Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 07, 1944, Image 3

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    September 7, 1944 TAT, CENTRE. DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA Page Three
I —— ” RE —— A Ll Ad -
Miss Helen Mille: of Bradford | 4 | —— —
{ EN { RE HALL {who Is teaching the fifth and sixth UNIONVILLE
grade is living at the John Rishel Methodist Church: Prayer service
a —————————— Lome Thursday evening at the usual time Centre County
CHURCH SERVICES ning for a week % visit with her 15= Mrs. Gordon Bowden and son followed by a mex ting of the Board
Evangelical Rev. W. K. Hoster ters Miss Stella Hosterm An Mr: Burk. left last week for 131 Ouak-|Of Christian Education, Sunday "
man, pastor. Bethesda-Church wor- Ci Burkholder and Mrs Fred wood Drive, Cackanack Lake, N. J. school Sunday morning immediate Hos ital Notes ’
ship, 9:00 Centre Hall--Church Lus after spending the summer with her ly followed by the preaching service P
school, 9:30; worship, 10.30. Locust E. G. Mingle of Aaronsburg, vis- | parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Burk. |at 10:45, with sermon by the pastor
Grove-—-Church school, 10:00; wor-| ited for a few days last week with holder near Centre Hall, Mrs Bow- Rev. D. A Bower, Youth Fellowship
ship, 7:30 his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.iden's husband is employed by the iD the evening at 6:30
Penn's Valley Lutheran: Rev. ¢. © land Mrs, George McCormick, and General Electric at Newark, N. J ree Methodist Church: Prayer Monday of Last Week
Otto, pastor Centre Hall-Church attended the Grange Fair Before moving to New Jersey the service on Friday evening. Sunday k Admitted William C. Marti bbe
school, 9:30; worsuip 10:30, Farm- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Packer of Bowdens lived at Wellesley Farm school Sunday morning at 9:45 a Bellefonte, R. D. 3
ers Mills Church school, 9:30; wor- Camp Hill, became the parents of followed by the class meeting Discharged Mrs, LL. Todd Shiffer
ship, 7:30. Georges Valley-—Waorship, their second m in the Centre M1 plizabetsy Meese { 1elle- | NO preaching service as the pastor Centre Hall, R. D. 1; Merril] Moyer
8:00: Church school, 10:00 ounty ospital on Saturday. Mrs | fonte, and Mrs. Ana Hoy Harris- | 1s attending the annual conference Be Hefonte R. 1 2 Mi Dora
Pann's Valley Methodist: Rev. El i he daughter of Mr. and hurg were guests last week of their | this week Haines, Howard ’ '
mer Nunemaker, pastor. Sprin ti LAr: Lutz othe! ®. Corl and Murs. Corl Mr. and M1 aries Keatiey i Tuesday of Last Week you 3 : AON ora
Worsaip, 9:30:  Churcl chool r. Ang | je M Cormick Mr. and Mrs. Luther Corl of St laughter of Alexandria, Vi Pern Admitted M F1SWOrls WT with good wages and good
10:30. Centre Hall-Church scl and Mt I Vi radford assisted | college, spent Sunday evening al v ’ Inst week visiting with | pailefonte. BR. D ' levis ply immediately
10:00: worship, 11:00. Sprucetown r. and Mrs. R rt McCormick 10 the Corl home is mother, Mrs, Margaret Keatley. | geliefonte, Rr
thurch school, 10:00; worship 7:45. 0OV rom ae gh I our [Ulam Cerlin, an aviation ca- | They left hore and went to the "
( bra tirmbm 4 wanrds i nr . sh Discharged Mi y ockey ne come to vour tower
Miss Mary Herirng Al nn Saturdi Pleld. Albany ‘ wi Saturday wiry Bafugming Where hy y X= infar of Bol
spent a short time last week with ot Are Hal Hal I. Abie oeautsp ivi aw furious wit Bioning te thede etl TF planche Bohn,
her cousin, Mrs. Gr Breo! ae Botte ana ig z | ia Arena Mt. aod Mus WW.) vay i BY : Richard Teaman
Mrs. W. W. Reitz of Upper Darby. were dinner guests one d ast | Kerlin Was accompanied by Dis: that lis has sara 1 MINGUNCE (3. Miss Mn
who Is visiting her sister, Miss Jens | goap of © and M Philip Brad- parents as f [inchester ale also me hick n which Al lone; Ey Er 2a), De ieignW
Mrs. Fred Weaver in State College.| Jo AT EC Ht Johnstown, into the army recently, have been'your needs for lard and chickens, | on; Qentre Hall, R. D. 1; Mrs, A HOURLY PAY IS FROM
Mrs. Join Mokle of Lock Haven, |. ed me Saturday with the ass d to the aval troop at \1 fap A Fhusadiite tpn dhs a. | dds
visited last week with her sister-in rmer's daugh 3 Alfred Mer ort | SANS N i (i ‘ hed " f i Me Bu | 60c¢ to $1.25 Plus Bonus)
law, Mrs. Richard Mann t the } 8 f Johnstown N nid RS Ie | i 1 Te +h oh agian a De » . ’ Admitt Fue : f n
E. Limbert home. On Thu y €% : % ‘irk nn had nent th Le st Ww he ister Mi — " YH um Rg OC Bunda Harold W nare Pleasant
red home ng ay. wae john Keller and daughter Dolores M3 Jesse Parsons of Union town |™™V wepnesgay of Last Week A TITAN REPRESENTATIVE
Dora Swartz sch Creek, bra ma 3 i lladelph 2 Mrs. Thomas! hiaren remained tor a Admit! nald Brewer, Stat
companied Mr. Mokle . ru he Shelton of N \ a visite {Si r of filkin: burg. . it before ref aning to their 3 liege. N Mit Aur Wik - will be in
Miss Evelyn lHentowt e Emerick ! it at Gran n Lu Apr CEOVE > ures RY { yn, A
and Pfc. Therlo Mosevack of Beth- k last week their isehola as to 0 i Yaudar wha a ischargs M Delbert fanlte
last week of the forme: ister, } oo a po ~ milo he | ast er Rk. Lhe had | Mn . . week 5% rs od y 1 rT Hy frie A 31 A to Mr. and Murs H WARD —-— FRIDAY. ] to 9 P. M.
He Hciben ak Rn oO . hd fte; Ny fo 4 ty rs, 3 aching fifth We inet fall Tr on bi apd re Ia ve vish | her & most " " : mn ne son Ma aa A b, al Wolf's Clover Farm Store
D n Bellefonts i"
and a half years ove u ot. nF Ti aluarshiiy Covers agp Wg SaOYe wellefont
Mr. and Mrs. C. K rank, Mr rr mp ation ; Lansdowne, visited with thelr pa Lewd menhizer ho ha .
and Mrs Ernest Fran ISO MY. BNA! ir te hp Pantie tall. Hatin "ents, Mr. and Mrs. H Reis), and been enjoying a furlough wiu hi hursday of Last Week Sg
fd Mrs Boma Krank, ao Ne 1. Lin Cee Bal-Poer Mh Sans Me. Cou Mle vt Saree a rs WHA EAL | Adnan ean Bel TATE COLLEGE - SATURDAY. 1 to 9 P. M.
Annville, were Sunday dinner guests Doe : hy the weeks ) ish was best enhiz thik returned Ne RD 3: Mss Verise Patan
of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth rank in Ee > af o J SA Ft wine IAN at 0M H Rami eddir Army dull it Fort Si Stal Legs \ {azel B 0 at Boro Ofce
Bellefonte i" a an Ag fot t me h i e- the rt t Vee) ' be abn
Mrs. lola Person of New k i t Mv. and “o) Mart fol Sunds el A daughter was born « re § . a vim IR
Er sac at week with 1p Pleasant Ga RE To CutiSiok of Ploamut Ne Me. ohne 0 tre oad Lata oge; MTS, Melvin We Hire Only Upon Referral by
ter visiting sir last week tl " COrmas rf Wilk bls vi he hoo lll. v4 : : i ! FriG LH MOtaer n and iniant nb ol _ ‘ . " . &
Mr, ahd Mrs. D. 8. Dau rived at the home of are: led on Sunday afternoon 0 and ter are gett ng fine. | Birth: A ter to Mr. and lhe United States Employment Service
Ardell Guss, S | of Bainbrid ym : " . : of rs. Dome; ver Re E Jose the M1 ' Nunemaks { Spri
Md. spent a weeker
grandparents, Mr. and rs. Samuel}. = J a re vetsbis " aughter Mar mn [ Sewickie nNua ference this week ‘bets Friday rE \ .
OSS ui a 2 dd or en few St week with Mr. ' ¥ ' . ary Yischas Mrs Denne 124 « .
GIO. | irs. Grant Goss and son DCHON eB Well. eit Se Gays eat week held at Piewaniville, Pa. Hs fam-| = Dicharsed: Mrs. Deamer Bitn l'itan Metal Manufacturing
Harold of Sieglerville, called on 8at-', "7 ak Teams GrciHE "" Rand's f rs Yond main with her Dat z 13 : 4 ;
Yiday SHeniug 0 » Mu nd Mm ollegs . eturned to the home . oho, hy hve au . ference session Admit hargs . Jellefonte, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs
daughter Mary
called to see
Erwin Zettle hon i week " ' : fan Sire BAI oN . ’ : Mase Dietz, Bellef €. | )
attending the Grange Fall Rg » Poi ugh y b suncay § ig ¢ Ne {Pn y oh a ! ’ font vi 2 . t MARRIAGE LICENSES Waman Weighs 34 Lbs
Ralph il . a £ . ks ee a a ll) rent s tied tart $ ‘ f | 3 4 | . . ’
Mrs, Williams
spent last week
Mr. and Mrs. CI
Centre Hall
Williams were
and William Gardner
Harpster {f Penna
Mrs. Charles Walkey
visited among fri
the Grange Fal:
& H as, tH v Rat " y " g or : » . . £8 3 " ' : » py ————————
Mr. and Mz: rornelius Houtz and _ © . . " 2! : iTead ha ¢ vi on i R h Packs tre H ‘ . AD
daughter Freda Jane f Lemont, 0; . . inet ; " 3 a eq M N J. J 4 el wt : ! | Mi \ 3. 8 ' Prisoncr a Student | ¢ ‘ <oUGl | 1¢ Pe
called on Saturday t ee Mrs. Ew M ' ech : At 1 Stal ' A New Zealan ny office Lew ft AF ACA
Hous in r. and Mrs. Erwin A! W. Miller home Grange P Rev Bins . ’ caw i o' 1 As Re Pleas. , A New Mang army of hoy i y/ .
tle, Dorothy Jane, Jan and Wil- He en Noh mad Vi 2 1 3! he | weeks vith her parent Sunday in petroleum engineering from t rt ated i , i KEMP CARYL
a nH ; 7 uy x \ ; Wi DUE 10 COLDS
Ham Zettle of Johnstown, visiled on recent visiton v Mr and M . Ride 0 Hj MAE Mr. and M C. W. Bauder and hes dmitte Ronald Bho; elie nnsylvanit tate Colleg more than ap + : roe
Sunday with the Zetties alter spend- a B : hold 2 vs H 3 daughters of Lewiatl Nn. were Sun. geies and husband Mr. and go : Bu . ais :
fng the weekend with her parent pp Hkhalder : Sintra ry My sum Fuesty « " and Bes fo mre wWiiams y
Mr and Mrs. George Bloon BY) ittnn ined aw itis Tmtrds Shams i Ke vr & xe
Bellefonte Y hy M M
Miss Mat
were ——
Helps You Osercome
Public Sale of Valuable
Looseness and Worry
© Ant . ee}
So oo © Real Estate & Garage Equipment
rasament Vip
sins cauned bY Joos plates Go ent to Pittsburgh on Thunday “ ye wi Consisting of
Machinery, Tools, Equipment and Furnishings
“DEKALB ; ; a Friday, Sept. 8, Starting at 12:30 Noon
RE a EF Bloombare Foi at Scholl's Service Station, Milesburg, Pa., along Route 220, One of the
and ae Woman's Muslonary Societs Hos Grange Show Main Highways to the West.
hb bb bags #4 Confinged from page one) 3 3 3 "
Aine dei a he ' : Ml —— ] ’ ww adding machine and cash register con with electri
: nd Mrs Chi  Workinger i And | nis at n |F show cases: Storm cviinder-reboring O01. portabi
1 Ail Bsc f IY the bride U omaburg it rogram t » . ) | hl smith
a ne 1 tina “ Vi nom) wmchine, 21, Hh-inch capacity, with sharpening and IACKSN gag
i ) of Mi Et ' PACILY | 5-1
nd Mrs hi Cot ¢ Peters. ( n inty + pulls : getting attachments: wickless oil room heater in ex } :
good conan
cellent condition electri office clock : roll top desk : belting oxtr:
assortment of accessories and parts, including tir swing, wii ta
chains, mufflers, Perfect Circle piston rings, oll filters, tank wi
ttanded . A tami tor teams of horses and fan belts: Shaler tube vulcanizer : bearing scrape power di
atter sl b } nis of A 1 19% H { # in : ,
Harrisburg and William Workinger Or mules gover 3.500 pounds with the fire extinguisher: cylinder ridge reamer; fuel pump jack: o
Mf Potters Mills. brother awards. $40 $30. $20 and $10, The tester: timing light ; air compressor and fittings; spark facing mach
bride. The bride wore a street length Other events are for teams under
dress of blue crepe amd a corsage of 3.000 and those 3.000 to 3.500 wits y ‘ 4 1
yellow ros: Mise Ennist wore a awards in each $50, $40, 325 and $10 er: large grease gun; electric soldering iron; Buffalo tire tools: axle puller: wheel p
fuchsin red gown t . a In the Columbia county class there fresh air furnace, large. bench grinder with extra wrenches from IR to 24-11 hes ha n ton
of vellow rose we bride are events for teams under 3.000 wheels : electric drill and stand; motor tester: Gran. plug cleaner: headlight testing outfit: roy
been empl q nal st pour and for th ) ) ’ v “. ’ : \ .
" F {lad hy A ol \ i AWA TY In" a \ $40 ry field tap and die set, 1-4 to 3-4 S.A E. and 1-4 to 24 leys: chains: headlight tester: 2 wheelbarros
5 "hiladeirviia pi poker | y rds in each a Fg - :
now stationed at Camp Carso nd $10 U.S.S.; Buffalo cylinder hone; Alemite grease gun: shovels: wheel garden cultivator; barrel
He was formerly employed on # ntertainment features will keep expansion reamer set; bushing knockout set; valve with Super Pyrol: 3ton derrick for wreckes barrel
farm near Centre Hall. A re nm pace with the outstanding educa- seat stones; 7-ton hydraulic jack ; electric clock ; breast partly filled with Zerone; 2 small room stoves; chairs
i » home of the ides parents Honal progr f There 1 : : :
At the home of the brides parant # of re will he 4 drill; wide variety of small garage tools: Devisitle benches: table; some household goods: brake lining
followed the ceremony. Cpl Decker night show each evening, horse ra ¢ a n
returned to camp on Friday, Mrs 0g from Tuesday through Friday, a hand oil gun; large vise: blow torch: soldering irons; cabinet with linings; steel screen, and many other ar-
Decker plans to lve with her par- thrill show on Saturday afternoon, flaring tools for 14 to Y4-inch pipe; blacksmith forge ticles
ents in Potters Mills September 30, vaudeville each after.
Mrs. Sallie Ruble, daughters Gen-' Noon with the races ang each eve
jevieve and Lois moved on Monday ning with the revue. Big midways REA ES A E
to State College. The house which Will be on either end of the fair L | i
the Rubles vacated will be occupied grounds, largest in Pennsylvania
this week by the owners, Mr. and At the same time and place the real estate, con- ground, suitable for cabins or trailers: running water
Mrs. Raymond Fultz and family bi ng ¢ :.. 2 A / . :
Miss Charlotte Keller returned to Bellefonte Soldier sisting of a tract 200 by 200 feet, containing from 3 from two wells on premises piped into buildings:
Ephrata, Monday afternoon where Completes Training to 4 acres centrally located in Milesburg on U. S. Route large septic tank: electric lights, Building in A-1 con-
she has been teaching commercial 220—one of the main highways to t west-—will be iti ’ of the \ le
WALTER & JOHNSON be on Thy wr Brg gm ghwa) » the | dition. Part of the land is planted in pine and maple
eral years foo I radugted pr yo offered for sale. Ideally located on tract is modern ser. trees and in shrubbery
i F « 8 "ua ro . 4 : ot tninit ’ “i 5
State College Pa. Mr, and Mrs, Otto Richenhowr,! Constwise Piloting School oh the vice station with adjoining garage, 30 by 40 feet, an This is an old, established business. Reason for
IMr. and Mrs. PL. Davies and Navigation Training Section at the! adjoining oiling and greasing room, 30 by 14 selling: Owner plans to enter the ministry
daughter Jane of Long Island, Visit- | Army Service Porces Training Cen- | feet, adjoining building, 24 x 32 feet, suitable TERMS: Personal property, cash, Real estate
ed over the weekend with Mr. and ter following completion of a 3- N 25 | §
M. WwW. WERT Mrs, Harry McClenaban, near Cen week course, it was announced by | for a restaurant or residence, Buildings all front 25 per cent down when property is sold, balance on
tre Hall. They came here to look training officers at Camp Cordon | along highway, Property includes large camping delivery of deed.
Rebersburg, Pa. [After thelr property west of Centre Johnston, Fla | ,
| alt, which they bought from the a Breon wil retin 0 hix out- B ORVI a 4 bn y ‘ | )
eClenahans. i, the 3suU rbor Craft Com- | . M. - \ ( HOI LL. ge
| Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Runkle called | pany. with : basic (2 ey of | LM. SMITH, Auct. * AIC FR whnel
Seaturday evening to see Mr. and piloting used In the l of
Mrs. Wade Evey in Pleasant Gap. | Army vessels nanatan
plug tester; coil and condenser tester: armature test body repairing 1 including