* With US = by buying im @he Confre Demorral £254 VOLUME 63. NUMBER 33. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1944, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. Schools to Lose STATE COLLEGE Lt and Es Product of Local Industry TWO INJURED Fire Razes Barn ave Instructors ARMANKILLED RN tif INCRASHNEAR ~~ Near Millheim Bellefonte Board Considers Five Resigna- VER FRANCE A B : | Heavy loss Results From Destruction of tions at Monday's Meeting. Three Are ay A b Building and Contents on Ellis Rearick Faculty Members of Long Standing. Farm. Partially Covered by Insurance. : Tech. Sgt. Joseph F. Sills : val® i 8 Larue Horner, 18, And The resignation of five t rs, | Wallace J. Ward, high school chem Was Radio Operator » ~ : a Herbert Phillips, 25, HE Sern con'ainig most of ed the ek three of thom memb { local t ind clence {(nstructon and the season's crops, al i HELE ! faculty for many years, and naming Harry J. Menold, manual training on B-21 Bomber ¢ / $y TS Suffer Lacerations urrounding outbuild successors fo r} fea 1 instructor. resulted when the board Rearick a meeting of t ellefor Si declined to grant ary increase v . ' TDL » TER'Q west of Millh Bord, Monday night. ‘The board Daisy L. Keichline, school nurse PREVIOUSLY LISTED y (i COUPE LEAVES ROAD 50 fF determine. fixed Wednesd September 6, as resigned in order to be with he MISSING IN ACTION . a AND STRIKES POLE Gay hight, entailing the opening ite of he borough mother who is ill. Mrs, Victor Wat 4 AIRLNLE TAY 4 a ~ “ only partially cover schools son gave up her school position lo ? 4 Two of resignations, those of |Join her husband who is stationed | Some of the’ Members of er. a " : \ at Camp Peary, Va, and Arlynne . : aged; One Man in who was pass! jon hi Mi . P. Demmy, physical education teach. Crew Observed Bail- ) 4 i . between ring Mills and Millheln - Issing er, resigned because of her forth- . . # ; i Hospital ; when he noticed flam t the ba * coming marriage ng Out of Plane i iad . - _-. which bs situated son Hstance Memorial Services At the board se n a discussion r—— k ah ; | Larue Horner, 18, of Centre Hall L resulted over the wisdom of permit Technical Sergeant Joseph F. 8i i Fy is a patient in the Centre County JLeachers of many vears' stand- | 21. of State College, radio operator i Hospital receiving treatment for in- ystem rath. [00 a B-24 bomber, was killed In ac- 7 juries suffered in an automobile ac- wereases But | tion over France on June 23 ace ih a cident at 2:30 a. m. yesterday about that to|cording to a telegram received from One of the massive shape-straightener machines being man. five miles east of Centre Hall The » or two teach- | the War Department by his wife last yractured by the Sutton Enginesring Company of Bellefonte for the | YOung man suffered a laceration of ng Titan Metal Company's new plant now under course of construction the head and possible other injuries board to similar request: Sills, who had previously been | Three of the above machines of like or similar type will be put in AD X-ray fxamination was to be from the other teachers Fven a few 1 ted missing in action, is a son use at the Titan plant at a cont of approximately $46.000 made salary increases, it was point- Mr. and Mr Frank Sills Mr Herbert Phillips, 25, also of Cen- tre Hall, driver of the car, was Car Only Slightly Dam- “be fre wa: ploye of the 1 a precedent and Thursday morn ed out, would necessitate an increase Sills is steward xt the American : treated at the hospital for a lacera- the barn was vr in the school tax millage Legion home in State College. Sgt | at To succeed Miss Demmy as physi Sills’ wife is the former Miss Dor- tion of the forehead and later re- firemen des ¢ ral education teacher, the board otiy Homan, daughter of Mr. and turned to his home ing nearby su el Mrs. Eloise R ngle, | Mrs. Charles Homan of State Col > The accident happened when the Lost in th 4 cted ord coupe going toward Centre of Odessa i. Y ngle is allege, RD. Before entering service raduate of YE: Qt ¢ te. taught of he worked in the stereotype and ON FAIR PROGRAM BY | IM TIVE Hall left the road and struck a pole ‘ar at nt li i Y. and press department of the Centre Two fenders of the car were dam- for the ast three vear I 5 been a! Daily Times at State College ged and a bumper broken. Dam- he telegram received by Mr age amounteg to $30 tained the following mes- (xr: vw Offic 8 4 ( i - The two men were taken to the » Rites ie al Rey Tt Mrs. Dora Haines, 72, of nospitai by Hargd Breon. who lve: eavy Demand For — near the Long service station, 200 £- ” Howard, Reported Recov- bards from the scene of the acct ents 3 \ HI dent. Horner, son of Mr. and Mr . itis. er y ( § ™m n PMS. ang Georze H. Emel afitation tania i a lah h I' Sgt. Joseph F. Sil ho ro ing From Injurie Floyd Horner of Centre Hall is em-' cribs were gobi - choo ceed | Watsor She was previously reported missing in Plays in range dramatic groups Haine Ww Howard ployed at the OCarbrick welding of fireme: Atson. She : a «1 eurelibd vali AIP PEP "ik M1 Dora pines, 72 oward, ° 4 5 Indiana State ® on ne killed n s tion oo Ix : a A ’ | J ip = . A truck by freight train Monday Bellefonts reported’ i ‘allege. class of 1937, and A letter received by Mrs Sills ia n . inment Pp Og ram bels K plan- TS hear ihe Howard Ps "TSily ummer " g the annua Grange Encamt? Alan 4 rel ’ Re making anid Fair at Cer H Er } on the Centre Hall Mountain All the dairy while Phillips is employed by the! ture at the tis Bradford Flour Mills Centre Hall ' in the orchard 1937 she has rw. at the Centre stock might ye Gs » ’ y tiflrati _ 1 1 _ § ‘ ’ ho at Warriors Mark h ab o. ‘ py hei " Me Sah I wiital where she has been Wh rd. nf ¢ | personnel afiairs, \ ingot pps ! wi hile, im atin I } id * h scene h HG, nt a |} sal a wk} La ER hat 4 8 $200 bnetmbd . tated that uring « } H ver ' HIS AUR a Bi " Ve - A COTY - a . Find 24-Inc already select 1 aused by nation. There are craft fire. 38 LIQH] QHeIDy ann me Satu i» ; eo nis A st ”: | pafard station, win & long freight 11-Year-Old Girl on November 1 1943 From . everal applica for the position Cumberian Was to Fort of school nurse, but there are no ap- MreClellar \ ‘On 3 rau (Continued on Page Four) - ol - CA vig " | ntertainmer will include a singing an Ir. approached Mr anes One of the season's st hair- Ing ana they Fy on, - ————————— . WIT . tn! and acrobd trod wil | Neanng is gelectiy ana it is *- raising snake stories © ss from ry rit 148 x Atty haar the teal Was stn tand d a pup." FW se atl ain AP- Lock Haven where an oe 4 " \ "hy ’ r detall | n } band 1 § pe is i HL hArTOw Ag Ot ne H t ; year He Dent ¢ . ' fu i 1 et al y n _- Wing wish 24 Svared "im ~ DAT Wagon Deg a4 i : Ie . da at tad SERA net show in th (torium nas gir] discovered thal she ’ : . afohta Ove Paster Prior te . i sumed that Sgt Sills wa HOW In Ne auton re sot known whether t . ro y . other impiemern Sil. Dpranks Bellefonte o on « memt of his crew who An unexpectedly large demand [of It 18 not known whether the wom- jp; the same bed with a 24-inch ny fu vigin of th re 3 ; . duction, Pfc. Emel was em ne of members 0° his cf ” Sa rerun fat wale (AN Doame excited and fell, or snake The time of the origin of the fire have particip akary did not escape when the plane tents is reported by fair officials Sha was sot atl approximately 9:15, since vasion of Pi the Olde-Tyme whether the wooden bumper in front shed were a branc new f January. 1943. He received his basic Wednesday, August 22 and 23 from who reside ip a small cottage near cMmntTuther { crashed and the secretary will be at head. Fv kf " The child is Mery Moyer, daugh- an electric clock had topped ab. trfarioe Fi oe hr Hp fission . ’ " ( locomotive struck her. Ime. ! Y ot fettihe fleda 0 oe , hic * RETURNS | bo Bet Bills entered «ther service in quarters in the park on Tuesday andy edintels After” the accident . the tor of Mr and Meo Willlase Mover he-30 When Ae a terra Viravons ; yr Bn i ' Workman Injured nin Stopped and Dr. RH. L. Ishier the Sugar Run school, not far from - oa ss . . M i . rf 144 — - 1 INCING training at Miami Beach, Fla, and 2 t0 8 p. m.. to take care of addi- Howard, was summoned to ad- : . 3 Sprankis At Scotia Mine then was assigned to gunnery school tional requests for tents Al camp- _ _ « hp ten i h Lock Haven. Her father is employed toliowing une A rs ora sominded to rent 25 3 minister first ald Mrs. Haines then _. .. 'o kines arto Wrekin P *h . P I li v Ss | . at Fort Myers, Fila. He later went €7s are reminae POTS _- ———t a to the Centre County Ps WH Ring Brothers auto wrecking er Mert: . . . — . ; ure aser at u ) {i} oad * radio " hoot in South Dakota uarters before moving _ ir ; i i A > | 4 R a i po establishment near Bellefonte and v . wr nless they = snitirely sur Jide dl Y her mother is a daughter of Mr. and Finds Small Fortune =» tn stabiod ns. Utah. |of their tent location, since somel'ance. . |aeo albert Page, of East Logan and in Old Desk i { in Colorado and Massachusett hanges hat n made in the lay- he nj iS ons 3 ahr dy tom sis t. Bellefonte “e ——c— e goit verseas in April of out of the tenting grounds. Electr] : 4 ar me night last week ary weadquar- ning uncomfortable - — — YA: grad wailed (Continged on page Four) ' py sg fo. cau of § heat, got up fg i : . . oe . . . a a s Mark High School Youth Injured In a bed on the Noor, in the belief it Dried Pods Provide Sub- Citizens Reminded of would be iblic - : . i 811" in n Mo | eh thaved to Stake 4 , ser Sametime . . a . IG the Jat BOL. oh 1eal a Ae "He va Accident at Barn ister shen her mother looked into stitute For Kapok in Postal Regulations Creek 'R BD Yee te . truck driver for Rob- the bedroom she discovered th ‘ . i ‘ — . X. R- D., in 4 sal A aemch : daughter on the Moor beside the bed Life-Jackets Me Post Department é- n Saturday ert } nd later worked at the ng 14 feet when a barn the head of the big snak —— Sith « night wa ermitted t {f De onal pre : nop; [ 1s TRC i ha nade some purchases. Athert it service station De- tairway broke loose from its fas. ANC Saw ‘ ah A : mn 3 Whes * went to brin these home fore going with the Centre Daily NC tening: James Houck. 19. son of Pre truding inder the sheet n her rn 0 s | TH Potter int out rriting | Times Mr and Mrs. Ear] Houck, of near daughters bed As the mother | «lil pi “He we ——————————————————————————————— . I Leal : A ’ : MIR " . . : " a " a # : - x ete # osk thi \ \'t heen sold ai ald n addition to his parents and U the fish hatchery at Pleasant Gap watched the snake crawied fr : program, a in a "Water Fine! 77 a: E ot ould have it for 50 ¢ nts if he is irvived by his 11-months iffered back injuries which are ex- bed lo the floor, where it wa T! Le VIR mac old mn (enneth Homan Sills Mrs , ' y : 2 pected to keep him confined to bed © kilied : Year Oldster Says When the ot returned hor Sills and her n are now residing Body of George High, 60, for six weeks Or two months The child, upon learning of the with: tira" wliae keting x NE" ith hae t ata ¥ ] in Cabin: Cor- He happened Priday on events, expressed little concern over . \ irehs ey of i wl er paren ound in Lain; or RE RY, Spiny After Fall in Creek | te aek © nina SY ited — the Zettle fa the Houck's the matter. She slept in the same ct ! i i 3 n y cmakhd 4 , i’ al Lh " pay a Arche filled wit 4 5 om th oner Investigated of 3 was on the stairway bed that night and has been doing Ris siaced. Missionaries to Speak when it fell, throwing him to the %0_ever since George Hig #0 : r The reptile is believed to have got foreman at the J Frat 2 ; youn an remained uncon- in the bedclothing while they were fractorie Tompat mines rss scious for a time and was brought being aired the day before ridge t noon, Tu while money to the ‘larence y found dead at th re County Hospital in EE on a visit ¢ be rte f ke ar nel rs. Potter are planning pm" fay at t bin he oc- the Widdowson ambulance. He was . good day [ ! ne of the to move to Clearfield county and cupied alone near the h Creek found to have suffered two cracked Grange Official stultriest of t ’ me d their | y and personal effects ines about six miles east ¢ iar. vertebrae and will be unable to be . d Residents ¢ : y it 1 t the sal § . n out of bed for some time Injure In Fall aged man in ! ! called tl : . . ! Hig! who was employed at He was discharged from the hos : Logan Fir v 1 : — the mines about 18 years complain. pital, Sunday. and will remain un- John B. Wert, 87, of Centre Hall, oS ‘8 Important men, responding | heir ambulance 19 T Be C Hed {ed yesterday of ling well and der medical treatment at his par. treasurer of the Orange Pair As. WeU dried. Accord o a died less than a half hour after a ents’ home His condition is report. sociation, suffered painful injuries Rex ved the PA Inst Thursday afternoon in a fall Af porous bags from a ladder while he was engaged [or onions whet ’ re “7 3 f ’ el t mi . lot i people S esident of the Curtin atea, fell Into |r: nk. Tyne br rons In County, Sunday oring ¢ v § treet . . presented the — y f y equipment fished him but of the stream and . » 3 took him to the Centre County Ho For Examination physician visited him ed 10 be good pital, where he w treated for . The man. about 80, was found by m——————— i} 1) r ra tory : NOS a 2 } rvoral i fello F . in trimming trees preparatory to in- Dung In * open al ta ih ot fe iy tied JS Son minor iacerati f the nose ral Tyraft ard N 7 of He. a several of hi fellow workers who C d " n , ' t 19 twp) ocal Draft Board No. 2 of Belle went to his cabin for the purpose May Have arrie stalling electrical wires in Grange Om of the bag al least 12 inch BE Shorty widely ! n throug mnte, yesterday received notifica w" > " from the ground Mr. Blane '® ] 1 ahit ther CR 114 + : i ] slates A ee out th i part of inty, t to call 19 men from this area of spending the night there because Invasion Orders PARK that these bags can be hung Y Bowling Alleys RY dc vernal : Y A ets bins " ls they knew he was ill. Centre County It is believed the man may have - Sora or Bae Thy bend preg’ a i gy ide Rev, and Mrs, © ie. {Coroner Charles Sheckler investi. i. c” P4 . been overcome by the heat causing ‘ences or some convenient drying . Rhon hoe Ale. “tia watt wan, Ss Jcmber wo to Har missionaries on furlough from Al-igated. The body was taken to his 8 that osm Vor Hake: him to lost his hold on the ladder. | Place, This should be done hi To Be Re opened w a ¢ ‘ The group will » sen ) Harris-| on under the Africa Inland Mis- home yesterday by a Lock Haven } ntatd wih OG WHES, | He suffered several fractured ribs) 24 hours after the pods are picked : ———— fine rg for examination sion Board, who will speak in the undertaker delivered important mail pertaining and severe bruises about the body, In order to avoid spollage n of The t 5 Advent church near Milesburg, on Em — et Tuestayy ria vu on ol pi He was brought to the hospital in snow will not hurt them during Sunday jnorning at 10:45, August 1 eg K “the Widdowson ambulance drying period. It is estimated U Prisoners at County Jail Complete 20. In the evening of that day they County Tops War prested yesterday 3 [, mther, Reports from the institution yes. | it will take from 2 to 6 weeks will speak at the Pleasant View Un- L Goal by 8% is. M C Fa TE. terday were to the effect that he is sufficiently dry the pods, dependis . . ’ . : | oan y /0 who received a message from her y - - har an that tia R d t f G | d B t [| jon chapel at the Christian Endea- | improving steadily. Mr. Wert was upon the weather, so that they may ce ecora ng 0 a al a Ss as I e vor service at 6:30. and at the - son declaring that on a recent 3000. acting superintendent of the grounds be taken indoors for storage — preaching service y at 7:30. At the Final official results of the Fifth mile alr trip in the Mediterranean and buildings at the fair, serving 4H Club groups and all other Inmates serving time at the Cen- the wood trim latter service Rev. Hess will show War Loan campaign in _Pennsyi- area he carried orders for action for George W. Ralston whe is il! rural youth organizations are urged tre County Jail in recent weeks have Inside the jail offices, the corri- slides on the screen of thelr work vania reported by Federal Reserve which soon would be in the news. im to encourage thelr membership been devoting their time to a num- dors have been repainted and the on the Dark Continent Banks of Philadelphia and Cleve- papers : . contact farm people and ask them ber of worthwhile improvements front vestibule. long noted for its -—t land, reveal that Centre county top A few days earlier this office re- Bellefonte Soldier to leave thelr milkweod stand for about the place under the super- dinginess, has been brightened with ped its over-all goal by A per cent ceived a letter from ut Haines de- P H | harvesting tor this purpose ih or ter . vision of Sheriff John “Jerry” Oal- a coat of buff paint. The laundry Bellefonte Honor Centre's total goal was $2.238,000 scribing his trip and reviewing some risoner of Germans wa Centre county may make its If you have any ide aida and kitchen also were redecorated and $2418000 was subscribed, the of his experiences on that mission ia— | contribution to this especially im. Enporiant try to get Ordinarily those who are sent to| The cell block itself, usually a Roll Up to Date oficial tabulation shows. The coun- His letter will be found on the 8Sol- pr. John W, Slo, 35, son of | portant war effort jof your hallucination jail put in their time pitching place of darkness and lack of cheer, ty E bond goal of $895,000 was top- diers’ Page in this issue pm ——.—_—ytrht horseshoes, reading, playing cards, has undergone the miracle of paint The Bellefonte Honor Roll in| ped by 12 JES et when $1.003.000 Cc dida EE for G id ; or just plain loafing Woodwork in the block is spic ana |front of the Court House was 'n these Donds Ww ; wed. Candidate r Gr in France, i now a prisoner of war er C M C C Put Sheriff Onlaida, realizing that span in new paint, and each indi- | brought up to date during the past Beles of all types of bonds to indiv- $ of the German government, it was P apita Cost of entre ounty a lot of good man hours were going vidual cell has been given the same | week with the addition of the names duals was $1637000, besting the Team to Meet Monday » from the War G to waste, and that perhaps “the treatment. One of the cells on the of a number of men who have en- Quota of $1503.000 by three per cent. a—— rpart Tuesday after. overnment W as $4.15 Last Year boys” would like some constructive first floor level is being painted en- | tered the service ih recent weeks jt| Centre county corporations i] Oray Purey, newly elected coach POOR by his father, work, secured paint and brushes and tirely in white. The furniture is was reported yesterday by Mrs Mary | O7gaRItons had héon set a £oal 9% of the Bellefonte High School foot- The telegram informing his father The cost of operating the county persons, The population of the asked for volunteers. Almost to a being painted white and the cell is Harvey Scott, chamber secretary | 4648, w waa ped bt 1 per ball team, sald yesterday that all that he was fist missing in action government last year, according to county, according to the 1940 cen. man the prisoners responded and to be used as a “hospital” room While it is now believed that the cent when $781,000 in onds were candidates for the team are asked Was received July He is believed figures based on the County Aud- sus, was 52.608 persons the jail now is In better condition where patients under medical treat. | list Is complete and acourate, cham. | Purchased during the drive to report to the BHS dressing room '0 have been one of the frst to ad- jrory' report, was approximately $4.15 One of the most interesting high than it has been for many a month. ment will be confined ber officials ask the public to check YY aL 8 p. m. on Monday, August 21 | for every man, woman and child in lights of the auditors’ report is the In the first Plage all the outside In addition to the extensive paint- on names to be sure all who should Sprin Mills Band | Regular practice sessions will be- the county. Of this amount, ap- revelation that the county has a wood trim has en repainted ing work, Inmates at the jall are be on the roll are there, The recent gin on Monday, August 28, Purey proximately $122 represented the present borrowing capacity of $552 . some of It for the first time since proud of the garden which they thefts of names from the board and 0 Hold Festival sald ' cost of caring for indigent persons 16863. This figure is based on the the jail was built. The porches, maintain in one corner of the re- other tampering with the roll create ns——— ! wa in the county home and clsewhere total value of the county " hich) & windows, and woodwork at the roof creation yard, There is a section a possibility that some names may | : The total expenses of the county shown as $ The two line were included in the redecorat- devoted to flowers, while sweet corn, | be missing, and the public is asked [the Spring Mills Band will be ves (last year wert S21830001, and of per cent debt limit on that assess. ing job, and the work was not a cantaloupes, watermelons, potatoes, | to report to the Chamber of Com-|at the athletic field, Spring American Legion ‘and iment is M1AI3T72, and net assets matter of dabbing on paint, for a and other produce is growing in|merce offices at once any omissions on Saturday, August 19 Bellefonte School Bands will of the county at present are $80. Heo, ahd white color Sete, bee. othr sectors. Of 81 ho rerope i Stroh gpa jay be mailed! Refreshments will be on sale and|not be held this ot It was an- A T5451, making a total borrowing : - the watermelon patch gets probably e offices, or given lephone, | a wide variety of entertainment will nounced yesterday. Usual practices capacity of $552,16863, the report fence was used in brightening BP Hom bt care, dial 2017 be provided. of reveals, . par a » : wh