September 14, 1944. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BETTEFONTE, PA Page Seven Public | Sales FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 Barger will offer at public sale on her farm, one mile west of Spring Mills, Pa. along the state high way, leading from the Old Fort to Spring Mills, Pa. livestock anc farm implements Sale at 10 a m. Clean-up sale E. M. Smith auct. BATURIDAY, SEPT Heller will offer at public her residence In Rebersbu o'clock noon, a full line hold goods. Look for ad later In this paper Hubler, a™vts SATURDAY, S8EPT. 16 WwW. Calvert will offer at at her residence, Canoe miles west of Water t tingdon county, real household noon EM WEDNESDAY, ter and sale on his Kylertown ship, head Mrs 16 Mis. Mary Mi goods Smith SEPT Son will farm Pa Clearfield county About of cattl ] and a fu ine t Pa W ale THURSDAY ler will farm in Juniata coun Part Royal Honey Grove ng Mountain, 28 head head of hogs. a Chev bullt for farm use; some ments and some househo Sale t 12 o'clock Ol will rved from WM a m ti 2 p Terms cash, L. I auct FRIDAY SEPT. 21 Den! offer at 1 : towns? west . t we SEPT {ton will of t : sale at farm at Lakes 10.8 hway Mv farm impl s : goods. Sale at auct BATURDAY, SEPT OTehT" TM offer ha tence household sireet along os to resi i goods Howard, Pa ing utensils, beds ers. bed couch Lee ver Wyoming Dockash range and some antiques ar other items numero tion. Sale at Pp mm. 1% Roy Oyler, auct BATURDAY, SEPT premises on Pen: heim. the Farmers Nat & Trust Company. adr of the estate of John deceagnd, will sell full household goods and tools, real estate. Sale m H J Stover, auct WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 27 Hamilton w sffer for at Manor Inchiqun South Potter St Pa antique and modern ture Olored 5 mile LOO 1 : THURSDAY. SEPT " offer n Guiser Bellefo: th of line Li vestox ment Sale at Hubler, auct BATURDAY, SEM 30 Mrs B. McClain will offer at pul af her residence ) of Maye Milea street the borough a full line o Sale at 12:30 auct BATURDA elmyer at \ helm. J clean-ug ale am H J Stover, au THURSDAY. OCT. 5--OCuyer R Crust = offer at public mils on the Roy miles west . g eo Re . FRIDAY El Ge Re Bufr 5! EM Lng Har BATURDAY of? or implement: at 12 noo BATURDAY MoClellan wil eo Sale at auct WEDNESDAY xT Penn will ou Of w nan f Or ' ; ttl some farming M THURSDAY ner = OWr™T Wer N the forme Al of Bellefonte v implement Sale at m. BE M Smit ‘ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND 1 Fa 0D Carls er oat per clea farm of west of Rebershur or, a THURSDAY, Ox BATITRDAY wll ofler residence In Spring O'clock a Mal Ine pooda E E Hubler oT a at publie General Auctioneering ! Katisfaction Guaranteed Will Take Care of all Fumigations and advertising, if desired! AVAILABLE ANY DAYS mir MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS, when conducting Central Penn. sylvania’s two largest Hvestook sales al Dewart and William. sport. AM IN A POSITION TO SAVE MONEY FOR YOU! Herbert J. Stover MILLHEIM, PA, Phone Millheim 23-R-2 (Reverse Charges) Bertha | the PMorence N Gramley east ff Clinto vestook farm Rouse hol ¥ his ig a iean-uj wale Sale rm Know | as the two mile and imple ome KUCK I'HURSDAY mond Boo NOVEMBER i" ofier a