- Page Two PINE GROVE MILLS ) BE nda Fal Ww misfortune to Albert lose the of green Corl two of past corn nie; hi ciuernsey week An overdose ance of proving M COWS sick but Qirectl his herd are are under the WwW Neldigh Capt. Milton Et Dotham, Ala a two-weeks September on of ters nd planning furlough are relatives. Th tioned in years. His in the south Boyd Vonada County Commissione: WRS an important last Saturday BE UsSon insu der burs held Mr spent sylvania State was &t Hall last wie J best from The bal- ml Dr FM stock, of Wigton | ment luding best dairy Creek Valley winter in anothe) his health, His wile will accompany him arm equij LIOISes herds Spruce Bob will spend the climate to better and daughter and and in 8 31 wood one the of Phila- the birth wie Pres- iladelphia nia Alice Alice Corl virs. Alvin and Mrs. Sam Black announcing No. 2. In ital In PI name 18 Virg forme: al iG, Ale of a daughter byterian hosp t. 9. Her Black 1 Sey daughter Mir- Mrs. George conn are the J is with Corl mother Hartfo: 10scay visit Nor Norman nd her of at man f Al- versity many very for of Cen- of the veteran Rickey ¢ Un man L4 rect tive Inte Lem Hall son Robert Helen ( sre short ie urrans visitors Rock friends in i] be plenty of Bessie Crindys » victim, Elwood 14 i int. g.sappoin and past home on § PGR Y _ airs. Joan C. Siere js vi week Nn Altoona with aw na n Mr. ag We ftérg HY ing Ul her sister “er, ( 1.3 UNIGIPA MILLHEIM - NEW SHOW TIME — Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 P. M. ADMISSION 4c & 35¢ FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY September 22nd) Prelude to invasion! The story behind one of the strangest ad- ventures of the war! CANDLELIGHT IN ALGERIA ‘A NIGHT IN MEXICO CITY” AND SPORT REEL SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (September 23rd) The heart beat of America! In ‘every throbbing kiss! In every thundering thrill! HOME IN INDIANA (All Technicolor) Waller Brennan June Haver Jeanne Crain LATEST NEWS ISSUE WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (Beptember 27th) Irene Dunn Alan Marshall Frank Morgan THE WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER ALSO SELECTED SHORTS ha i Lewi wn Thomas B. McClellan of Altoona Spent Sunday with his daughter and whand, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones Presbw and M inald B M Mr Harry the good | LIME aque Or ps Bot} A Year aj tL! . * had the ir C ne armed rces but ne Sime not at and ha been mpany at { iv Alr Fields, hav- ing n together at Boca Raton Alr Field in Florida. and st the present time sre locate! at Harvard Field Nebraska Car Forced Off Road ; Woman Injured Mate BH Hall, R. D AOOUL 710 A piace ve ing each othe Goodh WAS Su T.'19 of in=- when reed aig n nday ving was | 322. about one She suf- right leg edar wa when » ust a8 a wosite di- hine was down an to rest ming in the he Goodhart ma n op forced off the r embankment Against The were ad and and came a ciump of trees bark and top of the aved in against the seats and damage was estimated at about $400 Members of the Pleasant Gap sub- who Investigated are at to locate the driver of the which was the cause of the accident Pied Piper Needed | To Remove Pigeons Bellefonte needs a a Pied Piper lure pigeons away from their roost! ing place in front of the Crider Ex- | machine station tempting edan change building The pigeons befoul the sidewalk on Allegheny street and otherwise constitute a nuisance, it was report. ed In Council, Monday night Suggestions for gejting rid of them Included traps, poison bait, boarding up Wie nesting places, pnd luring the pigeons inside ere where they could be rounded up. It is worth hoting, however, that most of those who made sugges tions as t getting rid of the birds mentioned, offhand, that ple, roast squab, and br pigeon | breast are dishes not to be taken R Rue | nentty. {Trail of Fugitive Lost At Martha sent jel J ———— (Continued from page owe) and just be the State Eagle The showed thoroughly the thief yond the point where College cut-off joins the Bald Valley road car was undamaged but evidences of having been ransacked. It is believed abandoned the machine when he discovered the gasoline tank was nearly empty Cpl. Bamuel Mollenkopf, in charge of ' the Rockview barracks of the State Police, whe was a member of searching party whieh combed woods and fields near Martha yesterday morning for the fugl- on his return expressed belle! Wat the man had boarded a freight train during the night or early yes- terday morning. The highway from State College passes over the rail road tracks near the 8t House filling station, near Mar Loesch disappeared from view while he was engas ting corn on what is known as C Field No. 6 on the mountain the prison bulldings. At 7:30 Tue morning ie was sald t have seen walking along the tracks near Linden Hall left the institution regulation prison garb. Prior ing assigned work in the about a month working about creamery His disappearance, Monday, discovered quickly and in les a half hour tralled ©ilm into because of The search night unit morning Maves onl Loesch Evie Years Lhe the late Live ne tha Rock - &d in cut orn of day ae been he 10 he field he been ago had the prison bloodhe the int the mo ran continue and most converged at upoy parked who was nNty, was for bur stolen good would fave The fugit stout build, is § welghs 146 KINGS es and brow - BELLEFONTE MAN GETS PURPLE ive who feet blue ey HEART Fi. Belveir to Greenville, The following on Engines wit et util Weing sent ast November lous engines Va Pa ¢ Belief Maxe Warn Merchants to Beware Check Passer Campi Pierce. and patror Wea ing appare Ma hief of ice Harry Dukeman sald, and usually endorses the checks In senting rede license the after pre. vers 80. er identi. tials suth a showing a loeal cial Sequrity ecard and ot fication 8he A Gr adaress nd 40 1 t ‘ years oid Retwns From Virginia Visit Miss Dorothy Nevel of Boalsburg has returned from a visit with her uncle. K P Kilinefelter Tabb Va. Other the Klinefelter home were LL: Thomas A Warren of Newport N*ws, Va. and Pvt. Don- ald Philing, of Comp Patrick Henry Va Wille visiting in Virginia, a birthday arty was given In Miss Nevels honor, by her uncle and aunt. The following guests were present. Miss Madeline Moore, Mer. Ml Moore, Mr. and Mm Jack Moore Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ocaan and son Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Neal and daughter Elizabeth, Ernest Smith. Flovd Wi'son, Nelson King, Pic. Dons'd Philing and Lt. Thomas Warren, Misa Nevel and LL. Warren also visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Co- han and family at Red Hill Village, Newport News of guests at —_—— TWO MISSING CARS RECOVERED AT COLLEGE Two ears reported missing al State College, Friday night, were recovered by Btate College police the same night ] Carl Williams of State College. R D. parked his 1037 Pontise across from the College Diner on West Col. | | lege avenue at 7:16 p. m., and at 9! p.m. he relirned and was [to locate it. Chief John R. Juba and Officer Poster Johnson logated the ar at 0.36 in an alley at the rear of He cated | from wearing’ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. n move parking the he had rled it missing Cemtre in New Distriet District Manager Robert K. Mor {gan of the Altoona Office of Defense iba urges motorists to 1 | Transportation this week wa ignition ke from cars after vised of a realignment of the jcounty area coming under his ade nine Juris # husband a king's taste? Has friend And a lion's sppetile? hm to a “27 Buest foeds You can set uw every day of wih the balicas from ALY fvod Wills dowa! DEVILS FOOD LAYER CAKE 47c COFFEE CAKE 25¢ wridlc 16¢c 17c Ravel Breau Donuts ss « « » Brealizs: 22's Dinner Rolls i 10¢ Fruit Buns. 19¢c Nut Loaf + SOC Sets © wi w 14g Fillets . .. = 35¢ Bluefish 250 Blue Pike 37c Fillefs ~~ = 35¢ QUALITY MEATS Chickens. m5 = 49¢ Cut Chickens vo TORE. tlt Logs -. » 71¢ ae 1 234 I Hearts ... '" 33¢ Breasts Wings Ground Beef Hamburger . .. Fresh Pork Sausage PIRI Yiced Pork Liver....* 19¢c Srades A & AA (Breast, Flank, Nec!) Stewing Lamb 17c FOR FINER FRESHER FLAVOR CHANGE TO 25c¢ 40c | {diction { vin It's easy to combine good eating with thrift TURN TO A&P! You wee the ALY Buprr Markets, average cost of all the Regional Greene with pices by R Philadelphia. 1 Lh AlLoona : tun, Cen through t aed Si when Markets you you I'l TIM} and they are ke week's food 1 bil! | $4 Just remember ~ ro at ALF Super rt week, Thus if you will save un prices are low shop for Sour entire grocery food you buy and not Just g “special” or two Ann Page Syrup . . .. Sultana Peanut Butter Ann Page Mello Whea Iona Imitation Vanil Our Own Tea .= Sultana Preserves Whitehouse Evap. Milk 6 A&P Matche Sunnyfield Rice Gems Ann Pape Macaroni Mixed Vegetables i: Flit Insecticide . . . .. Paimolive Soap SIZE ” va ay le - 1: b. WJ — ——— NOW “POINT-FREE! WHITE CORN. » 27¢ || APPLE BUTTER. | MUSHROOM SOUP | | | TOMATO PUREE DEX ALP ASPARACUS ..... ANN FACE BEANS CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP DEL MONTE BUFFET S173 TOMATO SAUCE ANN PAGE GRAPE JELLY ....! Gian * 34¢ a. 3 Can 4 Cans 9¢ Willow 6c RICH'S . 18¢ | LIMA BEANS YELLOW ONIO CAULIFLOWER .. CRISP, SOLID NEADS NS 20° 25 ICEBERG LETTUCE 2-23 10.Lb. Bag WASHED, WAXED, GOLDEN SWEET POTATOES . . DANISH CABBAGE 1.5 APPLE 4-25 POTATOES ..... = 65 Cc FLORIDA ~ PERSIAN LIMES . .~- 33; VALID AFTER SEPT. 30TH 20¢ IDEAL FOR Lb. KRAUT J ® | Beg EXCELLENT FOR PIES OR SAUCE