Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 07, 1944, Image 1
"KEEP FAITH Ld En nb a 2 24 SEannanm * WAR BONDS VOLUME 63, NUMBER 36. Soldier Killed: Twas. Wounded % Sgt. Samuel D. Falls, ‘ard, Loses Life in France: Pfc. Harry L ©. ern, Sgt, George Cushion Seriously Wounded He Centre Democ BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, “a 0 Th FOR What About V-Doy? 0 GAMPAIG With one phase--probably the most important one of World War 11 rapidly Complete Plans For Cam- paign in Bellefonte : ! there Area DRIVE SCHEDULED OCTOBER 10 TO 24 6000 INVESTMENT )/ SERRA R AR ARRAN 0 PER ——— IAS Local P hysician Active In Burma A ———— TE ——. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.5 YEAR. ——-- ———— EJGAPE SHU WEEK'S CHASE 1800-Pound Hereford Slain After Hunt Near Philipsburg . : § approaching a climax, and with many towns and cities through- the observance of V-Day ment Is gaining ground rapidly in Bellefonte Victory over “WpPldiLy 51) out the nation preparing for a similar move- il Nazi Germany seems W be approaching with increasing it is believed plans beforehand and {ur — a— ‘War Correspondent Describes New Techni. ques Developed in Treatment of Wounds and Disease in Jungle Fighting generally celebration should not so much because a formal program Is necessary " made B IF } of a plar. of action will serve to direct’ activities in & more or bul becauss less uniform channel Reports have it that several local industries plan to close down m- for 24 when official announcement of the of European war 1 The American Band of Bellefonte Lo the Bellefonte Veterans mediately hours end ————— the mude Legion Mste of World War during the week included the ul three Centre countian: whom was Killed and the other geriously France Sgt. Samuel D al, R. D. 1. wa on August 8, ang Pl of Bellefonte Cushion fously wot Departmen relatives Caepaltty II Horces and was slightly \ three days alter D-Day Fall attended the Bee Creek township scn00ls and was 16 § the Harbison- at Monument ing ervice In addition to urvived by six i 4 Ralph hi Creek town Caledonian Pvt. Boyd Pvt. John, New Guinea Another | Che veral year wounded has Diamond in as he of Foreign Wars and other local organizations have expressed an interest in proper orders Lhe landing to report namesitwo or WOOT of Sat two hh ttl f the battie ol one possible after word has been announced n sm DASHES TO FREEDOM FROM MEAT PLANT VEAIS A a holler Walker Re before ployed for for a. observance of the mamentous day man Falls, 38. of How=- | fra« filled In action Harry B. Kern George J Suggestions advanced to date include a parade with appropriate the Dia- of observing the victory and strengthening the war effort against the Jepaness It LO hve I'he torie el- K ter the floats, round and square dancing in the streets, and a rally on 12 Local Agencies, 17 Na- tionwide Charities to Benefit $27.174 Owners Spurred Search by Posting Reward, Dead or Alive his mond for the purpos brothers parents he is Richard Beach New and James ' wt ‘Tair Hp ¥ Ciall oleviiie, were sel me also has been suggested that the churches of the town may wish according to War received by « Ln in 3 ‘ Pr special services In observance of the European war's end 'SMIECS race closing of stores and business places on V-Day another problem which should be decided now, with adequate provisions for such nd Hereford i il, es poses being unloaded I Fasty Meat lant in Philipsburs An 1800 -Ix CRPINE Wille truck at u Company | With a total of tions for the 1944 Bellelonte Cx munity War Fund campaign, Oc- for the tober 10 through 24, were competed week : ese and other possible suggestions for V-Day in Bellefonte are 'his week a meeting of the ned way throughout the ile War i directors of 4 expected to be discussed at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce War Fund directors i» rg aica GOUKINg : . I'he War Fund campaign if directors 10 be held Friday night in the YMCA bullding. Chamber » providi ee ad yesterday that preparia- brother fe A 3 ge Was a motaur- om 8 Products « Tut biud- An \ Mu- | kilied ago in We tablishiments in the event the announcement comes wr when } ' le accident at Bianchard Pfe. Harry B. Kern 3 Harry B. Kern, 35 business houses are closed or are about wo close day roared and ut Pfc Mr itie ire! suggestions funds formerly subseribed wo i . ] » H | ’ J As v DC OH I shot by Wiz ul that they be ibmitted in une for consideration at tomorrow night's [the Bellefonte Wellare Ass Augu 10. according to jg . p {eer hunter as well as taking care of partment . 3 3 Hive nd the Thursday by » provides monies | week Sern received hat area tf el eich ten of 17 nationwide [WO INJURED IN LOGAL GOUP : ~~ MOTOR ACCIDENT. WEDDED 50 YEARS hort pow- freedom ig mugh- Motorcycle Crashes Into Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moore ruck . ' ’ » . Side of Car Near | Quietly Observe Golden vase Beech Creek Anniversary iro ile were injured ast One fine May day when a ir and ai Horatio Moore Route 230. ing ing mining equipment engi-| hh Creek ineer from Monongahela ame U Young, Bellefonte on 8 business mission son of] He walked about the View [the beauty of the town his pas of Belle. a compound escaped with Li) Howard SEFIOUSLY Jane Ir of East board « ficial ' f PuUrpGse ol announced will be welcomed and ask 8: Bob Morris Wins Nittany Golf Title Nat y aYalzohiag Major Harold B. Harris meet ed r Mm nairmen . 4 that he * in June The Bellefonte member of 0 the an stated red colored red -colored y atl ll gias 4 of | Fung Ww 1 Community W the following arive : spe 18g Arner Orvis Reed | dicitation, E. Keith Commerce, C. C. Brown ndustries, Rudy Lindquist, ar Mrs. Samuel] Walle Because of war-time condition bUCE®ls ¢ ever industry red V Ray house Wn rtillpry rill ready for being led from bulliding when broke field a made Decembey New Cumberland was Lewis, Wash Ma service Or ran inti] i! tl port al ¢ ’ ns he portal al Of Ne partici back in 1804 8 fn then an enterpris it maneuve! enraged animag September BEenciey Lave ths 8 ted reased 1 f Bee Harold N.Y Pleasant ang Hoy re Out suffered animal later leg fracture, and Hoy Dam, acerats Of Ohe (Continued on page Sia) Candidate's Car Is Damaged in Mishap Sgt. Samuel D. Falls 3amuel D. Falls. 36, Howard a machine gunner who was wounded several days after D-Day ie Wi and had returned juty was ridge, Ky killed in action in France August anti-tank division 8. according to word received by » until March parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey left for oversea Falls, of Howard, R. D1 mother last February. dor LH Falls entered thie Army Feb 21 High aT A a oe Belition . M Souths | and , tralr for months in West 3 a ~ gh a | ulna Alatrlet he: wd 1 Vigil and went service was employed for 17 years Hollow Lo ig Tamm overseas in the autumn of 1943 for |Py the Universal Match Company Hundreds Of searchers , a brother Pfc. Robert Kern. them hunters afined with (Continged on Page i He has further training in Eogland He went Mito Pranee with the invasion |Stationed at Maxwell Pleld. Als. _} tinged, on Puy PAUL FORTNEY = COUNTY MILKWEED DIES AT HOME ‘PROGRAM BEGING ==: ‘as F " ) Vy Jis- , . . . der treatment there Ww a Formey Count) Dis ty Chairmen to Direct gicnarged oe 1 trict Attorney; Funeral Collection . This Afternoon . : : right leg Monday when gasoline he > Memorial Services was pouring into a tank at the A stroke suffered on August 25 For Wm. F. Leathers Schreck garage, Lemont. ignited Agriculture to Get More " ph proved fatal to D. Paul Fortney, of — Flames spread over the rear of the as being felled bn r. § eft Knee Pic Bellefonte, former Centre County Memorial services in honor of Wil- | truck Sud Hiaind Mong thie floor and Recognition and In- Wa District Attorney, who passed away lam P. Leathers, of Mt. Eagle, who UP One side of the building q : : . " at his home on East Bishop street at | ry Killed in line oF d hg while! Mr. Ross, driver of a State Gas creased Awards Spring Mills Family exira $10 monthly 6:50 m. Monday, September 4 i i nn, Haines and Miles | serving wildy the United States and Ol Company truck, was deliv. . . . ombat duty. This sp 1044 agriculture supervisor, | oT. 0 ivasion of Prance. | TINE gasoline to the Schreck garage | Agriculture is going Injured mn Accident t if the infantryman Mr High S will be held Sunday afternoon, Sep- | PUMP at the time. He immediately recognition than ever B . (growth of a Suggs health John Decker, ag« | yop per 10 at 2:30 p. m_ at the Ken- disconnected the hose from the tank wih Bloomsbur Fait irs athe ¢ Decks ] d ane Lime § t um stroke Spring Mills. | oo Methodist church at Mt. Eagle | "0d drove the truck a short dis- | tem about his usual a Jacob Wetzel the Rev. Roy A. oss, pastor tance away from the garage the time he was striker , officiating. It is hoped Gasoline dripped onto Mr. Ross The deceased was have representatives of the Am-| Lent 1g and ignited, burning him David Franklin erican Legion, and of the Howard | Tom the knee to his ankle. He was Fortney and was born in Bellefonte Odd Peliow and the Veterans of | taken to a State College physician on July 11, 1887, making his age at Porelen Wars. of Which he Was & who dressed the burn time of death 67 years, | month and | ooo (1 a War Department mes on townships, William member, present { Mr. Ross extinguished the fire on 22 days. He attended the Bellefonte sage to his mother wincipal. Port Matilda 4 the truck, which was only slightly public schools and Penn State, and " od jamaged, and James and John ‘ushion is a half-brother of (Continked on Page Pour) pa continued his education in the law Suen iui Yas Noutdad ’ Schreck, owners of the garage, as- offices of his late father y g who 1s 8 : sisted by Other Lemont residents He was admitted to the Centre Prance, July 3, and who Is still in Vietim at First Theught Lt. Eugene Shultz Is « government hospital stamped out the fire and prevented | yyre building with the incentive of C an har oa iy 14, 1908, and Ihe Coleville soldier, member of serious damage and injury increased awards. The prices are was elected District Attorney in N > » . to Have Been Shot Prisoner in Germany : 3 -— - During Scuffle infantry outfit, entered the ser The extent of the damage to the gg) $70, $60, $56 $45 and $35 Each (Continued on page Bla) vice Pebruary 21, 1942, and re- pump is believed by Mr. Ross to be | Grange entering will receive $35 Funeral services Thursday afternbon Y place, noting 1 Bellefonte sent RD Dale Breckin- ith remained to Camp i . “1 liked the place he decided Mr. ang Mrs H 8 Moore, who on Monday of last week quietly celebrated their 50th wed- Sng anniversary at their home " North Allegheny street ame 0 a v2 Bellefonte, for liked the town 0 owned by Charles 8 Kniss, of Spring well after his several Gours’ inspec- pr paziged Rita’ he orn an Fruit Red arbors "he w 1 of involved in an accident while be tion that he and his wile moved | "a el near Spring ove I . rifles, | was en route to Pleasant View from here on January 7, 1907, | The Kelley car was traveling to-| weyprgyina aren, sums Cartwright Brothers ] | ward sant ai the time. ine denee Nisgars Falls. andi de A. Mune 10h Mae Malar) : : TW bearers carne out of Yoe ! Last Tuesdays sccident resutted rs ATOR Quinby. Oty dsughier of a AS a My Kee unaergrowth nibng Ihe ( ist Meet In France wheti Young's thc car were torn off abd the Kunissli i pack to the American 116 . i erashed Into an rs. Silas E wimby, were mar. |’ 8 the side of a car driven A ed a the M thodi t parsonage in {adhiing hong $f uly (damaged. he On thelr stretcher lag Bellefonte brothers W. Thompson, of R D Li Rochester N. H, on August 28, 1884 mishap wos vhtly na rsiy somehow one se each otuer as the car onto the | while Mr. Moore was employed as a | Motor . a. t ¢ mont highway from Corman Bar-B- mechanical engineer for Mr Kn hy Que stand. Mr. and Mrs Fleyd Lau (Continued on Page 6) : he Lehers bac! { Lock Haver X making where he tralbed Sho wit and Tats how 4 ¢ thi of this it. SOON ( He again visi wa jet Harr K Cia} wa Galn- A sean Kelley, of Pleasant aged about 11:1 clock Frid morning shen i cra: 8 Cay beef aperated U I'he ¢ Cold Stream year when cycl irsued Ue tinger Ww i il Miami Excerpt Dr. Harr his J , -, ’ trailed to ih on Fie fr Yank surg to the O lied then chiidren shoulder 114 CeO [ OUNE father of tw and 0 the Sleepy suffered a fractured right he in June when his motorcycle was Hie by wn Howard Was ans Vin the uy Pleasant Oa) Democrat ! nee ang een Pol We SNUG Le ad “~. £10 BLOOMSBURG FAR HAS CRANGE SHOW = wo passed the - - Sort the rash, ook vl he Lox Truck Driver Is Lr Burned by Gasoline remains wo - TY —— of State College. sul- fered second degree burns about the ’ ) ocene after ! motoreycke ung whi wine Fred Ross The following area chairmen in the county have been appointed by F. Glenn Rogers, county superin tendent t in the collection of important ma oe { Has od 5 0 wm awarded an thé milkweed War badge, which on ——————————————— V whishipe Vall v Riiey Fortne since falling i WoO nis I 1 nsdig Tr : 1Dervisor wa with nil of the chur Patton, Harris and Fergu- |, whips, Ed. Dale ulture State College Worth Halfmoon had been suffering a Years an previ linet Annual Mo! Oa) had been ) until ' a - np IY Cm some ago, but tivities OPeELIngE on i ug lo continue and night throug Ms, were | ' al i i " that week N SPORTSMEN'S DINNER With he exhibition havi for i 3 Of Spring M Sportsmen are asked to res jective the promotion « rents i et | # CA of the Bellefonte Sp home front support of men, it is Ntling agricuitur which has always been a Keynotes the exhibition, be recognition Wis year The Grange show ture, will be staged In Sgt. George Cushion tre Sgt. George Cushion Mr Barbara Cushion was seriously wounded In in Prance on August 9, it was revealed of the late ! Sarah Hue A SON son of of Coleville Lem ber ow Fe anda agri action and Ro that “a —— . . given outst Sut Pl (14) Red fea in G vi Valle recent Island Dear always a the Agric Homer Rodeheaver to Appear In Bellefonte Refreshments Wi tickets are now an rile Home R Known ging and evangelist i» ) ieheaver A nationally leader tiombonist wil be in Centre meetings on Tue mber 28 Announcement by officers of the Centre Christian Endeavor Union organization sponsoring this singer's appearance, that he will be accompanied by B D. Ack » a. - Youth Injures Finger Harold CGunsaliu 17. son of Mr and Mrs. Richard Gunsallus, Belle fonte RD. 3, wis treated at the Centre County Hospital dispensary Friday night for a slight injury re- ceived while working with a asm mower. A cut on the first finger of his right hand was dressed and he returned to his home Black and White Robins Have Bird-Lovers Frantic — - sit ceived training in various camps be. soni No other serious dam- The judging is on the basis of H fore being sent to England in Sep- g 3 points Yor quality; 30 points for var tember of that year, Last Tuesday ety, and 20 points for display his mother received a letter from There Is Do more popular feature him in which he related “1 am get. Afi the horse pulling contest .- a ting slong fine and receiving good staged in recognition of the great Rebekahs to Mest care Don't worry about me” The Continued on pape Three) t meetings fog : letter Indicated he was injured in e 100F the back Sgt. Cushion Is a graduate of the joy well known composer of many John's Parochial school, Belle. go.pe) songs, and lust on the pro. fonte, and of the Spring township gram will be Warren O Hoopes high school at Pleasant Gap Upon | general secretary of the Pennsyl- completing his education he entered | Lunia Christian Endeavor Union | the employ of the Warner Company No admission will be charged to and was working in that Industry | theo meetings, being held in Phil. when he was inducted into the 8rmy. | joshurg in the afternoon and in He is widely known among Centre | puisfonte in the evening, because Smullton Soldier Seriously Wounded county for day, Bepts Wis made County the , hoted According to reports Detwiler, of Trenton ly of Smuliton, this War Department her that wiler, age wounded Mrs. D until ab went to daughter Detwiler about Mrs. Carrie N. J.. former weeE received a age notifying Donald Det £1 Was Seriousiy 20 in France twiler resided In Emulit ut a il when frenton to wi Mr | has KR YPur i I MAN'S NAME GIVEN OVER GERMAN RADIO fhe first communication, a card hel , | from Lt. Eugene Shultz prisoner of wid AS war in Stalagluft No. 3 camp, Ger- toe Heath|, ony, informs his family in Lock funeral home in Osceola Mills for goer that he is O. K. and that he Walter Bushko, 54. of Earnestville.| gore; only bruised knuckles when near Osceola Mills. Burial was made’ oo 7) was piloting over in the Polish Catholic cemetery, Os Hamburg last March 3 Was shot | ceoln Mills | Jown Conflicting reports of the man's It was not until | death, which occurred at Richmond, | 8hultz's mother, were at ine Py . about 22 AuRust hey m " Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Rhoads of Coleville, were notified during the) weekend by the War Department that the name of their son, Staff Sgt. C. Robert Ruoads, 22, had been heard In a recent broadcast from Clermany n Iw n Pvt service | Ago Hye Saville the June that Ia Mrs. Lila Shuite, | been (Continsed on Page Fowr) — Reminders For Mailing Christmas Parcels To Service Men Overseas Mailing 0; Christmas gift packages for those in service overseas should be attended to between Sept. 16 and Oct. 15 No request from the addressee is required in connection with Christmas parcels mailed to Army personnel during this period only Post Office patrons are instructed to endorse each parcel as a ‘Christmas parcel” Christmas greeting cards for soldiers overseas must be sent in sealed envelopes and prepaid at the first class rate Christmas parcels shall not exceed the present limits of 5 pounds in weight or 15 ihehes In length or 36 inches In length and girth combined The public is urged not to Include food and clothing in gift parcels ' Not more than one Jhristmas parcel shall be accepted for mall- ing in any oné week when sént by or in behalf of the same person to or for the same Consult your Post Office for further details. they are made possible by contribu- tions from C. E. societies through out the county The exact place In each town will be announced soon in the columns of this paper Concrete Mixer Is Damaged In Accident | A concrete mixer owned by the [State Highway Department was {damaged to the extent of about $256 | when It was struck by a conl truck operated by Myles K. Sones of Kar thaus, about 11:16 p. m. last Thum {day at the intersection at | Bhoe | The accident happetied when Mr | Bones attempted to pags the high | way truck operated by W. 0. Yarnell of Bellefonte, RD. which was tow- ing the concrete mixer, at a point where a car was parked at the side of the road. Both ines were going towards Moshannon Police from the Pleasant Gap sub-station investigated Snow | Va, Gave been In circulation. It Was | regiding in Lock Haven, received the stated that Bushko had boarded a official message announcing he was His card which troop train three times and was Put | q prisoner of war off twice and was shot the third [ghe received last Thursday is dated time In a scuffle and fell from the pay 19 | train, but the Richmond undertaker {told family members that he had chewing gum and a wool cap, committed suleide. No details of this, Lt Shultz was employed as press version were given He Is survived by his widow, Anna, | enlisting in the Air Corps. and by 10 children, seven of whom - — yo. t hom Tw {f the children ive at Norfolk, Va. Where he ‘ie. Son Born to Dr. and ed before going to Richmond, and & | Mrs. Richard P. Noll " TIN. \ son Is serving In (Oe army in Eng- | and Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Noll, North Allegheny street, Bellefonte, are the parents of thelr first child, A on, bom at 1:41 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Centre County Hospital A Carserian operation was per rs. ss A ———" — Te AM in Celebration Co-operation with the Fire Com- pany in planning for tie celebra- He tells (is family he wants candy, man by The Centre Democrat before The ‘telegram stated: “An inter. cepted unofficial short wave broad. cast from Clermany anentioned the name of Staf! Sgt. C. Robert Rhoads As A prisoner of war. No personal message was Included. This infor. mation supplements previous official report received from the Interna. tional Red Cross Bgt. Rhoads, a tall gunner aboard a B17 was reports ed missing by the War Department June 22. and. on July 7 his parents wore notified fiat he was a prisoner of war in Cermany. A pair of robins that look some- almost black. It has dead while thing like paratroopers in jungle shoulders. Then comes a dark “bo- garb have local ornithologists dice” or circle of black feathers about [scratching their heads and Jeafing [the middle. The tall feathers are frantically through bird books to dead white . see whether such things can happen | The charatteristic red breast of in bird-dom {the robin is missing. The breast ap- As of yesterday Bellefonte bind pears to be mostly white, with » lovers were ready to write off as slight reddish tinge non-existent the birds which never- | The bird is full grown and the fea theless may be seen disporting them. | thers full} ! selves in the vicinity of the Joseph | doubt of Kane home on Phoenix avenue, near | all the the Universal Match plant offices land w On Labor Day this writer was in- | terrupted at his labors by Mr. Kane, who thovght we might be interested | i ER H : 4 Bi?