—————— ————. A A PB AF. Where the Fuel Goes ah Cenfre Democral WHERE THE An Army Trans. port burns 33.000 gallons of fuel ofl a day. 1 J El GOES A HEAVY BOMBER VOLUME 63, NUMBER 25, BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1944, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR, “Tick Fever’ Case S Reported Here lons of gasoline an hour, Lemont Man In vital with Symptoms of , Rocky Mountain tted Fever, Disease, Sometimes Fatal, o.sed by Insect Rocky Mounta Otte fever--a da reported to be falr. A disease whi " number ‘ of test Were reported to bx of deaths alon A ! wi en ta esl A board thi immer--is believed to to ascertain definitely whethe p have made its first appearance iffer) from the diseas Centy N " vhen 14 A Q me t rey mont man w wdmitd to the Seandrol upon srdmi n to the Centre Count H ital Tuesday nit iad the brilliant red rash ot evening, with mptom it t ma ¢ back rms and Ie which is ady haracterist { Rocky Mou in The vietin Fred Scandrol, 37 ted fever. The rash usual of Lemont, who ndition yveste: DEA about the third day FRIRESSBUNER = === SONG IN ACTION == Ay! ¢ A tink ! emp ize that Be-Srf, Malcolm A, Eckley, | jhe Die 0f the tick fast tat caus Lost in Flight Over sanism the hungry insect deposit: 2% vivy Invasion Area it is dange to remove with fing juashing them [ m an , fa i t ( y Hh At il i AY y ‘ Wa D. ) : 1 : i 1] Ww ‘ A | WY i IR ‘ ! X x four I ¥ 3 tl nie ‘ ’ . carrie me ¢ N \ " ' : D ‘ \ Pe N H d D A f ¢ of ‘ (Of ¢ t f ¢ " ! I break of | | Juns J be ‘ ‘ \ fe ¢ I * wl ‘ f ' here R Yh ’ ! ove eT (Continged om page Four) S-85GT. MALCOLM A. BECKLEY EE, . Staff Sergeant Malcolm A. Eckl 22 on f § Contre Counts - 2 Commissioner nd Mi Paul N Eck - ; vali i has heen miss- ine In action sinee June 25. accord | 144 ) A Ne r slogram Sgt. Frile g walsh @ut RN a Cr ox Foriress. was ove Tied About Waist part in the i of France. He! Tangles in Wheel; Con- bat 1 Air Force dition is Fair ' H ' ” . * H ¥ ¥ , Pt Mr. a expr . M " ’ i EY a \ r ¢ A ’ t r § F . H epoT is . i e Cx ( H ry pre. In a ’ ‘ ¢ eive ¢ Are vere engaged in IN cn by _ ¥ "3 t) (Confined on page Siw) 1 ra 1 $ re fa rop- " “ Ww the trisek . niin wits . tha § Logan Carnival To a tg Std Wl AY. Db Rn Be Held This Weekend 7 © 7c to the bam His mo: e Me [} SCREEN i... .oxted ab. was holding . him on the running board when the ine a A IT 4 DONS a " tarts ’ kr 'y Move w Ls ¥ { Belle about his waist was dra ¢ ’ W € : { {f the e it a1 wR caught fire Fast Howa ot ¥ of whee { the truck 0 ™ int da nis 8 of The +a {ragged fron week » } \ me an Leg ¢ 3 nd before the fat Junk Band ing n i " 0 the machine the reat both evening . el grazed body. A ding ) OM : e fire ! Al re wrt bones were hroken The port tl} the ¢ het nd Cae ation iffered when the OMe new 0s Ww be avallabl y ick e truck fender in fall- the camival i Refre Te Ig. extended almost the entire width f x bw Lif f f The Wa Bor e 10 tw givel > — AWAY at AY of RK A BISHOP HUGHES TO SPEAK ciuding event on the carnival pro. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes re gram ently retired from the Washingtor Member the nw D.C area, will deliver the sermon pany wishing t« miribute 1.3 it the Methodist church in Plea for the carnival are asked to call the ant Gap on Sunday evening at 7:30 Logan House, dial 3100, and a wk. The publi cordially in rangements will be made to call for | vited to this as well as all the ser the cakes vioe the church PUBLI MEETING $16,000 SALES AT ATED TUESAY WAR BOND AUETO Borough Sponsors Session’ Purchasers Bid $12,205 in Effort to Battle | But Buy More Bonds Lime Dust to Swell Total A public meeting of all ‘ocal per. Centre county's first War Bond sons interested in combmtting the | auction, held on the Diamond here lime dust nuisance has been called | gaturday night as the closing event by Bellefonte Borough {In the 5th War Loan campaign, re The session 1s to be held at 7:30) uit04 in bond and stamp sales to- P. m. Tuesday evening, July 18 In| ianng $16.000, although total bids the Council Chambers In the Logan | an items offered were $12,208, It was Hose House, East Logan street, tne reported yesterday by Mrs. Frank immediate purpose being to effect al paly, chairman of the local wom- permanent group to prooedd In an en's division of the War Finanee organized effort to effectively abate | committee, sponsor of the sale the nuisance | Winning bidders at the auetion Council is currently contemplating | were required to “pay” for the ar- a law-suit against the Warner Com- ticles they bought by investirg In pany, and this matter also probably ponds or Stamps to the amount of will be discussed at the public meet- their pid. Many of them purchased ing. It was Indicated extra bonds or stamps, thus swell. nme sess st. {ing total receipts at the sale. «~All straw hats now half price at | The sale began at 8 p.m with Bob Davis store, * (Continued on page Three) INTY MAN (f LOSES LIFE ITALIAN FRONT Ife. Robert R. Confer, 29, Reported Killed in Ac- tion, June 3 IS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN IN ROME Entered Service in Oec- tober 1942: Was in Famed 5th Army PFC. ROBERT R. CONFER | 3 by f } {f M D wi py it seth I (ie ¥ 3 Ww ’ "$4 Wading . Mr ar ¢ fF agitt ' " Pp ‘ At 1 ef X \ ; 3 y a k Allied gt nd Lroomn He was & "y : a1 infantry d or i Ar 8 Fil A i | Conley entered Lhe smvice Ry October 1042, and after receiving training at Camp Shelby, M WE aL 1a ¥ ¢ 1 HL r { nx " f ’ ! w " ¥ “te . 3 ¢ ¢ ’ Y He 1 f LY fi u I Lar ts M 4 " k Have Don x te at P Weeks bot n' MUSIC SUPERVISOR CHOSEN BY BOARD Miss Martha Albert Is Named to Succeed Mrs, Alberta Krader Miss Martha Albert, of Bethlehem ras " : f f the Belief ‘ w ) woes Mrs Alberta Krad CRI A A TOR 3 ret 8 f a he board. M in nt Mis Alte graduate { ih thi ‘ H - W A WAS Pent 1042 The | . fa f ALLE 5 : the Halll hooi and g the ast ear ha been teaching at Quaker i) During (Py college OUurse we specialized In vocal mu i" Dr J. C Rogers was re-elected as chool medica inspector for the coming year and Ralph Eyer was reelected truant officer Tax Cr tor Ceorge MM Brown appeared at the session to present a list of per capita tax exoner ations and a list of adjustments and cor. rections on the 1943 property tax Mr. Brown listed 260 per capita tax exonerations totaling $..076 in (Continued on Pape Four) war —— Boro Won't Tolerate Molesting of Gardens Mayor Hardman P. Harris yester. day declared that police have been directed to arrest immediately any persons accused of molesting or prowling in Victory Gardens and directed officers to prosecute such persons to the fullest extent of the nw Bome complaints have been re. ceived from various parts of town In regard to such depredations, the Mayor reported, In one garden po. {tate plants were and the garden otherwise was dam- (aged. In view of the vital necessity [of increasing the food supply, May- or Harris declared. such acts are Po utmost seriousness, uprooted, other tl he discovered that one plants were trampled and damaged could not be Sirians. At | dispensary it was [* month or more, “oun ly Exceeds INFANTRYMAN Allocation of $2,238,000 Met, Officials An- nounce. Centre Leads State in Percentage of K Bond Sales in 5th War Loan A ———— . . . 1 \ " v the Latest report available vesterday and sales were $450,270 The quota of and S-Set, Robert ( . Fire resulting fron n Jp whi y. being " [ 1 . Is orem 5 v . ’ ’ indicated that Centre county met its bonds for individual exclusive of : \ is nay op Ww WELLE eb 4! ou by the = ads / ste stet the do $2,238,000 quota in the Filth War E Bonds, was $190,000, and sales Rhoads Are L Aured the destruction of one 1 ory gn wi h fo ally nd. were 104 000 - MOS, moacenr be ¢ Pp H i i! 1} gn which formal ena wer $i . i v » TIC dairy | Brush: Valle cd Saturday night. Definite figures | The & Bond quota for the Beiie- | BOTH PARTICIPATED |dairy barns in Brush Valley. a the hobs vere not available vesterday but {ante district was $225.000 and sale . " RF 7% a ¥ . , (Asternoot., § ‘ ’ "” is 22! and i ’ ” J tn tim ramps Cla e (3. Alken chairman of the to date are $186.75]. Hor P 1 IN I REN( H IN \! ASION #” m at p n 2 fp ‘ » tu yf " vy bast ¢ of ¥ Yo y ¥ War Finance Committee, eX- ggtranft, local chairman, declared | ¢ Plen ents yn, ig 4 essed co ice that the goal had that since payroll deduct Simeo lost June 9, And Vemenis. Woiles iA 0 (4 FH ) f ‘ rd AIM during July will count in the E Bon . . .e " / : ‘ # As of Ju the county had been sales the local district virtusil Rhoads Missing Since Melauik Ld # mies ¢ fire 1 1d he immed - 3 DeErsburs wi Bure Voy . : ; nb ‘ +3 ted with total sales of $1.614.- certain to meet the allocated figure J a 29 ' : . 4 hs . ¥ il -~ : +h . une el groun rep » 000, or 72 per cent of the quota, ac- The Miliheim district, of whigh 8 Dean Gephart t ¢ p a TT f . Trio y RA oy 1 * ’ ————— an rephar De arm manage tinued u Pa rding to the Federal Reserve BANK warq Gramley is chairman, sur I'wo Bellefonte men serving in the (his brother-in-law Merr Br : . ~ Jug Totes of Philadelphia There have been passed its quota of $92,000 with total . as 8 dire of Retion’ Ate 26 1 AArt. and a farm eum Brus ’ : 1 i wean neat i RC Ii Ae Te-1§ Ha | arn nj f Wo - heavy sales sin that time, and 10- gales of $117,068.50, or 127 per cent _ ° | ‘ 4 Meinl ‘ hat tis ) py Sats vl peo 34 according | Bmith, were engaged in ha ; . cal officials are certain that the 82.- of the allocation. Of the total sale day byjirom the fields into the Wounded in France 238.000 aliocation has been passed. [$3826 were to clubs; $25980 were t the e broke o ‘ Ihe int ¢ counties In Whe esaenarations $87 462 were U Rim: Gebhart trivis ‘tard tale pe tage { E Bone sold dividuals Bepiet : ] : ving ra - 1 impa we Federal AM: Prank Dal . f the Robert baz | 24 t B K ove ed era rt " " vi tog ' . > p 4 » Bellet ef Women oi Of rex nd n Qantre, with A of $805.000 in E 4 following sale War Bone r dit : B 0 1 At the clos or f 1 he ox haat — ent and Stamp boot! ! win Mu is & nd f x ' . tare I b e Legion ana we 8 ¢ | Pus »" ‘ y We Lid | "ye 1 { jr E La VFW wit M1 Harr Kine fathe nen i ’ g ent Wi - 4 " ’ " rs, + SUpervis $13,350 n bonds \ ar tone ¢ ‘ ‘ nan ent Bla y $345 45 AIT I er st bh 1 ial ) n eq or u Women of the Moose 1.400 VANS and from an established causing t wagon to Jolt to a stop EEE ig " 1 . ‘ a v p ; 4 b . bands and $1280 Ag Pi ar IW Of e Frend t il ¢ ; i es ne I M 5 4 ’ " : : 3 " ’ " . _ ‘theatre, Bonds $322 and Pic Simcoe entered the service it iis » bud ’ a y In Fe ’ State College $575.30 “Trt a at 14 " " adn rol 16042 He wa ot Hod . ————— Philipsburg and 8now Shoe districts Hi A M89 Bu A March, 1942 ¢ Was a g1 total auotan tor the umoaten VEC $17075 in bonds and $833.75 In yeade, Md, from the New Cun wae putt “ y Wi #4 ‘yh ol a #4 24 raed + 14 bevy gy § gor : wa a were exceeded yesterday, Mr. Alkens 58m) eriand Induction center. He wi sforved tn Cay wrt} $1 Mrs. Balser We 4 haiae : \ * erred d mp A FOr thy fi | DYPOMT I at Howard N.C uid later to Camp Dix, NJ In Bellefonte the ' Ita Wa Wome | gram : : , Pond nh a " - yy witevr day Petr! that sles at the | ' ‘ 1 WR "13 f A SROS 000 and sales were $840.000 The YESIETGRY 19) na ’ 1 Fr Octobe 942 ta for orporation £350 000 Continued om Page Six) " . . ed ve i "e | - — Roy Shaffer ter, w Fy ¥ ry ’ “nr J i y m 1 M i v — ' ' Me. Simon has two be A . . x . ’ f 7 — 4 Steve Stmco. who are| Falls 16 Feet From Tree; % y al ‘ wit) in : . - M al ‘ RNY Believed to Have Been Y ng : PFC. JOHN HOVAN vi was employe Overcome by Heat anh : D n Fa hii # A Fie ’ ’ vf f id . missing by the py while King " a . ce June 2 Ra tits oy ’ f t » : y > . i : ' a1 4 . ter re Underground Production Former Pro at Nittany we tele vor " eriod. A let + : . i " a To : ‘ a i de Foreman Injured in 30- Club Killed First Day were revealed in A ‘ a buse a , : ' . the telegram but it is believe furie . foot Fall, May 27 in Normandy he was on a bambing. mission lend. | "5, Mead in} : Hovae Rh. SErice " . " was brought Ww ¢ Centr a AA , . — "wh Shuma se. (IDR support to the Allied ground! o..ney Hospital by ambulance “ ow He ha _ been oversegs Herman Harju, 61. of Beliefonte,! Among the casusities on the gs troops invading France yesterday his condition was reports it + wi dil C aiiach- mderground production foreman in er beachhead on June 6 ihe Sgt. Rhoads entered the service oo cob oo pn 4 ¢ infa NA Hen Mine oF the Warm Com. | gay of th Inveoion, wm Pet on April 17. 1943 He receiveg his Albright had spent most of Sat. | a i — 3 1 y - H 5 »y rhe fr v 3 ~ . 35 i“ 3% at CLS pany here, died at the Centre Coun. | William A. (Red) Franci Tormer asic training at Atlantic City and | 0 oui Ral: h Zeigler to har Tit St | k Hospital at 2:15 a m Saturday, golf professional at Nittany ( UGLY | theri was stationed at air bases Ino. “ge nav or Bon the Zuinnie: ran eel W orker eat} ing tiributed ne Club wm 1036 and 1837, and proies- cpishoma. Nebraska, and Kansas Weaver farm between Millhe Injured by achine nia 500 at the Biairn t Countr ‘ . 2oing Overses Ma CE. 4 \ M © prior 10 going Oversea Mn Jin Spring Mills. When that task Mr. Ha 4 been a patient ( sbirs 5 enter th EAT " uiebid : 3 A hy on a Ax 4.39 m. AD ! » . - ’ ’ oo At TT when Pe The ¢ wnty sergeant rnde p who Os is do 4 Ke : y a Tune ; received ging Township High Scho he thee G " A DEW 30-foot stone « g the weekend from a brother, pleasant Gap for two yearn e fe i Ket e , mine ( Robert W. Fra . om ved by the NYA at Char y . eT y at . r ! pened when in » Field Artillery nit at, Ww Va ntil " ty H 1 Git per : " LE ' ye . epped from a dinkey. One Camp Cooke, Gal, and = IOOPRC = 110 Af Centre Hall Man . er he hi ’ ers struck him on od his brother as golf p at Nit . . . . ¢ : ’ f er log turning m around and tany Country Club Wounded mn Action f ver riveting i It ff balance He ton William Arthur Francis ®as a na 8-Year-Old Boy Is . ' ee pocket and only his tive { Norfolk, Va. where hie © Cpl Elwood F rings Kat ; eri ne riveting ar which remained i September 17. 1942, snd be Injured by Mower mM: ana Mrs Daniel ger, of ‘ wit eft hand ACH « fall saved him from began his golf career at the age of - Centre Hall, was » nded in ¢ i I beam whe » 8 a we N NA » ) | + " - ’ » + A on when he landed 7. becoming a “pr in 1831. His first Ronald Homer 8 t f M on Norman f1 ' e i hine ‘ {.f . W" bot tom Fellow post was at the West Florida C. © Mrs. Harry Horner . N 16 neelve py f+ forearn workmen experienced some difficulty at Tampa, Fla He served at the treated at the Centre ( ty H parents. ar = EN ¥ x CXan g the man from the pit Juniata Valley Cricket club, Mount pital last Thursday for a laceratic Engia CVEen ! Nes were A {f Pu Mr Harju Union for two year and was the the We fot ecel ve whe Pp | ’ ¢ Ww ¢ X » ” t gn n try about 35 year or at the Tyrone Golf Club f came in contact with a hay mos ¢ F As . rock aH . ed to Bellefonte in 1923 | year before coming t ¢ Nittary while working in a field at the H , _ § ’ e work of sinking the or. Country Ciub ner {arm A ’ , f ‘ ———— ginal shaft for Bell Mine began | Red went to the Biairmont club After satires were applied a caled th Two Injured Wh F eo past six years he had been in June, 1838 and while serving with | anti-tetanus serum was administer ® . . + rear ju ec en the Hollidaysburg club. he partici A +3 he rettirnad tn his parents ’ get RE A & ) well » niinged on page Three Maid rt ’ ¢ » . a ne oy | Higelet a} ya : : - ————. —— pated in ali the nDationai tourna - home ihe s er mer of ar trikes 0 e Cont p . & af a 1 Metal Compas . Continged on pape Four a ’ ‘ ) " a entered ’ f Ma 042 A 8 f Harr Hock- Canning Center Now . fared : enbert piped Brg R Open to All Users Y H ars 8go, He was serving in 8 yn a highway sign and came to P ers Seaman Yeager Hurt JOATS ge wins » Bole North : — I . i A 4 3.0 f 1 L a hw % we tact that» howsewite may. On Obstacle Course strani Thomag street, peilefonie, abo} mve only a small amount &f ma J S d d 5 iy nesaa AVE GnAY 4 SHmAl AEE a : ay Storch Wounde Rie Bul owen GED rial 10 can is no reason why she! Jack H. Yeager, A Bellefonte By S Bull ants of the car. were taken 10 sahil hestitats a \ ary ty he) | t f hould hesitate to use the canning |newspaperman who on June 1 en- y tray uliet e Centre County Hosoital the enter at the Bellefonte High 8chool | tered the Naval Training Center at! mn —— mb nop iy Hocker et suf afeteria Mrs. R. C. Blaney, who Is Bainb " ors ‘a oe P Gibbs . A ane Na! ¥ : t if ridge. Md.. suffered a fracture > . Jay Btu of State College, % fe " » . 4 ’ ~ ' # bet | Th alg nn ON the on... in charge of the center, said yester- of the right wrist and a dislocation ! Board No.2 to Send Group wounded by a spent bulle ax . nid Peis thi ns e Mr day of the right elbow. Friday, while go- t h 7:15 m. Sunday he sat in 1 . A" ” y " . 4 0 Altoona on urs- a SWE WH, 2 er be as admitted and received >a red ’ 11k e - \ A . . ; : Regardiess of the amounts an in«|ing through the obstacle course at { is garage building on East ( treatment for shock Damage to the vidual may have to can, Mrs. ithe training station day, July 18 lege avenue yr is estimat t $100 1 X MWe 11 8 RA n 1 A i Blaney said, the facilities are open According to reports Seaman Yes- eM Mr Storch wa y Bversation ” to all and arrangements can be! ger was climbing a ladder when he Twenty-five men from the area with R. K Dippery, State College ' s whereby several person i M . . : ’ . k x ' , A ‘ oS pr gh To fell. He will be a patient at thelgerved by Local Board No. 2, of when he felt the impact of a bu mali quantiies Re S Naval Hospital at Bainbridge for! pellefonte, have been notified to re. [let above his left jeg and saw the anning can be accomodated at the’ from six to elght weeks. He had port for pre-induction examinations lead slug drop t the ground He ame period planned to spend a nine-day leave The center Is now open from 10] with his wife and family on North a.m to 4 p.m dally from Monday | airing street, upon completion of through Friday, and appointments’). hoot training this week may be arranged by calling Mrs. W J. Emerick or Mrs. W. Harrison Walker. They will schedule appoint. ments so that facilities will be avail. Sr —E CW — REPORT COLLEGE sour memes ae | AIRMAN MISSING Hand Strikes Axe gt. Joseph F. Sills, 21, « Blanchard Holt, of Unfonville, Fails to Return After underwent treatment at the Centre County Hospital dispensary yester- Mission in France T 8gt. Joseph F. Sills, 21. of State day morning for an injury of the left hand suffered Tuesday while! assisting in throwing rocks off a!College, radio operator on a B-24 road on Muncy mountain near Un. “Liberator” bomber, has been re. ljonville Holt had been using an axe and gince June 23. according to a tele. | able, whether the amounts to be canned by the individual are small or large at the Altoona center on Thursday N' War Bond Quota AND ARMAN ARE MISSING fe. John W. Those listed {or pre-induction ex. aminations are as follows R Joseph H. Kulp, Philipsburg Lewis T Couturiaux, Philipsburg D1 Theodore T. Robinson (Clarence) George J. Dolan, Columbia, Pa | (Bellefonte) ported missing in action over France Clarence J 8 Robert R_ Granville, Niagara Falls DONE in the leg way removed and Richard M. Varner. Sligo, R. D 3. | his left leg, which was injured In a (Howard). Paul SBocash, Winburne Otto D. Ebeling. Bellefonte, R. D fonte High School Quick, Moshannon placed It on the road while he re- gram from the War Department re-' (Philipsburg). moved rocks. In swinging & rock ceived by his wife last Wednesday. | [backwards preparatory to throwing No other details were revealed in| It, his right hand lightly struck the | the telegram, but it is believed that edge of the axe, inflicting a wound he was on a bombing mission sup. about one-half inch long. He paid porting American ground troops. The | little attention to the laceration i word by Mrs. Sills was ' 4 ligament beneath the been neatly severed by the will be unable to use the Allen 8 Williams, Julian, BR. D, (Contingsd on Page Phar) or a= | Simeo, 39, Clearfield John A. Botson. Lakewood, Ohjo, |R. Miller, of State College, Monday arge Dai ry Barn Is Razed by Fire Hay Wagon Mishap Causes Blaze on Frank Mclintire Farm East of Rebershurg, Invol- ving Heavy Loss in Property suffered iperficial wound whic July 20. it was announced yester. was dressed by a State College ph) day sician Under a recent change in Selec Chief Juba and the College cam- tive Bervice laws those who pass Pus patrol] are investigating he the tests at Altoona will not be as incident and expressed the belief : : signed to the Army or Navy until! that the bullet came from someone Pfe. Wilbur Saxion. 31, they report for induction shooting mark on the campus Struck Over Heart by Nazi Bullet A Bellefonte man who participated in the Normandy invasion, owes his life to a small Bible presented to him by relatives as a Christmas gift, was admitted to the Lock Haven was Joa med by his parents this Hospital, where on Tuesday morn- ag f ing he underwent an operation On| yr. o jaiter the Infantryman, Plo. Wilbug Saxion, 31, son of Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Saxion, of Reynolds avenue reported that he was oars. ing the Bible In 5 pocket over his heart when a bullet struck him, penetrated his clothing and lodged {in the Bible, saving tim from al most certain death The letter was written In a front line fox hole on June 17, and the soldier used Cerman paper for the [message. He urges his parents not | to worry about him and added that ‘he would be home for Christmas M————. — County Treasurer Undergoes Operation Centre County Treasurer Edward football accident as a football player during his career at the Pelle. and which has never completely healed During the operation a section of [penicillin is being used In an {10 promote a complete healing of the ibone. Mr. Miller has undergone a number of previous operations as a | result of the Injury A ———— War Prisoner