Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 05, 1944, Image 3

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    October 5, 1944 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELEEFONTE, PA. Page Threé
~ - ——— rae T
: : {by Mr. and Mr J. B Hoov er of been In use at State College It
Mail Plane Pilot ‘Dinner to Open Drive [Seven County Men |) Mr und Mes JB Hoover | Principal Stock bets In Ute Bl De, Ty Tee
Killed i in Crash. For War Funds Here On Casualty List J © Hoover us been mi ing Receives Tribute tools throughout the countrs
! action since September 1 | Miss Dorothy White, a member of
(Continued from page one) (Continued from page one) (Continued from page one) i I'he Madisonburg soldier, a sharp- (Continued. Irom. pigs One) the Teen-Age group, gave an inter
was low, and the sound of the crash brary, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts Sal- fe rk. He had been assigned to!Shooter of high standing, had ar-
reached them vation Army, Crippled ClLildre: L th Armored Infantry Jattal- rived In England early in June and
Milesburg Fire © n of the 164; Armored Division | 80cording w Ca Re ve by ws lations, he finds much satisfaction in develop better citizens so that they
‘haritie th re bein ent overseas parents, had taken part in the early
the fact that the schools have Can work for a better community
, n December 28. 1924, at Roops- stages of the Invasion in France | steadily progressed and grow: He She sald that they have not as yet
ing tr eK, Teach ot it will, In reality, encircle Benner township, he later re- ve al Week; ago he was given “1declared that his chief purpose as been able to find a place suitable for
battlefield” promotion to staff BEr= | an administrator is to render the ut. | their headquarters but that a num-
geant. He was in the Infantry and | ost ervice to the bovs and girls [ber of places have been offered to
onlinents and 91 untries, | 80NG Hieasan ap schools, He had! W® with General Eisermows attending the schools (them. Bhe also stated that this
has crossed embattled seas. sifted mp! by the Glenn L. Mar Tid Rnny. a ve i In his presentation remarks, Mr. 8T0UP has received a number of con-
nes ; 'f Baltimore as an assistant i $ Halnes rOw1 hin Hie) School Lenhart recalled that Mr Stock tributions from own organizatior
* ot bye Wi p died fo poh > in | came to Bellefonte in September 1010 | © well as from Individual
las a graduate of Gettysburg Col-| It was decided that Mrs. Blaney
. be put to work by the 22 member ‘ |
y od 4 x Pat ' (February, 1942, trained at camps i
BgeiNne the National War nd s : ch .Beloursey, Fey) rola, Florid » rt) Carol 1 n [lege. Bellefonte was his first teach. | President of the Association, should
\ Caan t alifor Florida, North Ci ing ' \ " t
ms been put to work | n \ id i ce mes J wil wba y ing assignment. Mr. Lenhart declar- {be sent to Philadelphia on October
‘ad } ‘ | N i i" and then spent ne time on Mane ‘ t4 ‘ . ‘
Bellefonte to maintain our lo | Set hat ' A No; Distilling ‘ ed, but Mr. Stock has kept well in 1-12 to attend the Btate Convention
of administration has been beset esting talk on the purpose of this
with a fair share of trials and tribu- |group, stating that thelr alm is Ww
ine wo spilled  U slo for the services of the in Bpring township for 15
flames, | National War Fund are now at work | Years, attending the Bush Addition
through closed borders
nd |
1 barbed wire entanglements to JH before being inducted into
f . rt | €1 ! n 1 Later he '.’ feat
vices promoting health and welfare ( overmment | . } . . {formed in administrative nethods ( Parer I'eacher Association
nd doing muah to prevent juvenile ai i 4 Ter through careful study of the seliox y is to be held at the Benjamis
f { {delinquency, a factor which must be i oo ) of other tow: and eitie inklin Hotel int t
into the infirmary reckoned wi Rn these wa m 11. Hamilton Slightly Wounded etter written by the
missi He served as president of the 4
. mes , weiidzowy 4 | io 1 an ecided
Add dven on ecards found on no D. Hamilton, 22, son!puy September 9, and received by | State Principals’ organiz
the dead pilot's body were 280 Che In orde: make ou uota it will of M nd M Jutler Hamilton, of nts September 24. read in! additional courses at Penn
nut re Pittsburg! and 327 ben y wr all of 1 0 give at ervill vir lightly wounded In o.p¢ Don't worry about me am | has received hi
Ei h street, New Cumberland. He 18 per nt more than last'a in Fra n September 19, id getting plenty to eat titution
WH nmar nd had been \ yeal s YHY last fall covered only a : : ved ye Wii's hy hool Sgt. Hoove
\ m ¢ September ] SIX Mot 5 0} } i AR Cle i i y i “1 f i wn t fost | C4 nd w "of t} x ryt k:4 } . 1h { Siubstiianu AL al Sobbbbbie . " " .
{ comi { | : | i nd was an n 1 tinued § A a . . " { that ail #1 TT Hi EEE Deked Fe ——
His body was removed t timu How ¥ h On a ybally 5 THA 14 TH ! tending track man. He has two bro
ton, Del wher funeral se t ae { of our venture and u i Wa uid el 1Jso m ' of le Ban
were held Monday auture ur home lront depend CPi milton w sn ! am hey are Sgt. Harold B, Ho
ard a bomber I 1 1919 there were
theatre mane in Today there ar four E41 ad 2 ‘mi " y " x : d i y ; / .
ad | DAY. he new High School bulla, 1 attention. No follow-up work! 3 It’s football time
io) { are sige that wavs { mp in Califor al f Re also i rat , snhart spoke - senor # to
the western and central Pennsvi- of the collaboration ar igor- V Lal * Was ihen sel MV 1 \ Wy two!8 k's work during tl pla;
ou {1 nation widch have been 's ! alg anae ! England i UND x M 1 hed; and building of the new struct ny Vo gr u : et at re eo. 4 E And mum's the word.
{freed from Ge an t ny April efor Jef RT “iil The supervising principal
Vania area
— — Pp te ! ring i v ne it at t 1011 {1 ir ¢ wh here as teacher mathematic
a? aa te
You'll join the cheering section
Pet. John W. Saxton Wounded for o. family reunion "1" 1team which participated in AD AD- spent in JTOUR-SIngIDE Muare nw | B For our flowers you can afford.
P Join W. Baxton, Ji Wu
action in Italy
{ ’ v ' fy ar 1 hey ¢ i sy ' w
d i \ ‘ ' 1 i Am i pai ——
Deehung | i
tate C Hunters Bring Back
| HOME OWNERS | on ot ar Untnviter  Tuesaay to their son while he was hospital. |H. Sloop resigned that | 640 Lbs. Moose Meat * And we have the
Ww 3 iv from their 3 n ac reonal friend of uo (Continued from pepe ome) = best Selections
nd took preliminary training | hocal Coupl class his project will b ken m the hind §
FOR ESSENTIAL REPAIRS Cem Sh Mi ed Uh Wedded 50 Years ssn son th teint ait i sa cre nr | FLORAL GARDENS
(Continued rrom page One)
: i el : ) ” a : C
About 23 announced that this method ‘ i owarda >t
& Fa a AT iat oe a
ae : { Jnintiraantl)
Howard re HH number |
years Mr ons was emploved at the
NOW! Cla ! hav the material ‘ . ol bu rire «+ Lauderbach-Griest warehouse on W
} . : Street. He is now employed as
gible fo
or at the Bellefonte Trust Com-
yu rete ¢ De - Mi Guy W Mf Bellefonte: Mra Mada -
{1 Fr. whet ¢ Whe ii nto vn Confer of Bellefonte RD: Lee of
vice. He 2% a brother James Har. Milesburg. Harold of Tyrone: Mrs
rison Saxton. an air cadet. now in Eva Ammerman of Geneva N.Y
: ; wi J. Prankiin { i
of Philadelphia
ave 21 grandchildren and 17
South Water St. Bellefonte S/Sgt. J. EB. Hoover Missing great grandchildres
training at an ay Seid in Georgia and
persons were present at the d
Mr. and Mr Harry Lyons
ha, Joyes
Ret "
A small deposit will Jaunty chesterfield
hold any garment : with sharply cut lapels
8 ‘till wanted and shit pockets,
Johnson and children. Malcolm
a and pbby all of Tyrone
va Ammerman. of Geneva, N
and Mrs. J. Pranklin Lyons ;
and son, Harry of Philadelphia, Mr : th and a velvet collar add
Frank Lyons and daughter, Hele: _ 4
of Mt. Carmel, Mr and Mrs. Frank rd | % to this smart chester
Palmer. and Mr wd Smith of J y 4
Potter Mill . 4. held,
5 Girls Injured
In Auto Accident er. Gently tailored.
Continged vom page one) nm i’ nbs Co A Shoulder and pocket
wound were dressed It £ > ’
: iired five stitches 10 close a we ) k a - interest,
Going shopping today? Think of MORN- : A in Miss Jones’ rig‘st knee and
INGSTAR'S ENRICHED BREAD first | 8 a yy ered Sum (rush. run 31) Prices start at
Elephant ear lapels
smartly detailed reef
jue about the bods
when you visit your grocer's. Why? Be- - Kellerman suffered a lacer.
cause it's one of your best food buys. “tr a wh h, Tequiied : ha ) 95
two stitches to close. She remained [ ee . .
ds { for some time Miss McK in-
MORNINGSTAR'S ENRICHED BREAD is : y sustained fractured ribs and '
packed with vitamin and mineral factors needed badly uted and scratched abot
for good nutrition. It's brimful of food energy, the 1) Mine Hol ple and Miss
the kind people need to keep going these days. Walker suffered from shock Sizes 9 to 19
It's delicious and appetizing. It helps make hard. Damage to the ear. owned by the . : cu
to-get-foods go further. AND it's a NO.-POINT : driver's father, George McKinley
FOOD that's plentiful! amounted to more than $100 it was :
aid YOU can’t top them — chest.
Yee — there are many good reasons why it pays — — a
to think of MORNINGSTAR'S ENRICHED Employe Honored erfields and reefers — smart
BREAD first when you think of food. Here's a ———— : i
loaf you can count on for wonderful value every y (Continued from page One) simp licit y to keep you
time — a real meal-time help every day. Put it tives and co-workers where hz was
ut the top of YOUR list! 3 presented with a gold service pin by | warm all through winter,
3 s Prank E. Perguson, division plant
Get MORNINGSTAR'S ENRICHED BREAD rd Te superintendent Coats endowed with masterful
The veteran teleraone man is a
from your grocer toda
your gr today. native of Millheim, and first started
in the telephone business as an ins
staller in Bellefonte, where he re.
|sided on East Bishop street until | ioned from soft all wool fab-
1020 when he was transferred to Als ’ . .
wonn. He ls a member of the Mas. rics in the high shades of the
jonas, the Odd Fellows and the Teles |
phone Ploneers of America, organi. new season, Perfect for town,
mation of veteran Bell employes |
ee - a — y ¥
Dutt Ovetiosk. She Dar-ip Lhe SAPS country or campus. Choose
iviee: get your Christmas package
loff immediately. Tt might make his now from our superb collec:
Christmas happler
——— tion,
The hooks Wat you should read. |
{pcre are those that tell you |
orningstar| ix: veer
Bread Is inh
tailoring, fine detail and fash-
i Correct Apparel for Women Bellefonte, Pa.