Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 02, 1944, Image 1
a & 4 pie EERE EE KEL FAITY \ LR (6 by big qg £2 WAR BR DS SEs sss san # be Cenlre Demo Qa —————— WAR BINDS MEAN MORE THAN A GOOD INVESTMENT NUMBER BELLEFONTE, THI RSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1944 SUBSCRIPTION--$1.50 PER YEAR. VOLUME 63. g a Two Frou County (NRE Killed In Action § 3.6 LONVE Sabbath School tion to Meet in Philipsburg VARIED PROGRAM Sargue er Kit in "At HAS BEEN PREPARE 13 the | - » Week's Casualty Toll Reports Two Deaths, Nine Wounded and One Missing: Sey eral Service Men Wounded Second Time - Pi t « fe. Dove Crind ele Three Sessions to Be He Day and Night in Christ Church Memorial Services For Pvt. Grubb YOUTH SERIOUSLY INJURED IN WREG Car Fails to And Crashes Over Five-Foot Bank Malcolm Will ams Makes Sacrifice Supreme iM p ( wlio Is ¢ he Lock H Hospital, suffering from head Juries, received In an accident Beeoh Creek, BAludey. ei cousin, Harris Weaver, 15. wa charged fr m tie hospital after ing treated for injuries to hi W bed | and The third viet fonte Unit Brethre Durch ! , 9 1943 nd after everal accident. George Bowe 15. » Sunday afternoon mot dining Clellan., Marsh Creek fered mine pastor, Rev. D. E rmasto v 1 Ala oert a short rie at Fort and did not enter the © fleiats hurt thie were riding atied 0 make above th of the Beech chine upset t embankm condition sed on Poge Ei 85 Milesburg District Children Inoculate BELLEFONTE MAN zee FATALLY INJURED the Red ver 1% : pat i: Pa with | jJAURhH iricia Ann ' months, lives jn Wastiington, D. C The port Matilda soldier, who is a graduate of the high school in that was a rfiéman of the Division of the First ent in § i = Pri. Eluwed Grubb. Memorial services jor Pv COrabb. Bellefonte soldier wh from wounds received while In of dut} will be ye ice Decem- ankle ae : Were when Arcs 00 atinned on page Fowr) children of Clty were weuiatlions at ponsored by ns Club Th SOLDIER VOTES BEING RETURN Check Shows less Than 30 Per Cent Received by Commissioners given he « the Mile rsday u nder the Cross was held | grade room of the Milesburg it by Miss Elizabeth Ar Dr. Joseph Parrisl the toxoid with Rimmey Red Cross nurse Members of the clud parent to thank alded in making the clink Robert M. Thompson Dies in Elmira Hospital After Auto Crash taugl or i ered and 1¢ those ing Militar well who na Deen jas Com as iatall dent nn Ald died a # t time Armot-Ogden hospita lack- the IN : wim fonte BUSINESS PLACES TO CLOSE ARMISTICE DAY, NOV al m oT All store [08s banks and other places in Bellefonte ided to close Armistice Da day iber 11, all dat The stores will do away half holiday Wednesday 8. remaining open until 5 o'clock, and on Friday, week ' 1¥ of are the is ur which Mit accident Noven derstood at Thomoson and » npanion were riding crashed into a truck that parked along # highway without lights. Mr. Thomp- son's companion was killed instant- received injuries that Oortly after his re- hospital HE with the a ball Page Right) and 5 LL that evening This decidion was made unanimous vote of the retail sion of he Chamber of Commer at their regular nesting last ‘Wounded A ——————— willie d Intal the (Continued on Page Fight) ————— he he by I i to Killed in Action _ Milesbusr November November 10. will remigin open until 9 o'cloc ive week -—slil the 5 V.J Associa- Di Id | Make Curve ar Sunday Morning Conflag- Would Represent Centre A. ration at Goburn En- tails S1.000 Loss d B Mig Corman Food Market 30 Willlam B fonte busine chased the In man in the Corman We High t will conduct ge. OWher Mir ng announced that Mr. ( bv retained as manager store, Dut was not prepa what changes will be personnel Ring man terest prominent Belle yesterday pur of Grover Core Food Market ana ia he ul k sires ie " the business ng Lhe | man of the lo Lag 4] Qa made Tae Corman Food Market by Mr. Corman when the vacated the rooms In the McoeClain block some Years ago hans been a progressive and well patronized | store pened AL & P | ite———— ‘Scrap Drive Nets ' 13,450 Pounds Paper Last Friday's scrap drive In Belle- fonte was responded to by our giti. {zens with fine results. A total of [13.450 pounds of paper was collected |together with a ton of Un cans Tuls collection enabled the commit tee to ship a ton of cans 10 be used for war purposes The next drive will be held Friday, and cans for collection The proceeds of the drives are be- jug Apbiied © maineuiuing the Hons in Bellefonte, which Is In ah Changes Ownership ring " sO ie County With Highest Qualifications ire counts Mr. Ku Northumber eared by his wa born Hernd« ADO county Sut he paternal grandparents 0 lived on a farm on 1 Shpmokin. He attended despliied one<: rough the g wn win the much Choo deep interest of 1s teachers he was Inspired to college. He was graduated 11 Albright College. Reading, and ater took graduate work Columbia University oom a two LED : : om nt For several years he taught school {Olfts were exchanged and all had a | South Thomas Then he purchased the New Berlin Reporter. After two years the people {of that town perstaded im to be come the principal of their schools (For two years he tried to run Nis paper and teach. Pinally he had to make a choice between a NEWSPE et career or teaching. He chose the lat. ter From New Berlin (ie went to Cam bria county where he served as prin cipal of the Reade Township High School for eight years From there he went to Beaverdale as supervis- ing principal of the Summerhill township schools and remained elgut TW I 1 road Lo years {Here's a German Shell That Didn't Explode iy ai Academy back in the the husband of the and a — A ——————————" Ho BURNS 5 LT KNISS AN WEST PENN MAN © FAMILY WORSHIPS ABLE CANDIDATE: HAS LONG RECORD -£ L. | 35 Years Service With Compan) Novesiiber 5 A. 1 tone ed Ridgway In Belief affair ’ 1 i Director of the ¥ the Board ire Department re € Fire Qompar | Bellefonte Kiwani Lieutenant « waned on Page Five) » Celebrate Double Wedding Anniversary nn A Col senting Presi- ub oer on P! Mis. Levi F. Sheetz cele. thelr fortieth wedding anni- inst Tupstiay evefing al residence on Willowbank street, R and nel in, ! Bellefonte. They had as their guests | New Owner Plans | xien- Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson of Moose | Run, who haw been married eleven Both parties were married | on November 3, and made the affair a double celebration Other guesis present wore Donald, James, Emory and Elna Walson, | Benjamin Sheetz, wile and son Ronald Lee: Miriam, Elizabeth and Rhoda Sheets. A supper was served with two splendid anuiversary cakes, fine time - Son of Former County Woman Killed in Fall | A —— | Joe Paul Pierson, son of Paul and Verna Allison Plorson, of New Jers sey, met with a fatal accident last week, according to information re. ceived bere this week. The victim, who had beet in the Merchant Ma- home oh a { years. Then he came (0 Blair coun [serve] as assistant superin of the Altodha athiotis for the re- mainder of his Then he re W Francis ( ompletes trol rol | ipsbaur ad | Navy Reveals Seaman’s Fate arents of Taylor Billett Learn Through Authoritative Sources That Son, Re ported Missing, Was Drowned When His Ship Was Torpedoed in Mediterranean Confirmation of the deat Tay-thas ek» lor Billett, of Bellefonte, whe {ago had been action, was received the young seaman and Mrs. Chester Billet! Beaman Billett, a macy third class, was drowned ¢ 13, 1943, according to the ic etter received by Mr. anc lett this week | THE SECRETARY Of Washingic Qeciarec [#3 par "Ae i THE vour ist's Mate been ca of the of wooer that day, Yas SCIVIng {torpedoed and sunk {ranean Sea off the [The weather conditic ded ¢ ried « Navy Depar missing in 1943. Early h the ship in whic? LH oh JAMES FORRES] | bs Rincerely mMoGeTa {lent visibility. A! the area was prompt | American vessel JEN T0 LEAVE EXAMINATION Bellefonte inclu HY Eight From | and Vicinity to Report November 11 i Lia ¢ been examnation H urday November il { al Draft Board No {announced yesterdad i Those scheduled 10 leave at % gor time are 1 Wiki hile v Goss, M eur Michael Sollmid. Wilming lm oe Philips burg Jahn Northiamer ipebur Emest Dayton Lan end on ber : Wao me HO ward “rr SAAT Harold Her Pete Paul Pi (Clar enoe) Albert Eugen ™ Ue Calvin Thomas Hugh 8 Olver Fa wi S«¢ pr | 3 Harry Robert Bloom. Bellefont Orrin Thomas doer. Belle! D 3 ” ri Robe Sone in Walter Bartor Bernand Matin Stover, J mite. R h. Leslie R Donald LeRoy Scull Robert Porine Howarg Hany Ch Bellefonte William Hens ar R Matilda, "eming Beille- ph Deitrict onits ° ali cks ang cann * happening above wy il} | William R.D. 2 Mike Edwar nfidenee in dgependabiiity Biguan: (Continued on Page Eight) COLGROVE BUYS ~~ KOFMAN HOME fi VANDALS SMEAR COLLEGE SHRINE Famed $6000 Nittany Lion Daubed With Black Paint sive Improvements to Property Pern State (acuity itizens slike were a dignation Bund when leaned that somelin early morning vandal the Colleges famed | An important real estate deal was closed on Friday by which Tedd R. Colgrove, owner and proprietor | the Keystone Tire Serviee on South Potter street, became the purciaser {of the Kofman brick residence on street. The house With Diack paint | now occupied by the William Rachan| An investigation b members of | family, will be vacated upon the ex- | the campus patrol of the grounds piration of thelr lease when Mr. land pulldings. and other police of. Colgrove and family will move into! Ac fals, revealed that te black paint it from their present residence on' used 10 smear the Don's face. paws High street. and tall and 10 letter “hepeat” on Mr, Colgrove, who has been suc one side was tractor and machinery cessfully engaged in the tire re-cap- enamel Rrushes with which the ping service business for shveral) painting was gone were found in the years, is planning exteusive Im] shrubbery beyond the statue, and his residence wd were taken from them Harold BE Dickson of the change will be the removal Pad of fine aris. one of the fae the old bulldings and the rails |ulty members who helped interest siding which have been a part the College in having Weng War. property for many years 'Decke come to sod the lion, de- Mr. Colgrove to de- “the most - WAR wring the rimeat rd Nittany Lion eof w d had she reminded, “and 1t is also finest piece of monuments in central Punt tvs The lioh was erected in the spring 1042 at a cost of nearly $6000 L