November 9, 1044 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. > LOCAL — Miss Isabel Johnson, of North Spring street, spent several days last week on a business trip to Wil- liamsport Our good friend George C. Har- vey, of Lock Haven, was a welcome caller at our office on Saturday while in town on business Mabel Detling of Bush ton, spent the weekend Lakes, Ill, with her tice Seaman Willlam Dettling, who entered service several weeks ago Mrs. O. A. Kline of East Bishop street and her daughter, Mrs. Wil- Ham Leitzell, of State College, spent the latter part of last week on a business and pleasure trip to Pitts- burgh Mr. and Addi- at Great son, Appren- Mrs. Si Claude closed their cabin recently at Park and are occupying the Victor Watson apartment in the Miss Elis- abeth Hart home on North Spring street — Charles E. Gettig, S of At- lantic City. N. J. is spending a leave with his wife and family at Pleas- ant Gap. Before entering service Seaman Gettig was employed at the Penn-Belle Hotel Mrs. Pranklyn Grystko, the for- mer Roseann Brachbill of Bellefonte, expects to leave today for San Ra- fael, Cal, for an idefinite visit with her husband, Lt. Gryctko, who is stationed near there — Ralph Ever, steward at Bellefonte Elks Home, resumed duties there Monday after having been confined to his home for eral days because of a threatened attack of pneumonia Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen and son moved during the weekend to the Gillen double house on East Logan street which they purchased more than a year ago and which has been extensively remodeled Mr. and Mrs. Ned Heverly and daughter, Margaret, of East Logan street, returned Monday from Wil- liamsville, N. Y.. where they spent several days with Mr. and Mrs Heverly's daughter, Sister Julia Ma- rie Hen Hecla sic the hi SOV ~ . of Chevy Chase, Md. is in Bellefonte visiting Mrs Berberick’s mother Mrs. A L. Me- Ginley, Sr, of South Thomas street Mr. Berberick came here at thi time to participate in the all game season Lt been Fla Carl Berberick m sin Thomas B. Beaver, who has stationed at Hendricks Field, left last Thursday for his new post at Lincoln, Neb. after spend- ing a leave with his father, Thomas B. Beaver and family of East Bish- op street Pvt. Wayne Eckley. who redent- ly returned from the European war area, is spending a 21-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Eckley. at their home in Valley View. This Is Pvt. Eckley first visit home since he 21 mn ago Allen Hewitt. employed as re- search chemist for Mellon Institute Pittsburgh, spent the weekend with his wife, the former Cyrene New- comb, at their home on East High street. Mr. Hewitt was graduated from the School Chemistry Penn State Milford Cox, member of the of guards at the State In i School at White Hill, spent the fore- part of this week with relatives in Bellefonte. Mr. Cox was engaged in the restaurant business in Belle prior to accepting a position at the White Hill School —Bond White, who has been con- fined to his home at Axemann for the past three weeks because of illness, returned last Wednesday to his duties in the Prohtonotary’s of- fice. Mr. White, who is still under the care of a physician, will be at his office for only a half day until he has completely recovered Mrs. Andrew Runkle, Jr spent several weeks at the home her mother-in-law, Mrs. Edith Run. kl», of East High treet, left last M'esday for her home in Montgom- sry. Ala. The condition of the elder Mrs. Runkle, who operation in the Centre County pital about a month ago, is improved Pfc. Melvin pects Lo return with the Coast John Curtis, Va. with his parents Charles Mulbarger, of Pleasant View since Tuesday of last week. Pfc. Mul- barger, who is 26 years old, has been in the serviee for 27 months and during much of that time has serv- ed along the Atlantic coast -Mr. W. H. Bathurst and wife of Altoona are spending a few days at thelr cottage near Curtin. Mr. Bath. urst, a native of Curtin, retired from the Penna Rallroad Company last July after 44 years of employment in the foundry at Altoona. Being an ardent fisherman and hunter, Mr Bathurst will spend considerable time at his cottage since he has nothing else of importance to oc- cupy his time ~Mrs. Ethan Vars was guest of honor at a farewell party held last Wednesday night at her home by a group of friends. On Monday Mrs Vars departed for Duncansville to Join her husband. Those who attend- ed the party were: Mrs. Vincent Flynn, Mrs. Joseph Forster, Mrs Leonard Witmer, Mrs. Walter Arm- strong. Mrs. William Witmer, Mrs Paul Hartsock, Mrs. Gilbert Ander. son, Mrs. Leslie Polliard, Miss Mar- garet Morgan, Mrs. William Prey and Mrs. Arthur Houck. Mrs. Vars was presented with a gift ~The Kiwanis Quartette of Belle fonte last Tuesday appeared before the Lewistown Kiwanis Club and after the dinner and meeting the quartette was invited to the studio 0" the Lewistown radio station where they made recordings of several of thelr numbers. At noon, last Wed. nesday, several of the recordings were broadcast over the Lewistown station and a number of Bellefonte residents heard and enjoyed the progam. Members of the Quartette Newman, Cecll A. left wonths of fonte who of underwent an Hos- much H. Mulbarger today to his duties Artillery at Fort after having been Mr. and Mrs exX- George Waiker, Rudolph Lindquist and turn to Bellefonte and will be here Moerschbacher and son, and Mr, Lawrence McClure. Mrs. Freda Stock much of the time until she receives and Mrs |notice to report for assignment. is planist for the group, { Meade Miss of on =n duties the LWo at Rebecca Yerger ‘adillac apartments Is SM vacation from her the First National Bank Mrs. Jennie Kelley and her ter. Mrs of Tyrone, were das Mi lonte Mrs of Altoona Sara Van Scoyo guests for a few ol CGieorge Robb of Belle- Charles field, is spending Bellefonte with her Mrs. Rebecca Ci ruse street Mrs. Chester Clear- days in in-law High Cruse several mother of East ol WwW. Thoma of Bishop street spent the week- in Harrisburg with her husband Thomas, who is stationed at Ft Md and Mir Taylor Pine street recently purchased the former Welty home on East How- ard street and expect to move there early next month Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Menold of Jeannette, Pa., former Bellefonte residents, received word recently ol the safe arrival of their son, Pvt Harry Menold, Jr, in England Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan who have been residing on East Howard street for several years, moved Wednesday this week to Stormstown, where they will make their future home Mrs. George Robb and son Don- Mrs. Earl White and children Miss Hazel Kelley visited the weekend in Morgantown, W. Va and with Mrs. Robb's son in Cum- berland, Md The annual Incheon of Bellefonte Garden Club will be held at the Penn Belle Hotel at 12:30 o'clock on Wednesday November 15. Re may be made by calling Roger Mrs Bayard Monday, No- vember East end Sgt Mr Billett of of na) ald, and over the ervations Mrs. J. C Magee before 13 or for Edward Robb, who weeks peen r apartment in the iing. South Allegheny S ; parted for Norwich Conn., for an indefinite with her son and daughter-in-law, Lt Comdr Mrs. Richard E. Robb and family U= Pried- had oce sterday de viuit Visi ana Sh A cour death Unionville Mr mothe Parson Mr. ar Mr Pittsfield, Mas and daughter-in-law, Capt Norman H. Ishler and son, Nor- man, Jr. of Pittsburgh, spent sev- eral days last Bellefonte a sts of Willi ter, Mr Paul Fortne) home on t Bishop Pvt. Walter J. Condo R D. 1. has arrived in she Artillery Replacement Train Port Bragg. N. C.. for training. He 1 been hier Willis A. 1 and o their son and Mrs of week In treet of How- ard Field ing Center, basic military signed to Battery 3rd F. A. Reigmes training he will a field organics tial from i5 oli-in nd Mrs. Lilo) Mr. Cleven Kemps in moving J.. to Hanover, where ly was ch Hanover HI Miss Anne since gradi Ho pi tal Washingtor been a Member of the nas ervice in the Navy Nurses’ Corps on Saturday arrived in Belle- for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mr W. Hassell Montgom- of Fa t Linn street, while await- ri of a commi and Osen A School Montgom mtion from 4 ai Prorid D C has nursing staff volunteered fence at for and fonts ery on : £1 his bar- street alter because of During the umn Mr inge suffered a back injury which ailed to respond to usual treat. nent, and on October 20 he was Vetreans Hospital wall, where he underwent treatment for two weeks home Friday. His health nproved Paul Gingher, of Pleass nt Gap employe of Rockview peniten- suffered a foot injury Monday work Ing as an extra employe at the Titan Metal plant. Mr. Gingh- er stepped on a plank and a spike protruding from the plank pierced the sole of his shoe and entered his foot. He underwent treatment at the Titan dispensary and since then has been under medical treatment Although the Injury Is not serious he is required to remain at home for several days Capt. and Mrs man and two sons, of Hobbes, New Mexico, motored to Bellefonte dur- ing the weekend for a several days’ visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs E. H Adams, on North Allegheny street. The family left here Tuesday for Duquesne, where Mrs. Corman and the two boys expect to spend the winter at Ms. Corman’s par- ental home, while Captain Corman returns to his duties in New Mex- ico. In civilian life Capt. Corman is a prominent Bellefonte physician Miss Agnes Kellerman, who since graduation from Catholic Un- iversity, Washington, D. C., in May, has been head nurse of the opera ting room at Providence Hospital, Washington, on Saturday received a commission as an Ensign in the Navy Nurses’ Corps and expects to be called for duty about December 6 Her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Kellerman, of East Bishop street, will leave Monday for Balti- more, Md.. to spend several days attending races at Pimlico before going to Washington for a visit with thelr daughter, Miss Kellerman will accompany them home on their res rim opened High Absence on We al week shop 1 over lines er P Is : aken to the at Asplhr medical returning IS much § an tiary while Paul M. Cor- {the Oeste, { VISIL — A Mrs. Annie Carson Bellefonte visiting her daughter Grace Gingher and family, of Berardls apartments Mrs, William Curtin, of West is In Bellefonte for a short with her husband father, Curtin of West Linn of Irwin, is Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Widdowson of North Allegheny street, on Friday observed thelr twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Pvt, David Carlisle Barracks lough with his Mrs. Frank Ray, in Murs Ray, stationed at is spending a fur- parents, Mr. and of Pike street I'he Misses Blanche Poorman and Nelle Plack of Reynolds avenue left Tuesday for a ten-day plea trip to Philadelphia New York John 81 street Mrs. Floyd Bishop street A. Yearick, of East spent the weekend with her brothers, John, Merrill and Doyle Heverly Brookline, Phila- delphia Set. | M1 Mrs Hodges 1 ue returned thelr home Harrisburg wveral days visit with Mn Mull West Curtin Mr. and rederick Sunaay Bure nna of atrick Torsell of D., arrived weekend to spend a 15-day fu M1 Mars Oma treet l#Roy Nell ¢, of Norfolk ten-day furlough parents Mr. and Mi of East Bishop sty Neal Kohler, of East Bish- op street, returned last Wednesday to her home from the Centre Coun- ty Hospital where she was a surgl- cal patient for week more Mrs. E. E. Widdowson, of Allegheny street, spent the weekend with her son, Kenneth, a student at Valley Forge Military Acad- emy Vayne, near Philadelphia Jessup, of Mnker ived in Bellefonte on 15-day furlough and Mrs. Ed- Penn street Sioux and Thomas here irh the on Lo lay aller a thet Rebecen V Lreel Mi Md for a visit mother Mi I and family of wits: hi ol of North mi Ih Kenneth George ( to chute were Arpen in Belle- with the hi uals Car- Nelli Alle- Mi rigger 2 of | spending a fonte former pencto with Waltdr y t al «of South gheny steel Mrs. E. E Friday to her J. alter spending her mother, Mi Of Tyr Who is a in the Centre County Mrs. Margaret Linn st . and Mi of North Spring departed for Hager speiid 4a Week of Stewart A Mi Samuel an, Samuel A thelr wine Spending i i parents Hollabaugh returned home in Franklin, N. several days with M. R. Johnson surgical pauent Hospital of West Emerick yesterday Md t with Mis Miller i or North He Stewart Ww. J treet Lown the reet at Sgt. Samuel Fleld, Okla., an Tuesday to spend with his parent wi Jessup Mr Alice QO ten days priew, Walley M¢ and returned Saturday al Wyalusing with Mr, Mu and Mrs. John East Li a M1 Nichol her ard of South North New wohl ¥ haat O'Lea of Penn street left Sunday for York City for an Indefinite with son-in-law and daughter Mrs. Patrick J. Armstrong Samuel McGinley of = Thomas and his ii Carl Berberick of Chevy Com- purchased lo aller month M1 fami] M Nic ana Mano South Mrs Ma t Bart- Spring slerday re mn ania Cas Deen : street tumed the Central imnsyly pany his home on nager alter having to located East C MY DOCH Use urtin for evere Mrs who occupying in the Galalda he treet, moved Monday he Genua bullding « recently hn Edith St. Clair, Mrs and little daughter Leroy Bloom all Miss Nora St io, were callers at office Monday morning while Bellefonte on a business mission Mi al were wd Allison Weaver with his wile ' aparunen ‘aldwell, at the Mrs, Mary hop sLrmet Basil A apartments treet an se on Norih } to tt apart n West vacated by e Dol on South Allegheny irchased the Keich- East Bishop occupied for Knisely Gillen recently pm on been the Albert Henry Bane retum weeker Wade line Judy, which h of Snow ye house treet Robinson and Mr Shoe, and ars by Mr Clair of Cleveland, ( ii Mr. and af Fast Miss Evey visit with Mr and Mrs North Thoma Evey Miss both of Belicfonte sister, Mrs. George Stover turday for Bellwood 0 Centre Hall operators of Mr Ralph Struble Marg Beauty Salor ret ning | we W wernt to New York CN or Pifer West BI attend the National treet. who for nearly two years has Convent f employed by the vania Pro- Company, was recently placed of the personne! depart- the Mill Hall and Altoona Pifer is commuting t dais Thei- and of L ia ni former O. Struble street, left Sa visit Mr. ar parents ma f of thelr the Bel Jet c a rye! bets Pennsylvania Those out of town in Belle fonte last, Wednesday for the Tuner al of Mra. Mary Sager of Half Moon Terrace were: Mr. and Mrs Das id iter of Baltime MM wife been 8yi ducts § in from charge ments of t Mr {ils home Mrs. Charles Hall, became nae jal ROLLE SRgerT Pita Vil "Dan J. Clayton Greenland Addition recently Je Mr. and West Beaver paghet dint Bella Gordon Floren Marga: r reet he Hurley Mu erly fr al Hugh 8 Hey aparunents St. Petersburg, Fla the winter dauvgh ot Altoona Barig Tein t spend tos Corey and Congressman Rich Returned to Office Willow . weeks With n the and Mi Dorotliy Olt ' Grove, spending several with h incle and aunt, Mr Mrs. Marvin Rothrock, of East Linn street. Dorothy came to Bellefonte with her grandmother, Mrs. Ralph Mallory of the CGazetle apartments, and also Mrs. Rothrock, who had been visiting at the Olt family home for a week or more only nine Incis 15th Congressional six counties Rowert F elected 0 the House of tatives over Richard F. Hartzell a plurality 17.213 The totals: Rich, 47827 30614 Rich carried county. Clin- ton county, complete, gave the Wool- rich manufacturer a lead of 646 over the Democratic county caairman The only other complete county Tioga. gave him a huge vole return- ing him to Congress after a lapse of two years following his withdrawal from the national political scenes as the redistricting of Pennsylvania obliterated what had been his Home district. He had a plurality of 5811 in Tioga pre missing district's Rich was Represen- with ” of Hartzell every William H Kline, of East op street, Sunday afternoon was taken to the Centre County Hose pital where a chicken bone was re- moved from his throat. The bone, about an inch and a half long, be- came lodged in his throat wiille he was eating dinner with his family at the George Hazel cabin along the Spring Creek road near Houser ville Billy Brachbill 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brachbill, of South Spring street, Monday | night was taken to the Centre Coun! ty Hospital for treatment for a se. vere attack of asthma. ‘The child has been In an oxygen tent at the hospital much of the time since be- ing admitted and yesterday Give was reported to be showing considerable improvement Bish- Bellefonte Airman Gets Promotion ———— (Continued from page one) few months ago. A bomb accident INE a humber of casualties. Disre- garding the hazards of further ex- Harry Howard and his mother, Mrs, Blanche Howard, of East Lamb street, Sunday held a family reuns fon at their home, with 22 members of the family being present for the day. Entertainment Included the’ showing of motion pletures, Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs, William Howard and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Howard and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Cunsallus, Miss Bernice Rine, Mr. and Mrs. Ean] merman Joined several other Alrmen in approaching the scene to help rescue the injured A native of Bellefonte, Lieut Zim. merman was formerly a yard lore man with the M. L, Claster firm In Tyrone. A 1938 graduate of Belles io fonte High School, he has been in'on the Army since October, 1941 and be (won his wings and comm at Yuma, Arizona, in July, 1943. He later completed further training in B-28's and A-20's in Colorado and South Carolina. {Bickett and son, Mrs William Earl Rockey and family, [ali of Bellefonte. ally exploded on the ground, caus- | plosions and fire, Lieutenant Zim. | | Cl Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de. sO amazingly popular. Considering it and use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com every week. That's partment has become the benefits derived from i munity Bargain Counter RATES Advertisements first Issue, and for ments contain more than twenty REAL ESTATE A straight ore advertising sale or rent KEYED ADS All advertisements that request replies be mailed to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise- ments. Pleage do not call at the office for Information concerning such advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge Lhe name of the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE Every subscriber to The Centre Dein- ocrat whose subscription Ir paid up to date, Is entitled to a 25-word ad- vertisement in these columns one time, free of charge. Otherwise the subscriber will be charged the regular advertising rate. This privilege can be used six times atl different intervals CDA Sends Clothing To War Refugees low cost for ndvertis charged calanle cent; of each leas, 25 Where word © charged for five ndditional word cent a word words or Insertion twenty 1H cents cent oa» five one real Lo a’ Yer! Announcements NOTICE I Be ‘ Lie Catholic Da igi ¢t Monday night on West Hig Mary J AE commit pre foe gave report Hart war ho reported cnurch countrie members mass at November asked tureen gifts will wi HN AL men ipper } be exchanged at party oer Ie Wh Work Wanted Protest Posting Trespass Notices { Bellelon neces Pon Lev MeO Dam and swig hunting or trespassing allowed SF's 4 ts i Purpose a 1 we WANTED Men ef a Rep- DY ap Valley EE 4 or the next hoot ducks sina these natural feeding grows cause these few th wi sportsmen ho we now i ten and gee nd i round hart noi the honorable gentlema nart ha yvement ol course. | upposed lect ab Lame island small Do pre wk of simply ind the span and over ducks ng up all the populated 1 harbored arn fish In © Wales and the amnagr eke which fiw wal only a ve harry question br thinned they have inhabit back I exuin | FS statement We the sportsmen in question question any one's right to prevent us from hunting on waters and dam legally owned by the great state of of Pennsylvania, to satisfy a few self. Ish unsportsmeniike people and we farther suggest the removal of these objectionable notices at once and not be the cause of our missing the duck season we walled a whole year for, and as law-abiding citizens we do not care to violate a notice, and as & hundred ducks come into these swamps every night and we have seen all of five hundred ducks on the McCoy dam several years ago Are we to miss such opportunity for sport? Be sports, Mr. Mayor, Rev. erend, and some Businessmén: take down those notices and at once The duck season is advancing and we are going duck hunting. and your tame ducks are safe as far as we are concerned Respectfully yours COMM LTTEE OF DUCK HUNTERS ———— a ———— BHS Alumni to Hold Dance on January 6: Is Cane ar of inp ale How FOR Call 1 tween SALE -1 nna houreg of A Friday = one ana H electric flernoon six ct Anyone this he o'clock will x4H ron SALE Marietta “concrete and wood slices. Also used silos. Inguire ER 4 Meeker, Milibeim, Pa Phot.e +R. nt oO FOR SALE--Universal electri a Motorola 12-v0it radio Weaders, RD 1. State Phone 3508 stove Jos. liege x45 and eph Pa about 1f A pool ta JN Everts x45 FOR SALE--A steel girder feet Jong: 65 tile 8x14 hie in good condition Pine Grove Mills. Pa FOR SALE A home-made garden tractor on rubber, 11 poog cond | - won Paul Hironimus foward. R D. 2 (Jacksonville) x45 FOR SALE Hard cond, all sizes by the load Also soft and oannel cost. Please write me. Glenn P. Mc Caleb, Loganton, R D 2 a2 ron SALE-8torm window SRY hy installa 03% Paintea, ready for (ton. Mm. Baward Young, Phoenix Avenue. Dial Bellefonte 2080. x48 POR SALE--An Indiana dump wack complete, now motor. Also a semi | trailer C F Ripka, Water street or phone T68, If no answer oall 6047 dou : POR SALE Pears and apples. Also fallen 80c per bushel Pick | your own York Orchard, five miles A meeting of the Bellefonte High least of Bellefonte. Leave 850 Route | wih School Alumni Association will be at Myers cemetery held in the high school bullding at! POR SALE 7:30 p. pb. Wednesday, November 15," oo mills. If you want a a With Ume plans for a dance for 1948, order how. Rationing is off Debi oma mamta (8%, 10 he aad ahes are: sind in Satutday evening, January 8, win Inst “Markie, State cals yy dance, which will be open wl psi y begin at 8:30 p. m, Ey wa ASSITIED ADVEDTISEMENTS | —e A———— Prick threshers and | thresher Pil mn Chie Tres Ba w HORTA shed ves Dat i3 Yeu, ly on the apex Lin 8 gives 11 Crenevial Wm fer ny Heimer ed for sla; e. al tyias dra m heat Situsied 5 ONE Prof- widow. T Pa Phone Money to Loan and other needs. Any saw ) 0 #1.000 yur BITVIng harges are low. Cone sumer Dissent Co Eart MM Bittner matuager. THMon Trost Biggs. lock Hs Pa. Dial 3 b x3 For taxes coal unr —- When you Deed opedil Tm DUrpose nvestigals cooperative credit ans Inguire of Goo Nothers- Hoa [nh Milton E Stover, OF was Prodaction Credit High Sa. Bellefonte uv FARMERS for any fa farmesy Repairing Allegheny street. Dial 2088 i-u MAHENE WORK Cattle clippers shwpenea. General machine work of ali Xinds We also have in stock old roi see], CAD SCTEWSE, Sel ACTEWSR, Woodrufl keys kev stock, eic. Bwara Beliefonie, Pa. Phot i+ Bi, x47 Howard Machine Shop, 204) Sales Mart WARM ESHA Penna Contre Mall Toesiay ny ry. you Reigel Miscellaneous Valery a a Ta Povey Hales Mare BA's srry stock and Drives nager 1-u The Clinwn Auction » Hall, Pa, offers you An oOp- portunity to dispose of your lve. sleck and poultry dDFY competitive bidding erery Mondar Get your ) heck a8 soon As sale je made No conn slo n do Beohdel 1° 1 Ba ETON E « Bampossd teoenptly Cvs I Vogt Centres Hall A8 Millheim 30-R-5, a! our = 5° DEAD Call ne tem rey 8 7 can eLoet 2 owner ma wood 87 OOK Removes promot ADYLIME al my expense Phons Beliclonie doyd LL. BED, lesburg, Pa 1-8 TENTION FARMERS Don's be aughe abort of DeKalb quality by odd Corn. Three hundred lee ve farmers Ceplre oA e. already ordered their DeKall a. There must be a reason Contact Your dealer al ohoe. as ont IPply of seed as very Umited Phone Slate College 27956 or write Walter C wJOkuAuR, Stale College. Pa x46 TIS A PEAT TO TREAT PEET--We take ihis means 10 Mnform he public that we oarry in stock every- thing pertaining 1% the feet such arch supporis, both jong (longitudi- bal) and short (melatarsal) arabes Also wedges. bunion shields And plints; athletes foot remedy. heel piraighia, arch binders, chyropodisie pads, matatarsal pads and supporia moieskin adbesive plaster for tired aching feel. heel balancers and pro- ectors. Permit us %o arch and wadgs le shoes al & very moder. : k price. Beller than the buili-ds Mrs. Eveline a wdjusts self to the fool Belictonte R titer and last bul not least, a 50 45 cent corn remedy. Costa more, worth It We also carry a full line of oor. rective. orthopedic, therapeutic and snti-rheumatic shoes, Including the famous Doctor Locke Shoe and oth- ers. Bring your prescriptions and {amily receipts lo us and have them properly compounded by Registered people A Tull Line of the Iatest and Iremhest drugs and medicines oblain- sbie anywhere, as we either i" In stock or gel iL Tor you, or 11 n't made. Large stock from " draw and evervihing brand nter new and up Wo date Trusses ia both single and double. THE RING PHARMACY, Beech Oreck» Exclusive Drug i. - DEAL Call H435 Mi PARM ERA | Poultry for Sale ther, Pleasant Bellefonte 042 POR SALE Some Jersey Fred Resides DD. Phone POR SALE puliet ge. RF SAMEB-30R OP puliets, 6 Robt. Barge: ron thie 1761 New Hamp Dial Pa x4 vii tha Boalsburg ‘ nel -— your favo FOR t¢ Rock pu at a - let Have! D2 SALE-8Some Wh $100 a pisce Bush Hollow POIt BALE - New Nock of No government turkeys in cries Tuesday Order your Carl A Sager Mill Hall Relisfonte turkey restrictions on Pennsylvania. Delis and Friday even n holtday turkew © Mackeyvilie, Pa Phon BM or Mrs, Nelson Riljet war Business Opportunity of FOR BALE Centre Mall Roller Pion it ing MMi, Bradford & Co, owners With milroad sidling to oconl yard and mill door. Mill fully equipped and electrified. Plenty of storage room for in, feed, buliding ma- | terial. machinery, cement, et will | fare Je posession Jan. 1. 19048 Reason selling, Ls health au wns mn. | THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY, NOV. 11 "ARMISTICE DAY" OPEN FRIDAY, NOV. 10 © TO MY FARMER CLIENTS lng BAlmAted Income’ Tas filing ted 1 x returns for 1044. Please call SAM WIPE MN for appointments. ‘Toner A. Hugg Bob Davis Store Tax Service PA. Phone 6198