? “For kissing a bride after the ceremony.” “1 can't see any harm in that, it's an old-fa:iloned custom to kiss the pride.” “Yeh-—but this was two yea after the ceremony INN Y. Astor Barber window flaunts a Service Flag 2 stars. Both are [or manicuri in the Marines now i ———— Little lliness In County, Nurse Reports At a meeting of the Public Health and Nursing Activities Committee, held last Thursday afternoon at the nursing headquarters in the Petrikin Hall, Miss Bertha Rimmey, Red Cross chapter nurse, reported a total of 127 visits for the month: mater. nity, 14; morbidity, 38; crippled children, 1. health service, 54; pat- ients visited and not at home, 5; and school visits 15. Miss Rimmey reported little acute fliness during the month. Most of the time was spent in school work. After discussion it was decided that the Red Cross nurse would assume responsibility for the health work in Milesburg schools The school medical inspection has been completed in Spring township, Milesburg, Hublersburg and Howard schools with a total of 272 pupils ex- amined. A conference was held with the principal of Howard and Hub- lersburg schools and plans were made for the health program for the year The Milesburg school was visited and pupils were given rapid class- room inspection, and conferences held with the teachers for a health program. The diptheria immunization pro- gram was completed in Howard, Axe Mann and Milesburg, with 149 child- ren being immunized During school medical inspection each child is given a printed slip of paper which states the defect found and is asked to take the paper home to the parents, Later calls are made in the home regarding the correcting of the defect found, and much co- operation displayed on the part of parents in correcting such defects Mrs. Thompson, committee chair. man, gave an interesting talk on a public health and nursing committee meeting which was held in William- recently, and at which Mrs, Texas, is one of the in & the Lie 10 Shop with La) Nursing, reported a class In home nursing at Hublersburg progressing nicely and plans are being completed for a class to start at Howard high school about December 1. Injured by Falling Ted Rockey, about 30, suffered in- juries of the face and jaw bone when fie stumbled and fell between a tractor and an attached wagon on Thursday morning while working on the farm of Roy Tyson, Loganton, RD H pias 'Reuess 4b, the Lock tal, Americanism: | The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County SECOND SECTION dhe Centre Democrat A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week | NEWS, FEATURES VOLUME 63. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1944 NUMBER 45 Random [tems Aged Altoona Man ls Slugged And Robbed By Man He Befriended Beaten into Unconsciousness by Bogus Mar- ine After He Had Entertained As- sailant in Tap Room An aged mer marine and beaten until dropped unconscious in an Altoona club and his wallet containing $17 wa tolen, Police Lieut Louis W. I wwstroh rej last = Wednesday in the story Wn ma who befriended a lugged man bogu aant he over orted releasing an out-of f 30 ar ora oil Paul Ww ploye, Pp 72, a retired PRR em- met Josephs M. Ci New York in a tap room and enter- ing into conversati with him taken in with the story that he was a merchant marine offi and de- cided to the 61 iran ol wt was cer stran State Purchases Wild Turkey Farm Game Commission Acquires 100-Acre Lycoming County Farm vivania Game Ce 400-0 valley {arm In The sion CK creek Penn has mmis- Loy oming re I y \ purchased a - part acre farm Juniats Ia jor propaga tic key but added tinue some time being Gordon sald between 000 turkey were nually the site boo mark a a 1.000 and 2 wild ralsed by and tae tL yearly ive director commissioner number inspected i of sites suggested for turkey farms but chose the Loyalsock farm “be- cause of its sandy loam soil, gravel underiay, good drainage, and abun- dant area of.cover crops.” } The commission's original wild turkey propagation program, Gor- don said, called for raising of the birds the wild” inside a large encl This method did not per- mit r yf large numbers of the birds, incubator- | brooder pr with good G } wild turkey stock ha iderabiy in ent racey “in 34] mure ¥ raising « but later an ram adopted sult wrdon aid ¢ quality unproved « re 2 4 nd bird p oduced This improved quality explained made it wild flock 4 of ible beyond central - ast | y na PX to extend turkey the heart 14- Pennsylvania range in er counties the ounty to at we 1] State College Youth Shot While Hunting George Hook, 16, of State College, suffered gunshot wounds of the face about 9 a. m. last Wednesday when shots from another hunter's shell spattered him while hunting near Manor Hills The accident happened when the hunter, from Sandy Ridge, shot at a rabbit which was running toward Hook. The youth was hit on the nose and the side of his face with the shots which showered him from head to foot, he said. Hook bagged two rabbits before the mishap Girl, 8, Suffers Burns Trying to Get Supper Barbara Ann Klinger. 8. of Sec. ond avenue, Altoona, was severely burned last Thursday evening when she was trying to get supper while her mother was away from home She was taken to the hospital in a ritical condition The girl was burned about the tiead, face, arms, abdomen and legs, when her clothing ignited as an oven exploded as she was pre- paring the evening meal ! The girl's father is said to be in the army and at present 's serving overseas i : : | | Hurt in Fall From Porch Roof James Stehley, 39, of Altoona, eme« ployed as a roofer for the Sabathne firm, was taken to the Altoona hos- pital by ambulance after falling from a roof of a home at Twenty-| second avenue, near Eighteenth! istreet. He was working on a house roof witen he lost his balance and ision fell from a box car Wednesday “Snookums,” dropped back to a porch roof. Neigh | bors called No. 1 fire station for the, [use of a ladder to remove the in- | jured man. | Chickens Disappeared | Mrs, Lilian A. Martin of Flem- | ington, reported to the State Police that 14 chickens disappeared from {their coop at her home one night recently, The police are conducting an investigation. mat an —— Direct Relief Report State Treasurer G. Harold Wagner = rinks aid Fen shto he bar W Gree: Alter ey on C imper to lowed natoy a club Paul to ! him and blackened 1 slugged He was treatment Li rest mn eyes into uncon- the dis- for police 1e officer ding Cur- found that he was ready 15 bat- wt, At pocket had ty card uj ther him taken to and sclousne b pprener ran tle it epting an city hall, they found Paul book the man put destroyed papers, social se and passes belonging aul in an Onscious L.t. Haber sald rwarded from the bureau in Harrisbuig in 1917 marked against WK tron inal detection hat belgnning Nn who is charged Oy v1 AKRTAvValed And “ robbery traveled unde aliases during Patrick McC Clancy Moma The re how York, Rocheste; Mich., Indianapol Ind, Wellsburg a1 Ure. We town, Pitcairn, Pittsburgh b § career Patri Carrigan Variou iuding K ¥ ord wis In New Plymouth, } and Ford Wayne N ew Castle Johns and Hua i —————— st Gallitzin Hunter Wounded by Shot Hit By Pellets Intended For Squirrel; Hid Behind Log A uth, "a0 wa ng behind a log, was shot through th eve and wrist by a hunting compan- fon in the Sugar Run area when the 17-year-old youth shot at a squirrel Edward Rapsky, 21. of Oallitzin, was admitisg 10 Altoofia Mercy Dos. pital after a pellet from a 12-gauge shotgun was removed from y left wrist in the dispensary One pellet entered the left lid of his eye and penetrated his eyeball There was the possibility of a third pellet having entered his left cheek Walter Vinglass also of litzin told State Pulice realized Rapsky was log and couldn't see where wa tanding aimed ang between Rapsky om the su Crailitan f ii ’ th Na £ : f ¥ int RAG ! A at the rom oy the two [14] tein nel he hen he fir Quirre] logs. He and the Lat was said that raised peliets | Powers to Speak at Boy Scout Banquet Scout nounces District held in Master James Biddle an- plans for the annual Muncy Boy Scout. banquet to be the logan Grang Hall at Pleasant Gap, Tuesday, November 14. Dinner will be served by the ladies of the Grange promptly at 6:30 p m P. H. Powers, vice-president of the West Penn Power Company and a national Boy Scout official will be the featured speaker. A new sound movie on scouting will be shown Among the guests will be Prof Theodore Oates, State College, pres- ident of the Juniata Valley Council and Robert Smith, scout executive for this area. All parents of scouts, all scouters, and all scouts who are senjor leaders in their troops are in- vited to attend, Tickets may be ob- tained not later than Friday, Novem. ber 10, from James Biddle, Pleasant Gap. Rev. Hewes Phillips, Miles. burg. Robert Rhoads, Centre Hall; Keith Anderson or any district com- mittee member in Bellefonte BECOMES ILL ON TRAIN, DIES NEARING HOSPITAL Mrs. Mattie Huber, 85, accompany- ing her son en route fromm Chicago to Washington, D. C., became ill on the train and died in Altoona before reaching Altoona hospital. She was taken from the train and was placed in an ambulance, dying en route to the hospital. Her husband, who died in Chicago last week, was buried Brakeman Jurt in Fall From Car William Down, 53, of Altoona, R. D. 3. a brakeman on he Middle div. morning and was admitted to the Altoona hospital, He lacerated the top of were required to close the wound. | A forehead gash required five stitch es and a cut below the Jeft eye was treated. | End Hunger Strike Five Belective Service Iaw viola | tors in the Lewisburg Federal Pen. itentiary have ended a 16-day! hunger strike which Warden W. A.| Hiatt sald was in protest against forfeiture of time | the bumper of the car. Both his legs there over the weekend, Armistice Day Blind Woman Is Fatally + Burned When Her Clothes Contact Home Gas Heater i | 4 " § Viki Fireman Killed St. Marys Man In Rail Crash Held In Hold-up Freight Collides With Derail- ed Train Which Hits Automohile State Police Leather Worker as Assailant of Hitch Hiker Arrest locomotive fireman was Doppol a wWest-bhound 8 held in irocad freight ieralied east train thal automobiles J mes Penns efor Dip ell « fore The firs curred by Elia stalled apprehend t brought t ) collisions an automobile dAriver Dush. 35, of Ridgway, grade crossing. A George Moore idgway, along with Miss Jai 10 BWR d the car when they Mr. Harts approach Ak hort was unable TUM of a heavy Lock Hav. raigned be- Brungard count Mar on and Mark y to 1 , ny Wednesday Aldermar commiting ar the who the Lhe Car t fn he WE Cieg a heart r : after } wa wiped AE By i slong Rouls ing Township Emporium. According the the elderly man Wid 0 the motorist two young men had picked him up along the highway, robbed him and then drove him [rom the car Ww a nearty bank, fording him Ww climb down the bank. In the midst of his story to the Mr Hartsock siumped over dead nger train w t 4 PRSEINE mot - East Keal- Renovo and iN engineer int 120 1s because Car 1% eet Was reported DeLee: fog, it Three mim after the first wreck which had deralied the passenger locomotive, the west-bound freight train smashed hegd-on Into the wreckage, causing derailment of the entire 13-car freight train, reports said Twenty en children double to story he motorist by including seve injury in the passengers escaped accident 4 Injured Jumping From Street Car VY .F. W. Auxiliary Entertains Kiddies 1 for dren din- Post Wars + of chi ad a "4 { A Hallowe'en party of post and club members ner for officers as 1600 Veterans of Foreign Bellefonte, were highlights the program of the Ladies Auxil- Post during werk oximately children atte i the Hallowe'en party held at the VFW t Tuesday evening Games were played and sandwiches, chocolate milk and doughnuts were in the various con- Wil Beverly Created by Smoke From Motor rr wiv a 3 nairmen « 1 1 4 woman were in- in toona Sunday } they J social a the the afternoon nd imped wded by rough the win- street car during smoke [rom Appr (i) oq 8 Of a Cr created moto home Ia a pare electri Police sengers jammed hey Wwoug Ne CAT Was Children were thrown « men smashed bare fists and Women shrieked the confusion cries of mingled with pushing mob wiiich resulted in the hospital. ization of one man and the treat. ment in Altoona hospital dispensary of three additional persons The injured: John F. McElwee, 4 a welder at the Juniata "nops, Was admitted to Altoona hospital, having uffered a fracture of the right leg, with two bones in the ankle uaving been broken John Thomas, 28, store attendant Juniata, suffered a laceration of the right eyelid, and was treated in the dispensary Lena Haller, 39, a truck operator al Second street, Juniata, was treat ed for a contusion over the middie region of the leg Clarence Noland, 40, a truck driv- er at Juniata E and M, was treated for a gash of the forefinger of his right Qiand A spokesman for the Logan Val- ley Electric Co, operators of the line, sald a short circuit in the mo- tor caused the smoke ‘Girl Shot In Neck an the frightened pase to escape id served ts were Geraldine McMurtrie Lucas, Theresa Strunk Allen Howard, Loretta Irvin Thomas Bickett and Mildred Reed Music and dancing also were includ- ed on the program The dinner for post officers and chairmen was held at the VFW home last Thursday night when Willard Nefl, commander of the post, pre- sented to the Auxiliary the annual check for $200, in appreciation of the Auxiliary's co-operation and the splendid work during the year After-dinner discussion included a review of community projects. hos. pital work, and tentative plans for welcoming returning veterans and aiding them with their problems Announcement was made that all Post and Auxiliary members are ask. ed to keep faith with the dead and remember the living by meeting at the Post Home at 10:15 on Armistice Day to participate in exercises on the Diamond at 11 a m Man Struck by Cor; Both Legs Broken Clarence Fuoss, 46, of Tyrone, R D. 2. was admitted to the Altoona hospital Wednesday, followime an accident In Juniata. He was stand- ing al the rear of his large trailer truck when a fellow worker backed his car into him, striking him with Winners in the exits tes nt 1 afire the windows leaped i street with out of and men Cain i AIK their the car added p | fire lo Ag the at Miss Elsie White, about 18, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T, White, pu {who resides near Youngdale, Clin. “SNOOKUMS"