REBERSBURG fisses Elizabeth and Lillian Eng- art of Wilkinsburg, are spending and w Joanne Mrs H. Hackenberg of and daughter Mr THE CENTRE DEMOURA?, B Fage Three -r The Y. P. M. C. of the Evangeli- | Harry Haines and children of Mil- | {cal church was entertdined by Miss | ton, were Bunday guests of his par- Jean Hagen on Tuesday evening. Floyd Barner, 8 2/c, of Bain- Muncy, | bridge, Md., spent his [furlough at elr vacation at the home of Mr. were Friday dinner visitors with his|his home in West Rebersburg d Mrs. T. H. Bake: Mrs. Robert Smull of Orange, N.|anne is spending this week with her | JefT, while her mother ls/burg, Newton | With her parents, Mr, and Mrs visited friends in Rebersburg | grandmother mother, Mrs. W. J. Hackenberg. Jo- serving as a delegate at | Mrs. Charles Kreamer and son and Patsy Ebner of Harrls- spent Monday to Thursday C ents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haines Mrs. Bertha Boone of Millheim, {was the guest of her brother, Reu ben Musser and wife and also her |sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs, H. O. Fledler, since last Fri. day | Bit. Clair H. Kreamer, of Atlantic {of pT Mrs. Eva Corl, of Pleasant Many nephews and nieces are left this once large family of Fill- more, a nephew occupying the farm orf which Mr. Crust was born and on which a member of the Crust family has lived ever since Mr. Crust always held interest in the welfare of the town was nn active member of the I. O. O. F., and EITLEFONTE, PR. Gap of the Philips-| His Interest also | 4 of a charter member burg Kiwanis Club centered In Boy Scout Troop No sponsored by the Kiwanis Club which he was treasurer Funeral services will be afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at home in charge of his pastor John FF. Stamm. Burial will in the Philipsburg cemetery held this his late Fev follow a WEIS tie MARKETS | ERVICE Cor. Allegheny & Bishop Sts., BELLEFONTE, PA. r n Saturday. , Misses Phyllis and Joan Bryan of | Hamilton [tock Haven, are spending several, Mr. and Mrs! Lewis Reahm | Weeks with their aunt, Mrs. P. J.|family of Oval, visited relatives in Rearick. Friday visitors at the Rear- Rebersburg, Sunday Ni Jek home were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam- Mrs. C. A. Page. Mrs. Howard | uel Rearick and three children of Lamey and son “Stevie,” Mrs Rich- | JACKSONVILLE HE es ard G ’ , were v ites, Rid My. ad umes sid Cif “hg daugh ier | indy, Wire Sunday visitors at the Mrs. Gert- 0) and child entre a : Hes ay busi 3 vil 5 "| rude Harter home were Mrs. Rachael | home { Number assessed with per capita tax. 860 t Mrs, Don Passell and children, | town pe = {Confer and Mr. and Mrs Raymond; The young folks seem en iny | Amt, of School Tax Audrey and Kenneth, of Lock Hav-! Mr. and Mrs James Clayton of | white and daughter Ruth, all of [their new swimming pool here Ini Amt. levied (face of 1943 Dup.) en, spent Sunday and Monday at Jeanette, were Sunday overnight vis- | peach Creek, and Mr. and Mrs [town during these warm and hot |2 Penalties added after Oct. 1 1943 the Dean Shade home. Peggy Shade itors at the W. M. Tarbert home [Glenn Walizer and daughter Mary! summer days Total amount (sum of 1 and 2) gg Rg - thet home . George and Sara Meyer of Boone. | Kathryn, and Darlene Walizer. and! 1043 tax returned to Co. Cem and is spending this wee ere ville, were Sunday dinner guests atison Glenn, Jr. and boy friend from! . . . Not filed as llens or returned ¢ Mrs. Robert Musser of Philadel- the home of Mrs, Gertrude Frank.) Bellefonte Assigned to Train Amt. of 1043 tax collected phia, is visiting her parents, Mr. Sunday afternoon callers at hel Miss Louise Hostrander of Pitts! For Marine Officer Current Expenses (A) and Mrs. E. R. Wolfe arriving on | Prank home were Mr. and Mrs. hyureh returned home after spend | Secretary's office, salaries $ A000 Sunday Harper Meyer, two daughters and|yng 4 few days with her aunt and Treasurer (com, or salary) 75.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Ocker and |son-in-law of Bellwood funcle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elsen- Tax Collector 451.36 daughters, Jean and Julia, of Mill-! Lester Guisewite, 8 2/'¢, of Camp | hauer Auditors 10.00 heim, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ock- | Peary, Va, Mrs. Guisewite.and chil Mr and Mrs Harry Sunday and Census Enumeration 25.00 ér's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. dren of Aaronsburg, visited Mrs. \son of State College, were Friday Other expense, Business Administration Blerly Guisewite's parents, Mr. and MTS. \morning callers at the home of Paul Other expense of General Control Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIntyre of Charles Garrett on Thursday. Paul-|{garimonis and family rackney, were Saturday dinner ine Day of Lemont. Spent at wae Miss Rebecca Schaffer guests at the A. G. Cummings home. | with her grandparents, Mr. an | weekend at her home Roland Esterline purchased the| Mrs. Garreit { Alice Betz, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Frank McIntyre farm at public sale George Wise and Mr. and MIS. | helaney of Centre Hall, spent Sun- last Friday. The purchase price was P Jo Reurie) vere Huesdiny business, 4. o I HOARE: of the Rome of Nore 4700 visitor: i ¢ hg ; Norman Ziegler of Irwin, is visit- Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Baboock were | RUth Betz. Other guests were Mr “ and Mrs. Arthur Wensel and daugh- ants - an rs W 5 s visitors at the Evangelical foe his Barents, Mr and Mrs. W. H| Buti Hetero Eg on LF. 8ara. Mrs. Apstha Wyland and Harrisburg On| rather. Dean Baney Mrs. Malvin Strouse Monday and son They spent the night with | : | Michael Millheim. are visiting friends in Carlisle, returning to the] Mrs, George Swope, Mrs. Frank the latter's grandparents Mr. and Women's Missionary branch con- | Eisenhauer and louise Hostrander Mrs. Ray Stover vention at Central Oak Heights at| Visited at the R. C. Fetzer home on ® Adam Relish West Milton, Tuesday | Thursday Mechanicsburg Susan Gray of State College, vis-| Callers the James Schaffer at his home ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, | home during the past week were Pfc. Walter Cummings of Lecada,! C. M. Blerly, several days this week { Mr and Mrs. Russel Stover and Texas, Mrs. Cummings and daughter; Mrs. Sadie Spangler of Carlisle, | daug ter of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosemary of Williamsport, visited spent Friday to Sunday at the J. A | Schaffer and daughter Mae Mrs his parents Sunday and Monday. Wert home | Singer, Kathryn and Lucy Cona- Pfc. Cummings is spending a fur- |M. Blerly Mr. Kreamer was a and | Thursday visitor here and Mary Ann returned with them after a visit {with her grandparents City, accompanied hls wife home on | a three-day leave. They were met by his father C. E. Kreamer, early | on Bunday morning at Sunbury. Sgt. | Kreamer spent a delightful time | with his relatives and chums here | in his old home town We're always | glad to see our soldier boys back | Assessed valuation of tuxable real estate 1 i AUDITORS' REPORT OF THE BOGGS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT * For the Year Ending July 17, 1944 $181.60000, No. mills levied 30 Rate of per capital tax. $500 Per Cap Property Total | $4. 300 00 $5.450.70 $0.750.70 | 145.43 110.18 256611 $4445 43 $5 560 88 £10,006 31 1.085.32 FRANTZ MALTED KERNEL MARSHMALLOWS ® © & 0 Ih pk to 20: 12-00. can 1 3c 6-02. can De 17-02. can 10c¢ bok 21¢ box 21¢ can Te tY%-or jar §2¢ pkg of 18 15¢ h-lbjar 23¢ ibjar 22¢ SWIFT'S ALL SWEET OLEOMARGARINE 1h. sks dle 2 os 2h. pe. Ze >. 1 BLUE BELL CORN FANCY (10 Points) TOMATO PASTE HANOVER (10 Pol PORK & BEANS N. B. C. Ritz Crackers Old Fashioned Ginger Snaps Neptune Sardines Barrington Hall Instant Coffee Tetley's Tea Balls Cocomalt food drink Elderberry Jam (L & S) 24350 $2,000 46 (Expense of Gen Golden 5 NL $4475.56 Bantam Control) 846.485 02 Dean Franklin Ross, 18, sop of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Allen Ross, of {249 South Pugh street, State Col- lege, has been appointed a Cadet- Midshipman for officer training In the United State Merchant Mar ine Cadet Corps. He has been as- signed to the United States Mer- chant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N. Y., for four months pre- liminary training after which he will serve a minimum of six months as an engine Cadet-Midshipman aboard merchant ships delivering vital war supplies to the far-flung battlefronts. When he completes his sea time he wil] return to the Acad- emy twelve months advanced (C.) training. Upon graduation he will Transportation of pupil be qualified serve as a third as- sistant engineering officer in th Merchant Marine gO On Active duty in the Navy an Ensign the Naval Reserve Ross 15 a graduate of Centre Hall- Potter High School Centre Hall and also had one year R. 0. T. C |at Pennsylvania State College. Dur- ing his school term he was active in baseball, soccer basketball, » member of the band, and class sec- retary Rous the U ‘gator ing in 5 00 12.80 1 General Control (RB) Salaries of Teachers (include Books for school libraries Supplies used in Instruction Attending Teacher Institute Tuition 5 Other expenses of Instruction pent ti Total spen we Expenses of Instruction teacher-librarians $8 486 #7 346 35 440.19 44.00 291.24 125.00 Instruction $16,733 65 Total expense of BE Points for Expense of Auxiliary Agencies of $ 4.32000 to - who is employed at Agencies at spent the weekend . or ns (D.) Expense of Operation of School Plant | Wages of Janitors and other employes | | SOAP CHIPS Fuel 317.46 . Light and Power 20 62 we ve. 200 Janitors supplies 12 60 WEIS QUALITY CAKE FLOUR FLAKORN MUFFIN MIX CHIPPEWA TABLE SALT 10-Ih. § po Baking Powder "cn All other BAG resigned at the holidays to 15.366 3 J Weis work for : - John D. Gill Bons, manufacturers Total’ Receipts 25.370 supplie 6) Debt Service ( and jobbers of mine On March 25. 1905, he went 0 Redemption of short term loa: work for Lauderbach- Zerby Payment pany wholesale grocers, which later became the Lauderbach«Ciriest Com- pans He was employed as stock bookkeeper until 1939, when the de partment was discontinued which time he has lived retired In early manhood became = member of the church at Fllimore transferring his membership to Phil (ipsburg Methodist church in B93 |Since then he has been an active member. holding almost every office the church had to offer. Many year BRO he was elected a member of the Official Board, and served until the present time In 1901 he was married Miss Sadie Cowher, nho died 1912. In 1818. he married Mrs. Dorothy Haw kins Shirey. who survives. No chil- {dren were born to either marriage Mr. Crust was one of eleven chil- dren, of whom two sisters and one brother survive: Mrs Soohla Reed of Warriors Mark, aged 89 years Mr. Reuben Crust. of Fillmore, who is B7 years and a Younger sister Public Sales Additional Sales Page 5—2nd See. Total expense of Auxiliary Ld y y We ong pot | in Total expense of Operation $8 63077 (E.) Expenses of Maintenance of School Plant Repair of Bulldings Lighting $ 533.2% 20.69 ha a brother in 8. Navy Alr Corps as a nay He also has an uncle serve the Navy Former County Teacher Is Dead fContinned from page ond) tarea, and In 1888 he returned to Philipsburg and taught at Point Lookout. In 1901 he was elected to teach the Cold Stream serving Total expense of Maintenance 3 562 98 (F.) Expenses of Fixed Charges Insurance Fire Compensation na Total expense of Fixed Charge Total of all Current Expense RECEIPT! Gen. Fund Pe CC ’ 12, 143 $4 475 50 hand July Prop. tax 1943 Delinquent tax State Appropriation Bal on ap ax last Teachers, Transportatior of but SOUL Vanilla Extract Paper Crinkle Cups | fa » " Lily TOMATO JUICE 1500. cn 10 6 ps Sholl’'s Garage and Service Station in Mileshurg SON Com- of interest on shor Total Debt Service GLENDALE CHEESE SPREAD 2h box 78c 26 Points BUMMARY On Route 220—0ld Reliable Business, Well Established. Lots of Room—Excellent Equip- Total Receipt Total Payments Total Current Debt Service sifire $22 951 1.430 00 Expense: ITs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winters of {W8Y : Jough at his homhe before being Milroy, Mrs. Dale Boone of Aarons-| Mrs. Ed. Bartley and Mrs. Miles transferred to California. Other burg. were Sunday visitors at the|Bartley were Monday afternoon vis- Bunday visitors at the Cumming's Harry Boone home (Es at Mis. Bd. Balley's and Mr home were: Mr and Mrs Paul! Earl Cummings and mother, Ag-|Arthur Bartley of Salona A Cummings and son Dean of Wil- nes Snyder of Greenburr, called at| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hironimus and fiamsport, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cum- the E. H. Hosterman home on Sun. | family called on Mr. and Mrs mings and son John of Lock Haven, day Krone at Clarence, Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cummings and| Cpl. Richard Berkstresser of | Miss Clarabelle Bartley spent the daughter Phyllis of Aliquippa Rhode Island, arrived in Rebersburg | Weekend at her home & Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bair of Me- on Monday to spend a furlough at chanicsburg. visited at the home of his home the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs A reception and donation was WOODWARD R. C. Bair given to Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Wea-| The following address of Guy Haze! and Susie Blerly were ton- ver last Friday evening by the mem. | Brindle was handed to us by his gilectomy patients at the Centre bers of the Rebersburg Reformed | parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brindle County Hospital Friday charge { Plc, Guy R. Brindle, ASN 33758425, {Btry A, 736 FA Bn, APO 403, ro " | Postmaster, New York City. Write /; {im 8 cheering V-mall letter , " ‘ Mr. and Mrs Ray Omdorf of rg TL" - w ed , Bl SINESS FOR SALE Philadelphia are spending their summer vacation here in town since Saturday morning. We're glad to mest them. Their Paul. Is still in North Africa Cpl. Clayton J Haines of A camp in Oklahoma, arrived at the home of his mother, Mrs. Bessie Haines, last Wednesday, on a 15-day fur- ment. Inquire— lough, We were all glad to see him agpin, He looks and feels well He Pe . (sR Ys It seems 80 Jonely since so many 0. V. SHOLL, Milesburg, Pa. lof his Astoeiates have leis for ibe army. SMH Ra Total Balance on hand (10 be avaliable for school year 1964.45) ABSETS i — dl $24 000 x 2 500 School Buildings and Sites Text Books and Equipment Mc Cormick’s Ketchup Spice Pepsi-Cola (Plus Deposit) Ry-Krisp Wyandotte Cleanser Spic & Span the perfect cleaner Drano open clogged Gouze Toilet Tissue Parson's Ammonia Mione Powdered Soap Fly-Ded Insect Spray Unpaid taxes returned or Returns. | $1 08522 1.06083 ! n en $2405 07 565 tn rie led to current year 1943 1942 Total tax tax A rat a — AST FEW DAYS = Katz Summer Clearance Sale ENDS — in LIABILITIES Airoins $7. 000 (SLRS > "2 18" 93.95 Loans salaries Temporar Teachers Textbooks £700 37 able $1 454 B86 19385 Tuition pay $2,350 18 $0.350 18 $10,000 00 $ 5.00000 300 00 Total Liabilities Amount of Tax Collectors Bond Amount of Treasurer Bond Amount of Secretary's Bond —— SALE SATURDAY, JULY 29th | MARY E BRYAN Z T. SUMMERS CHESTER FISHER x30 Auditors "Thursday, Aug. 10 MRS. EA CALM will offer at public sale at Sunny Mead Parma. on Route 971. in Sink. ing Valley, 10 miles from Altoona. 7 miles from Tyrone. and 4 miles from Arch Springs. the following describ. od personal property FARM EQUIPMENT --#-20 tractor rubber tires. hay loader. all ates! McCormick Deering side delivery rake New ldea manure spreader rubber tive MaCormsck-Deert droll all steel corn husker an shredder. Dellinger ensila cuties And hay chopper with molasses at. tachment linger hammermill medium size. Dellinger ' 24¢ HOTEL & RESTAURANT COFFEE ib 26¢ CHOICE MEATS COLD CUTS - - Ib 30c¢ HAMS Whole or Half Ib 35¢ SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS - Ib 33c SWISS CHEESE Ib 57c¢ Swiss Smoked Bologna. . Ib 35¢ COTTON DRESSES $5.85 to $7.85 Values up to $12.95 OC » BETTER DRESSES $8.85 to $2250 Values up to $35.00 BETTER COATS $15 4 $2250 Values up to $39.95 Ir Onn Cl I— PLAY SUITS $3.75 Valves up to $5.95 T—— HANDBAGS 3] $1.50 $2 Values up to $4.95 BLOUSES $1 99 $2.99 $3.99 Values up to $5.95 IRI] JARI JIT JR Jn Children’s Sun Suits 35¢ 69 99¢ Values up to $1.50 Children’s Dresses $139 & $199 steel drums; | window frames: paints, etc. Super. | phosphate, lime. seed oats. ground | oats; ground oats and corn. Values up to $3.25 Values up to $2.50 SKIRTS $2.75 Values up to $4.95 HATS QQ« 4 $14 Values up to $6.00 The Katz Store | iv: So. Allegheny St. SLACKS $3.75 Values up to $5.95 California iceberg Lettuce. .. 2 hds. 15¢ Calif. Lemons, 360's . doz. 35¢ Cal Oranges, 288's doz. 35¢ W's den. Ne) Maryland ‘Lopes... . . .< . 1b9e Honeydew Melons... |b 1c trie steel cabinet, 7 In by 38 Inches by 20 Inches: coal and wood range